Have you ever wanted to see an underground mining operation?

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[Music] have you ever wanted to see an underground mining operation I knew you did most I start the same the quarry workers come in before daylight before most of us are awake then things come to life huge conveyor belt squeal and action and heavy equipment growls into existence what you're looking at now the guys in the quarry call Spaghetti Junction because so many conveyor belts meet in one area through this gate is the entrance to our underground mine what is an underground mine good question in online we extracted remove limestone rock think of it like a man-made cave hey look it's a huge dump truck let's see where he's going oh man it looks like he's going underground let's follow him we have these trucks hauling rock nine to ten hours a day and they can haul forty to fifty tons of material per load do you remember how much a ton is that's right two thousand pounds so this dump truck can haul eighty thousand pounds of rock per trip that's as much as a fire truck [Music] hope you aren't claustrophobic what does claustrophobic me claustrophobia is the fear of tight or small places some people feel that way when they go into caves or mines I promise we will be okay look at the walls of solid rock these walls are formed by drilling and blasting we drill into the wall in a very specific pattern then we place explosives in the holes we drilled in the rock kind of like when you put a bunch of TNT into your sister's house on minecraft except we don't want to destroy anything we want to preserve the pillars because they hold up the ground above us the ceiling down here is approximately 48 feet tall the pillars are like a cube that is 48 feet on all sides look off in the distance the dump truck is being loaded let's get closer we're about 150 feet below the surface did you know that the Statue of Liberty is 150 feet tall from the base of her feet to the tip of the torch each dump truck makes this trip 33 times a day so if each truck and all 40 tonnes per load how much rocket does each truck haul per day [Music] did you figure it out yet that's 1320 tons per truck per day if they were fully loaded to capacity [Music] and Herod concrete and stone has five trucks hauling most days and then he's leaving we better follow him out of here Wow this is a steep hill we are way down here I see the light at the end of the tunnel looks like we're getting close to the exit it feels good to be outside again this thing on our right is called the jaw it breaks the log shot rock into more manageable pieces that we can then send the crushers to make various sizes of smaller rock that is used throughout the construction industry thank you guys for watching the video and I hope you enjoyed it and learned a little about our mind stay safe and healthy and god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Max Good
Views: 66,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qUpnRHxoKc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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