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the book of philemon chapter one verse number six philemon chapter one verse number six brother paul writes a letter to philemon a protege of his chapter one verse six of philemon is just one chapter and he says to philemon in philemon 1 6 that the communication of your faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in christ jesus that is to say the only thing in you in christ is good but you've got to acknowledge the word acknowledge is the greek word epignosis e-p-i-g-n-o-s-i-s epignosis epignosis means accurate precise exact knowledge hypnosis means wholesome knowledge it means revelation knowledge so he says that the communication the word communication is the greek word ko innonia it means the fellowship or the participation of thy faith becomes effectual the word effectual means that which works all the time that is the participation of your faith can work all the time when you come to a place of precise exact holistic knowledge of every good thing that is in you because you are in christ jesus look at james chapter 1 verse 22 james chapter 1 verse 22 brother james says be doers of the word and not hear us only deceiving yourself deceiving your own selves next verse for if any be a hearer of the world and not a doer he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass meaning the natural faith of your birth you're looking at it in a glass look at the next verse for he behold it himself and go with his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was not what manner of man he is but what manner of man he was because when he beheld himself in the mirror he saw his exact identity but when he walked away from the mirror he forgot what he saw and that word deceiving your own selves is a greek word paralegal my paralegal my means to be mentally agitated mentally agitated the word parallel gives homai means to have an image that is not yours to be mentally agitated means to think i am and at the same time to think i am not to be mentally agitated means to think i have won the victory in christ but when the situations of life blow i think i have not won so you are unstable you are wavering like the wave of the sea one moment i'm a winner another moment i don't know if i have won one moment i am in christ another moment i don't know whether i'm in christ or i'm a sinner one moment i am blessed another moment i don't know if his generational courses that are following me one moment i am a victor another moment i don't know if god ever answers my prayers so you are unstable and brother james is a man that is unstable in all his ways let him not think that he shall receive anything from the lord and the reason is because you looked at the mirror and when you were looking at the mirror of god's word you saw blessed accepted righteous holy overcomer when you walked away from that mirror you forgot what you saw then your circumstances became more real than what you saw in the word of god and many believers that is where they are when you are in charge you are brought face to face with your realities when the service is over you get overwhelmed by circumstances and pressures of life then suddenly you let go of what the world says you are and you begin to speak a contrary language so brother james says straight away he forgetted what manner of man he was not what manner of man he is because when he saw the mirror he saw that you are complete in him the head of all principalities and powers and when he walked away from the mirror he saw that he lacks this he lacks that he lacks that so he forgets he is complete he begins to function like a man in luck so you are not acknowledging the good things that are in you in christ therefore instead of living a victory life you are living a life of defeat one moment you sing i'm an overcomer another moment you sing we are trying to overcome so you're not consistent in your work with god you're not consistent in your confession you're not consistent in your persuasion you're not consistent in your conviction so you and um you and an unbeliever are almost having the same results because he says let not that man think that he shall receive anything from the lord because he is toast to and fro like the waves of the sea he didn't say let him not think that god will give him he says let him nothing that he will receive is one thing for god to give is another thing for you to receive most of the problems of believers is their failure to receive what god has already supplied listen carefully god is not going to because god has it's not going to heal you because he has healed you he's not going to bless you because he has blessed you he's not going to prosper you because he has prospered you now it is left for you to receive the new testament is a receiving testament brother paul will ask them have you received the holy ghost since you believe the scripture tells us a man cannot receive anything except it be given from above then it tells us the natural man cannot receive the things of the spirit neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned then he tells us what things so ever you desire when you pray believe you receive is not about god giving it's about man receiving god has never failed he has already given jesus is not going to die again he died once and he wouldn't die anymore and that one death gave you eternal victory am i talking to somebody here look let me let me let me surprise you let me surprise you let me surprise you let me surprise you it is not when you pray that god answers it is not when you pray that god answers if god has to wait for you to pray before he answers it