Catch The Fire Toronto - Live, 11:15AM (October 3rd, 2021)

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so [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do so [Music] [Music] uh so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey friends steve long here my wife sandra and i we are the senior leaders of catch the fire church in toronto and it's our privilege to welcome you to be part of our online church family we have thousands of people in southern ontario thousands of people around the world that this is how they do church and so we want to welcome you whether this is your first time or you're a repeat part of catch the fire by watching our meetings being a part of our meetings and friends i want to encourage you don't just watch participate we are purposely doing what we're doing so that you can experience god today the purpose of our church is to help people to encounter god's transforming presence so i want to encourage you during the worship time during the teaching time during the ministry time and there's going to be a couple different ministry times offered participate pretend that you're in the front row of our of our live church meeting and so when they say stand stand if they say put your hand up friends i want to encourage you participate in the meetings and you'll be able to experience god's presence today friends we have lots of things that we offer as a church and for those of you that are considering making catch the fire church your church there's three things that we encourage people to do that sort of get the fullness of our church family and number one is by attending and there's two things that you can be a part of you can be a part of every sunday we have a live meeting uh you can watch it on demand as well we have live prayer ministry we have live prophetic we have live healing that takes place every sunday we have live small groups that take place every week you can be a part of all of those communities all of those teams you can be a part of you can serve and that's number two you can serve on these teams you don't have to be in our building to be able to serve you can serve from your home like many of our small group leaders are doing and number three is giving everyone who's part of our church family is encouraged to equally sacrifice to equally give to be able to cover all the expenses of our church and we have some incredibly generous people and it's like as all of us do a little we do a lot together so friends expect to meet god today thank you so much for joining us and i want to bless you to encounter god's transforming presence welcome everybody good morning thank you for joining us today all of you that are at home and the people in the room welcome glad that you're here how many of you were part of the friday night or saturday in person or watching online for our weekend going deeper great uh we were here in person center it was outstanding wasn't it it was refreshing yeah it was a fun one because three different bands and each one is just slightly different style and the one thing that those of you that are part of our church know that the city of toronto uh discourages us from singing out loud so we're allowed to like sing to ourselves sing under our breath and joking that some people like my wife they're singing under their breath seems to be louder than how i sing under my breath so i don't know how many of you are like that so it was just really really good to be able to it was good and church we're so blessed to have an incredible worship team yeah um jonathan and alice and um everybody they've just been trained up there's people you know i'm like oh man we got like i've never seen them before you know and so we're very very blessed and very honored the worship team have worked really hard this weekend and we just love their hearts we love how they love to pour out to god and we prayed for them in the first service um but here we go we're we're just excited for this morning this morning is going to be about flo we're going to have communion together ash and murray who are the senior leaders they're right here for the fireworks you want to stand and sanders said they're going to be up on the stage at some point just welcoming the holy spirit and doing whatever we want and and just so you know that those that have youth um after the worship when ash and murray actually get on the stage if you have youth you can the youth can go up the stairs all the way to the left junior high senior high and there'll be a youth meeting there's kids if you have children and you're in the building right now there is kids church right now so you can go to the your the areas right now if you haven't got a little sticker you go to the front desk and you sign up there but lots going on and if you're at home just get your coffee and your tea and your communion your communion because we're going to have communion together and we just want to bless you and honor you and welcome you because you're part of our church family and we're so glad that you're watching online people at home stand up in the room stand up sandra's going to read from one of the psalms if this is psalm 34 i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul makes it boast in the lord let the humble hear and be glad o magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together i sought the lord and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears