"Positioning Yourself to be Led By God"

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praise God if you have your Bibles this morning go with me to the book of Proverbs really I'm excited about getting in this tonight today Roberts 20 verse 27 and we're gonna talk about some things we've been talking about last week we talked about God's commitment to lead and to guide us to our destiny and God is committed he he prepares our steps he's working on the inside of us he's let us know that he knows the plans that he has for us plans for good and not for disaster plans for and expected in and that God is the one that says you know what you can you can try to to you know to plan your life but God's gonna be responsible for the steps and he will get you to where you need to be there's nobody in the room to this morning that you're just here for no reason at all God has a plan and a purpose for your life and in the time that we're living in today we need to understand what God's plan is for our life we don't need to be wasting time going in a circle over and over and over again and continuously missing the purpose and the plan for our life if you are alive today there was a plan that God has for you I said if you're alive today there's a plan that God has for you and the plans that he knows the plans that he has for you and they're good praise God and but I believe one of the things we need to recognize as Christian people is that you know if we're going to benefit from God knowing the plans for our life we're gonna have to understand how important our relationship is with him and the interest of this word brings life and spending time with God God knows how to direct us God knows how to eat us God knows how to speak to us and in this day and time you need to have that kind of relationship where God is directing your life and God is leading you it's not just wearing the title of Christian but it's benefiting from a Heavenly Father that knows how to direct you that knows how to speak to you and say to you this is the way walk therein to know that you have a God that you can hear to say turn left or turn right and I think sometimes Christians have gotten so numb to the fact that they serve a God that can talk and you are his sheep and you can hear from God and he wants to direct your path and it's time for you to just simply acknowledge God knows how to direct me God knows how to help me to get to where I'm supposed to be it doesn't have to be hit or miss your relationship with God is designed so you can you can hear this voice you can begin to be sensitive to the directions that he will supply for your life it is God's will for you to be led by him he wants you to be led by him he wants you to be led by him and so what I want to do this morning yeah I thought about referring to this as a the prerequisites or you know things that are required beforehand but when you deal with God and you deal with this covenant of grace you know there are a lot of things God will do out of his grace that's your you don't even qualify for so I'm or or less want to get you to the point of understanding that this is how you can position yourself and to open yourself up to be able to be led by God and to hear from God I thought about this scripture where it talks about that he gives more grace to the humble and just by recognizing that you become sensitive to living a life of humility and and you know it opens up what God can do so the question is I'm not doing something that's making it difficult for me to receive the transmission how many how many of you remember when we had the big antennas on top of our roof all right how many you remember the little ears on top of the television you remember the aluminum foil remember a little dial that used to turn to adjust it we knew that a transmission for the broadcast was going out but sometimes it was all about the positioning of the antenna and sometimes I think we had people to come out and get on the roof to position they would say your antenna just needs to be adjusted and they would come in position the antenna this is what this is about today I want to show you how to position the antenna it's not that God is not speaking more or less you your antenna there's some things that you need to adjust so you can receive the transmission it's not that he's not directing your life we just need to somebody need to get on the roof and adjust the antenna sometimes when when super station 17 came out and sometimes when we were up there with the how many men want hanger you know you had to be real broke to go to the hangar and the alumina fall but sometimes you would get up then adjust it and while your hand was on it it would come in clear and we say don't move and you just be stuck there in that position trying to look at television as well but I'm telling you I believe that what I'm going to share with you today are just instructions of how to position yourself to receive the transmission number one I want to get right into this well let's look at the text I apologize listen let me give you a text look at proverbs 20 and verse 27 we're gonna we're gonna look at how to position the antenna to be led by God hey men here's what the Bible says in verse 27 he says the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord now remember man is a spirit he possesses the soul and he lives in a physical body you don't have a spirit you are a spirit being spirit and soul over the years have been used interchangeably as if they are the same you are a spirit you have a soul your soul is your mind your will and your emotions your soul is your thinker your feeler and