POOR DADS Humiliated By Strangers, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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excuse me sir could you spare some change i need to wash my clothes for a very important job interview i'm just trying to put a roof over my daughter's head yeah right you probably don't even have a daughter besides look at you no one would ever hire you dad how much longer are we gonna be living in the car i really miss my bed things are a little hard right now but i promise you daddy's gonna find a new job and you're gonna be back in your bed another time okay daddy come on let's go we're gonna be late [Music] hey jim i'm sorry to bother you but i was wondering if you heard anything i'm sorry but still no calls back but i don't understand i have a master's degree and a good resume the job market just isn't what it used to be but i'm not giving up come on we'll come back later oh hold on not too fast hello yes this afternoon absolutely huh well he'll be there all right you have an interview it's for a senior management position that they're looking to fill immediately they want you there at 3 o'clock that's the address don't be late but that's two hours from now i don't think i'd make it and i have my daughter you know what um why just leave ella with me and i'll take you to get some pizza or something huh and you just go what are you waiting for dad a go okay okay i'll be back thank you so much hmm [Music] excuse me sir could you spare some change i need to wash my clothes for a very important job interview i'm just trying to put a roof over my daughter's head yeah right you probably don't even have a daughter besides look at you no one would ever hire you [Music] baby what are you doing here we just got pizza why aren't you dressed don't you have to get ready for your interview yeah well there's no use i didn't even have enough money to wash my clothes and now there's probably not enough time i can't go looking like this [Music] what are you doing here just wear my suit what no i i can't let you do that please [Music] i insist thank you don't mention it but hurry up because we're running out of time i'll never forget this hi there mr amari hello sir thank you for seeing me it's a nice suit you look sharp have a seat you know i must say i am very impressed by you thank you sir i never do this so quickly but i'd like to offer you the position what do you say oh my god yes yes of course thank you so much you have no idea [Music] you have no idea how much this means to me [Music] welcome to the team oh great chat i would love for you to meet mr amari i just hired him as our new senior manager he'll be your new boss oh well it's nice to meet you you you don't understand this man is by far the most qualified candidate you'll be reporting to mr amari right away fact would you like some coffee [Music] that would be wonderful uh yes i mean yes sir right away daddy sweetie so how'd it go i got the job it's so celebrating that's great want some pizza we're home sweetheart we're finally home hi guys i'm here with my dad and we're gonna practice one last time before the talent show ready yeah i done seen city back that ain't like this i'm the man instagram take my pig like this i have to take this phone call okay i'm sorry okay wow galani don't tell me you're dancing in the talent show with your dad are you really surprised everyone knows she doesn't have any friends that's not true my dad's my friend and we're actually vlogging together too wow any girl who vlogs with her dad is definitely a loser [Laughter] no my favorite youtube channel the lebran fam the daughter everly dances and vlogs with her dad cole and they're actually not losers they're really cool and i want a channel just like them you want to have a youtube channel and how are you ever gonna get subscribers her only subscriber will be her dad listen let me call you back okay look he's coming now let's go it's gonna be fun watching you lose tonight to pink velvet see you later loser hey honey you okay yeah i'm fine those girls were just making fun of me for not having friends hey it's okay you've got me right i'll always be your friend how about if we practice again from the top yeah i done scene city lights let's find dad we're probably not even gonna win let's just go get this over with are you sure wow there's so many people out there don't worry it's gonna go great you ready yeah i just need to use the bathroom real quick ah i'm so nervous there are so many people here and i really hope that i don't look who it is wow i'm surprised you didn't need to bring your dad in here with you leave me alone nice camera let me see that stop i can't believe you think anybody would ever watch your vlogs no one cares about a loser and her dad stop it give me that let go my camera you broke it not like it matters no one was gonna watch your dumb vlog anyway i just saved you the embarrassment of having posted it oh it's almost our time on stage we should go let's go win this thing ladies [Music] whoa sweetheart hey are you okay no i don't want to do the dance anymore wait where are you going hey sweetheart please stop for a second what's going on i should have never come here dancing with my dad a youtube channel what was i thinking i thought that was your whole dream [Music] to be like the lebran family no not anymore we don't want to wear this stupid hoodie anymore oh no i'm so sorry that's all right oh my gosh you're cola bran yeah nice hoodie by the way uh is everything okay sorry i just can't believe i'm meeting you you don't understand i watch all your family's vlogs okay i just need a second these girls keep calling me a loser because i don't have any friends and because i want to start vlogging with my dad first off i love the vlog idea do that and second not having friends doesn't make you a loser it doesn't of course not you can be cool all by yourself and besides i'm pretty sure you have at least one friend your dad and that's all that really matters you're so right i can't believe i almost left the talent show and actually honey we're almost up well i guess we better get going thank you cole you're welcome and make sure you vlog it oh shoot i forgot my camera broke well why don't you try recording with my phone no dad that won't work it's okay let's just go hey you know what here's my camera you can have it are you serious that's too much we can't take that no really i insist take it [Music] thank you so much cole i'll never forget this you're welcome and good luck [Music] what an amazing [Music] i'm surprised you even showed up next