those who look to me are radiant and their faces shall never be ashamed this poor man cried and the lord heard him and saved him out of his troubles the angel of the lord encamps around those who fear him and delivers them oh taste and see that the lord is good you know what i just want to say this week the lord in the midst of whatever's been going on but um i i was taking a walk and all of a sudden i just i heard that phrase taste and see that the lord of god and the lord is good and so father we want to declare in this house this morning whether you're in here or you're watching online god you are good and father we thank you for what you want to do today holy spirit we thank you for your presence that is here alright already right now lord we thank you that there are people that have come in this morning and it's their first sunday here and we want to welcome you and that you may enjoy his presence this morning the holy spirit wants to pour out into you right now and so he i just want to say you know what leave leave the baggage at the door if that makes sense do you know what i mean there's no room for it the holy spirit wants all of you he wants all of you he wants to come and he just wants to pour on you and love on you and so father we thank you for your goodness we thank you for your love we thank you that you're here right now and lord we just want to worship you with everything in the name of jesus amen yes this is ellie that's hope they're going to be our team leaders this morning bless your girls [Music] [Music] that's your name [Music] and it's your name angels will bow the earth will rejoice your people cry out and lord shout your name shout your name fill it up the skies with endless [Music] to praise your name [Applause] [Music] [Music] the morning breaks in glory [Music] and that's your name [Music] creation sings your story and that's your name angels will bow the earth will rejoice your people cry out and lord of all the earth [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] and there is no one like our god we will praise you praise you no one like our god we will sing we will sing there is no one like our god we will praise you praise you no one like our god we will sing this out today and there is no one like our god we will praise you praise you no one like our god we will sing we will sing there is no one like our god we will praise you praise you no one like our god we will sing and we will sing there is no one like our god we will praise you there is praise one like our god we will praise you praise you no one like our god we will say [Music] [Music] we will praise you [Music] [Music] shout your name shout your name filling up the scars [Music] filling up the skies [Music] is [Music] we give it all to you jesus we give it all to you jesus all for your glory all for your glory hey it's all for you jesus [Music] [Applause] shout your name filling up the skies with endless praise and this praise yahweh our way we love to shout your name oh lord [Music] and this praise and this praise your way our way we love to share your name oh lord thank you jesus thank you jesus your way your way your way [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with us [Music] uncreated [Music] with us [Music] we love you [Applause] [Music] we love you we love you [Music] we love you [Music] god with us [Music] you are [Music] amen [Applause] [Music] you are god with us we love you [Applause] [Music] we love you [Music] we love you [Music] we love you [Music] we love you we love you [Music] we love your names [Music] jehovah messiah [Music] of heaven [Music] [Music] [Music] redeemed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we love you [Music] we love you jesus [Music] we love your legs [Music] love you we love you [Music] messiah our constant provider the healer who walks on the way you are faithful forever the promise of heaven the shepherd who chose [Music] [Music] our [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we love you we love you [Music] we love you [Music] we love your names we love you we love [Music] jesus we love your we [Music] love you [Music] you just put his name on your lips this morning [Music] we lift you up in this place jesus you have the first place lord thank you jesus [Music] thank you for who you are lord thank you for who you are [Music] come on just put his name on your lips jesus jesus we love you jesus [Music] the spotless one [Music] we love you [Music] we love you we love every you day [Music] the [Music] we highest your name jesus jesus [Music] [Applause] overall [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we love you jesus [Music] we love you we love you [Music] so [Music] oh yes isn't he good what a good father you are jesus [Music] um [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] you will be [Music] and one [Music] [Applause] [Music] and our father in heaven [Music] [Applause] [Music] the same [Applause] [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let heaven come lift you up [Music] [Applause] come let heaven come let heaven [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] as it is on earth [Music] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you're the power [Music] oh is [Music] is [Music] let her [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] my jesus [Music] let her [Music] [Music] oh you're above everything lord we're filled [Music] this beautiful king [Music] this beautiful king [Music] this spotless holy one [Music] this spotless holy one [Music] with all power and all authority [Music] you [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] you were [Music] you deserve the core [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the elder [Music] you were [Music] until you are wrong [Music] [Music] for from [Applause] [Music] things you deserve [Music] it is yours day and night [Music] day and night night day [Music] [Music] is let it rise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you were [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] yes jesus you're worthy of it all you're worthy of all our praise and all our adoration you're the son of god you're the son of man [Applause] oh jesus we thank you that you have been given a kingdom and a dominion and a throne over all things we thank you that all the people and all the languages and all the nations and all the tribes will serve you oh we worship you jesus you're our king you're our lord you deserve all of heaven's worship you deserve all of our lives all of our affection all of our praise all of our finances you deserve it all lord and we love you and we honor you we give you praise and thanks jesus you're magnificent just begin just keep lifting up your voice of worship and adoration just pour out your adoration upon him the king of majesty the lord of glory he is your salvation he's your purity he's your righteousness he's your peace he's your joy he's your provision he is your everything that you need oh he's the father's very best for you jesus we worship you we honor you oh we magnify your holy name we glorify your beautiful name worthy are you jesus worthy are you jesus we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory oh we give you glory we give you glory and honor we give you glory and honor we give you glory oh be magnified and be glorified king jesus oh worship him worship him worship him oh yes we worship you jesus oh father the ancient of days we give you praise and honor ancient of days you're the one who sits on the throne of fire and fire comes from before you as a river and a stream oh you have authority and dominion over all things you're good and you do good you're sitting on the heavenly places oh we worship you we worship you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] yes lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus we adore you jesus we love you do you ever feel like you're gonna explode in worship i do [Applause] jesus you magnificent [Music] [Music] and we're the recipients of your goodness jesus oh thank you lord [Music] oh man keep coming holy spirit we just declare that you're welcome in this place you're welcome in our lives you're welcome in our families you're welcome in our workplaces you're welcome in this city you're welcome in this nation you're welcome in the nation we love you we adore you and we pour out our love the love that you have lavished upon us we pour back on you jesus oh because you're worth it you are so worth it [Music] i just want to read this scripture from colossians we're going to take communion but we just have a couple of things that we just want to share and and then we're going to yeah we'll go with whatever the holy spirit wants [Music] so colossians chapter 1 verse 13 he has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son that's good news right that is the gospel in whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sins he is the image of the invisible god the firstborn of all creation for by him all things were created in heaven and on earth visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things were created through him and for him and he is before all things and in him all things hold together thank you jesus and he is the head of the body the church he is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in everything he might be preeminent for in him all the fullness of god was pleased to dwell and through him to reconcile to himself all things whether on earth or in heaven making peace by the blood of his cross and you who once were alienated and hostile in mind doing evil deeds he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him wow that's epic thank you jesus i just first of all we want to give an opportunity for for anyone in this room or who's watching online to respond to the invitation of jesus he is the lover of our soul and he wants to be the lord of our lives he is he is the firstborn he is above everything everything was created by him and for him including us we're just the objects of his affection but some of us you know we've we've strayed or we try to do things in our own strength we try to clean ourselves up before we come to the lord we we try to do good things and think that he will be acceptable or maybe we just don't even know him i i grew up in a family that that did not know jesus or believe jesus believe in jesus i'm a first generation christian jesus rescued me out of the dominion of darkness plucked me up as a little aussie girl and actually brought me to saint catherine's just down the road and i met a wonderful jesus loving family and i fell in love with jesus through them and and so i want we want to give you an invitation today if you've never said yes to jesus actually that verse 13 today is the day that he wants to pluck you out of the dominion