Poketuber Reacts to "If Pokedex Entries Were Literal"

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what's going on everyone might have spotted some welcome back to another episode of the comments section won't stop yelling at me until I watch this video in today's episode we have a literal pokedex entries from dork Lisa you guys seem to really enjoy the a Pokemon trainers were smarts animation that we reacted to last time of course I will leave dole cleveland and the original video linked in the description I would highly recommend you go and subscribe to dokely because they upload so many good animations like so many all the time if you don't subscribe to them I don't know what you're doing but without further ado we're gonna jump into this of course in every react video we do pause looks I like to talk about what we'll watch him because it's a reaction not just a need looking at something for 12 minutes and then saying haha at the end but anyways let's get into this i stream everyday on Twitch at 4 p.m. UK time to let you guys know that let's see oh that's a bit loud hold on hold on oh I saw a wee bit loud what do we go here that drifloon a now it's and now it's quiet check the freaking sound up again it displays every children it dislikes every children's that can't live it up man honestly drifloon just needs to hit the weights you know do some deadlifts do some squats don't know how a drifloon to swats do some do some air squats there you go you'll be swollen off to lift up that back in in no time don't you I mean is that actually the pokedex entry for Alakazam are you serious it us infinitely multiplying brain cells that's like infinite more that i have serious but if you have infinitely multiplying brain cells which your brain does not just become so big that it kind of like just presses against your skull and then maybe like it comes like seeping out of your ears I don't know - you know that a hippos sweat pink oh cool hey is your head okay know is gonna blow I think there it is there it is jeez oh no that's out guys world is filled with so many wonderful smells cinnamon rolls ours and Ono's Angie's diapers Oh sewage yeah that sounds like it'd be actually more like a curse then Anthon else being able to smell everything in an area that sounds awful do you know how many bad smells there are out there do you know how many people that don't wear deodorant there are out there and don't shower like come on it's so easy just put some diapers yeah with diapers I think that was I think though is bite right there it's a nice cool 18 sow foreign Heights I mean I don't know Fahrenheit I only know Celsius so I can only assume that translates to chilly again in Indian food coming along oh no boss that's my guy okay I'll go grab you some laxatives you know you could buy a parka there's so many better ways to warm yourself all that's a grabbin animals feces and shove it in your pockets like slurpuff I can already you slap off phone beeps you happy about this all right we got another one here let's see we got that's right that's my sub sound which sing red and blue no hugging duckling episode he was so ugly that everyone died the end oh good yeah thank you nightmarish okay Deborah [Music] please you gotta help me my name is Jason Smith and I'm a research assistant at the Jason smashing Center I have no idea how but I went to bed as a human being and woke up as this this thing you were a human being - oh no yeah I mean I wasn't a garbodor fire like you obviously yeah yeah but it wasn't that ugly you know that yeah that was a human - whoa harsh truth was super effective and that's how a level 15 can be a level 47 more these are all like separate videos they're put together got everything that sound plays I think I'm gonna sub on Twitter like what's happening right now gorgeous pokemon no that way my whole like facehugger there no no I don't like that I don't like that so it's like self and Dragonball gucci goes into the scene just sucks everybody dry that's what gorebyss is like specifics could you just put the pizza over those guys leave Oh Kiki just feed it to me can't just put it directly into my mouth thanks mister deliver boil give me a good tip that the red stuff you're sucking out of my veins oh god I'm gonna get woozy oh no gar why I got a core machine get that I always thought this one really weird I always thought found that was supposed to know using sleep powder would do that it must be able to bounce while sleeping now surely that's not true I'll have you know Letty boy exists no I actually kind of love Letty bottle of Letty buzz design why do gorebyss man to drink from rope Oleg sighs get him bones garbage or dry oh gods he's not a shuttle juice no and magic copies dies from the just from the stress of being alive it was too much for magic ops body I'm gonna just proceeded to die immediately okay I have to remember when the South plays not it's not a it's not a Twitter lad I'd remember that he reminds you Star Wars which Star Wars Episode 3 spoilers by the way the like Padme was so sad that she died and you know it's like oh but you can't actually die from sadness is like the way that they said it it's like she had kids but she was so sad she just