Looking Unto Jesus | Nancy Dufresne | Holy Ghost Meetings 2020

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ah they loo your father we worship you tonight we give you glory and honor and praise in this place we counted an honor to be here in unity together worshiping you receiving of what you what you offer us tonight what your plan for this service holds for us tonight we take it all and we will not approach your word with a familiarity that causes us to be casual but we're hungry tonight we're hungry and your word is fresh to us your word is life to us and we thank you for it father we know this your word is you but your word points us to you we're so grateful to belong to you and we're so grateful that you belong to us and everybody said amen hallelujah give somebody a great big God bless you then you can be seated tonight Alleluia thank you I want to thank pastor Ike for taking the time to to do that and I appreciate what he saw he said that those wires that he saw coming out of that plug were like a network of television networks and we'll just let God do it we just let God do it and it's just easier when he does it not only that it it fulfills the word that he gives when he does it so hallelujah thank you for being a part of that I I'm so blessed by what God is having us to address in these meetings and it's not a light thing to us because the word is God that the word points us to him so that we can better know him and our fellowship can be rich and our fellowship can be full and so I'm so grateful and it's it's not something I've so to speak studied out to deliver to you it's something that he put in me too just prompted me and directed us this direction so we'll just follow him in that Amen and you know it's like he gives us a bone and then we did then he puts the meat on it and the services so and last night when I went back home after the service he said to me he said tonight I want you to teach him to look to me to look to him and what that means amen we're remembering something that brother Copeland said in his final remarks on Sunday night and he made this statement he said I was born to know him I was born to be like him then get any sweeter than that to hear that and so in that God offers us his word for the reason of knowing him and for the reason of being like him that's what the word is about that's what the blood covenant is about it's all to point to the knowing of him it's all to point to the being like him amen and if I could say this because this phrase comes up to me it's not just beneficial but it's imperative that we live this life with a deep consciousness of God himself that as we're fulfilling the plan we have to realize this we can't make the plan to focus he's the focus the plan is the is the way we serve the one we're focused on amen and so too many times I think we have got we get so this is booming a little bit that we get so wrapped up in the doing of the plan that we lose the awareness of the the author of the plan you know we're endeavoring we're raising our families conducting our businesses serving in our churches hungry for the will of God and in the midst of all of that sometimes we can get our focus not as fully as it should be on where it should be that we can get so absorbed with all the things that must get done that day and leave him out of all of it so it's not just recommended or beneficial it is imperative that we live and fulfill and run our race with a deep consciousness of God amen and remind that remind ourselves it's the reason we're doing this is we want to please him we want to please him we want to please him but how could it be pleased if we forget him in the doing of it and it's so easy to get distracted with things that robbed us of the sweetness of the one we're doing this with amen praise the Lord and so God is giving us if I could say this a tuneup that we just fine-tuned that thank God for the faith life but it's also we come to know him Amen it's also that we come to know what he has and move with him and you know how many times you see people get married and after they get married they get so busy with the doing of marriage that they forget one another and if we're not careful and that we can become not well not trying to or not on not purposefully but in Revelations we move away from really what matters first and it's him it's him Amen that we so loved him that when people get around us they want him amen and so reminding ourselves and you say pastor Nancy that's just fundamental and basic yeah that's why we're visiting it again because it is fundamental and it's the basis of everything we do that I want him pleased my husband used to say this the blessing is in the pleasing that when he's pleased the blessings of God just meet us everywhere we go amen and we know this well I said this I believe this morning I don't know if I I don't think I completed this statement when I said it in a previous service but whenever God told me to do something and I did it then the devil afterwards tried to trouble my mind about what I had done but I knew it was God but yet he still tried to enter in the after in the after obedience he tried to if I could say this robbed the joy of obedience by harassing you you shouldn't have done that it's gonna cost you this or you don't have enough money now or you can't do that because you did what God and he's trying to rob us the joy of obeying our Father because obeying our father is pure joy and not hardship and not struggle and it's not a torment and I refuse to be tormented in in my in my obedience to my father amen that remember remember when Jesus of course was baptized at the river Jordan and this is and God God spoke from heaven and said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and immediately after that the Holy Ghost leads him to go to the wilderness and the devil for 40 days and 40 nights harassing trying to trouble the mind why rub from him his father just said he's pleased and he's that's is one of the things he's trying if I could say this robbed from him the joy of pleasing his father and now trying to turn it into a season of oppression and of course he went in there and was victorious he wasn't oppressed but we see that when the father was pleased the devil hates that and he wants to trouble you when you when you obey God and please you and harass you in your mind and make you think that now because you obey God you're going to suffer in some way whether it's financially or you've got to lay down your dream to follow God you can trust God with your dreams because he'll give it back to you better and the devil when you go to obey God the devil tries to make it a fearful thing trying to rob the joy out of the obedience of him and and Jesus said the will of my father is never Grievous I remember reading and I believe it was the book my time in heaven by Richard Sigmund and I I don't remember if he was going it was when he was going to take him down and show him aspects of Hell or whether it was when he was coming back to the earth which no I'm teasing yeah no I'm teasing but he saw was delighted and thrilled to be in heaven that he just kind of let down when Jesus said that and he I don't want to basically and Jesus rebuked him and said the will of my father is never Grievous so our faces shouldn't fall when God directs us in some direction when he tells us to do something he leads us to do something the devil wants to make us turn the the commandment and the instruction of the Father into an enemy of our life and it is the blessing of our life it is the joy of our life it is a joy to obey Him it is a thrill to obey Him and the devil would love to rob that from us and give us wrong thinking treating it like it's a hardship but God with God he's not a hard taskmaster and anything he has of us it might be hard on the flesh the flesh but that gets in the way of really enjoying the fullness of the blessing of obedience and so let's not be robbed from and so when I obeyed God in that instruction God gave me he told me something to do and for a day and a half the devil was dogging me now that you did that you're not gonna have enough for yourself you're gonna have difficulty you're gonna have all kinds of struggles that you're gonna face he wasn't just he could not get me to undo that I've done it so what he tried to do was trouble me and get me in the wrong thinking about what I had done and almost trying to make you regret and trying to make you an enemy of God's instruction because God loves a cheerful joyous prompt to do it Giver and it's not