Let's Play PUSH THE BUTTON! | Overboard, Episode 19

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Welcome to Overboard, Polygons card and board game show usually today we're mixing it up and playing Push the Button from Jackbox Party Pack 6. it's got classic hit and roll mechanics with check box trademark weaponized embarrassment so you can have fun lying to your friends from just about anywhere here's how it's played everyone logs into the game on their phones and are asked to confirm their identity at the start of the game most players will be human but a couple are assigned the role of aliens like a typical hidden role game the aliens do everything they can to hide the fact that they're aliens each turn a player is randomly selected as captain they'll choose a testing chamber and pick 2 to 4 players to be tested once the turn begins the selected players all receive a prompt on their phones be it a drawing answering multiple-choice questions or just offering their valuable opinion however the prompts for the aliens will always be slightly different once the prompts and answers are revealed the accusations start flying after a few rounds both sides unlock some extra abilities the aliens can use hacks to swap prompts around diverting suspicion to another player the aliens have a limited number of hacks each game that the humans won't know for sure when a hack has been used eventually the bio scanner unlocks as well this is a testing chamber where two players work together with the captain to translate a set of complex alien glyphs if they succeed the captain can scan a player and find out if they're human or alien but only the captain sees this information so you better hope they're trustworthy in order to win the game the humans need to kick all of the aliens out of the airlock and I mean all of the aliens if even one alien remains the ship the humans still lose this is where the button comes in at any point in the game a player can push the button and pick who they think the aliens are they're gonna need a unanimous vote in order to succeed and each player can only push the button once so they'll need to listen to the feedback of their fellow players to make it count that's it for the rules these buttons aren't gonna push themselves so we all confirmed what we are on our phones I clicked confirm that I was a human yes, me too my prompt as well I do that every morning and just wake up in our OH HELL YEAH I'm the captain! our first captain will choose the test for our humans so I'm to draw hey put me in coach I'm ready to prove I'm human that's draw for your lives I think you're taking a suspiciously long time to draw and stuff humans we can rush them if we want we can make it go faster yeah yeah I want to see I want to see some rushed art right now I mean the good news is my art is gonna look bad no matter what my species does not determine how good or bad my art is Jenna I think you're the only non drawer on this squad actually yeah the non-artist that was kind of um I'm kind of a mean thing to say about I can burn myself I sign on drawer for a reason your the only person Jenna, who doesn't understand or appreciation of art maybe they dont have art on her planet that looks like three life rafts the people in Cass' look a little to it like they're happy in this moment Cass' doesn't look like a raft it looks like a canoe when you draw a sun with sunglasses that's a fun day that's No No! The suns looking down at them contempt for their situation with dead eyes I remember it's a cast shit post for sure I know we did a test run and I was the alien twice, like so statistically you're definitely not again I'm just I'm just saying both times I was dog piled thrown to the wolves and we were correct both times so that gave a third time im just saying statistically, all right let's see what's going on in the what is this this is no no opinions no no my weakness okay you're all gonna think that I'm weird oh this is gonna be the thing that's gonna push you over the edge the lady doth protest interesting wait a minute what the fuck Jeff wow no the whole point is that I don't know no I don't know Broadway plays i'm a little young isn't ferngully like muppets avatar? Uhh no, it's animated but you are correct it is avatar and it 100 percent should be a Broadway play so even if Clayton is the alien i will never vote for him. Simone, tell me about 300 what about 300 the excellent historically epic play Oracle epic does not make you want to see that performed live in front of you kind of a Chippendales esqe all the racism well ya sold it to me oh yeah all the racism minus the racism the racisms gone down honestly i wasnt sold on 300 now i kinda am I do kind of want like the the Magic Mike version of the 300 experience once you like think about it for a minute you realize that it's a very good idea I'm thinking about how cool it would to get that scene where they kick the dude into the pit but it's on a big Broadway stage and they kick him into the audience no they kick them into the orchestra pit yes exactly who's that Pat oh I'm the captain okay great um let's go captain captain please, just call me captain. my father was Captain Pat who am i testing um I kind of what I do want to hold Jeff's feet to the fire a little bit throw Brian in as well in there as well and I go I get to do somebody else Cass was the other one that we were worried a pass was but we're gonna have plenty of tests for Cass so that we're kicking Cass out so It's round two! im just a baby who will soon hatch and burst forth from one of our chests listen I don't criticize how you spend your Friday nights I said I want to see toxic love so sang on Broadway such a good song it is oh my. god yes what if they just cast Tim Curry again I know Tim Curry's one of those ones where every time I hear his name I have to do the mental is he still with