of darkness and bring you into the kingdom notice it's not a kingdom of darkness it's a dominion but he's he wants to bring you into the kingdom of the beloved son and so we want to give you an opportunity this morning if your heart has grown cold in any way if you've uh never said yes to letting jesus be lord and savior of your life you can just pray with me now i just invite you to do that now to respond to him to respond to his voice today maybe you're feeling butterflies in your stomach i just want to encourage you right now as a place to yield so you can pray with me lord jesus lord jesus i yield my life to you today the truth is i've been trying to do things in my own strength i've been trying to clean myself up or do good works or i've been stuck in terrible cycles of sin today i want to acknowledge that you died the death for me that i deserved that you jesus lived the life that i should have lived but couldn't you gave your life on the cross you shed your blood you allowed your body to be broken for me so today i receive you as my lord and savior today i say yes to you jesus i put all other loves aside and i say yes to you taking first place in my heart and i believe that on the third day you rose again jesus but defeating death and hell [Music] and so now as i say yes to you i am immediately transferred out of the dominion of darkness and placed in the beloved and i am seated with you in heaven holy spirit fill me now holy spirit fill me now thank you that i get to be the living headquarters of the trinity [Music] i yield i believe i believe and i receive you i receive jesus amen amen yeah come on come on you know if you prayed that prayer with with us just now then we believe that you've begun a journey of getting to know god and to he's always known you but it's an opportunity to get to know him and to experience him and to join a family that can help you and so over here we've got pastor rob and the team if you prayed that prayer i want you to be really brave there's no there's no shame there's excitement for all of us to celebrate celebration but we want to actually help you get plugged in and connected into this new journey and relationship that you have with jesus and so the team over here are going to be uh here uh to help you if you're in the building if you're online i believe there's an online chat just put your details put your name in the online and if that's you and you've made that declaration today i want you to be really bold i want you to come up here and uh meet this this team not gonna do anything weird they're just gonna get to know you and and you are gonna and they're gonna help you begin that journey so if you've just said yes to jesus please come up front here and we want to just cheer you and celebrate you yeah amen amen amen [Music] i also really felt like that you know this passage just talks about um reconciliation that that actually jesus has reconciled us to him and he's reconciled himself to all things the earth and every all creation and i really felt like you know this last 18 months has been kind of a bit of a trippy season hasn't it it has for me it's been kind of crazy feels a bit weird but i feel like there may be some people in this room or watching online who feel it because i think what what this covert season has done has brought a disconnection a disconnection between us as believers even in church family a disconnection in the world a disconnection in marriages sometimes a disconnection in our hearts even with our true heart and self and and i think there's been a bit of heaviness at times and and fear or just like a blanket of heaviness on us sometimes and so i really feel like the lord today wants to bring reconciliation to our hearts to realign our hearts with who he says we are with our purpose and with our destiny and where we've let go of some things or where we've felt a bit of maybe some people i felt may have have disconnected and and from their own self and maybe their body and you look at your body and you're like i don't i don't like this body that i'm in i i'm i feel ashamed of myself i or maybe it's even your mind you're having thoughts that you didn't struggle with before and you feel disconnected from who you were and you you feel like you're you feel ashamed of having these thoughts and and maybe there's some self-hatred that you feel i also feel like the lord wants to bring healing even to the church self-harming where in the church we've we've pointed at someone else and said well they've got it wrong i'm right or i don't agree with them and i feel like the lord is bringing a supernatural reconciliation even in the body in his body him as the head and he wants to deal with our hearts today yes he does so if that's you if you're in this place and you first of all you don't maybe think much of yourself you're in a war and a battle internally about um you know your thoughts or your your beliefs towards yourself maybe there's even a bit of self-hatred we want to just take a moment to respond to that because the holy spirit is here mark in the first service he had this picture of the lord sticking a sword into the ground and that being a release of freedom for the body of christ to come on come out from under the the powers of the principalities of things that are in the air that are swirling all around us and so if that's you and you feel like you've been struggling with some thoughts or maybe