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[Laughter] [Applause] hello everybody welcome to the monster factory huh wait don't think so dad hold on hold on take my IP with me baby it's another jackbox stream we're doing we're doing Monster seeking Monstars this is a game where we try to find the team that the toon squad played against in Space Jam and kill them and kill them finally we're gonna bring them to justice for their basketball crimes we are joined by the usual crew plus some let's sound off starting from the left of the room I'm in right now that's Brian Jenna celebrities with us today yeah you remember Justin Matt and I'm and I'm Griffin and we've probably shot this three weeks in the past now I'm off on some tropical island enjoying my retirement they brought me back in there one last mission of this game that is not a good fit for this video but I want to place so desperately it's just for you yeah we are really doing this because you want it to real bad so this is a game where you try to find a partner every round and if you and your partner the person whoever you've decided of the seven players is like your Road Dogg pick each other at the end of the round at the end of the round you pick somebody who think is also gonna pick you as a match if you both match you get points if you pick somebody and they pick somebody else you don't get points and so but before the votes you are able to send I think three or five or some messages to people to try to convince them to pick you and that you're gonna pick them and if you pick each other points otherwise no points whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins now it's also a secret identity game like werewolf or mafia and your secret identity will be revealed to you after we start the game and that adds more layers onto the game for instance there's a werewolf roll where if it's during a full moon and somebody matches with you you infect them with the werewolf virus and now they're also a werewolf there's an Invisible Man role where your points are never listed and it always looks like you're in last place until the end of the game and then it is revealed how many points you actually have and after each like scoring round the player with the most points their role is revealed and so you have an idea of like who is what so try to pick people who you think you're gonna match up with you but be careful of the roles maybe they will be revealed as we go also it's like a dating monster game but for real though let's not do that because that vibes gonna be real strange maybe maybe I was just about to say I know nothing about tinder but this sounds exactly like a video game exactly where you get werewolf itis a lot yeah also also oh my god this is so important and I didn't know this the first time played the game during each like scoring phase some of your messages that you sent privately to people will be revealed and read out loud so no no yes again I'm just playing this like LinkedIn I'm just gonna be a disaster but I've only played this game once but it was hilarious and delightful I love hidden role games and this one's really smart by the way the escapes won't let you know who your real friends are [Music] the machinations are afoot I've run out of messages so now I'm just gonna talk with my mouth I like to the bottom of the screen says you have zero messages left to send which is also the notification the wonderful show runners at the black mirror get at the end of a season so hard for that weird slam [Laughter] sometimes you have to work hard for those good good I guess how no that's just I understand this at first I was just sending nice messages to people deserve your most valuable currency yeah it's a valuable currency five seconds pick four pick pick pick Oh God Oh God pick me pick me I have huge muscles alright this is the best part of the game literally just the first person on the list gauge Minh traits [Music] oh you [ __ ] it's my first that's my first that's my last Oh Simone who did she try to partner up with oh that was a hot commodity that game yeah I tried I faked out Simone nobody replied to my messages oh so now I feel bad I got you I liked I liked yours well thanks thanks for I just didn't have the time to respond to it alright so now the moon is out which like it shows you what that graphic so if there is a werewolf they're gonna have sort of special properties this time what if the secret word is tiny business I'm not yet this is an interesting strategy I burn through my messages so fast if I don't try to date somebody oh yeah pick your date you've got a date ok it's so important to date go pat pat pat pat kick I'm in bittered oh oh so sorry but it did ruin Simone so someone would be ruined maybe you should have accepted my damn it Brian oh my messages I know that was a lot of messages yes this is gonna happen I didn't know that menu on it today how did you not pick anybody do that perpetrator but you can't be you can't be betrayed that's important right so now I'm the wholesale vampire you don't get to see mine does that unless you in terror time oh no it's me I need to stop burning that's who I am I'm the mother ah ah so there's I got I Simone Simone's my child and I'm gonna make sure she knows yeah Brian talked me into betraying you Simone I'm sorry some questions about the dating pool I'm glad we decided this is a job search mm-hmm why is my mom sabotaging my tits my job prospects that's true this explains