Dr. Abel Damina| Unveiling Christ Conference,South Africa - Day 1

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the water is grace I will be built I will never be the same in Jesus name and every believer says powerful about Jesus and the gift of eternal night this morning they get excited and [Applause] Lorraine you can visit with your sweets myself this morning let's get in the water glad to be with you again one appreciate Pastor James by an entire leadership of this ministry and you know all the hospitality with the enjoyed sensory came and thank you for creating an environment for us to enjoy the word of His grace let's celebrate Pastor James and Mama I happy to really be with you and we look forward to more great times tonight tomorrow morning in this fellowship and all the men and women of ganya thank you for taking the time to come shop fellowship you know in this house amen we've been talking about Bishop Jackson since yesterday thank you for watching for the kingdom and then your family praise God a pasta gift good to have you here this morning all right are you ready for the Word of God okay I'm just I'm just I'm just walking through my mind is so much I want to say and I managed was working through my mind to be able to say everything I want to say well I'm with you alright let's begin from the book of second timothy 3:15 where we study yesterday ii timothy 3:15 brother paul writes the letter to his protégée timothy assist timothy and are from a child that was not the holy spirit chose the word holy scriptures is a Greek word for hadiyyah-lah faith in sacred writings or set apart writings what he simply implies is that the scriptures are separate and set apart Ilyas in an application maybe you cannot use the scriptures for what the Scriptures were not intended to be useful for example you can use the Bible to teach agriculture Yoga is a Bible to teach health science that's an abuse of the book that's why it's called abuse gruffly it's set a man is suckered in its usage and application so brother Paul said to Timothy from a child alone the sacred material you've known this set apart material and this is the mission it's able to make you wise unto salvation as the mission of the scriptures through faith which is in Christ Jesus so he goes down to break it down or Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine reproof correction instruction in righteousness right and he says now when all of that is put together it brings a man of God to him please read his folly furnished unto every good work it brings a man of God to persuade his perfect okay where he is my child where he's properly furnished unto every good work so he defines the usage of the book or the scriptures now yesterday we establish that the spirituals is not the entire by the scriptures refers to the Old Testament books Genesis to Malachi the scriptures are what we call the mystery all right sometimes you hear men of God for lack of Torah Bible study they just come up with things that are very spooky you have adjusted mysteries like the Ministry of the anointing oil gas fraud there's no mystery in a notify anointed is simply olive oil used for cooking [Music] they're smooth about pointing for a much forever are we together Nancy are each also talk about the mystery of their energy the call it monkey there's nothing about energy that scum handkerchief is for wiping your face there's no mystery about its lack of Bible study or it's when you hear people talk like that they are products of bad Pastore purposefully or product of new Pastore is that a purposeful in all no pastor otherwise the mystery refers to the Old Testament the more testament looks mark for another jesus' unto you if given to know the mysteries of the kingdom talking about the Old Testament is it what to those with power they are parables so parables is Jesus way of communicating to people who has no thank you whether an IQ is low with all these words women is a speech to speak to you we use parables okay a parable is this an expression that has within it you know two facts fiction a little lesson so you had a lot of stories but out of all of these stories is just a little lesson one try to communicate but because you lack articulation and you lack the ability to understand we now give it a lot of flowery stories to arrive at the lesson that is where Matthew Mark Luke and John does not have any doctrinal weight they are not dodging our materials because of reason for Matthew Mark Luke and John was to bring people to a place for faith in Christ John 20:31 John 4:20 the first number 31 the Gospel of John Mountain Gospel John 20:31 and an IP receipt John chapter 20 verse 31 but these are we talking about the Gospels the synoptic that he might believe the reason for Matthew Mark Luke and John is to make people believe that Jesus is the Christ does reason so Matthew Mark Luke and John our crusade materials their crusade materials there are doctrinal materials there are to save materials their messages that will bring people to the place of faith in Christ just to believe in Jesus you know that Jill I believe that Jesus is the Christ not Jesus Christ it's not that you may believe Jesus Christ this is difference between Jesus Christ and Jesus is the Christ when we say Jesus is the Christ there's a different theme from Jesus Christ that there who believes Jesus Christ for his not born again Muslims believe Jesus Christ but they are not born again atheist even believe that is suffering or Jesus Christ but they don't believe is God okay the Catholics believe Jesus Christ but just at his a son of Mary the receive him as God Jesus is a baby in the manger the son of Mary and that is why they pray to Mary because they don't believe that Jesus is God another follower here so he believes Jesus Christ look at the tests he that believes that Jesus is the Christ the word of Christ is Dhamma he that denieth that Jesus is the man Christ is the man of God humanity crisis is