"The Doctor and the Preacher' by Mamon Wilson

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before I began I like to call upon in heaven to give me the energy to strength and to grace me with his presence let me pray and you pray for me as I present to you what God has given me dear father which I in heaven the Lord I present myself before your people today law to be used and law to give to them what you have freely given unto me father that we all may be transformed into your likeness now bless us dear father the truly dear father we've grown in an travailing law to bring forth the man Jesus Christ law that we may present to the world and live an example of what God can do through man thank you Father for this opportunity in Christ's name they made once again I just say God fall that have worked out just give you just a brief bio of my life my wife my wife Rhonda Wilson she's a medical missionary physician and you'll be hearing from her later I've been a medical missionary about 36 years I've specialized in terminal diseases most of the people that I work with have less than three months to live my wife and myself we train over 200 medical missionaries a year we travel all around the world I just was in London in England previous Savile's and I spoke at the ballot seventh-day Adventist Church there in in London and we had a full house about 1200 people was there and I was there for 18 days and then God blessed me to come here also I've worked in Jamaica not too long ago and the Lord blessed us to do a wonderful work over there we in the process now billing a sanitarium right next to the church and someone I be heading to Australia to continue to work we began there also so pray for us that God would continue to give us the strength that we can continue to present to his people the message of the health message blended with the gospel I worked a lot in North Eastern Conference Greater New York Conference president Baker president of North Eastern Conference is a good friend of mine and he had blessed me to be able to get into a lot of churches in that region I haven't done a lot of work here in this area that maybe this would be the beginning that the health work can be revived here in this church and that maybe a lot of the sickness that we are plagued with we can find some solutions to those problems and so I'm hoping that you will come out and hear what we have to say and maybe we can be of some help to you also I want to say before I get into my message my wife and myself we work a lot with dr. Enoch I think some of you know dr. unit from India and Basel we work very close with them with their sanitarium hospital of their in India I'm planning on going there also and to aid him and helping the people over there so it is quite a busy work and we need more people to get involved and I know some of you are probably wondering how what I'm going to present I will be sensitive in my presentation I recognize that some of you problem probably haven't had to experience the sea and to have an experience with some of the cases that my wife and myself has dealt with and yet you do need to see some of it because it will educate you on the possibilities of what can happen when you continuously walk away from God especially in the hell message so my subject is what is disease disease is a curative process now just that alone kind of ship could provoke some thought disease is a curing process I truly believe that every disease a so-called disease is a manifestation of a curative process this concept have helped me in a tremendous way I have divorced myself from the concept that disease is an enemy I have adopted the concept that disease is a friend and because I've learned to work with disease God has given me favor and dealing with a lot of these problems traditionally and most approach is to fight the curating process in other words of a man had a fever they view a fever as something bad and they seek the stop to action of the fever suppressing the curing process and yet a fever is a friend trying to stimulate an immune respond to burn up and to throw off and to cast out than peer does in the system if we understand that concept then we are well on our way to conquer every other disease God and Isles man was so great a vital for us that he have withstood the accumulation of disease brought upon the race and consequence of perverted habits in other words in spite of Allah walking away from God's principles of health and diet man have existed in the beginning God gave a perfect man a perfect diet that perfect diet was fruits grains and nuts no I didn't forget vegetables vegetables came in later after the fall you see there was no need for there was in the very beginning because a perfect man had a perfect diet and a been a perfect man he needed a diet to harmonize with his perfect existence but after the fall then God had to reform him back to that perfection God gave man vegetables as a medicine vegetables was not really technically a food but it was a medicine to heal them to bring him back to the perfection he was before the fall in other words the simple principle is the life for the flesh is in the blood in essence what I'm saying is the quality of life is in the blood if you got disease blood you got a disease life and so since the life of the flesh is in the blood if we can get a biological healthy organic transfusion a blood transfusion we can have a prolong in healthy life