2019 Arnold Classic, Arnold Strongman Finals, Mens Physique & Bikini International

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hello everybody welcome to the Arnold Classic we are back here once again Columbus Ohio a yearly event an annual event of course I'm here with Aaron singer man no stranger of course to the Arnold classics and of course the Olympius as it would be but who's the new guy hey we got Nick Miller here everybody how's it going well this is your debut so we're gonna we're gonna kind of easy into this whole thing Nick and I know you've been seeing us from afar of course you've got a great website that's up on YouTube with Nick's strength and power Barry got it right I know see how I was and I almost did the power thing he was been practicing it but this is cool because we obviously got the old veteran and by old I mean I'm old and of course Nick now Nick you're a young guy you're only what 27 25 25 I've got I've got Darren's got shoes older than you all right now I'm now I'm like the the cagey veteran compared to Nick anyway right that's right well hey all things but this would be a great experience for you if you ever been to an Arnold I've been to ten of them ten okay so you're certainly no string hold that microphone up see I got a DJ already okay these people want to hear what you've got to say I got it now this will be a little bit different experience for you because going to an Arnold you know mostly as a fan I assume that would be most of the years it's different than when you're behind the scenes and you're a part of what's going on and these guys are coming around offstage and we saw the prejudging just a little while ago so you saw some great physiques up close what do you think a little bit different than what you're normally used to it's definitely cool being backstage here something I've never got to do before and you know it's really cool to see all the guys and how everything works in the Pump Room there's only got the pump room passes a couple years back when it's at Veterans Memorial right so it's a little bit bigger over there so it's kind of cool to see The Cramps Base back there for the first time and you have to meet Lee Haney just a few minutes retaining a time mr. Olympia cool is that it was awesome he gave me his business card so that was it's got the wrong number on it but don't worry about that all right Aaron let's talk a little bit of shop here man prejudging just held a little bit a little while ago earlier today I don't think there was a whole lot of surprises there I mean as we both saw Rudy Winkler now rouille had a guest posing just a few weeks ago and one of the critiques that came out of that was he looks off like he looks like he's behind looks like he's four weeks out he's really gonna have to hurry it up and you never know what these guys cuz the big guys Andrew is close to 300 pounds yeah those big guys hold a lot of water yeah so it's not unusual for them to be not as sharp as the smaller guys yes but he didn't he didn't really drawn in as much as he needed to did he no so plus he was into it that was the thing right he was in Nepal who does it guess closing two weeks before a show with the shirt Nepal right in there with the Serpas so I thought you know I gave him like a little bit of the benefit of the doubt thinking like well he's maybe he you know you know how it goes with big guy traveling on a flight I mean that's a long flight I thought maybe he's holding additional water and everything but honestly after seeing that guest posing I was like it's probably not gonna be only order and I guess yeah earlier today we saw that it wasn't and that he really was not a hundred nor really nowhere near 100% sure well we might see a repeat of history now last year I'll remind your day course you know this I remember you do remember it was Bo net and ruling yeah bo neck ended up in the winner's circle now you're defending on a classic champion rule II it was close but it really was definitely little soft need a little time shade to two weeks forward to our good friend Tony don't worry show in the Arnold Australia in a flip flop ruling with that extra time sharpen it up and man he looks tremendous a lot of people saying that might've been is all-time best conditioning yeah at the at Australia so interesting to see might we see that again this year I don't think we're gonna see it again this year I think in Australia he had a much smaller much tighter waist I think we didn't really see the same thing at prejudging today I think it hung out a little bit in the back poses if you looked at it from the side you could see a little bit of a distension there I think it's not the same as Australia one thing you did see was William bow neck who's got to be one of the most consistent pros on the circuit this guy's never out of shape I mean you get various degrees he's 99% he's 98% but I tell you what you don't miss the mark by much at all no no Bobby I mean William look like granite today I mean he really was super hard you know obviously he works with his coach Neal Hill he's a family friend a boca resident now moved from Wales about two years ago down to Boca trainset flex his gym and he has been telling me and showing me pictures of Williams saying he's gonna be bringing it and and as usual he did and I mean I am not gonna be I'm picking him as my as the winner this tonight but we'll see how it goes I'm not picking him as my water now I know you're not I know there's no why cuz Brandon Currie came out here on the minute he lit that stage up and I tell you what man he's made improvements we've all seen him over the last couple years you know he pretty much exiled himself into Kuwait yeah that our good friend Bonner beau dies oxygen gyms and man that's paid off in dividends best Brandon curry I've ever seen we always talk about the the consummate apples and oranges comparison but that's what you had out there with William beau neck and Brandon Currie bone axe just to follow a muscle man you know it looks like somebody took a big hammer like in the cartoons you just hit him on the head and he's you know he's just compacted muscular and curries is pretty yeah he just got that pretty physique so which way they're gonna go well me and Aaron got a we got a cheeseburger riding on this one buddy but I got to go my man Brandon curry I'm gonna go with curry to see now you worked this is a wise kid I'm alright because he knows he knows the champ I may not always be right but I'm never wrong well look my opinion on Brandon Currie is number one he's made incredible incredible transformation I mean from when he won the Arnold Brasil yeah you remember that one Cedric got disqualified and that was that was my that was my first and only trip to Brazil and watching Brandon up there I was so happy for Brandon when he won but I thought man if if Cedric was there what would have happened right and now you got Brandon Currie like probably a guest 30 pounds heavier and in better shape so Brandon Currie has made this incredible transformation and basically sacrificed the majority of his year away from his I think what four kids and his wife Brandi to sacrifice to make this transformation so it is certainly a feel-good story to see Brandon win if that's what happened whole bunch more guys there preview gonna be back in just a few moments with the rest of that lineup and what happened this morning and how it's gonna look out tonight keep tuned everybody we got a lot more coming to you tonight we'll be right back after these messages [Music] hey cuz away my boys Anchors Aweigh well College choice is wishing you a happy boy [Music] from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli we will fight our country's heart was in the air and lenders see first to fight for right and freedom and to keep we are proud to claim the title of United States Maurice [Music] off we go into the wild blue yonder rhyming high into the Sun here they call swing to meet boys Shiva the gone down we toss nothing or flames from onder [Music] down in flames hey nothing stop the you [Music] for us to fight for the right and build the nation's might and the army goes rolling along proud of all we have done fighting till the battles won and the army goes rolling along then it's hi hi Haney Hardee's on its way count off the cadence loud and strong two three four one two three four where we go you will always know that the army goes rolling along where we go you will always know that the army goes rolling please stand for our National Anthem [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] now please welcome to the stage the president of the IFBB Pro League gym men yin Thank You Clint welcome everybody just want to say that the IPP professional egan NPC they're very proud to be working with Jim larmor Bob lammoreaux Arnold of course and the whole team over here you've been around the last few days they had over 700 competitors in the amateur event it was the biggest amateur event they've ever had here so we're proud to be working with them as you know we're now working worldwide and in the IT professional we're in over 60 countries but when I come here to Columbus which I've been coming for a long time is German armor can attest to I was here in 1970 when Arnold beat Sergio for the first time was phenomenal show I was a little bit younger than anyway when we get to the Arnold we know that our season has officially started we have a great lineup tonight so once you always sit back and enjoy it have a good time thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Charles Dixon roelly winklaar all right Bob chick we are back in we are off and running here at the 2019 Arnold Classic in caucus Ohio I'm here flagged I'm a man Aaron singer man and the new guy on the block Nick Miller guys what we're seeing now is the lineup for this year's event house Tony Doherty introducing the guys one by one just so the honors can get a quick look at them and then of course they'll come back with their individual presentations you know Aaron D you look at these guys tonight as opposed to this morning and the judging is live I mean this ain't like the old days where was pretty much done after the prejudged I Bob so the judges are looking at these guys tonight and things can change tonight so we could see a flip-flop between a place or two some guys maybe some surprises tonight it's always exciting to see these guys judge and what they can bring condition-wise the difference between the prejudging and the night show they got what Bob six or seven hours to try out and look a little bit harder for the night show I've seen listen I've seen guys change in minutes on stage so if you don't think you know a few hours will make any difference you're mistaken and a lot of the athletes have been mistaken in that over the years Nick where they think well I'm gonna go eat a food say after prejudging because I think it's pretty much done and guess what it's not that could rebound onion I've seen places change them and I've had results in my hand after night's show when I'm hosting shows and I'll get the whole bomb signal from the head judge and guess what guy moves from second this evenings master of ceremonies Tony Doherty good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome Tony nobodies my name I'm from Melbourne Australia they set the tone to say a little bit about me so you get to know me I first came here to Columbus Ohio in 1991 and I thought two things one there in a good friend Tony Doran you look at him like take it home for a good friend Lonnie keeper a longtime see here at the Arnold though a really good guy an excellent MC and excellent contest promoter I've been to Australia to been actually to show several times it is a first-rate show and when he pardoned over with Arnold he really even took it up a whole other notch fan of the sport Tony Doherty so this is a great opportunity in Lansing Tony Amerinet all too familiar spots up on the up on the stage behind that podium with the microphone but he'll definitely lend a little bit to the section to this competition here tonight as you can see another great set design here at the RLI mean listen you don't need much more than the name of course we have the his classic pose you know we saw on some of the social media earlier today I noticed Arnold had gotten out back out by the statue and hit a shot you know this is last year having Cedric come out here before last night I said to come out there and hit that shot was really cool we talked about some of the other guys in our preview and subject being one of them now Cedric's a former arm Classic winner and obviously you know Cedric he's dangerous any time he gets into that stage but what should is Nick five can you sharpen up enough to all things gonna be able to sharpen up you know Cedric has that Hennessy shape nobody is right about a statue asking arnold s cos you get but I don't know I don't know Bob all right well you're seeing your very first competitor take the stage and he might be the first competitor in the winner's circle when the end of the night comes in to smoke clear this is Brandon Currie and as you can see Brandon has just made tremendous progress over the past couple of years bringing himself in here is probably the number one contender to the title and let's just take it in here and then see what Brandon's done with his posing of his presentation Aaron as you can see Brandon just was an outstanding physique on the stage and in all areas and he's got this great muscularity symmetry proportion conditioning presentation is spot-on again a consummate professional looking over all these years but you can really see where he's got it looks like somebody squeezed him in the middle he's got their tiny tiny waist the broad shoulders and he's brought his legs up that was a weak point years ago everybody it's not a weak point anymore he is really he's in a great job of keeping those classic proportions and adding that size and honestly that's really the issue that you see with some of these guys as they get bigger and add muscle especially 30 pounds plus a muscle you get that blown out midsection even we can see with William bone act the one thing a critical thing that says as he gains more muscle that is something needs to be conscious of you're seeing it right there I mean that back lad spreading that back double binding is second to none probably on the stage here tonight if they're gonna beat Brandon Currie that's we're gonna have to beat him especially with that small waist and that v-taper effect I mean Brandon is one of the best in the game when it come to the midsection [Music] although our next athlete spent on the pro scene for quite a while and done quite a bit this is his inaugural debut in Columbus Ohio he's from Pompton Lakes New Jersey ladies and gentlemen please welcome our Kim Williams all right big Akeem Williams taking the stage and when you say big I don't think there's anybody actually bigger on the stage tonight then Akeem Williams this guy's packing more muscle per inch than anybody out there Aaron he is absolutely huge I mean when he came out this morning at prejudging I mean he'll not only is he huge for Akeem William he's also in really great shape so he came out extremely around extremely full and in excellent condition I was I was very impressed with the qiam compared to other other outings I've seen him out Nik if there's a critique on Hakeem over the past few years has said he's big enough and he's got plenty of muscle to boot and he's actually put together fairly well for a big man it's that conditioning it's getting that skin thin there where you can see more striation more separation right through the muscle groups what are you seeing here tonight I would say it almost looks like he has a film of water over his entire physique that kind of prevents you from really seeing the muscle clarity as clearly as some of the other guys it's something that he's been you know fighting since basically since he got to become a pro he has what I would consider like it's weird right Bob some people just have thicker skin and it's like something that they deal with and have to figure out the solution to this and that's kind of a team's always been a team's issue certainly not size oh no come on now isn't that your old move Bob yeah big hands you know with some moves and I was like in slow motion and was like he was trying to teach how to do it you may start breakdancing next I know that this could be interesting I think Hakeem will be the next Melvin Anthony I think that's as much fun cuz you're gonna see how I came here