the name of God humanity but God who became a man his name is Christ the word Christ is a big word crystals crystals means The Anointed One and his on front by acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth The Anointed One and his anointing with the Holy Ghost and power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him so he that believes that Jesus is the Christ to find that confront that Jesus is the Christ myth Jesus is the man just for any instructor 15 verse number 1 first Corinthians chapter 15 first number 1 I'm coming back to John chapter 21 of a brethren I declare unto you the gospel somebody said it gospel all right it's very critical which I preached unto you which also you have received if your body was mine I will play with the taxes because I'm gonna be a lot of work tonight on tenses okay so I will underline the word received received all right or to you the gospel which I preach the preached disease which also you have received and where will you stand or in the past the smoke futuristic implication it received preached stand you Father so the seclusion feet became the second entry it was preached you receive yesterday it's not it was preached or is being preached you are receiving so you can be standing British receive the stand this one heaven at last is heaven at fest we're not trained to make heaven we made heaven is not future heaven is a present reality if you are not in heaven now you will never be there [Applause] the problem with suppose is you watch too many things are hard too many things are messed up so you have people who say they are eschatology and they talk about a heaven somewhere that is wonderful in construction the walls are made of Jasper no no those are metaphoric expressions of the reality women in Christ they are metaphors they are not literal and when you give better force in literal interpretation you get into error heaven is now the reason why you can see this because of this disclosure protocol this plot is for mortality matter and the cause of matter you cannot experience the reality of eternity in full measure so that's a further process industry crew we grow endlessly because we know we can do better that is but we are putting on something that is restricting our capacity so we desire to put out this so that the other reality can take effect so that mortality can be swallowed or immortality another catch in the foyer so now once you drop this bad you are in that reality poor level it's not a race is a place the RAM and we're already there but they are right now you've been trained to think matter you've been trained to think distance you've been trained to take time time distance matter so when we say we're going to heaven you are thinking of traveling to Pretoria from Midland I'm thinking of the distance from Madrid to Pretoria and you're thinking of the hours the track is gonna take you and you're thinking about that distance matter a long time that's what we think of heavier thinking of traveling to heaven distance telling matter but once you take this body out distant cities and cities mantises so the separation to be upset from the body is to be present with the world because when it that's what you received is eternal life what you have right now is eternal life right now you have eternity on your inside so the more you hear the world the more that it is expression the bigger pieces directors Americans are is suspension of time distance and matter what is love taking ten years when a miracle happens instantly it of course that's when you bring depravity into time so wait wait when when when when mirror God do not understand these realities they give you a delusion of a place called heaven that were going brother pauses which I preached unto you which also you have see you next verse watches by which also you are saved you are saved you will not be saved you are saved crucial the seclusion you are saved if you keep in memory what I preached preached preached unto you unless you are not believed in V please I take it not all the tenses next us for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received still here gonna get exciting tonight received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried expands and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures go back to verse 3 verse 3 God verse 3 for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ Christ died not God died Christ died the man that Christ died not God Christ the man so when you believe that Jesus is the Christ the man who died was buried under 30 rooms you can see once you delete that but how can you live it if it is not preached so preachers hold the salvation of men in the message if the preacher doesn't preach it the yarra will be saved how can they hear without a preacher and how can the preacher preach exactly he said the same thing is plain in the message did he hear the sadness of the preacher is the training in the message so when they ask for space time training is not the message it is equipment and for the sending once you have been equipped in the message it is preparing you for ministry every believer is a minister exactly is not trained the slothful on membership were able ministers of the New Testament not of the later for the later pivot but of the spirit for the spirit given life it is called the ministration of righteousness the other one is called the ministration of condemnation it is called the ministration of life the other one is called the ministration of death and the already said the ministration of death is regime increasing on stone so the essence for ministry is grace ministers a them the seven is either person and when ascended up on high he gives to me ' evangelists pastors and teachers historian teachers master many teachers you can be a pastor geometry teacher pastor with teacher what which may pass for is that you teach if you are not eat each other at a faster you need to find what you have pastoring teachers