“Prayer Evangelism” - 3ABN Today Live (TDYL190035)

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I want to spend my people spam [Music] hila heart that one of them [Music] there and they will gain people [Music] hello and welcome to three avian life certainly I'm Shelley Quinn JD Quinn and we're so happy to have you I I am so sorry my voice is kind of squeaky tonight and it just doesn't want to cooperate but we're so glad that you're tuning in it's going to be an inspiring program tonight we'll be talking about prayer as evangelism and you know I just want to read to you Hebrews 7:25 this is one of my favorite scriptures and it says therefore he's speaking of Jesus is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him since he always lives to make intercession buddies what I like to say is this intercessory prayer is the highest calling to ministry there is no higher calling to ministry and I say that because we see here that it is the ministry of our risen and exalted Lord he is interceding on our behalf all day long all night long so we're going to talk about the importance of prayer and not just praying ourselves personally or even praying together but prayer has evangelism to see the hand of the Lord move across the earth and boy have we got some wonderful people all our prayer warriors let me introduce our special guests first we have our dear friends Jerry and Janet page Jerry you are the ministerial secretary for the general the conference of the seventh-day Adventist Church you got it right so the ministerial secretary does what well we have a team and we have seven people that travel all over the world every part of the every country everywhere and we work with pastors our seventh-day Adventist pastors and their spouses their children their families and our elders and deacons Deaconess is so you're a pastor's pastor we are you know and we try to resource the people in the local level who resource their pastors and were their church members and everything so resourcing and caring and trying to develop things they need and you all do a lot of traveling how many miles a year deep Oh near two hundred thousand miles a year is out of the home but we're together that's kind of nice for Jana and I'll be off certainly is and we're still getting along after this amen I think you know that you just said that you just got back from India Yeah right and then you're blessed a couple of days you get to go to West Africa so this is a normal routine for you oh yeah and I fall asleep a lot so you just take over if I I'll tell you what if you fall asleep while you're talking we'll just keep listening and then Janet we're so glad to have you and you all do come as a couple just as we do we mail or travel without one another but you are the associate ministerial one of the Association one of the associate my favorite one your this is something that I don't know if everybody knows I hope you don't mind me telling this but Janet hated to travel before she took this job she hated traveling and then you've been traveling close to 200,000 miles a year for the last five years that's amazing right this is your nightmares Wow I can't imagine you do now we also have someone that we've just met but Jonathan Walter you are the Ministerial Association Communications Manager for the GC but you're also the vice president of GYC and I understand Jerry said that you were really one of the founders of GYC in Europe I was part of the team in Europe that started it a couple wonder obviously the first question people and where did you grow up well this is not a Texas accent that is correct I'm from Austria Austria born and raised in Austria I'm half Norwegians and my mother is from Norway and I grew up there as a pastor's kid and so I lived all over the country there now never really picked up fully the accent the local accent where we moved to because then we would move again and it changed and now over here in the US okay and you were married and what are you doing right now I understand are you living in Michigan no I used to live in Michigan okay you were the past I was pastoring Michigan and now I moved to Maryland okay okay we're so glad that you're here and as I said this is a live program so we're gonna put these three on the hot seat later in the program on the second hour if you have questions or prayer requests we really want to get your prayer requests in so you may email those to us at live at 3abn dot TV that's live at 3abn dot TV or you can focus at six one eight six two seven four six five one and we'll be happy to pray for you tonight we'll be happy any any that prayers that we don't get to tonight I understand you all want to take them with you and we'll pray for them at the General Conference but we also have a lie a free offer tonight it is revival and Reformation prayer makes a difference by Mark Finley and we've had a chance to thumb through this it's a beautiful book but it has some excellent information in it and that's again you can get this by just emailing us at free offer at 3abn TV or calling six one eight six two seven four six five one Shelley I spent probably thirty minutes earlier in reading through this this is fantastic I mean this is good good stuff that is simple to read but it's getting right to the point and it covers prayer from A to Z I love great stories yes yes marks an excellent author and a writer and he is he he knows how to drill down to the most important thing that's alright JD Quinn this is my live and you get to introduce our news I do get to introduce the music and we're blessed because we have Moses Brown Moses Brown is going to be singing and his precious wife Jeanette is going to be accompanied him on the piano God said his son they call him Jesus he came to live [Music] Hill and the forgive and to buy my pardon and the empty grave is there just to prove my Savior lives means I can face tomorrow because he lives all fear is gone because I know yes I know he holds the future my life is worth living just because he lives and in one day I'll cross that river I'll fight life I know [Music] and did as death give way to victory Oh light of glory and I'll know that my lord Mills because ceiling [Music] I can face tomorrow because my god lives all fear is gone [Music] because I know yes I know he holds of you [Music] my life is worth the living just because because God lives you can face tomorrow [Music] because [Music] Oh because I know yes I know he hold of you my life is worth the living your life can be worth the living Oh our life is worth the living just because my god [Music] yeah hey man that's really good thank you thank you Moses and Jeannette we did we appreciate that so much and how true that message is well if you're joining us just a moment late our special guests tonight are Gerry and Janet Paige and Jonathan Walter and we're so glad they're all here from the general conference and Gerry tonight we're talking about prayer as evangelism tell us what that's it well in these last nine years especially as we've been traveling the whole world to every place in every country we've just become so much more impressed with the fact that you know we've always Prayer prayed for evangelism prayed for our methods trying to bathe everything in prayer and seeing God work but we've realized that in every culture in most every situation prayer is one of the best ways to make friends and open the door for evangelism it is evangelism in other words some other cultures whether it's Muslim or in Buddhist whatever you can pray with with them about their family or their needs this kind of thing because they're very praying people too and it's true in this in the West or wherever so that's our burden I guess tonight is just to say prayer is not before after and behind prayer it is Evangelos Evangelos but it is evangelism and the best way and it opens people's heart gives God a chance to to show them what's going on in their life and to work miracles for them and it can help people want to know Jesus better than anything so prayer is the wage that for everyone that's what's up which I certainly believe because I think that the whole world right now is needing hope and even if they're not familiar really with the Savior that we believe in there's hope and of course through the aid of the Holy Spirit miracles happen you know I know that your personal story that a lot of people prayed for you all Janet even when you were in ministry as a pastor and a pastor's wife what was their specific prayer for you because I know that after they prayed you can't you told me once people kept praying and you thought what are they doing can changed your life well they attended a seminar at camp meeting people that's the leader of the seminar the faster got him to commit to pray for us every day because he was the new president and the seminar was on the Holy Spirit and how important it is we pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit every day throughout the day not just for ourselves but for our children but he got him to commit to pray for us as their leaders for the Holy Spirit at that time I didn't realize you know how important it was to pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit every day yes so any God grabbed ahold of y'all no it was two years later but during that two years we'd be in a different church almost every Sabbath someone somewhere would come up and say we're praying for you and Jerry we're praying for the Holy Spirit in your lives and I didn't at that time I thought saw their praying what good does that do you know I've tried prayer and it didn't work for me but literally two years later my life was turned upside down God just changed everything I never want to go back to the way it was either but you know Jerry sometimes people I don't know the way I say it you know Jesus was talking about that the measure we use will be measured back to us and I think that sometimes we put God in a box we pray these little bitty prayers kind of like it's almost secondary to whatever we're doing or the work and I think the Lord wants us to increase the measure of our expectation because the measure we use will be measuring us and I know Jonathan that God just recently did something through you you are a vice president at GYC and tell us what happened in Iceland well this first what you I see you let's find out what GYC is and then go from there well GOI sees a movement of young young people mainly want meaning everything between 15 and 35 and love and beyond and young at heart but it's movement of young people and an organization that seeks to inspire young people to take sacrificial initiative for Christ so we desire to help young people find their purpose in Christ their identity in Christ and then their mission in Christ and what does GYC stand for it stands for generation Youth Christ because those are the core elements of our organization and we want them it's a it's a global movement it is a grassroots movement it's not organized by the official church but just by by seventh-day Adventist Christians by young people who want to do something for Jesus man and it's volunteer driven volunteer run and the Lord has blessed it over the years it's almost almost 20 years now it has been around that's unbelievable and and so GYC puts up an annual conference where thousands of young people from all around the world come and there are many affiliate conferences around the world in Europe you mentioned it earlier and then in South America we are about to start one in Brazil the Lord has built Indonesia Philippines all over the world and it's just neat to see how God has been using young people in a special way and I know I know here at 3abn yeah I