SHOW DAY | 2019 Mr. Olympia - The Journey to the Top

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[Music] [Music] you [Music] you you okay one thing ever on my way to commitment Center give them [Music] what is up YouTube today Friday day before the show we got a few more things we got to get done and then we're chilling right now or headed to the expo for a hanging effective booth or the title sponsor so I mean I'm assuming they have a big booth I know they have a big-ass crew of like crazy mouths of people going so we're headed there right now I'm gonna chill just Frank an hour and then I got to go get my hair cut and then we're gonna chill for the rest of the day just relax feet up woke up this morning obviously a lot heavier than yesterday so but fulle I'm very full right now so the goal now is to dry out today and she kind of maintained the fullness I have or we're eating a little bit less carbs but still the same kind of meals back and forth potato and rice I had 250 grams of potatoes steak for breakfast and then we're reducing my water slowly today so yesterday I had like 8 liters of water today I'm having 4 so we cut it in half we're cutting a little bit early currently that's the game plan and yeah it's about it we're just gonna head in the expo right now and show you guys you know what's going on with that and we'll catch a bus [Music] [Music] I really like the burgers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you excuse me I got a picture of listen [Music] I like this a shoe no your question [Music] bye-bye every time I tell someone take a picture quickly like I forget how to find my camera come on okay I'll go I'm here too one sec alright so we just wrapped it up here at the expo we had an hour thank God because I'm gassed already feeling pretty tired I got a meal in my bag I'm gonna head to my haircut I'm about 15 minutes early so I'll just sit there and eat my meal then we're gonna go back to the hotel and I'll catch up with you with what we're doing there so my first bit of almond butter hadn't 15 weeks finally give you probably gave me something kind of tasty [Music] what you can get like a towel and pillow me yeah yeah [Music] just for the risky triple not supreme folded out stephane packet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thanks darling yep let's go I mean the stream was really good this stream is so good just text me when you're done [Music] I know it [Music] [Music] I'd like here no no I know what I look like I'm serving macaroni and cheese people I'd like to shut up [Music] that's on right now [Music] [Music] so cool [Music] you every [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] I'm sorry my boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh all dangerous come on buddy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Donald loved [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] life Sarge [Music] no Chris Georgian be on switch [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's just like [Music] okay [Music] [Music] decided brother [Laughter] was it una mochila that crystal clear driven margin about years people hated on you each I speak my plan once it was like when he was like please whenever speak French it's the first thing to say just a month by this Wednesday be strong move to the opposite [Music] [Music] the biggest age probably not gonna get much talking out of me right now but holy [ __ ] that felt good I've never been prepared to step on stage like that that was like I always say I get so [ __ ] nervous for a sip I own the stage and I still had like butterflies but it wasn't like nerves it was like get me the [ __ ] on that stage or maybe [ __ ] [ __ ] up and I felt good I felt really good to be on stage and most confident have stepped on and off stage so it just it was crazy being up there you know every year I'm up there and being on those spotlights on that huge [ __ ] stage it's it's I'm grateful for it the hell of a fun time athletes competitive they're all they're all [ __ ] awesome back there everyone's there's no [ __ ] backstage in the classic guys so thought was a good time good vibes but we're chilling now I'm tired of hell I've never been this tired after a prejudging so generally a lot of adrenaline I was like angry fired up like backstage ready to go and I never feel like that so I'm crashing now in a shower I think I even get a hamburger which I haven't had any of that in 14 weeks I haven't had that cheat just refeeds even my pole carb up with just potatoes and rice so my shower enjoy the [ __ ] man burger and I'm gonna pass the ffs excuse my cursing I'm in a zone right now but that's program the ins are actually comparative this is like the most simple American burger but it's exactly what you want your highness Crysta [Music] [Music] Tiana person George Patterson Brianna Ashley [Music] and Briana's would cheering Chris which gentleman front double bicep [Music] [Applause] sideshow fat double myself [Music] dominoes inside [Music] your favorite classic pose [Music] thank you gentlemen relax back to you Bob all right books results are in and we are ready for our top 5 Awards Randy please say the third place for the check for $5,000 the Olympia bronze medal - our third place finisher George Peterson [Music] and Jake will take in second place award the check for $10,000 the Olympia silver medal to our run round achievement I walked into that doctor's office like terrified obviously he was five days before my flight to Vegas I didn't know if I'd be able to get on that flight I didn't know if I'd be competing at the Olympia I don't know if I'd be bodybuilding ever again because I literally didn't know what what I was expecting me here it was not an easy prep to say the least I mean honestly the only thing that got me through this was Ian and I'm just so grateful that I made it through it and that I had my sister in you along the way like honestly every single morning he woke up and I was so discouraged with how I looked they were there for me 100% of the way long story short I wouldn't have made it through this prep without them every single day I was at their house they were texting me encouraging me then for me along the way and I really wouldn't have made it through without them man you know it was it was Olympia 2017 I finally got to meet you and just he was a human being you were something so refreshing to this industry without any arrogance or anything of the sort whatsoever to watch the journey you've gone through not only from that moment to now but in career and personal life boat in to watch you grow as a human being has been the most honoring and privileged experience I've