because in essence for pastoring is teaching I will together here even apostles are supposed to teach prophets are teachers prophecy is not exclusive to the Prophet all of us have access to Professor Sampson for the gifts of the Spirit are given to every man to profit winner so that the man prophesy to us in making a profit you are not a prophet because you prophesy you are a prophet because you teach because Intel four fold ministry is for the deep rating or the perfecting of the saints so the Apostle is too perfect sense the Prophet is the perfect sense the differential is when he is in charge it was not to say it was her preach when I mean franchises is in the charge he teaches the purpose to teaches the Prophet teaches the differential stitches and the master is that is the main teacher the main teacher because is the order time teaching and when all of this is exposed to believe us they might shop when they might show the next thing is that the Congress they want to do this they want to do Minister so give you're in charge and you are not even active ministry you are not being said you are not my children you ever growing because once you start growing you become Restless the Mexican thinking of this I wanted to ministry pastor I wanna go to the prisons master I wanna start a campus fellowship for the church pastor I wanna start a ministry for babies ditching them Christ faster I understand a men's ministry bringing them to grab you all of a sudden there was something to do to fulfill the ministry that has been unlocked on your inside by the equipping of the past for say I hear you it's for ministry all of us the summer I said well I am NOT God if you are born again in your car you got the next transition inaudible voice once you're born again your car you don't appear the Lord said my son my son and I said you know that you don't need all that extra stop loss of bonding in doctrinally your car for those he foreknew he predestinated and those he predestinated he brought he brought who are doesn't accord those he called he justified are you justified they were justified your home if you are justified you're covered except you were justified if you are justified you're caught so every trustee fact person has a calling every one of us we are all called some reason maybe is not my destiny there is nothing like testing before that is naughty like destiny this whole mess on destiny has messed up people in the church there's nothing like destiny there is only one destiny in Christ and then you receive Christ you fulfill testing the fulfilment of testing is being poured again once you're born again does end of it destinies in Christ salvation difference density you not trusting a friend finally my destiny my destiny if you want that's given to be change then maybe you want to be one banach which is impossible you can't your own body is a very slow they don't wanna take decisions because of what a revelation of their testing yet that that thing of coal industry is actually within the within the confines of your choice you just choose whatever you want to do it your life that is good for you and it's okay what a new business is ok you wanna do one Porsche profession is ok whatever you wanna do god of no interfere with about your business cause businesses on your polity case closed [Applause] whoo-hoo we will of God who will we love God have all men to be seen was the will of God salvation what's your see all right so Christ the man died he was buried on the third day he rose for my justification that is the gossip any women outside that you're not preaching the gospel to success is not the gospel how to her idea is not the gospel give me a sponsor I time is not the gospel who stole my wedding gown is not the gospel overtake a speed is not a hot topic passion anointing is not a gossip we don't have double partial in Christ we have all the portion that is there Jesus is the embodiment of the Basha when you receive Christ you don't need Elijah anointed I don't need charity but Elijah Elijah and Moses need your authority they are not our models we don't morning after day we look away from them and with no country jeez the author and the future of faith if when the house can hear powerfully so what repeat all of that is John 20 verse 31 John 20 verse 31 the synoptic gospel of john and it now says these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ see that says even demons believe that Jesus Christ I mean Jesus Christ they believe Jesus Christ and the trend even Tomas believed but you do not believe that Jesus is the Christ because momentum is not the apology and they can be born again so they don't believe that Jesus is the Christ let me show you our first John chapter 5 who come back to John twenty first John chapter five verse one first John the gospel amenities to test John chapter five verse one whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God so to be born of God you must believe that Jesus is the man we have a God we have a God like man or a man like God that God has decided to reveal himself in a man in Christ God has decided to reveal himself in a man so that Jesus is da man don't forget there is one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus the man is critical that you believe if the man it's pretty cool it is he really a man that keeps mechanics to the work of retention so Jesus is the Christ is born of God one should believe that your polity Zbornak is the revelation of God became a man died was buried on the top t.rosile that's the gospel right back john chapter 20 verse 31 John 20:31 glory to God but there is a way that he might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing you might have life through his name okay first John chapter 5 verse 13 faster on each of the five verse number 30 so not the same authorites entities to infest John 5:13 these things have I written unto you that busy the radius was written that you may believe but a pistol is written to you