Polygon Plays JACKBOX! Feat. Griffin, Pat, Brian, Jenna & More!

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I may have misread the okay everybody hi welcome to another one of these jackbox videos we have a bunch of new people here at polygon so we wanted to have them in here to have a little bit of fun to my right is new person number one the Jenna hello Jenna hello Pat hello everybody over to Jenna's right is the Brian yeah that's me to Brian's right is somebody who is not new but is way is this your first time in one of these jack box videos okay in that case returning favorite Susannah bolo and then we have a couple friends online too you want to say hi online friends hi it's Griffin hello welcome to our video we worked really hard on it hi I'm returning person people are forced to deal with contractually Jeffrey OH let's jump right into some quip lash do I forget this is the one board the goal is just to be funny I think do my best is there a cash prize I think the prize is our companionship yeah you are right now you're competing to be liked by anybody else at polygon all right I'm just saying like I can put five bucks in anybody else feeling rocky I want to put your money where your mouth is on this one 5 5 bitcoins yeah how much is one Bitcoin like 10 bucks I love this prompt would someone misread something the first time guess you missed read something the second I thought it said another name for cash I thought this is good good fun sorry there's too many unhealthy chocolatey candy sugar snacks and my kids pick me right in my papal bottom Jesus I'm gonna vote against that one that's fair thank you for your it's okay I made up for it by completely like going bogus on my other one and not putting any godmother one is so bad oh god I'm so sorry everybody so sorry I mean that word could be anything by diecast car collection my Lady Diana commemorative plate collection I'll be honest I only put Reince Priebus his name down there cuz it was the funniest name I could I loose Eric yeah how four pound Reince Priebus is like a choice choice name okay so I'm sorry about this but I tried to phone tried to go to the Jeff well at the end geez and deleted it in the horror and knows it what what what does that mean is it an acronym Dominus I'd like yes leprechauns ingest candy eggs I am so vexed by everything that's gone I was I had two seconds left I had to say somebody to do that once again I'll take those default votes I was just joking about the money wager round unless round two goes really well in which case I was being a hundred percent definitely serious Wow that was an easy around for me the money back on the table you feel confident yeah money's back on the table gang god I don't know I've been served a question as potentially insanely problematic please just please just understand I did the best with what I was is it fight you slice it I didn't slice exactly that one's really cute that one should go in a Hallmark card yeah brunch dress t-shirt that you would purchase at some vacation destination yeah something that would be printed on coasters yeah call it a comeback these are both good I'll forgive the yeah I'm gonna pretend I didn't see the type oh man this the problematic one No no I think you guys will know the problematic way yeah it's it's like page one column one section a of problematic joke territory I really I really wish you guys didn't put my tinder opening messages on yeah I had no idea to voted for that jeff unload date do you think those ideas were appropriate at the time [Laughter] I don't have regrets I mean depending on who you ask sometimes people will say marinara sauce is gravy and those people are wrong okay that's right that's just tomato gravy it's pizza gravy no my Skype password jeez Pat sitting pretty on the mountaintop I put together like in lieu of doing a really obvious dirty joke I'm putting a very PG I'm doing I'm doing the unfunny obvious one no good chaser chase that instant oh but this is going on YouTube kids I can oh my ass wins I hope what's the dirty funny joke I think the dirty funny joke was welcome to the open alpha a flashlight and you didn't put I didn't it was too long that's a ring for golem stop no it's good we don't make rings out of human flesh like combs are made of stone yeah yeah it's a big stone ring I've learned a lot about the world of sex toys that's gonna be enough I think that's gonna be enough your ass is not enough person my ass is not enough to beat Pat let's find out how powerful is Griffin's ass not powerful enough it's weird to have a specific metric for how not powerful your asses I mean people bottom jeans is the best warrior okay all right so now we're gonna hop in for a round of fib egde enough about you which is a really good way of learning things about our new friends here are these eyeballs this is beautiful it's a this one's actually really pretty yeah I love this like the aesthetic is on this end I'm growing radishes out of my pupil now we're gonna make up lies about Griffin and we're gonna have a multiple-choice quiz later I'll put the pee pants won't hurt my feelings [Laughter] so now you vote how much one you think is the correct answer I'm just now realizing I may have screwed myself over with some colloquial oh maybe not all right yeah I put it I guess it right and it's not bad did anybody else I put in P call it Danny buddy else call it Jay yeah we had a gym we had gym and then pop up when I stopped he pop up I was like oh no that is actually what it's called yeah and that's not a falsehood by the way I was i oh it's not the most athletic I was gonna put that but it seemed mean and obvious but it was the truth so I don't know well sometimes yeah sometimes the truth I'm excited to find out your worst fear this valuable video something tells me that Brian's worst fear is a little more esoteric than that ah man I can't fear something you already have because I sit next to you