a sense of heaviness or depression or just even some self-hatred i want to invite you to be really bold and just to put your hand up and just maybe stand up because we want to do an exchange in just a minute yeah i also feel like part of that is maybe you felt like someone has had things that have been set has done things to hurt you that's caused you pain to feel a bit stuck as well maybe someone you know who's close to you so without any shame i want to invite you to stand and today is a day of freedom the other thing is if um if you've been struggling in your marriage we felt particularly that in your relationship if there's been some disconnection again there's no shame in that it's just the lord is here to bring healing and to bring freedom today and if you if you've had some struggles in your marriage i want to invite you to stand and if you've had struggles in other relationships within your sphere with family or members or other things i want to invite you to stand because the guard of reconciliation the god of breakthrough is here for us today it's a very simple thing it's you know what we've just read right now in in colossians 3 is that through christ he's reconciled to himself to the father all things whether on earth or in heaven making peace by the blood of the cross in jesus's flesh and in his body in his uh in his blood he's set us free and so it's a simple divine exchange that he's done which all that was wrong with us he's taken and all that was right with him he's given to us and so there's this simple exercise and activation we want you to do i want to encourage you to do is to put your left hand out just like this and all the things that you're carrying of disconnection of heaviness of anxiety of pain towards other people of the the wounds of other people's words of of the disconnection in marriage of of breakdown in family relationships i want what i want you to do is i want you to take it because it's sitting within you so take it off you with your right hand and stick it into your left hand and name it as you do it just do it under your breath but just take off okay anxiety fear disconnection bickering or something powerful about activation of actually doing this in the physical that's that's demonstration of what jesus has done in the spirit realm so i want to encourage you do that what else do you need to do is that disconnection from marriages you know anger towards your spouse or a sense of frustration or a sense of hopelessness that you've been looking to god and you've been waiting for breakthrough but that breakthrough hasn't come and and as we said as well even disconnection from your true heart where you feel like you've maybe let go of dreams in this season where you like i don't i the safest thing feels like to let go we want i want to invite you to just pull that hopelessness out or the loss of dreams or the death of vision out because that's been one thing in this season that the enemy has tried to rob us of as the body is vision and so just just remove that from your bite do a prophetic act of removal of that from your body and put it in your left hand so once you have it all then you've taken it all off you all heaviness and all anxiety whatever else it is and we're just in your mind's eye in your imagination to offer it up to jesus this is a moment of divine exchange because he's reconciled us and he's made peace in his body and so offer that up to jesus and here's my expectation and my my understanding this in your mind's eye see what he's gonna do with it and my expectation is he's gonna take it right off you right now just offer it to him let it go let it go let go of the offense let go of the fear let go of the hurt let go of the image that you've had let it go just offer it up [Music] and then ask jesus this simple question jesus what do you have for me in return because it's a divine exchange what have you got for me in return and again just in your mind's eye let's wait and see what has he got maybe he's going to speak to you maybe he's going to show you a picture there's something that he's got for you in place of that [Music] peace joy freedom and love supernatural love whatever it might be when you receive that just bring it back into you and say thank you jesus i receive that i receive that and name it what is it is it peace name it thank you jesus that you've i receive your peace thank you jesus i receive your joy a new perspective freedom [Music] self-control whatever whatever it might be [Music] i receive those dreams and vision i receive it from you jesus clarity clarity just welcome it back in say thank you jesus we're just receiving this divine exchange [Music] another thing i i also had really felt which we did in the first service was i i feel like the lord is really wooing the prodigals those who children who have been wayward maybe for a little while or a long way maybe just got lost in the swirl of of you know just the recent times and chaos and i feel like the lord wants us by faith to call them back home because i feel like he is chasing them down with his love at the moment and there's an element of we release them to him but actually we stand in faith and we call them home and welcome them home so i'm just going to invite you to stand we're going to do this all together and if there's if you know a prodigal someone in your family maybe it's a child maybe it's a a friend a colleague [Music] i