Polygon plays JACKBOX | "Wario's Viscous Sweat" feat. Adam Moussa

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why'd you make the baby sad Griffin can you talk about that he's being offered up to the Sun to his son father hi everybody welcome to another ASMR jackbox stream this time without so much ASMR I'm Patrick Gill and let's go around and introduce everybody then introduce our special guest starting on my left hello I'm Jenna hello I'm also Simone Brian on the phone we have hey this is crinkly favorite listen I miss the ASMR week last week I want to play in the space I appreciate you investing in that binaural microphone right now I'm I'm one week off now so I'm always gonna do whatever the bit was the three days and we have a very special guest today by the name of Adam hi that's me yes hi also good about yourself I work for boxes I mean for polygons sister site at Vox EDA and I spend my time making dumb memes with Super Mario Odyssey and Zelda and that's pretty much all I do with my life nice and now as a leader expert and this is a sort of an eater video game collabo in experts and like a baby I'm very advanced of working up towards you salary yeah oh yeah I can do solids well what is the ultimate gamer snack in your opinion Oh God I think I'd professed my love for this on the polygon show but the crunch rapper Taco Bell yeah just perfect food for any time but literally I I'm playing Shadow of the Colossus and I feel like you can just hold down one button to ride the horse in the other hand Crunchwrap a game that does not lend itself to crunching I feel like okay so this first game is Fay about you we've played this a bunch of times but it's gonna ask us questions about ourselves and then we need to guess the answers to those questions we're gonna make up lies about each other we're gonna have a lot of fun so ever just keep your eyes on your phone I'm not gonna have any fun with it I'm gonna get really deep into the harsh truths about my life and reality finally so here's where we make up lies we're making up lies so the reality show the Jenna would have the best chance at winning would be blank and we're all gonna hint her I mean all of these very specific was that was that the Outback yeah there was nothing that was out bad yeah then 100 percent the meta was really in her favor and not damn it yeah and now you can Dan Brian she eats nasty bugs and she loves fear yeah but then I love I love the bugs fear when I eat them Pat well can you walk us through the season two part of that answer had to be a real show that's a good obviously I would win at RuPaul's American bake-off can you describe the the configuration of that show to us yes its challenges and it's about baking and then making your baked look like a different gender Griffin thinks they remember how to blank blank so we're all gonna make up lies about a thing that Griffin says Griffin remembers how to do I have some concerns about this prompt it's very open-ended very open I feel not great okay so Griffin thinks they remember how to skiing that you might not remember how to grammar oh no I've been I'd do that yeah you're welcome [Music] take that Adam you know what this is some terrible come on okay yeah here's what here's this up the tenths of the question changed really my prompt was what what is something that you used to do that you think you could you can still do ski ski no it was praised it was phrased in a way - was was appropriate but then it cut it in half and then changed the tints of it oh no the first celeb oh that Brian had a crush on was remember you're aiming for early 2000 what do you think I'm into drama I could not think of a single celebrity I did forget about the honey nut cheerios okay answer C I think Carmen Sandiego was too early Cheerios B has a welcoming supple bod feel like there's another Carmen from this right area if you're in love with common sense when it turned out she was not an actual person on the board I panicked so hard on I'm just here for a good time you know this our sacrifice is a very good question a song that always makes Adam dance is wait what did I oh yeah I remember I put for this it was five minutes ago I mean I know why someone was typing so there are two Kylie Minogue songs on the board is this something that I should have known about you that I didn't that I that I'm an Australian homosexual who likes Kylie Minogue I rolled my Kylie dice and I did not Jesus I'm getting dunked on I typed in the theme song to thinking I could think of like a fresh theme song that you could dance to it and then the only thing Frasier Frasier Frasier I mean you can dance to the Mario theme song you can bet it do the Mario it's primary I saw the EZ off-ramp why okay this is a job that does things for Simone not does her job outsource my yelling I feel like anybody who picked Jenna's answer was dragging do you think I want a spoon or beast everybody wants to be spooned great news day basically they basically do make robots that clean bathrooms that you better you put a Roomba or is there a wet Roomba is