just about money it's about the giving of obedience a joy a cheerful obedience a joyful obedience a prompt to do it obedience whether it's giving whether it's serving whether it's praying whether it's whatever it is that's the kind of approach being that we should take in obedience to God and the devil would love to steal the cheerfulness and the joyfulness and the promptness out of our obedience because then even if we obey it's not in full pleasing to the Father because it's not done with the right mindset and the right approach and the right heart and so once you obey God the devil will try to trouble you about your obedience because he wants to rob you of the blessing and the joy of obeying and so every time for the next day and a half when the devil would just make that thought suggest something I would answer it and then you know a little bit later it would come again and I'd answered I recognize it was the devil and I wasn't going to let him steal it from me but then the the Lord came to me and said if you would get in my presence and stay there he said you wouldn't even have to listen to that meaning that living with a deep consciousness of God puts us in a place to where harassment is not a lifestyle for us Amen hallelujah and so God said to me he said if you would get in my presence and stay in my presence he said you wouldn't even have to listen to that and then he said this because that was about that situation then he told me about future and he said because in the future I'm going to tell you and instruct you to do certain things and the devil will try to take what I instruct you to do and trouble you with it so how does how to stay out of trouble the troubling the flow of troubling because the devil wants to trouble everyone is to live with the deep consciousness of God amen yes we put the word in our mouth but I'm talking about our thoughts carry a consciousness of him that we turned throughout the day our thoughts toward him and worship him and you know when Paul and Silas were thrown in prison and Morgan and I were talking about the other day when Paul and Silas were thrown into prison and they prayed and sang praises and the doors came open most Christians would have said baby there's my exit and they didn't even get up to go because they had already left I'm talking about in their consciousness and then their worship of God they had already exited the door was nothing but a detail yah formality because they didn't just hurry up and rush out they had already exited I don't care what you're facing you can exit that before any circumstance changes and this is what a deep consciousness of God will do for you you decide the exit you don't let circumstances pave your exit you can exit at a moment just by turning toward him I'm not talking about being weird and foggy eyed but I am talking about coming into a place in the spirit to where you recognize I'm in charge amen and I was talking to Morgan about this and this is what we want to understand God is not offering us relief he's offering us victory to many are just settling for relief and never going on to gain victory what would be relief Paul and Silas getting up and running out as soon as the doors open that's a relief but victory is get the jail keeper saved get his house go and establish a church [Applause] now we're talking about sea victory is the whole picture relief is simply that one circumstance God does not direct us based on just one thing he has the whole picture in view when he directs us to do something so let's if we're not careful we'll just want such relief from pressure that we'll just settle instead of hold out for the whole thing Paul and Silas didn't settle and just get up and run out they held out for the whole thing why because they were there with the consciousness of God and not a consciousness of the prison and this is how we must live with this light in this last day revival because if we're not careful we will settle for things instead of holding out for all of it I like what one minister said he said everything that he said what what comes to you is either a temptation or a manifestation and what he meant by that is when you're in a test either there will be the manifestation of your answer and you take it or there will be a temptation that looks like your answer but it's a cheat it's a decoy so that you won't wait and hold out for the manifestation and so when you're faced with the difficulty what shows up is either going to be a temptation or a manifestation and those doors flying open where a temptation no doubt but they held out for the manifestation the manifestation and and think about house Paul understood this because remember one time he was on one particular occasion being beaten and then after that then they threw him in prison and then after they beat him they were they found out oh my gosh he's a citizen of Rome oh my gosh it's unlawful what we did and they sent word to dismiss him and release him and he says uh you come down here see he's not just taking relief yeah it's victory you come you you come and walk me out don't you just send your York you beat me openly you beat me in public you come down here openly you're not gonna sneak me out at the night hour this was a man who wasn't looking for relief if you look for relief you'll marry wrong if you look for relief you'll take the wrong job but if you look for a victory you don't settle you don't settle praise the Lord how do you know the difference well the word yes but living with a deep consciousness of God you learn his heart I mean you pick up from him you pick up his his affection his compassion his mercy used around him around him dad Hagin talked about the compassion that is needed in ministering to people he talked about when John G Lake heard the woman screaming and pain with cancer halfway down the road and he ran in because out of compassion his heart wept and broke for her suffering and he just went in after all the praying had done in laying hands on her and all this he just went in and scooped her up out of compassion and she was instantly healed and talking about any and and and dad Hagin would say this to us that kind of flow only comes from the presence of God being with God confession won't give you that not to diminish confession but they all had their different places and roles it's when we're in that intimacy that intimate place with the father we start picking up his characteristics in a way that they start coming to the surface in our lives the mercy and the compassion and the love and the genuine interest in people and the care and the concern and you don't make stupid statements like I would love pastoring if it weren't for the people just too much just to make fun and you don't make statements like that because without the people no one needs your ministry you have no ministry because Pete in ministry is people and if you don't love people too many times people love ministry but not people you'll never reach the end of what God has for you never reach the fullness I was years ago you know in a service they had a certain young man he was oh maybe in his early 30s and he was ministering in the service and he was a good teacher and there was a man that was maybe 70 something years old had been in the ministry for years and somebody said what do you think about you know the teaching today and he said he's a good teacher now he just needs to learn to be a good minister what's that mean just because you can teach it doesn't mean that the flow is is ministering to people amen and too many times if we're not careful we love the work of the ministry but people people are the ministry and we get that interest in care and that concern and genuineness for people in the father's presence you can't just listen to a tape and get it it's by being with the one who so loved the world that He gave and that's why I'm talking about a deep consciousness of God brother Copeland when he was here several years ago he talked about that God was going to send that he was going to fill up this place with people and there would be you know many many many that would come and get saved and he said just be aware they're not going to be dressed the way you're used to they're not going to smell the way you're used to why because there's going to be such an influx in such a flood of the harvest and they're going to be unchurched and they're not going to understand and he said you're going to have to understand the differences that you're going to find in people that come in to get right with God because they