God is so smart he was able to do that by simply incorporating vegetables in our diet and the green juice in a vegetable called chlorophyll is almost identical to the human blood in composition so as we eat vegetables we have simply given ourselves a blood transfusion that's how God can prolong our life and give us a good quality of life and so through that God is able to bring us back to that perfection this fact of itself is enough evidence to us the strength and the electrical energy of that God gave to man at his creation if Adam at his creation had not been endowed with twenty times as much vital for us as men now have the race would be extinct in other words we are living off the violent forces of Adam and if we did not have that vital force we would all be extinct and but the problem is we are not living out the good quality of that vital force we are down towards the end of that vital forces druggin is the order of the day the average physician thought of no other form of treatment and the public have grown so used of idea that health could be bought in about in other words we feel that the solution to regain our health can be purchased at a drugstore we believe that by simply taking some medication we can restore ourselves back to health this is a perversion this is a delusion and the whole race is running after this deception and at the same time it never occurs to them that any other form of treatment was possible have you ever thought that in God in all his mental wisdom that there's possible is there possible another treatment outside of the allopathic medicine approach is it possible that God has some other method of treatment without depending upon drugs that do not produce akhirin at all and I explained that later and the symptoms of the so-called disease were treated as disease itself in other words when a man had a headache he simply took medication to stop his head from hurting he never thought what brought about the headache he never thought about removing impurities that was exciting the central nervous system that possibly brought about the congestion or the headache he seeks simply to remove the symptoms never considering what has brought on this problem the main object of treatment was to smother to reduce the symptoms and I think that's what we found ourselves today most of us are not concerned about being cured but only if we can be free of the symptoms of disease as long as I don't feel the problem I don't have to worry about the problem but the whole human body is breaking down under this onslaught of attack from within whether you feel it or not I insist that practically all disease were in reality a process of a curative effort on the part of nature to right or wrong in other words I'm simply emphasizing that the all this so-called disease is the body's attempt to get well and if we can learn to work with that system most of us can recover our health anyone who understand the mechanism of a sneeze should understand the nature of such disease but the foreign matter is violently expelled in a process of sneezing so is waste and morbid matter expelled by the body in a set of symptoms noted by us and the many so-called diseases so when we sneeze we are simply propelled and we're casting out the impurities out of the system whatever has brought about the irritation we are forcing it out of the system in other words it's a cleansing process but in most cases when we see someone coughing and sneezing we conclude you're catching a cold but in reality you're getting rid of the cold listen brothers and sisters you catch a cold in the summer time you get a rid of the cold in the winter time this seems so far-fetched from our normal concepts and beliefs but disease microbes and bacteria grows in a hot dry and humid environment but in the cold blasts of Siberia and Alaska you don't have those kind of problems not nearly as much in the tropics and subtropical countries where pneumonia and respiratory problems is at a very high level in other words instead of thinking that when you're sneezing and coughing you're catching a cold you should eat the body to rid itself of the impurities out of the system basically the process is the same and just as it would be absurd to try to smother a sneeze now take a look at this I want you to look at this young man he looked healthy and all of us can conclude that there appear to be nothing wrong with him but upon introducing a small irritant in his nose a little salt water a look T of goldenseal I can stimulate and mechanism of sneezing and coughing and the mucus begin to come up now the question is did he have the cold all the time well the cold land daunted in his body waiting for some type of irritant that would stimulate the mechanism of sneezing and coughing are bringing about a fever and yet when we began to notice these things it is conclusive in our mind that the person is catching a cold but in reality cold was there all the time all it needed was something wet to make it manifest itself so what do we do then and stay at a treatment cold before the symptoms appear we simply go about contentiously abuse in our body so by the time that the body can muster up enough energy and vital force to cast out the encumbrance of mucous infections we conclude you're catching a cold and then we take in drugs to suppress the curative process this is the reason why that in all the drug stores and all the pharmaceutical companies all