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Nobody Really Nobody Larry: let's go swim with sharks

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
agent renning screen we're gonna trend them right now been training warehouse sim trainer seven oh there's so many amazing yeah I went to pronounce before was open before was over yeah last year hope we don't even last year December it was just about to open I was there could be no yeah yeah all different equipment now out at the notes tune but he took me toward me the place I train to oxygen here yesterday there's a new oxygen opening up in Abu Dhabi yeah I thought it was finished but I heard November he says but I'm oh yeah those we did some weeks yeah yesterday machines good open stuff energy for today all think about benchmarks all right it's never bad haha the Jill Mike was here this whole time did you tell because ya got it no it's nug look duble bungo revolving powerball such disrespect and it has started what do you guys think but if you guys want something else I'm down whatever I don't bench press so I'm gonna watch you guys really you're not gonna bet first I don't bench press I only do dumbbell but I need some arm - yeah well bench press you hit bench all you hit close we're talking crush awesome let's do it say no more whatever you guys want to do my war was different from you guys though look at this mall look at the angle he's doing this why no you're gonna tell me why this is when I squeeze the chest like that weird elbows aren't your shoulder where the bar comes to you get that angle on this next one get that angle and then compared to how Larry's doing it on his angle do it real quick what's the difference on this now I'm always been super power and look at the angle come on up top come on at the top look at these elbows tucked by pop everything's coming into play where we're J's up top you just see him flexing through where Larry's dropping down underneath and tucking it yeah I go elbows in if I'm doing our bodybuilding or trying to make it harder on myself I'm doing what you're doing so right now I'm just doing Close Grip so I'm just going to keep it in tight down low but I'll do everything from high - which is you're basically doing hi to flex your throat yeah but at the same time I don't know if you realize this the majority society can't move their shoulders that well and keep healthy that well because you're impinging up top where you have such good range of motions you can do this that's big time most people don't they don't keep your scapula down in the press everyone wants to be up here for everything what cooling or pushing yeah that's where they hurt themselves will he just been able to isolate and keep that range of what like like I do behind an Express who is the worst thing in the world well I'm a hundred years old and I still get that range of motion that's more that's a key point oh and that's what you're doing which is incredible because most guys especially guys that your love will have banged up shoulders never and your dude you're going great love that that's why you're the best that's all you do I'll have it you go I always say I'm gonna take it easy and go light then I was and a ha ha exactly good not that day old I'm going for a PR today we get nasty he's only guy that goes for PRS and sandal and slides I've ever hit a PR in sneakers precious solo man see it's see I'm there a train with powerlifters really so it's like for me that's super he's down here mmm that's a everything everything see when I think people benchpress a lot oh man how's that guy do that without caring his chest but now I see with you know yeah it's the angle and that's why I love the inclines because it takes the women sit harder and then you come back to flatten you just destroy flat because how much harder is inclined than flat are you a good incline yeah but even then some still about 80 pounds ladder my best incline yeah yeah I seen you hit five four five or six right incline but my best six seventy five year you know the same equipment wraps off so big difference yeah a much bigger stretch of my PEC think like an impressing much higher yeah I was a better incline press or I do like the way you bench press I could see why you would be thing in a video of your passing four plates for rent from you climb yeah yeah I could I could I was always a big incline presser remember my whole thing was functionality not oh my gosh I got a press four or five it was all okay how much can i contract my chest through the motion so I thought if from every part of the breath was squeezing my chest and picturing the chest contracted the whole in the world that's why I can't grasp one rep things because I couldn't get into the muscle in one round so differently good body both have been power training although we're warming up I understand and so for us if we do more reps we got to do how many reps before we get to a working weight so we try to do least amount of work possible to get to something real he says it's an it's a nervous nervous system hit that if I keep saying that's what he's getting focusing more rather than the warm I don't know until the said look it's how I like to call it a warm-up so for us if we can wake up the nervous system most of me for four o'clock in the morning 1:35 feels like 500 so if I can get the nervous system fired up then we can start repping out anything look down at that now go back and look at it close look at his chest development answer a lot of questions a lighter here though hope they were happy that they're too easy [Music] I telli takes the lift off here so one thing that in powerlifting you don't want to give up because you're already prepped and loaded before that weight comes off so he's already in a position where everything's tight and then just give him the weight and so you'll see the breath suck it in give a nod to me I toss the weight to him explode through it let's go come walk it off still playing play play you got but yeah uh-huh Oh bleep oh I do I do I do a couple wraps or two no no come on kid let's see it nice see that squeeze - Lukas little squeeze you just watch yourself what's the range of motion the squeeze you massive a squeeze you guys doing