$1200 Buy In.. Over $3000 in Prizes, 1oz Gold Bar.. High Risk Coin Pusher

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hey guys and welcome finally back to the harris queen pusher i'm doing something today that i swore i wouldn't do the reason why i watched somebody else attempt this and they did horrible on it and i think definitely the advantages to the house but i'm doing it today for you all because i have been slacking on the channel because my trip to arkansas and everything else in between working on an rv i wanted to go all or nothing just to kind of open it back up and say we're back and we're back with the bangs [Music] what it is is a 1200 buy-in there's a potential in here for making a couple thousand dollars but you have 35 minutes against 35 minutes after that it's over whatever you want you want as far as buy-ins go if you have enough time in between you can do buy-ins we're going to try to avoid that i'm just going to wait here a few minutes before they come in and start me but let's breeze over here so you got a few collectible coins you got the new 50s in there you got the gold bar in the back that's exactly what i'm going for but if you look behind that you got a 500 chip don't see them much anymore there's some hundreds in here and the the potential is here to make it but what they do is they put this stack of quarters that falls pretty quick and piles up right there in the middle so as soon as we get the green light 1200 buy-in try to get this as fast as we can stay at a steady pace and hopefully we can win our money back all right guys so here we go in three two one all right and start all right guys so i sure have missed everybody i'm not going to show this time last time you all got on me about taking the time to show everything i'm just going to pull quarters out and go from there i sure have missed you all i've had some pretty crazy past the week here traveling halfway across the country breaking down we made memories along the way and i guess that's what's important come on baby oh all right i'm just going to try to pile it up but it definitely would be good to stay towards the middle but we got to try to make back is what we can make back as fast as we can ah there goes the first one that's all right that went the other way that's perfect place for that to fall [Music] second wave [Music] didn't hit that in time did the moon walk so again 1200 buy-in 35 minutes from the start i'm not sure where the extra five minutes came into play but i'll take any little bit i can get and they actually sit back here with with you on this one [Music] hopefully i entertain them all right the hunter's going to fall [Music] bonus hole is open today as well [Music] they're getting uh the other coin pusher ready oh did you see that it went into the bonus hole [Music] the other coin pushers get ready to get a new game set up which will be fun to play [Music] i'll show you these uh if i want any of these collectible coins i'll show you what the ratings and everything are for coin enthusiast out there that know exactly what i'm looking at without you all wouldn't know what in the world i was looking at or any value or anything like that [Music] so [Music] they do have buy-in cups behind me different amounts so it doesn't have to be a long process i can get it done pretty quick [Music] there we go come on baby still got two towers standing oh there's the 500 don't get buried [Music] so guys before we go any further [Music] boy do i have some good news for you [Music] it's finally official my favorite app in the world the live claw machine soon to be coin pusher when real prize is shipped to your home right now only for united states it's finally for an android yes finally on android use the link down in the description that lets them know you came from here use my code bartley 15 partly 15 white should get you some extra credits on your account some tokens or whatever it's called go show them some love they support me and they're finally on android so for all those that have been patiently waiting time has come and remember go ahead and get to know the app and get some things done before they get the coin pusher up and going then you can be playing exactly what i'm playing here right from your smartphone or tablet or if you have blue stacks you can download it right to your computer bluestacks is a free program you can download to kind of convert your computer and feel like a smartphone so only way we're going to have a chance at all is to win that 500 and if we really want to go ahead and win that gold bar last person i seen the play they they were steady they were fast they were dumping quarters in there's two of them playing one was holding quarters and i sat up here and watched them for the whole 35 minutes and it was close but no cigar i think they lost like 600 all right that was my last quarter let me go down here pretty quickly so again i'm gonna hold the showing until the end we did get some stacks look at that let's get right rainfall right over top hopefully it falls that way and then comes out [Music] i still have it did [Music] [Music] so [Music] so ah come on baby all right that was the excellent push everything's rolling i think the machine's off to the left yeah quarters rolling that way at least oh no this uh this case is getting stuck on the edge [Music] oh excellent [Music] almost at 10 minutes in [Music] come on baby half that stack still standing [Music] [Music] [Music] operate a little bit here if that continues to stay stuck i'm going to ask them if they can move the one out of the way because it's going to be holding us up all right [Music] all right guys so we're doing good on return i think the bonus holds this fell as i was pulling the stuff out it was a real loud bang i don't know if there's a 50 chip in there or not or i'll actually won that so after this round they're going to pause my time they're going to get this out here for me so [Music] so we went to arkansas arkansas is beautiful very hot but it's been hot all over the country so um i don't think we found a diamond but however brought a bucket back with me like you're allowed to do and we're going to go through it bring an eye and see what we found did find a bunch of crystals which was really cool find but i tell you what that's a beautiful park the facility is beautiful all new a nice little museum there i would definitely recommend it as a family trip it's only ten dollars for adults and six dollars for kids to get in and you can spend the day right now they're only open till four but normally they're up until seven just make sure you