there a month job that would be excited to try nobody right hand oh no I did not that's okay [Laughter] to these yet I'm choosing the one that I want to be true same oh my god full tummy candy shop owner would be so good I want to have a soda fountain yeah every time when those Facebook videos pops up at people making candy deal Thank You Jenna yeah that make candy the old-fashioned way like I can't look away yes you would yeah thank you when they take like a big pile of like putty and they roll it out real thins a little hard candies yeah I just wanted like to see more videos like this you can go to facebook.com slash eat oh we have plenty of old timey candy making videos it's actually their entire like video pursuit that's so much fun they like it starts out huge and then it comes out like little tiny banana candy it's incredible I keep getting notifications from Animal Crossing pocket camp like there's a new chair three two all right very specific and very believable yeah they're both so believable so we're picking the truth guys you look like a hot topic ring man I was in middle school and I needed to accessorize what is actually okay so you want people to guess your lie if you are the person who wrote it okay goes okay these are related these are very good I feel like if the second one was true the first one might be more likely so I think I have my answer alternatively the second one's true and you think goes RBF sorry y'all I took a chance on spiritualism and it tells me yes you mean very scary yes that was the tagline for my haunted house tours I mean we just pretended a national treasure doesn't exist yeah yeah pretending to drive angry doesn't he drive angry shot in 3d doesn't exist yeah baby drive it what is it join angry of course is driving oh yeah the greatest movie of all time it's true I'm not touching anyone at all right happy Brian god damnit when I was living in Chicago I wanted some prints to see Drive angry and one of them snuck a bottle of whiskey into the beer so we get stone-cold drunk and it broke in his pocket as we walk people just keep gifting me underwear I don't know why people keep giving me underwear alright hello I can hear both of these in your voice it was me the first ones true isn't that true no I shed a lot I said more than an average cat is it the texture of the raspberries you don't like the taste I can't stand like real raspberries fake raspberry like then do you like things in general I do but raspberries just I hate them the casualness of these two answers really yeah one after the other god yeah I saw your moves in a recent video yeah you're very good have you ever tried to do a back yet I think the question is that he's never done one yet I've never committed I know it's gonna happen eventually I dream about doing the content in the games beautiful so we're gonna start with a little doodle and you're gonna add something on to it then we're gonna keep voting on which one we want to continue with and then we're just gonna keep building this strong together this is already gone there's a lot we can do with the right side here I think I think I want to work with one of these a lot more because there's a lot more to be done with so much more cubist and I love it this is like lazy late period I love I'm an artist this is what we've been looking for this whole time all right some kind of talent she was have in this country a show where like like it was called mr. squiggle in Australia and he would basically take something like this and finish the drawing he had a pencil for a nose he was puppet he lived on the moon yeah we did have pappy drew-it but he did not he did good dry quick quick quick my protesting this round of not doing any emojis I'm not given the chance to give emojis so this game doesn't want my influence I can only watch in horror in my life no I made a planet again no I get to draw next time so I'm figuring out which one I'd the canvas that you strong these are protest poop emojis wait then I've been showing up you guys are flooding the channels so many somebody's being a little derivative of my original duck I mean it's flatter it's what is what it is hello honey yeah yeah get into puppet space now oh yeah see someone gets to create that puppet they get to design its face and I think that I brought something to the table here today how much time do I have like a young child I can tell you that is so important that you expose your baby to Sun was possible gift your child as it's called art Griffin you'll notice the child on the right has been provided sunglasses for its own safety for her a safe safer tanning child is related to the Sun you can see the huge resemblance between them so this is like being offered up to the Sun hmm it's not well I mean some of us interpret it interpreted it as a puppet and we were right but the artist is dead and now it is a baby reach out and touch face alright Griffin Simone bring us home here interesting the rest of the time now I I don't want to do anything I've got nothing you guys writer's block artist block why'd you