tonight but listen big man stay with the big stuff hit hit 15 most musculars and get off the stage Pro debut here last year the first time in Columbus place in their top 10 went out to it Australia where he moved into the top five but what we noticed about him to these hardcore and the fans love him ladies and gentlemen and I know you're out there for him tonight from the UK please welcome Luke Sandow all right one of the newcomers on the scene in the last couple of years big Luke Sandow representing the United Kingdom and Luke has really brought it up over the last couple of years you can see the improvements he's made especially in his conditioning area that's where he was he had the size last year but he just did not have the conditioning now it looks like he's got a great combination of the two and he got some great call outs this morning I looked like he was in I would have probably had him in third place this morning third fourth somewhere in that position he looks in about equal shape here tonight yeah full disclosure he's a red common athlete so I am absolutely partial yeah I would love to I would love to say you know that that he would even be first or second but I think he is ecstatic to be his goal bob was to be top six and it was kind of almost in the ambitious goal because last year he was out of the top ten you know and he did great in Australia the following two weeks but at this show it was very disappointing for him he set the goal of top six and then he couldn't be any happier I mean he is just you know over the moon with with how he did Nik big loop looking like he starred in 300 out there with that beard I don't know I've kind of gotten accustomed to it I was never really a big fan of the beard on stage being it nobody seems to have won a show since Jessup will coach back in 1983 or something around there but I always said was like the kiss of death but Luke seems to wear it well but you know I the biggest difference I seen between last year and this year nick is polish yeah I think it's got a lot better conditioning this year actually one of the better conditioned guys in the show yeah you know it's funny we had a conversation about the beard and he asked him I thought and I said you know what five years ago I told you shave it off for sure no question but now the times have changed my band and he absolutely pulls it off and by the way Nick is right when he is from from the back I mean they're not many guys other than maybe William and Brandon who could you know talk about condition the same condition from the back the beard don't matter the next athlete is no stranger here in Columbus he's completed five times before but always in the to 12 fast well he got bigger and he's back ladies and gentlemen in the open from Greenville South Carolina please welcome Charles Dixon alright there's a reason they call him the tank Charles Dixon is wide as he is tall former 212 competitor who made the transition to an open body blur because well there's no true twelve-year right now so he decided and make the jump and he is certainly a big big big little man oh here's the problem I see and I love Charles Dixon we go way back he's always in a good mood he's one of those guys you just gotta like you know but what I saw this morning was and I applaud his decision because there is no 212 here this year to go into the open however to me what it showed was that there's a reason that there's a 212 division as big as Charles is in that division he looked like a kid out there and actually these guys I actually just talked to him at the meet-and-greet he said he's just happy to have the opportunity to still be able to compete at the Arnold so he's just happy to be here I like Charles he's one hell of a good guy and he is always happy that's something you can always count on a smile from Charles well the nice thing is is these athletes have the ability to go into any County where they want you know he wants to go to 212 he wants to go in the open so again I applaud his decision to enter the show I'm sure he's not gonna be pleased with it he's eventually placing however he's in a no-lose I mean at this point listen you go in get a taste of the Arnold stage mixed up with the big boys and see what you got and the nice thing is there and if he wants to go to a 2:12 show next month on the calendar or anywhere throughout the year for the pro league he can do that yeah and he's been very successful as a 212 Pro so just because he won't place well here tonight doesn't mean he doesn't have a bright future in the 212 category make no mistake this guy's a threatened 9212 show he enters and I'm guaranteeing you right now he will qualify for the Olympia again this year now Scott was fourth year last year wanted to improve on that went out to Australia two weeks later and won the whole thing beating the winner from here and created a little bit of a rivalry and he was third in the Olympia is originally from Charis au in the Caribbean ladies and gentleman but lives in Holland they call him the Beast please welcome to the stage the one and only roelly winklaar all right here comes the Beast rouille Winkler taking the stage and this was a guy obviously coming into with a lot of hype as he was not only in the top three at the Olympia but the People's Champ this past year now that was pretty cool to see because everybody thought was really Winky talked about I got a great personality but the people overwhelmingly voting him as the people's champ Nick what do you see in tonight he looks a little bit improved to me except from the prejudging looks a little bit harder from the front there's still definitely not as best showing at the Olympia about a lot of people were talking about rule II as not only People's Champ people were saying he maybe should have won even so you know it's definitely this show was his to win for sure if he was a hundred percent I think ruly Winkler walks away with this thing and unfortunately really Winkler not at a hundred percent is nowhere near I mean there's a big difference between Rowley at ninety percent and Rowley at 100 well really is doing Australia in two weeks and you can see from that pose right there he's just that little bit of just that little hint that little film of water and that's enough at this level to take you down a few notches but that will all be gone within two weeks like guarantee a-- wasa physique you see on the australia arnold stage is compared here tonight and you see do you see how important it is and how fast that body can change he literally bobby literally looks two weeks out so at the arnold Australia he could come in and really shock people because he certainly has all the tools and all the size he could possibly need yeah there's a there's who's that guy down in front hey buddy get out of the way man Arnold snapchatting of course Arnold is right on top of social media man I think I'm impressed it at 70 years old Arnold he's got the snapchat going he's got the Instagram and he's right down there in front of course he the athletes love it when they see him down under they just get in the camera you know - you know signify that they see that they see he's there rule is freaky freaky most muscular that's usually the showstopper Bob know one thing Nick you can see what these guys like rule right now I'm just guessing he's probably got five six pounds of drop maybe seven pounds somewhere in that range he's a big dude I mean you can really see in the lower body there exactly you could spit it makes them a little blockier looking you can see his physique looks much more streamlined when he's down at five six pounds and my prediction you'll see it in two weeks yeah he's second time here in Columbus Ohio the first time was in 2016 where he placed third in his first ever Arnold Classic went on to win the Tampa Pro it's one of the biggest guys in the sport he's big he's bad and he's back ladies and gentlemen from Melbourne Australia Josh menara wits alright well the king of the gym they call him Josh Lonardo whatz atonia might be a little bit biased on that intro because that's his boy he is from Australia so I and we have seen Josh grow up in this industry the last couple years and I know you spend a lot of time with with Josh and when Dallas you know was with us and big shout out to Dallas up there in that big gym in the sky but yes josh has carried it on very well and you can see where the improvements he's made he he came in a little bit soft this morning I thought he needed to trim it up you know probably same thing is like really maybe five six pounds and he would've been in contention but man you could see the muscle those kids put on vascularity do he got to spend quite a bit of time down in Boca ratone and I actually live with Dallas for a few months before before the Olympia and he's a great guy and certainly trains very very hard you know him and Dallas for great training partners because both of them are pushing some crazy crazy weight and you can see that looking at Luke's Josh's physique at 280 pounds or so listen I'd be remiss if I didn't bring this up but listen I'm a Joe Cocker fan like anybody alright but the love music man these guys are killing me they're killing me out listen here's a guy he's he's 290 pounds on freaking stage right looks like mr. clean right bringing it out that did it I gotta be hitting most musculars they ECDC or some stomping on that stage like freaking Godzilla I just I'm not a big fan of the love music man people are sleeping in the third row right now he's trying to set the mood unfortunately people I'm sure idiot out there's taking a look at Josh and saying man if he would have just been a little bit harder a little bit drier he would have really been up there I know earlier in the in our preview I were saying Josh is gonna take this thing and unfortunately he's just nowhere near 100 where you see it isn't a separation I'm not look at you look at his legs in particular right it's all there but it's obscured you're not seeing that deep separation like you are with some of the veterans right now he is a young guy obviously in the sport but that's got more to do with the training the posing practice and just bringing it down enough but this guy's down five pounds all those cuts are half an inch deeper and you might be looking at your next champ absolutely another guy who's gonna be competing obviously in Australia so it'll be interesting to see what he looks like 5 or 10 pounds down that's hometown for Josh I mean if you got the best posing award is back the Eddie corny posing award which will be presented at the end of the yeah the greatest poser ever and it's really made the guys lift their game which is great to see a next competitor one listo in 2007 he won the first Arnold Classic in Spain in 2011 originally from the Dominican Republic ladies and gentlemen and now residing in New York New York please welcome Victor Martinez all right a Dominican dominator still and Victor Martinez on stage with this guy Aaron he turned pro - Sammy Rida - to winning the 2000 Nationals I had won the USA that year we are 19 years later and he's still doing it crazy he's what Bobby's 45 46 46 you know the fact you could still be doing this 19 years later after turning pro is awesome can you imagine yourself up there Bob I'm onstage all the time Aaron as you know right I got a different suit on these days know I can't imagine it this is a testament to you know his ability to focus to keep doing this and I tell you what listen he still looks good I mean you know he's lost a little bit you know he's lost step along the way from the Victor Martinez we remember when he was battling it out for the the title of mr. Olympia and a lot of people had him winning the Olympia back in oh seven against Jay Cutler but listen he's not far behind I tell you that he's still bringing it you know when you as you know Bob as you get older that we've noticed in the legs right and that's the thing that we're noticing with Victor now you know I know he was probably unhappy with his call out this morning he was in the last call out and you know if it was if the legs were back where they used to be who knows where he would've ended up I'll tell you this Nick the fans love Victor Martinez he is always amongst the favorites every year the fans simply flocked to him you know Victor is probably one of the most just you know down-home just laid-back guys I've ever met in my life if he was any more mellow he'd be going backwards I swear well don't forget Bob he's a former Arnold Classic champion 2007 you can see the back is still amongst the best even at his age and and you know with all these years of training and listen it's a miracle just stay injury-free when you've been training this long yeah and from the front you know and he see him from the upper body and from the front he is he really hasn't lost much at all you know anytime you're talking about the Pro League and the level of body bullying that the best in the world you don't have to lose a lot to slip a whole bunch of places I mean you got the new dogs coming up and he's literally competing against guys half his age here so we tip our head you know to Victor Martinez for still bringing it but you got to be realistic also when that is placing unfortunately he's not going to be what he was looking for but that's the life of any athlete Victor Martinez [Applause] our next person on stage has only been a pro for 18 months did three big shows last year and made a great impression he's a new kid on the block and everyone's talking about him the prejudging today people went crazy over this guy so remember this name ladies and gentlemen from Brazil Raphael brand day oh well we go from the old lion to the to the new cake Raphael Brando this guy's from Brazil he's relatively new on to the scene but he kind of burst on last year this kid's got a great future I love his physique he needs a little bit of thickness um you can see just right there the difference between a Victor Martinez who's been training probably longer than this guy he's been on the earth and what he's bringing but you know what what a great start to his bodybuilding career he's got to thicken up he's got to mature a little bit but man he's complete and he's bringing in Nick very aesthetic and great lines as well and he's a very young guy I think he's mid-twenties like you next like my that's what you should be looking like underachiever he's on the Arnold stage and you're sitting here with us idiots what you'll see with Raphael is he's got all the I'd almost want to see him in classic physique yeah yeah you know like you can make a case for this guy being in classic because he's got all those attributes he's got the small waist he's got the thinner build even though he's obviously tremendously muscular you can see just by that pose right there very Bob Paris kind of liken him to very good comparison and when he hits back shots she will in a moment you'll see the kind of condition he's in great condition at this show it's just that lack of size that separates him from the top guys I'll tell you this some of the top guys were off enough that he may overtake some of those guys so you might be lacking a little bit in size but you can see right there to the thickness in the back is not of the veterans of a rule II Winkler or though there were Jocelyn are to its but he brings other things at the table he's got more separation than a lot of those guys too so a smaller waist small waist and it's you know Arnold's a big fan of a small waist that's why he's out there right now [Music] great separation in the lower body Bob his legs you can see are clearly ahead of his upper body but you know what you can bring it's hard to get legs if you don't have legs by his age chances are they ain't coming say oh but you can't get upper body that comes to maturity and time in the gym ball great posing he got everyone moving I could see you all kind of grooving in the seats I've got a little bit going on I could see the people backstage dancing around there it's fantastic and execute better hardly needs an introduction because he's been here five or six times before last time he won was in 2017 I don't went to interview him and he interviewed Arnold it was probably one of the most viewed things we've ever seen their sport we love him ladies and gentlemen he's from Heath Springs South Carolina cederick mcmillian all right Big Mac says he macmillan no stranger to the Arnold Classic say he's a former champion from just a couple of years ago he was one of those names thrown around as one of the contenders at Covenant