know that people have been planning all year long for the next one yes I remember three or four or five years ago they says oh yes we're going to tell you I see we're going together and it just kind of as she were mentioning all ago just kind of really yeah what's so special about GYC that you're planning a year ahead I mean I wish that we plan to year ahead I mean so there is something it is a grassroots movement that is really taken off yes and of course it's centered around our Lord and Savior that's right the Bible and mission and our prophetic identity as Christians in the last days is at the core of what GYC stands for yes and we've been happy to partner with 3abn over the years you know you've been broadcasting the conference and that's been a huge blessing as well yes so tell us how you chose ISIL and your vice president submissions tell us how you chose Iceland well I need go a little bit back on this over the last couple of years the Lord has really put on on the leaders of GYC the burden of Prayer we've realized that you know you can organize things in the wonderful way you can do wonderful things with through human methods but we and as jerry was sharing you know you can pray before and after but you know prayer and the importance of prayer has really been put on our hearts and so we really we prayed about it and we asked god to show us how can we make a greater emphasis on prayer for young people because prayer seems so dusty to him some people like what is you know what does prayer do and what God did is he brought revival to GYC we we have a prayer room at our annual conference and I have a picture here with us so they're gonna put it on the screen for us of the prayer room and what we've seen is that young people desire a real experience with God through prayer in this last last couple of years we have seen thousands of young people coming at 6 a.m. in the morning this is voluntary you know just to unite in prayer pleading for the Lord to empty their hearts you know of sin and selfishness and just to be filled with the holy spirit and to to find a purpose and and clarity and it's just so beautiful to see how God has has done that in the past and we are seeing how that has changed the direction of GYC so seeing the revival that came through that prayer in the prayer room at GYC we thought how can that also be taken into missions and so um over the last few years well - about two years ago we have been praying and thinking how can we you know how can we make a mission for God that that makes a difference and the idea came about to go to Iceland a country that is not a typical place where people go for mission trips it's right between the United States and and and/or North America and Europe it's a first world country highly secular and the the the Christian Church is not very I mean it people are Christian on paper but there's not really a strong Christian presence anymore in Iceland and we thought hey what if we try to reach that country and so all kinds of ideas came up well we could go and knock on every door in the country we could do evangelistic meetings we could do all kinds of things but God made it very clear for us to - to take a different approach and that was not easy to accept because when God's put the idea in our hearts to just go and pray we were kind of thrown into a little bit of a tension there because you you think about it you know when we say we want to do a mission trip you know people go and build churches they build houses they they do something tangible right and so when you pray you feel like you're not doing anything that is physical in a way you know when you say go in pray are you talking about praying with the people of Iceland well many things okay first of all the the the group and the mission itself had to be bathed in prayer but then yes we would go and pray for people we will pray with people at their doors what we did was we would go from door to door knocking on doors offering to pray with them and and given an opportunity to connect with God did you plan to do that to begin with or wasn't at first you're just gonna go and pray in the country yes so we we were just thinking about what we should do and we said okay pray what how should we be doing is we thought about just praying for the country and just prayer walking I think God made it very clear we should we should engage with the people and we did both we had teams prayer walking around the cities and throughout the streets we had people praying for every home that we came across in the in the capital region where 75 percent of the country lives and then where prayer people praying with people from door to door okay explain prayer walking because there's gonna be somebody that's talking about what do you mean you're walking why you pray that's pretty much it your eyes open yes yes yes what's the purpose of prayer walking yes prayer walking really the objective is to to be in a mindset of Prayer and to let God show you your mission field to know to - when you pray a walk you're very intentional in how you look at your territory and you start interceding for people you see you start interceding for every home that you see and you're claiming territory for God you know when you think of Joshua Joshua you know God told him every place you know where you put your foot this is your you know you're claiming that territory for God in a way and so we we wanted to we saw the power of prayer and presence because when you are there and you're praying that means the devil has no space there directly you are bringing the angels and the Holy Spirit with you as you go not that God can get there but as you're interceding specifically for certain houses and people God has now in the light of you know the great controversy between good and evil he has now an opportunity to to work in that situation and that's what we saw at the doors in many many ways let me just intercede you know one of our great burdens is we don't really believe enough that there's a real war going on yeah I'm seeing that Satan in his angels Christ Daniel 9 talks about how Gabriel could you not get to Daniel for 21 days through the Prince so you know this this idea of going and praying or walking or driving or whatever also is that that thing we every earnest prayer faith we're told sends an angel to be stationed somewhere it's most difficult second Corinthians 10 talks about the strongholds how we need to take on the strongholds in this world everywhere we could tell you every country every culture every and and we're not going to break through them without some massive prayer so it's a real war and so the prayer walking seems kind of like we're just stumbling around doing something stupid but we're really stationing angels it's very intentional yeah I remember this then this meant a lot to me I think the first year we went to SoCal we were invited there I don't know we're going back probably 10 years ago before that and that was what intentionally you had your soldiers your I want to say your people you mean Southern California big big difference excuse me let's correct that yes but but you had people walking through the facilities praying the Sabbath before it began yeah Thursday night yes we invited anyone who could come and prayer walk the whole area amazing things happen I using things is what you talked about earlier just trying to stay in touch with God in how to pray we felt impressed to pray that people cleaning the restrooms would be converted yeah I had no idea yeah who cleaned the restrooms because we were new and come to find out they had someone almost 24/7 because you have thousands of people and you know that that creates that year three people were converted gave the hearts to Jesus Christ it was just incredible well you know what people don't understand I think is it's kind of like what do you mean intercessory prayer that means to be praying for someone else you're holding them before the throne of grace asking for God to intercede on their behalf and people will say well doesn't God do these things anyway but you know how I explained it is it is like see God will never force himself on anyone mm-hmm he will not coerce so he has intentionally limited himself it's like handcuffs of love that he has said okay I've given you free will I'm not going to interfere without permission so like when I prayed for my sister who was a drug addict she wasn't praying for herself and so God had these handcuffs of love on and it's like to me when you're praying it's you're giving God permission to intercede and intervene in her life so he's doing something you know responds to your prayer that might not have why why I'm convinced the reason is it's just like witnessing very rocks could cry out angels could do it but God wants us to do it the same way with prayer because we are so blessed being available that's what we saw the young people we had 50 young people from all around the world that's a miracle in itself because we had so many challenges the devil was really trying to stop this mission from happening I'm not going to go into all the details her loss and you know he brought 50 young people exceeded our expectations you know I prayed for 20 and the Lord brought us fifty from six continents from all over the world and I think that he did that on purpose because he wants this to spread rebound and I mean we're people from the Philippines flying in a young and old some people have never been on a mission trip before some people had never been to GYC before and they came and were transformed I mean we all were including myself we we all experienced revival and transformation of our hearts and a transformation of our prayer life these young some young people were sharing with me they were saying you know I had never prayed before in you know to such in such an intensity I've never prayed as much my entire life and that I prayed in this one week and so we just saw an incredible transformation of lies I have a couple of pictures we can put on the screen for our viewers this is actually from the the GYC prayer room you see there are lots of people praying together united six o'clock in the morning that you get those drugs and people it was incredible if you can go to the next pictures we see here the next one should be about from Iceland so here's an interesting thing we didn't notice but in the exact same time that we were there there was Pride Week going on in ice and if you go to the next picture you see they had colors even within the church this is the central major Church of Iceland and so there was this this glorification of you know of sin going on in the exact same timeframe that we were there for our prayer mission and so we just developed a great controversy because the eye to the next level there and which it just gave us more reason to pray and intercede as you were sharing for people who are struggling with the issues of this world and with sin and so to the point of of intercession and connecting people with God in Iceland because it is so secular of a country as well as many other kind of countries in Europe there is there's a great need for for people to connect with something spiritual they don't realize that there is a God young people have no memory of the gospel they don't they have not heard of it I remember one young person I had a divine appointment with when I was going on prayer walking there he was maybe 13 14 years old and I shared with him you know what I'm doing ask he you know do you have do you want prayer is there anything I can pray for in your life and he said what is prayer I had never even heard of that before that son and he was telling me well I struggled with depression a 