Let Us Just See 10:30 AM Bro. Rodgers

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] somewhere [Music] said i'd like [Music] changes [Music] [Applause] good morning good morning good morning certainly we're thankful to the great god of heaven for loving us while we were yet unlovable given us this day that we could worship him in spirit and in truth i need for you to share this with someone this morning and tell them you need to worship with the blue spring road spiritual family you need to worship with that church of christ at media 2150 blue spring road in huntsville alabama we're going to have a marvelous marvelous good time on this day and i know that you're ready to give the praises to god because he's worthy to be praised will you pray with me please our god of heaven father we thank you this morning that we can call upon you father and praise you for your goodness and your greatness father we're thankful this day that we can speak of your love your long-suffering and your loyalty father we know about your mercy and your grace father will thank for this day because of jesus your son who hung bled and died on calvary's cross who rose victorious over the grave father we thank you this day that we can worship you in spirit and in truth father help us this day that we may sing praises to thy holy name help us this day father that we can meet you at the table father of remembrance father help us on this day that father we might give back to you for father we realize it's not ours father help us on this day as we bring our supplications with thanksgivings unto you father we thank you for hearing us and answering us father according to your will father help us this day that we might be receptive of your word father we pray this day for alan and marie for traveling father we ask that you will bless them and strengthen them father in a mighty way father we pray for all of our families that's been dealing with death within their family ranks father we ask this morning that you will strengthen them with the strength that they seek bless them father to hold on to thy unchanging hand help them father to continuously to grow stronger in their prayer life and in their steady habits father we asked this morning that you would help us in a mighty way fathers we lift up our voices in songs of praise unto you that father we will praise you and father we seek to magnify thy name father be with us this day as we worship you father according to your will we praise you and we thank you father in the mighty mighty name of jesus and the children of god said amen amen and amen let's worship let's sing praises to the great god of heaven [Music] [Music] well now [Applause] [Music] we'll say [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] yes [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we'll [Applause] [Music] we say have peace in the valley are you ready to honor the lord with your substance but truly as i encourage you in midweek keep in mind we are just managers we are just stewards over the blessings of the lord nothing belongs to us and god wants to see if we truly trust him god wants to see if we can truly rely upon him he wants us to try him because we cannot out give him never can we out give the great god of heaven james says that every good gift and every perfect gift cometh down from the father of light paul writes and he says that the lord loveth a cheer forgiver he that soweth spiritually will reap spiritually but he that soweth bountifully will reap bountifully jesus in luke chapter 6 and verse number 38 said give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down and shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom for with the same measure that he meant with all shall be measured to you again give to the lord give it back to him and watch him bless you over and over again pray with me please our god of heaven father we thank you we thank you father for allowing us to be managers over your blessings father we're thankful that we can take care of our families father we're thankful for the jobs that you've blessed us with and father we thank you for continue to open up the doors of opportunities father we're so thankful that we have this day that we can bring our offering unto you father we pray that we are presenting it father in a cheerful manner father we pray that we are doing it in a bountifully manta and father we know that father we can trust and rely upon you for father you brought us this far we thank you and we praise you father for the many blessings that you have bestowed upon us from my early existence to this precious time we thank you father that we have this to give back to you on this day and we praise you father in the mighty mighty name of jesus and the children of god said amen would you stand at the foot of the cross and just simply gaze into the eyes of jesus mentally see him hanging there dying in our place see the cruelty but see his love they've nailed him to the cross but he won't stay dead because he loves mankind paul said i received this by revelation and not by man that on the same night that jesus was betrayed he took bread he blessed it he gave it to his disciples he said eat do this in remembrance of me will you pray with me please our god our father we thank you lord for this great sacrifice father we thank you this morning as we can take of this bread take up this loaf remembering father how you prepared a body for your son that with his stripes we are healed father we partake of this loaf this day given the honor given the praise totally over to you for the great sacrifice of jesus that we might have this memorial to have the opportunity to fellowship with you we praise you father in the mighty mighty name of jesus and the children of god said amen in like manner he took the cup he blessed it he gave it to his disciples and said drinky all of it for this is the seal of the new covenant will you pray with me please as we give thanks for the cup our god our father the father of our lord and savior jesus christ we thank you father for this opportunity on this day to give you thanks father as we partake of this cup remembering how your son shed his blood for the sins of all mankind we thank you father as we read within your word without the shedding of blood there is no remissions of sin father we realize we know that we have read in your word that life is in the blood father we partake of this cup on this day in remembrance of your son