up we have [Music] [Applause] oh my apologies next up we have the rodriguez farm hold up [Music] and her dad continued to do the dance and impress the entire crowd when they finished the crowd goes wild and gives them a standing ovation based on the audience's reaction there was no doubt who the winner of the talent show was kelani picks up her camera and continues to vlog this unforgettable moment everyone was so excited well mostly everyone at least when kelani gets home the first thing she does is edit the video and upload it onto youtube she posts it under her new family channel within a short time the video ends up going viral they end up gaining hundreds of thousands of subscribers from all over the world kelani couldn't believe it she continues vlogging for their family channel and doing even more dances with her dad [Music] their views and subscribers continue to explode [Music] and then a few months later kelani happens to run into pink velvet they just broke one million subscribers that's insane i've never met anyone with that many subs i don't understand what's so special about her look there she is let's go talk to them all right rodriguez fam see you in the next vlog hey kalani i just wanted to say oh my gosh hey um you're like our favorite youtubers can you get a pic of course yeah this is awesome thank you thank you so much i can't believe that just happened oh sorry about that so you and your dad are like famous now um well i wouldn't say all that well we were wondering if you ever want to dance with us yeah imagine the rodriguez fam does a collab with pink velvet our fans would go crazy really yeah maybe you could even be our friend and we could all hang out together wow that's okay i already have the one friend i need but thanks though she's the coolest girl i know yeah seriously whatever let's just go she's my best friend [Music] thus okay i'm totally 1487. this is six dollars and 12 cents i said 14.87 i thought i had more let me see this is all i have and you have to put something back you can take the mail out could you hurry up please i don't have all day buddy i'm really sorry daddy is something wrong no sweetie everything's okay total now 1286. you still don't have enough listen you can take the cake out daddy no it's for grandpa's birthday he's been really sad you want to leave it or not you can take it now 604 next finally some people are just the worst i know right hey sweetie it's gonna be okay but grandpa has been so sad lately and the cake would have made him so happy excuse me i'm sorry i didn't mean to startle you i just saw what happened back there and i thought that maybe i could help so please take this wow man um thank you but why are you doing this you don't even know us well i know what it's like to not have enough you see when i was a young boy my mother and i were homeless and we barely had enough money to eat we went to the grocery store and when my mom got to the cashier she didn't have enough money to pay we left the store empty-handed not knowing how we were going to eat that night but then out of nowhere an amazing man bought us some food we didn't know how we would ever repay him but he gave us this card and said the only thing we needed was to one day help someone else in need so you see i'll never forget that kind man he thought he was just giving me food but he gave me so much more than that a life lesson i'll never forget he made such a big difference in my life and he'll probably never know wow man that's a beautiful story my grandpa's gonna be so happy here i'm gonna take this [Music] and just always remember to pay it forward and help someone else in need i will thank you mister hey dad we got something for you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear dad happy birthday to you this is lovely my favorite cake grandpa why are you crying it's nothing sweetie i'm fine please dad just just tell us what's wrong it's just that i turned 76 years old today and lately i can't help but wonder has my life had any purpose have i made any difference in this world please dad don't talk like that it's like today is your birthday we want to celebrate that [Music] okay i'm sorry let's do that but son how could you afford to buy this cake i know things have been hard yes to be honest i didn't have any money but there was this man who he bought everything for us and the only thing he asked us to do in return was to do it for someone else in the future he even gave us his card he said that someone gave it to him when he was little [Music] dad is everything okay listen i just realized that my life did make a difference now who wants the first piece me i know me excuse me i'm your child only way you have a grandchild is because of me christmas trees get your christmas trees it's no use we haven't sold a single tree it just doesn't seem like there's any christmas spirit this year don't give up dad but it's already christmas eve after tonight all these trees will be worthless look excuse me have you gotten your christmas tree yet if not i have some for sale no and i'm not buying one it's been a horrible year i mean why would anyone even want to celebrate christmas see i've been hearing that all day everyone's christmas spirit is gone it's okay dad we'll figure something out but i really needed to sell those trees i didn't want to have to tell them but i wasn't able to pay our renters and to be honest i don't even have enough money to buy us dinner tonight this is gonna be the first christmas that you don't even get a present i feel like such a bad day hey i don't need any presents besides don't you remember what mom always used to say christmas isn't about receiving it's about i remember he used to give us such good advice and i was so bad that she was here to tell us what to do that's it that's what we need to do since we can't sell the christmas trees why don't we just give them away for free what no how we're giving away our trees help pay for our rent or put food on the table or even buy you a gift i don't know but it might help raise the christmas spirit besides you said it yourself after tonight these trees will be worth nothing so what do we have to lose [Music] hey walter hey charlie is everything okay everything is fine mr frank we just stopped by to see if you and mrs frank had a christmas tree well no it's been a really hard year for my wife and i didn't feel the christmas spirit you know i definitely know but i think i have something that just may lift your spirits my daughter and i we brought you a christmas treat as a gift what oh my gosh honey walter and his daughter