PUSH DAY | The Real Reason I Always Wear Hoodies...

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[Music] murderbreath you gonna organize this video to talk okay I talked up there when it's going yeah okay well then what is up YouTube we're in my body I got myself a new gym gym membership just for you guys because easier to film in here both gym we're doing it by the way we got Muhammad Domo behind the camera again so today is supposed to be what the first workout I show you guys it might push to like just pull like routine it's already explained to you guys the video will be up by now at my new program and I have no idea what it is and I forgot to bring my paper with me wherever it down so I'm not gonna be actually follow the program I made but I'm gonna do as close as I can my memory and yeah so welcome the first edition of push-pull like goosebumps dead we're starting on push day of course so we're down in the steel force room or something whatever itself we hit some bench we're gonna hit some chest and shoulders hooch eyes and big guy throw a workout you longest time I always did suicide gripped in people like Chris stop dude there's something in that I was like no no but my wrist kind of started to hurt it's just not optimal so now I'm trying out my son back under keep my wrist lock and it feels super awkward but you gotta start somewhere so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we also went back to the seventh grip demon last one set the thumbs are leaving me betray me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] two more sets of uno mas uno mas teasing y'all see the play come after [Music] at the end of the agenda didn't know [Music] like I said in my other video the hardest thing for me switching over to doing Pushpa like so the bro split it's not like pushing it too hard if I feel good on bench normally I do it five sets keep pushing your job set whatever inertia camera on my chest if I do that now and I trying to Train chest again in like three days it can be broken so slides important like write down your workouts and just push each set as hard as you can and when you've done that exercise move on to the next one and no focus the program [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I tried to really organize this so I didn't really give a [ __ ] about my shoulders in this kind of training program so I want to focus on building my triceps and chest I'm gonna push it controls might assume that always grew so I put in something like shoulder press right after i bench press pretty little fatigue Nakamoto heavy but I find it's a good way to isolate your shoulders chest is a little tired after that and sitting military press it just kind of puts you in a better position it doesn't let you cheat if you cheat gonna [ __ ] up your lower back so keep your core tight body lock constraint try and push it right overhead and yeah exercise number two [Music] the nice car we should put that in the truck you know you Chuck seats carbon fiber Ram truck seats you never know coming to a theater near you [Music] [Music] [Music] upstairs I guess unless you wanted to use 60s over there I'm yeah my husband these cables I think can't remember with my program my own program is so what's this little wing inefficient [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah what isn't it [ __ ] y'all know me protip never use the stairs during the workout go Birds their ball energy it's lifting the weights no smile no emotion definitely no stairs this just because push-pull legs there's public part of the regime I'm gonna have to adjust my program when I go home that's why I didn't bring it then you had to change in between bench shoulder presses between elevator right up asterisks avoid stairs all caps exclamation points bastards [Music] this is considered cardio too far walk we need the water moving escalators you know in the airports [Music] what's up man your huge fan what's your name I'm James James yeah again coached by our Joe seaman oh yeah he should be training - yeah oh you got so nice to meet you here to meet you Congrats on ya when you volunteer bank robbery okay take a picture she's gonna mention what's next next exercise moving on to more isolation stuff so from now on think everything your valid isolation good fingertips your super set triceps here and push down rope my favorite riser thing and maybe some lateral raises probably some plate I'm too lazy to walk with dumbbells so here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone talked about the serendipity whatever you want to say a text from my sister saying want to get super no one wants to go with me my best friend hello Justin seafood porn isn't really like raw fish sister want to go sushi we're gonna have to go to Maribel Algonquin area I've never been Jim my entire life even the side of Ottawa that's Maribel that's where she will throw sushi the raw gods are action [Music] when's this water coming up I always took my forever anymore I've lost way too much weight probably lost like 20 pounds of muscle Olimpia maybe bit less maybe but we'll see yeah I feel caged wait what is a stage we know from what