had in a very long time I'm going to always be eternally grateful for you for what you've given me for the way you make me feel and for the fact that I've never just been a photographer I've always been your brother buddy I couldn't be prouder of you you've been one of the best things ever happened in my life absolutely love you in every way shape and form I can't wait to see you soon buddy I think from the very beginning it was it was very obvious to people post you and even people who weren't close to you that this was going to be your future that this was something that you were that you were born to do both physically and mentally your attitude towards it has has always been extremely positive which i think is part of your success last year last year was a bit different it was a it was a real challenge for you and it was a challenge for all of us you go through what you did with your health and it's not easy seeing someone that you love and someone who you know doesn't deserve what they're going through to go through something as hard as you did but again just watching you and your attitude towards everything and how you kept persevering and you were able to almost shut off your brain to deal with with and keep going and keep prepping it make it all the way to be Olympia income ii was just honestly it was crazy to be it made me it made me start looking at you as more of a man unless of my little brother i can't be more proud to be your sister i can't be more proud that my husband is your coach i'm proud of the relationship that you have the business that you're growing the person you're becoming and i love you so much and i can't wait to see how bright your future is going to be Chris I literally cannot believe been a year since I slid into your DF histogram my first impression of you first met and actually hung out was that you were the most kind-hearted loving and caring person there was and then getting to know you over the past year has been the best year of my life so far you are absolutely the most amazing down-to-earth humble and loving man I've ever met you show so much Alison ditional love to everyone you need around you friends your family myself you have just shown me this new way of life and this new way of thinking because if your perspective on everything no matter what you go through you always have this positive outlook and it can be the shittiest times and you could be going through something so hard but you always have this positive mindset and this positive outlook that it's going to be okay and it will work out watching you grow this past year and push yourself beyond limits and push through the [ __ ] and never give up with so much relentless passion is so inspiring and I'm so proud of you and everything you've accomplished and I'm so excited to see where your journey takes you and where you grow in life and I'm so excited to grow with you on this journey because you're an amazing man and I love you to death and I am so proud to be your girlfriend you and I first met Chris he was just you know young guy 16 17 years old I mean even then he loved to to lift weights and you know always want to be the big muscular no bodybuilder I mean you could even see from then his aspirations were pretty clear and in terms of what he wanted and even that I think his gifts were really clear I mean you could see you know even then back in high school I mean he was far superior to you know any of his classmates in terms of this you know muscularity or is Drive in the gym you know I think those gifts were you know a parent right from day one you know for me working with him even from his first show all the way up to this most recent Olympia I mean with every gift that chris has been given you know which is a lot I mean no one will dispute that he's been given you know trials and tribulations that he's had to face for every one of those gifts and you know I think that's really what led Chris to this year is overcoming those obstacles you know that he faced you know different obstacles they weren't the same ones every time but there was injury or his kidney disease that he's been fighting you know every year it's it's been something that he's had to overcome and I think that's build him in to the champion that we saw this year right and I mean that makes me so proud you know to look at the character growth and the personal growth I mean the titles are one thing and I'm happy for Chris I'm proud for Chris I've already been able to accomplish in this sport from a competitive standpoint but I think the most important things are the most you know meaningful things for me to see and that make me the most proud is to see you know the growth within him as a person you know and that drive and that that push and that wants you know that dedication and these these things that have developed in him that you know go far beyond bodybuilding right I mean these things carry over you know into his character and into the person that he is today which I'm extremely proud of and I know his family is as well see [Music] bumps just wanted to give you a quick shout out man because you've been inspiring to me with how vulnerable you've been with everyone just shows true heart Curtis first I want to tell you man you've been a huge motivation in my life I'd watch all your videos I would keep all your all your tips and tricks you're a huge inspiration keep up the hard work and again thank you man you're my idol d-bomb you're at you're an absolute legend man and there's a reason why you're among some the greatest athletes in the world right now it's not only just because your incredible physique but it's the way that you've motivated and inspired kids around the world your dedication to just continue to push forward no matter what comes to ways beyond inspirational it's something that motivates me every day in the gym you're you're one of the realest athletes out there right now and just um just keep doing what you're doing man it's phenomenal and you may not realize how many people you're inspiring around the world hey man I just wanted to let you know that you can really make a difference in all of our lives seeing a guy like you on the biggest stage at the highest level living his best life it really makes me want to work harder and harder every day to chase my dreams and my goals and I want to thank you you're the champ you have a man thanks Chris bro I have no words to tell you this but I mean you are one of the reasons why I have lost almost 100 pounds you are one of the reasons why I'm going everyday to the gym you are one of the reasons why I want to get better every single day taker is just want to thank you