powerlifting me I'm cool with you guys sucking it up and doing mess but there's a huge difference between these two movements oh yeah so in this aspect do this getting ready for a power lift II mean do this the rest of the year now here's another thing if you do this more than more you'll strengthen yourself in a different way too when you go back to power lifting you're even stronger that's what I love it's with power lifting if you can go away from those power movements and do something else it's like he's doing functional always come back always come back stronger sucking that's 1 2 3 right it's a good walk on though that's a good walk on it was a reality check for sure it was the reality check those guys were incredible liberado was going to look first at my [ __ ] that's what I didn't think you were gonna go back to bodybuilding actually because I just think that he does so much the power lifting now it's like Minnie's got these these challenges he's like seems to be breaking records every week man don't be the first I know I mean but it takes two you know how long it takes I know I'm gonna get the training so different how so wraps wraps the route and he's just said it 300 pound he's gonna get he's gonna get more size in order to do the bodybuilding thing and when he leans down the Carlini stays all the time for him he has to struggle to get 300 pounds I bet to eat a lot right yeah the whole time throw him to put on weight like that his lean is he stays good a fast metabolism especially with the core training when you train with your core like that it keeps you that much leaner you know man wouldn't you go for those max lifts like that it burns a lot more calories than the guy that just goes in the gym and does ten reps with [ __ ] puts it down takes five minutes between each set timer attention a lot different yeah simultaneously not no no but I mean if you're if you're working part of the year that thickness and that density and then you come back the other part of the year and sharpen it that's I think it's impressive where you came from and he's exploded I got faith in I think like yeah but he did not stay in one place right now that's the thing he's in a different place all the time that's hard to train as a body no need to get that being such a big influencer - he's getting pulled in different ways that's it that's an interesting thing we had very little distraction completely you got to be stressful in such a young age fair enough yeah might be a longer journey for me but I'll get there I got faith thirty yes that's got cast on now [Laughter] so guys still getting back in the swing of things coming off my bicep injury a couple months back last week was 225 went to kilograms 450 so this week trying to lupus better that little bit heavier week a week low up a little bit so you can get maybe least started with this what's the setup I know that he's bench pressing here but it's all the little details to setup the mindset I always think about when you when you lift in heavy weights you're actually switching that mindset and it's a fight so you're like stepping in the Octagon a few against the weight this time hey-yah 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 behind get it get it get it dirty [Applause] come on right maybe a lift yeah space squeeze squeeze squeeze okay there's no relaxation not even going slightly down and still a squeeze on the chest again look at the range of motion the elbows everything nice nice recommendation don't start with this warm work up this form work up to that kind of range of motion in the shoulder I see guys that are you know late 20s and already so banged up shoulder why's that they can't have that kind of rotation so it's funny because it's already a principle of what I believe is put yourself in weak positions to make yourself stronger and that's what you're doing I haven't bench press since 2004 how's that no wait that's already I swear to God this is 2004 yes [Music] sighs straight this bar is better than what they have you know anything's better boys now here we go so you guys we talked about power lifters and speed speed speed so he did his his set now he's coming back around isolating taking that momentum out and not just squeezing through it same kind of thing squeezing it now if you're seeing that video alone and you go wait a mintue 25 for that he did his Big Mike mentor and since his big set of thirty reps at 315 so anything after that's just secondary that was that was the one that tore that fibers exactly yeah internet what do you think about for both you I mean I'll guarantee it doesn't bust you at all does the internet pushing you to go heavier and heavier and heavier you get you you know before I was on Instagram it's all started I just want to be the strongest guy in the gym and then once I became was Ramanujan I wanted to come strong guy in the state in the country and the world and I start comparing myself with other people on the internet because I know what else to tell myself to in the gym but when we all start out we all have that rival in the gym who would make everything speak to bigger stronger faster than that guy was serious ever get the gym once I hit that goal I need to go out to the ocean I like a big fish in a small pond and now the support comes you know support from myself my parents are in the world you can follow my journey they'll keep the lights on you know they help me to help me get this far but the motivation was never from other people pushing me to be as strong as I was came from within I just wanted master huh so just is the right mindset matter I imagine you understand that is that the fans will push you to keep going to keep going yeah but we didn't have that we didn't yeah he's just ready he's got to generate a new generation we talked about this because he started off and became relevant to faces all over the world where we were just relevant to like a small community cuz once he had Instagram Facebook snapchat everything like down yeah you have fans that we never were able to communicate with to a magazine exposed oh yeah that's what's awesome so you have a lot more people cheering you on and we ever had now we have you know just as much reach but now you're taking