Let's Play WAVELENGTH! | Overboard, Episode 17

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I feel like everyone was just making fun of pat in this episode lol

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Philipthedragon 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm so glad that overboard is back!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Chiffonchan 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
- [Narrator] Welcome to OverBoard, Polygon's board game show. Today we're playing Wavelength, a freakishly accurate test of just how well you can think like your friends. Here's how you play it. Players divide into two teams, decide which will go first and pick their psychics for the round. The psychic gives clues and every player gets a turn in this role. Whichever psychic goes first uses the game's handy screen to randomly place the scoring target. All other players close their eyes so the psychic can take a peek at the target's position before closing the screen. Then they draw their concept card. Every card is double-sided and it has two opposing concepts written on it. The psychic chooses a side and places it in the tray. The scoring wheel now aligns with the two concepts. Think of it as a scale. On the right is the most extreme example of the right concept and the left is the most extreme example of the left concept. The psychic then thinks of a clue, with the aim being to get their team to place the dial right in the middle of the target they peaked at. So if the target was in the middle and the concepts were boring and exciting, you want a clue that's neither too exciting nor too boring. Which is harder than you might think. Keep in mind that the clues can't contain numbers, ratios or percentages. And they can't include any of the words on the card or synonyms for them. Once the clue is given, the psychic goes silent while their team debate what the clue meant and where the target is. The opposing team can weigh in, but obviously their advice might be suspect. They collectively decide on a dial position and then the opposing team gets a turn debating whether they think the guess was to the right or to the left of the target. Did the first team overshoot? Or did they not go far enough? Once both guesses are in, the psychic then dramatically reveals the location of the target. Points are awarded to each team depending on how close they were, up to four total if they hit the bullseye. That marks the end of a round, at which point the other team psychic gets their turn. This repeats until every player has gotten a turn as the psychic. That is, unless one team reaches 10 points first, in which case they're the winners! Now I think it's time to get to the game. - Good morning. Welcome to OverBoard. Today we'll be playing Wavelength. - And then it goes back. - Oh shit. - It goes around! It's a stadium! - Oh I have to do another one? - Look, everyone close your eyes. - Okay. (machine whirring) Oh goddammit. Uh, George Washington was our first President. - Interesting statement. - Goes from little known facts to well known fact. - Well I mean, do you know that? Did you know that? - I did know that. - I knew that too. - It feels very well-known, like weirdly very. - It feels very well-known. - But these days with the educational system the way it is, there's really no telling. - I also have to wonder about the context, I mean you said "our" but you're speaking about Americas, but is this for someone who lives here? Is this for someone in a foreign country, would they necessarily know? - I mean, I would say thanks, due in small part to the legacy of American imperialism enacted by this man. I would say pretty much everybody knows this. - Specifically this man. - Yeah. - Yes. - Yeah. I still think we should keep our marker on the other side just because of statistics. - I don't know, how do you feel about this, Pat? - It's a very well-known fact. - Yeah. - It can't be more well-known than that. - No, I know, I agree. (laughs) I think it should be on the, to the left of where it is. - All right. - Yep. Reveal! - You're keeping it, sorry, just fully over? Okay. - Yeah. - We ready? - Yes. - Oh interesting. - [Pat] We win. - Hey! - So we got no points, you got one point. - Well-known but not that well-known. - Well I... - I think that's ridiculous. - There are so many people in the world that might not know that George Washington- - That's what I said! - You said. - You did say "our" president. Implying a locationality. - Just what I said though, of our, ours as a group. - Although the bugs, in your defense, bugs do not know that he was the first president. - That's true. - American bugs. - I was thinking about bugs. Think about how many ants don't know that George Washington was our first president. - Do ants know facts? - I'll take the L for this one. (laughs) - Yeah, I think you gotta take the L for that. You thought so long. - It's really hard to think of a 75% known fact. Like you guys know that? - I guess you just... - Do you guys know the second president, maybe? - You have to pinpoint what 75% of people in the room. - Okay, all right. - I guess, but we don't add up, that's the problem. - You guys lost. We're moving on. - Closing our eyes. - There it is. (machine whirring) - [Brian] There's that sound I love. - I was gonna ask how we felt about that sound. - Not great. - It's okay. - It's a little... - That should be one of the cards. (laughs) - Yes. - Lukewarm. Let me do this again. Mm. (sighs) Video games. - Oh! - Whoa! - Not art, art. - Very good! - Video games, art and not art. - [Russ] Very good. - Okay. - So we have to pick now, right. - So yes. So this is Allegra we're talking about. (laughs) - Look so, it's pretty clear. I know Allegra likes weepy, emo games by and large, which are generally considered art I would say. - [Brian] The sadder the game, the more the art basically. - Yeah. - Yes. - So I definitely think she's on the art scale, certainly. - Unless she's being ironic today. - [Brian] Hey, can we remember who left Polygon? - Oh. - It's true. - Someone obviously didn't think their work was artistic enough. (laughs) So. - Or maybe too artistic, she took it too emotionally! - I left to go work on arts and culture. - Yeah. - You can't say anything, you're the judge. But you should listen to her, because- (laughs) - Somebody was talking to me! - But she's also not allowed to talk right now. (laughs) - But I mean yeah, I guess the question is this spectrum Allegra or is she representing a modern group? - It should be Allegra. I think it should be Allegra. - You think it is? - It's supposed to. - It should be. - According to Brian. - Yeah. - According to Brian. - Well, she could, it doesn't have to be, that's only if it says like "You" in the card. - How do you feel about a solid 75%? - That's kinda where I would put it too, to be honest. - Interesting. - Do you hate video games that much? You're not willing to put it at 100% art? - I'm just saying that some video games suck. - [Brian] Are you willing to say that? - [Jenna] Whoa! Do you wanna name one? Do you wanna name and shame one? - Are you saying that art can't suck? - Oh no. - Oh! - They taped a banana to a wall. - Shit I hate that. - And then someone ate it. - That sucks. - So. - I would eat that. - They paved paradise. - I was that idiot. Yeah, I am saying that. - Okay. - I don't know why you look defiantly at me, I was not the