Pokemon Sword - Battle With Squid! - 🔴 Live

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hello hello hello hello welcome back to another stream it's been a little while since i did my uh last pokemon stream uh i did stream a little bit on the weekend which is something that i probably won't do too much uh but uh yeah i did one on sunday just playing some minecraft uh hello to everyone who was in that stream that was a whole lot of fun if you're interested in seeing someone who's very very bad at bed wars being very very bad at bed wars then i can't think of a better thing to do than to watch my four-hour livestream of me failing at bed wars i did yesterday right oh hello everyone saying hello in the the chat ah alex in the background having a snooze yeah alex is a is tired out i've realized like the the way this stream starts is i always try and like tire her out before we start the stream and she starts sleepy and then like something exciting happens in the game and then i scream and then she gets all uh excited uh starts chopping up and stuff as well uh good morning stampy from australia it's 3 42 a.m on wednesday uh how was your day love the beard uh my day was fine it's a very rainy day in england i'm sure much rainier than your day in australia is going to be so bit drizzly wrapped up with my my hat and coat and took alex out for a walk not long ago uh but yeah not doing uh too bad overall uh when are you gonna play overwatch again uh i don't know i am uh not sure at the moment i'm probably gonna be playing a lot of pokemon because pokemon's a long game and i want to to get through it all right then should we play we've got all our little hellos and greetings out the way let's um let's play some pokemon and oh that is not my pokemon screen what is that that is a freeze frame of the main menu right i will let you uh enjoy looking at alex sleeping on the sofa for a moment while i go and unplug and plug back in my temperamental elgato right hopefully you enjoyed looking at doggo everyone's just saying doggo wonder what alex is dreaming of she's not actually asleep her eyes are open she really wants to go to sleep then every time she does i say something and oh still not working let me try a different screen okay it was literally working just a second ago so the reason it's on that screen is i was just using this program just to get the uh the thumbnail um but for some reason the screen's not showing so we have round two of looking at sleepy doggo and we're we're unplug it and plug it back in again one more go right enjoy sleepy doggo i'm gonna go and reset it again okay fingers crossed why is it not working it was literally working like a second ago oh chair was blocking uh refresh the game it's not the game it's uh it's the the elgato for some reason not working uh we'll do one more go and if this doesn't work i don't know what i'm gonna do but we'll have a one more try uh maybe i'm going to leave unplugged for like a little bit shall i just lean over this this is the the cable in question which is ruining everything right i'm going to hold it here because if i let go it's going to like fall down to the floor like the tv like my setup is like such a mess it's such a mess of cables at the moment like every time i like i record like all like stream i'm switching around like a million programs uh reset obs studio uh it's not obs obs is working it's just the the input from the the elgato is not working uh anyone who's got any experience uh using elgato stuff knows that sometimes they just decide to like just stop working um yeah like if this doesn't work i think i'll just unplug everything and plug it back in uh stuart uh with a two pound donation says do you like sugar in your tea i don't i've never had sugar in my tea like i always think like like i'm sweet enough already no that's the standard joke like i always think that like tea is good enough tea doesn't need sugar if you're adding stuff to tea you're not a too a true tea appreciator i just i don't have tea now but i literally just finished uh a cup of tea all right let me let me plug this troublesome cable back in and see if it's uh if it's working okay right fingers crossed everyone why is it not working i was so sure that was gonna work um right i think i'm gonna like power everything down and then bring it back up again let me do like so uh how's everyone's day going this is the problem with livestreams this kind of stuff happens all the time but you never know because i cut it all out like i edited out all of these problems before and then like i don't mention them but now when it's live you can all see it not working oh stuart sir don't hate it again probably about tea again well i'm offended now by your grave mistake hey if you want to have sugar in your tea you have sugar in your tea i'm fine with my tea the way that i have my tea i'm sorry for offending you and dog woof says hey stampy hello dog woof right um i will go to the be back uh soon scream but i think you'll prefer to see alex so tell you what let me give you a bit of music have a little dance along look at alex and i'm gonna just go and fill around some cables for a bit and see if we get this working if not i might have to restart the whole stream but i'd rather not do that right have fun everyone have a little dance back in a bit [Music] i can't hear the music so only you can hear it so i'm just going to guess what the song is [Music] uh [Music] okay so it's not working so uh i don't know if i can do this i think i'm gonna have to just reset the whole stream until i get oh the chair was blocking doggo again i'm sorry so so you don't get too upset i'm gonna do like a a little recreation of what i would have been doing in the game so then you can still get a bit of pokemon okay so let's say like i'm going up against this gym leader so this this is me i'm ash okay just so you know and then this this is the gym leader okay use donation money to buy a new el gato probably should do probably should get an upgrade right this is the gym leader then this is me and i'm gonna i'm gonna speak like they do so i've just walked into the gym and i'm speaking to them hi my name is stampy and i want to be the ultimate pokemon champion you may very well be want to be the ultimate champion but i have a team of all pokemon that are the same type i have four medium leveled grass pokemon and i'm the gym leader and there was people that you battled that was stronger than me as you approached my gym but still you have to defeat me okay then let's battle okay let the battle begin [Music] i need to get like the perspective right um giraffarian i choose you so it'd be like his psyduck here then his trouble psyduck used confused it was super effective against the giraffe type pokemon giraffe used neck tackle it was super effect you get the idea okay i'm not gonna do this anymore this is enough i did have like a bunch of spare ones i had an eevee down here i even had a uh a squishy and a squid nugget to go up against each other but um yeah i think i've embarrassed myself enough to see unoclan what happened to this dude what am i watching right let me just see if it's working let's see if just time has made it work okay it's not right i think i'm just gonna have to reset like everything um this is what stampy's up to these days um yeah like it to those just jumping in who didn't