of course Cedric's a contender in any show he goes in but I don't think we saw the Cedric we were hoping to see he's always riding that fine line between coming into big and listen when he's big he's brown he's full we've got a lot of but he lacks the separation of the conditioning if he gets the conditioning he seems a little bit stringy yes he's lacking the fullness and roundness that he needs to it so he's got a very thin tight rope if he's got to get on to achieve that I'm not so sure which side of the line he's on this show all I know is this is not the best subject that we've seen yeah he's he's fallen big for sure but it's almost like with Cedric he got like a 50/50 shot you're not 100% sure what you're gonna get and as soon as he walked out at prejudging just seeing his legs and the lack of a lot of detail as he was walking on to the stage I was like oh the midsection to the midsection doesn't have the deepest abs so you could there's a little water you you missed some stuff oh you know what's a good eye Nick as you can see right there I mean I've seen ABS on Cedric better than us like we had one years ago his hands abs were etched deep in there and you can see but even in that pose right there and he's got some classic pose let's not mince words with you could see from the picture of Cedric behind him yeah what he's what he brings at a table and what he can bring I'll Bob what does he got here uh I have no idea - you know you one thing I love about Cedric is you never really know you know what's coming next but the blind double bicep I mean I'm sure what we're going here buddy mr. Miyagi does it help to see as you pose Bob I don't know I don't know if that's an advantage or a disadvantage it's not like you're shooting the basketball I mean I'm not quite sure what how they lie this is hard or tough we painted it green to be one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles it's entertaining at least find it confusing the judges turn a blind eye to this because probably actually her against the rules but you know as Tonight Show Finals and it's not it is not to retouching so hopefully they'll just overlook it yeah I got that one Bob I wonder what Arnold's thinking now they're giving away $10,000 for the past poser tonight do you think this is Cedric's kind of ploy to get the $10,000 he wins we'll never see it coming bro it could be Blind Luck surprised you didn't put him on Arnold's head you know Cedric he likes to have fun with the Terminator cederick mcmillian ladies and gentlemen the next guy is a very experienced competitor he's been on this stage many times but in 2014 became one of the very few Arnold Classic winners when he won in Brazil he's a firefighter ladies and gentlemen from Dallas Texas welcome steve coock low all right big steve coock low they call him the king snake and he always comes with an entourage mom dad his beautiful wife Amanda also on IFBB Pro in attendance and you know Erin Steve's one of those guys I've looked at for years and I thought to myself he's got every attribute to me a mr. Olympia yeah like this guy should be up there now he hasn't quite for field day yet I mean he's used to getting better and better but how many years do we give these guys for you know for filling potential yeah it's one of those things where Steve is one of the many many guys when he came in you're like this is the future this is future mr. Olympia I think Bob after about a about a decade right that starts to wear away but I tell you what Steve is absolutely one of the best Steve's that I've seen here fantastic conditioning nick steve has one of those physiques that literally changes hour-by-hour and it's difficult for him and has been in the past to kind of really just nailed it conditioning on when he's nailed it I mean he's one he actually won the Arnold Brasil I think it was a couple years back he just won the Indy Pro in 2018 that's right and the Indy Pro also but it's it just seems to be a hit or miss with with steam yeah definitely you know those back poses that you know you can see again here I'm and other pictures but it that picture right behind him you can see the conditioning is a little more crisp you know the separation is fantastic and here it's just that little bit that little film you know you just kind of wring it out like just a hair I don't know what Steve's schedules if he's going to Australia I tell you what all these big boys Australia's life you have to be a hell of a show yeah and Steve is definitely one of the bigger bodybuilders you know he's he's probably on stage in the 270 is high 262 70s and I know Bob Wright being one of the bigger guys yourself it's tough to see the scale move down you get smaller and a lot of times with the wood to be serving them the best is to lose an extra few pounds there's no question about Alison bodybuilding is all about illusion I mean it doesn't you can be 290 pounds here but I tell you what I'd rather be 270 and win at least you like the music a little better this time my BOB yes you know Steve's got it see big boy out there you know was that 280 pounder out there he's got some rockin music he's you know stomping around the stage and working the crowd that's what I like to see out of the big boys so don't try to be graceful and all that stuff not like a damn bulldozer out there yeah big steve coock low thank you Steve we have a tradition here in Columbus that when somebody wins the amateur overall and they get their pro card they get invited to come and make their pro debut here in Columbus Ohio so this guy was their winner last year it's his first time on a pro stage here he's all the way from Russia ladies and gentlemen so let's make him welcome Mihal by lincoln backflip off the stage Rob oh boy we listen we do have some breakdancing going out there how about that whoa that's not a mandatory pose Bob that is not in the list of mandatories you are correct there and that's a that's a relatively newcomer here with the kale I don't know a lot about his background he won the Arnold amateur last I was just gonna say Nick you know it's usually my friend you were on points it's also younger than me is he yeah by a couple months you know this is the cool thing is a young guy like this I could say about your age Nick what a great opportunity you know the Arnold amateur winners come out here and compete qualify for this competition and again you could see the differences amande you can see he doesn't have the level of muscularity or the thickness nor should he get your age I mean it's listen it's you don't have enough years of the gym just to get there into this point so these conditioning those yes conditioning is good I mean that's one thing about the smaller guys is they can't get the conditioning but you could see the difference between the amateurs and the professionals right here Aaron with with the level of density thickness but what a great start to his career definitely some gymnastics or something in his background right yeah hard time just tying my shoes in the morning alright so this guy can do that stuff all the power to him you wanted to do something to get noticed that kind of works out of nowhere backflips and all kinds of things our next and final competitor ladies and gentlemen it's taking the bodybuilding world by storm first second and third places in every show he's done in the last couple of years he won last year so is our defending and current champion ladies and gentlemen yeah the Conqueror from the Netherlands welcome William Banach all right the champ is here he is your defending champion the Conqueror William beau neck and one thing you're gonna see about William is he has every single pit of everything that a veteran brings to the stage size thickness muscularity conditioning there's a reason that this guy who is up and at the top two and three at the Olympia now and he ain't the tallest guy out there Aaron but I tell you what he makes up for it and look at that dense muscle right there started out as a 2:12 guy Bob so I mean it's crazy height was he was able to put on all this muscle and be so successful in the open division and he talked about density wait until he turns around and you can see the density in his back well that was a difference I saw this morning between William beau neck and Brandon Currie is and around now not to take you away from Brandon Currie because I still think that even though I got William beating him from the back I can get by contrast I have Brandon Currie beating Elaine from the front yep and listen all things are equal here I mean they're all parts are considered all poses are considered that's why we have mandatory poses is to see the body and the physique in different poses to establish who's put together the basket Bob if shows her one from the back I don't know well that's the nice old saying we'd like to use no man but they're not one from the back you know what the one from the back from the front from the side from the the you know the presentation from the conditioning so that's a nice phrase to use when somebody's actually beating somebody from the back but he is incredibly hard he's like itched from granite well I'll tell you this it was close enough between these two guys this morning that I think you're gonna see it come down to tonight the judges are scoring tonight like I mentioned so I think it's probably a one or a two point decision coming out of prejudging just a guess on that one but the difference I think is the midsection and what lower on is over William beau neck is you can see when Williams does he tends to relax too midsection just a little bit but again he you he's short and stumpy right has a whole lot of muscle over Brandon but man brain has just got that tiny tiny waist to me that's the difference between these guys tonight the one scary thing for William is as he continues to improve when you're talking about improving he can't get a lot harder you know he's in such great shape so adding muscle is almost a scary thing for William because like you said because that short midsection you don't want to add too much there no actually he almost used to taper off was training a little bit and in particular with I would not be doing powerlifting movements I would not be doing deadlifts things like that his lats go right into his hip bones yummy that can be good or that can be bad and as body bows get older you tend to get a little bit thicker in the middle so you can see it when you smart with his training and you know we'll see it as these guys will be coming off there we go thank you wait a minute just a few moments that concludes round three round three was supposing round and Arnold classics all over the world the posing round is judged as we said earlier there's opposing award tonight which Arnold will tell us about later and what that means to him but I think the guys really lifted ladies and gentlemen so let's put your hands together for all those fantastic posing routines we're gonna bring them all back out just a second and then we go to what we call the confirmation round now for those of you that are new to bodybuilding at the prejudging some of the guys might have missed timed it a little bit some of the judges may have been unsure between this place and that place and they've got a chance to see them pose and to see them dry out or carve up a little bit more and now the judges have one more chance to compare the guys and see where they're going to finish so this is being judged live ladies and gentlemen and I think you can be a part of it by encouraging them and clapping and cheering and all that kind of thing so this let's hand it over to Steve Weinberger a head judge now for the confirmation round thank you Tony in numerical order Brandon Luke Cedric and William [Applause] so we're starting the comparison around that chicken Williams switch please all right now this is where you separate the men from the boys and Bob this is a surprise in this top floor here this first call-out you thought that that Cedric was not in the top really the top five we were talking we were saying earlier yeah well depending on how head judge Steve Weinberger does he's call-ups he will give guys an opportunity to move up four down so yeah we are seeing subject has been kind of added into that top four or projected top four call out and that would explain the comparison we saw a prejudging between Cedric and Luke exactly right Nick because it was kind of tall and I thought yeah it's head judge Steve Weinberger called out a comparison between Luke Sandow and Cedric and I thought it was a little bit oddly placed but now you see Cedric they could clearly feel is getting a little bit better and Luke seems to be holding his own here if I was a betting man I would say this is what your your top for now what they might do Aaron is leave a couple guys and pull a couple of guys right hypothetically if they go back William and Brandon then you're looking at one or two either way and what they do sometimes they leave Cedric out there Lou and then they'll bring somebody up like a Jocelyn our nowit's or somebody or a Rudy Winkler I'd be shocked if they didn't add those two guys into the mix as soon as they get done with this round double bison here's that matchup we were talking about look at that back double by between Brandon Currie and William beau neck if you're looking at the condition of these four gentlemen certainly Cedric stands out in terms of condition or lack thereof right I'll tell you this loop actually it looks like he's getting better yeah he looks a little sharper to me tonight then he actually did this morning and as he poses he he seems to be getting a little bit sharper I don't know if that's enough to move him up but it might move him keep him in third place I don't know if Cedric has enough to catch Luke at this point the the you could see that the conditioning is just slightly different between Brandon Brandon Currie kind of has that card almost runs a grainy but you know that thin-skinned conditioning Phonak is obviously in great condition also but you can see there is a different size to guys what a tremendous improvement from Brandon curry from three four years ago one thing about Brandon's presentation too is that he's always so picture-perfect I mean if you look at the his oil in his color I mean he he really looks I mean certainly the best in terms of presentation very polishes Brandon's killing William in that front AB shot right now yes so as much as William was beating him from the back on that back double by and this shots a toss-up man I tell you hard to beat William beau neck when he's got that much muscle on that frame I could tell you the happiest guy to be up there is certainly Luke oh they're bringing them all back we're bringing them all back so Joshua all right so he's just missing all four and so Bobby nothing nothing is written in stone right but that's a pretty good sign that that's our top four right unless they're bringing him back in a little bit and you know you know what you never know with big Steve man he likes to mix and match and the one thing I liked among Steve is he gives these guys an opportunity to compete I would rather see too many comparisons rather than a lack of them because bodybuilding is all about comparisons put it next to each other the only thing I'd like to see sometimes I like what I call crossover comparisons I would have liked to see under Luke or Cedric stay out there and have one of these guys have an opportunity to see if he's actually better than the guy who's projected before I'll tell you what this morning I thought it took Steve had him really worked quite a bit I mean he was yeah I mean it was it was one after another after another so a mistake I thought make any mistake that the prejudging does count more so to say into the judging okay this is what they call a thick foundation round of scoring okay so one way it's changed for the judges to get a look at the competitors and make any changes that they see fit so it does come into the scoring but the prejudging is you know where you're making your bones out there steep couplet looking pretty good in this lineup here another good you were on the ball my friends deep kook low looks like he's getting a little bit sharper as he goes sharper than Roly for sure look at the Rafael Briana he looks like a like Steve's little brother okay yeah that right look to your right Rafi that's that's what you're gonna be looking like it another couple years buddy see Josh Josh is Satan's yeah he's fading out a little bit spilling over yeah he's still gonna have a respectable finish