one challenging you! - You're right, I'm sorry! (laughs) - You're all a unit. - Going to this side, do you guys think it's less art? I have to... - Really. - I mean statistically you're right, that is a better way to play the game. - Yeah. - [Simone] Who hates video games now? - But I wanna say, I trust Allegra to know that video games are fully art. - [Russ] Fully art. - See I think this was, I think this was split down the middle. - [Russ] So you think we have it right. - So I think we should be on the left. - I think, you're locked in right. - I'm locked. - We are locked. - These clowns are locked in. - Oh yeah. - I think that this is a gotta hear both sides type of issue. - Interesting. - Mm-hm, oh. - Oh both sides. - I think it's dead center, I think. - All right I'll be outvoted, but let the record show that I believe video games are wholly art. (laughs) Every single one of them. - Right. - Call of Duty is the only one. - The Duke Nukem. (laughs) Clearly art, so. (laughs) Okay. - The only game. - Reveal it? - Yep. - Oh! - Ah! - [Russ] So close, that's my fault actually! - It is dead center. - Because I moved it slightly to the right before we started, that's my fault. - [Jenna] I knew. I said it's dead center. - [Brian] I told you, she left Polygon for a reason. - So what is not art? Which videos games are not art and which are? - Well, okay. - She's not the voice of expertise anymore, she's not with Polygon. - Wow. We can't spoil. - I can't tell if she has opinions on this or not. (laughs) - Well just name some off. - Well there's only like, four good games ever. - I don't know any games. - I would say Metal Gear Solid 1, Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3 and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Those are art. Everything else are garbage. (laughs) - [Brian] And so it has been spoken. - [Allegra] So it is written. - All right, swap chairs. - Okay, so we're not looking. - Mm-hm. (machine whirring) - Okay, I've got it. - Can we open our eyes? - Yeah. - Okay. - The clue is "Hey." - Oh no! - What? - Normal greeting to weird greeting. - Weird greeting. - Oh. - Oh. - Okay I need a read though. Give us another read. - No, she can't. - She can't give another read? - Can we get a read? Just do, for the folks at home Clayton, if you can edit in another pass of that hey. - The clue is "Hey." - If I get a text that is just "hey". - Yeah. - With no punctuation and nothing else, I am going to have a panic attack. - So you're gonna call that a weird greeting? - I think it's a weird greeting but I think. - That's not a greeting. - I think, it's a- - It's a pre-sext. - Here's the thing. (laughs) - Learning. Learning about how to text Simone or not. - Yeah, don't fucking text me that! (laughs) - Don't text Simone period! - I will report you! - What's the one word everyone wants to hear? Hey. (laughs) - It's definitely a normal greeting, right. It's on the left half of it. - Yeah. But it's... - It's a little uncomfortable. - Yeah, if it was. But, hm. If it was more enthusiastic, I'd be more uncomfortable. If it was like, "Hey!" I'd be like, that's more on the weird side, right? But she just said hey. - Hey. - That seems like totally. - But was that because of the way she was delivering it, or was she trying to deliver it with as little emotion as possible so as not to skew? - I feel like her delivery was intentional. - It needs to be an intentional delivery. - I have an alternative argument. Throughout most of history, that would be a weird greeting. Then again. - You're right, if this was the 1820's, people would be weirded out. - Not horses, but otherwise. - I think we have to take the whole picture into account here, this isn't again just about us in our time. It's about ants and people in the 1820's. George Washington. Don't say hey! - Okay the problem with this is that this isn't like, two extremes, it's normal to weird. - Yeah. - Right? So if it was like, like great greeting to weird greeting, then I would say dead center. - Okay then I think it's mostly. - But because it's at normal greeting, it's mostly to the, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna. What do you think about like right here? - As in mostly normal? - Mostly normal. - I'd say maybe give it a further nudge. - Like here? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay, we'll call it there. That's our final. - Do we think that the way she said it? - Counts as a greeting? Because if you said hey to someone, I would be like, you are not greeting me. - It's like a threat. - These are threats! - There are so many weirder things she could have said though as an example. (laughs) She could have said "I'll kill you!" That's a weird greeting. - Yeah, I don't know, I mean. (laughs) Yeah that could be normal, I don't know! - It's true, it could be more extreme. - I have screamed that at Allegra across the cafe. - "I will kill you"? - As a way of, like notifying her that I'm coming. - Then I know it's Jenna, yeah. - I'm gonna kill you! - You have never said hey to me. - No I have not ever said hey to you. (laughs) - In the context of our friendship it wouldn't be weird. - It's either "Hello, Allegra" or "I'm gonna kill you!" (laughs) - But I would say that the solo text of just hey is really two things. As Simone said, a sext or horrible news. - Mm-hm. - [Brian] Oh. - Somebody's dead. - [Pat] Yeah. - Those are the two options in that scenario. So certainly I agree that it should be on the weirder scale, but the question is should we go left of where they have it, which is, oh no they have it towards normal, so. - I think it's very normal, I'll let you. I might be outvoted. - I think it should be more on this side. - It's more weird, yeah. - I think it's more weird. That I agree. - Okay. We're ready, open it up. Oh! - Oh! - Super normal? - Oh, it's the most normal! - Should have been more normal. - Hello would have been the most normal. - Okay. - Dang, you should have listened to Simone. - Interesting. - My, yeah. - Fools. - The delivery really threw us off. - Yeah, Jenna, why did you say it like that? - Hey. Because that's how I greeted Pat this morning. - Hey. - Yeah, I don't know. - He was listening to his headphones but I didn't notice until too late so I was just like, "Hey." - Kinda makes it a weird greeting for you. (laughs) - The way my brain works like, somebody saying that to me like, that's not normal. For me that's like, oh god, what did I do? - [Allegra] But any time... - What is the normal greeting for you fucking nerds? (laughs) - [Allegra] Any time anyone... - Social anxiety, any greeting is a weird greet. - Apparently! - [Allegra] Any time anyone addresses Pat he has a panic attack anyway. It doesn't matter what they say. - Do they... - A normal greeting for me is hello, I'm not mad at you for anything that you've said or done. - If you had said, if you said, "m'lady" then it would have been way normal for Pat. (laughs) - [Allegra] M'lady! - Wait. - If you said "tips fedora". (laughs) - Wait, real quick, yeah real quick, can I get what your dead center would have been? - Between normal and weird? - Yeah. - What up? - That, from you maybe yeah. - Do I say that a lot? - No. - No, I'm saying if you said "What up, Brian" I'd be like that's a little weird, Rick. (laughs) - Yeah, is he trying to signal me? All right. - But it is normal enough. - Can I get a full-blown, what's the fucking weirdest greeting? - Applesauce! (laughs) - That's