benefit and traveling all over the world training with different people seeing different styles you know for me this is the first time I saw you train I've seen your videos but I never watched on techniques and I still question okay what is he is he pushing with power or is he actually feel muscle contraction there I can't grasp how low he's pressing that because that's not in my realm of training I think what's great for him being a me being a power lifter would i grew up with and so you a better man what I like is there is a disconnect between powerlifting and bodybuilding where powerlifting was always about explosion and bodybuilding was about light weight and isolation but with new generation and how society is now you can combine both of those and create something like this that has that kind of thick is that kind of density it still be a power lifter and still create a good body because I could show you 181 pounds power lifter who looks like nothing but gita' surround it 280 pound body book because of the connective or the power he has but you're still working the muscle and I like that you do that even with your explosion work you're still can isolate that muscle and that's that's a great thing to have that's why I think you could do both you've got certainly your pump super come from that dirty route I'm super pumped much more a pump then the second set I think we're 12 it's what was the rest you know and every work ought to have a set where I go all out maybe one or two sets very beginning where use my power but the rest of my work I'm majority to work out I'm focus on that contraction on rats yeah it's only for a small part of the work out I go for an AM round so even when you're training for a bodybuilding show say if you regroup and you say up to 12 weeks I'm gonna train for like when you did Nationals right how far did you push yourself with these with these records did you do any PRS while you were training for a body one show I all throughout my prep two weeks out my show I had 900 pounds on SWAT just me and what do you think when you look back at that now I think do you think I'm necessary or do you think at the time it was necessary for your mind or to give you motivation to continue to Train I mean listen we did it benefit you on stage it definitely did not okay but know that did you need it for motivation in order to continue to because some people we go we talked about going to the gym what motivates us in the gym like did does that motivate you to keep training harder what's with the same here because this is huge this is huge what is it what motivates you is it getting on stage and you attest you are like in untested waters right you'll go into the Nationals for the first time so you want uncertain how you're gonna stack up right but how was your mindset going in the gym every day was those personal records for that reason to keep you going or did you just feel like I've just been training reps to you know I need to keep going for these records like a bore it was more so I have a deep passion for hitting CRV getting stronger but also have passionate but building my body is helping my body and looking good on stage looking good photos couldn't get in the mirror really good about myself and would help me skyrocket on the internet is that I've been taught to be well at both having a lean physique and being super strong now collective becoming mr. Olympia right now seeing psyche I'm shooting for the stars and seem very realistic at the moment but I've only been bodybuilding taking it seriously for a year I only started beating last year I've been piloting for six years now and my first couple years of piloting I was awful I had a beginner's luck I was good in the first couple competitions constraints because of my strength and I was in a really small pool pond and my second third year bombed out of me to miss lifts people were saying it was never gonna be anybody umpires and just give it up I was awful then I came back from my fourth bit here and smash World Records so I know just like with any sport then you pick up you're not going to be amazing right away it may take a few years to get good and that's my mindset that's that and I learned from that prep that I shouldn't be going back heavy and doing that little bit about I'm out of rest so close to my show because when I got I'm saying this the other guys have like wow I messed up I got my conditioning up I'm not big enough and it was a reality show now going for next fret I'm offering me chasing one three five reps I know that's unnecessary it's not going to help me but out of the learning experience I didn't know any better at that point funny because you said something when I was 24 When I was your age I turned pro at 23 I've looked at Dorian Yates and I said I can I'm not gonna achieve that he was mr. Olympia right at the time and I said that's way out of reach for me and then flat and fast forward almost ten years not even ten years later I was the guy so we all have vision of like what are what the ideal is like you might look at World Records and say I don't know if I quit listen man I remember like cheering you on in the background and shouting you out because you were doing stuff that I never seen a lean body builder do before like when you squat at nine hundred pounds like that's insane that close to competition like first in my mind I'm like all right that's incredible but this guy's out of his mind to do this because no one that lean can handle that kind of weight I've never said never seen that before and there's a difference between being lean and drop like yeah you are so because you were still buin shape though it's not like oh I was wasn't insane I think you showed up to the show listen you lacked a little bit of quality but remember use your age to age makes a huge difference in the sport of bodybuilding I mean I listen powerlifting I'm not I don't fall out close enough but it takes some muscle maturity to get there and that's just years of training you mentioned how fresh you were because you didn't have to techniques with the lifts right and power training but bodybuilding is the same thing that's about fine-tuning the body and learning okay making the adjustments like