us check he's sad news he's doing rough oh no I don't know when the last time you guys saw Tim Curry or a pic of Tim Curry all of our most beloved stars are old I don't recommend it I wish if I were you you guys hold your favorite Tim Curry memory in your mind all right morning Tim Curry I cry at sad movies the hard one first of all can I tell you someone switched to my prompt but it's still the same thing I just got the for the second time in a row how weird, not at all suspicious wrong no my prompt said my prompt said I cry in public which I strongly disagree I don't try the emotions I believe Jeff slightly always strikes me as the coward's gambit exactly its easier to defend a slightly for both Brian and Clayton that would be my guess I just want to say that first of all I don't know anything about Broadway movies so now you immediately thinks I named a broadway movie, oh are we religtigating is this how its done on your alien planet? i had forgotten about that little slip up up Simone I'm glad you said that because you defending Jeff made me so suspicious of you thank you know you forgotten about the Broadway thing makes it okay that's a perfectly legitimate alien strategy like just sweet love how the Je suis le Capitan other only one alien needs to survive so if you're caught you can throw other aliens under the bus exactly Cass was throwing Jeff under the bus exactly the bus is going real fast trolley problem is the trolley problem is we can't get enough people in front of this damn trolley Oh, we'll try. were you referring to something Pat I wasn't sure I don't know. was it relevant to anything? No i don't think so. just spitballen some jokes Just a little glimpse into Patrick's mind. oh I'm being tested! Simone! yes Simone, Brian and Cass you're being tested. yeah you'll notice I got my response in promptly with total confidence like a human might I legitimately had a moment where I was like oh no what if it's a what if I'm the alien but I know I'm not the alien what if they think I'm the Alien. I don't know that sounds that's a very Simone yeah just as a reminder the the aliens do have hacks that they can use jank up the questions that people receive. or get them or get the right answer they also can get the right answer so I'm glad that no one, selling on ebay was so spiteful I'm like, kind of a dick answer I feel good about all of you being both human and good people Wow thank you I feel my faith in humanity is bolstered by this. okay so we were learn this last time we want to if we use the bio scanner put two people in we really think our human uh oh Jeff has control of it and Jeff's definitely an alien so I'm not well here's the thing everyone's, gonna be wrong everyone's gonna be wrong in 9 minutes in 45 seconds is all I'm saying I mean it's not gonna take us that long to evacuate you yeah we will we might be wrong but you will be floating in space Jenna, saying that you're gonna evacuate someone is a very rough phrasing okay only test Jenna wasn't this the same people who did the first drawings I don't know it is it absolutely. Jeffrey! what? you're giving em' the same test the same people the same tests oh whatever well I was too busy being distracted by how much everyone was piling on me the only human here I forgot we set the settings, Jeffry, that's not true woah, Pat! somebody used their hack. Looks like toes are tickling each on on the top whoa well photos like there's narrative there is that Evangelion also I just want to say that Jenna has really come back after being called a bad drawer and put some legitimate hands on there actual hands. Yeah I fucked up the hands. also had the most raft looking raft last time I take back whatever I said. Cass definitely deployed a hack on that one too well one of them is an alien look at the right. The thing is Pat , I'm not sure why you so quickly went to say that you've been hacked cuz like you seem to have. No, I didn't say I'd been hacked and I have not been hacked I drew a handshake cuz that was the prompt I'm saying Cass hacked To you drew a hat shake if thats what you wanna believe I cant stop you Well I'm curious to see put me in so i can prove i'm human dont put Jeff in put me in coach! I'd say put me and Brian in there. No, here's the thing it doesn't matter. anyone who draws individual fingers is a trustworthy person wait oh somebody push the button wait no no no okay just the tutorial So I don't think it's gonna matter who Cass put in because if even if we succeed Cass is going to be able to tell who is human or alien but if she's alien it don't it don't matter just no matter we are any of us here for being that the detainest already thats fair we could play Quiplash, Okay. so the first one is like a guy falling forward like the heads on the top right he has a limb sort of like on the lower right is the limb detached? yes it's detached and then the rest of his body is a three limbs squiggle like like an alien Jeff stop, I'm gonna get in trouble the second one is a figure standing next to a stop of grain he is detached and his body kinda has a little wiggle at the end he's got a booty wow, that's weird that they put me in the game the third figure is like a squid or a spade the with like it's symmetrical sort of squiggle and it's got like stars going out of the bottom pointing outwards there are three dots one tucked into the curved side on each side and one in the bottom there the stalks got it, okay, i got it, locked in yeah great descriptions Cass I'm a bit of a writer that was impressive I mean I hope I hope it will be I hope we'll see that it is Wow here wow here it comes I mean if Cass says Jeff is human then Cass is definitely an alien oh she doesn't tell everyone that I'm an alien you liar course you're such a liar Wow does Jeff show it's an alien he was like calling out I was reading those symbols he was like trying to