might be naturally repelling but if you're in the father's presence you understand and I'm not talking and I'm not talking about people who take a thought like that and say well that's why I can have a carnal church that's not what we're talking about we're talking about people when they come when they come to Christ that they're not they're going to need love not somebody with a critical eye amen and you get that compassion in that interest in that concern for people in the presence of the Father amen and the ed edd said this last day revival is going to be really a revival of God's mercy he said God is going to heal people you never would have healed he's going to deliver people you never would have helped how we going to recognize that flow of Mercy by being in the presence of the Father living with a deep consciousness of God developing the habit of turning toward him all throughout the day and not just on Sunday morning or midweek service but our awareness of him becomes our lifestyle amen praise the Lord so it means something when brother Coppola made this statements true I was born to know him I was born to be like him amen Hebrews chapter 11 if you would Hebrews chapter 11 and verse 39 were following up this list of faith heroes and the Bible just briefly mentions and touches on just a few of them and in listing some of them in verse 39 it says in all of these these faith heroes though they won divine approval by means of their faith they did not receive the fulfillment of what was promised so the promise that's referred to is the coming Messiah and the Old Testament Saints relied upon the promise of the Messiah but didn't see him coming to flesh they didn't see the fulfillment of his work of redemption they they weren't there with when the new covenant came into place and when he established the church they they didn't see all that but they relied on that that that was going to come and in verse 40 let me say they did not receive the fulfillment of what was promised verse 40 because God had us in mind and had something better and greater in view for us so that they these heroes and heroines of faith should not come to perfection apart from us before we could join them now verse 1 therefore then since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses who have borne testimony to the truth and we could say this who ran their race and finished their race and and laid hold of what they were laid hold of for now that they have run their race now they're watching us let us now that we have them it as an example let us let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance unnecessary weight and that sin which so readily deftly and cleverly clings to and entangles us and let us run with patience endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us verse 2 looking away this is how we run looking away from all that will distract to Jesus who is the leader and the source of our faith giving the first incentive for our belief and is also its finisher bringing it to maturity and perfection he for the joy of obtaining the prize that was set before him what was that prize that prize was the redemption of creation through carrying out the Father's will that's what the prize was he endured the cross despising and ignoring the shame and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God verse 3 consider him the amplified says just think of him there's other things offered to think of but he said just think of him when you're running think of him when you're running think of him it didn't say think of Moses it didn't say think of Caleb or Joshua he didn't say think of Elisha why because Jesus ran to perfection the others ran but he ran imperfection so just think of him who endured from sinners such grievous opposition and bitter hostility against him wrecking up and consider it all in comparison with your trials in other words start measuring and see how rough life is so that you may not grow weary or exhausted losing heart and relaxing and fainting in your minds when we're faced with difficulties in opposition stop and compare yours to Jesus's and then take your thumb out your mouth that's really why he's saying that you think because you're in it it looks so big but look at what he went through look at what he suffered and it minimizes and you realize no not all and all this ain't even comparable because why does he say consider him when you're running and when you're facing things why does he say that so that you won't quit thinking wrong so if you won't quit thinking right about it you'll be tempted to think wrong ministries hard lie lie it's a lie starting a church is hard that's a lie July the Bible says the way of the transgressor is hard will there be sacrifices yes but they're not hard compare your sacrifice to Jesus's sacrifice and then let's talk hard if people have this mindset that obeying him and fulfilling the plan oh I pay such a price there is a price but it's a bargain baby it's a bargain Stephen and Morgan were sitting in listening to a minister who shared a testimony that his wife had been believed years ago had just stated one day she wanted a Bentley car you know and she had been looking over the you know over time she'd just look here and there and keep her eye out sis she found one in online she found one valued at 250,000 dollars and they were selling it for what was it fifty fifty four thousand forty nine thousand dollars I don't know if somebody died or what but this car and they called and said is the car sold they said well someone's coming tomorrow to look at it and this this preacher said will come it will be there in a two hours with cash are you going to really drive off the car lock griping about forty nine thousand dollars with a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar car do we really want to talk about the price we have paid to obey God see he said consider him he paid the price consider what he went through so that you think right when you're faced with opposition so that you don't get into the poor pity me and what makes life hard is ignorance ignorance is not stupid ignorance means you're uninformed you don't know enough that's what makes life hard ministry is not hard ignorance is what's hard amen well praise the Lord so listen to this he said consider him wrecking up and consider it all in comparison with your trials so that you may not grow weary and exhausted losing heart relaxing and fainting in your mind so notice this the mind will want to quit if you think wrong the mind will want to quit on you the mind will want to go the wrong direction you know to think wrong as quitting here notice he said these words that you may not grow weary the definition of weary is in or dissatisfied don't get impatient and start start working your own plan just because there's things come against you don't you find your own exit route don't you look for your own way of relief and he said you have to consider him keep your keep your focus and your awareness on what he did so that you don't look for an alternate route when you're under pressure he didn't look for an alternate route then the second thing it says so that you may not grow weary that you may not be exhausted the definition for exhausted is to drain of strength to use up or consume completely if you think wrong wrong thinking will consume you use up all your strength and you'll think it's the ministry that did it when it was wrong thinking your mind fainted your mind went the wrong direction of how you approached this I mean you you can when there's certain things that just remember that say just problems at the office and one thing after another you can come home and you you've only been doing it and handling things a couple of hours maybe and you just can feel drained of strength with something just constantly mentally weighing on you you can get up tired feeling drained right exhausted means to expend the whole love to empty by drawing out all your content to deprive wholly are useful notice that if we think wrong about what we face it'll emptied the strength out of our hearts it'll exhaust us it says to deprive wholly of useful or essential properties possessions or resources to destroy the fertility of the soil the soil of your heart it'll destroy the fertility of that if we think wrong then it says consider him that we not lose heart that we losing heart and relaxing look at that losing heart and relaxing so in this list of negatives relaxing is a negative not talking about physical relaxing but the relaxing of faithful or relaxing of reach the