that happily why is it written that you may know the Gospels are written that you may believe the pistols are written that you may know after birth the greatest assignment is knowledge he never prayed for you to have you will never find a prayer for the poor for anybody to have the chocolate production detergent episodes in that you made the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling that you may know what is the riches of his inheritance that you may know what is the exceeding greatness of his father Thomas one who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he brought in Christ will be raised from the dead I'm setting my the right hand of Majesty on high that you may know that you may know the prayer to the church in Colossae that you may know the prayer to the church in Philippi that you may know the prayer for Philemon acknowledging that you may know are the prayers of the epistles are prayers for knowledge no prayer for that you may have why because you already have but you need to know what you've already huh the believer is not in need the believer has been supplied for but if you don't know what you have you can walk around like one who does in hell so that's why this prayer is that you may know that you otama la garita God somebody shot I have eternal life [Applause] and photos it's not something to faster brain about it's not something to be under mountain fall that is your identification if you're born again our demons are subject to you you pass them out Asli Asli except right of the kingdom of darkness the devil and his demons are afraid of your new identity in Christ the most dangerous man on earth he said man that is born again and that's what it means to be born again to be born again ha ha ha ha between kg and humanity to the particle is a union between God and man to be born again it's a matter of the situation that they are not presidents on your idea people say I have each other right now so again I have each other right now I cannot say three more times two more times that you know what [Applause] London is partly that's passed from death to life it wasn't time anymore dead men don't die I have been crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but christ that leadeth admit the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me brother Joe massara Christ who is our life this commonality is what can happen to you cannot [Applause] in cascade as John 5:20 first John 5:20 same fest John brother John will not explain to us what is in eternal life consistent contains it says that we know again knowledge knowledge that's what this churches in Johannesburg this church is Center for knowledge don't come here for entertainment don't drama but here you to be taught no time for entertain the Church of Jesus is not an entertainment center Jesus could be weep and chased out entertainer you watched him out he said my father's house is also pray it's not a political games it's not a place for for for for for comedians no it's not a place for jokes no the charge is a place where Christ is revealed on the Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday where you come to church only one against Christ Christ Christ Christ Christ Christ and it is not Christ is not George it is George is Christ it is not Christ is not George is a social God or anything center solar said what is boring where they are not quantity if Christ is born to you you're not wanting to do for those of us that are born again Christ is always excited to them that perish is foolishness to all that our self is the power of God Vienna that's also should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God Christ the wisdom and the power of God so his price price rises the middle therefore we fiddle that's what we eat all the time we did Christ Christ it Christ and when ever get tired of DTD glory to God so we know the knowledge knowledge we know that the Son of God is come and given us understand minute Jesus is the explanation of all things his explanation of all things is come and has given us an understudy it is an explanation of all things but we know him that is true we doing we are the distri we are doing well who is this Hin direction even in His Son Jesus Christ who is Jesus Christ this is the true God who is the true God and eternal so eternal is Jesus Jesus is God God is eternal life so when he says you have eternal life what is saying is you have God you have Jesus you are eternal life you're not going to the believer the believer is God's heaven God has no healthy anywhere else but the believer and if the river is God's have wisely me even looking father died happy which heaven can be better than God's heaven which is the belief our living our living I was walking I will be your God you will be my salsa my god I will never know I will not bite you so the believer is caught hell no no you got sent away for the poverty no he did not that your body is the temple of the holy God [Applause] the problem is believers it rather lives on your inside your total constitution is eternal our side what makes God God is what makes you you I hear that's charge of the three verse one dimension scripture they will behold the people can you behold behold me see what man that word manna I wish I have time to be a teacher so they looked at children said what manner of man is these mother another kind a kind of them elana a species a breed a race class Opie what what what manner of man not what manner of God what manner of man is this that the winds and the waves obey a man what man below what manner of love the father best dog best dog had bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God therefore the world so if the abuses because of our own and they can never know even agree with you forever because the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it nowhere him not okay the authenticity of the currency the Holy Ghost as like his house how can they receive the world knoweth us not why