you just said you're not gonna go for personal records but who says that's right or wrong has no one listen no one can tell you just like he could tell me how he trained I could tell you I train this guy could tell you I had great success with how my body function but we all have different makeup of how we develop our physiques so not to say you know I wouldn't say the hell with neither gonna do that again because not that saying that's right or wrong I understand that plus because you like the battle you know there's a and I can relate with that I don't care how old I get it's it's fun to go in and toss and it doesn't matter if you're in front of that yeah but I don't know why for show thanks him on that he's in the gym at 5:00 in the morning inclining five plates in the Internet's talking about it so you tell me that that doesn't make a difference writing sense I know you have a lot of people cheering you on like I can't believe this guy can do that but I especially your age but yeah it's it's the the thing that I think regardless of where we are with nutrition or how lean we get we like the lift it we all like lifting weights yeah yeah of course yeah and it's a battle somewhat in mental yeah but don't you like getting under the heavy and getting in a fight with it we're not close to showing and then I think that that's why I can relate with how you were feeling even two weeks after we show you like jeez Louise the weights are nothing nobody's ever do I'll be the first ever and now guarantee that you're the first one ever to be that lean and squat nine hundred pounds and it's not even lean I hate saying link because people don't understand the difference we knew lean and dry yeah though you were dry which is technically dangerous at that point but you were just like I want a freakin fight in his in his crazy as he thought that was a view these guys walking in the UFC tomorrow how crazy of those guys everybody's got their craziness Mike it makes us different right but you see how I press you know so I was like going through and man I felt that little twinge I said okay this is it man I'm I'm we're too much money I get paid to look here look good I don't need to lift heavy weight that's when I made the change why are you rate you did and you changed you stop yeah I learned about Brazil oh no sir sometimes but like I do barbels doubles I do yeah I stopped the barbell stuff too yeah because the the floor stops the range of motion see I can't tear it what's more of a powerlifting master okay bodybuilders don't do floor presses yeah up here so yeah he said natural natural guys it's an attic room I thought flex Luis to brought it back the body building [Laughter] Oh go go go reverse grip bench press activates upper chest 35% more than a flat bench while an incline only activates 5% more this is 30% more in threads are non-combat get beggin that's actually true so the first thing is first of all you might actually it doesn't it does doesn't even touch you you already know you're pressing you press up I would like to see you push it up and over you with your thumbs that way don't believe no stop there I don't know so look at the body angle the body angle is already flat your chest when you're doing a regular bench press is lower chest you're on you're pushing away so this is where your motion is when your regular bench press and that's a lower chest correct now your wrists are snap back and you're pushing away from your body not over your body you can't come over the body cuz of the wrist bone so you're pushing away it's even more tricep the angles of it pushing away I know it sounds good and I know the article is great not true I don't do it you don't need to know chestnut for triceps I mean for chest [Music] go on [Music] yes for yes more all upper chest Thole triceps let me break this down for you on triceps and why it's triceps you won't even touch your chest pull pull let's put this whole internet thing so you saw what working just well I saw the body so alright so the first thing when you're doing bench press it's a lower chest that's why I love Inc line cuz we already got being guys a good lower chest this is power elbows now what we're gonna do is reverse it now watch how deep the elbows get inside see that steel locked in they are coming down it's coming here you don't bench this way with the reverse grip cuz you're gonna lose it on the wrist so you're pushing away down inside right up that's tricep snap so it's even better than a closed grip for me takes it out locks it in lift it to you take it up and hold it there take it down I did chest yesterday there you go so I only put it in the chest now as well but that's because I'll do chest yesterday see were you coming up - yeah so you're pushing it away but you can feel how close you can keep those elbows in and help easy it is on the shoulder yeah see how it easy on the shoulder I don't feel anything in the shoulder but my chance is sore since yesterday so that was the one great thing about I was ready we'll do this and they go it hurts the shoulder yeah so relax you're relaxing the best part tighten here and that's Arabic ship kgs so five it means one hundred so you don't give it confused now you see where it's awkward to lift it up yeah that's why I'll do that take it up and hold it there stand up let the wrist come back a little relaxed pull it in tight don't pull a bit the arm don't collapse it bring it down nice that's no chest at all right I see he's only using upper chest I wish I could tell you I was using the chest because it looked like he was nice job nice job Oh beautiful I feel on my shoulder so should I you should but you're doing this again you're collapsing okay instead of coming down my range of number two here bidding up maybe further guy right so yeah you're like this yeah you're coming right here instead of further so your arms we're doing like you bench for us yeah so instead of coming down in the solid position you're collapsing it like this yeah because I felt that year but we just set the internet on fire the science is not science somebody wrote that that it was a upper chest tricep these big things here Jay just did it I've never done that reverse grip before that's our first time