right and relaxing a pressing Amen to relax is to diminish the four sub to reduce or stop work effort and stop application then fainting in your mind the definition is lacking clearness being feeble and lacking courage so he says consider him so that you don't do any of these things and it's all in the mind right that's why we have to live with a deep consciousness of God so that our mind doesn't get it right rutting in this other thing amen listen the cloud of witnesses that ran their race they're watching and they're interested in the race we're running for their labor isn't complete without ours they ran under their covenant but the two covenants we fulfill they fulfill that we fulfill the new under the new covenant amen so I want to go back where it says in verse 2 looking unto Jesus is what the King James says the amplified says looking away from all that would distract to Jesus notice it didn't say looking away from evil just looking from what strikes I was back in the back room one time here in the green room when brother had passed her happy Caldwell was here doing our graduation for our Bible School and he made this statement he said the number one thing that stops ministers from fulfilling what they're born for is distraction distraction he says not of wrong things or evil things but just distraction amen so verse 2 looking away from all that will distract to Jesus notices you can't look two places at once can't do it can't do it we can't look at opposition and look at Jesus we can't look at tests and look at Jesus are they there yes but do they have to get our attention no can't look at your body and look at Jesus you can't look at your checkbook and just live mindful of that bottom line and look at Jesus can't do it and it takes skill to quit looking at what's loud Amen pastor Ike referred to him a Pastor David Oh yet a poll in in Africa and he has brother Copeland referred to him while he was here has the largest church in the world and he said people ask me don't you have a lot of opposition tests and trials he said maybe I do I don't know I haven't noticed keye there's a key the pastor the largest church in the world just gave us a huge key I just haven't noticed why he's learned something looking unto Jesus not looking unto everything that's coming against you can I tell you this husbands wives don't make statements like when you get a new house and something goes wrong some those gone wrong then get out of the house get out get a new car oh I can't believe it have a complaint about all the time if you're going to own something something is always gonna need your attention if you don't want to give proper attention to things don't own anything live like a slave never owning anything slaves don't own anything when you accepted what God offered you you just said yes to challenges quit griping about him quit complaining about them quit they're part of the process of victory and it gets old living with somebody who complains about what they have been blessed with because there's a lot of people who would love to change positions with you today what's the problem people are complainers murmurs why they quit looking unto Him when you look at him it doesn't matter I love something that Corrie ten Boom said and you would know of her who helped you know during World War two delivered Jews and things thrown into a concentration camp mistreated lost all of her family and she said this when you learn to see God at every hard place not she's not saying God authored every hard place don't misunderstand that when you learn to see God at every hard place she said even the hard places bless you what did she learn she had learned to live with the consciousness of God amen praise the Lord some of you just look like you haven't slept for a month but I'm just telling you this is the key to loving your life fulfilling his plan and pleasing him in the process I'm just telling you this is a huge key to fulfilling what you're born for and really living the life he authored for us amen how well we run our race he said looking unto Him how well we run our race and finish that race will be affected by how skillful we are at looking unto Him looking away from what distracts and how fixed we are on him because whether we know it or not our faith is our attention is our touch to our tension so many people are trying to they're struggling with their faith when their tension is on the wrong thing that's why you have a problem with your faith the Bible says consider not considering means where your attention is at it says it says Abraham consider not right that means he didn't have his attention on the wrong thing and then went in here and that Hebrews 12 when it says consider him have your attention on him is what it means if you have your attention if you are constantly thinking about things that's gone wrong at your house and griping your attentions on the wrong thing your attention is not on God blessed me with a home and I tell you what you complain and have your attention on the wrong thing the devil will steal the right thing from you because you're so occupied with the wrong thing you're not even watching over the right thing praise the Lord faith people have no complaint in their mouth I was listening they I heard some reporters make a statement about the royal family of how they handle their public image with people and I'm not trying to say anything for against I'm just saying that the policy within their offices is this never complain never explain there's good policy why because the media is always trying to bait them into something and get them into all the celebrity type gossip emedia and they just won't go there because they go we're a deaf we have a different standard we go by now I'm just saying I'm not saying about whether they do it personally or whatever I'm saying the office policy of their offices is this never complain never explain that works pretty good some people need to change their policies how well we run our race and finish will be based on how well we look how how focused and how much we hold our attention on the one that did it right and let me just read these for times sake and let me just read the the references psalm 57 verse 7 says this my heart is fixed I like this word fixed my heart is fixed Oh God my heart is fixed he says it twice my heart is fixed my heart is fixed he said I will sing and give praise why because I'm not wavering I'm fixed so since I'm not wavering I'm singing Amen if you're not singing you're not fixed you're not firm footed when you're fixed you're certain Psalms 108 verse 1 Oh God my heart is fixed I will sing and give praise even with my glory Psalms 112 verse 7 he shall not be afraid of evil tidings for his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord so what is a fixed heart it's a trusting heart amen and the one who's fixed and the one who is trusting that means his attention is fixed on the one he's trusting his attention is fixed on the one he's trusting that's why he's not afraid he's not afraid he can't meet his mortgage because his attention is not on his mortgage his attention is on the one who is the provider if you're afraid of something something needs fixing up something needs to be anchored something needs to be fortified your footing needs to be firmed up on the one you're trusting amen part of trusting is fixing your attention praise the Lord Colossians Colossians chapter three turn with me if you would Colossians chapter three and verse two this is the amplified Colossians chapter 3 verse 2 set your minds and keep them set see we can come to service and our minds get fixed on him our minds get set on him then we walk out and go back to what we laid at the front door when we came in pick it back up and go out and act like life as usual this is the remedy for that set your minds and keep them set on what is above the higher things not on the things that are on the earth the words set that definition of that means to resolve or decide upon to put into a fixed rigid or settle state firm and permanent like concrete so we could say this set your mind like concrete and keep it set like concrete on higher things if it's set it's not coming down the lower if it's set it's not coming down you understand if it's set it won't come down it's not God's job to set it it's our job to set it worshipping and waiting before the Lord and having a deep consciousness of the greater one on the inside of us plays a role in us setting our minds because when we're in his presence it helps them were worshiping him it