know what was going on uh my el gato's not working i was gonna play pokemon pokemon wasn't working i was trying to make the i don't know if that picked up on the mic but alex just made a mighty weird noise um yeah i was gonna i was trying to make the best of a uh of a bad situation um by acting out pokemon uh i think i might need to reset the stream uh like i've tried unplugging and plugging in everything and it's still not working so fingers crossed i'll be back in a little bit uh but you might have to click on the stream again um hopefully some of you are going to to click back and not just all unsubscribe of me uh right see you later um thanks for watching the world's shortest stream [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] hello sorry by the way everyone uh to those just joining in uh don't worry about it pretend nothing didn't happen uh for those that were here earlier when everything broke uh there was something wrong with my elgato i went to play the game and the game wasn't working it was just doing a freeze frame um i think i fixed it so i think the problem wasn't with the actual like egato um you know what elgato is like a capture thing it's like a box and basically it's the thing that allows you to record or stream gameplay from a console one of the easier ways to do it when it works uh basically uh that seemed to be fine there was the program that takes the video from the so switch here and then elgato here video goes from that to the elgato the edgato to the computer then in the computer there's a program that sends it to my streaming software which is obs uh that had crashed i think so it wasn't the actual box so no amount of unplugging and plugging back in would have fixed it i res like it wouldn't let me force quit the program so i reset my whole computer and i was sitting here stressed like oh no i can see the chat they're all impatient with me everyone's there going like start stamping what's going on what's the hold up so i think i've got it working so this is the big test it's going it's good we're good right we're all good you all see the the game play that's not just what's the chat saying well everyone's here we're all good um i'm stuck in a tree i'm stuck in a tree uh yeah maybe i will buy a new elgato i don't think it was the box though i think it was the the program let me know if the audio is glitchy at all because then i might have to unplug it and plug it back in uh but we seem to be all like thumbs up now we all we all thumbs up should we play um right so we just arrived at what was the oh god that guy's like standing really aggressively he's right oh these they're stunning why are you dressed like a turtle anyway uh yeah we arrived at something on some what's it called like a really weird name uh stowe on side we arrived at uh so uh actually let me bring the map back up let me explain um what kind of happened so in the last episode we were here and we defeated a a gym we got ourselves our third gym badge uh in between this episode and the last episode i went up here and i went up here i just kind of skipped that bit it was just one of the the standard routes nothing particularly exciting happened there oh i should know i think i did get a pokemon involved uh i left rizal out of my party because i didn't want him to level up uh basically because i wanted you to kind of experience that on the stream i think we did have one evolution i think i recorded it uh let me um i i think my yeah my uh hit the target evolve that's what it was hit the target so there's a pokemon that looks a lot like hit the target if hit the target was a centipede it's a little red and has a as a mustache and then i finished the battle and it evolved and i felt bad about the fact that it evolved outside of the the stream so i recorded it so yeah you can basically see what it evolved into not the most exciting apparently it's really powerful apparently this is a really rare powerful pokemon it's i mean it looks quite cool i guess uh how do you live stream on switch basically how i just said um i plug my switch uh so it's going to be in the dock i put the hdmi into the salgatto thing then plug it into my computer there are a million guides uh on youtube that will give a much better explanation than i would have uh yeah i think this is where the uh the fighting gym is check out this town though it looks so different to like the the rest welcome have a look at our bargains is this like a shop today's bargain is a spell tag for 3 000 pokemonies uh do you still want it yes what is it i've just spent three thousand pounds or something i don't know what it is uh spell tag i'd like to be held by pokemon it is a sinister erie tag that boosts the power of ghost type ah that would have been a better thing to abort if i had any ghost pokemon hey how are you doing uh wanna do an errand for me if you can bring me what i need today i'll give you a good reward today i am buying a star piece for fourteen thousand pokemonies uh looks like you brought what i need uh sure there we go that's kinda relieved some of the pressure on my wallet from buying the spell tag come back tomorrow and i might have more for you if you're interested uh i might just do that um what that's a lovely hat what a delightful hat um where is your mouth what's going on here come on let's play with bronzong oh look a little diglett look at the little kid a little diglett just was staring in a row all right so look around the town and then we go straight into the uh to the thing uh use flying or psychic moves it's super effective again fighting type do not use normal thanks to the tips kennedy i have been informed uh i have twitter which is a flying ghost type and i also have buttons which is my new favorite pokemon in the the roster who is a a psychic type as well is it possible to find the by the full game in the eshop it is possible that is what i'm playing from uh i never buy cartridges really uh gotta keep stirring the pot make sure you don't uh burn also don't spill it did say did she say spill sprint oh no she just she said spill it temperature control is very important for cooking [Music] a few tips for some of my future curries or science down here stampy yes i'm still not sure what i should do about the stuff i told you before about being weak and dragging down lee's good name but the only thing i can do is get stronger right so i'm going to try out all kinds of different things against you and see what works let's do this battle brother okay looks like we're having a little battle with hop just to ease ourselves back into it uh before we go and do the actual gym leader hello to everyone he's just jumping into the stream now welcome back uh we are inbound to fight the um fighting gym leader pop's just challenged us on the stairs we're in a brand new town had a few technical issues just one or two before we uh before we started but uh things seem to be rolling pretty smoothly now uh yeah alex is good against flying types isn't he uh i guess while they're down there let's go and switch over to alex then uh would you recommend this game like not outright like i wouldn't say like if you're a gamer go out and buy this game straight away like if you like this type of game like this is a pretty good one like i think it's a is it got a fish in its mouth now like i think this is probably the best pokemon game they've