it's beautiful it's romantic we're gonna get some ice cream after this make it a full date press this boom train up baby let's go let's finish it finish it yeah she lives with you we not what do you know what goes on at your place all right boys we're good next next mean screen we're going to trim them to n all summer 199 crowns but guys there's a lot of you who just saw J Mike do this and I'm gonna go and try it please have somebody hand you off when trying to reverse strip dance because you 100% need a hand off or or it might just fall clip you in the neck so yes have a head knock first smart smart smart unless Ramona and then you can just wait Jake triceps are pumped what do you guys wanna do to the dumbbells now there's less we're know what's going on here I have a question are you strong in every exercise are only the ones the regular e-trade I do every exercise and it's strong and everything that's my point with one W can do the 75 which one I could definitely do 5 pounds 75 I can do 5 is that your exercise yeah I love it I'm here you Wow that's yeah but you only have to move it a short distance right no how do you move it and it's all a precise flow to range of motion but of whatever I disagree I've got to go March long away he did have me beat if you want to love that I'm ready to make this make sense so about the clothes reverse yeah that's yeah somebody come on sit it's scientifically but you don't believe in any of those studies at all I mean like who puts them out on the internet who's who does them submit where all the scientific studies are being published and I just talked about this today I keep saying this over and over but there is so much information on there it's so confusing for people because we came from the old school we talked about this with protein and carbs and now people like well what about fats and this and that and we never paid attention to like fats we took in other than the from the meats and the whole eggs and whatever else we used it was just straight okay I count protein and fats and then we have like a diet rotation where we might eat low carbs for a few days and one day high carbs on the fourth day which most people do when they die for competition but there's so much information it's so mind-boggling to people that's why he has his theories he has his theories I have mine everyone has a style and you have to find what works best for you but there's so much information when someone like you it says oh I saw it on the Internet we didn't have that no but I'm thinking me like me is that everything I read since 1983 I applied and saw if it worked it didn't work and there's things that even back then or in the 80s and 90s that people do and I believe against everybody squats a certain way where I believe you should squat five different ways but I mean even before Ethan is people read books and I mean different things I mean if someone read Chris a serious book maybe that said one thing and then somewhere in another book and that said one thing so I mean like apply it see if it works for you yeah if it doesn't move it away of it's not a sexual though it's a person's opinion yeah factual is is Wolf's law the breakdown of the bone and rebuild as a bone that's fact but an exercise trust me how many guys do we know that do shoulder presses for a lifetime and have no shoulders is that true Chris shoulder press is great the shoulders but some guys just can't connect I do minimum of three different shoulder presses so my point is and somebody but even an exercise only laterals is that and it grows yeah so I think with with like I talked to you I talked to Ronnie and Sammi R Dorian and it was the fat content none of us kept track of the fat work today people back then maybe they ate more proteins and I mean like the protein sources they had had a lot of fat here those guys are back in the 40s 50s and 60s yeah but also depends on other stuff as well but nutrition talking to what I love is this you talk to the new age guys when you talk to the old age guys and I always talk to the guys that have actually done it and lived a long healthy life I think that's but I think honestly today with the knowledge that we have today to not it be better right to not be able to live a healthy life even as a top pro bodybuilder you're just being like what is it is like careless because you have the knowledge that you that you need to have to be able to take care of your body I mean like there are supplements today that can help you with everything more or less so so I mean like there's no reason why it should be less healthy today than it was before especially with the knowledge we have so overhead triceps extensions let's go overhead tricep explode to come on alright we're gonna do some crazy range of motion stay with your form because I'll guarantee you're gonna have a different form and I've never seen you do these but I'll guarantee the range of motion is different watch this because your elbows like I didn't do that so what I want to do is I'm trying to bring it this far down with a twist at the bottom that Lily wrote a whole box before I'm ready to shoulder surgery on one side it's a little bit of a range of motions so look at that stuff come and look at the backside do this so it's coming down parallel here keeping the pressure on it not overextending keeping the isolation solid all the way through regardless of the speed there's such a great isolation with him that he can flex through that I would recommend for you guys and you rookies the beginners slow it down a bit Jay you concur he is here for you we're gonna sink me see the squeeze all the way through it don't start bouncing it don't shorten it so much keep it just like he's doing right there that's great and if you can get your beard like that to a nice clean shave we're gonna figure that I drew it myself they were combing my beard more than anything else the copying guy sister Nina no we met there's your power builder that's you getting on your shirt I've got peanut butter on my shirt you're a peanut butter cloud over not much isolation in the tricep here not not really no do my best to contrive don't know if you guys heard that but that's so fine those exercises I think that are tough