here but he's gonna be a lot sharper in Australia and brouilly doesn't look much different to me Nick than he did this morning he looks about the same and Rafael Steve actually looked a little bit sharper to me yeah Steve definitely looks sharper to me look at the vascularity and Steve's lower body I know Steve this morning was wasn't in the wasn't in the mix as much as he is tonight so they're definitely taking a better look at Steve tonight it's those arms on relief there's any one other guy with arms like that in the pro league and that's Philly yeah so you talk about Evan Samara boy those arms are crazy and even even in not a hundred percent his cross striations all over his triceps the kind of striations you generally don't see on basically anybody else I talked about making improvements really his done a complete 180 on his midsection over the last two years ago Nick it wasn't that long ago that he was getting a lot of flack from our for being round in the middle you don't I mean and you know I've got the gut hang and it isn't it so those people that attributed that to other factors you can make improvements and bring that in you know most of that comes from Nick what's a food volume really yeah every again they pointed everything you can probably think of under this it's fing Diwali these guys eat tremendous amounts of food that can keep your stomach out there even when you're in a lot of the guys I mean obviously practice helps and you know in controlling your abs but spreading the meals out actually making them smaller and having more throw off today rather than big meals I've actually seen photos of Roly wearing a waist trainer to keep the size of his waist down a lot of the guys are doing that you know whatever doesn't hurt it doesn't hurt yeah I mean it was if it if it does five percent greater you know the one big thing that the guys need to keep conscious and obviously we saw you're not the last Olympia how they're really marking down the midsections now is in the transitions you know because it's easier to remember to keep your midsection tight while you're hitting a pose but in between poses if it slips your mind for a minute that's a big problem trust me I've been on that pro stage with those comparisons getting called out they start sucking wind after about the third or fourth round of mandatories out there and you better be in shape and you know that yet again that's debts or if you're gonna let it go that's where it's gonna go especially in those back poses when you think no one's looking you let it hang out Aran's exactly right it's in the transitions that you really got to be a paid punch with that look at the physique on Akeem Williams now out of these four guys are obviously four guys in four different times of their career but a Keith Williams has all the attributes man he's got the muscle side chest got the shape he's just got to find a way to get that skin thin and I tell you what there's got to be one of some titles and beating some people he's got something like that hanging muscle you know that you rarely see especially for the lats from the front kind of Ronnie Coleman ask back double bicep it's a game of inches man he's not look at that shot right there look at that shot of a keen Williams that's up there with anybody yeah just has to bring it down but you can also see those little folds in the skin they're about halfway up that back that's your difference that's that film I was talking about I don't think we've ever seen Hakeem without the film no I've never seen him like I said originally this is about as it as good as pretty good in was a Tampa last year I think it was where he really brought it out there and that's the only that's the closest I've seen him coming 100% conditioning but he's got to find a formula that works the one thing you need in the pro league is calmness and that's where a bow neck really comes out head and shoulders above the rest where you've never seen bow neck out of shape your favorite most muscular thank you gentlemen back in line please blue Rollie Cedric and Steve alright now here's where the call I'll start to get interesting is gonna come back around alright so he went through the lineup once and if you're gonna see any changes this is where they're gonna be right here so they're trying to round out the top six here well you'll notice that the only two guys anything up there is out of the top six is Bo neck and of course Brandon Currie so this is four three four five and six front lat spread now he mates move some guys are dif these guys stay like this what you're looking at is probably Cedric third Luke fourth coupe Lopez and release six I'll tell you what if Steve ku clothes got a chance to move herself up this is it right here now he's right next to Cedric he could make his mark right here and it looks like he's getting a little bit sharper as he goes and roll he seems to be doing the opposite yes he's definitely spilling over and again you know hats off to Luke's and on Bank I'd say his conditioning again was started off good and it's only gotten better as he's gone on so good for him he's looking very crisp here in his back double bicep certainly the best condition of anybody up there in this call out back safe under cederick mcmillian I say you talk about god-given talent you know you talk about and that's not to take away from his work ethic but man you talk about genetics look at that physique on cetera yeah well it speaks to the genetics and his capabilities if he does place third here in this lineup side tricep Domino's and thighs Aaron Luke's one of your athletes how pleased is he right now to be in this position he's the happiest guy on the stage there's no doubt about that you know he will be thrilled with for the throat was bitten in ecstatic with third so no matter how he ends up here he's gonna be happy your favorite most muscular well I went and saw him backstage Bob the big thing he said is he had so much fun that's what he said to me - I said no looky he's a ballbuster man I mean he loves to joke around I have on him he he's never too serious you know it's not but I think that's good I think it keeps him loose you know he doesn't get too content fired up and yeah Patrick is much the same way and then subjects a jokester man yeah he's having fun all right here we go now you know what this means I mean this is down to these two guys both these guys make no mistake both these guys know right now this is for the title they know it fans and the judges know it that's the difference right there in that front wage Nick the waist gets the first scene oh my eye is drawn to is that Brandon Curry's waiting that V paper look at that shot right there look at that beat a poor compared to William yeah Brandon is a bigger guy a heavier guy with a smaller waist yeah and I think his conditioning might be slightly better than bone axe here well again another good observation you could see just look at the legs it's a lower body I use between these two guys don't look at anything else just that that tells everything I know about conditioning the shots about even for these guys you can see the thickness under will you can see the thickness on Brandon but look at the side of the thigh once again that's that's your your margin Brandon Currie is 10 percent sharper than William Bo neck now this is what negates everything you just said okay because you're gonna get to this point and guess what Liam's got one of the best backs in the world he's like a minicar green yeah yeah the thing about Williams back to is it he has details that other people just don't have I'm just thinking it's just thick thick muscle a must at the end of the day it's still resting he has those lower light striations like the mini Kai green has uh that's a pose right there that Brandon Curry's worked very hard on bringing up over the years and it is paid off in dividends right here because he's hanging and he's hanging with Yui tricep now you're gonna see a big difference right here look at the waste lines yeah I'd give this pose to Brandon Oh all day yeah all day long and you're gonna give this poster Brandon right here now William knows he's basically gonna get beaten this post guy don't get out of that quick up there he goes he yeah that is that's a veteran right there get to the side show them your serratus don't do not go go heads up with Brandon Currie and Brandon right there listen well Brandon give you whatever he wants he needs listen that waste because here the fans getting into another package this is where it gets fun [Applause] gentlemen relax Brandon sure does look sharp right now steps back another step hit a front double bicep please fellas close because big Steve this doesn't keep going for no good reason as though this isn't about just giving the fans a good show I mean is that close between this you guys face the statue and hit a back double by itself and this so close with these two guys is two different physiques completely but that to me solidifies it era I mean that shot right there if you look at the difference just in the taper in the waist half and this is subtly grandma's head up a whole lot of muscle here and I think the small waist also creates the illusion that Brandon's a little bit wider than bone ACTU it does and they're probably the same width it really bone aches even a little wider but you're right Nick it's all about illusion I mean that's the only thing that matters on stage smoke and mirrors favorite actually count the shots and who's winning what shot it does looks like Brandon is ahead by two he said he certainly had the ABS he and overhead abdominal he certainly has even on the on the side chest what do you think here at the muscle wrecking here in this angle of a William bone AK is crazy [Applause] thank you gentlemen back to you Tony Steve Steve you guys are doing an amazing job with it what well call Tony guys come forward because I think the audience wants to see this everybody come to the front of the stage mr. music let's line it up because we're gonna hose down all right Tony Doherty saying the magic words gentlemen pulls down now the judging at this point is done all right the post down is a great opportunity for the fans you know these guys horse around a little bit have some fun play it up I'm sure aren't I'll be down there in two seconds now no way but right now they're telling the scores right now you're handing down your score of who you won and this comes down to preponderance of the scoring okay highs and lows are thrown out to ensure that the the yet the judging is fairing all right okay so you know so any any outlier gets kicked out that's right I only have the people in the middle base yeah let's just say you know you just didn't like William Bonin okay for whatever good reason it you go I you know what I'm gonna put him in sixth place well listen you can do that as a judge he probably gonna be a judge very long you know it's clearly you're out of your mind but but that stick is gonna get thrown out because it's alone now and vice versa now listen you could have a whole bunch of ones on there let's say half the panel one of those see to get thrown out but it ensures integrity across the judging panel and we do this for a reason in the pro league and that's to ensure that you can't do anything funky can't do anything weird now listen these are the best judges in the world right here come on buddy Dan Solomon down there there's dad headlining things for the Olympia this year so big shot out the van the guys are all going down making this exciting for all the people in the audience always fun for the fans Nick in the past you were actually down there with the eyes come any years many years you know the one thing that's cool for the fantasy is how big these guys actually are because I'm stage is one thing it's an illusion there's lighting there's but when somebody's right there in front of you you can see how thick and how big and massive that these guys are I can still remember seeing Dennis wolf for the first time in the pumpup room backstage and just seeing how big he wasn't pursed and it was just like you don't realize how big they are when you see them in the magazines you see Dennis wolf in person he's crazy terminator looking with the sunglasses you don't have the leather jacket on uh come with me if you want to live all right well these guys gonna be ramping up into the audience here hopefully one of those to sneak off into the food court q2 pretty hungry right now but all right time for predictions boys all right Aaron you had your original prediction you've now seen the night show you've seen the comparisons you've seen the pose down and of course the inevitable one-on-one between between curry and Bonet he's still sticking with your pick are you coming to my side no I suppose I'm coming to your side Aaron is wise my friend yeah he solidified a breeding curry solidified it for sure tonight and where I was unsure this morning I think tonight he was a pretty solid I think he's going to get all ones and I think he's gonna take it tonight Nikki you still on Gordon you going to the dark side I'm sticking with Brandon I think Brandon's gonna take it our predictions and what actually looks like it's going to happen is Cedric a melon surprising us he's a wild card I'll make no mistake I mean any of those guys could have moved up I think you could kind of flip my coin between hoops and oh cederick mcmillian probably for that third and fourth slot but it's not going to any other way but one and two between between korean Phonak take your seat because there's plenty much more to come wretched Mick Hale who's about to walk [Music] there is your champion in the 2007 auto classic bodybuilding champion Victor Martinez the second-year flasher by this much he's about 6 to about 280 pounds let's welcome cederick mcmillian [Music] our final competitor is one of the fastest rising stars in the industry making his first appearance here in Columbus from the Netherlands let's welcome William bow neck [Music] 2018 Arnold Classic champion William bond Act [Music] Brian how did you get into strongman competitions I got into him completely for fun actually I played basketball through college and went into being a strength coach and that kind of led me to strongman in a way and I needed another competitive outlet for myself something where I was big and strong and I enjoyed training so it seemed like a perfect fit and how did you get involved in them this is my ninth year I keep it in the winner's circle man but you got a battle out there I feel confident about what you know and I feel even that we brought a better package the last year big Steve certainly gave you guys an opportunity I mean even put see any mixed GOP spun you around about four times on it I know you're dying out there when that's going on but I tell you what I'd rather get the comparisons to not honestly give opinion you understand so it's a good thing you know to give each other the chance as you know to to tell each each other you know you and Brandon are competitors out to you could tell us a very very well not just the difference but I was gonna say mutual respect like you say you you guys are battling but man you could see you're also having some fun out there too it's warm state you know but outside of that you know we just humans you know we got the same passion understand so we know what we feel you know we know what we go through you know so we respect each other for that you know so it's not easy to come in and stand on stage you know better the best of the road understand so I respect any athlete who comes here and who you know better even if he said out of the top 10 it doesn't matter you know you the effort that you put into it for two weeks prep you know it's tough man you know any other point I was gonna bring up you guys are apples and oranges man I mean you don't have anything in common I guess a you know you got depict powerful muscular physique he's got this more streamlined you know with the tiny waist and all that but it makes an interesting dilemma for the judges of course because they got to kind of pick one way or the other here you both bring things at a table so it's interesting cuz you can kind of go back and forth between you guys but you got a gut feeling Williams gonna go your way you tonight the way I saw the pictures you know and we are so you know you both look you know I will pick myself up to the judges you know we're at the beginning of the season obviously at the armor class are kicking things off for the 2019 season and I you seem to like to compete you seem to