for sharing your journey with us or showing what you have to do to get to where you are now but even more than that I want to thank you for not just sharing your success but for sharing your obstacles and for showing us that just two districts the city and what do you do doesn't mean that you don't have rough patches or you would have to go through daily struggles like all of us and that's just great man thanks for keeping it real to be going on second place more in the check for $10,000 the Olympia silver medal to our run round achievement [Applause] consenting the first-place award as CEO great [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they will take the first-place award the check for $30,000 fee Olympia gold medal and the title of 2019 classic Olympian Chris [Applause] [Music] all right here with the new [Applause] how's this all from again [Music] [Applause] Chrissa told us very very close rate to the end but at the end of the day it was the bus - that brought [Applause] [Music] I was ready to throw up the sash on stage but this year was alright no you had run in a new era my friend now you've got a huge amount of support out there in the bodybuilding world the last couple years you've been this close to the title you finally got Briana she's a hell of a champion oh my god yeah Briana's either champion teaching options for a few years now and I'm grateful that impressive let the states along with him along with his 35 other competitors here today absolutely crazy the Rose that classic position only a few years of being around I gotta thank you maybe to Mannion all of you putting on such an amazing show it's really just such a so grateful to have given us the opportunity to then arsenates in such a new / old-school way kind of bringing it back to finding what plastic fatigue is what it is is the patient's going to be come for it to be run for long as time cleaner you guys love it I love it [Applause] the classic petals back [Music] [Applause] that goes you to Canada must remove material I love my kid I love my Canadians [Music] give me the first one shake your classic and [Applause] [Music] played out on stage I'm so happy to finally show something I've been trying to show for a few years now it's kind of I brought it happy you'll see that baggage up phase prejudging may have been bad prejudging Christina made a point that you George and Briana all were accurate all-time best your feelings twenty hundred both circumstances I wouldn't want it anyway any other way honestly a few people that would poke in year thanks guys off get off I'm like I don't care I want everyone understand but I want to win like that and I'm grateful that we're all and ever since they're both amazing competitors three on it's been an amazing champion absolutely complete buddy but I'll show the bomb point every single time so I knew if I didn't show up on point I had no chance give us a quick thought on your poacher and your brother-in-law me and it's so much was going on with you and horses past year with your help talk about the role that he had played in your friend and ultimately this victory I mean he's my god bodybuilding he got me into bodybuilding the state for the first time and then everything we went through last year kept the Locust focus as much as you possibly could obviously it's a scary thing it was dealing with my health you feel the allot responsibility but his first concern always keeping me healthy as well looking perfect I've said you checked in on me every day you always you one of my mind needed to feel focused and you knew what my body needs is coming on boy we followed his plan and it's paid off for five years I've been with him for five days I've been competing we made it to the top and he's been a huge roller and I'm so grateful to have Chris Bumstead there he is oh look here we go get anybody anybody Chris bump steady classic fizzy Olympia champion how did that sound goddamn good feels good to hear it I'm ready I was ready for this year's my first year I knew I needed to hear it and we work for it it's developing thought I mean it's hard to put the words right now I mean you know like Christy did I mean know how much has gone into this I mean he's been you know it just makes that victory so much more sweet right I mean you know it to be here and to you've knock off of really good round yeah I mean it makes it just you know one of those victories that you only dream of right and to share this year with our family Chris beat my brother Chris go celebrate congratulations are going to be title [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Chris I think I saved just happened [Music] Oh [Music] love you too [Music] yeah the best [Music] we got you a new car Ducati McLaren dad [Music] that's what we just said [Music] [Music] let's go eat it really makes me appreciate just everything I have and the people around me and the success in my life I kind of I've never been a wide me person but something bad happens to me I'm more of like yeah I got a [ __ ] good life you're something to deal with let's get through it and let's get over it let's deal with it you got a good life be grateful for everything else you have going on I still have my health at the end of the day I know it will get better from this just a hiccup something I had to go through so that's that but these things really do open your eyes and make you appreciate just everything okay I can't talk anymore that's the end of this video you see the other side of me that's not many people do but I guess everyone does the emotional SIBO alright Chris talk to YouTube fans why aren't you posting bro first don't you post interposer need someone to film you tell them to moved for in Ontario that's my goal that's a New Year's resolution it's more YouTube once I moved to Ontario I'm getting a new place a nice apartments go Jim in it back with the whole family down there so it'd be a lot easier to get [ __ ] going and I don't have a job right now so might as well do something with my life
Channel: Chris Bumstead
Views: 2,678,500
Rating: 4.9714293 out of 5
Keywords: ASMR, shredded, macros, iifym, contest diet, low carb diet, keto, lean, body fat, body fat percentage, gains, bodybuilding, classic phsyique, cheat meal, high carb day, abs, von moger, guzman, gym, gymshark, olympia, posing, training, chest day, back day, leg day, squats, bench press, diet, thick back, rows, peak week, carb load, carb up, vegas, fortnite, gaming, video games, mr olympia, classic physique
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 44sec (3104 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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