Prayer Evangelism - Ed Silvoso (Sunday, 12 Jun 2016)

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we are so amazingly blessed we were blessed anyway but we're we just feel like the the windows of heaven have been opened upon us we had a great weekend with Ed Silvo so transformation Canada you know Dirk Matt and Bruce man you guys were all so so so key in putting this together but it's a privilege to be able to host Edsel oh so last year when Ed was here we were on holidays I think it was an aversive 25th last year when you were here so again it was a family thing that keeps us away but I'm still glad to be here this morning when ed was here and I feel like anybody that I've spoken to in reference to the message that Ed brings is so challenged in a great way and I still want to honor the fathers and the mothers in the faith those that have gone on before us those that have opened doors or just kind of you know made their way through and giving access to many of the rest of us to be able to go through and I'm believing God for transformation in our city in our region in our province in our nation and I know that you're going to be challenged in the same way and so I would urge you to really have your heart you know have your ears tuned to what ed it's got to say but also if your spiritual leaders tuned to what the Holy Spirit is saying as we can take away something that brings action even to Lourdes how can I take action on the things that I'm hearing how can I not just be a hearer of the word but the doer of the word this morning so why don't we stand and welcome ed Silvo so god bless you head you're a father in the faith and John Arnott was spending some time with our brother ed in across the pond and was so thrilled by you know the privilege to being with this man and I tell you when you get to bright and shining lamps together there's a blaze of glory coming forth now is impostor John impostor Patricia wonderful pasta come on give them come on give them in he can do better than come on please remain standing I am delighted to be here let me put you at ease there is nothing wrong with your hearing is my accent I'm from Argentina and can you learn English later in life it comes out rusty so what you do you treat my a speech like a difficult to catch radio broadcast and once you get there stay there but folks I'm here to preach good news say goodness not good advice good news and there is a big difference between goodness and good advice good advice is what your banker gives you the way he forecloses on you throws you out of your house and tells you to stop at the Salvation Army to get a bed that's good advice but goodness is when your banker the day he was supposed to foreclose on you they'll invite you to lunch to the most expense expense of restaurant and tells you that the foreigner stranger walking to the bank paid your mortgage in full and left a million dollars for you to spend as a way that is good news and the Spirit of the Lord is upon me to give good news to you and we're going to begin right now whatever problems you brought here whatever problems you left in the car those problems like alligators okay go take a break in two hours we'll be here we are going to take our authority over that we are going to break the stronghold of the evil one you may say but what are they did I don't feel the anointing don't worry dude okay we are anointed we have 87 genell's of intercession in six continents on prayer for you this morning and if you are going through hell don't stop keep walking until you get out and that's what we are going to do so intercessors on the double now everybody hold hands with us next to you even across the Jordan River in the Red Sea there we are a family and the reason why we are holding hands is because some of you are overflowing you say okay it paint the target I'm on it but others and we all have paste like that you are barely hanging in there by the skin of your nails and that's we are holding hands because at one moment we're gonna see God bless the one on my right and bless the one on my left in can you do that you sent out the anointing and is taking the anointing and by the time we say Amen that they will call a sick day and he would leave on it so we're gonna pray together I want you to roll like a lion so put Tabasco sauce on your voice don't say your mr. Dipple I'm so afraid could you back off no great that is he who is in you that they one who eats in the world and then so let's give heaven to the devil say with me father God let it be known in heaven and on earth that here now today we your people in dwell by your spirit in the name of Jesus we exhort you we magnify you we be clear you are greater you are bigger your is stronger than any problem and you live in us and gratefully see who lives in me that the one who eats in the world father God let your kingdom come let your will be done in the name of Jesus I say Satan in Jesus name begone begone from my 9:00 tonight body from my family in Jesus name begone father god bless the person on my right bless the one on my left touch them bless them feel them deliver them prosper them let your kingdom come and we say to Toronto and we say to Ontario and even to Canada Canada in the name of Jesus get up and walk did a prince lie Canada your teeth is here his Will shall be done and we proclaim to the north into the south to the east and to the west yours is the kingdom you are the king of kings you are the Prime Minister the Prime Minister you are the premier the Premier's you are in charge your seize the power and yours is the glory forever amen and I'll give a big shout to the big house hallelujah no shake glory glory hallelujah now remember when Paul and his friends suffer shipwreck they landed