means he is reacting and god never reacts god proacts because he sees the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end so nothing takes him by surprise before you were born all the prayers you will pray in life god saw them ahead of time and supplied that's why he says before you call i will answer so it is not your calling that brought the answer it is because god answers so why do i pray i pray to receive what god has supplied am i talking to somebody here now we are talking about the power of the cross the power of the cross and these realities are as a result of the cross yesterday we took time to look at the apostolic foundation of the church we saw that before pentecost jesus preached beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself we saw that before the resurrection jesus expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself so jesus led the foundation for the new testament's teaching of the scriptures and we saw in acts chapter 2 on the day of pentecost brother peter stood up beginning from the prophets this is that which was spoken by prophet joel that i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and then he talked about how that death could not keep jesus down how that it was impossible for the grave to keep jesus down how that jesus rose triumphantly on the third day we saw the second message of the book of acts and that message is in acts chapter 3 after the healing of the man at the gate beautiful and the same message christ died he was buried on the third day he rose triumphantly then we saw the third message in acts chapter 5. let me read a little bit of that acts chapter 5 verse number 30 acts chapter 5 verse number 30 help me with that scripture on the screen the god of our fathers raised of jesus whom you slew unharmed on a tree next verse in god him hath god exalted with his right hand to be a prince and a savior for to give repentance to israel and forgiveness of sins next verse oh glory to god and we are his witnesses of these things and so is also the holy ghost whom god has given to them that obey him next verse when they had that they were cut to the heart and took counsel to slay them the message of the cross provokes demons the kingdom of darkness gets confused when you start talking about the cross because to those that perish the cross is foolishness but unto us that are saved is the power of god oh am i talking to somebody here now remember i have told you that the cross is not a tree the cross is symbolic of the death the burial and the resurrection because sometimes if you are not paying attention you could think that the price of sin was paid on the cross no the price of sin was not paid on the cross the cross was the starting point somebody said but jesus said it is finished on the cross well when he said it is finished he had not died and the way jesus has seen his death so if he was paying for sin and he has not died sin couldn't have finished so what did he mean by it is finished pay attention from abraham god began to introduce abraham to a covenant relationship that he alone was going to make on behalf of man oh abraham thought he could enter a covenant with god but abraham cannot enter a covenant with god because mortality cannot cut a covenant with immortality because a covenant is a pledge a vow an agreement between two or three parties to carry out terms and in a covenant there are consequences and punishments when the covenant is violated so god and man couldn't get into a covenant because god cannot fail man fails all the time it will be injustice for immortality to cut a covenant with mortality but so god wanted to cut covenant to assure abraham that he cannot lie but abraham fainted and abraham could not stand up to the covenant in genesis chapter 15. so god waited for abraham abraham fainted he couldn't stand up to cut covenant with god and god went and after some days god visited abraham in genesis chapter 17 and he said abraham the other day in chapter 15 i waited for you you never got up what happened anyway since you could not cut covenant with me i want you to assure me that you trust me go in and circumcise yourself so abraham went circumcised himself and his children to prove to god that he has believed that god's word will come to pass but you see the covenant is not complete because for there to be a covenant there must be two parties and in this case abraham could not make the second party so god have had one person in the covenant which was himself but there was nobody to represent man in that covenant so the covenant was with deity alone so god began to look for who will cut covenant with him on behalf of man who will stand in covenant with god to represent mankind god already represents divinity and deity but there is no man to stand in covenant with god so god kept looking for and god couldn't find anybody that could cut covenant with him on behalf of man so god came out of god and god became a man and god remained god okay so the man that came out of god represented man while god himself represented god so god and god made a covenant the covenant is between god and god god cannot feel god cannot feel by two immutable things in which it was impossible for god to lie what are the two immutable things god and himself the promise and the oaths god and himself so god entered a covenant with himself on your behalf now listen when you fail it does not affect the covenant because you are not a party to the covenant the covenant is between god and himself man is a beneficiary of god's covenant am i communicating at all look let me show you something your father and mother are in an agreement to be married