pretty good. - That's not, I mean okay. Arguably not a greeting. (laughing) - Good morrow! (laughs) Yeah, something like that. - Just looking at somebody like... - I like that, yeah. - You thirsty? (laughs) Are you thirsty right, are you thirsty right now? (laughs) - How do you people not understand what a greeting is? - You would totally say that to me! - I would, yeah. (laughs) - Half of our conversations are about my hydration level. (laughs) - All right well. No one was good at that round. (laughs) - They don't get any points? - We don't get any points. - Nobody gets one. - Nobody gets any points. - No one's scored any points yet. - We've scored, both of us have scored one point. - Oh, we scored one. - Right. - For knowing that the other team is losing. - Yes. (machine whirring) - This is so much more difficult. - Yeah, it's hard! - It's very difficult. - Everybody shut thine eyes. Okay you can open your eyes while I think. - [Brian] Okay. - For a long time. Okay, yeah! - Oh boy. - That was not a long time. Don't edit it to make it seem like it was a long time. (laughs) - Sharks. - [Jenna] Oh boy. - Sharks. - [Jenna] This is gonna be a difficult one. - Oh. - Oh. - So it's... - It's unreasonable phobia to reasonable phobia. - Mm. - Because arguable in either way. - Yeah. - I think it's unreasonable, because actually shark attacks against humans are very low. - Right, if you know the math. - It's statistically unlikely. - It does seem... - And also how often are you in the ocean? - Unreasonable, but I would say if you were worried about sharks, chances are you're probably in the ocean. You're not like on a bus. - I will also say- - Counterpoint! Counterpoint! A lot of people are afraid of sharks for no reasons. - You could not by default though. You're not walking around by default afraid of sharks. - [Brian] Yeah but this is a phobia! - [Jenna] Can we get Emily Heller known shark fearer in here? (laughs) Just to speak to this. - Knowing Simone, she is the kind of person who is definitely afraid of horror movies on just a conceptual basis and so she reads the entire plot of all horror movies. - [Brian] That's true. - So I imagine you have read all about Jaws, many many times. - Seen Jaws. - You can't talk! (laughs) - Don't talk, that's cheating. - I'm just giving you a fact. - She can't talk. - That's helpful. She's seen it. (laughs) - I think it's an unreasonable fear because. - Yeah? - You have to imagine though, if someone was like, I'm afraid of sharks. I would say, you're a reasonable human being. - Yes. - Like I wouldn't judge them for that. - That's the other side of this, that it's statistically unlikely, but still terrifying. - It's a reasonable- - Sharks are reasonably things, a thing to be afraid of if you're in the context with them. - [Russ] I would put it like... - I think I've been afraid of sharks while in a swimming pool, which is unreasonable. (laughs) - [Brian] Yeah. - Which is. - Yeah, I get that. (laughs) - I would put it there. What do you think? - Put it there? - Interesting, towards reasonable? (slurping) Interesting. - That's pretty far into reasonable, though. That's like 60- - I think it's pretty reasonable, that's like maybe even more than 60%, I think it's a pretty reasonable phobia. - You know what, you're right. You're right, it is. - I don't, I agree with Jenna. Statistically it should not be. Oh wait, but then that means it's not a reasonable phobia? (laughs) - If you agree with Jenna! - But it depends on how knowledgeable the source is, like if you know statistically. But I'm still afraid of sharks, do I think I'm being unreasonable for being afraid of sharks? - Yeah I also don't think phobias are reasonable. - Russ is working through some stuff right now. (laughs) - Also like it's statistically unlikely you're going to be brutally murdered by someone, right. - But they have big knives in their mouth! - [Jenna] But murders, murderers are everywhere. - But it's still scary! - I think it's reasonable, they have knives. - [Jenna] There are two murderers in this room right now. - If Brian had knives in his mouth, I would definitely be afraid of Brian. - Yeah, it's true. - So I don't think it's a crazy thing to think. - Yeah, I think. - Yeah, we're happy with that positioning? - Yeah. - Okay. - So you're locked in? - I think it's center, right. - Yeah, okay. Yeah, great. - I was just trying to bait them to get there. - Okay, perfect. - Okay! - Open it, Simone. - Oh. - What, reasonable? - Yeah, yeah. - [Brian] How? - Yeah. - For exactly the reason Jenna said, because- - Because of math. - Because of math! - It statistically won't happen. - [Brian] Cursed again. - And yet if it did happen, you would be reasonable to be afraid of it. - [Jenna] Yeah. If there were a shark nearby, and you were in the water with it, a reasonable phobia! But you're not, you never are. Sharks are lovely creatures. We love them. - They are nice. - Sharks are great! - Mm-hm, unlike clowns. That's very reasonable for a phobia. - [Jenna] Clowns could be anywhere. There are two kinds in this room right now. - There is clowns that can walk! - No! (laughs) - You can open your eyes. - Fine. (laughs) - Oh boy, oh boy. What the fuck? - It's not so easy when you're in the chair. - Hm. I mean there's a funny answer, okay. (laughs) - [Russ] Oh boy. - Hard to sit on. - Wait, no. - To easy to sit on. - Sorry, you need to give us a clue. - What's the clue? - Yeah you just read them. (laughs) - Tell us what the clue is. (laughs) - Hard to sit on to easy to sit on. Let's say, some! (laughs) - Do you know what's going on? - Hard to sit on is 100% easy to sit on. - Somebody else's butt. (laughs) - [Russ] Okay. - Yeah, okay. (laughs) - Oh okay, that was. - Yeah we're gonna roll. - We'll do another one, because- - Pat is playing by Jeopardy rules, where you say the answer. - Was I supposed to turn the? - Someone else's butt? (laughs) - I'm sorry, I've got this! What is somebody else's butt? (laughs) - What did I do? What did I do? (upbeat music) (laughs) - I hope your next clue is hard to sit on. (laughs) - Mm, mm. Hm! - Can we open our eyes? - Almost. Yes you can. - Okay. (laughs) - I'm just trying to think of the first. (laughs) (Simone sobbing) - Simone is full-on crying. Legit full tears. (laughs) - Oh no. - Look at the camera, sadly. And we'll keep it for stock footage. (laughs) - That's Simone's face when she sees a clown that she likes. - No! - Okay. Polygon.com video content. - Pardon, sorry? Pardon? - I'm sorry, what was that? (laughs) - Give me a re-read. (laughs) - Pat is struggling so hard. - Shh, shh, shh. (clears throat) Polygon.com video content. - Okay, okay. Art to commerce! - Oh! - Shit! - Oh my goodness, we're gonna show our entire asses here. - Yeah. - Now we've had some sponsorships, I would say. - This feels right in the middle to me. - It's, I would say that most of the content we make is not artistic in the grand scheme of the world. - Interesting, okay, yeah. And I think that is what Pat feels. I think everything we do is 100% art, but I can't deny the fact that we're getting paid for it, so. - We're getting a little bit paid for it. - Yeah. - I'd say, to say it's 100% commerce would be factually incorrect. - Inaccurate. - But if you're a sponsor and are interested in sponsoring OverBoard perhaps, we could put this dial all the way up to the right side for you. (laughs) - Is the mere act of editing a