on an island it was a miserable weather it was raining it was cold it was chilly and Paul was gathering some wood just to warm up the people and a snake bit him and stay there attached to his hand but did Paul do he shook it shut it of the fire the fire of the Holy Spirit is here so I wanted to shake it come on shake shake it say I am free say confess it Satan I get free shake and we are just beginning this is gonna be fun so before you sit down let virtue come out of you now let a spiritual life come out as you look at somebody in the eye and tell that person I love you and there is nothing you can do about it do it okay you may be seated you may be seated again I feel so honored to get to know Pastor John pastor Patricia to meet some of their children my wife Ruth and I have four daughters they are all married they cooperated with her husbands and they gave us 12 grandchildren the youngest one is three she thinks she's 20 but she 3 the oldest one is 23 they are all on fire for God most of them learn to receive tongues before they learn to speak English you know incredible gift of healing I mean we will take them even when they couldn't speak a word in the language two places lay hands on people and boom and they were healed they were delivered and in a sign you may have heard me say before my wife and I were mentored by Canadian missionaries that went to Argentina when the revival was in there when the average church size was 20 members I became a Christian as as a teenager and I was the first and I'd remain the only born-again Christian in high school population in a city of a hundred and twenty thousand and was the only Christian in the world place and was the only Christian in my neighborhood but I have a passion I have a fire that God one day will break through and we will see not only people but the nation transformed but you know friend you are young you are idealistic but once in the world you need some reality to encourage you and this missionary coupled that today are on the cloud of witnesses urging us to carry on they came to my hometown and one day look at us in the eye and virtue came out of them and they said one day you will change a city I have nothing in the natural of which to help that but it was an importation an importation is different than the teaching both are important a teaching hits your mind and eventually trickles down to your soul an importation hits your soul and changes your mind and does what happened and even though I haven't I couldn't see it at that moment I saw it in the spirit because the memory of faith is not unbelief the memory of faith is memory is the remembrance of everything that hasn't happened and that maybe will never happen and I'm here to tell you today that our intercessors all over the world in six continents as they pray the receiving word that this weekend something extraordinary will be activated in Toronto and they will sweep Canada ago all over the world receive it in the name of Jesus receive it in us I had been be like to meet your pastors and last night we sat across each other was such a lovely evening and the Lord said remind John and Patricia that I'm about to explode the membership of this church that this will explode it will go out of control but it will not be driven although it will be aided by the preachers it will be powered by you the people in the field today you will receive an anointing today's Pentecost Sunday so we are on the right track and as I explained in my book prayer evangelism the church was not born in the Upper Room the church was conceived in the Upper Room but it was born we gotta steer them with the sound of a mighty wind and got them out in the marketplace and it was in the multiplayer they were baptized with the Holy Spirit it was in the marketplace where Peter preached it was in the marketplace but the free first 3,000 people got saved so the church was born in the marketplace that's where you live that's where you work in that's right and clear with one mission that you will love Monday's as much as you love Sundays the doctor today when the bell goes off tomorrow morning you will say thanks God is Monday but let me put it in perspective I have had the privilege to preach too many people millions I have the honor to lead many to the Lord I have two brothers-in-law who are well-known evangelist one is my wife brother Luis Palau the other one is my brother-in-law Juan Carlos Ortiz so can you imagine when we get together what we talked about okay transforming the world but way back when I became a Christian I knew that I was an evangelist but I had a major handicap I was very very shy I have learned to fake it because shy creatures starved to death okay but I am a shy person I mean if I have a choice I'll be with my wife with my kids reading a book playing games but you know could you're an evangelist you have to be gregarious you have to talk you have to smile that's okay that's part of the cost of doing business but growing up I was tormented because I had a passion to see people led to the Lord and I didn't know how to do it and even if somebody told me how to do it I felt so important has that happened to some of you and I remember one day you know time and again I'd be tortured by the thought that I was growing into the presence of God the judgment seat of Christ in the crowding hell is Hell which shout that guy work next to me he rode on a bus he never told me about Jesus and I felt so guilty and so bad about that and maybe some of you can identify with that you have a relative you have friends you have neighbors you will love to tell them but your mouth is grew and things got really bad because this big preacher well-known evangelist game and I said okay I cannot learn something from this