the child is not a part of the agreement the child is a product of that agreement god and god enter the covenant to give back to a new creation you are a child of god born of god you are not a party to the covenant you are a beneficiary of the covenant i don't know if i'm talking to somebody so by reason of the covenant that god has with himself in that covenant he has decided to take care of you to protect you preserve you save you forgive you your sins and ensure that you are guaranteed an eternity with him so the covenant is what god promised abraham which god alone fulfilled no man fulfilled it are we still in the building that is why the believer in christ jesus is a beneficiary of an existing covenant that god made with himself so when jesus said it is finished what did he mean by it is finished god kept looking for man and no man so finally jesus was born a man and on the cross jesus said that covenant that nobody could fulfill with god from genesis i have come to fulfill it the demands of the law are fulfilled it is finished then the journey of redemption started remember on the cross jesus cried out my god my god why has thou forsaken me that was the beginning of the journey because the fall of man was separation from god so the restoration of man will come by a separation jesus has to be separated from god to identify with you so in debt he identified with us in debt he identified with humanity he was hungry like you're hungry he was tired like you're tired he slept like you sleep he wept like you whip identification he died because you were dead in sins on the third day he rose in his resurrection we identify with him in death he identifies with us in resurrection we identify with him am i communicating at all observe this romans chapter 5 romans chapter 5 verse number 8. romans chapter 5 verse number 8 but god commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet seen us christ died for us next verse oh glory to god much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him verse 10. for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to god by the death of his son much more be reconciled we shall be saved by his life so his life is the guarantee of our salvation that is that when you receive jesus his life comes into you to guarantee your salvation that's what the bible says when christ who is our life shall appear we shall appear with him in glory why because his life is now my life his resurrection is now my resurrection so as a believer i must acknowledge that this is what happened when christ entered my heart i died christ came alive on my inside so it is no longer i that lives but christ that lives in me the life that i now live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me i thought somebody would shout hallelujah now remember in leviticus chapter 16 when moses communicated by i types and shadows the realities of redemption remember israel we are to bring two goats every year two goats one goat was the scapegoat or the goat of escape the other goat was the sacrificial lamb under the levitical priesthood which was a typology of the priesthood of christ so they seen and seen and seen and seen and seen at the end of the year they drag a goat and they bring the goat to the high priest listen carefully the high priest does not examine the sinner the high priest examines the goat if the goat meets all the requirements the sinner is free to go the goat becomes the substitute for the sinner then that goat is killed then the blood of that goat will be carried by the high priest once a year and he will walk through the holy place into the holy of holies and smear the blood on the ark i mean in the mercy seat the blood of the good now the sinner is not the one that goes in to sprinkle the blood it is the high priest the sinner has no right to go in and sprinkle the blood it is the duty of the high priest to take the blood even junior priests are not permitted in there it is the job of the high priest and it is done once every year when he smears the mercy seat israel is asked to enjoy their life for a full one year that blood covers them no matter what they do that blood covers them but because they have committed new sins they prepare another goat at the end of the year they bring that goat so that goat is killed and the blood of that good insures israel for another year as long as the high priest and the good meets the requirements of god then the good of escape will be held by fit men the high priest will lay hands on the god of escape and confess all the sins of israel on the god of escape's head then they will release the god of excavate in a valley out of israel as that god goes all the sins of israel goes with the good two goats that was a type and shadow of the details of what christ did remember the sinner is not examined it is the goat that is examined today behold the lamb of god behold the goat of god that taketh away the sins of the world so jesus came as our goat [Music] we are not the one examined it is jesus that is examined and if jesus is okay i am okay if jesus is accepted i am accepted because it is not based on my righteousness it is based on his righteousness [Music] are we in the building please pay attention so jesus was two goats in one two goats in one the first goat is the goat of escape when jesus carried the cross on the way to golgotha as he was falling arising he was the goat of escape carrying the sins of the whole world out of the city to golgotha when he arrived the cross the first goat has finished its walk when he died he died as a sacrificial goat now please listen carefully because if you don't pay attention sometimes people will