Police Reveal The Funniest Illegal Things Teenagers Do (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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police officers have read it what's the weirdest thing you've caught teenagers or kids doing that is illegal but you found hilarious I've posted this before that I always find it hilarious cause my dad is a goofy fun guy he's been a cop for almost thirty years now and he loves his job cause he gets to be out in the community and make a difference the guy is gonna retire next month and he's stoked he gets to play battlefield and go on vacation anyway he gets a call one night about some teenagers vandalizing a park dispatch lets him know that it's a lady that calls 24 strokes seven thinking she's the neighborhood watch so as he cruises in towards this park he comes in all lights blacked out and watches from a distance after a couple minutes of watching he realizes these people are playing hide and seek they also look a little older than just teenagers he gets out of a car and sneaks up to some of them hiding in a group behind some trees and bushes my dad hunkers down behind them and one of them looks back and sees him the kid freaks out and starts to run into my dad grabs him and says dude shut up or the other team will find us the guys crack our calls now they realize my dad is down to win this game he ends up playing hide-and-seek with this group of 21 year-olds for the next hour the best part was about six months later I'm having a Halloween shindig at my house and my dad stops by cause he wants to score some burgers off us while he's at work he walks in and a guy at the party is like holy sh t your dad is officer he played hide and seek with us double-quote while in college we got the police called on us for a violent crime in progress when they pounded on our door we opened and they barged in the neighbor reported hearing people yelling things like shut up you little I'm going to our pay you're freaking twelve-year-old ass along with a girl screaming profanity when the cops saw it was three guys and a girl drinking and playing halo the one just looks at the others in sheer disbelief the cop starts to tell us they were called in for what pay in progress and tell us how we need to be more careful and what now because it could have ended during this time my friend is still on the headset and the other guys we were playing with our wondering what the hell is going on and are hassling him and then my friend says with the cop in the room we were apparently our pin you fry cos so badly somebody had to call the cops and the cops just can't hold it in and start cracking up they didn't give us a noise warning but no citations my brother was a cop who worked nights in Minneapolis one snowy night near the UofL campus he noticed a car weaving so he pulled them over thinking there would be alcohol involved nope it was a car full of deaf people having an argument which included the drivers he just told the driver to not sign and drives not illegal but certainly weird got a noise complaint call where the neighbors informed the spatch the parents are out of town and suspect underage drinking and all possibility use these types of calls are the worst because you can almost guarantee someone is puking in the back of your car and you'll have to write a buttload of local ordinance paper we roll up throw the overheads on to scatter as many as possible and make a slow walk up to the front door he play the nobody's home game for a while until one of the kids let's my partner in the back door we subsequently find around twelve teenagers and what appears to be multiple bottles of rum and vodka as well as several baggies containing marijuana and some pills upon further inspection we find the liquor bottles have been emptied and filled with water the marijuana is actually Oregon oh and parsley in the pills were just aspirin they were having a pretend party to put on social media but the strongest thing in the room was a rag all my brother was once jumping his bike off the end of the public boat dock behind the City Hall which also housed our police station they had it tethered so it wouldn't get lost on the bottom cop came out watched for a while and said I'm fairly certain something about that is illegal but I can't figure out what and it looks like fun so be safe and walked back inside a few years ago a friend and I were walking home through a residential estate it's drunk after a night out about halfway home a police car pulls up next to us and says they need to talk to us they say that CCTV in the area had observed us entering several front Gardens we then drunkenly explained that we had been going into people's gardens and swapping around flowerpots hanging baskets and garden ornaments with their next-door neighbors one of the cops was laughing a lot and the other seemed really confused luckily they got another call and let us carry on our way my friend had a bunch of prop arms and legs in his car you know college he and his other friend were trespassing in the Northfield tunnels google it and when they get back to the car there is a cop waiting he asks to see in the trunk so they open it he jumps back a sec but quickly realizes the arms and legs are fake and he hasn't caught some serial killers then give them a very stern shut the Frick up look as he calls his partner from the car to