guy oh this guy was a hero of mine he was huge and she came to the pulpit and he look at us with the piercing eyes and he didn't look like a happy camper and she said waving the Bible no one should hear the gospel price until everybody has heard that once and he bailed on the pulpit I will not preach to you today I'm gonna pay you up in group of stew and you will go we'll knock on doors and tell people about Jesus at that moment I was so tempted to pray for an earthquake a flood a storm something to hit the church not because I didn't want to do that but because they thought of nothing on doors and telling people paralyzed me and they said well I hope they pair me up with one of these guys that they can make a stop sign dance you know but my process is add you have the calling you lead these younger Christian on how to witness oh my goodness think here we go and I have to knock on the door and I knock as softly as I can hoping that no one will come to the door but not because I don't want to tell them but because I feel so important to do it and bill credit here's some shuffling behind the door link open he's a little kid and I have some candies and they can sit down there until one day God show me put here evangelist and this shy evangelist became a liar and I began to see people led to the Lord and that's right today I'm releasing the anointing for you to do the work of evangelism we Gloucester as a lifestyle not having to think about it but being naturally by the way this PowerPoint I'll be glad to give it to you and you know you just drop on the bookstore for the books art for sale I understand your email address and in two days you will get it this is a problem will you read it with me one two three the god of this age so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ so the problem is that the gospel the problem is and the glory of the gospel the problem is that the devil has put Brandon on the eyes of the people so that's the problem don't blame it on the people blame it on the table he's the one who is blind with your children your spouse your neighbors they are there it doesn't matter how powerful how elephant your testimony is it doesn't get too far even if you muster the courage to do it but what's the solution this is what God gave Paul three days after he became a believer we should read the with me number one two three I am sending you and from the Dominion of Satan to God now look at this there are three actions they are open their eyes say open their eyes turn from darkness to light flee the Dominion of Satan these are free actions that describe your compulsion your eyes were open you turn to the light and you walk away from the power of the devil but then they butcher this if you are shite like me you don't have to pull them out of a Dominion of the devil you don't have to turn their heads to the light all you need to do is open their eyes because if you open their eyes they will turn to the light I learned that a hard way you know I travel we have a network of about 3,000 leaders all over the world so my wife and I are travelling like we did this weekend here and sometimes I change hotels more than once in a week and could you change hotels and you get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and you forgot that you have changed hotels and in the last hotel the bathroom was to the left and in this one is to the right do you hit the wall very quickly on what occasion I walk into the closet thinking it was the bathroom and I was bouncing all over the closet where is the bathroom until I learned a trick a nightlight and I carry a nightlight and I put it there in can I open my eyes where do they turn to the nightlife so today you're gonna learn how to turn on that light and let me also say Satan doesn't have a kingdom he really celebrates the amazing form preachers talk about the kingdom of Satan nowhere in the Bible is called a king what he has is a Dominion and they said different between Kingdom in the although you call this the Dominion of Canada but forget that one for a moment a kingdom is a legitimate institution a domain ian is held by force so the devil is a squatter he has taken over the lives of people but he has no deed of trust to their souls because the blood of Jesus paid the price and so receive that the devil cannot put a legal fight but you need to do is go there in the power of the Holy Spirit so what I want to show you is a quick overview of the Gospel of Luke and busybodies in my book prayer evangelism the first nine chapters the climate was so hostile so hostile I mean where there were be nonce popping up like popcorn on a hot skillet I mean Beeman's felt so cocky that they even plea bargain with Jesus if we plead guilty can we go to the page rather than to the pit his disciples got demon eyes he told the buter on what spirit you are off I mean and he was so bad that even though Jesus was winning every fight he didn't feel for a moment that he had the energy to win the war and look at Jesus lowest point in ministry she told beast to the Apostles not to the Pharisees not to the Sadducees not to be demonized people to the apostles or unbelieving and perverted generation how much longer shall I be with you and then she twisted and put up with you and I'm sure you pass or have felt that way sometimes I mean we put a live repeats and people don't get it and Jesus is saying how much longer this is the lowest point in chapter 9 because the demons have even infiltrated his team but now cross over to chapter 10 and from chapter 10 on never again Jesus had to cast out a demon I see some of you doing Bible Google's are you sure apostolate I'm sure I wrote the book only to demon son mention what in Chapter II lemon 1 in chapter 13 Jesus Lee they have