helps us to set our minds amen it also involves disciplining the thought life by casting down imaginations taking every thought into captivity it involves holding our attention and focus on spiritual things and not natural things that means we can't just be a with what's natural and think that we're gonna have peace up here hallelujah 2nd Kings chapter 6 go with me if you would second Kings chapter 6 and just for times sake we won't read the entire passage but the king of Syria was strategizing against God's people and was going to launch war and Elisha the prophet what would happen is the king of Syria would speak speak out loud and say tomorrow we're going to set ourselves in this location for attack but by speaking it now those words would be heard in the year of the Prophet and so the prophet Elijah would go to the king of Israel and say tomorrow they're going to be there and it says it didn't happen once it didn't happen twice it happened more than twice so either three four doesn't say how many times that kept happening so the king of syria realizes that every time he sets a plan that thing gets sabotage so he finally said among his own who is it that is working for them you know and one of them spoke up and said there's no one betraying you there is a prophet that hears what you say in your bedchamber yeah so the king of syria can't even launch war successfully against god's people till he gets that prophets mouth shut because he exposes everything by the spirit so he sends an army to go after one man who was fixed when you're fixed an army can't even undo you when you're focused an army cannot even frighten you an army came after one man unarmed not a warrior not carrying you no weapons then have bodyguards he had one servant with him and they sent the entire army go get that one man the devil is afraid of people who hear and know the right realm they sent a whole army and so they show or his servant comes out the next morning and the whole city is surrounded to come after them it's like I told you quit talking so much so verse 13 and he said go and spy where he is so the king of Syria saying about Elisha go and spy where he is that I may sin and fetch him he gonna fetch him with an army and it was told to him saying behold he is in Dauphin verse 14 therefore sent he thither horses and chariots and a great host and they came by night encompassed the city about now that would have been quite a dramatic sight and when the servant of the man of God was risen early and gone forth he went outside behold a hosting compass the city both with horses and chariots and the servant said unto lhasa alas my master how shall we do and he answered fear not the first thing don't you let fear in there's no need for it why because when you're fixed you see something more than fear or things that make you fearful fear not for they that be with us or more are more than they that be with them it does not say that Elijah saw anything did he I don't know it doesn't say that he saw into the spirit realm he just knew the scripture there's more with us than with them so anytime you see something that tries to frighten you know there's more with you there's more with you there's more with you that's not true because you're Elijah or a prophet it's true because the greater one is in you and he said fear not for they be with they that be with us are more than they that be with them and Elijah prayed and said Lord I pray the open his eyes that he may see he didn't say that Elijah saw why because when you're fixed you've already seen what you need to see you already know what you need to know your firm your fixed but his eyes needed to see something and the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw him behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha what's that mean stay with a man of God because they're around him they're not around the servant they're around him it matters that you're with someone who is surrounding to see what these two men saw in the natural would be overwhelming to the natural man you walk out and you see the city surrounded and they're after you they don't miss and you would have to be practiced and skillful at keeping your eyes set on things that are higher and things that are invisible and things that are not seen you'd have to be skillful and Elijah's knowing protected gaze as peace there are other people around you that don't know what you know and gotta let you use what you know to protect their peace amen so when gays eyes opens eyes were open he saw the spirit realm he was no longer troubled by what was in the natural you get that when our eyes are set on things above we're no longer troubled by what we see in the natural if we're troubled by what we see in the natural we now have the opportunity to practice fixing our eyes amen amen God's realm is always stocked with your provision whatever that provision need is it's loaded with your provision look there this is what looking unto Jesus includes amen and we know this one Isaiah 26 verse three you will guard him and keep him in perfect constant peace not peace that stops and starts stops and starts constant peace that's God's part it says God will keep him will guard him and keep him in perfect peace now here comes man's part whose mind is stayed on him if you're not peaceful it's a mind problem saw the devil problem it's an attention problem it's a distraction problem amen it takes practice to become skillful at staying when staying your mind on the right thing when wrong things are so visible I I have I have three dogs now I have the ones I have had lad and chap and now I got dandy so lad and chap lad is a gentleman chap is badly mannered sweet but needy always inserting himself he doesn't want you to he doesn't want you to pet him he wants you to quit petting lad you know and his body is just always like this and lad just sits and looks at him and tolerates you know him and so when it's Treat time what I say is you have to sit you don't get it - you stay and chat bless his heart lad just comes in there he sits because he knows you don't do you think - you sit so he just walks in and sits and chapt sits then he jumps up he says and he jumps he sits and he jumps up he says and he jumps up and lads just I can't get my treat do you stay down and lad is doing it right but the one he hangs out with is doing it wrong and so lad Kent although he's doing it right he's hanging out with those who are doing it wrong and let that speak for itself and bless his heart chap will I mean just his his backside will barely touch skim the floor and then it's back up I wonder if we look like that to Jesus I just wonder we're set then we're up then we're set then we're set then we're focusing huh you don't you get your provision till you learn to stay because he said keep your mind stayed just knowing where the floor is it's not enough to get the provision you got to stay in your place keep your thoughts in the proper place keep your attention on the proper things and stay there because they've odd and let me tell you God well God will train you in the staying he will train you in this thing because if you only stayed for 15 minutes and then he blessed you with what you were believing for we showed up then you've only got 15 minutes ability to stay yeah that's it you're done you know so does he torture us you know but no I'm not saying they're trying to torture latus just I'm sorry but Jeb has issues and until these issues get fixed right now and it's not the devil withholding it's the lack of staying it's the lack of staying keeping the mind fixed stay in the presence of God stay focused stay fixed amen well praise the Lord and then we know and we won't take time to read the whole passage but let me just quote it to you in 2nd chronicles 20 we know about how Jehoshaphat was challenged with these five enemy armies that join forces against them and what he said he said Oh God will you not exercise judgment upon them for we have no might to stand against this great company that's coming against us we don't know what to do but our eyes our eyes our eyes our attention our focus it's on you so victory does not begin with knowing what to do victory begins with where you're looking you understand that too many times people thought if I know what to do if you're know where to look you'll find out what to do so victory doesn't begin with knowing everything don't get in turmoil because you don't know what to do when you're faced with something just know where to look and he will make sure if he will stay fixed