made in a while there's still like a few issues that i think have been in the pokemon games for a long time and this hasn't fixed all of them i think it doesn't look very great like you compare this to like other how dare you spit efficiently sir like if you compare it to like just other games on the switch i know the switch isn't the most powerful thing in the world because that's just like the last thing it did is just spit a fish at me like i think it doesn't look that great i think the music's fantastic uh oh i didn't see who he's bringing out uh let's give twitter a go i haven't used twitter much like there's good and bad things overall i'm a sucker for this kind of game so i'm really enjoying it i recommend if you're not sure just watch the stream for a bit and kind of you can probably tell just from that uh whether it is something that you'd like to play get op pokemons squid is streaming there's squid streaming pokemon because we we chatted earlier i'm gonna upset you all when i tell you this but he he messaged me earlier asking whether i wanted to stream dead wars together and i said no just because i'd stream bed wars yesterday and i wanted to do pokemons hadn't done pokemon in a while there's quite a lot of people asking me to do it and i said hey if we do if we're both doing pokemon we could have a battle is he streaming pokemon is it he is doing pokemon oh right everyone get over to squid's chat youtube.com forward slash i ballistic squid and tell him stampy challenges him to a jewel and if he accepts he's a pansy and should swim to the bottom of the ocean all right all right if we're gonna have a jewel i better put on my jewelling hat actually i'll save my jewelling hat for when we have a jewel but yeah i know i want to go up against squid i want to see what he's got he's a big talker he's been messaging me every day every day i wake up yeah and i'm still asleep i think he wakes up at like 4am and he has a list of messages just shouting at me about how he's going to destroy me at pokemon every morning the first thing i read is just like he's just like he does like like a grimace face he just goes and he sends all these pictures of himself with like i challenge you under me he's like really aggressive about it every morning and finally i want to give him a battle give him a bit of my you know give him a bit of his own medicine and see if i can defeat him right everyone goes spamming his chat see if uh see if he reacts i love the way you're like just like are like the middle men between me and squid he hasn't even messaged me alex versus queen yeah he's got a he's got a yampa and he's called his queen and uh i've got um i've got alex of course my yampa how is he um is is he in a similar place to me i don't know how long he's been streaming for is he about the same area as me so i think when you do the battles it like doesn't take into consideration the levels i do have a bit of a weird roster at the moment because i have like like i've kind of been switching out my roster a lot and only i can make excuses already aren't i like i've been planning my roster for like the next gym i'm doing like i know twitter for example i'm not gonna keep long term uh squid said he's gonna battle you yeah right let's do this then we're gonna work out how to do this uh let me let me bring up a facebook and message him then see if i can get him on discord or something he said yes he's accepted the challenge right how are we gonna do this then [Music] i didn't see who he's going to send out oh it's pretty going to be his um his starter i guess i think he's only got one left drizzle evolves at level 35. okay i didn't know exactly when he evolved but i knew it was relatively soon and i didn't want to miss the uh the final evolution like in stream he has a gyarados does he really well i have a i have an electric alex that might want to say a few things i actually don't have any grass poke but i've got a really weird mix of pokemon right now got like two psychic pokemon got one water no grass no like ghost [Music] uh okay i think we're gonna go on discord showdown of the century right i need to like fiddle around with a few settings so you'll be able to hear him too oh he's calling me he's calling me hello [Music] oh i can't hear him yet right let me let me set it so you wait in a second you're gonna be able to hear him but i won't um let me get my headphones in stampede get a grass type i think it's a bit late for that i think we're going straight to the the battle [Music] come on headphones connect all right one second guys oh i can can you can you hear me squid hey right i gotta finish i didn't know we were gonna just i didn't know you're streaming yet right what right uh i think my stream should be to hear you now if you speak hi hello hi stream make sure you come over and subscribe hey i'm gonna i'm gonna mute him again i'm gonna be here sit down with us uh i i'm on the um i'm going up against fighting is my next one yeah i did fighting yeah i did fighting i did fighting is that what you're on now fire yeah i'm just i'm just gonna go for it a couple water pokemon right so are you doing that now because i'm about to go against the fight we're like well maggie i'm just gonna wait for you well i'm literally i'm gonna boss through this and then i'll be with you in a second oh he's so slow can you all hear him oh audio my audio's breaking up my sound's glitching apparently my game sound sounds really laggy okay that's something i gotta deal with yeah you gotta start your technical difficulties out right call me call me back when you've defeated your your gym yeah yeah i'm gonna sort out i'm gonna i'm gonna do a bit of practice and sort out my roster okay well i okay pokemon uh right i'm gonna i'm skipping for a conversation with opal some old ladies did you read all the conversations i've just started skipping half of them now cause they just talked to me so much i mean some of them some of the main ones but yeah some of them are skipped through now right let me look through my pokemon everyone tell me you got a gyarados by the way so i'm prepared for that uh right i didn't ask them like mine are all about level in my lowest is 31 highest is 36. okay is that like but but like the levels get all leveled out anyway i think it just sets everyone to level 50 when you do it online so i think i think i've killed it are you done okay right uh let's just say this is the easiest chip leader ever they're all so like there's the people leading up to them are always way harder than like the actual gyms themselves aren't they i think this guy's gonna dynamite so i'm gonna try and kill him without the dynamics okay right i'm gonna i'm gonna very quickly go and unplug my elgato and plug it back in apparently my sound messing up when i started my stream like it just completely broke so i just acted out a battle yeah i just so i acted out with plushies at a battle because the game wasn't working that i don't actually end the stream right let me go and unplug this and plug it back in okay why don't you turn the game boy down he stops too quiet too loud got this real voice like two pounds gotta go blue stream that's what it alright dude thanks for joining have a good day i'm ben what will i do i use waterfall again this is the easiest gym leader ever right my chat let me know if this is sounding a little bit better