you know distract the proceedings to be fair what we have here is a is a 50/50 we know something is going on here's the thing if I were if I were an alien I'd be accusing more people and I'm not because I was trying to prove that I'm not the alien I'm proving on not the alien I think Cass is still alien I think that Cass knows well that I'm lay this game to throw shade ME! away from her just because I'm an amazing gamer with incredible strategies and untouchable ELO suddenly i"m, okay! I'm just intimidated I am just am intimidated by Cass' power and prowess in the gaming realm so I'm putting it out there right now okay so you're saying we should launch Cass into space in real life yes get that gamer score off the planet. This escalated. I'm takin the people that have been tested two times so you guys why are you testing me again because youre the people who have been tested 2 times so you guys know that I'm not good at art right Oh excuses the most amusing they can excuse my suspicion grows. those are three Pikachus. these are adorable I do think Pat's Pikachu should be checked on it's swaying dangerously Jeff's the only one that might not be yeah that's Pikachu it's close though but I think you probably use the hack how would I give myself a hack that's what aliens do yeah aliens can hack themselves to give themselves the right response gotcha I'll remember that for next time when I'm an alien yeah this is good jenna is my control group that's great I've got a specific answer for this that will demonstrate how manic I have been cooped up oh no! so Imos pizza which is a St.Louis style pizza has been described by Atlas Obscura as essentially nachos and I discovered that emos will let you ship across country frozen pizzas I'm uncultured, so last night last night I ordered a bunch of them and I'm gonna put them in my freezer and eat em when I feel sad. I'm uncultured and dont know American geography. The misfits are from Lodi they're from Lodi New Jersey they grew up around the corner from my house you guys have too many states nobody needs two Dakotas it's excessive yeah well what yours is really non-descriptive I grew up in Brampton, which is like this little farm town thats being consumed by Toronto's suburbs. Remember how me and Jenna had very specific stories about where we grew up yeah bad news everybody we're doing this we're a long time we're going straight to it okay I'm doing it sorry I was gonna say my last three answers proved that I was human that's all and I absolutely not okay well nice to be wrong have fun being wrong I think Brian's laying low as an alien yes and Brian Yeah, he hasn't talked for a while. yeah that's just because I keep forgetting to press push to talk Brian's getting off these incredible zingers yeah well here's time to be wrong at least I said it in Spanish, so thats helpful You are destroying yourselves, I definitely believe this you're half right good luck in space guys, time to be wrong! youve killed a human for no reason and it's me, even though my name is Space Jeff. It's that one thats like "i'm only human after all" See, she's clearly I'm not human. I mean I am human. woah! * evil chuckling * I grew up in Lodi New Jersey You passed it, you fools! Bye! Wrong! Oh no Clayton! Idiots. Was Clayton an alien? Iditos. was it just the Fern Gully answer was that just such a straight on Jeff! Told you! I never lie legitimately can't believe you were that bad at being a human a thing that you really are in the next game, it would be IMPROBABLE that I would be an alien I'm just throwing that out there Cass, what is wrong with you! Watching from the outside, you guys did Jeff dirty. I think if you could hack this game to be the alien, you would. can we have a retrospective on Clayton's answers cuz I didn't suspect at all it literally I think the reason why is because he said Fern Gully and that's such a good Broadway musical that I was just like yeah of course it's gotta be him like well also I think I'm pretty sure Clayton hacked himself a bunch because I ran out of hacks, like at a really surprisingly point, which suggests yeah, might've been for me it's just how suspicious Jeff was say when But I do that every game! that's yeah bonkers yeah! That strategy has never paid off Nope! Hey there captain Cass. How's the drawing going? Drawing's going great. Everyones taking a lot of time. Nooooooo! I hate what I did. I hate it! I did a bad job. I over complicated this one. I can't wait to see it Pat. (Laughter) Pat, I feel like yours is the least suspicious because you're like That's a movie prop! Thats a safety gun. Actually Pat and I both did that actually. Simone, explain yourself. My work out alarm went off and cut off my video in the middle of my drawing and I got freaked out and drew a really bad gun. I really, no no no no, SImone I really like your gas tank filler up, thats very nice. Shut up! I thought it was likes sparkles that's also pretty movie prop. That's CGI. I like that you guys chose to draw a random movie prop not like a specific one I was thinking like you would draw like a lightsaber or something that you know a movie prop I'm just trying really hard to happen that would have been too smart Jenna no it's because because then that's just the object how do you indicate that it's a prop and not yeah thats fair the idea of a lightsaber thats smart you draw a detailed picture of a stuntman holding it people have not been tested getting the most data possible yeah okay let's see what human answers oh this is so easy yeah if anyone answers wrong i'm going to be extremely suspicious that makes me so nervous guys Jenna's taking some time I have a complicated understanding the Earth's the ecosystem which made it hard for me to answer this question because I feel like scientists are literally trying to do this okay! that is the right fucking answer if anyone picked