hell yeah yo neck nice neck like I you're not a fan of having the neck mm specifically the neck good not gonna feel anyone that's why premature wear collared shirts is like I feel exposed if I don't have one I want you know that even though I'm sitting right next to you right now I promise I will not use this as a goofy opportunity to touch your neck I appreciate that see I feel like this is the worst game to play because I don't know any of you I'm just I think my embarrassing singer or band you think you know me I'll see you Jeff it's not about whether or not I know you right now it's about what I can make seem plausible to our co-workers that's also something I can't do I just shake you I put in what I hope you like and only a few of them are things you should actually be embarrassed oh hey cuz Hansen owns Jenna I don't know you very well cuz you just started this week but I'm gonna pick the one I hope is true okay I see I'm gonna learn about all of you oh man okay and Jenna you've deeply disappointed there's nothing disappointing I can't believe you thought Jenna was a big fan of disgraced dark and I don't never be ashamed of living your truth Jay this is a Spice Girls positive space that's good see I didn't know totally I didn't know I would dare say it's a spice world Jeff did you write black two eyes you're gonna edit that out right Pat no it stated my friend it's mermaid paints all right look a black eyes you're really interested to see what people put in for this prompt specifically not for me just this prompt seems like it has a lot of pitfalls in it oh no one of these is stranger than fiction every bit of context on the true one I realize may be really important in retrospect oh man finally because I knew one thing about you and it was okay while I was in Middle School I was everyone is don't date anyone while you are in middle school the first person I dated in middle school was a foot and a half taller than I'm you know I met my wife in middle school who know that was a big lie huh we've been telling the truth so much in this game I just wanted to see what it felt like well it felt endearing for a moment hold on I have to be mean to dress I'm gonna get the award for their most email sent to HR after this you guys can all kiss my entire one of them's really nice not the one I did that's two Wow it's cuz we all know that Jeff draw is really good yeah Susanna with a killer around Suzanne is cleaning up jump rope or jumbo for hardest hilarious yeah it was the only like kid thing I wanted to see what it would feel like to not be mean and I didn't love him a bad experiment not being mean to Jeff or heart see this is just about coming up with plausible dream imagery kissing a lady yeah I feel like this game is taking a turn for us trying to win we're Risa posed to be doing definitely up by referring to Pan the third person that is that's definitely a dream you've had before just not the most recent I mean he's in all of my dreams yeah yeah for real that I have that one too much I'm very specific but he said his cat yeah my cat Daniel oh no the truth hurts wow you've learned too much money I bet you're really relieved when you woke up though yeah after a few minutes of like desperate checking this is the best part of the game I hope it's not yeah that's tragic I'm a Nintendo laughs oh nice it's the only thing that can harm Jack so I know that last time we played this I really knocked knocked this one out of the park so I'm excited for everybody to see mine like whenever I open a box my hands start breaking out a little bit weird see but length hair tells me nothing because I don't know everybody's butt is a different height and a different length pick the one I hope it is not she's been stabbed twice yeah both of these are sad in such different I don't know I don't know why I thought I could make it but I had confidence in my abilities it's beautiful listen spacejam had just come out Patrick well technically if it's the second one then the first one's also true all of the above yeah I've hacked into jackbox servers it can't be I have two cats or else it's what you've done is incorrect that's true Jeff Jeff you fell for it that was a logic puzzle it's like that has anybody seen Bryan jumpy I haven't seen him move quickly at all yet but maybe he conserves his energy for big jumps Bryan how tall are you 510 we can film something after tell us about the UPS I wore ankle weights during middle school so I could jump higher and now I can jump higher damn if I've done that I could have made the bball game backwards how does that happen I don't know but I hope it's true I've seen your mouth it's my top left cainy canine canine tooth both of my canine teeth were impacted and I had to have oral surgery and like braces forever to bring them down and one of them just like came in backwards I'm sure that hurt but I bet that victories presa yes yeah but backwards hey congrats on that big win yeah big w on the boy Russian it over here well cool that's fair and the most gullible this is I want this stricken from the record yeah we can't publish this okay folks this has been another edition of this jack box party pack thing we're gonna try to do this little more regularly so thank you for tuning in say goodbye everybody at the same time in five four three two one [Applause]
Channel: Polygon
Views: 455,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jackbox, jackbox party pack, Jenna Stoeber, griffin mcelroy, patrick gill, pat gill, susana polo, brian gilbert, jeff ramos, fibbage about you, quiplash, funny jokes, jackbox lets play, jackbox gameplay, funny, gameplay, lets play, videogames, poygon jackbox, polygon quiplash, quip lash, quiplash 2, fibbage, polygon fibbage, polygon mcelroy, jenna polygon, brian polygon, lets play jackbox, jackbox party pack 4
Id: UZfNc_kbxKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2018
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