for you to get those isolations for him this is a different motion yeah not fluid yeah so really take your time on this wouldn't wouldn't go heavy nice told you so the form again keeps the pressure on it keeps the pressure on there's no relaxation from this again impressive to me because his range of motion is so good yes I not so much begin it if you're watching this complete isolation through the whole motion nice you know the funny thing is Larry is now everyone wants a challenge how much weight you do did you get that you get that late this guy just shows up and wants to challenge to a one-armed try something I was curious if Mike was strong in everything or only the exercises that they trained us that was my question so every exercise in 41 years yeah it wasn't the answer I was looking for because I was is there any exercise you don't do no I'll do everything but Larry and I just talked about this this is not one of the exercises we would actually do I've done I've done in the past but I would usually do two arms or if I stimulated tricep extensions it would be like a kickback or something but the only reason is because I can't get it up myself but you always have to use it to every weight so I can't get it there I love you guys yeah I you know that's it's one of those things that in my belief isn't everything for me because I gave up on on the concept of being the strongest or the most jacked years ago home to be the most athletic because everything I do is about athletic stuff so I try to do everything what do you think about people who say that train for functionality that's just stupid because what is functionality normal life for me like for someone who is athletic ability in a certain kind of sport I would assume that's what they mean because I don't understand some thirty five-year-old coming in doing box jumps I don't I don't understand that concept that's never done anything like those which is not it because it's or functionality what you're gonna do box sports your stocks stock exchange and box jumping weight amyloids Hill so mine's more connective tissue and bone density is my purpose just so I can function so I can work out with these twenty year olds the workout would tighten now we just tipped the scale at 31 pounds at 6 months she's got seven footers in the family that kid's gonna be he's taller than Matt already oh I'm sorry not the shortest one here so just move it around - that's nice so instead of staying in one position assume you can come inside by the head rotate here or set it back rotation bath that's the kind of stuff that it's fun to do for me ever you're engaging at a different muscle but it's also keeping that and I think that you would like that is are you starting the squat differently you got a power squat right explode through do you ever change that form I'm gonna do bodybuilding if you come in the bar suits hire my knees fall forward more drop just watch this whatever don't say don't say yeah okay so when you were getting ready for your show and you did 900 we're good to get this because this is huge also come here cuz you can explain this well to the understanding the difference between a lean person and a person that's dry so when you get him ready for a show and you're a couple weeks out they always talk about diffusive train lighter because your your leg events are driving and that's when you really could injure yourself there's a huge difference between together walks around the lane all the time just naturally lean there's more fluid in his legs its fluid that's always when you talk cause dryness don't confuse me both because it's fluid right right whoo fluid flows for the body a lot faster when you're lean tomorrow just stays hydrated because the body there's less body fat right so less fluid in the body so if you guys ever wonder why bodybuilders training light at the end it's because it's safer and it's smarter no saying it's smarter some of us still try to go heavy when we're dry now that I think I train heavy up until the show well you're superhuman yeah but I never backed off and I think that's what makes it that's a huge difference between a good bodybuilding a great body builder because your body stays prime it's like someone saying oh I'm off season versus pre-contest I'm always not I'm always ready in time like there's not much difference the training stayed the same exactly the year I admit the road reps don't increase weights don't get it just a nutrition changed yes it's funny that again going back to the social media all the information suddenly it says no no no no everything has to change and it doesn't in a sense you're training states saying I love you on one of the big things for you what's more important the last 12 weeks for the Olympia or the nine months getting ready why because I just have that one mindset of I want to build the body as much as possible so when I find to Nitai have that much improvement okay so so the nine months before getting ready for the Olympia is the most important yes how do you stay motivated for those nine months when Quinn the show's a year away does that look in the mirror every day and I say just love training don't you think no doesn't have to be a show if you want to be the freakin best yeah but every night if you love training you probably want to be the best as well a lot of people love training but who stays consistent on that nine months I mean training enough training the way you have to do to improve a perceive to be competitive so if you go into the gym and you love what you do and you just try to better yourself every time that's that's motivation that's all the motivation I think because you love it so much that it said it seems like that we run into the people yeah I love it he loves it but I don't want to train for Olympia again you know I'm saying like so it just becomes like her personal goal just like he wants to do personal records yes you've done it you've been there I mean but what motivated me to come back and win the Olympia second time I was just in that realm that's the I still think that would be better I still think I can be better at my age right I'm fighting age now no I don't think I don't think because they're not that mindset am i you