Mexican Pulled Pork

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hey guys it's matt pittman the ceo and pit master at meet church barbecue well welcome back to my outdoor kitchen here in waxahachie texas today we're going to make something you guys have been asking me for since september of last year mexican pulled pork [Music] so last september we had a pop-up class at meat church barbecue supply uh when we launched our pellets and i did something that a friend of mine calls a mexican pork butt i'm gonna give you the history of that but it went over such a huge success and all the people on our facebook meet church congregation page have just been saying make a video make a video and so this has been on our list for a while we had a lot of holiday stuff we had to do but now it's time so let's jump right into this so what do we have here this is about a 10 pound pork butt it's bone in it's prairie fresh so it's going to be amazing pork we're not going to do a whole lot to it because this is going to ultimately be pulled pork so anything i trim off is something that i can't eat with that said i'm going to go ahead and take a boning knife and just trim off kind of the little pieces hanging off because that'll that'll just burn up kind of into a crisp ultimately and i'll trim a little bit of the fat while we talk and i've got this uh pork butt sitting here on a rosewood topper board this is something we sell at our shop so i like to do my my prep on these that way i can kind of take it away and and just work on my block with the final product when we're done so let's just trim off these couple a couple big big hunks here actually that one's not too bad a little bit of this fat on the money muscle so let's talk about the history of this how did this come to be why did we do it so i come from the south and we eat pulled pork or we ate pulled pork you know as a kid all the time and when you think pulled pork you think sweet you know sweet flavor profile is generally what you have with with with pork so when we make pulled pork we're using typically our gospel seasoning our honey hog you might be using a sweet barbecue sauce you know just like i said an overall sweet profile well many years ago a friend of ours phillip placed at the american royal he actually got second place in the port category making what he called a mexican pork butt and if you know much about the recipe it wasn't all that mexican uh basically he braised it in a like humex juice like a fruit juice so something you find at local hispanic markets but it always stuck in our head and he gave me the recipe years ago so fast forward to this past year i was talking to another good buddy of mine woody sean woodson if you guys know woody three woody's barbecue out of kennedale texas woody's a legend woody and i were talking about that recipe and he started showing me something that he's done i thought sounded amazing and that's what we're gonna do right now so let's flip the script and let's not go sweet let's go savory so completely different and i think you're going to find this is it's really going to shock you it's kind of like if you own a barbecue joint you don't want to eat ribs nobody wants to eat sweet ribs anymore so people in texas make salt and pepper ribs as a change of paste that's what this is going to remind you of no sweetness in this whatsoever so first things first we're going to start with some hot sauce we're using cholula hot sauce you can use whatever you want we're going to use this as our binder i'm going to start on the fat side first i know i did not trim any fat off the back i'm keeping the fat cap so this is this is a binder adding a little color obviously a little bit of flavor as well so let's get it on all sides the sucker's slippery i feel like i'm mud wrestling right now so slather that on really good so look this would be an alternative to doing what a lot of people in the south do which is mustard look at that oh yeah and now we're gonna season very heavily with our dia de la fajita so our fajita seasoning salt pepper onion garlic a little bit of citrus we use it on obviously all things fajita but we also use this on all of our vegetables it's a great veg seasoning so this is kind of ends up being an all-purpose for me and it can be salty so typically i say go lighter but not on this this is a big old cut of meat it's going to be pulled pork ultimately so honestly it's going to be hard to overseason it so go liberal as they say clearly you can use whatever season you want but i'm not going to give you that pc line today i'm going to tell you this is what this recipe is about this is what woody uses this is what i use this is what we use in that class in september and it was a huge hit liberal liberal okay looks pretty good so obviously you can see this is going to be very different from what you're used to and it's going to be killer and there's some more stuff we're going to do to it as we cook it but first things first i need to let the seasoning in here i'm going to let this pork butt sweat out as they say so let's give it 10 15 minutes i'm going to check on my cooker and then we'll get to the next step all right guys this is nice and adhered so let's talk about cooking this today we're going to cook on the traeger ironwood 885 with the meat church pellets great blend of oak and hickory obviously you can cook this on anything you want to cook it on in fact if you saw our last pulled pork video we cooked it on an offset but you got to love the convenience of a traeger maybe if you're busy got things going on plus you can monitor it remotely if you're away from the house so here's what we're going to do let's load this bad boy in here and we're going to be cooking this for probably seven eight hours let me wipe my hand off here what we're looking for is actually this next step which i'm about to get out here for you guys change my gloves so i didn't do anything to this one sitting beside it other than just let it ride i haven't spritzed it or anything let me pull this out one hander here soft underneath and hot let's bring this out so i know because i've already checked this it's just over 170 or 173. this is the wrap stage of this pork butt so you've you know you've just got this really pretty bark now you can see it's not as beautiful mahogany or you know kind of bright red from the sweeter stuff we did because you've got that hot sauce on here you've got the fajita on here so it's not going to look as pretty basically it's just going to be a little darker but get yourself a pan it's coming apart i actually i usually go in two pans and let's go to the next step here so we're going back to our hot sauce i'm gonna take this glove off now so let's let's slather or let's put a little more of this on here all over it and for those of you wondering right now don't worry this isn't going to be blazing hot i can't handle super hot stuff and i love this but clearly you know put on the amount that you like this is going to be great right here we're going to add some more seasoning this is a really common step for me at the wrap stage of pork back when i was competing or if i'm making it at home i usually will put more seasoning in at this stage so a little more seasoning now we're gonna go with some butter also extremely common uh tip something done in competition barbecue i always say this butter adds