why Brian's first message to me was stay safe out there I'm flirting just like I do in real life with thinly veiled threats I'm certainly not getting a date this around it just ain't happening is it because you rejected everyone I think I'm gonna make my mom proud you use the message on my B [Laughter] I realize I'm burning a lot of bridges here it's the name of the game no invested so many messages into that I thought Patrick was worth investing in and I was wrong no I got really bad vibes cuz you weren't talking for the first leg if somebody swoops in with five seconds to go and they're like yeah sure let's do it usually think it's like definitely not going to happen I need to reevaluate my dating strategy I'll take can't stop the mom what's happening to me oh oh damn it no ha you've been currency first two dances dated me because you're no wait now I'm cursed I haven't damn interesting yeah so Brian and Griffin are cursed anybody the Bryan's dated take that bomb you think that I can't you don't get Simone you gotta get some [ __ ] dates or else Brian's gonna run away with game okay also he's gonna be okay with of all this let's pause for a second why is a mother a monster in this game that is mother and that other movie mother it's mothers are actually a very common theme in horror movies anybody who wants to hear more message me just take it so quick screencast four three two yeah we'll see okay Tara is consistently best at at finding matches they O'Brien I'm really good at sex thing Oh gnarly on [Music] good suitors over here do it don't do it don't do it no please god no damn it Simone hell yeah I just had the worst high five all right as long as someone's getting days that's fine you tried does that mean Terra's gonna crush she's got so many cursed friends if we can if we can all get cursed oh then it's fine that's me I'm a witch a hair from Wow oh my god okay who dated Justin gross did I date Justin I Oh now but now it's over it's just when he's revealed that he gets the bonus Hartson oh yeah okay who's been working but he doesn't take hearts from us no no no no yeah just like all right we got two more nights to get this mummy curse spread throughout the whole community I've migrated to the blackmailing stage oh no oh that's a weird choice because we did not know I only messaged one person because I couldn't decide keep yourself chase listen I burned a lot of it I had a different the cruelty of this game is I had a lot of different strategies coming into this around hello but it changed changed last minute it's still goodish you already cursed right Pat sorry but you got to spread it around no no no Pat's not curse its Brian and Griffin but if you've dated anybody who's been dated by the mummy or dated anybody who's been dated by somebody who dated the moment like it that's how it spreads like that's Jim why do we want it to spread it's right now right now because if everyone gets infected then it gets right right now the Mummy's gonna get crazy points but if everybody hasn't worked out oh nice match okay there we go Justin's a shame we were talking over our great great dialogue our fairy this is the last round is there no score do you not get to keep up with the scores you got you'll find out the score at the end of the game cuz again like it's it's Mario Party straight up like a lot of this stuff can can change see I'm just I've not been doing very good with that so I wouldn't worry a lot what does someone change karts are doubled my choices are just guided by literally nothing here I guess much like actual actual dating looks like actual dating I don't know about that one [Laughter] haribol that's good oh [ __ ] me that's a message oh really well for him yeah got a Hail Mary honestly Oh everything's coming to a head it's so romantic yeah this is exactly the kind of relationship I always dreamed of my true form revealed a woman scorned and I feel like it revealed that I was the mummy too early for me to possibly win this cut that strategy but you have to get mine is that it spread through its spread yeah I for the mummy it's tough what was i well mine was weird I only got bonus points if I dated the sneaky creep which was Jenna which I didn't know until the last round don't worry about it [Music] this is gonna oh no that's bad - same one all right I have no idea who won then like good stuff Pat is - one heart Patrick oh [ __ ] we curse everyone right yeah I hope so wait Pat didn't get a date though so well he oh my god no we didn't get would you get for burning all your bridges [ __ ] date the whole game I think you and I dated the first night then nobody wanted to date me after that king of dates hey updates congratulations how does it feel great honestly not weird at all Lila I left I left my job because I dated all my coworkers so well it's like all the greats [Music] hey guys smash the like it's quit lash and where the where the fun where the goof goof troop and we're here to come up with some jokes for you listen to smash the like and leave a comment if you disagree and coming up next my boy Justin's gonna throw a frisbee into a basketball hoop let's go I don't think people need to be reminded to leave a comment if they disagree with us right but I you have to say you can't just say smash the like cuz it seems desperate you guys say something else so smash the like but if you don't want to smash the like let me know yeah I like the goof troop squad that's also been a movie right I think you're