1314 year old you know and so we pray together another time we I mean these their countless divine appointments I came to one door and knocked on the door and there was this lady and I told her what we're doing she's like God sent you here she said you know I I my son is struggling with depression and with alcoholism and I I need prayer and and he I need him something to happen here and so we prayed we held hands together never met this person before we held and she hugged me twice and thanked me and multiple times people told you know you know you're a miracle you know thank you you made you made my day and to see how how the face of people changes when you pray with them you know you you might when you pray for a person I remember one person a 20 year old young young man you know I knocked on the door he opened the door and I thought oh dear you know he's just gonna send me away you know he's probably not interested in anything spiritual but that's not true we're all we all along for spiritual things we just don't realize it and so you know I told him what we do and he said well I had my wisdom teeth removed recently and it's hurting can you pray for that I'm like sure let's pray and so we prayed right there and then and afterwards I could just see in his face that you know we pray for a small little funny thing almost you know but the point is not so much always in what you're praying for but just an effect that you having a spiritual moment because this young person might have never had the Holy Spirit you know so so present in his life as he had in that moment so when you pray with people who have never had a like that before they're feeling and experiencing something that you know that goes into the heart amen and so it was just beautiful to see that people were crying after we prayed with them and you know the Lord just connected us with all these people and this is one of the most secular countries in the world we always say Oh evangelism doesn't work well I tell you prayer warfare works but you know had you gone in and and done a typical quote/unquote evangelistic series sending out sending out brochures or something you'd probably had very little response but because you had that personal interest rate and you were involving God in the Holy Spirit God moved I think a key point was our united prayer I have a couple more pictures that people can see if you can put that on there right now this is the group not all of them but most of them as we you know gather every state at a little school in the countryside and if you go to the next picture you will see we spent our mornings in United prayer just like the prayer room we saw earlier and and if you go to the next picture I think there's a couple more here just pleading that God will use us and plead interceding for the city interceding for the people that we would meet that day just bathing it in prayer because we know the devil is trying to stop us we had all kinds of issues with car problems and not getting around but the Lord worked it out and he just blessed us in a wonderful way so God gave us an opportunity to experience him experiencing him in this secular environment and he proved to us that the most important work for evangelism is prayer and prayer is evangelism as you were saying but these people as you think about it they need the truths of the Bible but before they can you know be presented before you present the truth of the Bible with them they need a connection with God and so that was I think the key point so yeah the evangelistic meetings and the seminars and the Bible studies they will come but the first step is a connection with you know your main day so what kind of effect did this have on the local churches that was a very exciting thing you know to you know they'd the local church is about it I have a hundred and forty active members 140 or so and we we told them that we were coming and we collaborated with the local leaders and we invited them to join us as well and a few of them actually joined us on the prayer mission and that was a blessing and I remember on the first Sabbath day we were there one of the ladies came with us and she was so excited because she had never gone done this before and she's a physical therapist and she said you know I want him I want to do this continue this in and the work that I do and she I didn't mention we actually used also these glow tracks when we were praying when we prayed with people we would always give them a glow track called talking with God this is a little track that just talks about prayer and we translated it into Icelandic and so we would give it to people and on their there there was also a website that they can you know go to if they want more prayer or more Bible studies or anything that they want and we had thousands of people go to that website but you asked about the local members that lady she she said she was kind of useless and she did and sure enough in that week as we were going from door to door we met somebody who that church member had witness to just a couple days before and the Lord just connected us again another effect that this mission had on the locals was that we had the blessing of of seeing revival take place individually but also as a group they were having an important conference meeting and had the opportunity there we were pleading for their constituency meeting of the conference and we were told that they could feel a different spirit taking place there and in fact the the church members there decided that there are three major leaders of the conference or all three of them are from now on responsible for prayer ministers go today officially a constituency meaning you're all all the officers are now prayer ministries yes now I think you brought a short video did you know yes so you know we had it we had a feeling that God would do something special and so we want - we wanted to document this this this experiment this prayer experiment and so we brought a videographer danique transmat and she she she's working right now on on putting together this documentary but she sent me the introduction of the documentary video which we will be releasing and will gladly give it to you to show on 3abn if you want to yeah but we have the intro introduction video here so we can play that right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord give me Iceland [Music] I got chill bumps when he said give me ice and that the kind of prayers God likes to hear not just we're praying for this or praying for that but give me Iceland a man and I gotta say you know we cannot take any credit for what happened it was truly an to the Lord it was truly answered prayer and I can tell you that the missionaries who went they can testify to this because at times we seem quite unorganized but the Lord just worked things out but I have to say this and what is really beautiful about this is we ourselves felt like an ant's we were we were the answer to a prayer that has been prayed long before I was told that a group of people in Iceland had been praying for God to do something to bring people to help them to bring revival and to reach out to their country in a large way and they have been praying for years and we only found out about this later and but they saw that as an answer to their prayer but here's the interesting thing it was not just people from the seventh-day Adventist Church praying when we were going from door to door one of our missionaries knocked in one person store and share with him what we were doing and the people there couldn't believe what we were doing because you know here all these foreigners coming you know they're used to foreigners in Iceland all the tourists but here are these people coming not to check out all the sights but to pray and they were saying they were saying well you know we are also Christians and we have been praying for revival in Iceland and so now you're here so God has been answering prayers and you know this is not the end this is just the beginning of course we just we just give God the glory and praise him for for the many miracles I mean many more stories I could share here white one secretary for word let me ask you how did that affect the team members hmm yes well I said earlier that you know there was personal revival taking place we had the opportunity to just pray through some personal struggles that people had we were able to train some of the missionaries on on effective intercessory prayer and just how do how to pray and how to have a relationship with God you know young people struggle with these questions and so we had transformation there but then also they would go you know home I'm wearing still in contact with all of them and they were sharing some of the things that are taking place in their lives one person was messaging me today and I have to just read this to you they were saying her name is Esther she said after coming back from Iceland and learning about the power of prayer I started sharing about it to everyone around me with my church members friends and even non-christians ever since then our church has become a praying church in any situation the first thing we would do as a church leaders is to come together kneel and pray so far we've seen miracles our heart and hearts have been converted and comforted financial resources have been provided by God and outside of church my friends and I have started a prayer ministry in our College that and you know experiencing many blessings every week we gather in a room to pray for all the students and to claim the campus for God you know and they have many others one missionary came home and was he and his wife was struggling with health and so for years they have been looking at different specialists to find out you know what what is wrong with her and they just couldn't find out that $100,000 in medical bills already and so at least partially inspired by the prayer work that we did they said why don't we why don't we just pray about this more and have an anointing and so some of our missionaries were you know did the anointing with her and would you believe it 48 hours after the anointing she was healed of those issues and and and all the other things that you verified there for them Wow so God is just you know inspiring young people to pray more and claim the promises and claim your campuses I have a whole bunch of other stories but the Lord has changed young people here to to make them prayer warriors where before there was not a strong interest and it has changed the perspective it has changed the way to look at cities you know the greatest mission field right now in the world cities and it's changed the way you see it because you know we're all used to living in cities and doing our business there but cities are I mean there's strongholds of Satan all everywhere centers of influence from the devil and what we try to help a young people see in Iceland was to identify these places so that you can start praying to break down those barriers praying to break down those strongholds in those cities and God has you know God has is willing to do that there many testimonies I in fact I think you had Alex Nicholas go on this program I'm not too long ago and he was sharing some of that and he was part of a mission as well um you know the power of prayer in breaking down the strongholds of the devil because we can certainly not do that the devil the Lord can break down the devil certainly a little piece of backstory is that you know Europe the te D we call it the grant European division the leaders were at our recent annual council just last month and the president and his vice president came were just bubbling over about what had happened