snakes or rats I'd be like excuse me, pause the game, we're not even playing anymore I'm asking bigger questions I don't know if its apocryphal where I heard this but that like scientists have study mosquitoes I'm like we can't find any reason they help the ecosystem I have all great heard that tale yeah that's amazing okay I just chose it because I sometimes rats and snakes are cute. mosquitoes are you never cute. I think I've always had this feeling that mosquitoes were necessary but I'm pretty sure that's just from watching lilo and stitch or it's mosquito propaganda. big mosquito how we're gonna start dinosaur parks in the future if we get rid of him now oh wait hold on all right Simone Pat and Jeff y'all are up Simone is the only one I'm slightly suspicious of it the minute I think I have a good answer to this Simone thinks she has an answer that will convince us she's human she's a human! shut up! Simone OWNS Overboard cast with FACTS and LOGIC I don't think about this topic a lot. typing with yourfingers really? oh really Pat? you don't please that's weird I mean okay I was a classic example oh fuck you there's a classic example, interesting. Jeff! interesting. Well that IS the classic example. Damn. during, the in the Bible Jeff, explain Rhinos, because yeah. Rhinos are the only animal that have I feel bad about last round but that's just not a great answer. Because. okay listen hold on when I went to the zoo a couple weeks ago like people weren't excited about the Rhino for some reason and I was like what the fuck is wrong with these people well that is correct. But that doesn't mean they have a bad rap. Well in Philly they do I guess Was is a mean rhino? Did this rhino redeem the concept of rhinos? Well cause the rhino was like near the zebra so maybe that's why people didn't like it based on my last experience This lie is getting so elaborate I don't even know if its a lie anymore. I literally have photos on my Instagram Yeah do you, or are they photoshopped. Classic Jeff. whatever I'm sorry that my answer is unacceptable to you people Us Rhino lovers. Rhinos have killed more people than people have killed rhinos and yet they don't have a bad reputation which is why Jeff is an alien. sorry your captain is speaking now do we have enough people I think we can go into the bioscanner and actually get something done. thats up to you. Yeah thats tricky. Maybe hold off for now. Yeah I'm gonna go into the opinion hold. I remain suspicious of Jeff and Simone look that's us something but thats just me normally. What that's fair I don't know it's constantly be brought back but I remember - is round one answers cannot be hacked so they are the purest source of intel. I believe thats correct. yeah okay so in that case I feel really good about me and Bryan so if you can get us in that chamber yeah I would back that up. immediate from Simone. This is my shit. yes well okay that's right I know this is true for Pat, I don't know for Jeff. you can go into my kitchen and see the big jug of black coffee that I have We can't though Jeff, we literally can't. Someone send a representative to Jeff's kitchen right now! I have a warrant. I'm gonna bring this laptop downstairs I'm not I'm not strongly suspicious of Jeff this round to be honest yeah we might just have a Jeff situation on our hands Jeff might just be playing the game normally. Who do we suspect then? You? I can't put myself in the bioscanner do we feel really good about anybody besides me and Bryan (the two aliens). I mean I think Clayton's probably on the level I'm definitely on the level but you already knew that I think we have a lot of people when we tested once yeah test some more that kinda made me really suspicious of Jenna, just FYI. Ha, I knew it would! I say skip the bioscanner do more tests Brian and I and Clayton have all even tested once returning to the drawing corner. And Cass. back in put me in Put me in coach I'm gonna put get Jenna in there Clayton and Jenna yeah get me in there get me in there I got it boooo this is a hard one. This is, how do you draw that. oh shit did my thing go through? nope uh-oh I drew it I went through my screen kinda went black there. did the tentacle get in the way or I'm sorry... Okay, so that was my prompt yeah okay okay that was not my prompt that well I don't I drew myself sitting on a big table in Starbucks crying and I was working on the mermaid with my speed my black my prompt was draw a bad date huh which is why I drew a gentleman in a fedora with bad roses saying well okay well I get where you're going with that Jenna. wait what is Clayton's I'm gonna preface this I don't care about astrology generally but I had a date that was emphatic about it being useful for like predicting cancer and other things Oh no! That's bad. That's really bad. It looks like she's screaming at you while you're leaning back in your chair. I want to point out this was an unfair question to me because I've been dating one dude I've been with the same guy for like 15 years now so Did you spill some tea on Aaron, is that what you're saying? Yeah well, accidentally leaving me alone at Starbucks one time FOLKS! It's time for the bioscanner. No, Simone! You are the one person we don't want to go into this bioscanner why we don't want you to be the person who gets the information, Simone. But I'm human! Interesting who do we think are the aliens thats not how this works Brian's only been tested once yeah you should test me cause I'm a human but then the problem is that Simone's gonna get the information I'm gonna do Clayton. Put me in there you can't you can't lie about both oh why didnt you put Brian in. No I think Clayton and Pat is a good combo yeah because I think they're both human I'm pretty sure I think Cass is human. okay first symbol is a sort of okay oh boy it looks like Entei there are two dots but in between the dots