around the world there's not one cure for one disease our chela's interview I don't ask for five just one one cure for one disease there's a written on the bottle that it can cure disease - no it cannot do that it can help it can aid but it cannot cure and the reason for that is simple you cannot cure unless you know the Creator you see it is a law of God that he'll is the and God has a method and seven day Adventists need to come in line with God's method if we continue to walk away from God we will suffer the consequence of rebellion we will continue to be sick we will continue to have high blood pressure diabetes arthritis and cancer this will continue to compete against the membership of our church do you know that in our church that we are bearing as many people as we baptizing we must stop this onslaught of abuse in our myths by coming in harmony with God's health law we can do it we have wonderful counsel from the Word of God that given us beautiful counts of how we can regain our health we have a compassionate Savior that loved us many families suffer with sore throats and lung disease and liver complaints brought upon them by their own course of action in other words disease is being manifested because we have introduced it by our disobedience and not following God's precise method you see I was raised and born in the south and we have a certain ethnic and approach to lifestyle I was lived in an environment where we a soul food we had to have it greasy and seasoned and fried and and we had to have our poke chops and collard greens with ham in it and whatever it is and barbeque and because of that we have a high prevalence of high blood pressure diabetes strokes and Carla vessel diseases when I became a child of God I had to stop following my ethnic Vince I had to seek what God would have a son of God to do God has a way he want us to live we can't carry on this old life into the new experiences I know that many of you are a big boy because you've been raised to enjoy a certain way of eating and living let me tell you something that won't be in the kingdom of grace God has a family one family under God and we're going to eat as a family we're going to live as a family God's gonna change these old concepts and views and ethnic relationships we got one ambition and it is to please God let us people while we yet have some viola force left let us submit ourselves to go it is absurd to try to suppress the symptoms which constitute an outward and visible sign of a curative process going on in the body so now if you get diarrhea and your bowels are running off what do you do you go to the drugstore and you get some medication to stop your bowels from moving did you help the process why was the process going on in the first place why was your Paras colics accelerating fecal matter out of your system at such an accelerated rate that it kept you in the bathroom it was trying to up be unload something a fermented are some irritated substance somewhere in your lemon ear canal it was trying to find a way to cleanse the system and it can be quite dramatic but instead of stopping the action let's a the system by simply giving a body it's a little roughage fiber drinking plenty of water and maybe occasionally taking a small enema that sounds like you you know if you're running off and your bowels are moving why would you give something to aide and moving the waste and fecal matter out of the system because you're assisting nature in this process you're not hindering nation nature anymore if you get a fever do you take a cold bath or you take a warm bath a hot bath well the body's trying to heat itself up for what purpose to reduce an immune response but what purpose to burn up the infection in the body what do a cold baths do it hinders the immune system from killing the infections in the system oh I wish I could make you understand how important it is to learn God's method we are breathing in all manner of chemicals and additives in the system our bodies on a daily attack causing all kind of problems we are living in homes that will not let in fresh air we are breathing off the filth of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gases into our lungs we are inhaling smoke and other chemical and we expect the body to continue to operate in an option optimal level somewhere people the body's gonna break down and disease is going to set in in essence what I'm simply saying we should aid and abet food and not hinder and prevent them we should learn to aid the body in the recovery process disease is the process of cure I cannot open under emphasize that this is the basic element of my teaching and people call on me from all over the world you don't you can't even imagine I can't express to you how many countries and how many people are demanding that my wife and myself and my ministry be there and it's because the house the world is a laser house of disease and sickness you know I teach a class we have a medical missionary training School where we train medical missionary physicians and I teach a class I teach people how to see how to listen and how to feel I have concluded that people to have eyes cannot see and have hands that think they got sensitivity cannot feel and most of us will not listen and this is the class take a listen look at this clubbing may result from chronic low blood oxygen level look at the tip of your fingers if those tips are those cubicles on those fingers are