my nan lean body mass was before rapidly almost 260 and now I'm like like 240 same body fat but healthy and running strong [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah what's gonna live the king [Music] [Music] move it on to a chest isolation now a little bit further into the workout these machines I love it just for my favorite worth like a staple fly but seated machine really can't set about likes better than PEC deck or night but I know my next just a fact again specifically it's a little different so do this right now and training a little pump come to the titties we need a TV comic Oh grant sous-chef is now are you a huge [Music] getting it I could fly there there you long get the shaft only we can all you want get our shaft [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] got your pump time to go okay got your pump time to go something to go yeah he trying to get me out of here no you know me too well he tease me trade my I'm not on camera I'm not like him I'm at the gym for like 15-20 minutes you know do little chest maybe put 350 on the bar walk around wait someone's looking to take it off go home call it a day you know it ain't easy being mr. Olympia but someone's got to do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] such as hose [Music] gotcha because of beat kicks you know they just put their mouse button eat and look so pretty shameless sponsor pug yes want some beat kicks use coatsy bump sweep up hey what's next oh shoot he's mad since i'll actually really control do it [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you want to mention what you're doing yeah yeah it should so I realized I just remembered I was over there that I screwed up all out of this program I remembered what I wrote down I had six sets of waterways 'as was I think four tricep push em then I only did four mile races so I'm jumping over here quick and I'm hammering out - I had a warm-up one kind of like to three extra sets on my del she's got the same amount of sets in and then we're gonna watch the final exercise which it dips kind of like a overall body weight compound at the end of if you say manly chest except I'm gonna try and focus on my tricep but just get a lot of all you might have it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I know where you're out of shape when 15-plus reps makes you lightheaded having to put cardio [Music] mother [Music] I had to move it couldn't be done glutes need some work to fear push down to here like can't get that high mobility program what booty will become goody builder that's Courtney's program to download the e-book swipe up [Music] I forgot to bring it in but I had my little crack cocaine packet in the car aka my new pre-workout coming in I tested it they gave me a little baggies of it just like baggies of white powder I have sitting in my car you know how did on the way here don't hit half the serving of it and like I was really tired I like quiet and I was like put me most shot like picture today he got me up early doing stuff and normally nap be all day and actually lit me up and I feel like focus and I kind of fired up right now I only to cast the scoop you're supposed to and the form has not even done so I'm fired up those who work out come out guys are gonna love it and I'm still trying to pick the flavor I've had a few that were like kind of like popsicle flavored or white raspberry I've had a peach candle one which is really good so get some of the flavor recommendations something you made a pre-workout you'd want it to taste like comment below let me know what you want and maybe I'll try it out [Music] Oh Chris I tell ya people these days what do you even do well that's gonna be it for this workout Michael I still feels weird like fatigue I'm obviously I'm not like I said it's like kind of training like a [ __ ] to them my body's recovering but feels weird not just like destroying a body part for half an hour so yes that's that I'd probably have to redo this video because like I said it and do it but this is a trial run for me and MO and then I guess I'm gonna have another six videos coming out of every single day with my training routine I'm gonna bring my paper this time we're gonna put sets and reps on the screen and yeah hopefully actually like this routine because I kind of put a lot of thought into it and hope it's good if not we're switching back to the bracelet and another way we're here to get you see we heard of a good time so
Channel: Chris Bumstead
Views: 1,775,233
Rating: 4.9589171 out of 5
Keywords: Push pull legs, push, pull, legs, program, training, advice, schedule, Q&A, macros, iifym, reverse diet, full day of eating, meal prep, food, protein, alphalete, posing, ASMR, shredded, contest diet, low carb diet, keto, lean, body fat, body fat percentage, gains, bodybuilding, classic phsyique, cheat meal, abs, von moger, guzman, gym, gymshark, olympia, chest day, back day, leg day, squats, bench press, diet, thick back, rows, peak week, carb load, carb up, vegas, fortnite, gaming, video games
Id: o8EL5FkopT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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