get better as you go throughout what's the rest of the schedule look at how you guys gonna be in Australia in a couple of weeks yes we're gonna go to a New Zealand got a guest post over there and from there we go to Melbourne I'm a classical three yeah all right William best of luck here later on tonight as we'll see who the winner is we'll see if the champ repeats and is a two-time on a classic champion that's all right all right continuing coverage here at the Arnold Classic bikini coming up next my favorite division so you've seen the Beast now you're gonna see the beauty huge followings and and they work just as hard as any of the other divisions these great smiles and these great figures and it really has taken the world by storm we've got the best lineup we've ever had here in Columbus Ohio ladies and gentlemen so let's meet the ladies competing in their final round of the competition first from Brazil Alicia Puccini [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I need a miracle order I need one Issa Hasini I need to actually caught wasa I need six Jennifer Dory I need seven Janet liam8 Marcia conclaves and 12 Lorelai Shep Otto's two and six to switch and I can't see everybody's number so I need Marcia and he said to switch Hey ladies doing 180 face that back wall and now you can do what we couldn't do this morning walk halfway back and hold it when you get there now face forward and walk it back ladies I need to Issa and Ashley to switch Issa and Ashley switch one more time do a 180 face that back wall and face forward okay ladies thank you very much you take a step back to either side I need for Ashley Janelle 11 Frieda Paulson stir ten Cristobal inna Tory's 13 Monica Ellis 14 marina Martinez 17 Camille Tyrion okay Janelle and Camille switch now do a 180 face that back wall now while CAF way back and hold it when you get there face forward and walk it back okay thank you very much ladies they can step back to either side I need three Kim Gutierrez five Rafaella Milagros nine Sonia Luis 15 you like Fernandez 16 Karina and 18 Jessica Palmer P ladies doing 180 face a back wall that walk half way back and hold it when you get there now face forward and walk it back okay thank you very much lady and take a step back to either side that concludes our confirmation round back to you Tony we're Dunham yes I said [ __ ] I think Thank You sandy all right we'll ask all of our bikini athletes to Wick's it on that side of the stage and congratulate every single one of them for being such amazing shape for you tonight as you know ladies and gentlemen the Arnold sports festival here in Columbus welcomes lots of new athletes every year and we had a record-breaking amount of athletes competing our NPC worldwide amateur bodybuilding competitions for the chance to win their pro cards 700 plus and they've all been judged and we have our winners and their new pros ladies and gentlemen so I'm going to introduce them to you and remember their names because someone will be up here next year our masters figure overall [ __ ] Joel are our masters bikini overall paula alene our men's bodybuilding overall champion morgan esteem fitness overall hailey liz n bar our bikini overall crystal Medina men's physique winner Erik lisboa and our women's physique winner Katherine Maclaurin take a bow guys and congratulations on your achievements [Applause] that's it back to the gym now we have our men's physique competition and now this is a new way of doing it it was new to the animal sports festival in 2015 and it grew and grew and grew to the point we had so many go in it so we made a rule that you had to be in the top ten in one of the pro shows around the world to qualify to do an Arnold Classic and they kept growing more and more so we've got them here tonight our top six after all the judging over the weekend and our first competitor is from Texas ladies and gentlemen please welcome Logan Franklin [Applause] Pittsburgh welcome Raymond Evans [Music] Thank You Raymond you're gonna love this ladies and gentlemen cuz he's from Columbus Ohio USA George Brown from California San Diego welcome Chiron holdin welcome back to the physique division from New York New York City hence Erick [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you setting from New York New York Andre Ferguson don't you on Draya then we're gonna hand it over to the judges again for their confirmation round over to you Steve thank you Tony Ramon George switch please Andre coming the middle of them please right there [Music] logan enjoy switch please gentlemen feet together face to judges face the curtain face front [Music] Thank You gentleman if concludes our confirmation round back to you Tony that's their physique to Division they're in great shape again they keep getting better and better of course the physique around is the other round that's taken the world by storm with that and the bikini it's really made bodybuilding alive again because these bodies are achievable somebody could be working under Jim and think well if I trained hard for a year or two I could get the boardshorts of the bikini and get up and compete and show all the hard work I've done and then we find they graduate from there into the other divisions that the classic physique which we had last night was a great new division where the height and weight limited so you can't be so much bigger than the other guys you don't get all the mass monsters we'll keep that for the pro bodybuilding so there's all these new categories it's made it so much more achievable and these these categories have all got great new fan bases were to bring more and more people into this sport and of course into the Arnold Classic here in Columbus so next thing we love the Arnold Classic is strongman ladies and gentlemen our event check this out our event is now the biggest money strongman show in the world bar none let's move the head of anything else that was in the market we now have a qualifying series right around the world we're starting in two weeks in Melbourne they can qualify to be here in Columbus and every one of them has to do one of the smaller shows or one of the other Arnold's to qualify in fact Arnold himself just hosted a fantastic event a few weeks ago in Santa Monica and they closed a whole pier off and set up all this strongman equipment on Santa Monica Pier the historical site and the home of Muscle Beach and the media came it was the most incredible thing you've ever seen it was packed and that put our strongman event in front of thousands more new fans and they loved it and here at the Arnold Classic this weekend we've had the most phenomenal strongman competition we're gonna meet some of the previous winners and we're gonna have an event on stage today and we're going to light this place up but I don't know how many of you at the Expo that saw what we called the wheel of pain anybody see the wheel of pain well this is ridiculous it's 20,000 pounds of pressure to push that thing around it's like a replica from the first Conan movie and they spent months and months making it really is the most incredible piece of equipment any of us has ever seen and of course all the guys in our crew and everyone tried to push it and you can move it like about a meter or a yard and in the sand in the barrel starts to roll against you and then it pushes you back so you think you're winning for just a second then they're crushed and then the strongmen come in and they were doing laps with it like you wouldn't believe so these guys really are huge and they're strong now we're going to bring on some of our former champions and to introduce him please welcome our strongman host Matt Iseman and Mark Henry well I'm coming out here first I'm Matt Iseman on the host of American Ninja Warrior what do you do it don't you want your proper introduction I kind of spoiled it so what we're doing this year this year to honor the great Terry Todd we have assembled every previous winner of the Arnold sports classic she's strongman championship we have the greatest strongmen in history and you saw the first one the man who won the inaugural Arnold strongman back in 2002 he's been my co-host all weekend he's the WWE Hall of Fame twice he represented America going to the Olympics as a US weightlifter and he is on stage with me all night long give it up for my man the legendary Mark Henry next up I know you belong out here next up this man didn't win at once he didn't win it twice he wanted eight times he is one of the greatest strongmen in history said RunAs civets Gus a legendary American you've heard this name so long he sit with his daughter and he's been having a tremendous time let him hear it ladies and gentlemen Derek Poundstone talk about an appropriate last name and then a man who's won in three times this year that is his tenth time competing for you people he's one of the great champions he's from my home state of Colorado ladies and gentlemen Brian Shaw [Applause] now unfortunately there is one champion who can't be with us he passed away but we'd still love you all to honor his memory ladies and gentlemen Mike Jenkins and last night if you were here what I love about these strongmen is the support because the governor brought out Miles Taylor a kid with cerebral palsy to do some lifts now helping him load the weights were Mark Henry and this other champion the toughest lawless truly embodying the spirit of strongman and the final champion here the man who in just a few minutes will be competing for another title he is one of the strongest men in history he's known as the fountain from Iceland welcome Hawthorn unis [Applause] these are the strongmen champions throughout history two of them will be competing tonight but we have a little video that shows you just what this is all about please take a look [Music] and we are looking forward to a show present Hina didn't break a sweat there nothing a strong first lift at a Bryan Shaw a record-breaking lift on the line for the mountain [Applause] [Music] alright ladies and gentlemen it's done this is the Josaphat stone killer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well ladies and gentlemen hello there we go so you've seen it we've had four remarkable events these athletes mark they've been putting their blood and sweat and tears into it these guys have been pouring everything into these and I think one of the highlights was the wheel of pain just seeing the effort in there and seeing Novikov this rookie who last year was an amateur and now is competing with the big boys have such a strong performance normally the rookies tend to kind of know the road kind of step back and you know wait their turn but he didn't get the memo so after four events the man in the lead is the mountain Thor Pearson is in first place with 30 7.5 points in second place Martines Lisa's with thirty one point five and in third place the oldest man of the competition 38 years old the Siberian forest Mikhail Shipley akov now we're getting ready for the stone to shoulder you can see the man right there handling it it's owed hog and he is a legend in strongman this is known as owed Hoggins tombstone and this thing weighs 410 pounds the goal for these athletes is to lift it up get it into your lap from there get it onto your shoulder and Mark you've done this it's not enough to hold it on the shoulders you have to remove it control it with one hand so we need to see the left hand out you'll watch the judges if the judges don't give a down signal that means the stone was not controlled they won't get full credit and Mark with 410 pounds it's almost impossible to control that stone well the really impossible thing about it is it's an oblong shape there's no handles on it so it's not like you can get it really fixed grip you got to find a position that's comfortable for you and each guy's different some guys like to really pull it close to him and pull and then there's other guy that try to just throw it up on his shoulder which is really hard to do and you'll see that in a few minutes now one of the cool things is one of our great sponsors is from right here in Columbus Ohio let's give them a round of applause for rogue fitness they've been doing it just about everything in this contest but let me ask you folks do you guys enjoy seeing history made let me ask you again do you enjoy seeing history made because Rock Fitness does they want history to be - made tonight on this stage and right now the record mark in this event is four reps of the stowed - the shoulder but it is if someone can do five rogue's going big well at the last Championships in California we have two guys that ripped it out like it was nobody's business so I'm looking forward to seeing those two guys because they're they're fresher they're fresh air they did not have the year that everybody else did so let's see what happened so here's the deal this stone is 410 pounds if someone managed to get five reps in two and a half minutes they have two and a half minutes once they start manipulating the stones five reps and they will win $5,000 for making history so are you ready no way we are not ready I'm ready Arnold's ready to work with that is the rear end wait governor are you ready got enough do you want to come lift the stone governor the Terminator his thought could be the history the history stone do it now he said let me check with our athletes our athletes ready get to the chopper did somebody actually give him a microphone please turn that thing off I'm just out here checking we're making sure these athletes are ready and we don't have referees out so we are not ready to live let's introduce sir oh and Hagen ladies and gentlemen the man who came up with a stone hog and one of our judges here he did that on purpose did you just drag me with the chair I've been getting heckled by this man all weekend just because he's a four-time world strong man the man who introduced most of us to this sport ladies and gentlemen Magnus ver Magnusson and my idol and our third judge curl gillingham a legend in the powerlifting community now Magnus is going to let us know with his arm when his arm drops that means it's a clean rep if it doesn't go down that will not be a full four points you get one point getting the stone to your lap you get two points if you can get the stone on to your torso but you have to control it back this has to have the arm down for the full four points yeah I guess the more points when you get it to shoulder and once you get it to shoulder four points supersedes everything else the two point and the one point doesn't count if you get it to your chest and get the two point the one point isn't negated all right ladies and gentlemen this is the rookie I was talking about last year he won the amateur contest and he won the right to be here on this stage he's been turning in phenomenal performances taking second in the Husa fell still carry taking second in the wheel of pain he had to go to the hospital to be evaluated clean bill of health and he wanted to come back and compete for you people here tonight are you guys ready to see him let me say it again these athletes feed off your energy so ladies and gentlemen let's make him energetic Alexei Novica off as you can see he's kind of filling it out seeing where he's gonna take a handhold every guy's gonna beat his hand hold it's gonna be different he's putting a little tack on his hands take the sweat off it makes it a little bit sticky but it's not overly and goopy like the Old South all right he's ready to go he's asking for you to back him you could see that's one point laughing the stone right there now comes the struggle this catch is 300 pounds miss stone 410 pounds fighting to get it to his shoulder you want to see it get up [Applause] so he got two points they're forgetting it to the torso you cannot repeat that doe that is two points the only way to get more plates now to get it on to the shoulder and to control it and this is learning on the fly it's not like driving where you have a manual this is this is something that you have to experience multiple times and him being young and new is going to take a little while for him to get this done and the mouth guard is usually help in business here we go alexei nova coffee [Applause] got it up bounce it there you go don't worry about the floor ladies and gentleman is heavily constructed Rogen makes the best equipment in the world Steve Slater and his team have put this together and we have not had it brought out to the floor yet just under one sailor with this 410 pound stone having the workers still has 245 seconds left and you can see