all right how do how do we do actually while you're doing that i can try and set up a lobby or however this is done i have no idea how we do this uh i think i'm gonna should we just leave our rosters how they are and just say like neither of us are prepared i've got such a weird roster i got like i have your competitive i have two sets of pokemon that are the same element type like i have four pokemon that are of two element types so i'm like complete but i've got i'm gonna so don't you switch anything i'm gonna leave it with this uh this little roster and chat no one list all of squid's pokemon to me i'll be really upset if anyone does a list of all of squid's pokemon their moves and the levels no no i'm saying don't do that yeah that would be cheating chat and i don't want to cheat if i accidentally see it then i can't help it but don't do it carry hops voice now okay everyone can read it oh you can read it my chat won't mind they'll enjoy your little voice we can compare your hot voice to mine mine changes every time they're like if i'll leave it for few days i'm like oh there's his voice like and then i just make up another one right i need to i think i need to um so what is it link battle guys does anyone know how to to do this i need to turn my game balling down apparently it's weird stamper you got to catch the wild squid i know what to do i know what to do yeah uh someone who knows how to battle let me know how to do it is it link battle bye hop that kid talks too much i wish you just didn't talk at all i swear the game would be like two hours long if hop didn't talk i know i know that's what that's what i've just started just skipping through it now just because they talk way too much can you turn the gear volume down what i'm say i'm setting the scene for the battle i got a uh an ocelot and a squid plushie here that i'm wrapping around my mic stand can you change the game volume on in the switch ah so weird oh yeah that's awful no no oh good no one sent squids pokemon his pokemon are above level 24. yeah yeah okay play jumanji game with squid it's good you want to play jumanji you want to play jumanji game with me is how do we uh stamps people are snitching on you outrageous everyone everyone needs to pick a side here we need support either way apparently we need to add each other's friends good thanks huckleberry right i'm gonna i'm gonna change the title to affect the situation battle with squid can you get a move on squid do we do link battle i think i think we do like a code but i can't let anyone else see the code because um uh oh single ah okay here we go so sync join us things we do single battle yeah yeah um you can also can't okay oh no no i'm just searching for a random battle now oh no don't do that don't do that so you press y and then you press start to go on the internet let me show you how to do that from there you're broadcasting to everyone that you're looking for someone to connect with no i don't want to do that do you want to cancel your current request i do want to cancel that right if i press start i bring up a link code oh if you had another player sent a link code you can be sure to connect with another player so how do we make a link code ah okay so i set a four digit code and you need to type in the same code okay we'll make sure no one yeah yeah i'm i'm not showing the screen right i'm going to just message you on facebook what the code is okay and then i'll tell everybody okay right so you need to do no don't you tell everyone right [Music] right i've sent you the the code so i type that in and then do single battle then i think if you do the same we should match up why are people doing team squiddy in this chat yeah if you're bringing out your hashtag team squiddies you go over to him this is a hashtag team stampy's own don't got this uh i think like um so press y then start then link battle and then single battle then i think you put my code in why then what i think i think that's how we do it oh there's a lot of team stampedes coming through now all you need to do is ask for them and then you get the support support me please if you press y there's the bottom one's called search stamps specifically look for me look let me bring it up so they can see search stamps which format i got a link code so i say i sent you a code i think if you type that code in and then press search it might work i need to i need to change my screen but i don't have a second screen [Music] your board oh you're broadcasting to everyone you're looking oh you can only broadcast one at a time you can't know so i think my screen's popped up there's a bunch of like names popping up on my screen i think there are other people but i don't know how they're here or how it works i'm searching as well if anyone has done this in the the chat and if we're doing it wrong or right if you just let us know and if we are doing wrong let us know squid is a bad fighter someone said cheers cheers guys thank you hashtag team squid for life luke thomas mods ban him ban him for life mods ban everyone who says hashtag team squiddy you'll have no viewers then i don't have any mods you're doing it right you're doing the code i did i've done it yeah searching for your code [Music] why are nintendo so bad with anything online oh i'm going to cancel and do it again and then see if that works have you tried switching it off and on again right press start if you and another player set the same link code you can be sure to connect with one another we'll see about that right that's what it says when i'm going to type the code in so i've typed my code in i'm pressing single battle yeah oh you want me to do this as well well this is what i'm doing well you've done this already haven't you says i'm still searching okay starting to search for other trainers and you've definitely did the link code right that i did on facebook yeah 100 100 right i haven't yeah thank you uh hamish for the donation saying hashtag team stampy over smelly old squid any day um and uh jimmy for the donation as well and dog woof saying sorry stun uh sorry i've got to go that's okay see you later we'll let you know the outcome it will be on vod as you said i'll let you know the outcome now i win actually no no yeah this is because everybody just told uh hops talking now this might mess things up wait a minute to be fair i think it's 50 50 there's two outcomes either i win or we can't connect what are we doing wrong why isn't it working should i look up a thing online am i because i'm talking to hot okay how to battle with friends online came all the way just years off oh i bet you already tell that i'm the one who'll become the next champion yeah there are many traders who never managed to gather three gym badges and they just give up on the gym challenge all together so i make a point to see if any traders were able to defeat me oh no there's like three other character stamps i'm just gonna have to skip this i'm sorry guys okay while you're doing that i'm gonna read out what it uh what this says for how we do it to play against friendly linebacker you simply need to open the white cop menu by pressing the y button if you want to play locally you can turn your friends by doing the link battle if your friends are not nearby you'll need to collect the internet by pressing plus okay you did press plus yeah you are doing on the internet