in Iceland because they've all been praying forward and working and just needed to see the spiritual revival breakthrough and amazing things that happened he had the president was on a meeting with us and we had Jonathan share and then he spoke and he said you know I just called the president of Iceland and he said that he was in a little Church this week and there was a woman there a guest and he asked her why she was there well so I'm gonna come to her door had prayed with her and she just came to see what these people were like I know so breaking down walls through prayer is is just amazing we're seeing that around the world in so many different ways and and I think all of us can do that we'll talk in a minute about a neighbor we're working with and you know different different ways we're seeing that we can reach out to people who don't even believe in Jesus and say well they got a kid problem or whatever you can pray with them and what a difference you've heard this thing people don't care how much you know till they know how much you care yes and I think that's it sometimes we want to just bombard people with biblical doctrines and truths at the Bible but if they don't know that we really have a personal and thank you and that's what that was so obvious you could see that these people are hungry we are more isolated than ever you know technology has isolated as absolutely and if you just show up and you and you do it in a prayerful mindset and showing that you care the Lord can make a huge difference he can he can transform lives he can transform that situation and bring light and hope to these people's hearts and we saw that multiple times just the fact that you are there and that you care you know they're willing to listen and they're willing to to see who you are and as you said people have come to church and we did not present any doctrines which just came to pray with them but the Lord will lead them you know to the Bible truths and transform their lives through the word you know I know jury that when you were elected as the central California Conference president that SoCal camp-meeting which has been long-running but it was really declining in attendance and to the point people were even thinking about perhaps they had voted to sell the grounds and not have camp money anymore and the members were very upset so we we went to the Lord and said what should we do and led us through a prayer experience to keep it going and then I know these these are people of Prayer I guarantee you because Janet tell us the story like you'd be praying how much should we be asking for it in our offering you know one thing I want to be sure is said is the people that are most blessed by us praying with them is us right now it you know I have prayer partners that meet every Tuesday in California they meet every Wednesday and for years I would think and thank him for spending the two and a half three hours praying and that's a lot of time out of your busy life and they would tell me over and over they still do will you quit think eNOS we are so blessed by meeting and praying because one of the rules is they don't pray for their own needs it's totally to pray for the world and the problems in the world and they tell you it's changed their lives it's brought them closer to has gotten them involved in reaching out to others but we are the most pleasant job 42:10 Joe 42:10 says job's captivity was turned around when he prayed for his friends mmm and he was doubly blessed my life's been so changed in Blessed captivity has been turned around cuz of spending more time praying for others than I do myself man well I certainly would challenge everyone everyone can pray mm-hmm it may be that people don't realize that that there are warriors that are anxious to assist us in our prayers you know that's our responsibility you hear so often because prayers are answered daily that the fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much and you think wow and then you find out that you are one of those is praying and the prayers are being answered and sometimes you know well first of all for me personally it just motivates me a thousand times more because it is making a major difference and then the phone starts ringing because understand that you pray for people and prayers are answered yes and it's just kind of a amazing you know we're told that prayer and faith can do what no power on earth can it come here amen and but we have to make the point though you know you can pray once yes and the interaction we had on the doors in Iceland that was a blessing and it changed their lives but we collect the prayer requests so we would have we had actually groups praying all around the world as we were going out we shared the prayer requests you know through our phones right away with everyone so thousands of people praying but then we collected these prayer requests and we will continue to pray for them continually intercede because it's not just a one thing and then we're gone but continual dedication to intercede for people who need the Lord because when they see their prayer requests an answered they're gonna come running for more who are you people you have a God speaking of that is a live program and we will be taking your questions or prayer requests you email us at live at 3:00 p.m. TV or six one eight six two seven four six five one that's six one eight six two seven four six five one prayer requests are beginning to come in if which we certainly be praying for these so that is live at 3abn dot TV okay why don't you read a couple of this I will be happy to here's from John and Nancy needs prayer for cancer we would be praying for each one of these mother requesting urgent prayers for a job in Salvation for her son I'll be a single mom that's trying to make everything working best you can but she's going the right direction because she's going to prayer callers grandson Jesse needs prayer to straighten up his life her daughter's recovering from surgery also in needs prayer one more I'll read right quick asking for prayer for her Bible study group amen that people will come and stay who will be committed and for her husband and her family and for her french-speaking friends going back to Africa that can see 3abn francais why don't we before we were almost to the end of the first hour let's have a prayer before we and what I'd like to do maybe Jonathan you've heard some of these but let's just go around and pray him John or as you to live pray lovely let's pray father we just are so thankful for the opportunity we have to come before you and we recognize our desperate need for you to be present in our lives to transform our lives Lord we are sinners we need your forgiveness your cleansing blood Lord and we need transformation and so we fully cast ourselves upon you all of us here all of us watching Lord we we just plead for you to be in our hearts in our lives and to take us because we can't even give you our hearts you got it you gotta take it Lord and right now Lord we praise you for your goodness and we praise you for all the promises that you have given us we want to claim those promises of healing and of strength for all these requests that have come in I want to pray for that requests our cancer Lord you see we live in a sinful world and we pray O Lord if it's your will that you will bring healing physical and spiritual we know that you will one day give us a new body and we praise you and thank you for that but in order to pray for healing right now for that a person struggling with sickness we just thank you that you hear us father I just want to lift up each one of these people that are thinking about you fathers people around the world that are calling upon your name father we know that you here you see you care you do and so father just give us that holy bonus to step out in faith and trust in you and allow you to work and in the behalf of not only each one of us Lord but the people that we lift up for prayer others people around this world that are looking for something to do and father they can become prayer warriors they can just lift up their friends their neighbors maybe perhaps they have a family member Lord that is fighting some particular issue but don't let them be afraid Lord let them step out in faith and give you a chance to work thank you father you say just trust you and father I just asked Lord that she will and put that in our heart so that we will boldly step forward and be who you created us to be farther each one of us you created to be an a a disciple for you and father sometimes we don't think that we're worthy of that but father we can start by answering by just asking that first request Jesus helped me and father then that will create another request and father then we will see that yes you do exist so father thank you that we can just take this opportunity to lift up your name praise your name I don't want to pray for the young mother that needs a job you know I pray you will help her to know that if she's single that you will be her husband mmm what's that in your word Isaiah in other places it says a husband to widows but we found that also women who've been abandoned by their husbands or whoever and the Lord you know she needs a job so we just pray psalm 32 8 that you will lead and guide and direct her steps to just the right job that will bring in the amount of income she needs mm-hmm Lord may she know that you've done this and I thank you Father we pray for those who besides this mother and who's praying for her son Jesse there's so many Lord who want their children to be saved their spouse to be saved there's people that may be watching even right now father that don't know you and we ask in the name of Jesus that you will open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light from the power of Satan to you that they may receive an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Christ Jesus how we praise you Father how would we thank you for the gift of salvation and we thank you Lord that you want everyone to be safe we ask that your Holy Spirit will convict and convince them and open their eyes that they will receive your love that in Jesus name well praise the Lord we need to also mention the free offer once again yes and this wonderful free offer is revival and Reformation resource that it's called prayer makes a difference and you can get this by emailing us at live at 3abn TV or calling six one eight six two seven four six five one and we highly recommend this is by mark finland we highly recommend that well we're going to be taking a break here in just a minute but just kind of give us a little tease of what's coming up for the second hour well we got stories that are happening around the world over a hundred pastors have been baptized in one area of other faiths because of a prayer ministry that was going on for several years I can't wait to hear that then it's got stories about prayer walking and our neighbors in the outing so God is God works through praying with others remember this is live and you can call in your questions or your prayer quick prayer requests or email us at live at 3:00 p.m. TV or six one eight six two seven four six five one I'm going to do that too perfect we did so we do hope that you will take we're gonna take a quick two-minute break we'll be back in just a moment and we're praying that you will stay tuned and and join in the fun with us we are so thankful that you're watching tonight we're hope that you are being blessed [Music] you you [Music] hello and welcome back to three avian live we're so glad that you've joined us tonight we are talking about prayer as evangelism and our special guests are Jerry and