pre-order your tickets i heard so many horror stories about people that came from russia and all over the place and didn't pre-order the tickets and wasn't able to go you can either pre-order you got to be there at 7 30 in the morning wait in line and hope you can get them i think they can give up net with covet and everything they can give up to 500 tickets a day and also make sure you wear your mask because arkansas is where their governor it's a law you also have to while you're there fill out your contact information just in case there was an outbreak they can get in contact with you and let you know guys on the other note i just want to say thank you so much for my cousin little john we're heading in there tomorrow to drop off the money to him um guys i can't tell you how much i appreciate it i know i came to you twice between my cousin little john and jeff when jeff passed away and before he passed away i got to tell you i know there's a lot of people out here that do fraud and i really didn't know how much it was up until this circumstance happened i know some people tread pretty [Music] easy knowing that that there's people out there that take advantage and safe stories and that really don't need help so because of that i decided to i'm going to just go ahead and record me giving to little john and his family and have them say thank you for two part reasons because you know you are going out of your way to do it um but then that way if there's no question i know you all only know me through here but all right guys so i'm gonna go ahead and get them to move this out of the way and then we'll be right back all right guys so we are 15 minutes in time stopped we got that heard them wrong they actually didn't take it out they just turn it sideways to where it's actually you can win it but irregardless and they were very patient they ended that last video that i put out there was a lot of controversy and it was very obvious that that thing was placed in the wrong spot on the way back out and uh they're going to they gave me house credit for that to use next time for the whole buy-in so that won't be on them so that was nice of them to do [Music] you know technically it's their place and they can set up how they want to all right come on let's get this thing down [Music] so we got 20 minutes left we're actually doing good with both for being halfway there or a little under halfway or over halfway oh yeah oh that's all right sorry got a little excited about that we're doing good for the return play left side a few minutes yeah guys what i was saying earlier thank you so much for everyone eric peters and all you all you all are amazing phenomenal people i can't thank you enough and seriously it chokes me up i'm don't get choked up but it chokes me up every time i think about it if you still would like to donate to him link to my paypal is in the description or that's where you can donate to the channel too but everything i get right now i'm gonna give to them i'll be hand-picking those that donated for another special prize but also uh you're all names going in the card that we're giving little john say thank you [Music] all right we're down to about two dollars [Music] and my last quarter so let me collect real quick oh yeah all right guys so we won the uh coin i'll show that at the end this is a good time to remind everybody summer times here guys my channel's taking a big dive which is normal but the way around that is if you please hit that like button leave a comment share the videos if you're not subscribed to the channel please hit that subscription button i don't know if you looked but you won't be able to see on mobile but on desktop if you're looking we are finally verified so we are official youtubers now verified youtubers that was a really cool honor i'd love to have you come part of the channel if you enjoy what you see because now that i'm back i'm going to be hitting it as hard as i can get the best videos coin pusher videos they have out i don't know man 15 minutes left fingers if they would work [Music] yeah so what had happened on our trip is i was on my way back i was right outside of nashville and i had noticed something was leaking up front but i checked the fluids and everything seemed okay well my brakes went out right in the construction zone so i pulled off went to a truck stop put some brake fluid in it it pumped up for a second and went right back out well apparently i had a pinhole leak in my power steering line and power steering and brakes are controlled by power boost or something system they're both on the same system so if one goes out i guess you lose the other all the mercy roadside assistance they came worked all day a day and a half out in the sun of course that was pretty expensive assistance but they just rigged it up long enough for me to get home and literally as soon as i was backing into the driveway the power steering line blew again so i'm in the process of getting them to make some power steering lines now and but that trip cost me another fifteen hundred dollars because that little incident wasn't planning on that all right guys that was an excellent return i got got a little held up there because things were stuck in the chute so i wasted some time just trying to make up for it now my gold bar's so stinking close that's what 1800 right there [Music] [Music] there we go there's a good push oh man i'm not gonna jinx myself and say something but [Music] [Music] for those you all that have been saying that you don't enjoy these found ones unfortunately they're the new location they're putting time limits on all of it even regular play but the other one's gonna be a traditional style play have longer and don't worry i'll play that so get back to those old style videos all right we got 10 minutes left [Music] come on baby did you hear that i think the thing fell again last handful of quarters oh that thing is teeter-totter let me get some solid pushes in here come on baby [Music] fingers like i got arthritis they're not working fast enough [Music] down to 1.25 [Music] all right that's my last quarter [Music] guys that thing is right on the edge that was the biggest food we've had yet doing okay with time oh it's right on the stinking edge [Music] oh it's right there [Music] can i finally get redemption [Music] yes oh yes stinking yes after that terrible last game that i had i was able to redeem myself [Music] awesome that is awesome i couldn't be happier right now guys so something else happened of course i knew there's a great probability but so from driving two and a half days down there and me