video not art? - No. - This feels... - No, a monkey could do that. - I feel like- - All right, fair enough. (laughs) - I think, I feel like this is pretty dang close to center but I'm just wondering if you wanna aim for the right or the left of center. - Oh I feel like, yeah, what would Pat feel? - How much money do we need to make for us to be more commerce than art? - More than we're making right now. - Okay, so let's put it closer to the art side. - We have not sold out as much as we could and are willing to do again. - Yes. - Just to emphasize. - Keep that in mind. - I cannot wait for Tumblr to pull all this apart for blackmail later. (laughs) - Okay, how do we feel about that? I feel like that's pretty close to center. - Yeah. - Slightly more art. - Slightly tipped. I feel good about that. - Also, they're gonna- - I'm actually, I'm gonna tip it, just. - A little more. - A weensy bit more. - Okay, okay! - Just because that's how I feel like Pat would feel about our work. All right, okay. - So, so they had it most, what is that, 55 percent into the art? - Yeah, yeah, it's perfect. - It's locked! - [Jenna] Yeah. - Eh. - Uh. I would... - I would have said we should air on the side of art but now I'm feeling not that way. - Yeah, I think, thinking in the footsteps of Pat, I think we're going right ahead. - [Allegra] Towards commerce? - Thinking in the footsteps of Pat is my favorite memoir. (laughs) - [Allegra] Thinking in his feet! (laughs) - It's a short book. - When there was only one set of footprints in the sand, that's when Pat's- (screams) - Oh no, the light! (upbeat music) - Mm. - Think again, you really need to think like Pat in this scenario. - Oh god. - And where would Pat put it, and I do think even though I consider everything y'all do is art. I think Pat... - Thank you! - Is a little, a little harder on himself. (laughs) - He's very hard on himself. But he also doesn't have money. - Russ covering his ass right there. I personally think you guys are full-on artists. - [Russ] The best! - But Patrick! (laughs) - That dipshit! (laughs) - Dang. - He just needs to believe in himself more. - This got so personal. (laughs) - I'm okay with leaving it where it is. - You think it's where it is? - Do we get points? - The thing is, I think that they are really right. - On the left side? - Yeah, that's the thing is you guys clearly think we nailed it. - [Simone] Yeah. - And I appreciate that. - Will we still get points? - If it's on this side, then we'll get points. - [Brian] As long as the four is on the left side. - Oh, got it, got it. - So if we get, I just want one of us to actually hit the wavelength. - It would be cool! - At one of the points in this game! - I think it's maybe a hair to the right. - What do you think, Allegra? - I am inclined to agree with you. - Which is you. - You. - Me! - That's why I moved this close to you. - Oh, okay. - [Jenna] Ha, she's on the wavelength! - But I also think considering before when we said that the games were both art and not art, sort of like a Schrödinger's cat situation, I think we could put this maybe more in the middle. Because I don't think Pat is good at having strong opinions. (laughs) So I think that. - Low self-esteem, no strong opinions, - We can spend 20 minutes on Dark Souls. - I can't believe you're- - Doesn't believe in you guys. - Four. - He's gonna be really angry, but I don't think this is something- - But I don't think this is- - You can't touch that! - Why? - It's locked in! - It's theirs! - Oh, right, right, right. - I just have to say if we're on that side or this side. So I would say move it... - And Jenna did it perfectly! - Yeah, didn't you see how minute I was adjusting it? - Okay. - Yeah, don't touch it. Put us on this side. - I think we should be on this side. - Yeah. - Simone are you okay with it? - You guys are outvoting me, it's fine. - All right, woof. - Oh! - Oh! - That's a four! - Woo hoo! - Hell yeah, we win! - Oh, oh! God, my minute change! I can't believe that! - That was amazing! Wow, we just went up one, two, three, four. We're up at six! - Oh my god! - I'm happy for you guys. You're art! - So close though. - We did it. - We did call it Jenna Called It, so. - Incredible. - In a way. - Impeccable. - Well done. - Good work everybody. - I can't believe I did good at this game. - This is amazing. - Like 60% art. - This is good work. - All right, Russ. - Polygon, just slightly more art than commerce. (laughs) The clue is Oscar the Grouch. - Aw. - Ooh. - It's from not huggable to huggable. - Oh, so tricky. - Ooh. (whistles) - Aw, gee whiz. - Sounds great to me. - The character or the Muppet? That's the question. - Oh, personality-wise? Obviously not huggable. Physically, super huggable. - [Jenna] He is a Muppet. - He's a Muppet, he's soft. - [Jenna] He's stank though, right. - But he is also in a trash can. - [Jenna] He garbage! - [Brian] He's a trash can Muppet. - You know? He's always in a trash can. - You're gonna have to do like, an awkward lean over. - Not real. Oh, you're right. No, if he's in the trash can, he's hiding from me. I can't hug him. - He's a physical being, like yeah he's not real but you could probably hug him if you want. - You could definitely hug him. - That was in response to him smelling like trash. - [Brian] Oh okay, you're right. - I don't believe it. - [Brian] They don't put actual, you think Sesame Street doesn't full-on put the trash in there on the actors? (laughs) - That's the same trash since 1970. - Practical effects, like! - It like decayed over time. Hey if you hugged Oscar, you'd be hugging somebody's hand and that'd be weird. - That's not huggable. You ever tried to do that? No way. - Hand hugs. I think I can do it. - I'd do it. - [Jenna] I appreciate, yeah, demonstrate now. - What the fuck? - No, I've never had my hand hugged! - That's just squeezing Allegra's forearm to my boob. (laughs) Which is what hugging is. - I did feel it a kind of boob. - What if, what if. What if? What, what if? - You're just moving it around, back and forth. - I know, watching Russ's face. - It's a science. (screams) Hypothesis! - Taking into account, he grumpy, he's an arm, I have never been in the same location as a Sesame Street puppet and puppeteer, they would probably stop me if I tried to hug him. - Interesting. - But I disagree, I think they would actually play along with you. (gasps) - Yeah, there's some- they're so good in-character. - But that, on that argument, the puppeteer for Oscar perhaps would reject. - I believe the puppeteer for Oscar would sort of do a, sort of like- - Argh! - Sort of grumpy resignation, like "Oh well I guess!" - That would be so cute! (laughs) - You can't use your Muppet expertise to help them, because I agree wholeheartedly with you with that. (laughs) You have to make sure. - No I'm just saying, I think he's very huggable. - 50/50. I'm sorry. I'm a Libra. - Because no, but cause if you were going like, full-on huggable you probably wouldn't go with Oscar, you know? So I can see it being more like, in the middle. - [Brian] If it was Big Bird, I don't know. - What if we put it in Jenna's special spot and left it right there? - [Brian] Same exact spot. - I think that's sort of grumpy melting is one of the things that sort of makes him more huggable. - Oh. - Hm. - Because you want, you wanna fix someone. You know? - Yeah. (laughs) - You wanna find a Muppet you can fix. - Yeah. - Ooh. - It's true. - That's