you're not just searching for people in your room i thought you were in my room you did you you're doing over the internet i'm joking okay okay i don't think i don't think the uh the uh the local connection works to yorkshire i think you're too far away uh make sure that you and your friend can connect to each other uh to your battle you'll need to make sure you're both set the same link code selector link battle press start set link load choose single double or multi single battles are two player battles where each sends a pokemon into battle double battles have them sending two multi battles are four player battles uh with two trainers per side each player send one if you don't set a link code you'll be broadcasting to everyone that's all there is to it should we try just a different code do you want to set one first and then i search for that yeah let me just i'm sorry chad i'm just gonna have to skip for all this i don't know like a whole chapter to read you right let me just uh cancel this one oh my goodness he's finished talking thank goodness for that he never shot thought so is this just gonna send out one pokemon though each player sends what we want i want to fight with all option for two player battle where each player sends one pokemon into battle yeah at a time i don't know like it says okay yeah that's probably right i didn't click push stab you weren't on the internet is everyone telling you i knew it would be you i i didn't want to say i knew you messed it up somehow it's like i don't know what he's done but he's he's messed it up i think i need some of you well we can we can use that same code i guess unless they've seen it well i didn't show it yeah well okay let's use that same code a paid membership to nintendo switch online is record i don't remember what is going on here for goodness sake well this is a this is definitely something isn't it you've got a seven year return to set that up for now okay right i've i've set it up to do it again now i'm not gonna give up right i'm gonna have one i've arrived at a new town i'm gonna have a wander around the the town squid equals loop why are people supporting squid here still he doesn't even know what to connect onto the internet on a switch i want to cut to your like stream view and you're just hitting the stream like you're the switch over your head just like why isn't it working i found a cracked pot a peculiar teapot that can make a certain species of pokemon evolve oh that's that poltergeist one oh who does that who does that make him evolve it's like a teacup you can if you give it to that one it evolves into pulp all tea guys teapot pokemon oh it's a good job i know mccarthy isn't it are you signing up to switch online you didn't even have online on switch i can buy stuff from the nintendo shop so i thought oh that must mean [Music] all right i guess i should see if i got any um any tms i can teach before we go into here just you can't be doing all that well what am i gonna do i'm just waiting for you because you're too slow no you're not too slow i'm doing it i'm such like a right i'm connected are you doing it okay doing it come up oh i just i'll just scoff on some nuts follow me as well i'm connected to the internet well it's time to be alive lip balm uh oh stamps he's on shield not sword that doesn't matter though we can still battle right that's not a thing no i'm gonna go out and buy a sword now squid's version of making tea is better said stuart why did you donate to me saying that like why not why not do it to him if you're agreeing with him me and stuart had a disagreement about sugar what's your what's your sugar policy for tea did you put the code in this is you on the back on the mic the bike you want a bicycle all the bicycles just appeared in front of me no i'm not on a bike who is this then i've got some randomer on a bike who are all these people are you searching there's like two people on a bike next to me what are you doing are you searching some guys just give me a pre-cut what's going on i'm searching it's searching okay okay all right shout out to uh to tina wang thank you for the donation uh tic tac cube as well says will you upload uh more let's chris sorry tic tac that's gonna have to hold we are in who decides the battle rules will be selected uh oh should i can i decide the battle royale yeah i'm gonna decide i'm not gonna get it give it to that guy what why is what's with our pictures they're not us are you a woman uh all po okay so we want everyone set to level 50 yeah because that's fair right normal rules we're doing uh oh we can choose our random music in this battle the opposing player can see your pokemon's nicknames like you're have fun with that select a battle team okay my party oh you should have like back up teams oh we're gonna have to battle again in the future and prepare a bit more yeah yeah don't do backup teams no no it's like you need you'd need to have set them so you could like have your current roster but then also a bunch of backup teams then you could select from them right i think you need to ready up or select your party or something oh dog woof is back welcome back perfect timing you missed absolutely nothing actually all you missed was squid trying to join the game and then realizing he's not connected to the internet that's what that's what you missed retriever says lol i remember the ogt battle uh video years ago well in pixel mum no i tell rt off our infamous teal oh my goodness all right this is exciting i know you've got it you go oh i'm down we're gonna sorry i'm gonna start i'm gonna send this guy in first always no if their nickname isn't gone oh no okay yeah they're first let's go oh there's all your poker there's what you got we got you got three water pokemon i thought i was bad you got why do you got three water pokemon oh that's fair enough oh yeah there we go look at my picture yours is so boring you're just standing there it's like a passport photo [Music] why is that jumper your grandma [Music] um i think i might just accept the uh the loss on this one you know i think for like these pokemon i might have to three water pokemon ri p squid it's no would be rip squid if i didn't have two fire pokemon we both have stupid rosters but he was in the lucky side of it [Music] well you do you happen to have just done that yeah oh to be fair it's not like i know i'm gonna lose this fight but it's not too big of a difference why does it only say we've got one pokeball oh i think yeah well hopefully it isn't just like did bernie just switch like oh maybe we needed to do it in order like first second third fourth fifth sixth we're normally when one faints you pick like who's going to go next just say it mine's super effective yeah yeah you're also doing pretty good damage oh you forgot to select other pokemon are we we have we just [Music] take a screenshot i was like would you like to receive your opponent's lead card no don't want it don't want it burn it um okay okay so let's do it again let's say we use the the whole roster okay imagine if one of us picked all six and the other one only had one luckily we both did it wrong in the same way all right i can't believe i got two fire pokemon and you have three water pokemon wait hi do i set okay we do that after zoe okay here we go stampy can you battle the chat later not all of them um i'm going to send out