think that jesus and satan met in hell and fought there was no such thing jesus and satan never met when he died it wasn't a physical fight the fall of man was separation the restoration of man will be by separation when jesus died he was separated from the father so he became sin and he went into hell because when you are a sinner and you die you go to hell jesus didn't commit sin but he took our sin and became sin and went to hell and in hell the price of sin was being paid and he was in hell for three days and three nights on the third day when the demands of justice were met jesus rose from the dead and when he was rising out of the grave he's stopped by paradise there was paradise around hell now there are three words for hell there is soul there is hades there is gehenna so when you hear hell don't think of fire immediately find out which hell the hell jesus went to was hades hedis means the place of outer darkness so jesus was in hedis the place of darkness for three days because of spiritual death and in hades there was an order another compartment called paradise how do we know that jesus taught that in luke chapter 16 he talked about the rich man and lazarus he said lazarus on earth was poor but he was a righteous man the rich man had everything but didn't have righteousness so the rich man died and lazarus died and two of them went but lazarus went to abraham's bosom okay and the rich man was in hell the place of outer darkness watch this so that you know that hell was close to paradise then the rich man was talking to abraham and abraham was answering the rich man the rich man said abraham asked lazarus to put his hand in water and cool my tongue because on earth i was kind to him it is time for him to reciprocate abraham said to the rich man my son there is a gulf fixed between us and you we can't cross to your side you can't cross to our side there's no way lazarus can bring water to cool your tongue are you still here now please pay attention who are the people in that place of paradise all the old testament scenes abraham isaac jacob moses elijah enoch zechariah all the old testament saints beginning from abell in genesis 4. we are all in paradise none of them went to heaven and somebody said to me somewhere dr damina but the bible tells us that elijah went to heaven no the bible didn't tell us he went to heaven the bible said he was caught up by a whirlwind but did not tell us the destination then somebody said but dr damina the bible tells us that enoch walked with god and he was without for he was caught up he was caught up but didn't tell us caught up to wear we assumed and there's no assumption in bible study we assume that when we say caught up in heaven no enoch didn't go to heaven neither did elijah go to heaven how do we know that john chapter 3 verse 11 to 13 please pay attention john let's hear jesus john 3 11-13 john chapter 3 verily verily i say unto thee we speak that we do know and testify that we have seen and you receive not our witness this is jesus discussing with nicodemus at night next verse if i have told you ugly things and you believe not how shall you believe if i tell you of the heavenly things next verse and no man had ascended up to heaven no man no man had ascended up this is jesus talking no man had ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven even the son of man which is in heaven now you didn't get something he that came down from heaven even the son of man not which was in heaven which is in heaven what he was saying is i am the son of man talking to you on earth and i am still in heaven at the same time meaning i'm a dual citizen i operate heaven and earth at the same time oh i don't know if i'm talking to somebody here see the coming of jesus brought heaven to earth so when you get born again you are a combination of heaven and earth what is heaven immaterial what is it material what is heaven immortal what is it mortal what is heaven invisible what is it visible so the believer operates dual citizenship right now you are in heaven and right now you're on it so as a man on earth when you confront circumstances and they are beyond natural solutions you switch into a heavenly status and supernaturally make the impossible to become possible i don't know if i'm talking to somebody here you're a dual citizen and somebody says how do i know i'm a dual citizen ephesians chapter 2 verse 4 ephesians chapter 2 verse number 4 but god who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us next verse even when we were dead in scenes had quickened us together with christ by grace you are saved next verse and have raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly in christ jesus now you are not going to go to heaven you are in heaven now no scripture that says you will go to heaven check your bible carefully the scripture teaches heaven as an immaterial reality where the believer is now however because of mortality he is more conscious of the material than in the immaterial so what will happen the trumpet of the lord will sound and mortality shall wear immortality so that that reality called heaven becomes your reality i don't know if i'm teaching here if you're following say i hear you say with me i'm seated in heaven right now in christ say it again i'm seated in heaven right now in christ listen carefully there are a lot of unlearning that needs to be done in the church and we're learning because we were taught many things that were not scripturally right but they were religiously popular you know for example asking a sinner to give his life to christ is very popular but is doctrinally wrong because a sinner has no life is dead a dead