Powering Up Trammer Exploring 600 Level Full

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[Music] oh [Music] so no problem welcome to the six hundred this is a mancha little trammer electric locomotive it's probably been sitting here since the 60s it runs on 40 volts two tin cell lead acid batteries rechargeable rechargeable this is the charging port to recharge it you unplug this and there's actually a port that will plug right into it this is the port that plugs in to charge it and that's connected to a electric motor generator dc charging set that's under this cover it's a motor generator set this is the control we have a total of six ore cars here i brought a lithium iron phosphate 40 volt battery pack down here we're going to try and make this run today this is a 40 volt lithium iron phosphate battery pack we're going to see if we can make the electric trammer run although the capacity of this pack is not nearly the capacity of these lead acid storage batteries this lithium iron phosphate batteries will deliver a lot of current on demand so we're not going to get much distance out of this but hopefully we can get it to move we brought some jumper cables and first thing we need to do is try and clean this up enough to identify which side is positive and which is negative these are just 20 cells in series we have a positive we have a positive right here we have a positive right here positive negative positive negative positive negative so this would be negative right here this would be positive it probably doesn't matter if we hook it up backwards because the forward in reverse would just be the opposite here [Music] okay i can agree with that okay you're ready ready as all over me put that in there now the batteries even though the batteries are dead they should not conduct when uh when we came in here do you recall which way this was because i don't want to go full speed it was down like that yeah don't worry about it i'm not i'm going to hold this okay so if it we're on off right now so okay in theory right it should be off okay go ahead okay so i want to go forward yes pushed [Music] okay now we we got these two cars connected together yeah so now we got to get these we got to connect this car because these cars are all chained together well we want to move the whole train wait there's nothing coming from this side huh oh i see i see the crystal so in theory i think you'd have to put this [Music] in there right like that i would just tap it just tap it a couple times see what happens yeah see what happens [Music] back it up okay that's good cut it [Music] we believe this is a e-brake that's what this is because the speed is stepped so the further you go with this it's staged um it's like different windings on the motor not not a rheostat it's not continuously variable but it's stepped almost like it's digital because if i go [Music] i mean it's powerful it's powerful and i'm only going on the second step right well think of all the weight that it has [Music] derailment derailment we derailed [Music] [Music] okay yeah keep going whoa tap it whoa tap it again you're close tap it you're almost almost hold on okay go ahead when we hit this switch here we're going to ramp right back up onto the track go ahead tap it again again again again front wheels on keep going keep going okay you're back on western electric made in usa blast proof mind phone this is a bell signal chart this is magneto driven so this generates a high voltage that pulses all the bells on the system all at once so when i do that all the other phones that are connected on all the other levels are ringing um and then these batteries are for the audio side and here's a there's a schematic here of how it's supposed to be wired so western electric mine phone we should video this whole level while we're here spikes is there we should finish that we should just finish this direction out some type of instructions this is a big one too do you want to go this direction yeah it continues [Music] [Music] yeah no it keeps going back fill and face back filled and face some uh mineral deposit crusties all right here we go this has got to be a deadhead anyway because that that um fan to blow air down here okay here's the hose that's it face is out right here oh yeah looks like oh that's i'm not sure i would work that one okay so that didn't go so too far rail brackets yes we need to put that back okay put it all back the way we found it let's go explore this level i think i'm going to take a left first since we came in from the right oh man weighed a 700 level oh another looks like there's it's like there's more sloshers up here saucer buckets now that's that faces out the splits uh i don't know maybe that's for equipment or um like lumber [Music] okay we're getting back into the stops here's your grease grease in a box oh there you go hello hola it's a big hole yeah so [Applause] i'm stopping [Applause] barrel of fun nothing that's face this looks pretty much it does continue but maybe there's a reason that that wood looks awful rotten okay we did not go this way it just goes to the stop oh yeah okay we did not go the here does it look like it faces so this here's a 700 man way what is it 700 manway so to go down another yeah this would take us down to the next level if only we had time it's like we'd have to like get down here camp if we needed you know and then continue huh well that's pretty much kind of what it would seem like because i mean going that far in one day well it depends if you're checking out yeah thoroughly every level like we are yeah true you can't do it all in one day now if you just direct drive down to that part we would probably be able to yeah we're back at the slusher here uh okay this is the way we came from this is the way we're going is technically the way we came from the way we came from yes originally timbers old school beautiful wood they don't make it like that anymore we have a lavatory back here there you go hey here we go okay this is where we came from so we want to go straight right [Music] so it's starting to um starting to fork all over the place yeah should we do all right turns or what do you think and that's it it's just faces out right there right okay back to okay so this oh look at here you think if you open that water will come out probably not try it it's a sink it's what it is it looks kind of wet in there nope what it's got to be just stuff that's left in the line look at how clean that water is now flint michigan 2.0 look at that it cleaned up all right shut it off i want to know it's just residual water sitting in the pipes from monet [Music] well that is crazy it's good to know okay face is out here yeah that was like a sink and it goes way back yeah this i can't see the end of this so here we go roll on looks like bigfoot was in here before some of these tracks don't they trough it down the middle of the track so the water runs to the shaft because there's a sump at the bottom of the shaft with a pump ground that faces can't tell but the pipes continue this way [Music] well look at the size of that ore chute wow that's a big one and look at we're back to the exit signs this goes this way and it's clean this goes this way and it's clean there was a fan sitting here but it's been pulled yeah as they work their way down they move the equipment sure no it keeps going it's into a stop stopy area and yes face stop [Music] okay we gotta take the right fork now wow just keeps going and going but and all of a sudden i picked up a bunch of air flow feel it some interesting color here we got an ore shoot here 600 exit uh it looks like give me one second the air pipe continues this way stand by one and the air pipe ends and it faces right there so okay going back to the man way more of that yellow color up there yep softer pyrite look at that i know look over here look at the um it's just filled yeah uh i was wondering if you got that up above when we were in that big scope area there was just a solid i mean the whole wall was pretty much pirated this is pretty or it's just a big chunk actually this is there's iron pyrite and calcopie right right one is look at that chunk right there that's a good one yeah it's just solid i got that i bet this is probably part of that same wall this is that would did you notice that up there yeah did we is this where i got lost on the way in yeah it faces out up there so so this looks like they water washed it huh or is that i think it's just the color of the rock it's amazing as there's no cut and fill action in the spine at all it's all they hauled all this waste out of here well it was probably paid for itself though obviously i don't know i thought the ore bodies were pipes oh here's here's another blower okay we already came this way dynamite boxes another one of those five horsepower blowers wow that's funny yeah how old do you think that is atomic slot machine 70s my dad would know i bet you keno craps roulette and then this i found another one of these weird ones look with a weird face yeah and then a different it's a different one right i wonder what those so here's the man way right here up and out and we got a blower back here i swear i heard something i thought i did too like a high pitch something oh there you go there's some sparklage we are headed for hopefully the shaft and this face is out so so we want to go this way actually yeah look at the tracks lead out going this way so oh here's your fan right here and here's a magazine a lot of dynamite boxes so so so [Music] i don't know i would think that would head back head towards the shaft but the pipes are going this way the air and water line or going this way so stoked out area there's that sulfur zone again so [Music] so so okay here's where we come down now we went this way until it faced out right so we have completed this level all right all right we're outta here
Channel: Mine Explorers
Views: 127,623
Rating: 4.8710785 out of 5
Id: xrf0cOBjb5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 31sec (2731 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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