hot. Are you okay with this position? (laughs) Sorry, no. I take that back. - Wow. - Ah. - I would say yes. Airing on the side of not huggable is good. - Okay. - That's good. - All right, our turn. - I think it should be huggable. I think Oscar's very huggable. I like where we have it. - Yeah we definitely are more on the right side. - Yeah. - Right, for sure. Okay. All right, reveal, Russ. - What up? - [Simone] Whoa! - [Jenna] I can't believe it was in the secret spot again! - Again? - Yay! - God. - Dead-on in the four, that's in the four. - That's in the four! - Ugh. - Wow. - That was a very good clue. - That was very good. - Yeah, it was really good. - That was... - Feels good, man. - Unbelievable. - Okay, we finally got good at this game. - We did, yeah. - All right. - It took a couple rounds to warm up. - Okay, swap it. Okay, open your eyes. Uh, a crisp pear. (laughs) - A crisp? - Oh god. - A crisp... - Pear. - Bad mouthfeel to good mouth6feel. - Oh! - Oh. - God! - I think very good. - Very, okay. Now that I realize you're saying like, the fruit. - Crisp. - Not like, two things. A crisp two things. - So I don't love the mouthfeel of pears in general, that's a personal preference. - Hm. - But crisp pear? - Are we, now are we thinking about the actual object of the pear? A crisp pear? Or are we saying, are we discussing the mouthfeel of saying a crisp pear. - I think it's, I think it's the object of pear. Although I think actually they align. - Yeah, that's true. - At the same marker. - I think it's mostly good, but I think a little on the mealy side. - Yes, I don't think it's fully good. - A little uncomfortable. - Crisp pears aren't mealy. - I should also mention it might be a crisp hair. - That's not what he said, Russ. - True, a crisp hair. - I can't argue with it. You know? - I think I feel pretty good about that, I might even... - Yeah, no, fine-tune it. Finess. - A crisp pear. - I think yeah, maybe even a little. - It's been so long since I've had a pear. - Yeah? - I've had a lot even if I don't love them. (laughs) - [Russ] Why is that? - I like fruit. - [Russ] Okay, but there are a number of other ones you could pick from. - That's true and I do. - Good. (laughs) - Yeah I think I feel good about that. - Yeah? - Because it's like, yeah. Cause like, if you like if you wanted to max out the good mouthfeel, what would you say, like? - For me the most perfect mouthfeel would be... (rustling paper) (upbeat music) I think my question is how does Brian feel about pears, do we know? - I've never seen him eat a pear. - I've never seen him eat any fruit. - I have a feeling if I saw him eat a pear, the face he'd be making would just sort of be like. And not like, yeah! - All right, that says slightly less to me. (laughs) - Slightly yeah, no no it was good. Ooh, splitting the difference, there we go. That's it, that's it. We're done. - Okay. - Locked in? - Okay, we're done. - Locked in. - Okay, so now that they're locked in I do wanna mention when Brian said the clue he did make a face. - I think he was just trying to throw off clowns like you. - You think that's what it was? - What was the face? - It was like, a grossed out kinda face and I don't even know if he is capable of like, limiting that level. But it might have been a fakeout. - If he doesn't like pears, do you think he specifically doesn't like crisp pears? - That's what I'm thinking. - Because if he doesn't like pears, he would have just said pear. - Pear, yeah. - That's a good point. - So what if he? - But a crisp pear is such a good sound. - If he doesn't like pears. - Yeah, you would just say pear. - But crisp, he likes crisp but still airing on the side again of- - Crisp is never bad! When is crisp bad? - He does not like soft pears. Never, no. - No, it's never bad. - Crisp banana! - A crisp banana would be bad, but then you have banana chips and those are good. - Those are good. - It's true, yeah. (laughs) - I would not- - Give me some of them crisp bananas! - Crisp bananas! (laughs) - In England they would be banana crisps, would they not? (gasps) - It's true. It's true. - Yeah. - Nice crunchy banana tonight. - I would put it on, I would say a little bit closer to bad mouthfeel. - So you think it's left? - But still on the side of good. Yes. I would say to the left of that. - I wanna gamble it all on it being the ultimate mouthfeel. - Oh, so you think its to the right? - Ultimate. - Yes. - You think it's his favorite food, his favorite mouthfeel? - That's what I wanna. - He's just wishing he always has a crisp pear. - Trying to imagine... - This isn't about taste, it's about mouthfeel, let's remember that. - Trying to imagine... - He wants to walk around with a pear sitting in his mouth? (laughs) - Trying to imagine a person that would bite into a crisp pear and be like "Nah." And is that Brian? - You might be about to meet that person. - Yeah, pears are a little bit gritty. - [Allegra] They are. - Yeah, they're always- - The grittiness I do not like and that is a fair thing. - Yeah. - But then again, he is also working against that so maybe he's encouraging us to go for bad mouthfeel which I don't believe it's the left of where they have it, it's either I think on the line or to the right. So you wanna risk it and say to the right? - I wanna, yes, I wanna keep it where it is. - All right. - Okay, are we ready? (Simone gibberish) Oh boy. - Ooh! - Oh! - Not too bad, that's a three I believe. - That's interesting, so. - It's okay. - So you're not completely enthused about it? - Yeah how do you feel about pears. - Well so, if I, if it was like an Asian pear, I'd want it to be crisp. But like, pears, they should be a little bit softer than like an apple, right. - But isn't an Asian pear a crisp pear? - Yeah. - Yeah, but they're like varietal. - But I would have said crisp Asian pear if I wanted that, like a standard pear you get in America, if they're like crisp and hard, you don't wanna eat that. - Are you judging our pears now? - Our pears are terrible. - They are inferior to Asian pears. - That's true. - And that's just a fact. - So there you go. Well that's good, we're up at nine, so. - Oh no. - Oh my god. - You guys gotta. - All right Allegra, please do us justice. - Hustle. - What's the clue? - I'm gonna say Twitter. - Twitter. - From guilty pleasure to actually just bad. - Oh. - So I'm gonna leave it there. (laughs) - Actually just bad? - Yes. - Full-on just bad? - That's where she has it, it's full-on just bad. - Counterpoint, I think Allegra gets a lot of pleasure out of it. - Yeah. - [Simone] Does she? - Because she's on Twitter. I think so. - I feel like. - [Russ] She does use Twitter. - I feel like of all people, like I mean everyone knows like, you shouldn't be on Twitter because it sucks. But then, everyone keeps going on it and it is a guilty pleasure. - Yes. - Because you're obviously gaining some amount of pleasure. - Yeah. - You're getting something out of it, so. - So all the way to the left. - Just compulsively using it and it feels bad. - But that's a pleasure! - If anything, I'll compromise for you. - Wow. - I will give you two inches compromise. - Okay so, we gotta ask ourselves. Is Allegra being honest with herself when she uses Twitter? - Hm... - And does she accept the fact that she's using it guiltily or is she saying, no it's just bad, but still using it, which again would be a guilty pleasure. - [Simone] I think it's different, I think those