make the baby sad Griffin can you talk about that he's being offered up to the son to his son father wants give a good I could title this plants the eggplants one that one yeah I feel proud of what we did today you know I like that the boys not sad yeah yeah me too this is it's kind of a better a better feel for the work that is why Adam gets the big butt how long were you sitting on that joke oh I've always got one of those I think this is the best civic doodle we've ever had yeah we should probably never do it again I don't think there's another round so bad news folks there we go dry alien eyes that is some fine detail yeah no I feel test five because they also drew something looks like a mouth no that's still an eye okay yeah yeah your boy PE alien very much a fan oh wait what are we supposed to be drawing okay good I am drawing the right thing now the cigarette is very good obvious is that a nostril rogue that's where the alien breathes out is that so is the smoke it's breath good solid Patrick it is right your finger technique to embroider this in a handkerchief oh I mean what can you even do to this finish with anything oh okay okay yeah no this is oh there it is I love watching the popin is a nice surprise Jesus Christ number six yeah what happened i what do you mean I really liked it good a little a little gorgeous that's spectacular yeah gave that alien specifically my crooked ass eyebrows which well hey I was actually going for a definitely thing I was gonna say that's the next DreamWorks movie yeah sweep it's Adams first time in this so maybe just anything goes let's go wild can I make an O piss rule no pisser I don't wanna play now you're out hospice mattress that's part of the challenge can't go to that piss well no I like I like having some restrictions it makes me more creative because you didn't say anything about everything's being record [Laughter] my phone autocrats that's all okay she needs to be a ninja turtle should update their catchphrase from Cowabunga - sorry referential I had a prompt on here originally that or an answer that would have gotten me in some trouble with a more tame you rained it that's how you feel about my people these are both the same answer sweat is the only good rose by any other name it's just thinking of that it makes me nauseous I'm sorry Adam home he had one non modem yeah who refused to vote I respect that choice good replacement for sea world's whale shows would be [Laughter] the girl who has a horse yeah these are horses they ride horses and jump off things to dive into water yes yeah the girls yeah it's it like a trick show where they have to jump on the horse as the horse is diving off basically did you not know that was Rio best way to oh my god I want to thank jack box for not giving me this question and then destroying my Twitter mentions for crushing it Jenna and it demonstrates a understanding of whale physiology in a way that I appreciate its try and defend my terrible ideas I'm doing amazing sweet battery but it wasn't corn skeleton know that and that's very true I can't never play this game we're not for the fences don't worry and run to the stork isn't delivering babies he I mean one of them is productive and one of them is just yeah I've been using that that old swear technique yeah y'all are easy yelling [Laughter] [Music] how do you choose no battery don't you die on us really dumb roundtable discussion would be about this topic oh man I just got Adams Joe yeah this is the one I don't think I got it on this one it's for you Adam ouch ouch ouch I mean look the Church of Satan social media presence is actually really good oh yeah I highly recommend it we this label you could have on a moving bus is the suggestion that this is the boxes the dildos came here you have so many dildos you need one box for the dildos and one for the packaging sign your mechanic is ripping you off is that he says you need a new address that and everybody else here is sexist I was laughing at yours but we need the audience to vote for the answer yeah it's not enough to talk about it you have to go and make your voice no I have to take action I'm sorry I have the problem and now there's just a black space well done thank you everybody for tuning in to another Jack Fox video from the folks here at polygon comm thanks for everybody who came out especially you Adam this was a lot of fun yeah stay tuned we'll be doing more of these in the future thanks everybody everybody say bye
Channel: Polygon
Views: 489,834
Rating: 4.9550657 out of 5
Keywords: adam moussa, eater.com, jackbox, civic doodle, quiplash, fibbage, fibbage about you, funny game, funny video game, griffin mcelroy, jackbox III, jack box 3, jackbox 4, jackbox lets play, patrick gill, Simone de Rochefort, brian david gilbert, Jenna Stoeber, videogames, video games, polygon, fibbage 3, wario, jackbox 3, jackbox party pack 4, jackbox party pack 3, jack box party pack, jack box lets play
Id: 5cq6RAN7XZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 17 2018
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