thinking of a goofy movie no I think if cartoon - can we play clip flash let's go goof troop was the series shut up I hate this game I've done bad I think we've all done bad really you didn't you did good you've never made a mistake no this game that we have footage of my prompts were good but I gave bad answers to them good I'm ready to look at them all the most inappropriate song to be air-drumming - this is good that it's gonna come up in three weeks from me love these topics wait did the Pope died Sinead O'Connor [ __ ] SNL heat that Pat has brought in [Music] wait did she rip up that picture of Pope John Paul after he died no that would have been incredibly disrespectful pay yeah something that should never have a chocolate filling oh dear from here on out I may be alone here but I feel like that would improve the communion wafers I don't really care I - I think yeah honestly I did kind of up for it cuz I wanted to eat it and I realized that that was wrong I loved my first I used to look so good occasionally you cheatin they're basically that had actual unleavened bread I'm like what is this [ __ ] they're just usual to suggest on a bath their oyster crackers really we missed it prime for just number to work for opportunity mine was actual good advice to it's great advice a lot the worst time to tell someone you wanna divorce is in the middle of the kinkiest thing about 1800s pioneer sex carbuncle is by a definition infected but I felt like the adjective would help it across yeah that's st. Louis humor got me good I missed opportunity to make that the gateway to Clayton edit that get in post Clayton why the 10min isn't married I'm gonna sit this one out I want everyone to know I said yikes cuz I was looking at pictures of carbuncles I reject the title in the Magic School Bus series the Magic School Bus goes to I think he'll actually was one of them they went to Christian hell with Miss Frizzle I was like you talked about how Arnold didn't want them to go to hell like Arnold I'm with I get sometimes Arnold's like I don't want to go near the turtles but like this one is yeah I know yeah I don't want to suffer damnation I get it yeah I've sealed my fate I liked it three I tubed um and then I thought about it longer is dumber than I even thought it was the worst thing to write in the tips section of a check okay so you you could have had the P but instead you needed all 17 and it's interesting someone because there is a lot there beyond the tip if it were just the D I don't think the message would have gotten across we've had this prompt before you brand new answer it's great I like the vulgarity they do those two I didn't like you Dan like you cuss at me Brian I felt assaulted by them yeah no you know it was a it was a safety clip actually would have been a good opportunity for swimfan anyone loved that the classic classic movies Brian that one's actually better but I'm a sucker for alpha always read yeah good work it's true they saw the movie and they were like wow looks pretty good why haven't we been back to the moon [Laughter] [Music] did you know they used to give Russian cosmonauts sawed-off shotguns on their space missions yeah because well when they would land instead of doing like a sea landing oftentimes it's just like land in the woods of Siberia and they had a mission where like some wolves I guess attacked them so they wanted to be strapped some shotgun stick in his face the learning and friendship school lunches to contain up to 4% Brian and Jenna big fan of Tara's sort of Catskills humour she brought to the table there it's dry in space sorry to interrupt you completely are you trying to are you trying to figure out if it were pushing back well I mean it would and also the answer is yes answer is Master Chief but notably it did not push him backwards comic nope are you pre laughing no I love I can't master chief instead of reiterate when we do comic lashes we don't look at the comic we just write write a piece of dialogue and we see how it fits and did you do a bad job Pat maybe did you have to reiterate that because what you wrote is gonna be deeply problematic possibly what are these kinds of works gold metal - none of these are good the harbinger of doom one if you could be arrested for that I do like I do like that my wenis is broken - that's that's that's the thing that you in jail for oh wow I got the most gold surprising you got that that weenus heat hell yeah Tara Tara Aaron that was answer I wrote in the last three seconds - this is the first time I've ever won I just want to thank all of my fans oh that's another jackbox in the books thanks everybody for hanging out and please remember to smash that like guys leave your dislikes in the comments let us know if you have any good ideas for a jack box game bye subscribe subscribe
Channel: Polygon
Views: 946,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, games, gameplay, polygon, walkthrough, lets play, monster seeking monster, mcelroy, McElroy brothers, griffin mcelroy, pat gill, patrick gillbert, jackbox, quiplash, brian gilbert, Simone de Rochefort, Jenna Stoeber, monster dating, monster dating game, hidden identity games, lets play jackbox, brian david gilbert, griffin mcelroy jackbox, griffin mcelroy quiplash, griffin, Justin McElroy, justin mcelroy jackbox, mcelroys funny, justin mcelroy, justin and griffin
Id: zRBMk7hhOLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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