who became our savior we thank you father for this cup and this great memorial we praise you father in the mighty mighty name of jesus and the children of god said amen i know the children of god can say amen once again are you ready are you ready to sing praises under god once again i want to know in my mind that someone is out of their chair out of the bed off the couch having a wonderful time singing praises unto god god bless you let's sing [Music] and praise him [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] praising you [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this morning [Music] do you do you love to praise him do you love to praise him because certainly he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy to be praised we ask that you please keep and sister alan and marie cochran in prayer they are traveling we ask that you keep tamika walker in prayer for her health we all continue to pray for shirley holloway and the white family we are praying for veronica patton and her family as well as sister sue brown and her family jackie jordan and the family or the person of mrs johnny may acklin we're praying for latrice and mason and her family and we want to knew some family to know that we have them in our deep prayers brother craig and his dear wife deborah we want them to know that certainly we continue to pray for you and we apologize that we haven't had an opportunity to come down and at least just just to hold your hand and pray pray with you we want sister sandra watkins to know that we are continue to pray for her and her family over the death of her nephew that the stepfather beat we we we know that that is a tragic death and we apologize that we haven't had the opportunity to see you as of yet but i want you to know that we are praying and the congregation out in california that we've been working with of the elders uh been praying for you and your family because they know what you and your family have undertook in this year and we want you to know that we actually keep you in prayer at all times you and your family we're thankful that uh sister michelle is at home she was released from the hospital let's see on wednesday and i didn't get a chance to make that announcement to you but we are praying for sister palmer as well as sister ruby jean and sister uh jane harris and sister potts sister potts i miss you really do mr farmer you know i miss you uh brother rt sister thornton uh sister lacy and sister wilson we miss all of you but you know there's always somebody that always like to give you a little trouble uh we're praying for uh all of you that we have on our list and we normally would go over a great number of names but i don't want to overlook anyone but just know that we are praying for you will you pray with me please father you spoke and it was done you commanded and it stood fast father we bring our supplications and our thanksgivings unto you ask and father that you will please hear us and answer us father according to your will father we pray for the traveling grace of all of those that are traveling on this day father keep them safe and bring them back father their appointed time father we pray this day for all of our families that have been dealing with death and father we know that we know that you know how our families are dealing with this and what they're dealing with and father we ask that you would give them the strength father that they need to hold on to thy unchanging hand and to continue to grow there with in your word father we ask this day that you would strengthen all of our loved ones father that are ill that are battling with different challenges such as cancer father we ask that you will strengthen them father in a mighty way bless them father to overcome as well as to go through the different treatments and to be blessed by you and to be strengthened by you father father we ask that your blessings be upon sister michelle and father we ask that you would help her father to overcome these different pains and father we're thankful for her mother and her daughter and her husband father that strive to do things for her and to help to her alleviate those different pains that she battles with father we're praying this day for many that's been in different hospitals and different rehabilitation centers and father we ask that you would help them father to overcome father we ask that you will strengthen them and build them up father in a mighty way father we pray this day for many of our loved ones who have fallen from your grace father we ask if it be your will that you would help us father as we reach out and to be a source of encouragement father that we will cause them father to seek the old path and return to the teachings of old father we pray this day for many that are unemployed father that you will open up the doors of opportunities unto them father that they may be able to see your light and to walk through and to magnify you father we pray this day for many fathers that are battling with different challenges within their mind father we know that you know the situation and father we eyes that you would help them as only you can father we are submitting ourselves therefore unto you and father we strive hard to resist the devil that he may flee from us father we draw nigh to you that you will draw nigh unto us father we ask this day that you would renew our strength that we should mount upon the wings of eagles that we shall run and not be weary that we shall walk and not faint father we're thankful for you being such a gracious god father we're thankful that you are a merciful god father we thank you that we've seen your hand of justice and we praising you father for being a just god father will you be the light that guide our feet will you be the map that give us directions will you be that peace for us father while we in the midst of obstacles continuously father to help us to be strong as we seek you father and as we study your word as we read it and meditate therein father we ask that you will bless us on this day as we strive to do your will help us father to be receptive to your word we praise you father in the mighty mighty name of jesus and the children of god said amen amen and amen this morning as we go forth into the study of the word i i need for you to see and i need for you to help me this morning as we close out of galatians uh chapter 6 and verse number 1 as we hear the apostle paul and see what he shows us in the