man cannot give so a sinner never gives anything to christ he has nothing to give that christ needs so what happens christ comes into the heart of the sinner to give the sin alive so hold on instead of the sinner giving his life to christ no he's not doing christ a favor it is christ that is invited into the sinner so that's why john 1010 says i am come that you may have life until i come you don't have life it is my coming that gives life so when the sinner now thinks he is giving christ his life he feels like he has some entitlement so he comes with an attitude of giving christ something meanwhile he's giving nothing it is christ that gave him everything i don't know if you're understanding here so there's a lot of unlearning and relearning that is required in the body of christ as a child of god you are in heaven in christ now let me ask all of you a very simple question heaven and jesus which one do you want you want heaven or you want jesus huh if jesus is not in heaven do you want to go to heaven why do you want to go to heaven because jesus is there so wherever jesus is is where heaven is hold on in america the president of america portals flies air force one air force one is not a particular carrier there's no plane called air force one air force one is the president so if the president of america today decides to fly african-world ghana the moment he steps into african world it becomes air force one so it is which plane the president flies that is air force one because the president determines air force one [Music] it is where jesus is that is heaven because jesus makes heaven a reality i don't know if i'm teaching here if you're understanding shalt i hear you now so jesus is the scapegoat of the believer and the sacrificial lamb so when he died three days in hell abraham isaac jacob all the old testament prophets and saints we are in paradise why were they in paradise because they didn't have eternal life so since they didn't have eternal life they couldn't get to where jesus is so they were kept where jesus would come and find them so when jesus rose from the dead he entered paradise and met abraham isaac and all the old testament scenes you know what he did he collected their promissory notes because they had salvation in a promissory note so he collected their promissory notes and injected eternal life into them then jesus and all of them rose together from the dead the bible tells us that the old testament saints entered jerusalem and were appearing to their two grandchildren hey this is great grandpa on my way to heaven i'll see you someday glory to god we're on our way to heaven this is great there was commotion all over jerusalem because ancestors were appearing all over the place it was the announcement of a resurrection and then the bible tells us while jesus was standing by the garden mary was thinking about how jesus would be raised from the dead and then she saw somebody that looked like the gardener so she came close and she saw it was jesus she shouted raboni rabboni she held jesus jesus said to mary hold me not back i have not yet gone to my father your father that means something has changed we will start sharing the same paternity we will start sharing the same dna my father will be your father my god will be your god but go and tell my brethren that i have risen and that day the bible tells us jesus rose now hold this he died as two goats he rose as the high priest jesus is the two goats and he is the high priest so upon his resurrection he rose as the high priest to walk into the holy of holies to put the blood on the mercy seat now hold on the blood is not liquid the blood is a passing leviticus tells us that the blood of all flesh is the life of the flesh so blood is not liquid blood is life when we say the blood of jesus we're seeing the life of jesus so the blood of jesus is not red blood in the container that jesus took to heaven it was himself that was the blood so when jesus appeared in heaven the blood appeared in heaven and when jesus appeared in heaven he sat as jesus sat as the mercy seat he didn't sit on the mercy seat he sat as the messy seat jesus is god's mercy to you [Applause] so today when the bible says come boldly to the throne of grace jesus grace that you may obtain mercy jesus is mercy what he's simply saying is come and receive the offer of god's grace and mercy which is a person his name is christ so right now on your inside the mercy and the grace of god is living on your inside i thought somebody would shout hallelujah now but watch this watch this when he appeared in heaven the bible tells us he washed all the utensils cleaned up everything that the scene of adam had messed up because the fall of man affected the heavenlies the immaterial so the resurrection of jesus cleaned it up and the bible tells us once he finished that he came back the same day and entered the room without a window and a door and the disciples said he's a spirit he's a spirit he's a spirit and jesus said handle me handle me a spirit has no flesh and bones handle me they held him and they said no he's a spirit and he said do you have food food yes smart guys they didn't give him biscuit they gave him boiled fish in the immortal body because by this time he was no more mortal he was immortal he was using the resurrected body that's why he could enter a room without a door and a window and he could come out without exit he could just put his body on the wall and pass he could walk through you and pass you won't even know that he has passed there's no more limitation no more matter no more distance no more time because when when eternity invades time matter don't matter