the battle with this stone the heft and the difficulty controlling it clock ticking down 30 seconds left for Alexi Novikov this rookie from Ukraine the man with the colorful socks called for a big lift here round of applause for Alexi that was a rare form a phenomenal effort in his rookie campaign one of the better techniques of handling this stone is that put it on his in at the highest point and that was something that he'll learn in the future and the guys were not going to tell him tonight well you can see the difficulty and getting this stone up now last year only a couple of the athletes are actually able to get it to the shoulder and control it that's how hard it is but next up this guy from Slovenia two-time Slovenia Strongest Man and he is ready ladies and gentlemen let him hear it multi-way see you get a load of him Mattias Bell shocked going for this 410 pound old hog and tune show clock has started gaagh on the lab that's up you can see I'm fighting it off the shoulder got it that's a nice line and belt shock is fired up how do you guys feel about that that's four points there for Bell shock he's gettin fired up a minute 48 left this big guy from Sylvania you see the strategy of him putting the smooth side to the floor which is a little bit unorthodox the round side he wants to put on his shoulder so he's trying to pull it to him so he can get the round side on his shoulder makes it easier roll to the shoulder if you can say easy wrong choice of words you think he's got another left in him folks bail shock he's real girls got one minute [Applause] is lifting more than a refrigerator here 410 pounds sliced 30 seconds left can get points for laughing it he is going to take every second leave every ounce of strength on this floor for you people there's a reason that you saved the hardest things for last seconds [Applause] Marius Bell shark got the one rap for points a tremendous effort that is one strong human being the way that he laughed the way that he got the shoulder first lift talking to old oak said he had never seen anybody lift it that style we just had enough day one of our previous champions and injured himself he's out Brian Shaw so up next the Polish powerhouse the man who holds the record and they cement for touch to the shoulder Mateos Kalish kotsky my boy should be looked at as somebody that does magic because he makes it look so easy he was the only one who got multiple reps look at this that's one over two minutes left you think we're gonna see history here Kalish Karski this is his event look at that how easily he lives headstone oh we can feel the entire floor moving when he drops that stone two reps still a minute 30 left to go you notice he puts the flat side to his body so once he gets a handhold and he easily pulls it to a lap position it the stone tends to roll to his shoulder three Oh Bennet left he still got a minute left are we sensing something great here you are seeing something that is not average even for the strong men this is a superior strength and a level of detail that we haven't seen in a long time 52 seconds left for two reps for history looking to break his own record you want to see it let him hear it thirty seconds left they're gonna reposition this go get on your feet everybody this is normal city 20 seconds [Applause] days 50 [Applause] Braunstein you'll see one of the greatest lifting exhibitions that was done he got there with one second ladies and gentlemen you have to do with one second left to spare oh we've been saying it all weekend are you not entertained [Music] five reps he has the mark but keep in mind couple more athletes get their shots right now from Estonia hallo hallo man I know we're supposed to maintain a level of professionalism but I fanned out for just a second let's see if hi the hesitated folks kinda been so strong this competition and you can save 410 pounds it looked easy it is so hard Oh dog and offering some advice the spirit lift very difficult to live away from the flat side now if he doesn't get it up to his lap in 60 seconds the time what we call natural Magnus is looking a great effort out of behind great effort so now we're down to the top three competitors in the standings right now up first out of Russia you'll recognize his trademark black beret a beret here is a member of the Special Forces this guy the oldest fan of the competition 38 years of age but he has been wowing us all weekend long ladies and gentlemen Micaiah Shibley Acuff old in a lot of sports means you've done old and a strongman game means your experience your season you understand what needs to happen and how it needs to happen and this guy definitely knows how to get it done and so mark right now they're put a little tacky cloth on there for grab those shirts provided by row got a little extra grip as well the time is not on the clock what do you say why don't we make a rush and feel welcome ladies and gentlemen give it up for chef Kyle [Applause] Oh doggone offering tips 30 seconds left to get this stone in the air this is the fifth event sixty Seconds to go so what they're explaining too is you have one minute to get the stone up into the lab failing that your time is up fortunate for shiplake off great effort and now it's time for the band Kalish coughs key has the record this band matched up in Santa Monica currently at second place notice the dragon for the fire in his belly ladies and gentlemen he has a shot to win this entire thing Marty's Lisa's Marty's has an unbelievable energy level one of the few guys that I've just become a real real strong fan of also makes things look really old by that's why now once again in Santa Monica he won the Arlen competition doing an atlas stone five times that was 375 can enjoy it here with this big stone [Music] and look at that power lets you watch it watch it okay okay Arnold oh no I told you it was the first time that it had never been done but it didn't mean that it would not happen how they're gonna get it back up here it's behind me no I'm not helping so these guys are working on it [Applause] I'm fortunate for him the clock is still running I'm sorry I just report the news a minute you left right sweet - it's time [Applause] okay [Applause] give some energy folks Letterman so we just got word there is more time on the clock the governor called it Lisa's dragon you got more take your time you got another minute my chance he said is injured what an effort Martines Lisa's I thought that Magnus was gonna stop it like the matrix using Arnold Arnold stay in your seat the stone will get itself okay one mark time for a head referee you narrowly averted disaster Magnus ver Magnusson so this is it there is one athlete left he is the defending champion and he is currently at first are you ready for the mountain six feet nine inches foreign imported goods from Iceland euros [Applause] Arnold I just want to let you know you still got it you use real quick out there quick as a cat here we go look at this help this contest let's give it up guys [Music] [Applause] dear son fighting for Greta [Applause] you can see that on his face that stone try to control it got it and let's hear for spotters [Applause] half-door knows that he's already placed that he's got a substantial amount of points give it up and it's in the bag for the mountain have four beers soon [Applause] can I ask you a question so what were you thinking running and trying to stop that don't break don't break it so with that we're gonna take a break we're gonna turn it back over to Tony won't be back with the results I think you guys know what happened but I hope you enjoyed watching that as much as we enjoyed being up here even those in the front row who are still safe one more time for all the strong men this weekend I'm Matt Iseman tony tickity thank you Matt thank you Mark now it's time to recognize a wonderful tradition that we have here at the Arnold Classic it's time to honor the Arnold Classic Lifetime Achievement Award winner which is Jan and Terry Todd please turn your attention to the video screams to watch this very special presentation thank you this year's Lifetime Achievement winners are doctors Terry and Jam Todd who together and individually made enormous contributions through the world of fitness and strength they raise the public's understanding of the value of all forms of strength training through their personal lifting accomplishments their books numerous articles and documentary films as well as all they have done to preserve the history of strength Sports dr. Terry Todd began as a tennis player earning a college scholarship to play for UT Austin in the summer after his high school graduation he began training and then kept lifting in secret as he also played varsity tennis at UT although he was ranked number one on the team by the end of his freshman year his tennis coach kept telling Terry that lifting would make him muscle-bound and so Terry quit the team at his junior year and focused his energy on competitive weightlifting Terry won the junior national Olympic weightlifting championship in 1963 and then switched to the new sport of powerlifting winning the first men's national championships in 1964 and the first senior nationals in 1965 over the course of his career he would go on to set 15 World Records and powerlifting and was the first to officially swatch 700 pounds and the total 1600 1700 1800 and 1900 pounds Terry was also one of the first people to write about the sport of power lifted and his insightful dramatic articles in the muscle magazines and later Sports Illustrated helped powerlifting develop its unique identity as a sport in 1978 he also wrote the sports first foot inside powerlifting and in its introduction the great power lifter Larry Pacifico described Terry as an immortal in powerlifting who stands on the elite plateau reserved for legends he has been wrote Larry our guiding light at inspiration since powerlifting began after finishing his PhD in 1966 with a dissertation on the history of training Terri began teaching as a university professor while continuing to work as a journalist and sports promoter in addition to his work for Sports Illustrated Terri served as a broadcaster for both NBC and CBS was involved in the early days of the world strongest man contest created and promoted the strongest man in football contests for CBS for three years and also opened the national strength Research Center at Auburn University Teri Meri Jan in 1973 after meeting her at Mercer University in Macon Georgia when Jan began weight training following their marriage there were no women's powerlifting contests no women's weightlifting contest and no women's bodybuilding however she was intrigued by strength and with coaching from Terry decided to see if she could get in the Guinness Book of Records as those were the only records that existed for women at that time when Jan dead lifted three hundred ninety four point five pounds in 1974 and made it into Guinness for the first time she made that lift and the next several records that followed it only after getting permission to do exhibitions at Men's meets exhibitions that inspired other women to ask for the right to compete she remained in the Guinness Book for the next 12 years having set more than 60 world or American records in five body weight classes by the time she retired to begin her PhD studies she was the first woman to total more than 1,000 1,100 and 1,200 pounds and her highest record set back in 1981 were 480 pounds in the deadlift 540 5.5 pounds in the squat and 1,200 29 pounds in the total often called the world's strongest woman in newspapers and magazines like Sports Illustrated in people Jan also appeared on dozens of television shows during her lifting career including Johnny Carson's Tonight Show please Jam Todd [Applause] powerlifting is a relatively new sport there's only been Menace competitions for about the last 15 years no women's competitions are just getting started Jim also made significant contributions to the early development of women's powerlifting writing the first draft of its rules serving as head of both the American and international women's committees and twice serving as national coach she was also twice chosen as coach of the US PF men's team making her the first woman to coach a men's team at a World Championship in any strength sport in 1978 Jen also became the first woman to lift the famous Denny stones in Scotland a feat no other woman would master for 40 years in 1983 the Todd's moved to Austin Texas where they began teaching at the University of Texas and began focusing more on encouraging academic interests on the history the iron game their work has allowed the study of strong men weightlifting body building strength coaching and other related fitness fields to become part of the academic Canon for kinesiology departments and the field of sport history they began publishing the highly influential academic journal iron game history the Journal of Physical Culture in 1990 and together they've written more than 600 articles and seven books on strength training and/or strength history Jan Todd now a full professor at UT Austin is recognized as one of the most important sports historians in the world and runs a doctoral program focusing on the history of fitness and strength training that she created the Todd's encyclopedic knowledge of history of the iron game also led them to begin making documentary films with road Fitness about early legends like huge and Sandow and George Hackenschmidt and longer critically successful films like Stone land and false liquor which can now be seen on Netflix and other media platforms perhaps the Todd's greatest achievement however has been establishing the Starks Center for physical culture and sports to hold their vast collection of weight training materials and to make it available to the public located at a 30,000 square foot facility in the UT football stadium the center contains more than 40,000 books nearly every muscle magazine published in the English language thousands of photographs rare strongman posters from the turn of the 20th century antique dumbbells and barbells and artifacts and personal papers from dozens of important figures in our field such as Lewis sire Warren Lincoln Travis Jo and Betty wieder Peggy Stockton Eugen Sandow Bob Hoffman Tommy kono George Jowett chris dickerson dr. Bob Goldman Milo Steen born George Hackenschmidt and many others and last but certainly not least in 2002 when Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Lorimer asked Terry to create a strongman contest for the Arnold sports festival no one could have foreseen that he would come up with ideas that would totally transform the sport the Arnold strongman classic Terry envision is the best test of true strength in the world of strongmen and is widely regarded as the most important contest in the sport Jan co-directed the event was Terry until his death this past summer and she took over the reins this year to make sure that the show continues as a fitting legacy to Terry and his mission we congratulate doctors Terry and Jen Todd on the lifetime dedicated to success in the world of fitness and strength we are proud to honor both as the lifetime achievement award recipients of 2019 and join me in congratulating the recipient of this year's Lifetime Achievement Award Jan Todd and the award to be presented by Arnold Schwarzenegger well every year we hand out this arnold schwarzenegger lifetime achievement what and we are so happy and so proud to hand it this year the Chan and to Terry Todd because as you have seen in that video there is no one that has done more to promote the sport of powerlifting weightlifting bodybuilding and strongman competitions than this couple did and it was absolutely extraordinary the kind of work that they've done to publicize the promoted around the world and so you have been really welcome to our family of the Arnold achievement of what okay so congratulations the great work [Applause] thank you [Applause] you're actually gonna hold that for me that is awfully nice thank you thank you everybody thank you for the kind welcome thank you obviously to Arnold and Jim and Bob Lorrimer for doing this for us this is obviously what I would have to say a somewhat bittersweet moment for me the honor and pride that I feel tonight is of course you know tempered by the fact that Terry is not here to stand beside me he should be I think he would not be wrong to say that the I think in many ways kind of to me an extraordinary life that we lived together and the various things that we accomplished these were