Janet Paige the ministerial secretary and associate ministerial secretary and the Communications Manager for the Ministerial Association of the General Conference of the seventh-day Adventist Church so what we are doing tonight we have a live program and we want you to call in your questions or your prayer requests to live at 3abn dot TV or call us at six one eight six two seven four six five one we also have a free offer tonight honey why don't you tell us about the free offer I'm doing too much talking well you're not doing too much talking but it's a fantastic magazine prayer makes a difference it's a short that's probably 15 25 pages I went through it I absolutely loved it I could probably even read a page or two because it just it was just so it was so yummy but anyway please that's the Texas coming up here and it this is by Pastor Mark Finley and it says dynamic principles of intercession that will revitalize your prayer life and bring renewal to your church and as Janet was saying on the first hour and as Jonathan was sharing and did I get down yes I did introduce Jonathan but on the first hour intercessory prayer really does revitalize your prayer life doesn't it yes and I mean I am a prayer warrior and you know and people do need to read this I mean if you want to just have a closer walk with the Lord it is very very very good okay and also I just want we want to go into our our special music we have Moses Brown with his wife Jeanette on the piano and he's going to be singing he hadith my soul [Music] a wonderful Savior is Jesus my lord [Music] he hide is my soul in the clefts of the rock where rivers are pleasures I see Oh wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord he take is my burdens he holds up and I shall not be sure if for my day [Music] in the collapse we're rivers all tried thirsty land heart is my life in the dance of [Music] and it covers me there with his hands whoa [Music] Oh he's perfect salvation is wonderful also [Music] hardest my phone in the grips of the rock where rivers all tried personally [Music] my life in the gaps of his love and he covers within [Music] Oh [Music] you thank you so much Moses and Jeanette that was absolute aful hey man why don't we read just a few of these we're getting some prayer requests in and this one is pretty critical it says my sister in Colorado is going to the neurosurgeon tomorrow for a biopsy on one of our arteries she might go blind and she's also going to get an MRI to see if she has brain tumors praying pray for her peace of mind through all of this that shalt not be afraid just claim Isaiah 26 verse 3 then if we keep our mind focused on him trusting in him he'll give us perfect name and it says also for good results on a biopsy done for possible stomach tumor so that's a lot and this is this next one is Zita from california she has breast cancer and Zita we're so sorry for that but we do believe that we serve a mighty God she wants prayer that she'll be restored to health and then prayer for Darcelle who's in college with several roommates oh the situation is becoming violent because of race police are involved a caller's daughter is no longer safe needs the Lord's help to get out of the situation how about you Ronnie yes I certainly do we certainly want to keep praying for Katherine who is young moved away from home and away from god bless her Laura this is from Wilma Wilma from Washington her children and two friends Shana Thao and Bobby Shantae RJ Ted and Sandy and Cheryl well the bunch she is afraid she is afraid that they are that they're lost and trying to break Satan's hold on them also needs prayer for her health pray for her church and the GYC the GYC and also prayer for unity for God's will Wilma claim Psalm 129 verse 4 that God is righteous he will cut the court of the way that's binding those kids they bad this is prayer for their son their daughter the grandchildren to return to Jesus there you've got one near ya someone from Jamaica's says her granddaughter has moved away from God and her family so she's wanting God to make the broken things straight in her life and said the captive free amen Janet prayers for Wright and Kilson to draw closer to God and pearl wrote in caller has an issue with her spine she needs healing in her spine she couldn't get surgery because of complications oh now she can't stand straight yeah I got a praise someone praising God for the program praise the Lord I mean without him we wouldn't be here these testimonies and one a prayer here for Anne who is asking God to give her a Christian man for marriage praying for that amen but I want to tell and the most important thing you can pray is that God will prepare you to be a godly wife you pray that God will do the preparation in your heart and he's gonna bring you somebody Jerry would you just get used to pray that for my younger boy hey Ben God gave him a holy spirit filled life after he became Holy Spirit filled me a me that's I think that's the thing we need to pray for David Vince that's pretty dear God we are so thankful that you have all power and that you're a God who knows the number of hairs on our head and your care if it's so much for every one of these requests Lord I won't remember them all specifically but we've called them out and we know that you're sending an angel from the throne to work on hearts to open eyes to set the captives free - to do the work that you do draw our loved ones back Lord help these health situations your Yahweh father great healer we thank you that you'll touch them and heal them in all the different ways they need - sometimes it's not till the resurrection we know will be healed then but we're praying each one of these will be healed in your time and your so thank you for that father and we're glad that at the sound of fervent prayer Satan's whole host trembles we've been told so we believe that tonight on this program we're praying and angels are being sent and Satan is trembling because he knows he's going to suffer loss and every book every viewer tonight Lord I pray in a special way you'll meet their need say maybe haven't called in or emailed yet but each one of us has special needs and you said in Jesus you'll meet every one of our needs so we thank you for answering that prayer tonight and may each one sense your presence in their own home own place where they're viewing because you love us because you're there and because you promised to finish the work you've begun in us in Jesus wonderful precious thank you and we will continue praying for these throughout the week we just trust that God hears and answers prayer well in the first tower it's Jonathan Walter was telling us about the evangelism they did in Iceland it was prayer as evangelism and I think you had another story you wanted to tell yes you know prayer opens doors and it doesn't encourage all the viewers to to start praying for their cities start praying for their neighbors you can go from you can do this work you don't have to know much about the Bible you can just go and pray well have four people you can knock on their doors and say is there something I can pray for everyone has problems and so when I encourage people to do that and claim their cities for God by praying for their people and meeting their leaders and praying for them as well so I just wanted to share two more things here from Iceland where God was opening doors you know we were knocking on almost every door in the in the in the capital region where most people live and so we came across the what population yeah the population about 300,000 people okay yeah Reykjavik the capital city and the surrounding cities and it was amazing to see you know the the people that God led us to you know one individual was a freemason leader you know for for for quite a few of them 3500 of them and he asked us to pray for him and for all those freemasons race around the country so we did another opportunity and actually we have a picture of that here I want to put up this is tomb of our missionaries and young missionaries and myself and this is the White House of Iceland we were able to go and knock on the president's door he's not as protected as it is in the United States you can go there and we knocked on the door he wasn't home however his assistant was and we were able to share with him what we were doing and were able to give him some of those glow tracts and he said he would give it to the president and we told him we're praying for him we're praying for the countries and so we pray walked the whole residential area of the president there and just claiming that God will do something special in that country so we were just so amazed how God was able to open these doors for us in that way and as I was sharing earlier you know the devil is trying to stop things but you know there were they were having this pride week you know where the people from all over the country and around the world came to you know celebrate you know their pride in homosexuality and we pray that God will will will cover the city in prayer nevertheless and and and lead people to him and a beautiful thing took place and some one of our missionaries to kind of a picture of this you know there were flags everywhere in that city of pride flags as you can see here and hopefully that comes across on the TV here but if you look in the back of the picture there's a rainbow from God right there across the Bay Area and it kind of symbolizes what God did there you know yes man and Satan with their ways are you know bringing darkness into this world but God the god of his promise was there and his promises were claimed and he answered prayer in many ways as I was sharing early as well so we just give our bodies to Terry you've had my interest piqued ever since you said that there were over a hundred pastors and baptized in Kenya pastors from other denominations as Christians so tell us what happened well it's a neat story because we started back in 2010 and 11 if you remember the revival and Reformation it is we said let's pray at seven and seven seven days a week 777 and an elder couple in elder at keenya took this seriously and they they called some of their friends and their pastor to join them they started praying every Monday at 7:00 for two to three hours and they would pray for the Holy Spirit pray for things but they kept gathering friends and neighbors as they went on down through and they began to pray with the ten days of Prayer we have in January it's coming again this January by the way and people all over the world are participating in that later it got to be the 40 days of Prayer they did before the last General Conference session of our church in 2015 there was a hundred days of Prayer which starts again next March ahead of our session next summer and during that time they saw amazing miracles happen they had all the way along the journey but they started inviting friends they ended up with a hundred and then two hundred people coming meeting people started bringing their pastor friends and st. pastor this is great we're praying for the Holy Spirit we're praying all across all these churches for family and needs and churches so they ended up by the time of General Conference session in June of 2015 they had a hundred they had no they had 400 people coming with sixty pastors Wow and in just before that the pastors had become interested in what these people believe that we're leading this thing and what he was so blessing them and such a great experience that they started asking questions so they started this little school to teach these pastors what what they believed in the doctrines by the time of that General Conference session they had baptized 16 pastors Wow and