brought us a christmas treat oh hey sorry i was cooking that is so sweet of you walter we almost didn't celebrate because [Music] my wife is she hey it's okay thank you very much this means the world to us you're welcome merry christmas merry christmas bye okay here goes nothing [Music] hi cynthia that's a nice sweater you need oh thanks it's for my daughter is there anything i can do for you too we were just wondering if you've gotten a christmas tree yet [Music] no i decided not to celebrate this year i just don't have a reason to anymore [Music] i i just haven't had the christmas spirit oh i'm sorry to hear that but we brought you something that just might cheer you your very own christmas tree [Music] really you got this for me [Music] this reminds me of my daughter [Music] never mind you have no idea how much this means to me thank you merry christmas merry christmas [Music] we only have one more tree to give away yeah but who should we give it to um [Music] what about her but that's the lady that turned me down earlier it's okay i'm sure she needs it more than anybody okay if you say something excuse me miss i already told you i wasn't in the sphere to celebrate christmas let alone buy a tree i know i'm sorry but i'm not here to try to sell you a treat you are then what do you want i want to give you one instead that's a gift you're giving me a complete stranger a gift but i don't understand why would you do that a wise person once told me christmas is not about receiving it's about giving wow i love that i didn't expect this [Music] i've i've had a really hard time lately i don't want to get into it but i'll never forget this merry christmas merry christmas to you too can i help you put it in the car sure thank you well we did it we gave away all the trees don't you feel better now what's wrong dad i just feel bad we don't have any food to eat i don't know what to do mr and mrs frank what are you two doing here we wanted to bring this it's a special dinner that my wife made just for you and charlie this means more than you realize thank you so much no thank you this has been a a really hard year for us you see my wife has cancer and she hasn't been doing too well so we've decided not to celebrate christmas this year when you brought us that tree [Music] you made us realize no matter what we're going through we should always celebrate the times we have together so you see thank you for helping bring back our christmas spirit oh no i'm so sorry spring i'm so happy that you guys decided to celebrate merry christmas to the birthday merry christmas here you go [Music] see that i told you everything was gonna work out were right honey what's wrong this is gonna be the first year that you don't get anything for christmas i'm so sorry cynthia i i just wanted to stop by and and give you this [Music] it's a christmas gift for charlie but i thought this was for your daughter well it was but what i didn't tell you was that i lost my daughter last year this has been one of the hardest christmas i've ever had you see ever since she was a little girl i would knit her a sweater every christmas she would get so happy and this year even though she isn't here anymore i couldn't get myself to break that tradition i spent the whole day crying thinking about her but when you gave me that christmas tree it made me feel like i had my daughter with me again so you see i wanted to just stop by and thank you for giving me my christmas spirit back again oh my god i'm so sorry cynthia i had no idea it's okay i don't talk about it much thank you for the gift you're welcome and merry christmas merry christmas to you too wow i wasn't expecting it well this is for you it's a christmas present wow this is so beautiful see i got a present after all now come on let's see i'm so excited everything is just working out so what's wrong [Music] the rent i wasn't able to pay today was the deadline it's okay i'm sure the landlord won't say anything on christmas eve [Music] hey walter you have the red money no i'm sorry hank i just need a little more time your time is up i need you to pack your things and go now but it's christmas eve please don't do this i need you out right now dad is everything okay no we've been kicked out of my farm i knew we shouldn't have given away all those christmas trees come on dad please don't lose your christmas spirit something will work out honey it's freezing what's taking you so long you what are you doing here i live here you two know each other yeah he's the guy i was telling you about the one that gave us the christmas tree yeah wow thank you so much you have no idea how much you helped us help you what do you mean you helped save our marriage [Music] you see this year has really taken a toll on our relationship we've been so stressed out in fighting all the time things got so bad that we decided to get a divorce [Music] when you saw me earlier i was on my way home to sign our divorce papers but when i brought home that christmas tree that you gave me it just brought back so many amazing memories we've had we weren't going to celebrate christmas this year but because of you we've changed our minds we spent hours reminiscing on special moments and just having a good time again so much so that we called off the divorce so you see thank you for saving our marriage [Music] you're welcome i'm glad i could help you know what forget about the rent consider paying for really [Music] are you sure yes [Music] because a wise person once told me that christmas isn't about receiving it's about giving so merry christmas merry christmas to you too [Music] i can't believe what just happened this is the christmas miracle we definitely have an angel watching out for us i know [Music] your mom would be so proud of you hey dar man fam make sure to subscribe to my channels and check out this next video i know you're gonna love it what are you doing playing on my ps5 hold on there's only six people let me do that mom sam i told you video games aren't for girls i think i can get this new wolf pack hoodie that gamer girl you can play with this while you wait here i want to play with orbeez why'd you kick this oh my god sniper wolf
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 9,106,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, self imporvement, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, fathers day, being a dad, family advice, fatherhood
Id: 7b4XnGAs5mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 30sec (2610 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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