book of galatia paul says brothers if anyone is caught in a transgression you who are spiritual should restore him in the spirit of gentleness keep and watch over yourself lest you too be tempted but we hear the apostle paul we understand that he's striving to gain the attention of the spiritual he's calling upon the spiritual because the spiritual understand that the church will go through its ups and downs the spiritual understand that jesus has already said that in this world he should have tribulation he understands the spiritual understand that we get our peace in jesus the bible says in john 16 and verses number 33 these words have i spoken unto you that in me might have peace he said in the world he should have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world the spiritual understand that we need to be connected and we are connected to the lord therefore i say let us just see today so that we can understand what we need to do to continue to be spiritual in the house of god i know everyone is not spiritual in the house of god because everyone doesn't take the initiative to become strong in the house of god but i want us to see this morning in the word of god especially in the book of of of galatians that the apostle emphasizes the the need to be spiritual strong see there's something that happens that must take place in order to be spiritually strong you need to be spiritual that's why paul talks about being regenerated and reconciled we are regenerated when we go to the watery grave of baptism we are reconciled when we come up out of that watery grave of baptism because we've been washed in the blood of the lamb when we've been washed in the blood of the lamb we are a new creation all things are passed away and we are to grow in the word of god i've been emphasizing and if you want to grow there are some things you've got to lay aside according to first peter chapter 2 verses 1 you've got to make sure that you desire the sincere milk of the word first peter chapter 2 and verse number 2. peter says that we've got to grow in grace and in knowledge second peter 3 and verses number 18 and the only way to do that is that we emphasize the importance of placing the lord first with you want to be spiritually strong you understand it's about putting the lord first the lord must come first in every aspect of your everyday living you don't make decisions upon your own you find out what god would have you to do because you understand that we have been purchased with the blood of jesus christ in romans the 15th chapter and verse number one paul said we who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak and to please and not to please ourselves see the spiritual strong has a purpose and we need to know what our purpose truly is we need to know because god would have us to fulfill our purpose if we intend to make heaven in our home listen as paul talks to the church there in korean and first corinthians chapter 14 and verse number 37 paul says but if anyone thinks he is a prophet are spiritual he should acknowledge the things that i'm writing to you and are commanded of the lord see if you really want to acknowledge that you're spiritually strong that you are spiritual then you acknowledge the teaching you acknowledge the commands you acknowledge the precepts of our lord jesus christ because the spiritually strong has a purpose and we need to find out what our purpose really is so james says my brothers if anyone among you wonders from the truth and someone brings him back let him know that whoever brings a sinner back from the wondrous shall save his soul from death and will cover multitude of sins we have a purpose of reaching out to our brothers and sisters don't take my word for it listen to what james has to say see what the apostle paul said when he said brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault he which are spiritual restored such a one in the spirit of meekness see the spiritual reaches out the spiritual not only reaches out but the spiritual seeks to restore not only does the spiritual reach out and seeks to restore i got one for you i got one for you i got one for y'all you ready are you ready are you ready somebody ought to say stop drop and roll here it is because the spiritual loves regardless it doesn't matter what the individual has done it doesn't matter what the individual has says it doesn't matter because we understand that we have been there before and since we've been there before we know that the love of god covers a multitude of sins we understand that we are not where we used to be and we're thankful to god that we're not there so we reach out not only do we reach out but we seek to restore and we show that we love regardless i'm saying that the spiritually strong has a task on their hand the spiritual for the task at hand y'all got time with me this morning i'm not going to be long but i need to show you some things because see we need to understand if we're going to declare that we're spiritual then we need to show that we are spiritual i understand that no one is perfect but yet paul still says brethren e that are spiritual so he's looking for the spiritual within the church the spiritual within the church must know how to reach out the spiritual within the church will take their desires put them on the sideline and do what the lord has already commissioned paul said if if anyone thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual then you'll receive what i have said and take these things as a command and do them so when the lord speaks his servants must heed well the spiritual prepares what is it that we prepare we prepare to make sure that we go out to restore so in order to prepare you pray for guidance you never go out you never make a call you never reach out without praying for what you're about to do regardless what i'm getting ready to do in the course of a week how i reach out to members how the preparation for bible study of the preparation of a sermon prayer is always first i'm asking god to guide me not only do i seek prayer first but i also plan my approach see before i go to someone before i go to see someone before i reach out i make sure i have a plan i called sister senator watkins last weekend because i wanted to go over and sit down and do a prayer with her so therefore i had to pray before i made the call and then i had to plan what i was going to do therefore i called her to ask her is she mine if i would co if i could