there is a kind of Y going down that goes into an upside down you that kind of looks like a mustache coming off the bottom of the Y and then in the curve of the you there's another single dot I think I can see it. Okay. so the next one looks like a man bowling or falling down we've got a swoop coming down in the middle and then something curving up from the left side that looks like a leg okay a dot, okay cool um oh shit the next one is really bad so again we've got three dots and then kind of coming in between those dots there is a curved shape with a point on the top it curves through the two dots on the Left cuts rights to a point cuts down and then cuts in another curve through the the dots on that side does that make sense okay the end of those they have tips are they going like yes they have little tips that go in go in okay in yeah it's not letting me click why not you click hang on I got it literally my button wasn't working you're trying to push the button uh oh What! Oh no no! ah the somebody said it look like bowling the bowling one, I can see where Pat got it wrong Oh fuck, those look just like Very similar more like he's bowling, Clayton's just looks like he's going downstairs no but look I have two and I asked like I was waiting for that curved thing oh no no I'm not saying it's suspicious, I get your misinterpretation. yeah they're they're both I think they would have been right had I described that a little better. um who's all tests Pat just to be safe You don't get to test. oh wait oh oh sorry sorry I forgot I can't test. Nevermind, we failed the test whatever. I think they were both right. No, not whatever Simone Simone you were suspicious we said don't use the bio scanner you saw what I was working with you saw the symbols looked basically alike I mean that's true, and i wasn't seeing the symbols they were seeing. That's true but you did other suspicious stuff Ohh, okay. Test Brian, just to be sure. Another Bioscan? Test Brian. I think test - me and Brian! Put Brian and Pat in. Yeah Pat has been tested four times, I think we're pretty confident okay here we go Pat just failed this test! But that was my fault! You guys, no! So the first one, We don't know that was her fault! is that upside down Y thing again we have three total dots you have like two things coming together at the top going down a little and coming sorry I'm refreshing back out and around it looks sort of like a hound dog's face right? yes altogether if you look at it holistically it looks like a houn dog's face. there like three that kind of have those two eyes could you repeat those so it's like a Y and then it droops off? It droops off at the bottom there's no like little tips got it okay they've been the next one you've got two dots at the top and then you've got what looks like an arc like it goes from left side up then back down again and it's got little tips flying off of it - got it - and under that is another little right angle with like a grasshopper face? I guess yeah No, that's too vague, describe it again please okay so two dots at the top a line that goes from lower left up curves with like it's not a harsh angle it's a curved angle and then back down to lower right but also two little nubs sticking out of it are the dots next to each other are they on top of each other the dots are next to each other like left and right side yes and this is two dots or three total? two dots total because then below that arc thing I was talking about is another right angle it's like a box that is not quite complete it's like missing the bottom corner okay I got you I think I think I know it is and and the the arc that passes underneath these two dots does have two little like tiny nubs, yes, they're sticking up, upwards okay okay, good good, and the final one it's it's three total dots this is actually one in the last test where we had this kind of looks like an arrowhead I guess where the line starts lowered left goes between two dots, arcs around the leftward dot to a point at the top then that when it comes down and around through the other two and it's got two little nubs that are pointing in. two nubs pointing in got it okay so three dots total yeah it's phallic shape with one dot inside it sure I like 'sure' in response to that. Yeah bay-bee! There we go. Who you gonna scan Clayton? I think either Simone or Jeff please scan me Human! okay so Jeff is playing laying a lot lower this game which makes me because everything I say is suspicious to you people That would just make it worse. I have two theories: it's like Jeff and like Jenna or it's my Simone and Clayton together so we all just I guess Clayton's the only one who sees the results of Simone. I'm a little worried about Pat right now because one he just pushed the button and two as soon as he knew that I had a similar thing in that drawing he was like oh I you know I'm like really overthinking it and then he was like oh well Bryan did the same thing we must we both have to be human as far as I'm concerned you're all criminals so I'm up for whatever. Oh wait, I'm in there! I'm curious about why Who else should I stick in here? okay I'm curious about why you think I'm an alien my theory is that it's Jeff with like a semi quiet accomplice of Jenna would fit the profile but I'm not like but why would I be trying says her I'm just saying like someone who's been playing in a similar style a mid-pack sort of not totally I I just I just don't want you guys to make another mistake twice and I feel like you guys are teaming up on me because I'm why okay okay why cuz I did nothing wrong this whole time well I get now all the sudden I'm in there but here's the other thing is we only saw you guys did Brian once yeah the other test that Brian's the line of runner Brian Brian was unhackable on that first one and his thing is unimpeachable well I did nothing wrong this time