come look at this oil shake he voiced as he tells my friend and his friend to put their hands up Halla serious the other cop comes over looks into the trunk and freaks a freak out screams and runs away back to the car at which point the first cop bursts out laughing and tells my friends however he was hahahaha he was in Vietnam Halla Helen doesn't get out of here gesture and sends them on their way so basically he used my friend to pull a super crowd practical joke on his partner my brother is a cop and he told me one time he got a call around 9:30 in the morning for a suspicious person sitting in their car in a neighborhood my bro goes up to him and asks what he's doing dude is waiting for his wife to leave for work so he can go back home and play Wow all day instead of go to his own job my bro tells him to go wait somewhere else because he's freaking out the neighbors I didn't catch them but when I arrived at my first station after graduating from the Academy I was talking to some of the guys who had been there awhile I asked if they knew my cousin who lived in that patrol area turns out they did they had a call a few years back of some kids driving around pulling up next to cars at traffic lights and waving a huge dildo at the drivers laughing hysterically then driving off they were pulled over brought down to the station and parents were notified there was one old-timer who was a bit of D CK telling me that my cousin was a pervert as we're his friends but the others guys said they thought it was hilarious when it happened they never charged the kids with anything I still mess with my cousin about that when I see him I'm not a cop but I have a story where I made a cop laugh it was after I got arrested for stealing alcohol from Target and I was handcuffed to a rail on the wall of this room while I was waiting to be processed the cop was just passing through and asked the guy being detained across from me what he did the other guy who was around my age said he was there for retail theft but he stole a bunch of games then he turned to me and asked the same question after I told him I was there for stealing alcohol he looked down at my shoes which were a pair of really beat-up chucks started laughing and said man you should have tried to steal a new pair of shoes because those are Frick's armed I couldn't help but laugh myself and he kept laughing to himself as he left the room not a police officer but this story is going to fit I was 17 just got my learner's permit which allowed me to drive alone but not after midnight Oh before 6 a.m. engine all the rules and a bunch of friends I went a lap lobby's I had a couple of airsoft guns in the trunk about 3000 plastic bb's and we all decided it was a good idea to chase each other around in parking lot with the guns stupidly I took off the yellow tips waitress inside sees us calls the cops cops show up arrest us and ask us to sit on the curb after about seven minutes of seriousness they take the guns and bb's dump them in my trunk and backseat laughs and leave after breaking the airsoft guns they told us not to play with these in public parking loss and not to remove the orange yellow tips those guys took our beers too now that I think about it we could have been killed not a police officer but did loss prevention watched a girl of about 13 steal a pregnancy test go into the bathroom she came out about 10 minutes later bullying her eyes out sprinting out of the store I could have stopped her for shoplifting but couldn't stop laughing and thinking this girl's life is ruined I shouldn't make it worse my dad always tells this story from when he was young and stupid in the 70s now he's old and stupid anyway one of their friends is hanging out the sunroof while they're driving down the freeway naturally they get pulled over the cop comes to the window and says I don't know what but I'm going to find something to ticket you for he goes back to his cruiser and flips through his handbook for about 20-30 minutes he finally comes back with this huge grin on his face and says you over exceeded the limits of your vehicle here's your ticket double quote I'm not a police officer very sorry but two kids at my school one of them was a friend's brother actually got drunk last year and climbed a 100 plus foot crane all the way to the top best part the crane was directly across the street from the police station they were noticed right away and arrested the second they came down not an officer but a cool story bro somebody's and I were launching Rockets out at a soccer park that was empty at the time well the nosy neighbor across the road called the cops and told them we were shooting off fireworks in broad daylight anyways a cop shows up and starts to talk to us we show him all of our rockets our safety gear and flight journals that a friend of mine was keeping the cop goes back to his car and watches us launch a few rockets as we weren't breaking any laws about ten minutes later his off-duty chief showed up in his personal vehicle and joined us in launching rockets later he told us that he had dozens of unfinished rockets and if we wanted were welcome to have him if we promised to invite him to the launch about a year later my friend who kept the journals had most of them complete now these Rockets were expensive rockets that were replicas of actual ones the chief was happy to see them all in flight and