you first and then it's weird that i got to do them like second like can i can we not change the rule during no no no once we commit i guess that's it so all right this is a really weird way to do it like why is this why is like battling in this way different to like every other pokemon battle that you do like in the world like why did suddenly change the rules here i don't know why is your number 666 were you trying to be edgy the devil all right let's do this again there we go we've got a six pokemon twitter oh my god twitter what's that pokemon uh kettle kettle okay i don't know it's mine i don't think mine's effective against this one i think these are like quite neutral i think yeah yeah yeah oh it flinched right this is this is the real battle hashtag team stamper i need some i need some support this is only its first form that's why it's it hasn't even opened its eyes yet it doesn't even know it's in battle it's having a good nap i think yours is too fast for him i wish we only selected one one pokemon this round that would have been a so i don't have any i don't have any oh yeah do you have a choice who goes next okay oh okay why make us pick the whole order like you're not gonna stick to it is weird isn't it so weird oh birdy bird battle [Music] come on betty there's a lot of choices another looking chat people will be shouting extra centering what's that oh did mine will not hurt you yeah did pretty good damage oh i wasn't watching [Music] it okay i need to get this one down oh i think you've got this well i got i'm faster as well i get to hit first if i finish you off here i'm just gonna use i'm gonna use all my potions now can you use permissions all right i was gonna say it all right i'll do one that may make you flinch oh look at twitter 2o from just twitter the power of social media everyone come on oh queen i want to send out my queen to have a queen bee queen battle greenville come on stamps if you dynamics does it heal up the pokemon uh it gives them more help it doesn't heal them up it just gets the health it's not even a good time to dynamax and then carry on yeah i don't know oh go go go guys what's week what's weak against electric what should i go what should i go against electric everyone help me out what's good against electric uh walter oh is this saying what's effective i don't think i have anything super effective i think it tells me all right let's give this guy another go he didn't have a fair shout last time uh it's only ground water no electric's good against water or rock i don't have any rock tell me one of the ones i do have [Music] you know what you know what here we go here we go here we go you know what here we go you know what here we go oh what's up nin oh oh no what are you doing are you bringing that wall oh gyarados no no fair no fair squid's cheating you know because i was doing this are you gonna die yeah but now i'm gonna be weak against it i'm using a fireball [Applause] that's a big centerpiece i called for the first evolution look like hit the targets i called it hit the target it's a little moustache it's annoying though because i'm gonna be so weak against you still even though i'm like the size of a skyscraper i did like it's not very effective but the thing is i don't even want to switch out pokemon because i'm wasting my dynamax if i do yeah yeah we'll be able to use it again all right might as well stick it out guys start off well but squid's getting a comeback in oh this is the top one so that was super effective yeah but i'm like dynamite like you you've still got your dynomax to come yeah all it's doing is kind of leveling it out so it's kind of equalizing them but this is like i only get to use dynamaxx once stampede why did you dynamax early don't dynamax early thanks for the advice please give me that advice a minute ago [Applause] to be fair i i just went i just wanted to do it for shock value i didn't even think it would be a smart time to do it it's going to be fun oh no is that it [Music] gyarados squished him i love characters i could tell switch it out and it's down so we've gone when he's switching ah okay he's gonna add dynamics anyway we don't need to we don't need to worry about that he's with jari come on alex come on [Music] what do i do what do i do what do i do chap [Music] stampy i'll give money if you shout me out go on then [Laughter] how much time do i have for 30 seconds what am i doing why are you making the most of all your time have you got out really try to think about sofia's hat you gotta try and think about stuff oh yeah i didn't put my battle hat on i'm gonna put on my battle hat there we go got my battle hat on now at least i know were you annoyed when um your queen evolved no because it was so cute as a little corgi then it's cool yeah they're all lanky to be honest um okay let's see what we can do crunch oh that's a good move thank you bye i mean it wasn't bad but it was hardly a crunch who's who's who's faster who's fast that's what i want i think yours is faster i don't know why why why would mine be faster because yeah it might be the same level i guess it's like like well someone's got to go first might as well be me if you press b it cancels the evolution yeah so when i i asked the chat at the time i was like oh is yamper's evolution cute everyone's like yeah it's really cute let it evolve so i let it evolve but it is cute it is cute but yeah i know but then like like i'll have a whole squad of just yampers um okay what let's say spark doesn't affect it yeah it's because it's an electric type as well it's always electric uh i was thinking why are you sending out water against my electric one oh you're gonna steady that next steps come on all right i'm gonna say that this little fellow this is this is my pride and joy you're going to love this guy buttons oh my goodness what's that it's well cute i've never seen that before [Music] alright let's see what happens here what what like what type is it it's a psychic how is it headbutt i figured it's got a big head might as well why does that make the most of it oh this ain't going well is it oh no oh man i've got three left you've got far left but i've still got my diamox but i got one like really really weak yeah and you got your dynomax paralyzed paralyzed oh what no no no no there we go that's fine oh that's cheek oh what oh where did he get my attacker i went to teleport to switch out oh you got a fire attack bring a fire type in if you want stops i might have to already well i've i've got two fire type and then water and you've got an electric as well um can i bring my sights i'm just going to do a fire type and i it [Music] his voice ah man i think you got this one squid nugget uh we might as well put on a shirt i can't you ever tell me to use revive and potions and stuff i can't and it's i think that would be dishonorable even if i could yeah it's really good pokemons actually because these are the electric [Music] oh we're gonna do a halo 1v1 after this yeah the thing is that my other one's fire and you're effective against that as well why is that stupid pokemon and where did you get it in the water firefox oh my goodness rip stampy get a rematch is this the end of stumpy poor stampy sad noises poor someone just said poor lizard oh did you have yourself a confusion the comeback is real guys come on don't give up faith yet come on come back