for real and now I'm being pushed under the bus again I dunno, I believe in Jeff but I don't believe it's Jenna. Yeah, it's not gonna be unanimous. If somebody else wants to push the button and I just think if you guys want to show that you've been bullying me this whole episode that's fine because I didn't do anything wrong! no it's no who didn't vote? It needs to to be unanimous but who didn't vote, who said no. wait okay we're running out of time we have as many button presses as or are humans we have no opportunities I'm just not sold on Jenna same that's fair I mean if we we have do we have the time? we gotta go fast I'm in it. I'm in it. I'm in it. Hopefully we don't have any hacks left. I'm testing the two people I'm most suspicious of and then like Brian's the control. I'm with you, everybody's answers right now. I don't know! Simone's movie prop answer was really weird Yeah, thats why I was concerned about her you haven't seen that movie with the croissant gun in it? she also said she's a black coffee drinker and I don't think she is. PATRICK! YOU'VE KNOWN FOR FOUR YEARS YOU KNOW I ONLY DRINK BLACK COFFEE Wait, she's human! She's totally human! If Simone's an alien, then Clayton's also the human. Cuz Clayton said she's a human, so if PATRICK So that's the only way Simone is an alien, if Clayton is an alien. Patrick has gone to get coffee with me multiple times He's ordered coffee for me oh yeah you always get tea or hot water No, Simone is a black coffee drinker, we have as many button pushes as humans, so, we only got four seconds left I am almost positive Pat is one of the people now, because he was just trying to get Simone again. No, no! yeah I was just wrong about Simone. He pushed it too far, I'm a fucking black coffee drinker you alien. and you're killing a human being right now. you're killing a human being Kill Pat! Is this second guess it's like I you like it has to be so the thing is Clayton you showed my own hackable first answer there's no way that I I don't know I think it's Clayton or Oh Brian, is it you? Is it you, you motherfucker? It's no me. no it's not Bryan it's not Brian because he was first round with me Brian and Pat have been Okay, pick someone, don't waste this one. Oh, that's who you picked, come on! Yeah, sorry Clayton, but here's the thing: I have never been able to tell if Clayton is lying. cuz always trust that he's sincere. Wow, the vote failed immediately I didn't even get a chance all right I'm pressing it I'm actively pressing it everybody pressed it this is probably this is our last one. Oh my god. Put Pat back in. Put Pat back in. Don't. Jeff and Pat maybe. I haven't done anything wrong! If you push this button, Who's button pushes this This is me I would vote for Jeff. I think Pat and Jeff. This is literally that meme! I'm trying to push the button and I don't know which one to press! Shoot Jeff! I've done anything in this at all I'm I'm sorry Jeff! You guys are wrong again, so good job bullying me for nothing I didn't do anything this time. Yeah, I don't feel great about this. No, I didn't do anything this time! I don't feel great either, but we've got to end it. You shouldn't feel great... I'm resigning as captain after this. NO CASS! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! That's so statistically unlikely. RIP Pat. NO! Cass and Jeff, playing the quiet game this round. Patrick! I don't forgive you because again. Hold on, allow me to justify that I would not describe you as a black coffee drinker or even though you drink black coffee I would describe you as a tea drinker. yeah but that's not the question. That wasn't the question. I start every morning with a cup of black coffee or pure espresso with nothing in it that's true I do see you do the nasty espresso YES! I just wanna say, the next game we play there's no way I'm an alien then CASS! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! Cass has permanently engaged alien mode I'm sorry, I don't know what I did. Jeff even though you were an alien I feel so bad still - I do too weirdly even though you were a criminal well this is the second time I was trying to purposely make you feel bad so you wouldn't pick me but clearly didn't work yeah, you were still just a little to suspicious, sadly. I am a human this time but no one's gonna believe me. just because of the dice well I'm gonna probably die anyway so I'm just YOLO-ing it. Cass defies probability. Cass's very existence is a black hole of probability. After four times, fifth time that would be just ridiculous What if I just purposely answer everything wrong Jeff no! Please don't! We do around if it's wrong answers only for everyone. what a nightmare. Why even play a game. There's a Simpson's bit where Gentle Ben is hosting a talk show, a bear, "No Ben no" and that's all I hear but for Jeff yeah. Yeah I'm just gonna draw an alien for all my prompts Jeff control is coming out of the stands. Jeff who ya pickin? oh shit I'm sorry I'm sorry I wasn't I realized that I was a captain that's gonna pick the top three people on my list because I'm fair and I judge people fairly. Also there's no way to suspect suspect anyone at this point although I do suspect you all are murderers this ones a silly prompt. like it's inherently decisive because you have a gene or you don't like. What's that mean? There's a gene we're cilantro tastes like soap to you yeah for aliens. yeah I have it so like I don't like you knows I think that's probably true I think Cass is telling the truth right I don't think this is a good prompt yeah well it's not early prompts were meant to be as like vague and like confusing as possible for the aliens because they can't hack and then it gets more and more specific and damning as the game goes on. I just don't like it. aliens and they'll be able to eat cilantro but that's not the question though. all right hurry every