are two. - Russ has psychoanalyzed every single person at this table by the end of this game. (laughs) - So I think. - Because like a guilty, well I don't believe in the concept of a guilty pleasure, but like a guilty pleasure would be something that I enjoy, not something that I compulsively do that makes me feel bad. And that's why I think that it's on this side. - Okay, that's a fair point. I kinda like that argument. Is it a full-on, full bad, although I agree it probably is, I don't know that, I think where you have its pretty good. Which is like 90% bad? Maybe ease that off a little bit to like 80%? Like there? What do you think about that? - I'm okay with that. - Yeah? - Yeah. I can get down with that. - Okay. I'm gonna go with that. We're locked in. - We're locked. - I wanna gamble on being able to go all the way over. - Really? - Yeah? - I, yeah, I just, I don't think Allegra gets any enjoyment out of tweeting or Twitter. - Oh. - That's, I think you're right. Here's the thing, is her delivery makes me feel like. - Is she talking about her or us? - I think Allegra would have the same stance for everybody else. - Yeah. - I think that's true. - Okay, actually bad. - Just her delivery was like, I'm gonna go with Twitter. Makes it feel like. - Hm. - Okay, I'll... Sure, let's say all the way bad, then. - I was arguing for the opposite side. - Oh the opposite side? Oh okay. - But if Pat feels strongly, then let's ride or die. Because you know Allegra better than I think anybody in this room. Ride or Die with Pat Gill, another great biography. - When there was only one tracks in the sand. They were motorcycle tracks. - That's when Pat carried me on his motorcycle. - Yeah why not! Let's be bold with it, ready? - Fortune favors this. - All right. - Flip it. - Flip it. - Oh! - Fuck! - Ooh! - She used Twitter, she liked Twitter! - I love shitposts! It's funny. - See? That's, I like. - She's a shitpost lover. - That was the mentality I was saying! - I love shitposts. - I... - Allegra needs her memes! - I need my memes! I don't follow these shitty actionable people with opinions like you. - Everybody who thought it was the worst was projecting. - I just look at my Baby Yoda. - The emotional power was too strong. - That's okay. - No, it's okay. We can still win. - Now we get to play more. - Next round. - So that's good. All right. - Y'all don't know me at all, that's why I left. - All right, all right. (laughs) - Okay. Jenna, hit us. - Guys? - Yes. - Get serious. - This is endgame. - Marijuana will make you impotent. (gasps) - Oh okay, and that's from science to pseudoscience. That, ugh. - Ay yay yay. - I'm pretty sure is, hm... - I wish it was science. (laughs) - I haven't read up on marijuana. (laughs) - Here at straight-edge Polygon, we don't know much about the devil's grass. - [Brian] Yeah, no. Now either you and I, Pat, are just completely dumbasses and we haven't heard about this. - Yeah. - In the news, because it would have been like, if it was way more pseudoscience than it would have been like, vaccines cause autism, right? That would have been 100% over there. Science, I don't, I think that marijuana that although it has been proven to not be, like, as dangerous as tobacco and everything else, there's still like smoking can have effects on you obviously. - But just like, when it makes you impotent, has the vibe of like, some like playground shit. - Yeah, yeah. - But it's not one of the ones that comes up when people are like, oh I don't smoke because it makes me paranoid or because like. - Mm-hm, yeah. (laughs) - [Simone] So you think the parameters are science, to actual spread pseudoscience theory? - Oh no, I can't smoke because I can't fuck. (laughs) - Like something that. - Okay I feel like it's leaning more towards pseudoscience. - Yes. - Right? But there's. - I think it's gotta be pretty far into pseudoscience. - You think? I feel like, hm. - I don't. - I feel like Jenna's smarter than both of us, Pat, and she knows something that I don't know about this. - She knows things about weed! - Oh no! - I'm wordly. - Jenna knows a lot about weed! - I'm educated and street smart! - It feels like such like playground boy rumor, because that's like all the boys are afraid of becoming impotent but like. - What the hell's going on in your playground? This is the second time! (laughs) - In middle school, our biggest discussion was about impotence. (laughs) - No, no, no! The Mountain Dew thing, everyone was like, "Mountain Dew reduces your sperm count." - Oh yeah! I do remember that. - Okay. - Why was everyone talking about sperm? - I don't know why they wanted to have a lot of sperm! - Is that what men is about? - They're all 12! (laugh) Cut this! - I, okay, I think let's pop it right like there-ish. Because I think it's definitely not like, further than that. Because she would have done something much more serious about, than if it was. - Like crystal healing or something. - Yeah, right. - How do you feel about that? You wanna go for? - I'm thinking there. - I'm gonna pop it right there. - That's fine. - Okay that seem good? - Then we'll google some stuff after. - I'm popping up the google! (laughs) - I think this has showed we've got a lot to learn. - Yeah. - Okay. - Locked? - I'm fully on this side, if they're, I mean. - I disagree. - No, I think it's full pseudoscience. - I have, I don't know if it's true because I have not looked at those sources but absolutely 100% I have heard from people that are not schoolchildren at the playground. - [Jenna] On the streets. - That say that excessive marijuana smoking can cause impotence. - It feels like something that doesn't have a longitudinal study yet. - Who? - We're already locked in, why am I saying anything. - People that like, look, once you get to an age and you're married and you think about having kids, these are conversations that are had and they are conversations about. - How much weed you smoke? How much weed? - So like stop smoking weed while you're trying to get pregnant. - Yes. - Hm. - Now this is not directly coming from a doctor, but I would also say it is a thing. - This is gonna be a very embarrassing round. - That I have heard from people. - I think you're all doing great. - Having lived in Washington when weed was legalized, I don't remember any counterarguments to this vein. So that's why I'm leaning towards this side. - So I would say the reason you probably didn't hear any counterarguments to that vein. - Is because I'm a fucking lib. - That, and also the fact that when they were arguing against it, the primary arguments were like, well kids are gonna smoke and drive or like danger arguments, not physical, like whatever. - It wasn't children impotence! - Yeah, the parents were like, these kids won't be able to fuck! - But that's what all the school kids were worried about, so you have to remember. - But Simone didn't hang out with children. - It ends with Gen Z. (laughs) No more kids! - And I would also say like. - There are three of us, so if you guys wanna outvote me. - This is gonna get a little blue so feel free to cut it, but like there's a thing called whiskey dick, which causes impotence. So why- - Temporary, though! - Temporary yeah, well she didn't say permanent impotence. - But impotence- - And I'm not saying permanent impotence either. - Isn't impotence your sperm count, not whether you can get it up or not? - No, it just means. - Infertility is separate