it's real go and hit yourself in confusion you did yo you're going to be coming small now aren't you yes i got a chance i got a chance uh i i can only like my only thing i can do is quick attack it's so weak though so weak here on confusion he's confused no if i had a stronger normal move i might have had a chance here you are oh you got another two pokemon as well yeah come on lantern let's have another one get yourself a confusion no i got i think i might survive this then it's going over intense it's intense madness nail biting you got this mate you can do it i don't think it's going to happen at least you didn't have three pokemon left yeah that's true he's still got another water type so i feel bad [Laughter] i still got two left two we've got garrett or something this game wait what are you just canceling i gg'ed i threw in the towel i could like i couldn't bear to see them get taken out would you like all right soon as you won i'll accept your league card cheesy one as well oh dear would you like to keep playing no would you like to cancel yes would you like to cry all night long yes gg squid well done you won fair and square we'll have another one again soon yeah yeah yeah so that was good so we know how to do it now we know how to get into a battle so uh we're arranged maybe like later in the week on next week like so what you should do squid because i'm going to be doing the same like set aside a roster which you're planning to have as your battle and like actually think about the pokemon because that was a bit all over the place and then we'll have a proper rematch like you on parrot square but then we'll have another another go at some point in the future all right no let's make a deal all right if we make one we're not allowed to change it before the fight okay yeah so yeah we committed don't change even if you know what the other person has yeah deal shout i'm shaking shake shake hands with your webcam hands shake hands jolly good shaky uh yeah [Laughter] [Music] right gg screen right i'm going to carry on playing i'm going to go do this gym so we're battle again in the future right later boy right that was a uh a fun little detour wasn't it where i can take off my battle hat this is the hat i wear for when i uh i have battles with people in the the future uh yeah sorry took a little while for us to to get it all working never said uh had done that before um squid was trying to do an online battle without connecting to the internet which makes things a little bit harder i tried my best i could the thing is i had two fire pokemon then he had three water pokemon who has three water pokemon like that was a that was outrageous he won don't get me wrong like we accepted to the the terms before we started but i was at a bit of a disadvantage but that was this time next time i will plan ahead and i know what i'm going up against anyway this is what i was uh was planning to to do for when we started before we got ambushed um oh yeah i'm gonna do the the gym this is the the fighting gym i can't remember the name of the the person but i have planned ahead for this roster i have multiple psychic type i have a psychic flying type as well which is apparently good against fighting as well so um good luck fighting is really hard uh you should do raids together sometime that would be awesome we will almost definitely do that if he's up for it what is this allow me to explain the gym mission for stowe on side's gym to complete the mission you'll need to ride in one of these cups to make your way to the goal i'm going to move this osciloxes in the way of my screen you can go down here uh one of these cups uh or make your way to the goal or trying to avoid obstacles uh let me tell you a bit more about how to operate this fun attraction oh this is cool uh rotate the stick to the right and the cut will start to spin to the right rotate it to the left and the cut will spin to the left if you hit a wall rotate the stick as quickly as possible saying get yourself out of that sticky situation now have a good time watching the world spin as you try to reach your goal uh what gym is this can't remember the name of it but it's the uh the fighting gym then on your spin good luck this is like the uh like the teacup ride isn't it fun face so what does what am i trying to do so if i bang here oh why isn't it oh here we go oh so i'm not pushing that i'm literally spinning it [Music] was that is it like a time trial thing or do i just need to make it down i guess all right then let's go and do a do a battle you look pretty dizzy are you sure you can battle in that condition i'm not dizzy i just i just have hurt pride after my after my loss uh the audio sounds weird okay i can uh reset the audio in a in just one second uh yeah if it sounds really bad let everyone let me know and i will uh reset it uh oh are they psychic oh yeah side beam is super effective uh it doesn't sound weird okay yeah normally when like there's a tech problem i wait until loads of people say it yeah because it sounds fine because sometimes it's just a problem with them oh look how weak they are i wish i was trying to capture them the audio was fine uh game music is quiet should i turn it up a bit then maybe it's just quiet uh stubby if you want to change your uniform goes to the the clothes store uh i did i've got a um uh like the the so i thought the uniform it was only doing it for like when i was on a bike the audio is normal hashtag tea and stampy audio is okay what are people thinking hashtag team squampy all right turn the other sound up a little bit hopefully that will make it be more pleasant buttons evolves at level 42. i didn't even know about all the buttons involved no what happened whoa i wasn't even looking i wasn't even looking and buttons got destroyed all right let's uh let's give a let's give twitter a go stampy where did you get your battle hat from i can't remember where i got that from it's just been one of the things that's been on my shelves for forever it might not even be mine it might even be squishy's hi what are we doing uh hello respond to the stream uh we just had a battle against squid uh if you're just joining the stream and didn't see it i'll just inform you that i managed to win uh it was six pokemon against six and i managed to defeat all of his pokemon with just a weedle uh squid was really bad but i managed to win but welcome to the stream now don't worry about uh fact checking that just carry on watching i'm currently going up against the uh the battle gym you defeated gym trainer ian um dizzy no i'm completely dazzled what an incredible battle what do you mean stop lying guys shh they didn't see uh would you like to return to the entrance you know i might as well do that rather than wasting all my potions i always return to the entrance and just heal up and then go back down oh i want oh i'm good i'm good on your spin oh am i just gonna spin down again okay i guess i can't reset probably should have brought some more potions before i came in here uh i need a revive alright i've got any potions it's okay we'll make this work no i don't mean to revive uh let's leave twitter for now so i i want to have everyone like fully healed up before we go into the final battle uh how tall are you stamping i don't know how tall i am i think the last time i mentioned myself i think i'm like i'm pretty like