come back and set records how you are now as a role model to health and fitness and show how to have longevity my family that's the most important thing my joints feel girl I think it's got to be more than just loving lifting it's got to be the fight that you had when you were gonna squat two weeks out I want to win the show but I want that fight within myself that you have you got I want to win the Olympia now I want to be the best Jay Cutler after the Olympia and be something more global something more epic than before and you work harder now than you're giving your get ready for the Olympia you travel the world war you do all that more and that takes more than anything else then you still train and he makes more money there is an interview with Kai Greene where he says like you you can't go under a barrage with 800 pounds if you're not angry or like an animal like you have hatred and inner hatred he says so he said something like this I choice as to what he says when he talked about Coleman and he talks about the way they to Train like you have to be angry you have to may be mad at something there has to be something underlying motivates you but I mean like I trained the hardest and heaviest when I listen to music it makes me happy I can't go to the gym if I'm angry let me just mess up my mind I can't do it so I just never angry no I saw you eating good food on time well that was me angry when we lift heavy weights but I'm never angry in the gym I can't like that Tulsa when you get under heavy weights you like the toaster within yourself all you can have to your cronies nice gym person because using the focus when you texting and stuff if I text between the set it doesn't matter because when it's set its descent I don't care and then you can always go back to the reverse close grip bench for their protest always please hey bro quick nine hundred pound squat two weeks off from a show freaking nobody's ever done that in the history being as lean as you have then you go back to close stance squats how much does your weight driver close Ranger Power drop 300 feet bring a power meter so you can still know this 600 pound squat class yeah what rep no no for one rep I guess so one rep I would say one rep close stance maybe 750 for one round that's huge that's huge because uh all squats seven on power squats but if I go back to a closed stance squats and I'll go even feet up on the little box and I'm at four to five hundred so it will drop easily 200 if not more but it's funny it's a change and if people see that the majority of society only sees a guy squatting and then they assume one thing but my belief is you got the right idea and again I don't think I could do what you do take your age because I think at my age at 22 I would have self to peer pressure and said well no no no I could do six or seven or 800 closed stance and so I'm proud of you that you keep that mindset that you're you're strong you know what you're doing I don't you can don't get pushed over but I'm saying we're strong my powerful body building you know training after treatment has to change and I can't go around you're gonna even lately I dropped some weight got injured people think depressed or I fall off the wagon or just thinking lots of negative things about it but in reality you know I need this for us I think it's time to recover I can't go full throttle PR every week all year round you know especially when I'm trying to juggle three of the sports you know I just try to get my farm you know I in realistic expectations so you gladiators is coming back when gladiators coming back you're gonna move back to the staging and to go on that show with me go ahead go at it man next see a saber or something all right don't you guys agree you'd be crushing people on there we'll see trying to figure out if he means it's really coming back yeah well you're retired I ain't retired TV Photoshop that's how I do it and I know G kind of does hip thrusts not actually I did I stay on the floor without stim show us sure was captain my captain and as close in as I could which I can stand that looked like I'm walking out or not really not really that's locked out for me right now that is locked out for you and it's been that way all day today and you notice where what I'm how am i doing it on the floor right why don't I do it on the floor cuz that's short and he can shoot this better tell us why because I like to feel like I'm into the weight when I'm too high I'm just using other body parts so when I'm low it's just like when I do presses and everything I like to press on a low seat or a low bench when I'm too high I feel like I can't get under it enough so lake especially shoulder presses I love a low seat when I'm closer to the floor to press when I sit too high it just doesn't feel right for me so I always choose to do a lower bench and with this I just try to be lower for some reason I can get into the machine more and really get my elbows back in order to get this exercise when you start it out how much posing that you did do when you started working out and you were young when you started because I think I've seen you was it 12 13 14 a lot of posing right great thing everybody should just to make the line and muscle active how you feel this compared to the tricep overhead no I will say easier to I've said my truss up here on the floor James right about when I'm standing it I want to use my Delft smart exactly that's why I don't like I don't like the I'm innocent I cheat on everything to be honest but when I lean I tend to lean more and I don't like doing that especially when I'm trying to actually do one exercise where I lock my elbows out which is one of the few exercises where you lock is that lock out for you this right there's a lock out for me and I'll even rotate the elbows out it but you go heavy on this movement yeah but again what if you go heavy by lifting it I mean how do you really so you can play that and still squeeze with heavy weights I nobody you in the same position squeezing I won't go to the point where I lose it cuz that's what you're saying you're saying do you go so heavy that it's like this that because there's a difference and I will do this at times I will go ballistic you know