to rebuke them He healed the women that they were tormented in be demons left without slamming the door I mean incredible changing climate and now Jesus reached the highest emotional point at that time Jesus full of joy through the Holy Spirit said I praise you Father Lord of Heaven and Earth because what was happening in heaven is happening now here very interesting this is the only place in before Gospels where Jesus is reported as rejoicing it doesn't mean she didn't rejoice at other times but the holy spirit found it important to highlight as the only time why was he so down because one demon beat his team in Chapter 9 why was he so happy in chapter 10 because every demon submitted to his apostles and disciple and decent what the Lord was doing and that's right we need to understand that the key to winning your neighbors your friends your co-workers to the Lord is changing the spiritual climate over your sphere of influence so that that eyes will be open the turning point between the hostile climate and the friendly climate is chapter 10 something happened in chapter 10 number one the seventy we don't know if it was 70 or 72 I think that's intentional the Lord didn't want to give us any specifics we don't have a single name I think that's intentional too so that rate from on people like you and me would say that could be one of me these are not the guys who wrote the books of the New Testament they are Tremonti pillai q and me bacon back we should say Lord even the demons are subject to your name every demon will run in to say I surrender that was very important because in Chapman and 1b mom kicked the lower back of the Apostles and Jesus says I'll tell you why you sattva quarterback but he didn't put it that way but he said I was watching Satan who is the master puppeteer falls down to earth like lightning in Courage Satan fell down to earth the demons surrender and what we are going to learn today is how to change the spiritual climate in your immediate sphere of influence so that the forces of evil that are they are blinding your friends and relatives to the Lord will fall down and you will be able to lead them to the Lord because they can no longer blind them there are three T's key number one we must preach the gospel of the kingdom I mean in chapter 16 this is six chapters later it says the law in the Prophet will proclaim until John since then the gospel of the kingdom say gospel of the kingdom is preached and how many people are responding say it louder and how are they doing it they are forcing their way into it forcing their way into what is the law and the prophets the law and the prophets is the Old Testament you did wrong you're going to be punished for that that's important because we have to be reminded of our sinfulness but the kingdom is goodness please enjoy when you go to your neighbours to your people with goodness peace and joy you open the eyes to the light of the gospel and we have to change that I remember when I began to practice these that law rebuked me because I was so upset with my neighbors across the street I had a couple that they weren't having been married and she was changing one husband after the other and it was a terrible example for our daughters and next to her there was a teenager who was a grouch and probably he was he was dealing drugs and on the left of her house there was a couple that they were sour pickles and they were impossible to live with and I will pray Lord let your righteousness be sure on that marriage and this young guy here I want an angel with a flaming sword and Lord if he ever tries to talk to my daughter you know what to do and these couple necks don't move them and just as early hold it you're being too harsh but Lord I'm telling the truth they are adulterous don't be less our political she say yes but when you tell the truth with anger it's like giving kisses with bad breath no one wants seconds okay you have to from below in the profits to the gospel of the kingdom you have to put some sugar on your lips so that they come back for more so receive right now receive right now the beginning the C&O anything to be able to preach the gospel of the kingdom any key number to deployment to the right location Jesus says you know I send you to into ahead of me to every seat in place but he himself was going to come he sent them ahead of him would you like Jesus to show up in your neighborhood say yes or no would you like him to show up in your school yes or no would you like him to show up at world yes or no don't pray about it you go ahead of him you go ahead of him you are the one who will open the way and then she said the harvest is plentiful the workers are few therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest and then the devil Christmas for more workers because we don't have enough and it paralyzes us doesn't and what the verse says prayed that the few workers will go to the field my grandfather was a rancher and every year he had the big harvest it was a year that he didn't have enough workers and he didn't wait for more workers we began to build the harvest whatever we had and that's right when I was praying for the pastor's I was praying for this world of revival I saw that God wants to mobilize the workers that you have that they are relatively few for the Toronto area but if the few workers go to the harvest the harvest will produce more work and somebody say amen to that and then he told them your lamps sale and they are wolf say wolf lambs don't wake up in the morning and say baa where there isn't mean but wolf to have fellowship with Christians don't like sinners we don't like bad sinners but he say you go to them why because I will give you the tools to break that and he gave them four steps and this