from other churches into our church and they were bringing their whole churches and they went and taught some of their people and that kind of thing so anyway but it's gone on it's 2019 now and this thing kept growing and kept growing there now have been well over a hundred pastors of different faiths that have been baptized in fact it's about a hundred and twenty we got some pictures here that we wanted to show it's just such a neat story they followed the initiatives of let's pray together around where do people find the because everything you mentioned the seven days of Prayer the ten days of Prayer the 40 days of Prayer these are all prayer initiatives of the general for instance seventh-day adventists and where can people go we have this website revival in Reformation org and melody Mason was on with you a couple weeks ago she works half time with us just finding new of the best revival and Reformation resources for spiritual godliness our greatest need around the world and hundreds hundreds of great resources there now on the front page under recommended resources a couple pictures will be booked I'm going to tell you about later but also this offer is up there we already had some requests with magazine before we even had the program tonight so but so many ways on Bible study prayer witness how to be really alive in Jesus that's what that's about so anyway so we've been calling people around the world and John and I go everywhere we find you're doing the ten days of Prayer in hands go last week in India everywhere so they're involved but these pictures if they'll put them up is our pictures of this group got together some of these pastors that have now been baptized this isn't a whole group of them there and they had a session of revival and training with one of our associates Jeff Brown who works with our ministry magazine and some of the other pictures of our of the different pastors that were baptized some of them friends from different churches there's a brother shaking Jeff's hand and some others are coming along as well there's there's the whole group again it's not it's not the whole hundred but anyway our vice president Jeff Rhema blond I went over there recently and met with a whole bunch of them like this and they just it's going to be 120 hundred and thirty hundred fifty pretty soon and my their big problem they have now is the churches to to build people into because their members are coming with them so right we know at the end of time we're gonna see some amazing movements of the Holy Spirit and the last day messages are getting spread that we've hoped for so it's one of those miracles I've longed for for a long time see a lot of pastors bringing Shepherds bringing their sheep with them thanks lot so we can tell you other stories but there's some amazing miracles again started from prayer praying together and getting so excited about what God did in those prayer times that they wanted to know about the teachings and the doctrines and more information from Scripture and you know once again I think that prayer obviously was the key if if you had tried to approach these hundred twenty passengers and said hey let's do some Bible studies to compare our doctrinal beliefs from the Bible to yours a lot of them would have just been but because of prayer because that was the focus and they saw the interest and they see the Lord well of course then the Lord is is moving in their hearts that's what opened them to understand further truth friendship evangelism friendship relationship is what we need most of the people we baptized and the ones that stay the best are the ones who come in through a member through a pastor you know and and through friendship and so we start prayer starts friendships we care for each other's families we pray for their church we pray for the needs and that relationship turns in it well tell me why you're the kind of person you are so that's the best kind of evangelism there is when you think about it when you pray you're really God is tuning to tuning you into his frequency because God is at work all the time we're joining him in his work and when you pray you're you're you really learning to surrender and to hear his voice and to then he can tell you what is the right approach with this person what is the right approach with this person so prayer helps us to understand the best way to reach people and you know and then of course prayer in reaching people with prayer is is powerful because it it gives them that opportunity to have a spiritual experience right there and then and you know really you even need the Holy Spirit I mean the Bible says that we know not how we ought to pray but the Holy Spirit intercedes very non-threatening you know I think that you you know I pray for the Holy Spirit to show me what to pray for right Ellen White says in Christ object lessons page 300 that's what that text means she says it means that you you pray under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit not that he has to intercede because Jesus hadn't doing a good enough job interceding but he inspires out of us our prayers there is a little video to share and then then I'm talking too much and you got to get Janet involved here sometimes [Music] and now because of your love for the Lord Jesus Christ we now joyfully baptize you in the name of the Father in the name of the son and in the name of the Holy Ghost one of the pastor's they read that's that's really exciting because as you said you reach them but then they went back oh they were excited about the Bible truths they learned and they're bringing their flock along that's exciting well you have been mighty patient it's your turn I just want to come in I went Jonathan was saying about you know the Holy Spirit impressing you how to pray yeah when you meet together in a house or in your church and pray it's not the same as when you get out and walk the city mm-hmm for me because as you walk around a community a city it's like God puts on your heart he opens your eyes to see what the prayer needs are and and how to pray amen but the other thing too is we need to be sure you know is is we're going out to pray whatever that we know our God that we're spending time with him cuz then God is able to lay on our hearts out how to pray and in the prayer that private time with God is so important and it it's prayer with the word the power is the more that we pray the God's Word and I just have to mention nobody's told me to do this but I just I think people will read books and then they put them aside they think oh yeah that was good and we kind of get away from him and that happens to me at times too but I just would like to tell your audience if they haven't heard of it or maybe they have they have it on the bookcase shelves to pull it out again this is one of the most powerful books there is exalting His Word why should I hold it in praise but then also life affirmation from his word these are both written by Shelley Shelley didn't pay me to do this I just have a passion that people learn how to pray his word and not just pray his word but but you're fired it's you know it's called life affirmations but it it changes your life but it also I don't know kind of unleashes God's power in praying for others the more we do this I agree what I love about this is your testimony of how God got you to start doing it and even if people read it once it's something to read over and over again so I just have I don't know how they get these I think you know Moses call 3abn or I because we travel so much I can't carry this around I have them on my phone you can't from Kendall I downloaded them so that's just a blessing the only problem is you need to make voice recording I know shaky voice recording I'm weak and and if enough people wanted an audio version of that we will do that you know I have to confess myself that anytime I quit doing laugh life affirmations from Scripture and sometimes I get really busy in and you just kind of you know when God has taught you something and you're walking in and it's so powerful then one day you wake up going I'm not doing that like I was doing isn't that amazing but anytime I hear myself cry out what's wrong with me Lord I know it's because of could that and it happened not too long ago we've been so busy here and I just was feeling empty and I'm just what's wrong with me Lord and I sat down and reread that and it was just like I did because I actually wrote it in the book that I said even if no one else ever read this book I'm just glad because it was it was the way markers to show me if I ever lost my way and it is God ministered to me through it I don't take any credit no it's definitely inspired but before I ever met you or these books knew about him I had developed a tumor in my female organs uterus and the doctors were saying I had to have a hysterectomy and I didn't want to have that I didn't want it to happen and what God led me to do was to pray his word he not just claim the promises but I would read through the Gospels and the stories of Jesus healing and say Jesus you did it now I don't want a demand of you because I only want your will but if it would be your will you could heal me right now you could take that tumor away and did that for several months before the surgery anyway there was no tumor I'm not pushing God not demanding but just praying his word as he tells us to do and you make it perfectly clear I mean some healing comes in different and different forms but I do both of you made a major impact in my life you know just just your friendship to see that you walk the talk and you've got me involved in the affirmations Janet well I mean it's just I mean God God works in mysterious ways but because you were using those particular books to help make and religiously and it was making a major difference and I thought wow and so as then as I started praying for other people they would have different issues in their life and I just went to the the appendix and and here was that particular problem and then you can take and then you can start praying that over the people's life immediately it's way more powerful in our own words most certainly you're praying God's Word God what does God say I watch over my word to perform out does not return boys had you twin baby grand strolling born in January and I tell you meant so much to me I got to you know be with them there but because I have your books on my phone the Kindle is I'm holding this baby newborn baby I'm Reese life affirmations oh yeah they're preemies praying these life affirmations over and I believe that that will make a huge difference in their lives the more we do that amount people pray and pray and pray and pray and pray but when they start praying God's Word hmm it just makes a huge difference is in the time guarantee and we can either speak life if we speak God's Word into someone's you know in praying or speaking it over our children you speak life to them but if you're speaking anything that doesn't line up with the word then you're speaking death and I know there's many of you and you know the Lord told me to tell it to say this to every every time I go out and I try to remember I almost always do but someone watching tonight you grew up hearing your worthless you'll never amount to anything and what God wants you to know is that you are worth nothing less than the price that he paid with the precious blood of Jesus Christ that's your value to God you don't you know and God doesn't have favorites God is not a respecter of people so what he's done in our lives he will do in yours and we want you to know how much he loves at the beginning we started to talk about 2nd Corinthians 10 and that we we