swollen large and the nails are building down you have a problem with your respiratory tract you have a problem with low oxygen level you could probably have some type of heart related problem and you didn't even know it but your body is trying to let you know something is going wrong and yet you think hey everything is fine but your body is constantly talking and making known to you take a look at your hands again if you notice how puffy your hands appear to be your ankles and your feet may also reflect this there is a possibility you could have a problem with your thyroid gland and don't even know it and because of the malfunction of your thyroid gland it interferes with your antidiuretic hormone that is keeping fluid trapped in your system and the body will trap the fluid and lieu of our attempt to try to contain the inflammation doctors do something similar to this they give you Preta zones and thread of zones it calls you to swell up to that traps the inflammation so that the inflammation won't spread out through the system and so an attempt the world is seeking to do the same thing that your body will attempt to do maybe I just hope that I can keep it plain and simple to you all through your body is speaking from your nails to the shape of your body is telling us that if there is a problem such as if your nails are unusually white and pale looking and there is a possibility you could have a drug reaction you could have psoriasis or once again it could be associated with a thyroid condition take a look at this this condition called half and half nails and this normally when you see a person with nails like this it means that they have their taken dialysis down the dialysis machine or they may be a transplant patient and I teach the students always look look at everybody and learn when you shake people hands try to enter into the sensitivity there see if the skin is climbing see is it unusually warm check the nails out well look at how people walk look at their gait and see if their pelvic bones are rotating properly listen to the sounds of the body all of that is teaching us and making no to us the conditions of the body max edema another condition with antidiuretic hormone today we know that this is correct and every advance in natural hygiene has emphasized this truth more and more fully but in Ellen White days it was such a revolutionary idea that it met with violent opposition on all sides Ellen White she advocated and taught the same thing that I'm teaching you today she had the same opposition that's possibly young man is heaven it's new it's brand new I just can't accept that concept and the medical system could not understand where she was coming from and so as it is today then purchase of the body now listen to the law survey then puritans other body that's toxemia doesn't mean that the abouth only moving once a day or once every other day or once a week you got impurities in the system those impurities going to show up somewhere is going to manifest itself and a poor complexion skin problem psoriasis execs MO and many other related problems also in pure blood all of this will bring about problems in the system the adherence of the body if not allowed to escape how do the impurities escape the system through the luminary canal through the boughs through the skin through respirating through sweating all of this is unloading the impurities out the system so these imperatives are not allowed to escape they are taken back into the blood and forced upon the internal organs that means death simply means your kidneys your liver in your heart and all your organs must now work overtime to try to remove impurities in the system nature to relieve ourselves of the poisonous impurities make an effort to free the system now you have all this toxic debris in the system your body is going to make an effort to clean it out their cleansing out of this impurities you would ascertain as disease and you will seek a way to stop this on of impurities this effort produced fever so as your body is unloading this impurities now the sudden you develop a fever you conclude that this fever simply means that you must be sick and now you need medication and what is term disease the Ellen waitis and it's not me but even then if those who are flicked it would assist nature and her effort by the use of pure soft water much suffering would be prevented but many instead of doing this and seeking to remove the poisonous matter from the system they take in more deadly poison in the system to remove it poison already their Council on health pays 6 to 1 so in other words instead of helping a body we simply take poisonous drugs in the system to try to remove a poisonous material already in the system we have doubly overburdened the system nature will a bear abuse as long as she came without resistance then she will arouse and make a mighty effort to rid herself of the encumbrance of evil treatments she have suffered then come headaches and noticed this throughout the months and years of abuse nature will raise up and make an effort to overcome this problem then headaches chills fevers nervousness and many other disease will be manifested because we have kept falling away that was not in harmony with God following our own course of eating and drinking and how do we do that by not having a basic knowledge of what food do to the body drinking with our meals eating denatured Eve itemized demon arise food