is what he'll a shy evangelist to become a bold evangelist step number one bless them speak peace over them why because when you begin to bless those that are cursing you you break the curse a curse can be broken anytime in the name of Jesus a blessing can never be broken not with wrong if you have any doubts as ISA she says hey he stole it for me I run it back sorry I can so really given Paul says don't lay hands on people too hastily why why don't you lay hands the blessing is there but more powerful when people curse you and you bless them you break that curse so you bless them when I began to bless two things happen number one my heart changed I felt in power it doesn't matter what they are throwing at me I can throw by something better and bigger but number two they began to feel the blessing because the Bible says if there is not a man of peace the peace will come back to you if you can tell when it bounces they can tell producing Devine and so my wife and I began to pray a walk and neighborhood and our cupboard was a dog's Sabrina and people thought they are walking the dog the dog was the cover we will say Lord that couple that were fighting last night we speak peace over that marriage the teenager there we say in crisis forgiven and been reached you began to come out of us and been our neighbor we say things like these when you go by I get a good vibration that's the description of peace somebody said and the last party you changed the Karma the moment you walk in the door I mean something changed and then eventually those tables began to reach out to us and to say could you pray for peace could you help at that and that's the anointing of blessing number 2 fellowship with them and you see when you begin to bless them if you are shy like I am you don't have to go say hi neighbor and pastor and I'll be blessing you that's a death sentence for a shy guy you have got five houses to the right five to the left train across history and you bless them without them knowing and sooner or later the door is open in that neighbor comes for the cup of sugar or needs to borrow a tool to fix the car or whatever and what you don't rich eat & Greet and let them pay for it that's what he says whatever they put before you I mean Christians are so insecure that even when they have it be known in advance at least be them we stock the back pain of us against two of them no grow their greatly see who is in you be normal watch Argentina win the table this week you know don't do something like the hi I mean eat and drink and whatever they give you but with these families that blessing open the door to fellowship that sour pickle neighbor I'll tell you I was able to fellowship with him after they bless but that opens the door to minister to their felt needs and sooner or later that's you're munching pizza having a drink with them or just walking the dog together they gonna open up and they will say you know my daughter is dating the wrong guy or my husband job he seems your partner and that you tell them if you don't mind and include you in my prayers and see where it goes I still have to find one person to tell me know everybody said yes like this morning pastor Tony and I were having breakfast and I mean Christians are so funny they go to a restaurant they act normal until the food comes and then they get very dancing pray our Lord bless this food whether they expecting the death fish to come back to life a junk of carcass to be reunited I mean that food is already blessed God gave it to you say grace but don't pray your blessing the blessing is needed by the waitress that may be stupid blood like pastor Patricia said all they have is ten dollars to the name what's their feed usually they are swollen and so this morning pastor Tony says it when you bring the food we would like to pray for you and the guy asks for prayer and we became friends why because she told us about the knee by noon nice that he has I mean it was incredible we feel like old friends because when we walk into the restaurant I spoke piece and then we fellowship with the way how are you doing today and then he opened up and say yeah my sister had the baby and she can use a blessing and not look at the step number four proclaim the kingdom of God has done me are you Jesus hasn't come yet who brought the kingdom aunts so look at this that repeat after me bless Fellowship Minister proclaim keep watching my finger in the old paradigm you will begin with proclamation repent or burn nobody wants an invitation for his own funeral but you bless them your heart changes their heart changes do you begin to fellowship you act normal with them you cheer for the same thing or whatever they open up you offer the prayer and then they want to know who is these Jesus let me illustrate this with an example that you will find it on our website and that's why Pastor John I feel so strong that the explosion is coming to this church a pastor that have worked for 16 years as a missionary from England to Thailand after 16 years he had the second largest church in Thailand 43 members that's how hard it was but he came to the conference and he learned about the transformation principles depend on the last thing we got together and he said ok yet what do I do when I go back I said preach 2 things for evangelism and anointed for business show everybody that they are in medicine on Mondays as much as you're the minister on Sunday and he began to do and among before t3 that he was reaching to there was a lady who was selling ice cream on the streets of bukit thailand and she had been ice cream wagon and the pastor bought her a motorcycle and for ten years even though the Lord has healed her of cancer a stage for she witnessed but never let anyone because she was