because it knew not to know me you must know him if you don't know him you don't know me he is a revelation I am a revelation so the natural man cannot handle [Applause] the natural man cannot have to me because natural man love the faculties of comprehended my complexities in price I am a multi-faceted bdprice the factions that makes God God I have a constitution of all God is righteous I have God is holy I have that compartment if God is wisdom everything that God God is what embodies the new creation the most dangerous man Aunt Emma saw the most dangerous man earth never saw murder is born of God a new kind of be a new kind of humanity that the blood never saw before the born again Oh academic Lakota musicality became a guitar Thalia Madonna mega reduce the key to the pinata sitting across the Buddha in mikoto misaka tape [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because of ecology because they don't know you they don't know me and they can handle it they cannot because thank you follow me so eternal God's life God's life is a constitutional deliver and to know that life you have to stay in the deceased you have to stay in the hippie stories so Romans chapter 16 and other places more Romans chapter 16 in pristine your file please take note of this because I began to talk about mysteries onager into all of these theories a method by which the Old Testament which ought to be studied there is a method by which the orna please listen carefully the Old Testament is the new test or seemed the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed the Old Testament this population the New Testament is for relationship the two Testaments are relationships the under books so the Old Testament is not just Genesis to melaka and the New Testament is not just Act to Revelation taken is for them because the Old Testament is for relationship and the New Testament is a relationship but if you look in the New Testament you will see more Testament and if you look in the Old Testament you will see New Testament so it's not about books is about the understanding of relationships the understanding of relationships it is that understanding that defiles the gossip a man completely can see from the New Testament an amalgam is the new creation from the more tests such as the man did that Kerry was incredible bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless is more enemies who forty that Jesus had not died who forgiveth all more intellectual soul from destruction is not the innocent if you count iniquities who can stand but there is forgiveness with you the Olivia that is New Testament branches that is the new testament forage for the core evaporates do you know the shocking part is where I was when I was in studying the Book of Jonah you know what Jonah to God he said when you told me to good reason why I did good is because [Music] [Applause] [Music] because it is not free to apologize I am so glad prakasha apologizing lesson actually what we're trying to say in that place is not a license to see apology apology if you want to see see that's your business your business oh how the consequences will see is it are you up to you I don't care the truth is the truth there's knowledge about when she thought that I did I apologize Cena and he didn't I just died leading faint she's a living faith he died neither did I trip dreams he died spirit is that so did I put talking about he thought I died spiritual body summary serenity dying in the spirit oh my God my God why that was suppression separation a spiritual death summary serenity time the soul Isaiah 53 it has got poured out his soul offering for sea and somebody's already returned physically into your hands I commit my spirit and he gave up the ghost this guy type in the dreams and by that text the implication is a you a saved spirit soul but right now the safe spirit soul suffers ever my body I don't think it is a it is my body an extra commit fornication no it's not your body Direction commit fornication you have little drives you have / - the price the appropriate icon is your spirit your body which I thought this body is the temple of receiving this pot roast a them the party is saved your soul is saved your spirit is same you are sanctified body spirit soul and body or the posture that look at the Salone it is because your body is saved that's what God sees them it is because your mind is saved that's why it's called the mind of Christ so if I am safe Swedish foreign body why do I see your mind sees in the mind not in the body stuff fast enough on your body please take care of that body you need it for a long time a good treatment takes out your body but punish this party because this body issue except here take care of it stop that hunger strike and did well the contrary touch like this less clearly thinking but because once your mind is cleaned your life will be corrected a fasting Torah come see give us your mind let us do some work on it and you will discover the same shall not have dominion over you you're not under the law so everybody conduct a law is a pretender even if they look only that was pretending then how it was several times because Jesus God set me free from [Applause] therefore now no condemnation to talk the gospel does the gospel of Christ whom the Sun sets free so there's a way the Old Testament books are supposed to be started and I need extra few minutes of you this is a way they studied the Old Testament news and because ministers of the gospel idea that's why I'm taking time to do this walking there is a wave of Old Testament books because of Old Testament books the body of teeth did not anything that was extra everything where the root was the oldest revelation from him no he just sat on the water seven books with light and began to select New Testament things that will read estimate things that define the New Testament is selected from the books and put it in the distance so the pieces are rightly divide the word of truth