eating foods with stabilizing chemicals and preservatives and we think we can put all this in the system and manifest a healthy body because we profess the name of God if you violate the natural laws you violate tomorrow when we understand this we have a merciful Savior and he want to save us just as faithfully as he wants you to keep the Sabbath he wants you to be healthy he wants you to be spiritual Giants he also wants you to be physical Giants also and you can be that God has given us ample amount of knowledge to be able to do with that so it is not by smothering the symptoms and that's what basically would we do cover it up but by removing a cause of these symptoms when they themselves would naturally and automatically disappear so what is the cause principally cause a muscle problem is ways most of us are filled with moderate mucus under just the decay the real sorption of this deadly demon of toxin cannot help but lay the foundation of all our miseries often time as I've looked at the residue of that moderate mucus and undigested the case that we get out of : I stand in amazement that man can live a year to ten the real real circulation is deadly teaming demon they're the foundation of all our misery people let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh let us present God a decent place to tabernacle and how dare intervals invite the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to live in a cesspool of Filth you and even to your enemy like that so invite Guardian twins this temple and let God have a decent place to Tabernacle in and in doing that you will rid yourself of encumbrance of all these problems that you faced with today this condition is known among health reformers as toxemia that's Auto intoxication that means a person is drunk on their own filth but this they do not mean germs excretion of germs but a general condition of poisoning brought on by excess of purified waste material the bloodstream and the body generally when this is expelled when it's clean cleansed out all symptoms that is the so-called disease spontaneously vanish and the patient is cured I worked with cancer I work with AIDS every day in my life I'm working with cancer patients I have missionaries now all over the world working with people with all kinds of problems and the principal focus is detox cleanse and rebuild just what God trying to do with the spiritual body detox cleanse and reveal get on it you don't want to take a healthy spiritual body and contaminated with filth so cleansing and then allowed indwelling of God take a look at this this is Graves disease hypothyroid this is a condition where you notice a bulging of the eyes thickness of the neck fluid retention and some positive body rapid heartbeat and it's simply because the metabolism of this person is accelerated and even though they eating a tremendous amount of food that continued to lose weight why did it happen because we're depending on iodine from solve that is depleted we're growing our vegetables on chemicals and we're eating the vegetables produced by those chemicals which is not balanced the soil is not balanced and so we expect them to have a vibrant healthy body when the salt is depleted it won't happen this condition is condition where the iodine and the amino acid tyrosine is that a severe load and it caused the thyroid gland to swell and because of that people develop large Gordo's this one called max edema once again a lot of fluid buildup in the system down syndrome Down syndrome is where there's a missing chromosome our damaged a song and I'm gonna tell you something when a child has Down syndrome it doesn't meet matter if they black white Chinese or white they all look alike they don't look alike twins and the reason because they all have some problem with a particular chromosome but there's hope I worked with sickle cell anemia and that's a genetic problem and they tell me that there's no cure for sickle cell anemia I totally begged their difference there is no disease that God can cure and God has given his people this superior knowledge in the gospel message do you think it'd be that less inferior in the l's message no God don't expected people to go to the world to gain the spiritual knowledge then why do we have to go to the world to gain the knowledge of how to regain our health God has made us a head and not the tail and I know Down syndrome sickle cell they can be reversed keep in mind the light of the flesh is in the blood it may take generations a generation for red blood cells is about 120 days do you know that every 30 days you get a brand new heart and many of you say what are you talking about I've been head congestive heart failure 50 years and you're talking about I get a brand-new heart every 30 days you do you get a brand-new set of lungs every 45 days you get a brand-new body every seven years what I'm simply telling you that God so architect the human body that has one cells die another cell take his place he is so magnificent and is arrangement of things that your heart never miss a beat as your one cell die another cell take his place and our heart has been renewed every moment of our life that's why we can make changes that's why the body can recover itself God has put the curative process in us through His grace you cut yourself you heal up that curative process is in all of us and conditions such as sickle cell bloopers Down syndrome it may take many generations of the