your chooser you have you you you have a soul you are a spirit don't use those interchangeably you have a soul you are a spirit say I am a spirit being I possess a soul I live in a physical body but the real you is a spirit being you are not your soul you are not your body you are your spirit you are a spirit being when you die then your spirit man the real you is separated from your body the house that you live in glory be to God somebody says well I want you to know my grandmama but we lost my grandmama now your grandmama was not lost if she's born again to be absent from the body watch this is to be present with the Lord so the real you is a spirit being say that I allowed the real meals of spirit of being I have a soul I live in a physical body now the day you get born again that that spirit man is is brand-new it's made just like God so the next step now that you're born again a third of you is are one third of you is already perfect so the next part is to renew your mind with the word of God to renew your mind is an exchanging of your ideas and your ways of thinking to line up with God's ideas in his ways of thinking your mind is is kind of like the pilot seat for your life and the most important thing you can do as a born-again Christian is to renew your mind why so you can prove what is that good and perfect and acceptable watch this will of God you want to know the will of God the plan of God for your life I tell you you've got to understand the importance of renewing your mind and renewing your mind is not a one-time you know event it is a lifetime process it's something that we do every day of our lives and I want to make this clear because somehow another we think that you know when I became a Christian and now that I'm saying everything's just gonna be right no when you became a Christian and you're born again your spirit man was made new but your minds Newton still needs to be renewed you need to you need to renew your mind you need to think differently think differently as a man what thinketh than what so is he are you still stuck in that old mindset are you still stuck in the way you used to think ten years ago and things are still the same because your thinking is still the same change the way you think then you'll change the way you live but if you maintain even if you got born again maintain that old mindset then you're gonna maintain that old life set so here's what he said the spirit of a man you're born again spirit is the candle of the Lord now what does the candle doing the natural you like that candle in the natural it will begin to provide guidance in dark places and he says he's gonna light your spirit you're gonna get born again your spirit now the new creation is the candle of the Lord and notice searching all the inward parts of the belly God will guide you through your spirit God will guide you through your spirit and so there are certain positions that that I believe that we've got to begin to get in in order to take full advantage of divine direction God doesn't just leave lead everybody I know that because of just how my life was before I got saved he doesn't just leave lead everybody but I believe those people who position the antenna and get yourself in place and and and I don't want to call these these are the things you have to do because Paul's going around killing Christians and persecuting the church and God interrupts his life and begins to direct him down the very purpose for his life but what I am saying is that as you understand this gospel of grace also understand that as a student of grace and as a Christian I can begin to adjust my antenna and and believe God's grace to help me to make those adjustments so I can be in a position to receive more of God's transmission so here's the first adjustment number one I believe I believe born-again is important I believe you got to be born again I believe that's important we must be covenant children of God I believe before we can take advantage of being led by him based on just what I just read being born again and st. John 3:3 these are some some pretty familiar scriptures but I think we need to just take another look at them in light of what I'm talking about John three and three Jesus was talking he answered and he said unto him he said verily verily I say unto you except a man be born again he cannot watch this perceive see or have clarity of the kingdom of God so there's something about you want free clarity about God's ways you want clarity about God's kingdom he said except a man be born again something about your born-again spirit that helps you to perceive and to have clarity of the things that God wants to do in your life so a spiritually dead man cannot perceive the things of God I do know that for a fact a spiritually dead man cannot perceive perception of the things of God and I look at 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 14 first Corinthians two and 14 I want to give you a list so you can go home and begin to pray about it and allow the Holy Spirit to take this information and show you how to work Rita verse 14 says but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto a natural man neither can he know them because they are what spiritually discerned so even some things that God would speak to you as a natural man not discerning it by the spirit you won't you won't discern it anyway you'll count it as something that's foolish anyway God's telling you to forgive somebody that you got all against God's telling you to to walk in love with somebody here not really fond of see these things are spiritually discerned and he's just trying to position you in