Pregnant Woman Reacts To People Being MEAN to Pregnant Women?!

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so since I announced I'm pregnant again in real life have you all felt the urge to be mean to me I knew it how could you be mean to a pregnant person it's not your fault though it's apparently a thing people just enjoy being mean to pregnant people I'll show you our good buddy Darman made a video called the husband leaves his pregnant wife let's see how mean this gets a she look so cute those clothes make you look really fat we are 7 seconds in oh my oh my God you look beautiful oh no what's going to happen now wow your wrinkles are really bad you should use some cover up to hide those age spots now what now what she's making bacon and eggs you're really going to eat all of that well I was planning to what happened to you used to be so beautiful then you gained all this weight it's gross I'm going to have a heart attack first of all he doesn't even know she's pregnant yet I'm assuming he could just sense it people can just sense when you're pregnant and they're like I must be mean to this person chop just in case you were unaware I I I can't fathom the amount of meanness I've heard in the last 40 seconds so I apologize for my reaction but I have not watched this yet you're really going to eat all of that it's like why can't you just eat an apple like me I will also say that just eating an apple for breakfast is also not the healthiest choice so as I've learned supposed to have that plus something else some sort of pro lean protein girl you eat your eggs you eat your eggs okay his face oh no oh here it comes oh it turned blue I'm so happy for you girl what does that mean it like brings me back to when people were testing for the virus that shall not be named and some people thought it was like a pregnancy test that's this guy he's like wait a minute are you sick or are you pregnant I've been extra mean to you lately so I'm pretty sure that means you're pregnant what does that mean it means are having a baby she's so happy oh no don't be happy to have a baby with this man talked about no I never talked about wanting a baby of course you did no I didn't what have a baby right now I know it's scary but you're going to be a great father no he's not I pray you don't have a daughter you need to get rid of it oh my God I am not getting rid of it I thought he was about to hit her I was about to be like what video did I I just put on this is from 2 months ago this is recent I am flabber I can't do this anymore what what does that mean it means I'm leaving Molly I can't have this responsibility Molly are you kidding me this is on you now trying to pretend that things are good with us for a while now but they're not and adding a baby to the mix just makes things worse you can't leave you can't leave our baby needs a father I need you no you don't then I guess you better find a new father because it won't be me Dam oh my God it hurts my soul Victor leaves his family behind new life thank you for your voice Interruption to help me started dating a younger woman and began going out more and more what drink is this are they drinking the blood of their enemies like what straight up strong strawberry syrup but the more time he spent whining and dining his new young girlfriend the more his performance at work suffer why I need to know what the lesson in this is is it if you're having too much fun dating somebody else you're not going to do well in work so you should stay married to somebody that you don't go out and have fun with as much fire him and he eventually lost his job yeah fire him he's the Wist first have his life fall apart unemployed and broke meant Victor could no longer afford the fancy nights out with his new girlfriend aha which meant soon he had no girlfriend at all oh no I like how this man's life fell apart because he spent too many nights out drinking strawberry syrup with some new younger girl that's how his life fell apart not like he became addicted to something all he had to do was stop going out to really late dinners with his new girlfriend that was it then one day he runs into someone he hadn't seen in a long time oh my God I wonder who it could be no way Molly is that really you is that really you she looks exactly the same also dude you got to also fix your fashion just a little bit just a tiny bit I could be mean to him okay he was mean to the pregnant lady see wait she's not pregnant anymore he's just suddenly going to be nice to her watch telling you it's something in people they just want to be mean to Brant ladies also for all the people who can't tell that I'm joking I'm joking for the most part people are totally fine to me don't be concerned about me and just to prove it leave a like just look at how many likes there are and you'll see that people are not actually trying to be mean to me hopefully we'll see Victor wow he looks exactly the same too amazing she looks exactly the same say it's cuz she's not pregnant he's like you look fantastic stunning actually wish I could say the same damn you noticed notic my Shir a tough year since we split up you mean since you left me I lost my job and lost my don't you dare take him back don't you dare things are going to turn around for me don't you