How to make your home an Ekklesia

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[Music] we are on a mission you and us to see one million ecclesiastes establishing a nation to change the spiritual climate [Music] what is an ecclesia ecclesia is the greek word for church and it means minimum two or three people gather together in the name of jesus we are the church when jesus said i will build my ecclesia my church he wasn't talking about a building or an organization he was talking about people he says i will build you and the gates of hades shall not prevail against you but when two or three gather together that ecclesia has quorum to invite the presence of jesus to pray prayers that the father will answer and to bind evil and release blessings so these are the steps that you should take number one realize i am the church i am the ecclesia and i need and i will connect with someone else so that we can invite the presence of jesus pray in agreement bind evil and release blessings that's step number one step number two dedicate your home or your bedroom if you live uh you know with other people as the temple for that ecclesia it's not different than the church building the building is not the church is the people that come in but now rather than once a week which is great you will do it every day because the presence of jesus will be in your house my wife ruth and i did it we opened the front door we welcomed jesus we anointed the door with oil and we stay in his presence until he took over because he said i am standing at the door and i knock if anyone opens the door and that is under the door of the human heart that's the door of the building that christian went in and never invited jesus to come in if you open the door i will have supper with you i will have time with you since ruth and i did that it has changed the spiritual climate first in us or we feel his presence second in the house is all over the place in issues and challenges come up because we are in ministry like you are and brothers okay we'll stop to pray jesus is right there we say jesus what should we do and he's so comforting and then number three adopt neighbors in prayer five to the right five to the left whatever configuration and every day practice prayer evangelism luke chapter 10 and speak blessings upon them as the lord opens the door fellowship if these days you cannot be physically together a what's up a phone call just drop a dish food whatever bless them fellowship minister to their needs people are lonely people are afraid okay just give them encouragement and number four and that is a result the kingdom of god has come in that mist so this is what it is now imagine a million of these ecclesias operating with an average of three people each in america that's almost one percent of the population if all of them adopt ten relations or neighbors that's ten percent if god was willing to forgive sodom and gomorrah for 10 righteous how much more god can do for our nation so it's a simple thing number one you are the ecclesia connect with someone else so that you can practice matthew 18 number two dedicate the place as a church building a san diego see a building anoint the door with all open the door welcome jesus and dwell in his presence until he takes over and number three adopt 10 people and begin to pray and we will change the climate yes we will let's go for it [Music] you
Channel: Transform Our World Hawaii
Views: 1,986
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: WtE86xoAgG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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