a place so he can direct I can direct your life and then in Romans chapter 8 in verse 14 if you'll flip over there Romans chapter 8 and verse 14 I hope you can tell that I'm really really believing God to help me to to spend a lot of time getting you back focus in on the Word of God and getting you back focus in on what I'm saying let's see what the word that goes with it so you can take it seriously and begin to you know get into this thing and realize that these the interests of God's Word will bring like Romans chapter 8 verse 14 and he says this in verse 14 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God so if you're born again your sons and daughters of God it is God's full intent for you to be led by his Spirit he wants you to be led by spirit so let's go ahead and release our faith right now I am a son of God or a daughter God go ahead and said I am I am led by the spirit that's God's will God wants to lead you by his spirit man check this out God you're no longer just going to be the t-shirt Christian God is gonna lead you by his spirit and he's gonna teach you how to profit and he's gonna teach you how to live this life and up until this point you've just been going by what you know with the Christian label but now we're saying it's it you know this is a game-changer now you're learning how to walk with your unseen partner now you're learning how to live life under the direction of the Holy Spirit and you know it's there that's gonna stop you from being on 285 for so much so 285 goes around the city and you just keep passing the same thing by 285 honey I'm here today to get you off 285 to show you there's an exit to the path and the will of God for your life amen all right so I believe born-again is going to help you to receive directions from God now here's what I'm excited about this morning the the second adjustment we need to make to our spiritual antenna that I believe will help you to be led by the Spirit of God is learning how to how to live a life of meekness meekness it's something that we've heard as a part of the fruit of the Spirit but I don't know if a lot of Christians really understand how to live this life of meekness when it comes to being led by the Spirit of God I I can't help but to think about Moses who got this meant from God and he started at age 80 he absolutely had no idea how this works he totally had to depend on God now somebody said was Moses was perfect well Moses wasn't he he killed a man there's a lot of things he did but God still chose him and the powerful thing about Moses I loves the fact that Moses depends on God he knows he can't do it unless he's led by God but Moses it was kind of funny at one time I thought the Bible said that Moses was the meekest man in all the world and I realized that Moses were the author of the books of Moses said that about himself he had let us know somehow hey man but it showed me that meekness is probably a pretty powerful adjustment for us to make I mean if you just take note of how God led him he led him through the through the wilderness and led him through all come through the Red Sea and and and and you know how do you know to do all of this stuff except you'd be led by the Holy Spirit imagine what your life could be like if you're if you're knowing how to make the proper adjustments to be led by God led by God to start a business where to start it when to start it led by God to take that job or not take that job led by God for your mate and and when you do get married led by God on how to handle certain situations and not just handle it in a traditional way this is a game changer for Christians if we're Christian people who are spirit fed and spirit led people you're gonna find yourself being taught how to profit you're gonna find yourself winning in this game of life because you understand that you you have access to being led by the Spirit of God well let's start here in Psalms 25 and verse 9 what's the Bible say here about this area of meekness let's let's see what it is let's see if we can break this down enough so that you can challenge your life to begin to live a a meat life verse 9 and Psalm 25 says that the meat will be the meat will he guide in judgment and the meek will he teach his way well that's what we're after right we want his guidance and he wants we want him to show us in the way and he says the meek he will do that the meek he will do that so I'm interested already if the meat gets your guidance and if you show the meat the way III want to know how to get into that well let's go to Psalms 103 and 7 Psalms 103 and 7 I tell you if I can get a if I can get a church full of people if I can get people here and church here now each church to to get just radical about being led by the Spirit of God and and stop going ahead of the Holy Spirit but I allow the Holy Spirit to go ahead of you that's what it means to yield to the Spirit of God he goes ahead of you and you follow him rather than you going ahead of the Holy Ghost and look back and see if he filin you I just think that we're living in a in a time now where we come out on top because we're being led by the Holy Spirit and we're yielding to him rather than yielding to what we think is a good idea yeah I'm you know sometimes good ideas are not God ideas and I would prefer to have God ideas because they're already anointed versus having good ideas why I got to go and pray and see if I get God to touch it for me
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 60,465
Rating: 4.8792133 out of 5
Id: pZmJpqInFWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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