come over see it's about making sure that you not considering yourself but you considering the other individual so you've got to place yourself in the other person's shoes so often in in in our spiritual walk we won't put ourselves in somebody else's shoes we've got to see what the other individual is going through we've got to make sure that we understand the other individual therefore you you got to make your plans you got to make a plan and then plan the day and the place to make your approach it's not about doing it haphazardly that's why we can't get done what needs to be done because we are doing it haphazardly but i got something for you i got something for you i got something for you are you ready are you ready here it is persecution is not allowed persecution is not allowed because we find ourselves in the same predicament we've got to make sure that we're not looking down upon somebody but we're trying to help them to look up and see the goodness of god it's about making sure they see the greatness that's in god therefore we've got to be the spiritual to help somebody so i say let us just see what it's about sin it's about seeing the struggles that take place within the lord's church sometimes what we're looking for is not necessarily what's needed to be looked for sometimes it's about going a little bit further it's about removing ourselves to make sure that we see the other then you got to see the scene i showed you the scene because it's about that gladly received the word it's about understanding that the lord has given us a joy that should we should never allow the world to take away from us it's about displaying that joy to this cruel and dying world how else will they ever come out of darkness if they don't see that we are radiant and running over with joy but then but then the spiritual who is the spiritual those that have been called out of darkness into his marvelous light to show forth the praises of him that recognize that at one time i was not a people but now i'm the people of god the spiritual seeks to grow in grace and in knowledge the spiritual understands laying some things aside but you've got to see what the apostle considers in order to show us what the spiritual is all about so he says brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault he with your spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted what you're trying to show me paul paul said if you hold on it's right there what it is is that we miss it the spiritual sees and remembers where they came from but they are thankful that they are no longer there lord have mercy paul said i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i in other words he says what you see in me is not really me it's really jesus i want you you need to be able to see jesus in my life and this is what the apostle considers he said let's just see because it's needful that we see what is it that we need to see who are the spiritual and the bible if we ask the bible the right question god would always open the door that we can get the right answer i showed you this when we started this over in first corinthians chapter three because it's needful that we remember this because we have a purpose and there's something that people need to see and there are things that people don't need to see so paul says but i brothers could not address you as spiritual people that should be enough right there he said i couldn't even address you as spiritual people because you're not spiritual he says but as people of the flesh as infants in christ i fed you with milk and not solid food for you were not ready for it for even now you are not ready for you are still in the flesh for ye are yet calling for wherein there is among you envying strife division are you not carnal and walk as men i guess we need to take a time and look at this because we need to be able to see what's really here so as we talk about let us just see what is envy what is envy say loss is the envious and contentious rivalry do you mean you tell me there is a rivalry within the house of god for some reason or another the devil will cause a rivalry between brothers and sisters within the spiritual fold and if you bite off into this and take off into this then you are not spiritual well he talks about strife errors he says there's contention he said there is a a a a quarreling that's going on you mean to tell me that there is a quarreling that takes place within god's people let me tell you something let me tell you let me say it again and let me say it clear not everyone that's in the body of christ are spiritual minded individuals it doesn't matter how long they have been in the body of christ it depends on the level and the opportunity that they take to look at the word of god decide that they want to grow in god's word if they want to make a change that they want to make a difference and that difference will not only be seen by them but the first and foremost be seen by god when it's seen by god god will make sure that it's seen by others he talks about division dissension he talks about standing apart how can brothers and sisters that's trying to make heaven their home stand apart john says hi is it even remotely possible that you can say that you love me and you've never seen me but yet you hate your brother or your sister who you see every day how is it that you can say that you really striving to be spiritual when there is contention when there is a standing apart when there is a rivalry taking place within your life have i not told you that in order to worship me you've got to first go and reconcile with your brother with your sister you bring your gift to the altar but you've got to go and reconcile with your brother and sister and then you come back and then you can worship me what you trying to get us to see i'm trying to get us to see the significance if we want to be spiritual we've got to take what the lord has saying what the lord has shown us through his word we've got to make sure that we use every avenue that the lord placed before us to make sure our matters are straight look look we never know where that last day could be we never know when god can close our eyes that we will never open them up again to this side of life who are the spiritual the spirits are those who are controlled and guided by the spirit of god in other words the word of god dwells within us and we function we move we're motivated by the word of god we make our decisions based upon the