and brady deciding to dig about a four foot hole on the way back my back went completely out right when i broke down to when i noticed it and it's got to be my sciatic nerve sciatica because i felt like for a day and a half i swear to you i had a trolley horse in my leg that would not go away i mean constant no nothing i could do to relieve it and i was just rolling around in bed miserable in tears couldn't figure out and i knew that obviously certain nerves can radiate like that while i was walking down we were on the second floor walking down the steps and my leg was completely numb on the right side completely numb and it's been that way ever since it's gotten a little bit better with feeling but it's still numb it's crazy how the body works all right we got like seven minutes i think so i'm gonna keep stacking this thing up my 500 is right there so boy that would be the cherry on top of the sundae [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] still work on that same handful i just seen another stack fall [Music] we're starting to cut it close on time [Music] here come on baby [Music] all right it's my last quarter let me go down here guys another excellent return the prizes up there show you at the end going for the 500 we're down to like three minutes i'm sorry my fingers aren't working faster [Music] come on baby [Music] did you stop my time okay all right [Music] plenty of quarters that this fingers aren't moving fast enough it's right there on the edge too [Music] oh so stinking close [Music] uh come on baby [Music] one minute left we can do this just wrap the fire in here they go on top of each other i don't even care at this point [Music] come on baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] 30 seconds left yes oh it came off it came off it was like 20 seconds to spare oh my gosh i'm freaking real the gold bar and the 500 15 14 13 12 11 10 nine eight seven six five four three two and one time wow actually hit a little bit time that's already my last quarter awesome stinking awesome guys all right redemption finally all right let me count up see where we're at but oh man i can actually breathe now so i was able to do what others couldn't and actually come ahead for once so let's count this up and i'll be right back all right guys what an x when sorry i was just trying to stay as focused as i possibly could so let's go ahead and get into the money first the cash part so let's uh all right so we got this the 50s 100 another 100 and bam 500 so our grand total cash alone our grand total is drumroll 1040 1040 1200 buy-in so right now we're negative 160. however you do the math on this one look at how pretty that stinking is when i was looking at it last video it was like seventeen hundred dollars in value so guys even though it's not cash in hand it doesn't this is good as cash to me so there we go say fifteen hundred bucks i mean we're just up awesome what a redemption from the first video that we tried i got a elephant lifted off my shoulders all right now let's look at this one 1977 coin 31 39 pr 1977 while that coin is in excellent condition for being in 1977. so let me know down in the description if you know what that means or how much possibly worth that's a pretty quarter i know that sounds weird but i mean that seriously definitely want to leave that in the case awesome so guys there you have it that's a great way to come back look at this all that 1200 is such a huge gamble also we had that but that's not worth anything anymore so guys i hope you enjoyed finally getting a good redemption video in here i've been hoping for one for such a long time and today what a way to come back just i mean again 1040 in cash and then whatever the value is for an ounce gold bar stinking love it one ounce of gold that's my second gold bar that i've got from here i hope you enjoyed today's video if you did enjoy today's video you can do me a huge favor by hitting that like button also if you're not subscribed to the channel and you like this kind of stuff and want to see more and want to help support me hit that subscription button become a part of our family i love having you here i love communicating with you if you haven't downloaded winner winner have been patiently waiting till they come out in android now is your time john did say there's some bugs that they're working out with android but they are launched and ready to go to get to a winner winner all you have to do is go in the link down in the description code bartley 15 to get free stuff 15 more or however it's it's it's working somebody told me that you actually get more credits using my code so that's awesome so that guys i'm going to be hammering these videos out this is really after that huge loss that i've been taking with the breaking down and everything like this this really gets it up so i can put an extra video out this week guys thank you so much for your time thank you so much for bearing with me while i did the arkansas creator of diamond state park thing and getting ready for that and i can't wait to record another video and i will talk to you really soon all right guys have a fantastic week thanks for watching all right so we are at crater dowman state park this is the hole we dug we've seen some uh shiny things it is so stinking hot here's camping well we don't think we found sunshine we also found like iron on a big rock so this is our hole we came prepared got the buckets if you're going to come here make sure you bring all this stuff because make sure you bring a lot of buckets so a lot of stuff it's actually supposed to be as wide as it is deep we didn't do that um people that are coming with you make sure you bring bigger shovels because we made that mistake and made only got one big shovel and we had to take turns with the big shovel because the little shovels were hard to dig that big down exactly all right so we're going to go up here to the wash bay we'll show you that see what we got yep
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 83,787
Rating: 4.8848701 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, arcade hack, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan paul vs KSI, Mr Beast, how to get money, secret to making money, scratch off tickets, Big money, jackpot, Joshua Bartley, vegas, slots, high risk, iphone, samsung, make money from home, scratch off, powerball, tech reviews, how to, make money, stimulus check, diamond, money
Id: YWEIOVkdq2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 44sec (2204 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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