almost all inspired by the fact that Terry had what I would always refer to as a rather overactive imagination Jim Larmour and I used to talk about the fact that Terry was a visionary and we would actually sort of joke about that and as Jim knows my job Terry would think up the big ideas and then my job was generally to come along behind him and kind of figure out how can we make these things work and this was sometimes not always easy for me because Terry had no shortage of visions and a lot of time those visions came one after the other after another sort of like somebody else I know who's kind of standing right behind me here and all of a sudden we're practically apply Mille taneous Lee somehow however we were lucky in being able to make many of those dreams many of his dreams which of course became my dreams somehow became real and as those of you know who knew him personally he was really quite extraordinary funny and witty and bright and compassionate and there was nothing that he loved more than thinking about strength and talking about strength and being around the strongest people in the world when I married Terry Todd 45 years ago I could never have imagined a future at that time this was 1973 in which I would one day be standing on a stage think about this I'm standing on a stage with the former mr. Olympia who has also become the Governor of California and now he has become the champion for the environment for voting rights and for children our world has changed in our lifetimes and nor could I have imagined that I would live in a world in which women would be able to lift a hundred and sixty five pound dumbbell over their head not just once but twice and we didn't have one woman do that today on the stage of the expo hall we had to and I certainly could not at the age of 21 having grown up in the era before title nine when weight training was largely shunned by everybody not just women and when women like myself went to high schools and universities where we didn't play women's sports pretty much at all let alone do weight lifting or bodybuilding nor could I have imagined coming out of that early part of my life that I would one day count among my closest friends those noble Giants who just competed on this stage men whose strength and courage inspires me to come back here year after year even though as you might imagine most of my academic friends at the University of Texas don't really understand why I do this but Terry did Terry loved the fact that Jim Lorimer and Arnold had faith in his judgment and that they had given him a truly rare opportunity to create this unique contest which we all know as the Arnold Classic it is probably better to let others say whether this event has truly changed the world of strength but I would note that if the social media is any indication of things this weekend and no doubts snapchatting is helping a little bit with this it has at least it has at least can created considerable excitement and interest in the sport of strongmen and based on what I'm reading online a lot of people have been very inspired by what happened here in Columbus when this part of our life began and meet at our first Arnold Classic in 2-8 obviously and it wasn't a perfect success but over the years we tried to live up to the model that Jim and Arnold embraced for themselves and every year we tried to find ways to make it better my aim as I took on the task of directing the show this year was to once again try to make the show unique and special and I've been very lucky to have had working with me not only steve slater as my co director and his of course incredible stage group but all of the judges who have been so loyal to us through the years and of course most importantly a truly incredible couple billandkatie henagar of rogue fitness whose dedication to making our strongman events special and most importantly for being my sounding board for ideas and events has literally known no limits this year I think if you saw it today the building of the incredible wallet wheel of pain the recreation of the Husa fell stone did you realize that they actually flew basalt all the way from Iceland so we could carve it and make an exact replica no one else that I can imagine would have possibly done something so extraordinary for a simple strongman contest except Rogan Hennig errs and I want to just say how very very grateful I am to them because they have allowed us to do something I think quite wonderful and so in closing let me just simply say how grateful I am to all of you for this great honor to Arnold and to Jim and to Bob and I want to once again or maybe I should say one less time give Terry a chance to have the last words and when I close with something that he used to say to me sometimes at the end of a long day or when we had something that maybe wasn't going quite right and you're sort of looking at each other as you're getting ready to go to bed and you're wondering you know why do we do this and he would sometimes say to me you know it's a good life if you don't weaken and he never did and neither should you and so I thank you again I am deeply honored and I hope to see you all again next year Thank You Jen can we ask you an Arnold to move out into the center with your ward and we're going to ask all of our former champions to join in for a photograph if you go to the middle of the stage now and welcome back all of our former champions Mark Henry Mark Henry said Sir John esophagus Derrick Poundstone Brian Shaw by Tara solace and hope for Julius B onsen and this award and photograph is in honor of Terry Todd and respect to Jan and Terry put your hands together ladies and gentlemen for all of our former champions with Arnold and gent on thank you gentlemen thank you thank you thank you now mark mark Henry I need you back over here mark back to work let's welcome back Mark Henry and Matt Iseman for our strong man Awards Thank You Man how about that contest we saw with the strongmen tonight ladies and gentlemen that was the final event and what a way to finish it so now it's time to acknowledge all of our competitors and we're gonna go in reverse sir - so in 10th place receiving a check for $2,000 from rule one proteins rival as' and Chris chromic will be presenting that check if Chris will come out tenth place finisher jean-francois come on and in ninth place the check for $3,000 from Protein robbing Fusco and the winner is Jerry Bridget [Applause] in eighth place receiving a check for $4,000 from metrics Taylor Creed will be presenting it the eighth place finisher the three-time former champion Brian Shaw [Applause] and the seventh place check for $6,000 from Blackstone labs Phillip Braun the winner is Alexey Novikov [Applause] sixth place receiving a check for $7,000 from Europa presented by Justin weeks the winner is our on oh hi love [Applause] and a 5th place check for $10,000 from Jan Tana and the winner is Matthias bill shock [Applause] [Music] fourth place receiving a check for $12,000 from optimum nutrition presented by Sarah Teeter the winner McKell Shibley a cough [Applause] [Applause] and the third-place check for $17,000 from the Columbus Dispatch urban Wang Yang and the winner is Mateos kilis Kowski [Applause] and in second place receiving a check for $22,000 from Monster Energy muscle monster presented by Nathalie Eva Marie and the winner is the man who almost killed the governor with the stone Martis the dragon leases [Applause] and the first place check for $72,000 from Midway laughs USA curl the whiskey and the winner is half-door julius baer sign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and with the trophy the Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger [Music] and you're Arnold strongman winner half Thor Julius young son [Applause] after were tell me now what was the toughest of the disciplines the day or the last two days was it the wheel of pain or was it the stone lifting out here or the deadlift of what was it before I answer that guys I would like to start by saying this sorry Arnold I want to dedicate this my title - I cannot believe me when I didn't the great I taught and the my memory of Terry Todd okay so to answer your question take it easy what was probably hardest during this competition was definitely a 501 kilo that I tried with filled failings never never never good thing but I gave it my all caught up to a nice but I wasn't able to fill his lift but yeah that was probably you know the toughest lift of the weekend but yes the wheel of pain was a hell of a pain now you know what I went through when I did Conan but anyway the other question that I had is how do you balance between the strongman competition the training void and so on and your acting career it's all about just you know you have to have a great schedule and plan ahead what I do you just have to stay consistent you know for example with my mules I always have meals ready you know with me whenever I travel you know and also make sure when I travel for acting that I have a training facility that they can train at and so on so on so on how make sure that the sleep with my seat pub had sleep of the sheep sheep up because I'm so big big that I have a hard time breathing in asleep because my chest is so big so these small things you know these small things you know making sure I get at least six to eight hours of sleep every single night and making sure that I finished my six meals every day are very important not only the training and how many calories do you eat every day a lot so you don't want to say a number is it ten thousand it's it's roughly ten thousand calories I ate a lot every day a lot of steak and rice some sweet potatoes potatoes you know me twice mostly steak very nice right there down okay guys and then what are you gonna have for dinner tonight when this is all finished steak and a potato very nice all right let's give half a big big hand for being a pig Stannis screen the pigs down a stage okay hold on a second here hold this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you I don't think you saw now we're going to bring out our top six bikini finalists and present their awards there they are ladies and gentlemen presenting our sixth place award check for $1,000 in the trophy representing Blackstone labs PJ brawn and for meadow ex Taylor Creed and that goes to Laura Lee chapattis [Applause] [Music] thank you and congratulations presenting our next award for fifth place check for $1,000 flowers and a trophy from wicked automotive Rick Rick heart and from VPX Phil Williams and that goes to Marcia con Galvez thank you and congratulations our next award is $1,000 from animal we have Kendall C right and from the Columbus Dispatch Edwin Yangon and that goes to jennifer dory thank you and congratulations we have from optimum nutrition Sarah Teeter and from Jan toner of course Jan Tana with a check for $2,000 of the trophy for third place and that goes to pause we're back and that goes to Ashleigh cold water [Applause] congratulations Ashley thank you and in second place check for $3,000 from Europa we have Justin weeks from all Max Sarah Fowler the winner of our second place award is Alicia Puccini [Applause] [Music] thank you and congratulations Alicia and a check for $7,000 for Midway labs we have Carol Sal would ski and from rogue fitness Steve Slater and our first place winner an Arnold champion tonight is Janet Lee ugh [Applause] [Music] or Janet congratulations how does it feel winning incredible this moment means so much to me this with my pro debut in 2014 and my sixth year competing consecutively here so terrific now let me ask you something come over here don't run away how many calories do you eat every day not as many as I want to how many like a thousand you know I don't really count calories that much but if I had to guess more like 15 mm but depending on you know how hard you work you may need more so I like I like to work hard so will you say basic is that all of your girls together eat as many calories as half toured as a day that's wild if you think about it so that's how you stay so lean do you exercise with weights never be afraid to lift weights women muscles are succeed definitely it sure does thank you very much and congratulations pleasure the big hand for Janet can we have all of our finalists come to the center stage for a group picture please girls can you all come to the front [Music] all right Bob chick backstage we were here at the now two-time champ at the Arnold Classic strong man half Thor congratulations thank you so much my friend thank you someone tell me about this stone man I mean this thing just looks impossible to pick up now obviously you were heading the point so you didn't have to go crazy out there but you know one time I'm not sure about how awkward is that I sway over this it's the powers you know you have to have you crave out a very one right position you know if you don't hold it correctly the the stone will will make it very hard for you to lap it so what's made its way there the second row of the audience after stage and then one guy yeah it's also interest on you know almost almost kill people you know it's uh it's a tough stone I was leading with six points going into that event the last event I knew I only had to lap it but I put it up to the shoulders for the full of people for those who weren't watching they recreated that the wheel in the Conan movie how tough was that that they like brutal the wheel of pain event that that was that was I was real pain you know for a whole minute you have to push push the chutes implement and it's just you know it burn it burns burns the thighs burns everything you know just don't fire it's a real killer how heavy was there it's 20,000 pounds it's incredible 20,000 pounds usually I mean you guys have averaged 10 truck poles and tracked it you know and all that kind of a crazy stuff but that's a little bit different than this wasn't it it's different you know we never dawna even like that before we have I mean we've pushed some slats and stuff like that but this is different you know they're inside a black big barrels but it's sent inside it so when you push it it actually wants to push you back you sent this moving inside so it's moving like this you know like like like a wave so wants to like is attacking you you know so it's like a constant pressure brutal I mean the obvious you guys the strongest guys in the world but records here to be broken my friend two years in a row now yeah that was good you know I'm super pleased with with the elephant world records I made this weekend I tried 500 one kilogram made it up to my knees then just you know I didn't have enough power actually my left foot slipped a little bit I think that might have you know cause something but but you know I'm happy overall you know a pair of World Records I want to comment on this you know why am i complaining you know I should be smiling and you're smiling big the mountain once again to time Arnold Strongest Man Cavendish the World's Strongest Man graduations half-door tonight our third place being presented by Phil Williams from VPX and Rick art Rick Rick hard from Rick out automotive and the winner of the third place award tonight is Chiron Holden congratulations presenting the award for our second place winner tonight from optimum nutrition Sarah Teeter from pure protein Robbie Fusco the check for $2,000 and our second place winner is Raymond Edwards [Music] [Applause] congratulations Raymond and from Midway Lebs Carroll's to one ski and from rogue fitness Steve Slater a check for $5,000 and our winner and physique champion tonight is Andre Ferguson [Music] so after what's this was the tricky at the windows composition I had to balance back my last showing wasn't greater so I had to really really work for this one did you practice your posing or what did you do better dyed it harder didn't end up getting surgery so stay away from surgery stared at the hospital okay it's a good lesson for me thank you thank you you look fantastic you look ripped I mean let's see a good app shots come on look at that look at the guy all of you look fantastic I mean this is one of my favorite categories you look fantastic congratulations to all of you congratulations do you keep up the great work okay look great thank you very much let's get all of our winners together in the middle for your photograph for all the media around the world congratulations to all of you well done all right continuing coverage here at the Arnold Classic we're here with the big man of a so big Brian Shaw Brian what's up how we doing I'm doing alright man