sale but if you be faithful God will honor yo efforts I put this slide in there because when you see a child and a brand-new baby and they got one take a look at your hands out there how many lines did you see in your hands should least be 2 or 3 right but it was a Down Syndrome child most of them would just have one line when they're born that tells the physician that that child has some problems and immediately if the work can begin to rebuild a blood restore the body a lot of that child's health can be recovered and you need to be able to when you're out witnessing you need to be able to be aware of problems such as herpes I tell you her purses are please I'm running across more young people with herpes then I've ever seen in my life it is the number one problem among young people and it's so easy to spread it could be on your hands and young people want you to look at this because if you interchange their friends and you you come in close contact they may have a contagious disease you don't know it and you can be just spreading it along as you go here's one HIV of the mouth these are the conditions of disease of the now generation the now generation they may be the smartest so-called but they are the most diseased generation it ever been green worms work with a lot of ring worms children like to get out and play in the dust you know in the dirt an animal's life too extreme and urinate on the grass and a dirt and many times the children out there plan step picking up parasites from the animals and children don't wash their hands they don't and that's a lot of grown people don't wash the hands when they go to bathroom they don't that's why I don't eat in the restaurant I'm sorry I may look a little fanatical but I do not eat in restaurants because I don't believe people watch the hands now I'm not telling you what to do you continue to do it but if you next time you watch people when they go to the bathroom that come in there use the bathroom go right out don't you watch the hands you go right ahead with it but anyway here's the ringworm that's the parasite and you can see these little parasites on the person's face let me tell you something when I was a kid my granddaddy had a hound dog and the hound dog came down with a condition they called means where it just eat all the hair off the dogs and animals got sores all over and they said mr. George you ought to take that dog somewhere and shoot it Papa Joe hang on shoot that dog I love that dog papa Joyce I never forget him he took up a washtub and he fill it up with old motor oil and he bathed the dog in old motor oil and two weeks the dog was cured I know forgotten that I had a dear friend of mine his name brother Frank hotel a beautiful medical missionary he came down with that flesh-eating disease depakote assay it was eating big chunks of flesh off his body and he smelled like a dead man and he asked me sir brother Wilson have you ever seen anything like this and I said the only thing I've ever seen like that was my granddaddy had a hound dog he said what did he do I said he'd put motor oil on he's put the motor oil on me and after convincing i sponged him down with motor oil and God heals that man of staff of cotton say and I've been using it ever since now you want to know well what in the world more are going to do well most of your drugs there's in the drugstore are made from petroleum products especially your skin medication the cortisone they get it from petroleum products from motor oil and by taking the motor oil and rubbing it on there it wiped out that condition totally here's somebody with parasites parasites is the number one problem I'm telling you most people in this church right now got parasites and don't even know it here's a very drastic case where the worms are calling out this young boy mouths all marble action are evidence of amorita remedial effort of nature overcome the marble condition are expels and marble material so it's just simply saying that all conditions is the body's attempt to try to clean it up now it's like get rid I'm sure I'm getting close to the end of my time here I want you to take a look at this right here now this is a female ovaries and fallopian tube and I'm bringing this out because I'm going to show you where a lot of problems develop with female fibroids fiber cystic conditions uterine problems and here the woman is releasing her aid and there's a vacuum a pressure that scoops it up in the fallopian tube as the egg go up in the fallopian tube it began to travel it's got three days to make its travel and as its traveling it meets thousands and thousands of sperms the sperms are released from the male to a from the female the whole purpose of the sperm is to penetrate the barrier of the egg and fertilize the egg but the wall that protects the egg is like a 20 foot thick wall so it's very difficult for these little sperms to work its way and find a weak spot but every so often guess what one fine a weak spot and confine its way through as it began to probe until finally one has reached penetrated the barrier found his way into the egg and United itself with the age fertilization has taken place all of us is a product of this miracle here today some two three and more but mostly one then dag has one purpose and that is to find its way and to the wall of the surface of the uterus and to bury itself and it will simply bury yourself into the wall so that it can eventually produce