yes matter don't matter you see because jesus came as eternity into time so time could not stop him mata could not hold him he could walk in and out of buildings without exit and without permission and that was a foretaste of what is going to happen to all of us i feel like i'm preaching this morning yeah he was entering and coming out with that limitation why because he was now operating in the resurrected body and i know somebody's going to ask so do you mean that in the resurrected body we can eat jesus hate the next question is did you go to the toilet yes because if you eat it has to be digested you have to go to toilet and he was here for 40 days eating and drinking and teaching someone says so are you saying when we get to heaven there'll be bananas that's not what i said what i said is that the immortal body if it is on earth where food is it will eat food if it is in the immaterial where there's no food it will survive without food i don't know if i'm teaching good here if you're catching my flu shot i hear you he appeared unto them and he began to teach them for 40 days now what did he teach them for 40 days acts chapter 1 verse 1. please pay attention acts chapter 1 verse number 1 put it up for me thank you lord the former arthritis have i made autophilos of all that jesus began both to do and to teach next verse until the day in which he was taken up after death he threw the holy ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen next verse now watch next verse to whom also he showed himself alive when you show yourself alive that means people could feel you people could hold you and feel you he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs being seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of god what did he teach for 40 days one of the things he taught was the kingdom what did he teach about the kingdom brother paul gives us a little insight colossians chapter 1 verse 12 colossians chapter 1 verse 12 giving songs unto the father which hath pay attention to the tenses which hath he will not he has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light observe the next verse who hath delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear son so what did he teach for 40 days he taught them things pertaining to the kingdom what were the things pertaining to the kingdom number one you are delivered you are not a candidate for deliverance you have been delivered from the power of darkness and has been translated the believer is not in the kingdom of darkness the believer migrated from darkness to light few days ago i was in nigeria and the laws of the federal government of nigeria were over me and i was subject to those laws until i grabbed my passport and i jumped in the plane i came into ghana my passport was stamped into ghana right now i'm under the legislations and the laws of the nation of ghana nigerian laws have no power over me here they have no right over me right now because i'm not in nigeria in ghana there are things that may be wrong in nigeria but maybe right in ghana so i can enjoy that privilege in ghana because i'm under different laws there's no way nigerian laws can affect me here but once i get back to nigeria i'm no more under ghana i'm now in nigeria the laws of nigeria will kick in when you are in darkness everything that control the kingdom of darkness was over you the day you moved to the kingdom of light darkness has no power over you anymore you're free from darkness you're free from the domain of satan you're free from sin you're free from sickness you're free from disease you're free from demons you're free from hell somebody shout and free yeah when we celebrate good friday like today it is called good friday because of what the death of christ gave us so on a day like this we reflect on our realities number one i am not under the authority of satan satan and his demons have no right over my airspace i'm a citizen of the kingdom i function in the kingdom of light light and darkness do not argue the entrance of light is the absence of darkness i'm in the light i walk in the light i live in the light somebody shout i hear you [Applause] [Music] delivered somebody said to me something about dr demina what about christians that are depressed what about christians that are oppressed what about christians that are suppressed they are depressed external pressure depressed oppressed suppressed all from outside none from inside the believer cannot be possessed christ has possessed you satan cannot push christ out he has not been born [Applause] christ is in charge of his territory and he keeps his territory if a president of a nation cannot defend this nation his presidency has failed because one of the first reasons for a president is to protect the territorial integrity of his community so once bandits break into his territory and begin to take over cities that president is unfit because he doesn't have what it takes to protect his territory jesus is in charge of you no demon can push him out he keeps his territory ayah that's what the bible says those that the father has given to me i have kept nobody can take them out of my hand he said my father is greater than all and nobody can take them out of my father's hand he said i'm the one that secures you you're not the one that secures yourself you can't keep yourself so he keeps you and he doesn't only keep you he paid the price to own you satan paid nothing satan just used illegal means to invade your territory but jesus paid to recover you so a doubt and a scammer cannot push the rightful owner out christ lives in you and he will never live nor forsake you when you are down he is