you're doing alright but man we were everybody was looking for the big you know the the big moment where it's gonna come down with you and the mountain and this and that but unfortunately that didn't happen yeah that was that was what was supposed to happen that was what all my training was get my numbers and tore my hamstring pretty bad so it's tried to battle through what I do but unfortunately it was it was I just couldn't overcome it you know Brian is the redcon one athlete and we've been talking the whole time and as I was walking into the expo one of your training partners came up to me and he said I mean every single thing is on this time every time Brian competes there's always something there like a lagging a problem or an issue this time Brian is a hundred percent it was it was really crazy how well the training was going I mean I was texted you I posted several different things kind of on on either YouTube or Instagram or whatever and and the lists were crazy man I mean I was I was really strong coming in here and it just like I said it's it's just that one instant you know tear that hamstring and it all the hard work you know it you can't put it on display and that's for me that's the most frustrating part is not being able to perform to the standard that I know I can that's the thing right but Bob and me are commentating on bodybuilding and there's never really a moment in bodybuilding where you're like oh he didn't hit whatever right but for you one small instance changes the trajectory of everything I mean people don't you know because of the nature of the beast it was obvious listen ridiculously huge objects and things so I don't you know people that don't know any better don't know it's such a precise sport you know we're just talking a little off-camera Brian about the death and about the bar you know that the bar if it's got any bounce to it as you're picking it up the bounce brings its bring in the wink though you got a thousand pounds in a bar it makes a difference sure yeah I mean it at those yeah those kind of weight you need you everything needs to be dead-on and especially this bar at the Arnold is very unique because it has more play in it it really comes alive a lot more than even a normal deadlift bar and you know there's there's not only myself I mean there was a couple other guys that got hurt on that event you know so it's who knows what will happen it's a very unforgiving unforgiving talk to us talk to me and Aaron about the the wheel of pain yeah that Tom that was a unique event it was a spectacle you know they put a lot into building that you know it's a new event at the Arnold for us we've never done anything like that at all and you know it it was intense man I mean it there it looked brutal yeah well that's what it is it's like a truck full for 60 seconds that never gets easier it's different looking back I would I would probably you know obviously besides not being hurt I'd probably prep a little bit different for that one but it's very out of the wheelhouse you know yeah yeah it was crazy it was crazy a couple guys really went down there how proud of you were this guy I mean you had the vision to bring Brian and I know traditionally most supplement companies in our industry they go what the body builders the body butts represent listen there's some great ones out there you've had some great ones on board but talk to me about about bringing Brian out of how they kind of change the scope of redcon one so firfer when I look at an athlete or determine it will they fit right it's always a difficult decision because you have to not only if you're if you know what you're doing in sports supplements or really anything in general and you find an ambassador or a representative it doesn't just need to be something popular needs to be someone who fits the brand infrared con one it's difficult because we have blue-collar work ethics we're like we have a real brand image and so define somebody perfect actually Brian reached out to me and when we got on the phone I was like man there couldn't be anybody better and today you know he had a an incident that was you know it wasn't what was planned but man couldn't be a better guy I would you could put them all together every other guy competed against put them all together and they're not one Brian Shaw yeah you got that Bob that that's for sure they broke the mold on this way Brian congratulations on everything and we know you're gonna heal up real quick and we'll get you back out there as fast as we can man that sounds good I appreciate it guys very much all right thank you right I got it yeah that's another one of my favorite look at it look how long he can hold the pose look at that he really trains congratulations wonderful the house together give me a big hand here most muscular man in the world thank your with him Thank You Arnold and now the Arnold Classic awards that you've all been waiting for ladies and gentlemen it's the last part of the show so let's bring out our top six let's see who they are because only a six place metal Rick ricard from Ricardo automotive and Natalie Eva Marie from muscle monster and the winner of their $10,000 check in sixth place steve coock low [Applause] thank you well done Steve from reel one proteins Chris chromic and from pure protein Robbie Fusco with a check for $15,000 for fifth place and the winner of that tonight is roelly winklaar [Applause] [Applause] congratulations Rowley from Olmecs Sarah Fowler from Blackstone Lebs PJ Braun fourth place a check for $30,000 in our fourth-place winner tonight is cederick mcmillian [Applause] well done Cedric presenting the third place medal from Europa just in weeks and from animal Kendall see right $50,000 there's a new kid in town ladies and gentlemen lewd sand Oh [Applause] gratulations Luke our second place metal from VPX sports Phil Williams from Jan Tanner we have Jan Tana $75,000 in second place tonight ladies and gentlemen William Banach [Applause] Thank You William presenting our first-place award medal for $130,000 Midway Labs Carol Sawatzky and our winner and new Arnold Classic champion ladies and gentlemen yeah Brandon Currie [Applause] [Music] so let's see it what made you so perfect well my god is good good genetics man good coaching coach Abdullah oxygen gym batter who died my wife supported me my kids being here supported me I got the best team in the world I got the best team in the world that's that's that's what you see but what did you do physically okay they a lot of those competitors have their wives here they have their kids here if the coaches here but what is the difference between your training and their training what did you train more did you train more intensely or what was it or did opposed more what when I speak of my team it's like those who you don't know but my wife is totally cool with me going away for weeks months at a time training in Kuwait at oxygen gym with my coach Abdullah and and just being pushed to the limit focus on all body building 100% I'd have not have to worry about anything just those guys take care of me my coaches with me every day cardio weight training he's all in looking at me everyday and how much how much training did you do everyday when you say everyday I mean pretty much we have one day arrest but pretty much every day we're in the gym at least a couple hours and then we don't that's not even counting cardio so depending on how many call much cardio we're doing it of course we do more to start less to finish because we once we're in shape we don't want to baby the body a little bit you know and how much practicing didn't do the posing or the practicing we posed every day I'm gonna every day we literally pose but two times a week he really wants to look at me I came i posing right makes up hidden all my shots right and then when it comes to the routine it's a lot of visualization it's a lot of feeling of music and it's a lot of just making sure you can see yourself in hitting those shots and then when you go to practice everything makes me it makes it easier you know what's the percentage or that has to do with diet versus training that's it that's an even ballgame I mean we're in this book because we like to Train right that's why we're in this sport right so most of that is easy but when it comes to the discipline of diet and and that fine tune adjustments your coach looking over everything seeing on your body response to this and that that makes the probably the biggest difference when it comes to all all those all those types I'd like to Train like to work out like to be in the gym so that separates the gym rats from the body boarders well thank you very much you're a great champion and this is the second our classic they did one and one third we wanted in Australia Oh Priscilla that's right yeah well I wasn't Brazil last time I was in the hospital in 2013 yeah but no that last year okay well congratulations you look fantastic and we see you very soon in Australia okay good see you bye bye give him a big hand come on now let me do a quick selfie here and then a snapchat hold on a second [Music] court ladies and gentlemen let's light it up for winner Brandon Currie and thank you I don't suppose they go we're gonna bring the guys forward for you through Friday you know ladies and gentlemen I just got a message from back home to say that the Arnold Classic live stream right now is the number one viewed thing on youtube in the world number one more people watching this right now than anything else in the world amazing we've had a great night ladies and gentlemen on behalf of everyone at the Arnold Classic thank you and good night all right here he is the man himself Arnold great to be back in Columbus once again this is my young boy Nick he's the next generation coming in here so it's a great honor once again congratulations on a great weekend what a fantastic show and Brandon Currie and what a representative of the Arnold Classic winner well I tell you I was really impressed this time you know we have talked now several times when we did our Q&A at the antastic and we have another one tomorrow the quality of posing and you know how long the holder poses they've felt like they wanted in shape and they couldn't pull in the stomach and all the stuff I was complaining about but all of that is now getting eliminated you know Sudhir you've seen this time fantastic posing routines very thoughtful everyone has their own kind of interesting music to keep their waste in there when we started the stomach out so I think it really registered and I think that the very fact that we're giving money also for best poser and most muscular so guys are concentrating on those things also and you know this is what it's all about is you know the concentrate of being the most muscular to be the best poser if the best body symmetry that's how you win the competition end of story yeah so this is the second year at the Arnold Classic that you had the classic physique division I wanted to ask you if you were still competing today would you compete in classic or men's open I would open competition but I mean I think they'd be half the classic competition because today that the bar is looks so different and if also what people are taking is so different so it's like a different kind of a almost a different kind of a competition so the idea of the v-shaped body they're really lean waist the abdominals and kind of the wide shoulders small waist that kind of a look and the symmetrical look and the kind of look that when you walk on the beach people look at that and say oh man I would love to have a body like that you know that kind of error is gone so this is why we didn't want to make it gone we wanted to bring it back and to have people have a choice that the day we have a double we have two monsters if the really ripped big guys that are very muscular that weigh 300 pounds and we also have the symmetrical guy the classical physics guys so people really enjoyed it unless you could see the difference I mean the guys yesterday in the classical physics I mean the Okkadu you're a major major vacuum I mean did you see that the difference is because of what they take so I think it's really great to see this classical physique and so I think that the people that they respected it's are enriched to have both are oh I'm so glad you're still here with us that the whole place got a collective gasp but a 400-pound stone rolling off the front the stage right by where you were sitting and the whole place went oh my god how did that look coming at you well it was wild and obvious Edward because there's so much attention to the safety of the stage and you know we have to recognize that this whole thing where they're lifting is a stage that's built that is six feet tall and that's vulnerable and as especially to that much weight in one place so even though we have big platforms there but then it starts rolling towards you and it's hitting the ground and coming towards you you know it's really wild but that's all part of show business you know I think it is really created a little bit extra suspense today than it did yeah absolutely but that strong man is so impressive it's it's it's literally I mean even though I'm from a bodybuilding background it's one of my favorite parts of the entire weekend but that wheel of pain was absolutely incredible to watch what is it's really amazing because so many times people you know say that well you know some of those bodybuilding champions are not getting the big applause that in the old days bodybuilders God but it doesn't mean that the audience is really kind of like lame because as you could see yesterday when miles was doing the deadlift the guy kids with the cerebral palsy right so the people were standing on their feet and the day again when they big I was doing the record in stone lifting people were on their feet I mean they were like screaming and it was like unbelievable the kind of energy is so any audience so the audience just love stuff like that and this is why we are doing the last discipline of the World's Strongest Man competition on stage in front of the people because most people don't get to see the whole thing so thousands of people get to see it but the people who come here in the evening maybe don't see the whole thing so Brandon Curry who won tonight had a really small waist what do you think how important is it to still have a small waist day in bodybuilding I think it's extremely important because they remember the smaller the waist is the bigger the chest looks the bigger the back looks the bigger the Delta it's look so this is kind of like when you when you when you make a you take a piece of paper to make a cross you know the middle with crosses that is then the narrowest and then it goes out this is where the Delta that suddenly then the bottom is where the calves are so the calves have to big Delta's have to be big but the center has to be as skinny as possible and as ripped as possible because your eye goes through the center it doesn't go outward it goes to the center and this is what you see so if you want to look good on the beach the apps are the most important part when you want to look good on the stage when you pose when you want to win the more your waist is defined the way if the intercostals the abs the obliques and the whole thing and the slimmer you are the better you off governor once again I appreciate you taking the time out to talk to our worldwide audience viewing on the webcast and I'll see you tomorrow at the seminar the hidden jewel of the entire weekend it's gonna be a good one we're thinking you know we have been snapchatting the whole weekend and you know we do myself isn't order stuff because social media today is very important and this way so many millions of people can watch it and of life of what's going on here and you know we're very proud that we have this time for the first time 22,000 participants here in 80 different sports from 80 different countries so this has been the biggest honor classic sports and fitness festival ever and we are growing and growing not just in columbus but in all the other continents we'll see you back again next year absolutely I'll be back do that one again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Arnold Sports Festival
Views: 1,391,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arnold Sports Festival, ASF TV, health, fitness, sports
Id: wANjtWXFoe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 7sec (12607 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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