told us that he'll make sure we weren't bothered in the future then he shot us a smile not me but my uncle he's a pretty young guy 35 something like that and definitely even younger at half so he always tends to handle things in a pretty relaxed way this was last year right after high school graduation about 50 or so of the grads decided to celebrate by buying animal-themed on Aziz and parade around town in them it got to be about 8 p.m. and everyone was obviously pretty tired so they decided to take a rest outside of this shopping center around 15 minutes from my house one of the store owners didn't like this too much so he called 911 saying some kids were loitering outside of his store this obviously isn't an emergency by most standards so my uncle was the closest officer to the scene so he was the only one who showed up he thought it was the funniest thing of them to do so he took a selfie with some of them gave them a warning and just told him to head out when I was a team living in the Phoenix area we would fill up the back of a pickup with shaved ice from behind the ice rink and then build snowmen in people's yards we would do it at night before ringing and driving away one time a neighbor called the cops after hearing a group of teens sneaking around outside the cop came by and found out what we were doing instead of getting after us he told us to follow him somewhere we ended up making a snowman in his own front yard he rang the doorbell and hid around the corner while his wife came to the door and then his kids came out there are some good cops out there not all of them are like the ones shooting people without cause not a police officer that this happened to me I was going for my morning run one day when I noticed a car following me driving on the edge of the road I've looked a couple of times over my shoulder at the car and noticed that there were red and blue lights sorta hidden on the dash and worked out quickly it was an undercover car or a detectives car or something in a hose my street is coming up so after checking it's safe I run across the road to my street and start jogging up the hill this point the car behind me follows me and there's another undercover car coming down the hill that pulls up on to the side of the road in front of me and another two cars show up out of nowhere and all of a sudden I'm surrounded by the cars with plain-clothed cops all jumping out of the cars and coming towards me so it's not the cops who are laughing but obviously I realized they've made a mistake and I stopped cracking up laughing I tried my hardest not to but thinking about this situation was hysterical to me so as I'm laughing I say to the more casual like hey guys what are ya up to double-quote long story short someone was breaking into houses in the area and they mistakenly thought it was me I don't know why I got pß drunk with a hot girl I was trying to sleep with 18 or 19 at a time and after she politely declined suggested I go home being drunk as a skunk but still having some wits about me I took my longboard out of my car left my car keys in our house and began skating home this is about 2:30 a.m. I'm making my way through a shopping center parking lot when out of nowhere I get a cop searchlight in my face and proceeded to wreck hard like landed on my hands knees and face simultaneously and not being able to pop back up cop comes up to me stifling his laughter and gives me a once-over he knows I'm underaged and drunk I know he knows I'm underaged and drunk he asks to see my ID asks if I have a car yes sir it said this girl's house I can only assume he decided to not freak me over because I was smart enough to leg it instead of driving drunk and gave me a ride home instead I can only imagine what it looked like to him though a drunken teenager attempting to longboard home and then completely Wrecking face at 2:30 in the morning I'm sure the boys at the station got a good laugh at my expense we were doing laps around a pond with a rope tighter my Jeep and another person wakeboarding behind holding on to the rope the police officer pulled up on the nearest road flashed his lights and motioned for us to come over to him when we got there he just said that looks like a hell of a good time but I'm getting tired of dispatch getting calls about y'all sorry guys save up some money and buy a boat double quote my favorite story that I like to tell trainees is when my partner and I busted up a Christmas party entirely by accident we got a call for a noise complaint out in the unincorporated County area we drive down about a quarter-mile of driveway one of those houses almost entirely lined with cars we can hear the music from the main road we both pull in with the intention of finding someone reasonably sober telling them to turn it down and calling it a night this was close enough to shift change that we could ride the call-out and no one would have accused us of milking the call instead one erstwhile young party goer comes staggering out from the backyard does the most comical doubletake I've ever been witness to then takes off running from whence he came screaming coughs cool oops the end result was similar to flipping on the lights in a nasty apartment scattering teams like seek roaches My partner and I were too busy laughing at the cliche to do anything other than heckle the ones trying to be stealthy in the woods nearby