want you just by faith just to say their name and say i call you home i call you home i call you home i welcome you home i welcome you into the father's arms i we declare he is your safe place he is your refuge he is the lover of your soul prodigals we welcome you home those who've been wayward and and in self-destructive behaviors we just declared dreams and visions and visitations in the night and we just welcome you back to your father's love we say welcome home to you come home and we just command we just stand with jesus and we say to the enemy the lord rebuke you satan the lord push you back from their lives the lord hold ho just just silence the accuser in their ears lord and father would your voice the father's voice be the only voice that they hear as they go to bed speak to them give them dreams and visitations lord yes we welcome you home prodigals we make room for you in the house of god yes there's a space for you yeah so we speak to the seed of the gospel that's been implanted that impenetrable seed that's on the inside of them and we say bear fruit in jesus name we call forth that seed of the truth that which even maybe has been lying dormant that which was once flourishing but is now dormant we call it forth and we speak it forth come forth fruit let the seed of the gospel bear its fruit it speaks all stoniness we speak to the weeds of their heart we say be clear and be gone in jesus name [Music] thank you lord thank you lord i just one more thing i really felt also was um the father wants to release the ruach of god the breath of life into anyone who has lung issues i was healed of asthma i had lifelong asthma and in 2010 i was just healed in an instant of having to have a an inhaler with me constantly and not being able to do certain things or being restricted by by you know allergies and different things and god supernaturally healed me and just before i just felt like a breath and i feel like the lord wants to breathe into anyone with lung issues so it could be it could be like a bronchitis or it could be just scarring in the lungs it could be asthma so if if you if that's you can you just raise your hand we just want to release healing over you right now the kingdom of god okay kingdom of god come will of god be done father thank you for that divine exchange again right now lord any sickness or asthma or lung issues we command them to leave and we receive the breath of god into every every person's lungs who's been struggling in this room ruach just breathe upon them right now lord we declare healing and freedom in jesus name and we break off any generational curses of asthma and lung disease or lung issues and we declare a restoration where there has been damage a restoration in jesus name kingdom of god come kingdom of god calm down sort of share a testimony we had um you can have a seat if you want we had a a friend in the last couple of weeks that was in hospital with covert very severely and was in icu and having to have assistance in breathing and other things and we were praying ash and i many people have been praying many people have been praying but on the sunday morning we just prayed on the way to church and we were just saying lord would you walk into the hospital room and bring healing and um the following morning the following afternoon we got a text and a testimony of from her friend's wife who was saying that at 2 30 in that morning the hospital door just opened up with a cool breeze that came in and he was looking around and saying who's there he was there there was no response just just a cool breeze but then he heard this he said he heard this voice and the voice said i am breakthrough and i am here [Music] i am breakthrough and i am here and i i forget the exact numbers but then his when his wife texted us he said she said at 8 30 that morning his blood oxygen was really low something we're in the 50s percent and by 2 30 that afternoon his blood oxygen was like 95 or 98 which the nurses said that never happens because he was in the icu and intubated and so he next day he was up and eating walking around by friday he was home come on glory to jesus so i am breakthrough i believe we're in a season of an increased manifestation of the glory of god and the breakthrough of heaven [Music] and so we welcome breakthrough right now you know i wasn't sure i'm not sure i've been asking the lord was that you jesus or was that an angel an angel of breakthrough [Music] but we welcome breakthrough [Music] this welcome breakthrough in your own life welcome breakthrough [Music] he's the god of the breakthrough [Music] he's the god of the possible those things which are impossible with man are possible with god and our faith is that which connects us to the impossible sorry that our impossible our faith connects us to the possible of heaven so just right now if you need any breakthrough if you need anything at all you're needing a miracle from heaven just reach up into the invisible realm of the kingdom that's all around you and welcome breakthrough in your life [Music] welcome breakthrough [Music] the lord of glory the god of the possible [Music] our holy ground is our impossibility and our impossibility is god's holy ground it's the place where god shows himself to be big and beautiful and glorious we've been singing let heaven come we've been singing yours as the kingdom the reality is is that he is the king and where he is the king is