there with you when you stand up he's there with you when you're in the fire he's there with you when you're in the water he's there with you you know why he's between the fire to bring you out you know why he's with you on the ground to raise you up you know why should you throw the water to bring you out why he is there to secure his territory but there could be external pressure and those external pressures can take a toll on you if your mind is not renewed somebody said to me somewhere i was pregnant he said dr damina how can you say a christian cannot be possessed what about sisters and brothers i used to have sex in the dream is it not water spirit i said to him any scripture for water spirit he said there's no i said good i said it can be water spirit the reason why a young man can be having sex in the dream or a woman having sex in the dream is because the mind has not been renewed there are old files old files then the devil tickles them and they play back it's not demons they are files so what do you do press the delete button wipe out the files how do you wipe out the files meditating the word of god you start using the scriptures to on offload and download you begin to upload and download and as you begin to download the files of your reality in christ we all with open face beholding the glory of god as in a mirror we are changed into that same image from glory to glory even as by the spirit of the lord i have many people who have come to me reverend steve and they've said to me dr damina i used to struggle with pornography i used to struggle with addictions i even felt like i was not fit to be a christian then i started watching your teachings i started watching your teachings you didn't condemn me you didn't castigate me you just kept showing me jesus jesus jesus jesus and as i began to look at jesus i began to look at jesus the addiction left i didn't know when the addiction left i was not aware i only discovered that the addiction is no more there you know why because when you start feeding on a diet your appetite changes the moment you start feeding on a particular diet it changes your appetite the first time i was introduced to chinese green tea when i tested it i spat it out because it tasted like funny i said to my wife honey don't give me this tea again i prefer my ovaltine i prefer my milo i prefer my lip tone with milk and a little bit of honey i don't want green tea then my wife sat me down and gave me the lecture of my life the benefits of green tea you are a heavy-duty preacher you are full of stress all the time green tea will clean you out it will flush you out and then suddenly your energy is back and i like energy so i said okay knowledge went beyond appetite i drunk the tea i drunk the tea i began to enjoy the benefits i threw lipton out milo out bone vita out i stayed with the tea why because when teaching begins to come and the value of christ begins to rise the things that we are not of christ suddenly you lose the appetite for them you lose the appetite for them no more again now your desire begins to change when you couldn't pray before you start praying one hour two hours three hours four hours now you cannot do without prayer that's a new appetite when you were not studying your bible before you begin to study the world one hour two hours your appetite has changed then suddenly people say ah you're no more doing this no my appetite changed what changed your appetite knowledge came and when knowledge came appetite gave way i don't know if i'm teaching good to somebody here that's why brother paul says let the word of christ dwell in you richly be full of the world oh is gloria copeland gloria copeland who said one time she took two weeks to go for bible study two weeks she was fasting and studying and praying for two weeks in a secluded environment and she said after one week of word intoxication somebody called her phone she answered the call and started quoting scriptures quoting scriptures without hearing why the person called she was just quoting scriptures and when she finished she dropped the phone and went back to prayer later on she realized that somebody called her she was so full of the word that the only thing that could come out of autofill was the world see when you are so full of the world when pressure comes what comes out is the world and that is when you begin to enjoy the benefits of his resurrection that's when you begin to work in the reality of his death burial resurrection the believer in christ can never see through victory until it comes to this place that i'm sharing with you this morning otherwise easter will come easter will go easter will come easter will go you are still telling the same stories because you're not acknowledging the believers under a different territory under a different atmosphere you walk into a place they say cannot happen tell them no no i just brought the environment that makes it happen i carry my atmosphere with me when i walk into a place having just arrived i just brought heaven and any impossibility can become possible i carry my atmosphere i don't wait for you to give me an atmosphere i have my own atmosphere when i go to preach i carry my atmosphere there are some churches this church is very good there are some churches man of god have been to where i'm preaching they're just looking at me in such a church if you don't have your atmosphere you could lose what you are saying but i carry my atmosphere when i enter i saturate them with my atmosphere and they're looking after your decision yes yes yes before you know it everybody is running around my atmosphere dominates their atmosphere somebody shot i have