Posing Practice With Christian Guzman | To Mens Physique?!?
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Channel: Chris Bumstead
Views: 864,839
Rating: 4.9442396 out of 5
Keywords: alphalete, posing, Q&A, ASMR, shredded, macros, iifym, contest diet, low carb diet, keto, lean, body fat, body fat percentage, gains, bodybuilding, classic phsyique, cheat meal, high carb day, abs, von moger, guzman, gym, gymshark, olympia, training, chest day, back day, leg day, squats, bench press, diet, thick back, rows, peak week, carb load, carb up, vegas, fortnite, gaming, video games, mr olympia, classic physique
Id: VPGp07xOiiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 34sec (2914 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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