found the homeowner music was turned down no one got a DUI the few that didn't scatter too far we made clean up all the beer cans on the property tt wife thing to do leaving a mess for the hosts to clean up so a girl and I were getting a little frisky in the backseat of my car she was about to start giving me head when we see a flashlight shine through the window we flip out and climb back to the front seats the cop asked for my ID and whatnot when he came back from his car he asked so did you see me drive up I replied with no I saw your flashlight and freaked out he then said oh so we both had enough Rick moment I wasn't expecting anything then I looked in and was just like sh t then he proceeded to tell me one of my tires was low on air and gave me a list of good places to go have SX in a car have funniest experience ever the scariest part is that the girl I was with dad is a cop and those two cops were part of his squad she told me at their Christmas that cop told the story to her mom and they both thought it was hilarious when I was 16 my friend bought in 1976 Lincoln Towncar he took it for a joyride around my neighborhood no plates tags registration etc dot I decided it would be a good idea to climb on the roof ride the car like a surfboard at that very instance a police car turned in front of us and I knew we were absolutely screwed the officer rolled down her window and said guys come on you know that's not safe in the nicest most motherly tone I quivered sorry and climbed back in the car she waved to us and went on her way greatest mom cop ever back in high school a buddy of mine used to film prank calls and just being weird in general one film involved taking off his shirt and covering himself in ranch dressing the scene was set in a house that was under construction only two cops responded to the call and there were three people in the building including the cameraman people may not know this but ranch dressing dries to a pale yellow the cops didn't spot the cameraman right away and my shirtless friend put his hands in the air and walked over to them right away while still on film as the cop handcuffs him he says what the hell is all over you to which my buddy responds deadpan that will be ranch dressing sir the video ends with a camera shaking as the guy filming busts out laughing he's no longer with us but he was one of the funniest people I've ever met in his own totally unique way r.i.p KP lots of law enforcement won't come here simply because they aren't supposed to talk about their calls on social media just as and for your information as a teen I drove an old Cadillac and had piled eleven people into the car one of them in the truck to drive people home from a thing at my house we were filming a video for class and had a cops hat in the back window of the car and the guy in the trunk was holding it shut with his hand two blocks from the house we were pulled over the cops asked me over there speaker to come back to their car window after first yelling at the guy in the trunk to get out and I show up at the window pretty dang terrified that I am freaked the cop in the passenger seat leans over and asks how many people do you have in there and I say 11 the other cop says T is said 12 Dart turns out that they were looking for a rapist dressing up like a cop in the dead body in a trunk in our car fit both descriptions it was Stockton CA that kind of sh t is just a Tuesday regular agenda they made me take groups of people at a time home but did not issue a ticket or anything my friend's dad is a high-ranking police officer and an all-around great dude one time when we were 12 years old he offered to take us for a ride in his 67 Camaro as he had just recently finished fixing it up nicely we hopped in the car and he drove us around the city for 15 or 20 minutes and he took us to an empty parking lot behind what I think was in elementary school and parked in the middle and just sat there for a minute not saying anything as soon as we asked why we were sitting there he spun the wheel and floored the gas and busted out a series of screeching loud Donuts at left us in a haze of tire smoke being 12 years old I thought that sh t was ten times crazier than any rollercoaster ha ha definitely one for the books not that weird but when I was the teenager I was out with a couple friends after dark and I decided to move some cars went for the triple whammy but that third car turned out to be a patrol car they loved it telling us how they had just gotten done saying that no one ever does stupid sh t in front of cops then one oh there's your ass hanging out they did the runaway check then let me go and told me I made their night in first year University we have a jealous lip in slide down the hall of one of our Suites and had the entire floor packed with people sliding on it we had literally garbage cans filled with jello which ended up everywhere on the walls and even on the ceiling in some places eventually the campus police show up and take one look at it and start laughing we ended up talking to them and they said they had never seen anything like it in their entire careers [Music]
Channel: Reddit Tales
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Id: A1RxmAbN7TI
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Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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