life all of us is a product of this miracle life can only come forth from death sometime this system go crazy went realization do not take place because of the over production of estrogen the female hormone sometimes we reproduce what we called fibroids and here you see 23 fibroids from a girl and each one these fibroids are mimicking a development baby but it can cause some major problems for the woman there are different types of fibroids here you can see that as they large nd as you can see as they large into the uterine wall they can press into the uterus and this can cause the uterus to swell and become engorged with blood and when that happened I want to Castel her Monday period two weeks three weeks almost the whole twenty some days she could be on her period and this can cause major problems what did this condition come from here's another one large fibroids as large as a nine month old baby and then you saw seeing women with the stomach large and you know it may not be from overeating it may be a fibroid that is growing these fibroids can become problems most of them are benign but they can lay the foundations of problems now if when fibroids develop from too much estrogen a female hormone when the estrogen level increases it suppress the progesterone level estrogen and progesterone must be at a proper balance when that happened the estrogen causes the cells to grow to proliferate and then eventually abnormal tissue fibroids can develop these are different sizes of fibroids that has been taken from a female and each one of these fibroids can't grow to extremely large sizes Candida and I think I'll close with this when my time should be about finished ten minutes okay Candida Candida is a yeast infection now children when they're first born they have a consumer of them have a problem called thrust some of you familiar with thrust right this is where they end up with little white patches in the mouth that comes from the immune system is not at an optimal level I'm bringing us out because God gave us some insight on this do you know that God called Israelites to circumcise the male child in what day they stay and that as long as the Israelites follow god's prescription there was no an infection ever recorded with the Hebrews because on the eighth day that child's immune system was at its optimal level and there was never a problem but in some cases were thrust is the condition the child have not developed a new system to protect itself and it developed for us in cases where people have AIDS are grown people where they have used drugs are there suppress their immune system they develop what we call Candida yeast infection a lot of women have infection of the vaginal tract and simple thing is is when the pathogenic bacteria in the vaginal tract is growing faster than the healthy bacteria all you need to do is do an implant by simply taking some plain yogurt and water and acidophilus and during the implant and house three days of doing that and just simply dishing out with a little episode of Innokin water you totally knock out the candida or the vaginal infections and these are just simple things that I'm telling you that can be done keloid killing Lourdes another condition I've worked a lot with keloids is a condition with most Asians and black people get these problems now the reason why black people got it and a lot of asian is because especially black if we love body piercing in africa we are all kind of designs you know we come up with all kind of fancy designs on our body and every so often an infection setting and then as we produce the children we pass that infection on until finally it began to affect the skin or the skin cells and they began to grow skin cells too fast which visibly came keloids well today white people are getting keloid at the same level as asian and black people is because they're practicing this art of body piercing so a simple treatment now nothing to you about keloids you can cut them off they're going to come back worse so don't even think about getting them cut off you making a mess out of it the easiest way is to get you a solution called DMSO 99% pure and some vitamin E or wrote the vitamin E or only keloid then rub DMSO on it do that for 60 days and you're flattened are per kilo no pain at all it works fantastic and dissolving those kilos here's a girl in Nigeria she have kilo is wrapped all around about it very painful condition and Lord blessed us remove those kilos from her soul down what hope do we have the only hope of better things is in the education other people in right principles thank God you making the right step and brother ins now scheduling health people to come in to educate our people and it's for our good but after you learn it then you can go in the community and help the people let the physician teach the people that restorative power is not in drugs but it's in nature disease is an effort of nature to free the system from the condition that results from a violation of the laws of Health do we really understand that because if we understand that then you will not be an opposition what I've just shared with you disease is an effort of nature so that's telling me disease it's not a bad thing to free the system disease is trying to correct the problem from condition that results from a violation of the laws of health all this came from out of wood violating the laws of health in case of sickness so calls should be ascertained