don't war against flesh we we have strongholds we need to break with spiritual weapons and the reference there is back to Ephesians 6 and of course it's prayer but it's also the sort of spirit the word and when those two get together is Jonathan said earlier there's no power on earth like prayer with faith and the word when people truly need to realize there is a spiritual battle going on that that is as real as real convey and I think that we've noticed it certainly here at 3abn and and in our department I would probably say that 70% of our requests today our spiritual warfare mm-hmm I mean it's changed that much over the last couple of years and battles intensifying there it is intensified this was a few years ago but it was with a young adults like this out prayer walking in my form a prayer walking only thing I'd ever done was you just walked the neighborhoods and pray for the people who live in the houses any man somebody might come out you might pray for them but the young adults weren't happy with this and they said you know this is okay but let's go to the doors and pray with people I know what their needs are and I was scared to death but I said okay you guys do it I'll write down the prairie grass let them go to the door yeah but I tell you it's like God was just really hitting me upside the head cuz every home the the the first home we went to she couldn't believe her there she was out of work for like six months her husband had been out of work for a year they've lost their home they were living with her in-laws and she had the door lock you know the screen door but when she heard we were there just to pray she comes out shakes her hand says I can't believe you're here I told my husband just this last week we need to get back to church God but then the next home we went to the woman came stomping to the door in that time I got brave went to the door and knocked cuz I thought this was a good experience better and I go there and this Boom Boom Boom this woman just why do you want and I literally jumped off the porch into the bushes I was so scared and this big huge woman going it was a so the young guy that was with us he looks up at her and says we're here to pray can we pray for you and she said yeah you can pray for me and pray for my whole family my son died yesterday oh you know the first home they've been out of work lost their home this home the son had died in the woman just after they prayed with her just oh thank you thank you I know God sent you and these homes asked where's your church work yeah but then on down the next home before we had to get back was these young adults out there and they come up right in my face one of them did saying what are you doing I'm trying to walk the sidewalk get back to the church we're safe to pray anyway she gets in my face and I'm going well we're praying with people I was embarrassed to have her know what we were doing and she heard me though and she says really loud you're praying with people and a guy sitting there in the garage open garage says well you need to go pray for the people in that house their son died yesterday and this young guy Josh that was with us said we did how can we pray for you this young guy was sitting in the garage there with an alcoholic bottle in his hand hmm and he looks at that bottle and he looks back at us and then he looks at and just shakes his head and goes I've tried I've tried there's no home for me I I can't quit and Josh says to him yes you can quit God saved me out of drugs and alcohol he can save you can we pray for you right now and and he he says you mean now and he said yeah we mean now he says do I have to pray he said well you don't have to if you don't want to but we'll pray she says okay well normally we just one of us prayed at the door all three of us prayed because we were so moved by it and afterwards he's going what church are you from where do you have AAA meetings how do I get there it just is like God was just Janet we get out of your shyness and get out here and love people to me it's a world out there that's hurting us imagine and you know I mean you're sitting here I could do that I've always said I could I could speak in front of 15,000 people and you know go door to door but that's if I were selling something sure but I could do that I think I could go to your doors pray for people it is so beautiful to know that God is on our side when we want to work with him it's not that success is not up to us the success he will work with us in fact I was reading this this statement the other day I just have to share with you this prayer prayer is a heaven ordained mean of sucks means of success appeals petitions and treaties between man and man move men and are act apart in controlling the affairs of nations but prayer moves heaven mmm prayer moves heaven you know you can do a lot as a human being you can try to you know politics you change the world but you know all the United Nations and all the politics of the world and all the Wars of the world are not as powerful as the prayer of a person who believes that God hears them rare I just wanted to do this real quick because you had mentioned 2nd Corinthians 10 a couple of times and I know somebody's going what second Christian so let me read to you what Jerry is referring to 2nd Corinthians 10 4 and 5 and Paul writes saying the weapons of our warfare are not carnal hmm but they are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds now he's going to explain what these strongholds are listen casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God so the the anything goes on saying bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ man so the strongholds that the devil builds is a parent it is then when you're hearing something that is not in accordance with God's truth and you know what the devil does he always does this he gives 90% truth and then he twisted I'll give you an example I was thinking the other day how horrible it would be to be brought up in Calvinism where you're being taught election that God you're either born to no choice no choice but then to be taught in an eternal burning torment that is never-ending so then all of a sudden you're thinking you mean somebody's gonna believe that a God of love we create them and you're all evidently not free will because you can't cheat but create them to torment no wonder there's a yes but but that's the strongholds we're talking about and read you're gonna read how we bring them down I didn't go to Ephesians six but it you know it does say we don't well we don't we walk in the flesh but we don't war according to the flesh but it references Ephesians six we man the armor we put on us I just know it's we've got some more let's do some more we'll start Jerry let's start with you you can I think I've passed something I got one here this lady her son went to prayer meeting I hadn't been to church for a long time so that's good but she's praying he'll find a job God will intervene with his addictions gambling drugs she saw him today and he had a clear head so pray for her classes she has disruptive students you know supportive parents parents are unkind and don't treat her right parent the kids are disrespectful health issues etc leah is asking for prayer for herself and her family that's a good month and hers for my children and husband to come back to the fold Ruth David and Rachel are the children's names so yeah let me read this one this one's getting a little personal with you mm-hmm yeah well good way what I do know okay call her work with Jerry's mother at Porter Hospital on Denver she is now in hospital Deana Indiana mmm had her bladder removed due to tumor she knew both Jerry's parent well and my mother made mistakes raising me and I went the drugs and everything but when I was gone anyway I love my mother very much since yes be in heaven but she got everybody in the world Janna and everybody else praying for me and I was dogged on intercessory prayer and prayed me miserable I couldn't be happy in the other lifestyle Wow let me read this one real quick because this is one of our friends pray for June table I'm using her last name because June and Clint please play for June who was in an auto accident down a wheelchair she and Clint are longtime volunteers at 3abn have been such a blessing to us at the call center amen we love you June we love you clamp yeah Janet you have a few I just say one thing sure we had camp meeting once a year and we people fill out prayer requests hundreds of them it turned them in we'd pray over them one time reading it but then we put them in a box and every week we'd pull out that box and pray over the box now that isn't sound like it's gonna do much but we have seen I've heard from so many people where those prayers have been answered hey it makes a difference and because you said you will continue to pray over these you know pray for a man in pray for a man in her church who had an aneurysm name is Samuel and his wife for the pray for the Staples family as they travel another two weeks mm-hmm Greene sure prayers for improvement on job situation this is for Glenn and for improved health mmm pray Donna pray for my daughter Maria and her family her family is on drugs please pray for recovery I just love this one this says viola is 90 years old she prays for everyone she meets everywhere she goes and is full of the joy of the Lord keeping all of 3abn in prayer by thank you for praying for us but you know I think joy Jo why Jesus others and themselves and that's why when you're praying for others and you're seeing God move you are full of joy this is Trevor from Kansas prayer that I would draw closer to God and that I would like to study and read I don't like to read all I taste something this is since you've mentioned those books I wish you would Trevor get exalting His Word and seek because you know there's so many people who don't like to memorize Scripture they don't like to read the Bible but when you learn 2nd Corinthians one-twenty says that every promise of God is yes an amen in Christ Jesus so if you're in Christ you need to learn these promises even when you're reading read out loud and realize what the promise is when you're reading through seasons chapter one you it takes you an hour to get through there because you're thanking God for every promise but even his Commandments are promises and what I did was I would claim and I just say Lord I think your your word is alive and active it is sharper than any two-edged so and as I'm talking about the joy of his word I'd say I thank you did you give me an unquenchable desire for your inexhaustible word and you know what he did I mean I was Romans 4:17 says that God is the God of the Dead he gives light or the God is the God who gives life to the dead and calls things they're not as though they already were and so sometimes when I'm praying a promise of God I realize it is I'm calling things that are not as though they already work but God brings it to life yes anything all right let me read this one real quick and I'll go ahead Jonathan I have a couple here from June she's praying for complete healing for Beth and forgot to do whatever it takes to prepare probably a friend Margaret for the kingdom and we have someone who's asking for prayers for their dog who had a pretty bad situation and the Lord already stopped the bleeding after she prayed for that animals and four more prayers for children and grandchildren ma'am this is a caller from Barbados is so blessed by this program we love all of the people in board aid we've been here's more for children grandchildren and this one is for a daughter Charlene who has Parkinson's disease needs healing this is Higgins from