with your attention on him he will lead you to your aunts he will make sure that your answer is found amen hallelujah so looking unto Jesus is holding our focus our attention on him through worshiping through waiting through waiting ministering to him it's through holding to his word because I'm not talking about something that's just done an emotional waiting period you know where you work up feelings of worship and feelings of affection but it's based on the word Amen because he because he is the word made flesh hallelujah in his presence and in his word we gain light hallelujah praise the Lord looking unto Jesus practicing holding our attention amen praise the Lord stand with me to your feet father we're so grateful tonight we have a race to run we're all running the race and there is a revival to fulfill and it's got to be done his way and he tells us how amen looking unto Jesus and consider him father were so grateful tonight that you give us the best place to look that no matter what we're faced with tonight no matter what we may be dealing with in our lives we always have the best place to look and by positioning our attention there we position ourselves to receive all that you have for us so we thank you tonight father we worship you just lift up your hands lift up your voice and worship Him tonight we worship You Father we worship You Father [Music] we worship You hallelujah [Music] father we are no longer impressed by things that surround us but we are impressed with the one who is in us and we focus our thoughts on higher things [Music] we look not at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen I love something that lilium be Yeomans writes in her book she makes this statement it says while we look not at things that are seen she said if you're looking at what is seen you are in sin against the word because the Bible says look not see we've treated it like it's optional and [Music] she called it sin because the word says look not at the things which are seen but the things which are unseen our peace level will be determined by our focus peace is in us absolutely belongs to us but the more skillful we are at staying focused on the right thing will determine our peace level amen while we look not at the things which are seen but we look at that which is not seen why because that's a flow we're living out of is that unseen flow hallelujah we worship You Jesus we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you Father let's go ahead and let's sing something miss Regina I let the peace of God rule in my heart it quiets my mind from fearful thoughts and when problems arise like storms on the sea the pace of is a part [Applause] in my heart like stones this is me [Music] it's my from fearful thoughts like stocks on the [Music] [Music] I remember what I started out with with what God said to me he said you're going to have to make sure you're living in my presence because he said I'm going to tell you to do things in the future that the devil will try to trouble your mind with amen so know this in this revival we're going to be used in ways we have been used before we're going to be instructed to do things we haven't done before amen and we're going to have to be ready to obey that so that we move further with him but I want to especially minister to anyone in here tonight that oppression you're harassed in your mind depressed entrenched in fear know this and everybody has to take their stand against these things but I'm referring to someone who it seems like you can't get in front of this thing you're just entrenched in fear and torment panic anxiety all those things are nothing but the flow of fear depression and harassed tormented there's help for you there's there's a life that awaits you that is complete peace and complete joy but if you need help tonight there is a United faith here amen there's the anointing that destroys that yoke but it won't ever take the place of you doing the right thing with your mind but we can still minister to you that help that's here so if that you come up here will minister to you hallelujah come up real quickly [Music] [Music] [Applause] will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory [Music] turn your eyes upon Jesus look fold it is wonderful thing [Applause] will grow strangely [Music] I will turn my eyes upon gee Jesus I look for here wonderful thing [Applause] loveth grow strangely dim in the of your glory and great the light of your glory and [Music] the of your glory and [Music] [Applause] congregation just reach your hands out this way Satan you take your hands off their minds be free in Jesus name free in Jesus name be free in Jesus name be free in Jesus name father we thank you that as this caught these cause are laid upon those sick ones that that anointing is transferred into their bodies and it will drive out if there's a presence of an evil spirit it will drive it out it'll drive out sickness pain symptoms disease and they'll be free in Jesus name we believe you for it and thank you for it we thank you Father free in Jesus name free in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah can I tell you there have been the devil's going to challenge your mind and it's right to feed on the word it's right to confess the word absolutely but don't leave out worshiping the Father it's right to pray in the spirit but the thing about when you're praying in the spirit in a situation like that it says the minds not identified and bypasses the mind it doesn't involve the mind and at a time when you need peace you need something that involves your mind and worship is one of the best things to involve your mind it get your attention on the one who has made victory yours and off of what comes against you amen hallelujah and you have to take an active role of worship worship and worship and worship and worship and worship that's one way we set our focus on him that's one way that we look unto him that's one way we can sit him Amen hallelujah hallelujah let's just wait before he amassed acharya DuBose no University a most accordi Antipas honcho capita Kukai addabbo story manda Mangia Mangia Mangia Mangia most Oh most Oh master Mangia Mangia Mangia there are anointings there are flows there are manifestations that can only be fulfilled through someone who is skillful with their thought life skillful and where in their authority skillful in who they are in Christ so know this being called to it does not qualify you you must become skillful in this place of the word and prayer fellowshipping with the father entering into that place in the spirit and knowing how with the accompaniment of the Holy Ghost to yield to him to enter into those places in the spirit to where you see to where you know but just being called to them does not qualify do not count on your calling to qualify you for these flows you must take this word and be skillful and make it your lifestyle make it the way you choose to live with your focus your attention the eyes of your spirit fixed on on the greater one fixed on the word fixed on the father who is the author we thank you Father master gaya domestic ei master Chi animal story is the making yatta Pocoyo stuck more subtly mastica mastica mastica mastica there are some in here that you step so far you step in and then you step out and then it seems like you go more steps back and then you step just up forward one and then lose ground even further and you go I just don't know why I can't seem to get past some things in the natural why I can't get past some things in the flesh why I can't get into some things of ministry that I know I'm supposed to be flowing in and this is the help this is the instruction go further in my in the spirit take longer in my presence and in my presence those things that have been your enemy will fall from you those hindrances and opposition's and things that would try to block your progress so in my presence those things lose their foothold and they slip away from around your life and around your ministry and you're no longer constantly trying to deal with them but you're dealing with me you deal with my presence you enter my presence and my presence and the fellowship am I at my throne gets your attention and all of your attention shifts from that which has been opposing you and when you consider not it falls away and the reason it has stayed troubling the lives of those and holding back or hindering is because they've considered too long when you consider not they have no place of entrance hallelujah hallelujah we praise you father we praise you