from impotence. - Mm-hm. - Yes. - Impotence is not the same thing as infertility. - Impotence is just you cannot get a boner if you will. - No! Is it? - Yes. - It means you can't do it. - Yeah, because it's not, if you have whatever. - Okay, if that's, I'm gonna say full-on pseudoscience. - Uh oh. (laughs) - What? - That's what we're talking about! - It's totally countered to what I just said! - This was a trap, I'm a cop, you're getting arrested for having your fun! - That's saying if it's like whiskey dick, pseudoscience. - What, so you, oh. Never mind. (laughs) - This is a much dicier topic that I thought it was going to be. - Yeah! - I am sorry! - Is there a cute name for weed dick? (laughs) - There isn't. - There it is. I guess. - You might have just coined it right there. - We can, we'll brainstorm later. - Just, it's a binary question. Choose which side? - Limp vine! - I think it's far, I agree with Simone, I think it's hard on this. So I would leave. - [Brian] On like, if you smoke a lot of marijuana. - I'm here for gambles. - Then it wouldn't be hard on any. - I realize you guys are taking it, well, big gamble would be to the left, because at this point. - I wanna keep it there. - Leave it there. - So you think its pseudoscience. - I think it's hardcore. I know it's pseudoscience. It has to be. - Okay. - So. - [Brian] Flip it, flip it! - Owned. - I think you might, oh! - Oh! - [Brian] Four! - Oh my god! - That's a four! (laughs) Hell yeah guys! - We have the same impression of that being pseudoscience as you do! - Yes! - I feel vindicated. - Here's my specific argument. - Yes I wanna hear. - That is something that gets said a lot about marijuana, which is neither here nor there on the scale because getting said a lot doesn't make something pseudoscience or science, but as Brian pointed out, there have been no like significant studies to determine whether or not this is true, which but it still gets repeated. - Yeah. - People still believe this in some way, so I'm putting it over into pseudoscience because maybe, probably not, but we really have to see some hard science on it. And there is no hard science! - Gotta do the science to make it not science. - I can't believe how good you guys got that! - Wow. - That's it, guys. - I just want this video to come with like a bibliography. (laughs) - I'll say this, if you guys get a four on this round, you win. I will bet that right now. - Ooh. - Whoa! - On behalf of our whole team, I guess. - On behalf of the whole team, we did a lot of deliberation by myself. (laughs) - Oh, I looked right at it. - Fuck you! (laughs) (machine whirring) We're gonna keep spinning. It was a good round after all. - I don't even know what I was thinking. (laughs) - All right. Don't. - Too much weed! - Pat I remember hearing that Mountain Dew made you impotent too. - Yeah, right? - Yeah that one I heard. - It's a classic. - But that was a clear myth. - I feel like that's the same thing every time there's like, something that kids are interested in, I feel like that's a thing that weirdly comes up. Like cell phones. - I feel like there should be a strain of weed called Mountain Dew. - Yeah, cell phones. Oh I bet there is, come on. - Just that particular concern for children, like yeah. Playing too much Fortnite, it hurts your 401k. (laughs) - It is very weird. - It's an old man's concern for a young man's game. (laughs) - Young man, an old man's concern. - Okay you guys can open your eyes by the way. - For a young man's game. - That's my third memoir. - Really, it's poetry! (laughs) God. - Tea. - Oh god Simone. - Better hot versus better cold. - Okay good. I was worried that it would be unclear which tea she meant. (laughs) - She's talking about tea, truth. - The letter. - Yeah. Oh I thought she meant easy to spill, hard to spill. Yeah. - So what is it? - Tea better hot versus better cold. Okay. I think it's unquestionably on the better hot scale for Simone. - But Simone doesn't do things unquestionably. No, no, no. Simone- (laughs) Simone gets very cold very easily, she's frequently in a slanket in the office. - Yes. - So I think. - She drinks just hot water by itself. - You know what, hot water is not. - It's not tea. - It's not tea. - It's not tea. - It's a water-infusion. - Like I could see her... - Yeah, it's like hot water with honey. - Heating up, I can see her heating up tea and then putting ice cubes in it. - Hm. - Like that's the kind of thing I could see her doing. - Crazy person. - I agree though, it is better. - It's gotta be better, like and I'm speaking for Simone as well as myself that I think it's gotta be on the better hot side. - I don't think I've ever seen her drink iced tea. - I don't think I have either. - [Jenna] Really? - But I feel like I have a very, I mean it's possible I haven't been watching what Simone's drinking. But I feel like I have a very vivid image of Simone sitting at her desk in a slanket with tea. - [Allegra] Is that what you call Snuggies? - Yeah it's a slanket. - But can you not also picture Simone sitting on a sunlit porch in a sun hat sipping a cool iced tea. - Yeah, I would pause at that because the office is always cold, she navigates to hot water and tea, hot. Because the office is so cold. And that that does not necessarily reflect her overall preference. - I think also Simone- - But they're also against us. - It's true. - Simone is a person of leisure. - That's fair. - Well-known. - Renowned. - And I think iced tea is slightly more associated with that sort of relaxation. - No! - Not at all. - Iced tea, yeah. - No! - It's like a bumpkin drink. - No, no, no it's like 1920's, peak of like, it's the very best thing- - Don't throw 1920's at us and try and make us think it's peak Simone now! - I don't know. - Iced tea was invented in the 1920's. (laughs) Can you disprove that? No! So. - Nobody was willing to challenge that. Did you see that? - I just really can't picture somebody having that idea before that sort of. - Yeah. They had ice picks back then, so like. - You had an ice shed, you had an ice pick. - So let's take this hot thing and turn it cold now! - If you let tea just sit it will become cold. - Yeah that's fair. But it becomes lukewarm, and that's, no one enjoys that. - Okay, Russ. I'm gonna say hot but not all the way hot. - Okay, so. - Like 80%. - So I would, sure, yeah, yeah, yeah. I would put it like, there? - Yeah. - Yeah? - Yeah, I think that's good. - You're locked in? - I feel like he's ready to jump. - I mean, technically- - I guess it doesn't matter. - It doesn't matter, because you guys don't have- - So we really need to nail it. I'm gonna look at Simone's reaction. - Don't look at me! - I think it's gotta be in that quadrant. - Yeah, I'm gonna go like here. Okay. Yeah? - Yeah. - You happy with it? - I don't even know where it is, because I can't see the dial, so. - I mean it's got to be like, cold. - It's definitely on the other side. - Oh yeah? Okay. - Really? - I think, I was gonna say, I feel like, I feel like Simone chose tea because she knows it could be on either side, it's like such an either side of the thing. - I wasn't lying about the office being cold, I wasn't lying about that, it is cold. But I think she loves hot tea. - I think she likes hot tea, too. - I think she loves hot tea. - But I think she also has a very global understanding of tea and that people could like either hot or iced. - Yeah, all right. - I have