reaching the law in the prophet's judgment is funny god knows what you are but now she anointed the tricycle with oil and she said this is not a tricycle this is a chariot of fire she pick up the stones and she says this and other strands these are errors she pray over the ice cream and as she began to make the rounds I mean her tricycle was a mobile Ark of the Covenant the presence of God was there and people tasted the ice field that was blessed and they thought that she has changed the brand no it was anointed Iceland in her sales went through the roof but as people were coming she spoke peace and they kept coming she fellowship and opened up and listened and received these in one year she led 700 people to the Lord that were baptized enjoying the church somebody say Amen to that but because she understood that the ultimate goal was to change the province to change the city every day she made an intentional be told by the governor's mansion and there was no way she could get to the governor but he didn't matter she parked the tricycle and she sent the blessing over the world and not really like this governor Rico he was so corrupt but she says he doesn't know he's my sheep but I surely know I'm his pastor Lord bless him today and one day the door open in the governor bought an ice cream and the moment he licked the ice cream the power encounter because that was blessed I screamed and not be lady who is very loudly tells the highest Manning the land you should come to church on Sunday this is a Buddhist nation the governor is been invited to a purpose on church pre pastored by a British missionary but the anointing was something the kingdom of God has come very close to the governor and he said where is your church and on Sunday he shows up but she forgot to tell the pastor in from the governor that is mr. corruption obscene the pastor is preaching on paradigm number five in my book the to eliminate poverty we must uproot corruption and he sees the guy walking and he tells God can I change my message right would you like to do that because he can revoke my visa you can do that but I can revoke your next breath okay you win so he went on and preached and the government listened didn't look happy left early and the pastor told his wife honey we better pack she's gonna call me and she's gonna kick me out sure enough on Thursday the governor call him invited him to eat and the restaurant and he says well isn't that nice before she kicks me she's gonna feed me and could they go to the restaurant he says Sunday was a your jersey is like notice and you preach on corruption yes I remember that's the first shoes here comes the second and I didn't like it because I have taken a million-dollar bribe from the hospital and I left early to return the bribe and when I gave it to the guy who gave me the prime who was the construction company owner she said what if you're repentant yours I'll return mine to here is half a million and now the governor see faith reaches under the pavement and pulls up a bag with a million and a half dollars and said you take it to the pastor but they keep pops the question do you think that Jesus can forgive me that's a Buddhist in the Buddhist nation asking the pastor that's like going fishing and before you cast the line the biggest trout jumps on the boat kisses you on both sheets and ask you for directions to the frying pan it can be any easier than that the reason why it works is because that ice cream lady took the kingdom of God to the government the governor got saved that mealy early half dollar was set up as a fund to help the poor in a point that the parcel receive ministered of righteousness in every paper that crossed the desk of the mayor of the governor was reviewed by the pastor and in less than a year over seven million dollars in bribes were returned why why not quite none so in conclusion the key is to impart faith to impart please you see we must lift up Jesus all over the city do you have a fellowship that being conservative is a thousand people in which one of you were to adopt one hundred people that you know them you work with them you go to school with them they live next door to you you don't have to tell them but you do it their sphere of influence of this church jumps to a hundred thousand overnight and now you are empowered so you begin to lift up Jesus all over the city and when you lift him up Satan falls down and demons that are blinding your relatives your neighbors like the governor and so forth by the way that pastor today last month broke before the thousand membership record incredible the Prime Minister is being discipled by the ice cream lady the Police Commission has been discipled by the gamin on so let the Lord speak to you because he went oh I'm talking about the governor I began with an angstrom lady who has never let anyone through the Lord let the Lord speak to you let the Lord speak to you today let the Lord speak to you right now so could you do that Satan falls down and now you have Christians all over the place ready to trample over the power of the Evil One so let the Lord speak to you right now because I remember him the Lord rebuked me and he told me you are giving pieces with bad breath you don't love people you need my compassion right there on the sidewalk of my neighborhood I had to be three baptized in the Holy Spirit I have to receive the power of the Holy Spirit to have the compassion of Jesus for the Lost and for my neighbors and if the Lord is speaking to you let him bring to your mind right now your neighbors be unsaved relative the people you work with would you like them to be saved yes or no would you like them to be saved yes or no without God you can't but without you he want we need to partner with God