father listen in our life of faith let's not leave out faithful fellowship with God amen hallelujah praise the Lord we worship You Father we worship you my stomach are cheeky a HOSA mengapa caste Kiki a I was thinking today I saw a particular woman precious precious she wasn't a preacher but she was so skillful in prayer she's gone home to be with the Lord now but when Ed and I lived in Tulsa in the 80s and we got word that she had asked my husband to come and pray for her because she was diagnosed with I believe it was breast cancer and she was in the hospital and Ed and I walked in and he laid hands on her and prayed and she said something she said I'm not sure why this you know has come on me and then all of a sudden you could see a little bit she'd catch herself and she's safe but I'm not going to touch that I'm gonna stay in his presence and I'm gonna stay in the spirit and he will show me and I just saw the skill that when the mind wanted to grab hold she turned right back away from it and that example I've never forgotten it as long as I live I was so blessed to see her just as natural and human as anybody else that would the mind would want to go there and she'd say but I'm not going there amen some of us need to say I'm done going there I'm done going there I'm done calculating I'm done trying to figure out I'm just gonna stay in his spirit in his presence in the spirit see in the spirit praying in the Holy Spirit all these things assist us in staying conscious of the greater one amen hallelujah we worship You Father we worship You Father we worship You Father we worship You father we worship You Father and I would like to say this some people's minds go to this well it's been this way for years I've never seen anything change I need certain thing I've just never seen God do anything don't let your mind go there don't let your mind cheat you don't let what you've seen of the past cheat what God has for you now and then you dismiss because you can't figure out you can't calculate how he's going to do he's going to do things you've never seen him do but not by having thoughts that have always been just getting in his presence amen hallelujah I love something I heard that Hagin say one time he said I don't allow myself to touch on what I don't know because the devil will always try to bring up especially when you're faced with something you don't know what to do about this you don't know what to do about this this is a new strategy this is a new device that the devil brings her this is a new a new form of opposite opposition for you or something he says I never let my mind touch in what I don't know I just do wholeheartedly what I already do know and then God will bring me into once I've done what I do know he'll bring me into need to know amen so many people are taught because they don't know forget what you don't know we know that there's things we all lack in knowledge but if we'll just stay in the spirit he'll be able to direct us whether it's through a sermon or study in the word or somebody saying something giving us the light that we need he'll bring us into it so don't worry about these things amen hallelujah hallelujah a worried mind is an unskilful mind a worried mind is a nun renewed mind just recognize that and say not me anymore not me anymore I don't care if you just got saved today you can turn your attention to him today and become very skillful at that today amen hallelujah hallelujah are you helped tonight I appreciate these kinds of services it's completely different than possibly the way things have gone in the past but God is getting us ready for further things of this era of this revival further things of the Spirit and these are things we have to address and we have to make an emphasis of these things amen hallelujah we thank you Father we thank you we thank you we thank you my stuck are you the best we thank you Father we thank you Father we worship you Father hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I remember after IDI went home to be with the Lord there were so many details you can understand that have to be addressed and in the midst of a very full plate something else arose that was completely unnecessary that called for my attention and I wasn't very pleased that it arose because it was completely unnecessary and I was thinking as I was sitting putting on my makeup you know for hour and a half - I'm teasing long periods of time you know that and I was sitting there and I was thinking you know I just wished that heading to that situation that is shown up it was just unnecessary just gives you more than to deal with you know it's not going to really end up working against you but it's just it was unnecessary and I I just kind of you know wishing that it hadn't of and as I was thinking or thinking about it God said you can think about that if you want to but if you do you have to give up fellowship with me to do it to get that if you're just gonna sit and rehearse and hit why because you can't do two things at once looking under him you can't look two ways at once you can't look at people that are disappointing you and then look at him you can't look at this and that if we have to choose what do we want to fellowship with today every thought is a choice and God said you can think about that if you want to but you're gonna have to give up fellowship with me to do that I've given up fellowship with God too many times over things that didn't matter and weren't worth it no more I'm going to train my thought life that my might my thoughts are for him my thoughts are for him they're not for things that just want to deplete out of us amen Smith Wigglesworth made this statement he said the more I'm with the world the more like the world I become the more I'm with the father the more like the father I become so we decide we decide amen and we re fortify that consecration amen hallelujah pastor Noel you have anything neither right there pastor Debbie under beginning this year this year there will be an increase there will be an increase of the spirit of singing knowing this is the beginning of it the word that we are hearing here emotionally nostalgia oh yeah yeah every instruction to accelerate for the Lord Jesus Christ looking unto Jesus looking unto Jesus oh yes looking unto Jesus as we look unto Him you will see how he how he operate how he finished huh what God the Father called him to do for the spirit of singing knowing but the Shpongle Checotah ever it touched me boy hi mocha hi it is now it is time it is time oh oh oh ha ha yeah uh yo ya dog a pie coat oh yeah and the instruction and the instruction that you're hearing enter in entering but you will see you cannot finish the race you cannot finish the race until you look upon him I see operate in the spirit of singing knowing as the Atika most k8o Costa oka schita pariah and the glory hakushi and the glory she camasta and the spirit of seeing in knowing from the Castel as you have shocked O'Shea mashallah mashallah mashallah as the prophet said as the prophet said as we have read ha the spirit of singing knowing open his eyes that he may see open his eyes that he may see open his eyes that he may see that what the Castilla Moscato Stoker esto Castilla and oh gosh Toya is carabao Kadesh daya esto doko s time loca Yaka Yaka manda ki s soak up higher Oh the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it will begin all the ministers The ministers oh yeah yeah yeah every Bible ministry give I took us let us take Amaya oh ok shared an abaya took us toka or the greater flow oh yeah yeah we're entering in we're entering in ha ha ha to the divine blow the greater flow every Bible Minister grip oh this is said ah this is said for the spirit of singing knowing for the spirit is soul circle Yakko a sucker of singing knowing dr. Cristo ha ha the flow the flow the flow in a hundredfold ah ha ha ha ha ha ah the full flow the full brow of the Bible ministry game the full flow of the local stock of the gifts of the Spirit and it should be it shall be the full-blown of the spirit of seeing and knowing yeah looking unto Jesus is observing how he did it doing it the way he did it amen following his example that involves that hallelujah and he did it by the power of the Holy Ghost hallelujah he did it by saying I only do what I see my father do I only say what I hear my father say hallelujah hallelujah I have this in my heart for us to bless the ministers and I'm going to ask the Andersons to come up and help me with this but if you're here full-time fivefold ministry we want to bless