we should try to figure out whatever but it brought it on healthy unhealthy conditions should be changed wrong habits corrected mr. hill in page 127 when a person has a cuddler vessel problem and it get angina pain that's because as the blood is going through those arteries and it's running into some kind of blockage it causes pain in other words here code the blood and here here are the blockage the blood is coming through it hit a blockage and it bagged up like that every time it bag up guess what you get an angina pain and the more forcibly do it the greater the pain to find it you can have a heart attack of some major problem eventually as it continued to hit the blockage it'll find its way through and then the pain is gone but the condition is not remedy how you going to do it you're going to have to get on a complex carbohydrate diet stop all this fried food that is increasing your cholesterol and triglycerides get more exercise and I brother ins I speak this to you I tell you before I make this comment take a look at one of the physicians who helped me to understand why is dr. michael clapper I first woke up so to speak when I was working on the anesthesia service learning how to put people to sleep and I was seeing my patients for the next day's surgery for coronary artery bypass surgery in order to bypass clogged arteries in their heart because it was late at night I drew the man's blood test and when I took the blood to the laboratory and had a process I couldn't believe my eyes now normally this liquid layer floating on top of the blood clot is quite transparent it's yellow but quite clear you can see right through it the blood in this patient's tube however was anything but clear the serum floating on his clot was thick and greasy white it looked like glue in fact it's stuck to the sides of the blood tube when I shook the two I went back to the patient I said mr. Phillips did you eat before you came to the hospital tonight he said yes I said what did you have said I had a cheeseburger and a milkshake and when he said that I realized that what I was looking at in his to was all the fat in the beef burger of all the butter fat in the cheese and the butter fed and the ice cream and in the milkshake and all this fat had used out into his blood and actually turned his blood fatty in other words when you eat fried food that grease have to go somewhere and if it bill up in your bloodstream all the time you could develop problems well 30 40 50 years of keeping your blood very fatty creates changes in the blood vessels that are very dangerous over the years arteries can become clogged with fatty material then a blood clot can form blocking the blood flow completely if the artery leads to the heart the lack of oxygen can cause heart muscle to die that's a heart attack if the clogged artery leads to the brain the patient has a stroke the next morning we took mr. Philip it makes a 30 to 40 years for this to happen but by that time you know the young people they are now a tie is and they are suffering problems right now they don't have any problems but they don't think they have it they keep know I was telling young people this I said you want to know your legacy I said look at us I said you will become what we are if you continue to follow the same steps we are following if we continue to lead our children if we got arthritis high blood pressure diabetes we obese we got all the problems don't you know they will inherit this legacy that's why we must now change for them so that they won't inherit our poor choices to the operating room and I put him to sleep and the surgeon opened up his chest and from these arteries you began pulling out yellow greasy deposits of fatty material called atherosclerosis you know if you know doctors have done this procedure thousands and thousands of times and every time the nurses and doctors look at it and they said this person eating too much fat too much grease too much fried chicken I say never said too much tofu tumors broccoli tumors vegetable salads maybe we should learn something from that may God bless you and keep you I don't mean a fuss at you I have a tough job I just want to let you know that I have a really tough job I get chance to deal with the kind of Christians seventh-day adventists people in the world that you don't I normally have the last three months of a person's life and they come in hope of trying to find recovery most of the time they don't have much left and I pray God that I don't see you on those terms but if I happen to meet you I'll do everything I can to help you but keep in mind you can make my work a lot easier I'll make us some change and always tell people this I told the people in London I don't need them more business all right I really don't need no more business have you ever seen somebody trying to stop work I'm trying to stop that's a thirty six years of this I would like to take a vacation but because you continue to eat the way you eat and live where you eat you keeping me very busy may God bless you and keep them thank you
Channel: Remnant SDA Church
Views: 21,657
Rating: 4.8899083 out of 5
Keywords: Remnant, Seventh-day, Adventist, Church, SDA, Seventh, day, Christian, Indian, Sermons, Women, Youth, Mamon, Wilson
Id: n4GehjXfBSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 13sec (3373 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2011
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