or the this was our family album that is the basis reflect us to us when we look at the pistils we see an exact picture the product or ticket from the Old Testament that's where the Old Testament is the New Testament revealed and the New Testament is the Old Testament consumed that's why I went up to relationships they have relationships defined define by how they function the Old Testament does the relationship with God that was a base on human f man struggling to score points with God the New Testament is God who became a man meeting the demands that man cannot meet on behalf of man and have them fulfill the demands makes the benefits available to whoever believes thus the new testament that's what brother policy for what the law could not believe that it was weak through the flesh God sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh that the righteousness of God may be fulfilled image not by us not by what fulfilled in us not by blood we are not the ones fulfilling fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit not the flesh that is not this one the fresh lies away often to be carnally minded analogy is a mindset to be spiritually minded spirituality is a mindset is not we talk [Applause] y'all be like I just acted journal Hollywood spirituality is to say yes by His stripes I will heal the street Ramat spirituality is agree with what God sees whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of a good rapport it have been an adventure if you have any praise think on these things so he gives you the bottom line on which spiritual people would be they think about things are appeal so if I saw a brother and I said hi and the product did not answer me I do not conclude errors in acne I just quickly see where his mind is Maria I think your thoughts I think lovely thoughts and I think thoughts of good report I do not have evil surmisings in me no my mind is always pure and to the pure all things are clear now when you get into that your function in the reality of it Lynette Ramanujan this eternal life we received from the Lord Jesus came with his good character and charisma we don't need motivators to teach us how to be charismatic he born our charisma is simple our effects are the gifts of the Spirit another character is a fruit of the Spirit and your holiness their ornaments we'd only separated teachers correct we have it in verse is a fruit of the Spirit love joy peace gentleness lots of weakness temperance it's all inside so digitally helps you to let it flow it brings the reality out there incomplete with you can't play with you you can't just give yourself DTG in our chart we do touchy this conference every year and I just each 30 everybody's enjoyed that teaching and I never finished my syllabus I also did a one so there are two sitting at Lisa T reinforced so taken five Nexus material six and I've not even scratched why does a subject salvation so teaching because the basic for the church any pastor who can teach is because he doesn't know and it takes time to teach it takes me hours on comfortable hours of study three last time we got through the service I didn't mentoring Academy only an athlete the mentoring Academy and then I went into my study however my story mama went to sleep just I want to sleep I say I need to study for a bit before if I was awake studying into the night I'm sorry because it's my life I woke up this morning back to my study did a little bit of study before coming here not studying for our teacher studying for what a planet is already on ground other facilities or deeply showing yourself to what he misses make yourself deceived by story Marisa you meet and move to God that to a distant make yourself a tested product before God a determined that may be tested study the one study is an attitude of diligence is an attitude called diligence a method of study will be a victim of she perfect emotion because if you do not study you will interpret scriptures in a way when another preacher comes up you Demarest there are so many times between the other preachers they can say mama's and I don't care because I'm supposed to preach the gospel they are sitting there I'm correcting a note they are sitting there and they cannot say no to me because they can say the cue to what I have seen as against what they say so if you don't wonder study there are preachers when the system and you don't know where to start because you know they are going to be mocking the street but if your Studios you can stand before any life and declare the word glory to God so there's a way the road Testament ought to be started all right give me a few minutes Romans 16:25 now to him that is of power to stablish tech note of that cell phone under my gospel which is please that word under is the ticket that's rule of Bible interpretation that our daily can use for that dismal witness so the gospel of brother Paul that is the preaching of Jesus Christ the gospel of protocol is the preaching of Jesus points so in the pro-life theology it is not the gospel it is not the preaching of anything aside the preaching of Jesus Christ has messed up your preaching preaching it must be the preaching of Jesus okay that is the cost in the pro-life knowledge which is actually the heart of the New Testament the bridge of Jesus Christ please pay attention to the gates of America the friendship of Jesus Christ but this bridge shape of Jesus Christ is not just do you believe in Jesus Christ receive Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is here he will taught you today Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Jesus is on other planes Jennifer that's not the brakes that's the memorization of Jesus fact [Music] that the packaging is Jesus does it in the content is Jesus so the prediction of Jesus is not a package from the river the bridge is a content not so much the project of Jesus Christ this is how it must be according to the revelation of the mystery the revelation apocalypsis of the