cheek rub I'll go ballistic and just freakin try to get something heavy with this stuff you could still go heavy enough and still isolate it but there's there's that whole can you get in here into 50 grabs I like both aspects of it I like slowing it down keep it in isolated but then I also like tusslin so you don't pull the trope like you do you're coming down and you're actually rotating you're pulling over no I don't rotate it out I'm always looking for movement that's why I like the reverse that's why I like anything I can rotate it in different positions bring it come outside Rutina now it's twisted flex back up take it down squeeze it out rotate it over back up go again take it off take it off take it off - go go again I'll put it more in the backcourt NER yeah sure rotate and take it off like a tricep short haircut nice juicy down yep yep and rotate it different and then turn it out yeah do it again I turn it off and hold it for that count [Music] nice good let you see it I did note a little bit my shoulder so see that's the thing we the first time doing it yeah first time doing it I can feel that contraction the price you see the difference on that rotation I do it like you said a bit heavy for me so I'm raising more shoulder labor go lighter and so all I'm doing is keeping it forward taking it down turning it out and the turnout comes from the elbow and the wrist see he's he's actually if you notice his shoulders his chest stays high in the shoulder statement yeah I've never done that you do that I don't know that's what I'm gonna try it sure these in this job come on let's go time but when I do this I always do super set so I start with wide grip then are you tired I'll just put group together and I can do it a few more she liked the justice forum he's going right to the outside keep it in take it down then rotate out and even back further now tell me what that feels like on your shoulder down to it the weight is too heavy though but that's your weight then I just put them together and I just go there I never done never done this before step just up just like you're on stage chest up chest up yeah yeah no but really so much heavier I can yeah that's so much heavier I'll try so that's no one for everybody try that out Jay one more time show these guys let me show you from the backside see the elbow after the bath wall see that rotation is giving a little bit more umph at the bottom you don't want to cover those bad boys nice good look at this look at the fibers that see then come down rotate out and you're sitting on it at the bottom flexed up here you like really here nice pull it back on your hips nice thank you yeah crank on it nice [Music] Solan crank it drink come on kiddo nice very wheels Jacob the future mr. Olympia Titan late-game right there yes this was nice no this is leg day and uh progestin leg day Gold's venice's the weights are definitely lighter at Gold's - ouch they are for sure though right even Adam so I've been in the States for my whole life ends I remember years back my first start training they do pop up repping up for filing the incline you would pop up the roaster but we've done 500 right yeah yeah so there's been a long overdue collapse and it's because of you guys we've been watching my stuff that made it possible that I can link up with these guys get some one-on-one time it's been awesome and of all places Dubai it's funny because Abu Dhabi excuse because Larry was supposed to come train in Vegas and then we had the vice up so we were supposed to link in Vegas and then when he saw I was coming here he's like man you coming over there but the funny thing is Larry offered to bring me to divide just to shoot the video so now I came now I came on my own the Abu Dhabi and brought this guy with me thank you how's this a bag boy this weekend so this is nice for me to join Mike always makes us look so pretty when we work out no guys this is fun for me cuz I've tried to hook up with both you back in Venice Vegas and it's crazy that we hook up an avocado so who do we got for the fight tomorrow I didn't know there's a fight going on I'll take Mona over Matt could be that's an easy way they look out for the fight guys fight who who's winning tomorrow could be um today I think take away some of the stuff we talked about the training was fun it was cool we did some different exercises we talked about philosophy and stuff but just the knowledge that was spilt today was tremendous we got a young street here that's starting out that's the future of the sport we have the goat over here that talked about how he came up and and what I was cool for me is I've known this kid for him since 22 years old I saw him compete his first amateur out in LA that's first but the tournament champions and never trained together I've never really seen you work out work out in person and something that I love is that your range of motion is incredible and we're healthy you did the competition at the highest level because you came the greatest and then you're healthy after that sport which is huge on his goal setting and for you man it was great just training with you and you got the right approach mentally and I see a great future for you I just hope I can be as helpful in these two guys in that 20 years I'm a young buck 24 years old and I'm still oppressed every day I've been how both of you guys look I hope you guys are so many year that we'll have Photoshop so that's exactly yeah you gotta meet him in person too but you really is I'm not no like subscribe to my post notifications I think you guys already follow Jay Cutler Mike O'Hearn but if you don't the links would be in the caption below follow their journeys keep following mine I love you guys I appreciate you and peace any more of you in November when I go back to the States
Channel: Larry Wheels
Views: 3,923,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: larry wheels, mike o hearn, jay cutler, bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman, fitness, 2019, best of, top 10, most recent, iphone 11, apple
Id: t4hvF_7iyi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 13sec (4333 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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