INSANE VOLUME Shoulder Workout With K.K. Fit Twins | Bull Riding In Texas

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oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i don't know if he can hang on we'll let you guys [Music] a little bit taller my hair's in a low pony white stretchy kendra high pony black sponsors and great pants that'll that'll be that'll be good for today our warm-up takes like [ __ ] an hour we'll cut it short today though i need a good warm-up video okay okay [Music] we're letting them take charge so we're doing shoulders right yeah the kk fish twins are taking through a shoulder workout because they turn like [ __ ] bees you guys don't know you need to check them out we're gonna wake up early they need to drive in three hours yeah all day every day getting their ritual in the car throw it back eminem [Music] cheers [Applause] [Music] save some birdhouse we ran out of water i bet you couldn't have guessed that one how the warm-up goes eh sorry that's always so far so good always trying to get a pump first thing what do you hey what do you usually [Applause] do you do what do you like career belts i usually start with a table table yeah can you do single or double crochet oh my god [Music] and then i like do you like do you do dumbo reverse slice no yeah i like those single too i like obvious well we like going heavy i feel like i if i'm doing double it's like five pounds if it's single it's like thirty we're doing like an upper lower split so we'll well it's like upper lower full so we'll do like upper lower but for a pool it's like a squat it's like two compounds like a squat and a press or a dead left in a squat and then an off day we do like two to three days on two to three on one off two to three on the left is yours like single body part kind of but i try and do both every body part twice a week yeah okay okay okay girls on the other hand we gotta hit those legs more than once you know what i'm saying same with upper body though like i don't know i feel like if i'm just hitting it once a week like that's not enough no you know what i mean like even if it's just like like dealt for sure twice and then back for sure it's like arms i don't really care too much slack on her biceps yeah girl they're always about yeah exactly when i'm not injured which i always am leg other than that probably chest yeah mine's like go ahead i like being like exhaust myself but i've been like broken for like a year wait your legs are broken yeah how are your legs i have like tendonitis like hamstrings like wait so you just have to like modify everything i just don't train as intensely yeah yeah do you do like you still squat and stuff today yeah yeah dude i had bicep tendonitis like two years ago i thought something's so painful i have it right here yeah that's exactly where i had it like it goes up to my yeah i got so uncomfortable we have like even when it was like recovered it would still just blink her on and on like it never goes away it could take like four months off training anything in the air no no like i think i can i think i can just look like this right it's fine it's tied up really tight yeah each other's backs ain't nothing to do with almonds [Music] okay [Music] [Music] no excuses you guys probably agree come on david young man yeah yeah yeah and then now that he's like 20 it's like [Music] [Music] [Music] i got it one more [Music] bounce back and forth to say music we have to switch off headphones too it's like for the story new set new song so usually we'll listen to the same song we'll just like go back and forth but where's those go you set those over here ready [Music] easy [Music] you guys have like a bit of like an aggressive competitiveness if you see one person get a good set you're like okay she got twelve i gotta do twenty eight oh you did it we told chris he at least has to do double the weight but i say i say two and a half times two and a half two and a half three so if you do fifty one fifty okay two two and a quarter tonight that's a little exercise maybe we'll try that i mean i'm not doubting you but do you want to lift off no i'm good once i get it up this is a really flat bench yeah this is life work easy peasy 45's it is it's scary how you guys go so heavy though the form doesn't crash you know what you're here oh [Music] [Music] [Music] girls are more hardcore than me when i train i step my game up [Music] [Music] oh [Music] come on come on [Music] the anger in their eyes and then you finish it now i can't be a [ __ ] you like you have to get pissed what do i have to do now 120s at least 120. no 130. come on here's some hundreds like i don't know what do you usually do i told you to pick the number based off what you would think 130. okay 130. [Laughter] confidence comes i'm not really [ __ ] peer pressured here i'm feeling it christian [ __ ] my chest up two days ago so hope the gel to take over [Music] yeah okay [Music] ugh [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] fitness that wasn't easy that's a set where i'm ready to go home right after [Music] 12 at least just that [ __ ] [Music] okay [Music] all right spot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] videos [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] ain't done [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] i love it [Music] uh 60 lower [Music] actually no that was like 70 but we usually do like 40 to 60. you got i don't know that bad [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah well i like people too i know i try to do like people just because like the more lateral erases the better i can literally do one pass all lateral raises and be good [Music] 24 hours oh your gym what the hell 24 hours it's like any time i don't even know i've been to any time but in the states isn't it oh yeah i don't have any time in canada or ottawa [Music] [Applause] [Music] the worst part [Music] 11 and a half [Music] i'm literally trying to get the energy to carry these back and wait for the gap to open [Music] okay give me 12. [Music] uh [Music] oatmeal maybe i don't know what it is just don't ask questions are you guys doing drop set yeah i do 20 and then drop to 20 to 30. [Music] [Applause] not sure i've ever gone over 12 reps in my life take whatever take whatever she's gonna put these [ __ ] weights away [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so busy in here [Music] [Music] like are you [ __ ] serious [Music] [Music] that was true that's the secret what are you doing to 45 i'm doing uh 20 and 20. i do like i do like 15 heavier cheap cheat reps on like the last like five and then i do like 20 to 30 and then i [ __ ] go to like failure yeah our shoulders [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] i also had a bagel and some brown sugar this morning so good day there's actually