his rule and where his his rule it's his realm and you and i we're in the realm of the glorious king that king is the king of the is the kingdom of the beloved jesus is the beloved king and his love is for us and his love is with us and so we welcome breakthrough right now we reach up into the invisible realm of the kingdom and we declare breakthrough in this season we're in a new season an era of breakthrough and we welcome breakthrough [Music] and we take hold of that in the invisible realm and we pull it into this vat into this natural realm we put it in we pull the breakthrough in right now by faith we lay hold of that by faith and we pull it in and we release it into our lives by faith by faith you lord [Music] i think it's just good it'll be appropriate right now in this moment that you're just to go back into a little bit of worship as we wrap up we're going to do communion that's right i forgot all about communion thank you we don't want to miss out on these delicious wafers no aren't you glad that the body of jesus tastes better than this thing yes i am okay so i'm going to read one corinthians chapter 11 verse 23 for i receive from the lord what i also deliver to you that the lord jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said this is my body which is for you do this eat it in remembrance of me in the same way he also took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup you proclaim the lord's death until he returns the lord's death is and his resurrection is the moment of divine exchange where our sin was laid upon him and his righteousness was given to us by faith where his riches were given to us and our poverty he took on and so right now we take this body of jesus as this wafer symbolic of the body of jesus and we we feast on it and as we eat it we're reminded as it becomes part of us we're a reminder of the reality of the truth that we have been united with him and that as with this cracking wafer goes into us becomes part of us we he's in us and we're hit in him let's eat it together thank you jesus for your broken body thank you that you have made us one with you [Music] and we we look at this juice the blood of the new covenant lord your blood that was shed for us your blood that speaks a better word your blood that cleanses us from all unrighteousness that heals us of all our diseases so if there's any disease left in anyone's body as we drink this juice as it represents your blood we receive healing for every disease in jesus name we celebrate all that you've done jesus [Music] this is our confidence not in our inability not in our own strength but in the blood of jesus the body of jesus that was broken for us in his resurrection life that's been included in us the gift of faith that's been released to us this is our confidence so i want to invite you one more time just to stand and we're going to take some time just to declare and worship the magnificent name of jesus whatever song you want to do you got it thanks dallas jesus ellie thanks hope thank you [Music] you bring light to the darkness you give hope you restore every heart that is [Music] so we [Music] so we pour out our praise to you me [Music] that is great are you [Music] [Music] [Applause] we pour out our [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in our love [Music] me [Music] his name [Music] and all the earth will shout your prince our hearts will cry these bones will say grace [Music] and all the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these bones [Applause] [Music] and all the earth will shout your priests our hearts will cry these bones [Applause] [Music] [Applause] these bones [Music] in our lives [Applause] [Music] [Music] your friends in all of us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fingers [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] so we [Music] so we pour out [Music] [Applause] in our lives [Music] uh father you're amazing [Music] father thank you for today that we're able to be in your presence to push in to let your spirit come and minister to us to have some freedom in our lives to be saying we want more breakthroughs to put our lives in your hand and say we trust you we trust you jesus with our lives you're our savior our lord be with us at all times how about you just put your hands out [Music] one of the commands in the scriptures is to keep being filled with the whole holy spirit with the spirit of god and so daddy would just say if you if you said this is a command that means it's good and we want it spirit of god come refresh our physical bodies today build up our immune systems for sicknesses and diseases that they stay away from us [Music] refresh us in our in our soul your soul is your your mind how you think father cleanse our thinking all the wrong thoughts that come our way we welcome your spirit to just eradicate them or to help us to note bad thought don't give it any attention our soul is also our emotions and we say holy spirit come bring peace to all of our emotions where we're too angry or not enough of compassion and not enough patience daddy we welcome you to come the character of jesus to be our character and then part of us our soul is your will it's your decision-making and daddy we say may every decision that we make this week be inspired by the spirit of god may we have peace whenever we're about to make a big decision or a small decision maybe may the peace of god be