single one of these round sorry I chose the wrong two people. I'm pulling out I'm pulling out like cilantro power Pat point facts going over like some cilantro must nose I feel like I Pat didn't speak up to defend or refute his answer I feel like I've seen him eat a lot of tacos which makes me feel like he must be done with cilantro which reflects accurately in his answer the fact that it was can't eat is a difficulty right because yeah you can if you really want any plant is edible if you're not a coward it won't really exactly is fine you can vape any vegetable yeah One puff a day to get all your vitamins the vitamin cloud how'd you know vape hummus was my password for my computer oh fuck fuck fuck how do I vape hummus fuck yep why'd you curse okay here's the thing my think said draw crime not point a gun at someone does different crimes okay while Jeff's is funny, is it illegal? this is a very Jeff answer though it's very human Jeff. Clayton, can you Drawing in this game is not very precise, but he's holding money bags and the guy's robbing him. Some are so precise that I'm like that's 100% human. but they're not supicious, none are suspect to me Clayton's immediately read as crime, robbery to me. Pat's is, like the prop gun I was like that is a human and I'm here threw him under the bus and it was amazing I I needed Brian cuz he hasn't been tested yet and I feel good about Pat and Cass some really for me it's Clayton Simone Jeff or Brian. I think yeah I was hacked I mine was what is a good sport to watch. Now, do you feel good about Cass for any particular reason or just for probability reasons. Brian? Remember when Brian used to do diving I used to dive as a kid. I think he' did. No. I got pictures of me, six years old in a speedo, can't put em online! But you gotta trust me I bet that that's true. Simone tell me about. I've never seen Simone move fast. Brian, what length was your diving board? Uh, I can't remember the exact length because I was six years old. at the North St. John's pool in Maryland. well then you weren't playing a sport Brian you were dabbling in a hobby * Laughter * Simone can you tell me about your track and field experience real quick? I did high jumping in middle school I briefly held it until Brianna Helmsley took it from me the year after I graduated middle school. is that because I like how all the sports were played were like "When I was 7" I was the only one who could jump 4 feet! I believe it Simone just your legs are four and a half feet tall so tracks for me It's true. So Brian is super suspicious. We're not burning the bioscanner yet Put Brian he's suspish. Put the people who've been tested the least in. They're gonna hack me if you put me in right now. oh I see your setting up your alibi. I have no idea about anybody. Much like an alien would. oh here comes the lying police Oh no I was mean to Jeff, they're coming! Told you! you committed the crime for being mean. I started drawing then I made a mistake I got too ambitious, but I'm in to deep now. I love it, I love to hear it Cass because I believe that you're human that was me drawing a prop gun. there's no eraser in this drawing, right? Nah. So this face that I'm drawing looks wild but you I'll explain what it is you see it Just dawned on me that the fact that Simone was human last round meant that she thought that drawing of a prop was good. * laughter * ouch I tried to draw mickey mouse, instead I got his head shape before I realized I could not visualize Mickey Mouse yeah let me explain mine let me explain mine it's Calvin I think we should kick out Jeff just because of that drawing. I'm so upset that Calvin looks like a monster. I know, I told you! These are all good though I recognize the arc of the piss and I'm very upset about that because we were talking about him before so I thought it'd be relevant. I don't trust Jenna. I'm a little suspicious of Brian. Test me, put me in coach! But I'm not like sold. Oh wait, god, okay. Yeah I'm also mildly suspicious of Brian yeah so far the only answer we have from Jenna is about cilantro. which is not super revealing. Bring it. I'm in it. Hope I don't get hacked. not a, not a great time for this question I just want to point out real quick slightly answers are always the cowards gambit I was hacked! Can I be real with you guys I would love to live abroad I was asked if I would like to live in China right now which is I think which is why I specifically said right now is a rough time for this question. that's, that's, hmmmm. you were hacked I'm claiming that I was hacked, yes. it's a bad time to live it anywhere right now I don't know why you'd be that specific listen Jenna you can't solve all your problems by living under the sea. I just want to be your neighbor Cass Briefly defend myself: anybody who's ever talked to me about the prospect of taking vacation knows how I feel about any situation that involves me leaving my comfort zone. That's true, okay I take back my alien emoji on your answer pad So Brian is the only one I'm very suspicious of right now should i do bioscan? yeah if you have two people you trust. I don't think we're there yet, bioscanner is so risky. I touched it, sorry. well whatever. who you gonna choose Clay? me! thank you! bioscanner okay so the first two they are two lines that are kind of diagonal in the middle on the upper right corner is a dot and the lower left corner the two lines kind of splay outwards also there's two lines that are parallel that like hit those diagonal lines okay hold on, so this is the first? no, the first symbol have these two? Yeah I think he mispoke. so two parallel lines that are at an angle and the upper right corner is one dot in the lower left corner those two parallel diagonal lines play outwards a little bit they curve a little bit also there's two parallel lines that like run into the diagonal ones but