richness lots of butter and barbecue i'm gonna go back to my old line i ain't here to help you lose weight i'm here to help you enjoy life well this butter's soft so this is salted butter that i sliced up let me get my get my knife out here let this butter get a little too soft okay and then i'm gonna i'm gonna go with a little bit of chicken stock down in the bottom we're basically gonna braise this and this is about a half a cup it's not a whole lot but again get away from that sweet profile this works really really well so that's good to go so let's get her boiled up i'm back and we go [Applause] okay we're gonna go back in the traeger still running 250 degrees i can make myself a little more room by grabbing my final product here so once you're back in the cooker you're going to roll this let me put my pro back in here that's hot put my meat probe right in the middle there we go all right that is hot okay let's get this fat out of here so what we did here was this is a foiled version that we cook this is this has been going about probably two and a half hours more after we foiled it and this is probe tender which i'm going to show you now the downside to brazing you kind of lose that bark on the top but i'll show you a tip about that in just a second but just take your instant read thermometer and there's like no resistance whatsoever look how tender that is that's crazy so that's done and look at all that beautiful liquid right there we're over 200 degrees 206 that is more than done so here's what i'm going to do i want to get that bark back so i'm actually going to put this back in the traeger for 10-15 minutes to kind of build some of the bark back then we're gonna pull it and it's gonna be time to make tacos all right guys let's get this pork butt out of the traeger [Music] the bark's not completely back but you can see it firmed up a little you know you don't have to do that for this in particular but it's a good lesson just in barbecue in general especially for those of you that wrap your briskets in foil it's a way that you could pull the protein out of the foil put it back in the cooker and kind of build some or gain that bark back i'm going to pour out there's a ton of juice in here it's going to be way hot so be careful with this hang on to that in fact we're going to put some in a fat separator this is your friend when you're making pulled pork that's how you get it so juicy let's pull this butt out of here oh this thing's tender not only was it probed tender but brazen in that liquid this thing is tender tender all right we got it man look at that all right and it smells really really really good i can smell the hot sauce i know it's gonna be good i gotta let this cool off uh let's give it a while i'm not going for the long rest on this but i'm gonna let it rest long enough that i can actually pull it so i'm probably gonna give it about half an hour sitting here on the block and then we'll be back all right it's time to pull the pork and see how we did well you know me i'm going to start down here on the money muscle because as my friend myron mixon always says money muscle is how you get paid let's just pull some of that right there save some of that i like to pull some out from by the by the bone still pretty hot i mean you should rest it a little bit longer but i'm trying to be nice to my video crew and not people keep people here all day but looks really good i love that smoke you've got right there i'm gonna go ahead and give that a little bit of a taste before i do something with it you could do a lot of things with this but the first thing i do is see how you did that that pork flavor is great um i love the savoriness that i'm picking up from that but anytime that i pull pork i love that i'm like three four seconds later i'm feeling the savory the not normal sweet it's gonna blow your mind cause you're used to this being sweet and that's not what you're gonna get any time i pulled pork i do a couple things i put some more seasoning in it another big competition thing people put a finishing dust on stuff so mix some of that in there if you want and i mentioned you guys that i put some of the the jew in a fat separator and you can see that it did its job now that liquid is not just fat it's also obviously some of the chicken stock and you can see the separation but what i'll normally do is i'll kind of dredge back through that as well this is great for pulled pork sandwiches anytime you're making pulled pork if you want to not have to have barbecue sauce just put some of that back in it and what you got right there is just super juicy pork now man that's good that's insanely good if you want it hotter this is when you say all right i want a little more hot sauce on it so here you can you know you can kind of deal with your crowd here you can have some that's not too hot you can have some that's a little more hot by adding some hot sauce right here obviously that's like super moist juicy ah that's good people that make barbecue all the time don't eat the core meats like you're not going to find me making pulled pork all the time you're not going to be find me making brisket for my family all the time but that's a great change of pace that i would love but here is my preferred way to eat this now got some fresh flour tortillas that were made this morning clearly you could do this on a bun you can make a pulled pork sandwich you could do whatever the heck you want to do but if we're going to call this mexican pulled pork then my god we're going to make a taco i got a little bit of red onion you could also do white a little cilantro a little cotija a little more cotija cheese and i got a i got a creamy hot sauce out of awesome i like called blue top this is lime jalapeno we also have an amazing pico recipe on all of our recipes are on but the pico would be great on it you know kind of top it would with whatever you want gotta have a little squeeze of lime in there look at that well we'll see how y'all think it's going to be looks good [Music] that's the biggest bite i've ever taken on camera i'm in love with this the salt pepper onion garlic seasoning on the pork butt the hot sauce really comes through with that it's just such a contrast to pork that i grew up on i know i've said that several times but it's so different so enjoyable this will be great for the typical taco tuesday or whatever you want to do with it i always say to end the great product you gotta start with great product the prairie fresh pork butts amazing pork before you do anything to it traeger with the pellets ran like a dream and made this cook super easy for me so i could live my busy life if you guys like what we're doing please like and subscribe to our channel as always you can find all of our recipes at see y'all next time [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 939,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mexican pulled pork, pulled pork, mexican pulled pork recipe, carnitas, pork carnitas, how to make carnitas, pulled pork tacos, mexican pulled pork tacos, carnitas tacos, pork carnitas recipe, tacos, pulled pork recipe, carnitas recipe, mill scale, mill scale pit, meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, how to, how to make, cooking, fajita
Id: UkenVuBMW5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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