we need to say God give me a new card give me a baptism of compassion and that's why that's what God wants to do today so if you would like to receive the anointing for these well the worship team Jones is here on the platform would you stand up where you are right now but only if you are ready for the Lord to touch you and to change something in your heart something in your heart and if you already put your hands like this before you and we're gonna ask God to give you a new anointing in anointing of compassion like somebody who is given fresh water in the wilderness and people are dying of thirst you will receive it now I have people praying for you to receive it so look at your hands one more time and now pray out loud this prayer and father God I ask you for a new anointing in a knowing thing of compassion compassion for the lost father had my hands on it be but I ask you by faith did be a new Annoying Thing and by faith I receive it right now Bank faith are you having by faith I will use it in Jesus name now take your hands and put them on your chest take the big breath they say I have receiveth and remaining the presence of the phone remain in the presence of Allah let me anoint it percolate let let it reach the innermost part of your heart the anointing breaks the yoke is break is breaking the unbelief the unbelief need business for me he's doing it for you you're dipping lien on me then I'll take a moment in in your heart bless somebody that needs for us right now let build you come out of you say Lord I bless so-and-so do it look is coming all over all over the place but now comes the double blessing Peter had to preach to the same people that crucified Jesus he has never preached before he was able to preach Atlantica and it was on the day of Pentecost because he received the anointing for him and there are some of you that would like it 19 and if you were like it novel anointed I want you to run forward right run for a ride they say I wanted not will not know him and he'll give us one song about the Holy Spirit you can't enough thinking compeition already your are their fee your prayer yes and seen of the sweetest of my heart becomes free I'm shaving raining on you is raining so we see the yes by hallelujah a couple you are there see machine feel the presence of the holy spirit feelin the Bible says he desires you jealously in the context layer is Christians living in sin and James says this spirit that he may dwell on you desires to reprocess you so high break every unbelief that is holding you back because you mess up thing is broken so that you can run into his arms today and receive a refund facin of the Holy Spirit so Holy Spirit come Charlie John turn in with your Holy Spirit yes in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus day she's baptizing you to leave everybody it's really inference to the law everybody every everybody if this Santa plan is liquid we will uh try everybody to himself but listen carefully bchow is happening Mary was told by the angel you will have a baby with God never safe far more challenging assignment that reaches your neighbor for Christ you say you will have a baby it is not can bees be done and the angel says the Holy Spirit will overpower you say overpowering they will be positive see the youth and that see that will grow and that's what big holy spirit he's doing right now holy spirit overpower them overpower them see they see now I'm receiving I'd receive it I'd receive it CDC beaut and they said carefully yesterday pastor Patricia was telling me that after she read my book free an evangelism she decided to play a walker name of the publishing thought you that story and she was so crazy because the neighbor that never talked to her came up to her after she prayed for her and that body they did but she received not listen carefully and peace at the end of my part the angel told Mary the Holy Spirit will come upon you and will overpower you that's a failure you bless you but then she said your relative elisavet chrisbehrens is pregnant no one knew that except girl Gosselin they take husband receive - shut up and sit down annoying people he was merely what be merry build the next morning listen carefully because this is your assignment she went to see Elizabeth all she had was faith that this seed was there but not brief the moment she walked through the door the Spirit of God they seized leap out of her and feel John the bad news that really happened to pastor Patricia you see she received the anointing in the neighbor very fine you go to work you go to your neighborhood you go to school now in what you do in the dense 24 hours has to be big rivarly of the least of it you go to work and you open the door they say Lord Jesus come in you go to your neighborhood and before you rush through your house you strike your hand and bless the neighbors around and within 24 hours you will have proof that you are pregnant with translation today but you have to do your part because faith without works is then but when you do that okay either that work and smoothly the teacher at home you do that so father they are pregnant protect them now and even in a lease of it moment in Jesus name and say I receiving you Jesus are there on a close it like these not somebody look at that person in the eyes and if speaking blessing or enough person speak a blessing big nebulous places we bless you in the name of the law you receive your assignment with
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 11,597
Rating: 4.8305087 out of 5
Keywords: Catch The Fire, Toronto
Id: dlR9Htsnz8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 7sec (3907 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2016
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