do not like cross them they just hit they like sticking out I got it I can't visualize parallels, is it like a man falling? No, it doesn't look like a person really it's like two lines like imagine two streets that are running side by side they're diagonal they're going to lower left to they got two stalks? upper right and the upper right above one of those lines is a dot I think I got it okay the next one is two lines in the top that start pointing upwards and then curved out to like lower left and lower right below them is a hard right angle a pretty hard right angle and then below that is a dot got it corner and the dot okay, Jenna you got that? Got it. the last one so there's two dots this one kind of looks like a face maybe a bug's face you've got two dots and then two lines that like kind of curve to the sides of those dots on the inside and then below that is like a square with the bottom corner missing kind of looks like a mandible of some insect. I'm not confident on 2 and 3 the third one are the that are there five total markings yes two dots two pair of lines so I got it yeah the first one kind of looks like a very stylized J, there's a dot to the right of the top of the tip yes and then a line going down parallel to that J with the stalk coming off. yeah okay, I think I got it locked in. yeah! yes great so we're definitely both humans because we put in work, all right. Dude, good job guys, that sounded really hard. All right, I'm testing Brian Why Brian? Because that's who we are suspicious of. And they're gonna learn that I'm human. Alien! Yes! Clayton. Clayton, this is the only time in my entire life I have known you are lying. Clayton I swear to God. No. I trust Clayton. Clayton, no you guys, you have to not trust Clayton right now. Clayton is like an angel baby descending from the heavens. Literally, if I was And Brian is like cackling from the flames. I cannot believe that Clayton would do me so dirty right now. * laughter * I hope Clayton is an alien cuz that's the funniest thing he could do . Clayton is an alien 100% you guys I think they might be both the aliens because Clayton's answers You know what, I'm gonna stop testing Brian, because now the person of interest is Clayton. It's Clayton its 100% Clayton. either, either Brian's an alien right in which case Clayton's human or Clayton's an alien and that makes me, you know what I mean? Yeah, we need to hold Clayton's feet to the fire there. It's about to get really real, guys. Playing some four dimensional chess over here Pat, what's your answer? I just did the test, I don't know what to say. It says he's an alien. I mean Brian's definitely an alien. Clayton could still be an alien. Clayton, I can't wait for you to edit this video so you can see me just shaking my head at you this entire time. Clayton? What is happening? * Laughter * I'm telling you. Honestly. I was hacked! What the hell! Okay, so Clayton and Brian are aliens right? Clayton, care to defend yourself there? It asked if I was frugal! You know what, I believe Clayton, I trust Clayton. Cass is the other alien. Cass has done it like three times in a row. No, it's Brian and Clayton right? Brian's the alien. Oh! Test me again, test me again! They've run out of hacks, they gotta do it form. How would you know if they've run out of hacks the only way you'd have access to that information because I already know they've hacked me once yeah so definitely Brian and Clayton am i right no I believe Clayton it's Brian and Jenna No, it's Clayton and Brian It's Jenna and Clayton. It's Jenna and Clayton. Y'all are gonna regret putting me up in that airlock. what the hell! Yeah. what have I done wrong Everything. Hold on, hold on, on that note why would Clayton throw Brian under the bus so blatantly so that he can win It's happened in every game so far he'll win anyway if one if he's still an alien on the ship he'll win yeah all right you've convinced me with your argument. that is honestly that's a good idea but I didn't do that this time. oh no Good, you know what send us both out of the airlock so I can punch Clayton in the face while we're goin. Brian, I'm sorry but you gave me the opportunity I can't believe it. * Laughter * oh no! OH NO! Who betrayed us!? Good job Pat Pat nooooo! Nice Fucking hell Pat! well played Pat. How!? I don't know honestly. What questions did you see for the live abroad one and the other one yeah for the live abroad when was it was about like going on a vacation somewhere. oh god damn it yeah also I think honestly how I got through that one is I forgot I was the alien for the first segment Oh my god, you went deep undercover. oh my god. This is a hard game. I'm so sorry guys I'm so sorry Oh it's fine. um good job everybody Good job all the aliens! Yeah, aliens did well. This is a hard game for humans to win yeah we didn't win one did we? No, no and I never got to be alien! well this has been overboard it turns out even without having a board game in front of you you can still lie to your friends so or you just you know grab a jack boss game and stream it it's real fun to do I hope you all had a good time and we'll see again real soon Bye!!!!!
Channel: Polygon
Views: 637,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, games, polygon, jack box, jack box 6, push the button, hidden role games, secret role games, hidden role, alien hidden role game, Simone de Rochefort, overboard, jack box lets play, lets play, patrick gill, brian david gilbert, jeff ramos, Jenna Stoeber, Case Marshall, clayton ashley, gameplay, board game, board gaming, quarantine games, jackbox, jackbox games, jackbox party pack, jackbox let's play, jackbox how to play, jackbox 6, jackbox party pack 6
Id: Y5VSq3zF4Ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 0sec (3300 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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