decided to die instead prime it was so pissed off that he did it's basically then that is the sad I'm sorry imposing a lot but that's the saddest existence I can think of you're so angry all the time that you only get genuine peace when you're dead days it's night marry me cuz you're cool mister nobody's better than me we got soup he had hogs ACK man he's dead well he's at peace now busy though trash bag oh no poor thing Oh spirited away spirited ways a great vegetables Traxler you are being rude young man your spinach oh my golly by a ghost we'll teach you some manners Jesus Christ since then and how has substantially less arms it has four arms actually nota has it has legs where its arms to arms that's too many ours hammer there's everything really pissed off and mad no this is the Chuck you don't know that I got rid of when I was a kid hey very elegant gorebyss very well time delicious dreams what you do and roofing someone cuz it sounds pretty much the same to me Trey would say what I do is worse since I also invade their minds you sick bastard I'm about to become your worst nightmare the nightmares of a new a rare and unique day oh my god that's so weird no not a fan of that not a fan of that no don't like it they've know it's such a creepy von where you got here oh no that's adorable oh so you're just gonna be a cute fluffy hat oh I was worried something horrible was gonna happen to me there for a sec then it eats your head meat that's that's just it it's just pause ever and maybe a hot scale [Music] this is precious finally we get some positive ones you know yeah amen oh we're getting some nice one that's your gift Oh precious I would how it all goes downhill and I've got a gift for you but you'll have to wait nine months for it I love you and all the wonderful it's divorce papers I'm gonna divorce you in nine mine come on that it brought us together [Music] this is gonna go downhill so quickly oh no yeah this is where it starts to turn around isn't it yeah oh god now my ice creams all ruined at least everything else is so wonderful and perfect okay destroy the child damn it my baby got stolen it I hate it when that happens seriously there's so many there's so many childs dealing Pokemon out there it's a little bit ridiculous there's hip know there's drifloon there's Duskull there's your mask why are there so many kitty stealers in Pokemon can someone please explain through this to me they're like how we not reached the the maximum capacity of child thieves in Pokemon yet okay trying time yeah I love a price tag right now just steal my broken life I feel like there's people that do that just like hang around false or something yeah I'm just waiting for the I'm swimming for the deaths it's all really who you dying it's something nope water broke gonna go give birth dang it hey this just means they'll be an extra person to die later lady cut the price side Oh sex sorry I haven't saw me and I'm a ghost right I'm dead I have no reason to ever sleep I got a bag in here in here [Music] all right come on buddy just make it quick miss I'm singing too hard it's salty spot Oh God 69 oh yeah that was pretty good deed that was good though is that was really really good like I said make sure you do subscribe to dole CLE but I appreciate those animations they're all reaper creative and they're all like really high-quality as well so you got to make sure you subscribe to dole clean if you have any suggestions for videos you'd like me to watch in the future please do let me know in the comments section below seriously I I hope that they do do more of these like if something was small if it was literal because I found it really interesting concepts because there's so much like ridiculous stuff in the Pokemon world that if you just sit down and like think for a second it doesn't make any sense but it's interesting to see it actually animate it and play out in front of you just to show you how ridiculous it actually is but like I said if you have any suggestions for videos that I should react to in the future do let me know thanks so much make sure you subscribe the channel if you have not already I do stream on Twitch every single day I also post on Twitter and Instagram and now we have the subreddit where you can post all your favorite Pat memes which is all linked in the description so thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time thank you so much to our twitch subs and YouTube members of the day remember if you are a youtube member or a twitch subscriber that both gives you acts to the sub discord and I appreciate you supporting the channel thank you so much guys
Channel: Patterrz
Views: 566,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon ruby, pokemon ruby nuzlocke, pokemon, reaction, react, patterrz, patterz, can you beat challenge, pokemon challenge, reaction video, reacting to, honest trailers, pokemon honest trailer reaction, pokemon reaction, funny pokemon trailer, dorkly, smart trainers, If Pokedex Entries Were Literal, literal pokedex entries 5, literal pokedex entries 7, pokedex entries literal, pokedex entries gen 1
Id: p23fnrMNUiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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