word of god we carry ourselves as children of life not as children of darkness when the question is asked who are the spiritual someone need to say you've got to be controlled and guided by the lord i say help us lord help us lord we see it and we know it but yet we refuse to allow you to direct us we've got to let's let us just see what are we trying to see are we walking in the spirit see if you're going to walk in the spirit that means that you are allowing the word of god to direct you yeah you're allowing god to cause you to reach out you're allowing god to make you to motivate you to make that call you're allowing god to cause you to go by and see that into this you're allowing god to make sure that you get off the stool of do nothing and do something for the lord because the lord does not want lazy individuals in his kingdom we've got to be working an aesthetic work to make heaven our home let us just see walking by the spirit is walking by the spirit represents the reliance upon the lord lord i trust you lord i i i want you to lead and i will follow lord i want you to speak and i will listen lord i want you to direct and i will follow lord i need you to be the god of my life because i made too many mistakes already lord i'm dependent simply up on you so i say let us see because the scriptures can show the spiritual did you know that you can actually see the spiritual in the spirit of god it's in the word of god watch this watch this watch this you won't miss this one i know there are some that we try to miss but you won't miss this one in romans chapter eight verses five and verse number six he said for for those who live accordingly to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh but those who live according to the spirit set their minds on the things of the spirit for to set the mind on the flesh is death but to set the mind on the spirit is life and peace if you know that peace is in jesus if you know that life is in jesus don't you know that you need to be in jesus i'm talking to somebody because they say that they are in jesus but they were not baptized for the remissions of their sin they were baptized because they had faith they said they had faith that they were already saved you're not saved until you are in christ jesus i'm trying to help us to leave that teaching alone that's out there in the world follow the teaching that's right here in the word of god that's why i would rather show you the scriptures because see sometimes it's easy for us to quote these scriptures and and to remind individuals of them but it means much more that when you see it for yourself but when you see it for yourself and then you can go over and and examine it all over again i promise you it has a different meaning to you but you know i always like to go and get different versions so that i can actually see so that i can actually show what's actually there well watch this watch this my spiritual brothers and sisters if one of our faithful has fallen into a trap and is snagged by sin don't stand idle and watch his demise gently restore him being careful not to step into your own snack oh oh lord stop okay lord you need to behave i'm trying i'm trying so hard but see when i when i i get into this word and i get excited i get to seeing some things and i say you you know god's people need to see this because god's people need to be able to relate to this god's people need to understand see even in this discipline is here see god's children got to be disciplined i told you we're looking at the 3d christianity in 2021 in order to do this you've got to see how to be a disciple we've been working on that you've got to see how to develop spiritually everything that we've done from our bible study to the sermons have been focused upon developing spiritually and yes we've got to see the importance of discipline what discipline trains us my grandmother will say boy i got to get you i got to tear you up because if i don't tear you up you won't remember that what you did was wrong and you're going to try to do it again as a matter of fact even though i disciplined you this time chances are you're going to try to do it again but i gotta get you to understand the importance of discipline oh but see sometimes sometimes sometimes we don't understand why it is but discipline teaches us respect lord y'all don't know y'all don't i don't see this see see sometimes sometimes we catch ourselves doing some things that we should not do because we don't respect god enough oh lord floyd i'm serious why do you think we say the things that we say because we don't respect god enough god how am i saying how can cursings and blessings flow from the same mouth is because we don't respect god like we need to respect god let me let me go here let me go here let me go here let me go here over in hebrews chapter 12. listen listen listen that the hebrew writing says he says for they discipline us for a short time and it has seemed best to them but he disciplines us for our good lord our mercy that we may share his holiness for the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant but rather it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weakness and make straight paths for your feet so what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed here it is he says strive for peace with everyone and for the holiness without which one will see which no one will see the lord if you're not striving to walk in holiness you won't see the lord therefore the lord disciplines us for our good i'd rather be disciplined on this side than to open up my eyes on the other side and be in torment lord i understand that discipline is the train and discipline is to teach i i understand but still the question is needful it's need for lord that we understand the spiritual see the spiritual are in the body of christ the spiritual sees that i once was lost but now i'm found i used to live in sin but now i strive to stay out of sin because i know a savior and his name is jesus i know that i used to be with my head drooped and my hands drew but now i can raise my hand and praise i can lift up my voice and praise i can lift up my eyes toward heaven i can lift up my parts and give god thanks i i love to shout hallelujah now because i know what it's really about so when we talk about what is needful it's needful that we have the spiritual direction we need to spend time in the word of god spend time listening to the word of god but also spend time and