the umpire be the referee of our life and we just know this is what we do i feel peace about this [Music] and then you're also a spirit there's a god part of you and daddy we welcome a refreshing of our spirit that we can hear you and sense you and know you the bible tells us we can be led by the spirit of god so daddy we're saying we want to be led by you may our spirit be free of all sorts of contamination every demonic thought being that would try to influence us we just say no way we're children of god we're members of his family we yield to the spirit of god so holy spirit come be with us come and be with us thank you daddy come fill us again fill us again [Music] church if you don't mind sitting down for two minutes real quick i want to tell you a one minute breakthrough story that happened yesterday morning i shared it last night but if you weren't here last night you didn't hear it we had a 6 a.m zoom with pastors from asia singapore taiwan china korea bangladesh pakistan we have lots of churches around the world that are aligned to to that we're in the same family it's called catch fire partners and sandra and i were hosting this 6 a.m and so our alarm clock went 5 45 we ran bathroom coffee machine put on a top i didn't have time to change my pajamas so you know how you can be on a zoom and you've got a nice shirt on that's all i had time for and open the computer uh and off we start this meeting we share a house with our son john and uh we're we're in the in-law suite and i get a text from john to say are you guys okay and it's like what do you mean okay and he goes well the power is out in the whole community of oakville where we live no street lights no houses with power your lights are on the coffee the coffee plug i have an espresso that plug was working the wi-fi that's working i never knew that we were having a breakthrough until my son sent all the powers out and my son came down because he heard that our coffee machine is working his wasn't and when he went to have it now that plug wasn't working [Music] and it's like i don't know what happened other than god knew we needed to be on that zoom and friends this is who our god is when we don't even know what he's doing he's doing it i would not have known i would not have known that god had done that for us unless my son had said we're in the dark upstairs no power no electricity the whole street's out the whole community is it that's our god friends he's for us he's with us and friends if this is all new to you you've been missing out this is who our god is he's famous yeah and we get to call him daddy that's the name that we get to call him daddy great those of you that are at home if you go to our website get prayer now there's an amazing team of people in their homes that are ready to receive you and to minister and to pray with you healing prayers prophetic prayers destiny prayers all that kind of stuff they are generalists they're like you're sort of family doctor they can do it all and love you to participate in that those of you in the room if you would like team to pray with you minister people to ask the holy spirit to do breakthroughs in your life whatever it is that you would like someone to agree with you because the bible says when two people begin to agree god says okay i'm taking notice yep and so if you'd like prayer prayer minister team if you don't mind going in we go through this back door through here and we just have to do social distancing and all that kind of stuff but prayer team if you don't mind going in there first getting set up and uh friends if you're doing that bring your belongings with you bring your purse your coat anything you have because you're gonna exit out a back door yeah that just takes you out into the parking lot church family next week we start a series called uh church is overcoming and the next four weeks we're going to talk about overcoming anxiety overcoming fears i think fears is on on deck for next week apparently 4 000 different fears that people have so we're going to talk about that how we god's designed us not to be living in fear so that's our topic for next week so i want to encourage you to be here all this month as we do that and again church family your we know that you're online and you're in the room either way thank you for joining us today church family stand up and look around smile at someone behind your out your mask you'll smile with your eyes those of you online god bless you have an amazing week church family we are dismissed if you'd like prayer up to the front and otherwise bookstores open coffee shops open i forgot to say thank you for all those who are generous we don't pass an offering bucket if you'd like to give today most of our church family do that online there is a a safe box by the door and james who's sitting right by the door he can help you get onto the phone app to be able to be an online giver so god bless you church [Music]
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 996
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Worship, Praise, Canada, Music, Christian, Spontaneous, Live, Encounter, Presence, Transformation, Church, Production, Broadcast, Stage Design, Musician, Catch The Fire, Christmas, Message, word
Id: rl8CJ2ySBfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 8sec (6428 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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