dare any day now well it was nice seeing you yeah that's right that's right wait Molly I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and oh yeah I realized that I made a big mistake walking out on oh yeah and us meeting like this I mean it's a sign oh no give this another shot no this this this us you and I the happy couples he still gives no craps about his baby none she's literally pushing his baby in a stroller he has never met this child and he still like does not care that he has a child oh victure it is too late for that yeah it's never too late as long as two people really love is everything okay Molly yes everything is fine I found your baby a new father like you told me to go Doone could you put the baby in the car seat I'll be right there the baby there's no name he's like and actually this is my baby ah I see you had to go marry some rich guy how do you how do you know he's Rich how would you know that by looking at him actually that's my not at all what happened I'm the bread winner in this relationship oh Dam you see at first I blamed myself for what happened to our relationship I was so determined to blame myself that I couldn't see the truth not until a man appreciated me for who I truly am I'm trying to frame my thoughts for how this is a terrible examp example of what should have happened after that she was like I felt awful until another man made me feel good again not my own selfworth another man made me feel good about myself again but I get the message I understand that I wasn't the problem in this relationship Victor you were you were you spent so much time tearing me down making me feel bad about myself and very little time building me up yeah supporting me give it to loving me unconditionally and despite everything you did to me I have to thank you for giving me the most beautiful daughter whom I adore oh they did have a daughter thank God this man is not there anymore and for showing me the kind of man I do not want in either of our Lives that's a good life lesson but you know what you should also teach your daughter you don't need a man to make you feel good about yourself you can do it on on your own wait at least let me meet my daughter no you have no interest that much no a baby needs her father I don't owe you anything to oh she should have said she has a father my daughter already has yeah yeah wonderful father it's just not you yeah that's right go burn your shirt now it's terrible all right well I was just about to say I'm thoroughly offended but I'm just I'm just I don't know how to feel so let's just go to the next one also from our buddy Darman called taxi driver kicks out pregnant woman he lives to regret it literally my favorite way that he ever titles videos because I always just assume that means that whoever was wronged is going to like kill that person let's see oh no oh she real pregnant wait are you having another one Olivia that's less than five minutes I know Liam where are you I need to go to the hospital right now okay all right I'll uh I'll call an Uber hurry Li hurry oh sweetheart the Uber says it's 17 minutes away oh no I can't wait 17 minutes I am so sorry why are you not there I can't believe the baby's coming this early if I had known I never would have taken this out of town assignment I mean she looks pretty far along it was that early you did this on purpose I'm just going to take myself no no no no don't drive yourself just go outside there's always taxis there don't do that all right I'm going try get on the next flight out of here give me a call when you're in the car okay okay I love you so much I me to well that's a stark contrast to the last relationship how is there always taxis it's like a dead residential neighborhood I thought she was going to walk outside it was going to be the city like an apartment if I was in this situation no lie I would probably drive myself Taxi taxi thank you thank you his face I'd be too creeped out to go with this Dad I need to go to the hospital oh no okay it's going to be H 100 flat what 12 miles away yeah well I'm not risking anything happening in the back of my C if you don't like it you can get another ride just go you're wasting time okay look lady you need to get out of my cat what here put it on my credit card oh sorry but it's cash only there's a terminal right there like I said it's cash only this man is pure evil just see what I have you are by this time we could have had an Uber we could have gotten an Uber 96 9696 come on it's $4 please if you don't do it for me then just do it for the baby do it for yourself is how you treat people always comes back to you that's right how is he going to regret it thank you oh he took the money does he take her money and then kick her out come on please can we go okay okay okay yeah go go go go go go go she said the hospital's 5 miles away I definitely would have driven myself I'm in the car on the way to the hospital now okay just breathe you can do this weart I found a flight I'm on my way to the airport right now my phone's about to die oh no oh 1% do you have a phone charger no I don't can't you see I'm charging my phone oh my God I need to be able to contact my husband if I could just use your charger why do you keep hassling me lady huh I said no why do you why do you keep