you it you don't have to come up it's completely up to you but you must be full-time fivefold ministry halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord and praise the Lord praise the Lord hallelujah pastor why don't you start down there probably about where pastor Marcus is and we'll meet in the middle praise the Lord we were she musta got the to do too much the country and the most oil is the keiki father all that you have all that you have all that you have for him oh that you have us throw you a star you must suck at all that you have all that you have father for all that you have [Music] all that you have formed all that you have all that you have for all that you have for info all that you have for all that you have for all that you have for fun [Music] all that you have father for him all that you have all that you have father [Music] all that you have for her father [Music] Oh Oh that you had a father for him [Music] all that you have for him father all that you have for you we thank you Father all that you have for her father fulfilled all that you have for your father all that you have for her all uh all that you have for him fun fulfilled all that you have for him father fulfilled all that you have for her father fulfilled all that you have for her father uh fulfilled in her all that you have for him father fulfilled all that you have uh must dreams and visions dreams and visions that will reveal steps that will reveal answers that will bring to light the plan of the Father in your nation ah we thank you father for those dreams and visions ah that will bring the direction they need ha ha ha stayin master ke mash - kya the Bostic oye Master ke mustika depakote acoustic you mash the katakana musta caught a fish sticky key master Kukai ate all that you have formed father fulfilled huh monster mush they'll go hit the base sticky all that you have for her father fulfilled all that you have for her fulfilled in your plan in your plan father in your plan your plan fathers your planet being unveiled and revealed pastor Shelli unveiled and revealed its unveiled and revealed you declare that his plan is unveiled and revealed for me it's unveiled and revealed for me we thank you Father for your plan you're playing the fullness of what you have for him the fullness the fullness the fullness the fullness the fullness father of what you have for her fulfilled the fullness we thank you Father the full the fullness the fullness the fullness of utterance the fullness of utterance utterances that come uh trances that come a whole nother realm of utterances revelation and utterance coming speaking it out speaking it out ha ha ha Mashti Kiki a mastica Coco yay my Baba gosh Tigger all that you have for Father fulfilled all that you have for him fulfilled what is all that you have for you fulfilled [Music] my sticker yeah mustika most local cook oh yeah [Music] mustika in the mystical muster gotta bug us today - yeah [Music] my momma sticky a magic Italian uh story oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh-oh folder all that you have for her fulfilled all that you have for him fulfilled we thank you Father all that you have for her father fulfilled all that you have for fulfilled and revealed in her huh [Music] all that you have for her father fulfilled revealed in her those gifts of the Spirit that she's to function and flow in coming up flowing up yield to them obey them flow with them hallelujah never bless many huh all that you have for him father fulfilled revealed in him my hush luckily we thank you for direction new direction new fresh direction coming pastor new and fresh direction coming ha ha ha don't just hold to what's always been done don't hold the way you've always done it but follow any new instruction follow the fresh follow what he speaks to you hallelujah hallelujah and it will be a fresh breath of air in that ministry be like a fresh breath upon your ministry hallelujah Master Yoda beshte Kiki a March Akkad also go Det [Music] bastard [Music] praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord hallelujah come on down there [Music] thank you Father thank you for ah the fullness the fullness of what you have father the fullness the fullness all that you have all that you have fulfilled and revealed we thank your father we thank you Father we thank you Father all that you have for her fulfilled ha ha yet the boy [Music] so precious the work so precious the price so precious the fruit now more of it now more of that fruit much more fruit we thank you Father we thank you Father we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you ah we thank you we thank you Father we thank you we thank you we thank you Father we thank you Father we thank you Father all that you have all that you have all that you have for him fulfilled and revealed in him for a freshness a freshness of the anointing a freshness in your office a freshness in your mantle upon you ha ha [Music] we thank you Father for the precious the precious gift things in her may they come forth in their fullness may they come forth in their fullness son oh we thank you Father we thank you Father to skin your hands if you would say father we thank you for all that you have for him fulfilled and revealed in him for field let me have your other hand love fulfilled and revealed all that you had for her we thank you Father fulfilled all that you have for her fulfilled and revealed in her we thank you Father we thank you for let's stand and let's worship the Lord together we thank you for it my student Master Kukai a sister Vanessa c'mere love sister Vanessa c'mere you have only just begun to see the flow you have an experience the fullness of the flow of blessing that he has for your life but you're you're you're going to see ah such an increase of the blessings of God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord we give you glory and honor we give you glory and honor we give you glory and honor ha ha ha brother Daniel there is a place in the spirit there is a place in the spirit that he has for you to operate you've not yet stepped in in the way you do it pray much in the in other tongues not to say you don't but pray more in other tongues and you will see yourself step into that place reserved for you to occupy father we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you Father for the grace for that place the grace for that place in the spirit how much Dicky a we thank you for it father it will be a sweet sweet place a sweet sweet place musty Keota fish sticky Qian Emoto yet officially Kiki I'm a Mashti Kiki [Music] though you miss Regina songs from heaven that the era calls for he's going to give you more so get in that get in a spirit and hear them because they're just waiting for you to take hold and I had this Tony melodies melodies divine melodies just give me your hand father we thank you for divine melodies divine the grace the grace for those melodies of the Spirit hallelujah we thank you for it father because the air needs right music it's part of the equipment it's part of the ministering to the Lord spirit songs [Music] thank God for the wonderful spirit songs that have come through past moves and we can certainly still derive the anointing that's on those but we have to remember this God said something to me when he spoke to me about writing books and I said God brother Hagin has done it so masterfully be glad to just keep selling his books promoting him because we feed on those and they feed us so much and God said to me one man serving his generation does not dismiss you from serving your generation and we can't just it's good to be blessed by what previous generations did but God wants every man of his generation to serve his generation that means you can't dismiss yourself from what God wants to flow through you amen hallelujah we thank you Father we thank you we thank you we thank you Father hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord well you don't want to miss the next services because we don't know what's going to happen and that's okay he does and he has a plan and I know this we need that plan so we'll be here for it amen hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord father we thank you we thank you we thank you we glorify you we magnify you hallelujah [Music]
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 15,194
Rating: 4.8651686 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 12sec (6672 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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