Florida who has weakness over their body and the doctors can not find the cause and her husband is dizziness has is diabetic Barbara this is I don't know either ones about the babies get V the horse don't think the baby has growth on his brain he's four months old and prayed that the family can overcome serious problems in their life one that carla is asking for prayers for her husband Michael to come to know the truth of the Bible and to get a job and that their church can find their a new pastor I hate to correct god Jonathan here but he's like my son so this pretty just read about the dog it's a it's an answer amen it says pray for callers little dog who fell and knocked out her teeth she is like family caller prayed for the Lord to stop the bleeding so she wouldn't bleed to death and after she prayed the bleeding stopped praise let me read this one real quick this is from and please pray for healing for Donna who was just diagnosed with cancer Howard Dale who both needs physical healing and salvation family for Anna Uncas scarlet for myself the reverse diabetes outreach program and that those who attend will have a great success and pray for peg in Ruth who are sisters in the church amen no so go ahead Jim you want to say a prayer for just in general for these father we just lift up all these prayer requests to you you know what needs to happen you're the god of that raises the dead you create life and or we do not demand anything of you but we're doing what you tell us to in your word and that's to pray together yes and we just pray for your Holy Spirit to work in every situation to bring healing to bring jobs to heal relationships to stop help a little dog that's lost his teeth mm-hmm lord thank you that you care about every detail of all of these and thank you that we can put them before you and just keep bringing them to our minds to pray for them as you want us to we thank you Laurie Shelley can I tell it quick oh you can do it's just another one we we went to meet with the pastors and their spouses from South Sudan you talk about a tough place in the world they had to come out over the border into again that we met Malou and they came some of the wives however in refugee camps because they've had terrible civil war there for years the president's wife was alone the husband was out of the country the war came right in around their house in the main city it was real traumatic she's you know just about got PTSD from it but anyway the story is this with the women and the refugee camps and all and this president's wife ina came out she was helping this refugee camp was there too the women from all faiths or came there were so traumatized you know from the war and now they're separated from their husbands and their children their families and so they these people in the Adventists in the in the refugee camp said what can we do and they start a little ministry called come we pray prayers evangelist again they just invited these women come let's get together in grey we're all so traumatized we've been through so much pray for me pray for the war so they started doing this and as they spent time together they became friends you know and the the president's wife knew how to make these purses with little beads on them and stuff so she brought that in they started having a little fellowship together and laughing and having fun and they sold the purses made a little money but in the end that year they baptized 76 people Wow our church that were from these coming pray groups praise the Holy Spirit one is prayer in any situation with all kinds of face of people if we pray together we fall in love white says in one place why do it why does God want us to why is there more prayer why is there more power in United prayer because of the unity of heart because of the oneness of purpose and there's some real promises about the end of time when we finally begin to really pray together when we answer the call of Joel 2 to call the people to unite to pray book of Acts that's what they did every time there was a problem or persecution an opportunity for gospel to the process completed they would call the people to pray and fast then the next thing in the text over and over the Holy Spirit shows up next thing is the Word of God goes forth of power the next thing is some people reject and start to persecute others are converted and the church grows dramatically so this thing of praying in the situation makes such a difference in terms of really seeing things happen and anyone can pray oh yeah I mean in any situation and you know I hope that I hope that people are listening that anyone can write and if it doesn't seem like it's if you feel like it's outside your comfort level step out in faith Lord I really don't understand all of this but I'm just just yes friend please do that just just make that covenant with him says I'll try and I think that you certainly will make a big big difference in other people's lives no I want it I just you know encouraged reviewers to you know some of them might already have a active prayer life the Lord has so many things he wants to do with us and to give us greater experiences and deeper experiences with him and so as we make prayer our evangelism as we as we focus on how you know I'm not just praying for our own issues but praying for others and other situations he he will take you on a journey that will be so joyful and so exciting so it doesn't encourage you if you if you know if you're just focusing on more on your own situation and not so much on others step out in faith and try to pray for others and try to to use prayer as a method of reaching hearts out there the Lord's gonna use in a mighty way he's gonna give you divine appointments there's nothing better than divine appointments anytime you pray and ask your a divine appointment you can go don't be afraid to pray a big prayers you know we prayed you know give us Iceland let's let's pray for big pray for your neighborhood give me my neighborhood give me my city give me my country the Lord's gonna answer that prayer down you know because we travel so much I don't pray that prayer when I get on planes cuz I just want sleep or to study or whatever and we get aisle seats cuz I don't want to bother anybody getting up a lot to go to the restroom and but I finally prayed this one time I said okay God you know if you want me to talk to somebody on the plane you got to do it because you know I'm not comfortable with us I'm shy well that next trip we were coming through Ethiopia of connection I guess and we'd been there a year or so ago but this this two women come in and sit next to him in the middle section and looking at him the dress like Safari people you know with Safari clothes and I just felt the surge I got to talk to her and I'm looking at I kind of smile but she just doesn't really look at me and she immediately puts her headphones in you know earphones in and I thought okay that's as good I don't have to talk to her yes yes but I just kept having this urge you got to talk to her and I thought well how do I talk to her she got the headphone you know the earphones in well they come along offering water juice and so she takes him out and that was that's your opportunity you know I'm hearing this thought and so I said to her hi I said what have you been doing over here you got a safari did you go on a safari no and I said oh whoa whoa are you doing she says working at a hospital I said oh you're a doctor she said yes it was just everything was so Curt no no no and I said well we're you know she said she's an anesthesiologist and so where do you live where you work and she said Portland Oregon well Jerry hears this and he goes oh do you work at the Adventist Hospital in Portland no I work at the Veterans Hospital and she puts those headphones back on and I'm sitting there thinking she's a doctor she lives in Portland Oregon she works at the Veterans Hospital she's an anesthesiologist and they started connecting in my brain for years I had prayed with a mother she'd come to you know to prayer pray for my daughter pray for my daughter to get through medical school so I prayed and prayed for this girl woman to get through Medical School and I'm sitting there thinking well I could talk to her about her she may be she knows her coz I know she works at this hospital now the mother had died a while ago anyway so as soon as was when they served the food the headphones come on I go would you happen to know a dr. Linda Wiley that it's an anesthesiologist that works at the Veterans Hospital in Portland Oregon and she goes I am her and I said oh you are her your mother prayed for years for you to get through Medical School and all she goes well really wow she starts telling her friend next to her you know this is the friend goes all that dead just happens you you meet people you know unclaimed that just happens this is an Ethiopian we were coming to I don't we were Germany or we're coming or Africa Wow and to meet her anyway when when we arrived in Washington DC we're getting our luggage she comes walking up to me and said you know I know this wasn't an accident I know that glory to God because the one thing I got to say to her was I said I know your mom was a little pushy over the board I said but your mom loved you very much loved you and I said she wants to see you again in heaven but so yeah pray for those things three times do you more a prayer request JD pray for a family and disarray and a caller doesn't know where to turn needs wisdom and guidance and the Lord he certainly will answer that wanting cheering yeah please pray for Ida she needs physical healing from cancer amen and this one is theirs there's a number in here for bringing their families back to Christ and for conversion for family daughter and lost son Locke spiritual healing firm here says pray for my husband who had a sudden development of dementia he is so confused even he cannot remember what he does that's my janet page saying that isn't that is a very painful thing he did said his wife had sent that and then this is for our Dale from Washington is saying please pray for son Brent marriage nearly broken wife is left he wants to save it but his wife is not a Christian you know they're in this great controversy there is so much pain we did a I did a Bible study on the difference between happiness and joy happiness depends on our circumstances it's transitory I mean you know it can't be happy if if your child is in a war dying but joy is something that can be unending it is a gift from God it comes from developing that relationship with God and joy is that deep inner sense that God's got you mm-hmm and so you can know joy it will rise above your circumstances persecution pain and we just want you to know I just looked at the clock the time is nearly gone but we want you know we'll continue praying for all of these jerry janet and jonathan thank you so much for being here thank you for taking time to come out of the way please go to revival and Reformation dot o-r-g wonderful resources many good initiatives honey it's always a pleasure to do this with you our prayer for you is that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the love of the Father and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit will be yours all [Music] [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 15,178
Rating: 4.8699188 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, Janet Page, Jerry Page, Prayer Evangelism, Prayer Makes a Difference, 3ABN Today Live
Id: xXNFrOzxZzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 0sec (6960 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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