hassling me lady I know you're in like the worst pain you can have in your life but stop hassling me I got to charge my phone to play Candy Crush later all right is he going to kick her out while me wait how is he still there I thought her phone hurt what's going on back there it's just the contractions they're just getting closer oh no you got to get out of my car what's going on please please give her back her money at have you deliver a baby in the back of my cab okay why you'd be on the news you could probably have I'm not going to ask you again and don't make me drag a pregant woman out of this cab tonight I mean that that wouldn't be any worse than what you're doing right now so where did he just leave her hey what's happening he just kicked me out the C no you can't be serious all right tell me where you are so I can hey you left your bag in here just come and get it can you please just take me to the hospital this is so hard to watch get your back please call she has no phone too or something I'm sorry lady I don't want to be involved in this no I mean you are now you are bye oh my God this is a literal nightmare scenario hey hey excuse me um are you okay my God an angel do you need to go to the hospital okay um come I'll take you in my C I don't have any cats no no don't worry about it I'm not doing it for that I please I want to help you are you sure you don't need any money God knows I need money but I'm not that's not what's important right now please if I if I can just get you to my cab I'll take you to the hospital she going to like secretly be no she would be a millionaire because that would this wouldn't have happened I'm Brandon By the way Olivia oh oh it all ended up okay lip I was so worried about did I miss the birth of my child so so where's our baby boy he's with the nurses now but the doctor Healy God oh my God I get so there was a pause there and I thought something else my heart just can't handle any more drama and Trauma I didn't think I was going to make it but another cab driver saw me on the side of the street picked me up and brought me to the hospital he didn't even charge me oh wow what a nice guy she went from like the meanest taxi driver on planet Earth to like the nicest what luck I don't know what I would have done without him find him there somewh we could repay him you know I mean you could you just find him and then you could at least pay him I think I've got an idea let's just say it's a good thing your husband's a reporter oh I but I called it I called it I said the one guy was like if somebody has birth in your cab you could possibly be on the news oh oh no oh my God it's the C driver why is he the worst human being hey for no reason careful it's not my fault man coffee here sucks hey Brandon James thank you both for coming in on such short notice listen if this is about the past du gate fee I promise I will have the money no no no it's not about that at all actually someone's here to see you both of you all right well I don't get all day so let's get on that oh hey Olivia how how are you he's like he like damn it oh no everybody's going to know now I'm the worst person ever I'm well thank you this is my husband Liam it's an honor to meet you I really appreciate what you did for my wife oh yeah no than no problem I just realized they dress the same they're bagging I just have to break the I feel so traumatized right now okay you know any anyone would have done what I did well not anyone um like I'm just the worst now everybody's going to know for you uh yeah 125,1 55 surprises what to be exact um I'm I'm not sure I understand what well my husband's a reporter and I don't know if you saw but he did a story on what happened that night and how you helped me and it turns out someone put a gofund me together so this is for you here's your suitcase of cash me so [Music] much I was about to lose my house and oh my god thank you thank you so much no no thank you really you deserve it because how you treat people always has a way of coming back to you this isn't fair that money should be mine I'm the one who took you first yeah you also over charged her and then kicked her out of your car that's right I read the article how did you treat her like that what is wrong with you yeah you tell him in my office now we need to have a talk fire him listen there's a littleit misunderstanding I can explain that's him yeah that'd be great if she was like no this is some other baby that I found I don't know where mine is his name is Brendan oh my gosh the hero who saved him she named him after the cab driver she was like we really didn't have a name so thank you watch this pregnant lady kicked out of house what happens next is shocking I told you people just like being mean to pregnant with on YouTube so I mean if you want to see more of me reacting to more people being mean to pregnant people then make sure you leave a like or a comment or whatever and I will do more because why not
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 709,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, Dhar Mann, react, reaction, react to, pregnant, pregnant react, husband leaves pregnant wife
Id: CDPXp66Nsbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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