a lot of brown sugar at oatmeal and i never eat plain oatmeal all they have brown sugar so i did like ratio of one to one brown sugar and oatmeal it's great for the pump [Music] you guys [Music] [Music] did you ruined out this yeah yeah i have a little too much blood right here right now i can't even like lift off okay let's go grab a cable for cable over there yeah [Music] dude [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] like [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] do you want to do like an arm thing or like triceps or like or should we do another deal what would yeah let's do maybe let's do one more like [Applause] let's do fun races and then we'll finish with like some type of triceps [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] [Laughter] i was ready to call it quite [Music] [Applause] last set our last exercise [Music] finisher [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for early in the morning you guys got massive work [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] [Music] could [Music] [Applause] i just died in four weeks post olympia for the moment somebody was gonna ask me to take my shirt off here i was like i can't show up a fat ass after the olympia just like sorry guys i lost it all right i started kind of paid off starving myself so we just wrapped up the delt workout with the kk fit twins huge fan of these girls because they actually train their [ __ ] ass off and they actually eat so any girls guys even these girls probably train harder than you you want to check out their page i'll put it if twins instagram i think they just started youtube but they're good [ __ ] pushing 55 got 55 up for a rep and then went down pressing 45 so pretty [ __ ] impressive actually got a decent workout considering how early it was now we're gonna head back to the hotel get some food at us and we have like a family event whatever we're doing uh we don't really know hopefully not dancing but i think they told us dancing oh they're still here oh my god how are you feeling the ladies of the hour i'm sorry they were doing sets of literally like 60 and like eight of them for the lateral raises you kept it pretty good i i i sat out a lot of them you had to show them what's up you know what should we work out next i don't [ __ ] they kind of volume i say shoulders superset legs with like side raises sounds good to me i'm not complaining not every day is arm day every day is dealt day you heard it here first back not happy about what we're doing right now a little excursion we're supposed to go learn how to do live dancing we have i guess whenever we're in a city we try and like find that city's culture or whatever they're like kind of known for it so we're in texas so we're gonna try and learn how to line dance but probably gonna sit that out because i ain't no dancer but there's also gonna be a mechanical bowl so i might hop on that and see how good i am at riding that bulb you ready i'm ready for this pool christopher i'll teach you how to ride it are you going to ride or am i going bible ride your ball i don't know i can't do both take turns harass me [Music] wow chris yeah they told me everyone was like dressing up somebody made a joke saying they're not allowed to wear shorts in the group chat but put jeans on and i hate wearing jeans so we're going back and put shorts on because i don't want to be sweating dripping down the only pair of pants i brought with me i hate pants [Music] yes oh yeah [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Music] make that blow my [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is about to go down right now yeah you guys want to learn how to dance oh no you have a few drinks down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] you're dancing with us [Music] [Music] together i get really bored when i get really bored i just start seven one two three one two four [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the embarrassment but it should be deleted that's why i don't dance ever no rhythm my other hand on that real quick come on champ show us what's good [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] literally all biceps [Music] i saw a video that said you have to like move your hips with it okay [Music] i'm gonna pull up [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a really long day it's only like 3 p.m that's 5 p.m so we're all dying low blood sugar we need to go get food and i hurt myself on the mechanical bull i think i destroyed my groin so it's a rough day but a good time so we're going to the bus back in the hotel here where we live in the dungeon and it is 6 30 now and it feels like it's about midnight because normally i eat my first meal at like 11 and i do cardio and i procrastinate for that and we chill do whatever train later in the day but we train at like 9 a.m today and it was a good workout actually the kk twins catherine and kendra they got me they pushed me early in the morning they trained like b so it was a good workout came back eight went back to this little square dancing and i don't know how much footage calvin got of me being the most awkward human being ever on the dance floor but i don't like putting put getting put into those situations at all very much out of my comfort zone so a few cringy ass clips i'm sure we're seeing and some cringe moments i get to relive when i watch them but moving on from that rode the bull came home tomorrow's the first day of the pop-up so it's gonna be a really busy day i have a q a in the morning with stephen then i have to meet and greet for a few hours and then i have to run a bodybuilding one-on-one seminar and we have no idea what we're saying at the q a or the seminar so that's how i feel but it's gonna be a good day get to meet a lot of people houston's a big ass [ __ ] city and apparently a lot of fitness going along here so the event is going to be absolutely huge very excited i haven't done one of these in a while i haven't even done really an expo in a while so it's gonna be lit bringing it fired up but now we're going to get a burger or some kind of muck we got to refuel get ready for tomorrow hit the hay and we'll see you then you
Channel: Chris Bumstead
Views: 476,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alphalete, posing, Q&A, ASMR, shredded, macros, iifym, contest diet, low carb diet, keto, lean, body fat, body fat percentage, gains, bodybuilding, classic phsyique, cheat meal, high carb day, abs, von moger, guzman, gym, gymshark, olympia, training, chest day, back day, leg day, squats, bench press, diet, thick back, rows, peak week, carb load, carb up, vegas, fortnite, gaming, video games, mr olympia, classic physique
Id: 380HpDavxvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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