posterior the apotheosis of the posterior the revelation of the mystery about the loosest wisdom unveiling they unveiling the apotheosis of the mysterion or the mystery the revelation that breaks an explanation of what was said to a people that do not understand now this analysis is of the mysterion which was kept secret since the war began so this Mysterio was not understood by the Old Testament it was kept secret from them there are people like Moses we'll be talking of trees subject food eating people like Moses as powerful as modem cooling down manna from sky opening let's get is talking of trees eating serpent why must I be on that the remedies do miracles is not spiritual meat miracles are not the measure for spiritual weeks because miracles are not exclusive to Crystal are not excuse to Christianity magicians do Mary Sue sailors dividers some goers is not exclusive you know pastor James that's why Moses is stitches arrow am irreducible wrong doctrine yet miracles are happening how he strikes a rock twice dust on top is called ad not a Cosmo the striking of the rock twice is the bridges of opposition gosh opposition goes is not killing Jesus twelve you can click twice this is a tasteless opposition professor seekers your power your literacy is what pains me what is power we have the world what you're having all this time Papa what they are talking of is drama where people are falling out screaming dignity and as long as they cannot eat the candle group you know what it is nobody here [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the press investment every man for himself our generation support is to teach my policeman teach the Princeton teach the prestige and power unleashed the legacy of a man of God is his missing the liquors of any preacher is his message nobody will remember the car you drove nobody will remember the house evicting nobody will remember what they did on there on a mountain in or near you nobody will remember the shut up and tell you nobody will remember a kind of food you ate we don't know what Paulette we don't know what part roof if you drop anything when I know I need with another color of Shetty light we don't know what kind of perfume she like but we know one thing Prada bosses and [Applause] [Music] the legacy issue of this dinner the message to the other Minister the Minister will call him as long as you're busy humans relevant either you can even preach in this day nobody to keep Syrians they thought you were sick but yes after in the blue chaos books now at the condemned are relevant than ever before there are messages delivered ulema the mark Kennedy has he said when when when the hilum explosion took place in the 60s he was not a living creature Jacko they are and accept the dome Mary oh my god Etta elements I see all of them are doing miracles he looks like he was a nobody he just stayed with the world he was so slow because we stay with the money when you do me up with diversity got us everybody cannot that is not the cheapest route is imagine square man it's not limits constitute the basic selection can say on this morning your midsection that your audience the message of bricks and makes your bodies oh you are gonna prove it to you she is also sweet bread officially thousands gathered thousands gathered they attract a fish not this in the gorge breakfast conference Sunday morning breakfast after lunch for free for more the horoscope Oh God again but after Jesus lead them to show us the difference they not care for an extra decent is my flesh drink my blood the production the production the production everybody left everybody met the don't want doctrine they don't want proper teaching only the twelve were left to be done say what you go with a solution people we operate we didn't we didn't come to break you we came for the world record you have the world with simply the Buddha was able to administer people that came for the water all these spiritual seekers then I use us they have no second and value they used up you and let us eat out they are an evil generation we can't and people don't trust generation Jesus give them that divination I don't waste your time on them they are people that stop you from counseling over the time whether you're preaching are not hearing the Sun is there when counseling or what you disappear and Posadas and if you cannot pay for the filter of the bt and for any reason the pastor said God has left you because if God was with you why couldn't you better that you are you out the ones that made you click on that on your tab because they pray on it - you touch and what you see right the proposal satisfied they unusable no second [Applause] whether they still wouldn't understand Christ that understand the message they a barbecue party they are you up they will give how to protect you so you can live long and they will share your responsibility they were together a big event because they believe in the vision I talking about here friends only money to 12 God himself [Music] God Almighty has a choice of two elements God Almighty 12:1 left [Applause] but lately the movie made and even it didn't everyone whom was left I put a few Peter Simon Simon Satan as sad to happy that he bit into night food but I have prayed for you I have sustained you with my prayer where you are a stop please strengthen your brethren because there are challenges I had of the most theory which was kept secret when since the war becomes so the mystery is for just the mysteries mythology the mistress not probably 195 the mystery is not any of those days is the Old Testament that is basically Mustang on there is no mystery of player show those clothes they bring from this were there for economic value they have no spiritual elegance don't let nobody use you for breakfast there's nothing in those things those things I've taught them what a deal they are as good as toggle water same treatment cinema right now somebody went to Israel doesn't make me important when Israel