my atmosphere you are a businessman carry your atmosphere with you on monday walk into that office they say there's no job tell them not when i have arrived a job will be created because i came i i feel like i'm preaching here this morning you have an atmosphere somebody shot i'm in christ i carry a heavenly atmosphere with me all the time i didn't hear powerfully man are you blessed this morning the high priest does not examine the sinner he examines the good listen as i close when you pray god doesn't see you he doesn't see you he sees christ so pray like christ will pray don't pray like you will pray how will christ pray father i thank you that you hear me always because that's the person god is hearing that's why jesus said whatever you ask the father in my name the name is his office don't come in your own righteousness come in his righteousness don't come in your strength come in his strength don't come on your morality your morality has failed long ago come on his righteousness don't come on your ability you have no ability his sufficiency is yours come in his sufficiency you know why sometimes it's difficult for you to believe that god can make a to walk because you're thinking of your strength when you take your strength out and you think of jesus there's nothing that is not possible [Applause] you put on the lord jesus you put on the lord jesus and make no provision for the flesh when you speak speak like jesus when you command command like jesus lazarus comfort business comfort jobs comfort and don't wait to see whether it will come because when jesus looked at the tree and said to the tree no man eat fruit of thee he went away the next day he didn't look for the tree it was peter who said master come come come come that three you spoke to yesterday jesus said but that is what i was teaching you that you two can do the same whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast to the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that what he says shall come to pass you shall have what you say i don't know if i'm talking to somebody here if you're hearing me shout i hear you as a believer in jesus there's no limitation the limitation is only in your mind when your mind is renewed you begin to function in a realm of total possibilities all things are possible to him that believeth are you blessed this morning get on your feet that's all i've got for you in this house glory to god glory to god lift your right hands to heaven say these words with me authoritatively say with me in the name of jesus i declare right now i am under the influence and authority and the reality the reality of heaven in the name of jesus sin sickness death death failure failure disease disease has no power has no power in my territory in my territory jesus reigns jesus reigns he rules in my territory in my territory by the power of his resurrection by the power of his resurrection i declare right now whatever was dead whatever around me come alive come alive come alive come alive come along now you're going to shout it one more time and expect to see it happen imagine that situation in your mind right now imagine that circumstance imagine that condition right now and you're going to command it to come alive and see it come to pass in the name of jesus now everybody say it again come alive in the name of jesus amen how many of you believe it is done if you believe go ahead and give the lord a shout hallelujah lord glory glory leave that hand up wherever you are father i pray for everybody under the sound of my voice in this service online on television those listening by way of radio i pray for those in the building right now i speak to everything that contradicts your identity in christ i speak to everything that confronts your reality in christ and i declare right now whatever is not planted by god in your body in your family in your circumstance on your job in your career whatever does not look like christ i declare it rooted out rooted out rooted out rooted out in the name of jesus and i declare a miracle a supernatural intervention of god a supernatural intervention of god in that office over that circumstance over that situation over that marriage peace i rebuked the storm i rebuked the stone i rebuked the noise of the enemy i rebuked the pressure i rebuked the tension i rebuked the pressure i rebuked the tension satan get your hands off in the name of jesus thank you jesus thank you for your debt burial and resurrection thank you for delivering us and thank you for bringing us into an atmosphere the reality called heaven where all things are possible thank you for miracles science wonders thank you for your power that is in operation in this building today thank you right now for testimonies that are breaking forth breaking forth situations are shifting circumstances are shifting things are shifting in your office things are shifting in this nation to favor you things are shifting around the world to favor you things are shifting and adjusting things are creating space to accommodate you i speak creatively and i speak prophetically into your heart into your life into your circumstances impossibilities have become possible right now receiving in the name of jesus thank you father it is done in jesus precious name and every believer who believes is shouting powerfully man well go ahead club celebrate jump shout scream and give god glory amen are you
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Id: Ojw3JKjrJ9k
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Length: 67min 48sec (4068 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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