never, ever seen Simone take a cold tea by choice as an option. I mean this office has both. - That's true. - There is that, you're right. - I've never ever seen that before. - Then yeah, go ahead and pop it on over to the left side. - Yeah. - Ready? - Okay for the win! - Flip it! - Oh! - Oh! - Whoa! - That's actually way more in the middle than I thought it was. (laughs) - What? - Simone, explain! - What'll happen? - Other than you not realizing where it was. - Where'd you think it was? - I- - Do you think we nailed it? - Yeah, I thought it was a little more- - We win! - That way, no you don't win! (laughs) - They were right, everything they said was right about me loving hot tea. I think hot tea is universally better, there are good cold teas, but hot teas are excellent. When the fuck have I ever put ice cubes in hot tea? - You haven't but I could see you doing that. - No! - That's a very idiosyncratic, like. - I drink hot water! (laughs) - For bonus round, our clue is "I". - God, uh. Underrated letter of the alphabet, to overrated letter of the alphabet. - I'm glad we're not on Pat's team. - Ay yay yay. - Ha. - I feel like "I" is a really important letter. At least in English, right. Because it's one of the most used vowels. - Yeah, but counterpoint. Is it overrated? Isn't the "I" which stands for each of our individual egos, really the thing that separates us the most and isn't the "I" therefore the most overrated letter? - But do you think enough people have that thought and so most people are underrating the "I" because it actually has a very important purpose in our language. - I think Pat would think the "I" is overrated. - No way, Pat, Pat thinks that "I"- - You think Pat loves the "I"? - No I think Pat would go to war for the "I". - You think he loves "I"? - I think Pat thinks that more people should love "I" than they do. I feel like it's gotta be, if it's, I feel like it's just a little bit underrated is what I would say. Because I don't think it's like the most underrated, because everyone obviously knows that that's "W". But if it's, "I" it's slightly underrated because we take it for granted, you know? - I think it's a slightly overrated letter. We were on a good track earlier, we were talking about vowels and "I"'s importance in the vowels. "E" obviously the most used vowel. - Mm-hm. - "Y" the least used. "U" probably second-least used. - It's what, "R" "S" "T", "I" "L" "E". - Except in text messages. - Those are the ones that are most used in. - Yes, R. L. Stein. - Wait, should I be helping? Yes. - Yeah, we can say whatever the fuck we want. - Yeah, do you have something to contribute? - I guess not. - To this philosophical question. - Uh. - The idea that Brian says that Pat would be gung-ho on "I", I find questionable. - Are you gonna say that Pat has low self-esteem and that he just? - Yes! (laughs) - And that he thinks we don't make art, and that he's poor. - [Jenna] I was trying to dance around to that fact, but thanks for just putting Pat on blast. - Okay so you think it's a, you're saying that he would care more about the we than the "I"? - I think, if I were Pat, and the sentence I were saying is "I" is overrated, I think that's something he would say. - I think it has to be... (laughs) Okay! But we agree that it's between here and here, right. - So glad. - Yeah, I still think it's an extreme. - Yeah, so all right. I'll go with it. I'll say that you think that he thinks that it's overrated, suddenly. - Okay. - But I, on the record, I think we're just mirroring each other on that. - Yeah, I think that's fair. - We'll go with that, we'll go with. - Let me do, let me finesse this with my. - [Simone] That Jenna magic. - The Jenna magic. - Magic fingers here. - Okay. Locked? - Locked. - I think it's somewhere here. I think it's overrated. - I also, I agree. - Really, wait why? - I'll give my explanation. As Jenna said, which was accurate, "I" is a very important letter, not only representing yourself but also one of the big vowels, there aren't too many of them and that's one of them. But its shape makes it underrated because it's very diminutive. - We didn't think about the fucking shape, Jenna! - [Russ] And the shape makes a big difference. - Goddammit! - Why do you think Brian loves "W"? Huge shape! - Huge shape. - Is it? Is that why you love "W"? - It's a great noise, too. - Great noise. - I like the phrase "W". - And saying it, right, exactly. I think. - Good mouthfeel. - Mm. - I think it's underrated, I think it's definitely to the left. - Interesting. - I agree with you for those reasons and also just cause I, I mean we don't think about letters in that sense. - Mm-hm. - So when you, if you take the time to think about "I" and appreciate it, which we never do, well that makes it underrated. - Yeah. - Mm. - Right? - It's also worth considering that he could have picked any letter. - Yeah. - But he picked "I". I don't know what that is for considering. - What does it mean? We'll find out! - All right. - I appreciate that you picked a letter in the English language, I thought there was a chance you'd curveball us. - Ooh. - Throw in, yeah. - Epsilon or something. - Open it up! - I'm gonna say I don't, I'm not on the underrated page with you guys. - Oh really? - No. - Is that your opinion or what you think Pat thinks? - I mean, both. I think Pat and I are on the same wavelength. - Why do you think that? - Pat and who? - Ha! Exactly, I think "I" is. (laughs) (clapping) I is not a fan. But it's fine, just go. - Flip it, Pat. - Two to one. - Is there where you wanna stay? - This is the most controversial conversation that's happened all... - Yeah. - Oh! - Oh! - Right, Brian. - Explain. - Do you think it's slightly underrated? - I was thinking in sort of the, the alphabet song sort of world, "H" and "I" are the unfortunate fly-over letters where ABCDEFG has this like, first of all those are the chords, of you know, the notes of music, and then "H" and "I" they're soft and weird, and then you get into "J" and "K" which rhyme with each other. - Yeah. - Which is good. So "H" and "I". - But then there's LMNO, which people think is one letter. - But it's fun to say. - That's true. - It's the best part of the alphabet. - "I" is... - It's the part that is a boy band of the alphabet. - Yes. - Yeah. - So because of the alphabet song, you were talking about 12-year olds before, the alphabet song bothers you. - [Pat] That's right! - Well I agree with you. - [Russ] You were right. - "I" is the Midwest of the alphabet. (laughs) - [Russ] Also Indiana, right? - Yeah. - You know? - [Simone] Oh! - Illinois! - Illinois. - They're all there. - All the flyovers. - Not very important. - Iowa, Idaho. - Wow. - Okay. - Underrated. - Excellent. - Thank you so much for watching this OverBoard where we played Wavelength and destroyed the other team! Tune in next time for a different board game that we haven't decided on yet. (upbeat music)
Channel: Polygon
Views: 632,000
Rating: 4.9634423 out of 5
Keywords: videogames, video games, polygon, wavelength, wavelength board game, party games, brian david gilbert, patrick gill, jenna stoeber, russ frushtick, simone de rochefort, polygon overboard, overboard, board game show, board game lets play, wavelength lets play, funny board game, are video games art, marijuana impotence, sharks
Id: pS-XT-5R26Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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