really making sure that you read the word of god that you studied the word of god when we talk about what what what what is it that is need for that spiritual growth you need to look where you are and you need to make up your mind i need to develop spiritually because i am a disciple of jesus christ i want to be that spiritual individual i know that i'm not perfect but yet i still need to be spiritual therefore that spiritual growth is needed that's spiritual awareness lord i see what you try to show me in the word i'm gonna spend more time in the word and i'm gonna change my life you've got to be aware of what's happening in your walk with god you got to be aware of if you're not walking with god and you've got to be aware of that spiritual participation you've got to reach out to somebody and you've got to make sure that you you that you are willing to to pray with one another that you're ready to talk with one another about the word of god see what happens the pandemic showed us that we needed the lord but somewhere the devil creeped up and and decided what we can do is we can make them lazy what we can do is we can take away we can take away some things and we can make sure they get it that they get distracted and that they lose their sight because they're not focusing that if that focus they can't have that fight to fight the good fight of faith i'm talking about brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault he which are spiritual restore such one in the spirit of meekness lord i've seen the struggles because the church will have struggles every day that we hear on this side of life we're gonna have some struggles but we can't forget the scene how that we gladly received the word we can't forget the scene how that how that the lord gave us a joy that we should never let the world take away and and the spiritual look i remember where i was but i know where i am and since i know where i am i don't mind i don't mind telling you brothers if anyone is caught up in a transgression you who are spiritual should restore him in the spirit of gentleness keep watch on yourself lest you two be tempted i told you let us just see i'll say it again let us just see it's needful that we see the spiritual and that we see what the lord is trying to show us through the churches of galatia and through the life of the apostle paul i'm talking to someone this morning you're wondering stop wondering and i'm telling you you need to be washed in the blood of the lamb so that you can be a king and a priest you need to hear jesus when he says that which is born of the flesh is flesh but that which is born of the spirit is spirit that's the spiritual so he says marvel not that i say that a man must be born again oh we're going to go through trials and tribulations we're going to house our ups and downs but remain spiritual allow the word of god to direct you we either our children of god understand that when we think bad thoughts lord forgive me when we do bad things lord please forgive me lord i need you because i can't direct myself and if you're not in christ jesus you don't have this opportunity you need to have this opportunity so that you can grow in grace and in knowledge jesus said he that is baptized shall be saved he does not shall be damned paul would say for as many as been baptized into christ have put on christ in christ you walk by faith you walk according to the word of god the spiritual direction of god someone that's listening need to take heed because we desire for you to be saved life as we know it is just a vapor it appeared for a long time and then vanishes away let's prepare to leave this world because this world is not our home someone needs to be baptized for the remission of their sins someone need to acknowledge their transgressions and ask that the lord forgive you because he's just to forgive us of all of our sins truly we serve a great god and we need to walk in the light as he's in the light that we might have fellowship one with the other will you pray with me please a father a god we thank you father that we can see the spiritual father help each of us father to allow your word to direct us father allow us this day father to become deeply rooted within your word that father we will be likes to this dark in them world that father we will reach out one to the other to participate in helping one another to make heaven our home father truly we're thankful this day for this opportunity to be receptive of your word and father we thank you for the power of your word father help us that we might be able to help one another father help us that we might be able to reach up and to magnify your name father we pray for alan and marie for their traveling grace and all of those that are traveling father we pray for our families that have been dealing with death strengthen them fathers only thou can father help us that father we will reach out to one another to encourage one another to fight the good fight of faith father we thank for this day for brother walker father we thank you for his diligence and father we thank you for his expertise father we ask your blessings upon tamika the father you will heal her and strengthen her father we ask that you would protect this family in a mighty way father we ask this day that you would strengthen each of us to become strong in your word father give us that motivation that zeal father to read to study and to meditate therein father we thank for this day that we've had this opportunity and father we praise you in the mighty mighty name of jesus and the children of god said amen it is our prayer that you have enjoyed the worship service on this day that you will take the opportunity once again and just simply go through this book and read and to see the spiritual it's about let us just see as always we want to encourage you because we know that we serve a risen savior we know that we serve a gracious god therefore it is our prayer that the lord bless you and not just bless you but bless you real well have a wonderful day in the lord jesus [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] deeply stand within seeking to rise [Music] is me [Music] [Music] me [Music]
Channel: Blue Spring Road Church of Christ
Views: 160
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 5wvPPket6m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 45sec (3825 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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