is like Jesus went at Israel we demystified the to Japan [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but that's not the cause of Jesus working on disease but the gospel he raised the dead is not the casa da water - why is not the gospel rebuked the wind and the waves this mother gospel that's not the gospel the gospel is he died those facts must be ruled out of Genesis - Monica in 42 be the revelation of Jesus [Music] the product is that that that materiality is coordinates this support the team discovers the are messages that the maca and how to buy the more cottage temperature that gives you that aggression is bankrupt the same destitute of the truth in fact a mother that establishes the relevance or Monetary Fund is a first fraudster is robbing you of your reality in Christ is a fraudster your reason approval is nuisance [Music] it's a possibility just a date and I'm glad the audience idea if you want to deny a man business this is customers away the fight just as his customers and the party father is their customers are listening to the customer service we are not saying you shouldn't support the charge in this conference immunity to give to this ministry and you will give you will you know what you will eat in your DNA in fact if you don't give you not be happy but we are not asking you to keep so you can get when actually you to give in response of what crisis tone and in honor of this great work that God is doing it desires so that other people that are not harbor to a hearing can hear what I tell pastors if you tell your members the truth about the girls but they will give more than any way they will get bored and icky when you play them they will keep more because he that is forgiving much love it more we understand the crisis you give joy you don't need to be manipulated we don't give to get the key because we got he did everything for the gospel is the revelation of Jesus Christ according to the list in the Old Testament and tonight I'm gonna get moieties are you ready men of God let's go for this world everything you can get get materials lock the door sit down listen story if you don't have to study by my materials I just sit down with them I can until you buy return you're done you will have studied enough truth doesn't get them get them there are lot of books am busy writing there two books are writing right now the truly books are writing one I am damaging this one thing about the kingdom gospel you notice all Kingdom concept that makes you feel about a particular government would you cover politics or develop the world is not defamatory walls on it and loss you well will you give us political power is it is not in the father's hand Jesus s political power is not cost efficient this will cost agenda is not in the FATA son look at the father's phone you shall receive and you shall be witnesses in Jerusalem Judea Samaria on today the score the commentary Jesus we know they protect calling to Jesus they say no the captures a pain that will touch the government it's a past the deception topics away bring the point who is good shot from the coin is a season you say you know what give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God so what he sees us is not God and what is God's is not Jesus we brought in that content between God and human governance and I say that one is within the sphere of me it's not a Brea point if you want to be the president of South Africa don't pray too much collect enough money and do the political structure that we want the government in power you mean don't look for Brea proceed on a calculate when charity she don't prefer the pivotal elections deeply most of the protocol to cast this operate oh my - Miami's we are too much brain you and what it is it is possible [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] nothing can be more than that Mike even my king don't they have to be on this world you joke of idiots who come on this month all these people my Kido glory to God somebody please jump on your father for every man woman a preferable minister of the gospel pray for every lip around the wire a prayer for people here that I hear in the world I pray for leaders and members of churches and a train for workers and dedicated people who have given themselves wholeheartedly to the message of Christ apricot cut that your people continue to go from grace and want you to the pound in the knowledge of Christ let the revelation of Jesus be in our hearts until nothing else matters in the name of Jesus and I thank you for the privilege of making known even the mystery of Christ for which we have apostles representatives of this mandate energy and I thank you for everyone today here in the Southern Isles I pray for people who are not being disliked who are coming into this light that they have the ability to withstand pressure in the name of Jesus I rebuke every form of affliction and persecution that is crazy for the words sake and activist training with merit in the Inner Harbor spirit the Lord in the name of Jesus you must render them by your spirit to be steadfast in an out of season that they would not be able to deter anyone who has accepted the God is silent to make Jesus known in the world didn't know him that this one here will have oh God amplified voice to make Christ Boreas problem opposition is falling and everything that stands against is breaking down and so my sleep rudiment and prevailed we give you praise and I pray that what God even this house than us put together this conference for us to enjoy we decree that this ministry lacks nothing thank you for sufficient every need of this program is met supernatural every project cleared in Jesus precious name and every believers is a powerful amen
Channel: Kenyanese
Views: 46,564
Rating: 4.6804123 out of 5
Id: hlhAYbJKkyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 45sec (5205 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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