bang on like average male height i have a very uninteresting height uh can you shout out reggie and alfie i can hello reggie hello alfie stampy is telling the truth i was telling the truth oh am i meant to hit these or whoa okay probably not let's uh let's avoid these oh okay maybe uh i went the wrong way okay so i have to hit these ones oh hello stuart best part of the game uh to do with uh with bead bd is coming next beddy bd is that a pokemon go go go go go go go go go there we go i've done it i love this music uh what can you play this on uh this is only on switch far fetched it's not expecting that could have used buttons i guess psychic yes like it will still be super effective though all right everyone stop asking for shout outs now as soon as i do one shout out all the chat is is everyone asking for shout outs and it just gets really boring just listing off names uh it's also an xbox one lola's not an xbox one i 100 promise you handle my heart is not an xbox one can't even hit this guy oh those sand attacks the most annoying thing it just puts your accuracy down loads and then um yeah just makes it so you keep missing but it doesn't really help it because it's not damaging you it's just like irritating i just got into the stream hello welcome to the stream [Music] uh do a video with think noodles this thing noodles are streaming this game so it'd be cool to give him a battle if he is uh somebody what time uh is it for you for me it's uh 806 am for me it is 7 07 p.m [Music] what a formidable battle style i can feel a good sense of balance coming from you okay that's good i didn't take too much damage with that one so i can keep on going through because i'm really running out of my potions i'm assuming i've got to go to the left i do let's just try and go like far oh okay i need to go right here i need to go how do i make that oh do i need to do i need to get like the huge one [Music] maybe if i go yes i don't think i'm going to make all the way so i think if i go down here am i going to make it all the way to the right ow it lifts me all the way up here yeah now i'm going to keep going right right right right right right i mean i'll do it i didn't set a record time but i made it down our job is to feed all the reckless gym trainers or dream challengers uh dog woof i'm still here if you're wondering hello dog woo thanks for sticking with the stream and for the constant updates of your whereabouts uh so stamper you live in england uh yes i do live in england uh this is one of the gyms uh that are only in sword uh and you get this uh and rock uh is in shield uh it is ice so this is one of the gems that is only in swords you get this and rock oh so they get ghosts and ice oh good i don't like going up against ghost ones they scare me it's kind of a shame you don't get to do all of the gyms especially as now they have like the gym challenges because they're really fun at the beginning like they like if i had shield i'd be annoyed to not have done this gym because that was really fun with like the the spinny things uh can you do a shiny hunch stream so with the shinies do they just show up randomly so i guess every time i'm playing the game is kind of like a um a shiny hunt because like if i see one i'm going to capture it like i think if i did a stream which was just looking for shinies like would that get a bit boring because isn't it just you wondering about or is there like a um or is there like something you need to do oh they have the same mini games like that that's kind of good that you're not missing out but it kind of sucks it's a bit lazy they just have the same mini games yeah you have the same puzzle but it's ghost themed okay so it doesn't really matter does it they're basically the same don't but don't buy both of them there are techniques to increase shiny chances ah stampy i'll give you a thousand pounds if you shout me out i don't want i don't want donation i would want a thousand pound donation anyway it's too much like i don't believe you but like i wouldn't want that anyway like for someone to buy a shout out for a thousand pounds that's not what i'm after right that's all of my super potions used in case this guy's tough because some people said his stuff i might just do a little cheeky quick save here uh what chinese does stampy have i have uh let me i got um none i have no chinese i don't think i've even seen a shiny i want a shiny though are shiny stronger or are they just like fancy tic tac cube you just heard my rule for shout outs thanks thanks for the donation oh baby poodle says give a random person in the chat a shout out right i'll pick someone um mr fun stuff shout out to you do you have an unshakable spirit that won't be moved no matter how you're attacked i think it'll just test that out shall i right apparently this is a tough one everyone's saying hello all right hello uh kelly hello the corbin show hello joshua hello mr man hello pokey at freddy's hello t-y morgan winchester hello sakura hello tristran hello anonymous here hello the good mind hello i'm on uh hello mystical kitty dog hello cute cat gamer there we go there's a bunch there's a little bunch i suppose what coming in now right i'm focusing on the battle now i've done my quota of shout outs now let me play pokemon yeah it's just saying hello like i can't have the stream me just sitting here just reading out names like i know it's exciting when you have like hear your name like read out but it's really boring for everyone else when they like all they're doing is like they check in the stream and i'm just here reading out names like bob tom sam lucy daniel like this guy's so answer i think this person needs the toil uh the toilet is there hitmontop because there's like hit one like uh chan isn't there and hit one lee just hit one top like a spinning top pokemon i love the music in this game [Applause] [Music] oh twitter's learning a new move good timing i'm about to switch to twitter 90 damage uh i don't know what i want i think we have to get rid of this i never want to get rid of any of those moves to be honest grain of rice's by the way did you know leon is bad at direction i didn't know liam was if liam was bad at directions the game should have mentioned it at least once i don't remember them mentioning it all right let's switch over to twitter then so far not too bad i think this is their last pokemon as well isn't it i think this is going to be our next badge should i dynamax now oh no they they got loads of pokemon left okay this might should be a little bit harder than i thought so i've got any more uh any more super potions oh did you say it didn't affect it i was going to be fighting type did it say it didn't affect it is that what it said i was going to use it again but if it doesn't affect it i shouldn't i could try this uproar move i mean i did all right twitter caused an uproar [Music] has there ever been a more appropriate sentence than twitter caused an uproar twitter is making it up for all sounds about right that's the sort of thing that happens on twitter no twitter's fake twitter's gone down everyone [Applause] warning twitter's gone down all right let's send up someone else i'm gonna have to twitter went down so i'm gonna restart firefox see if i can solve the problem i can't help dancing to this music can i just i just turn this music way up we can just like i can't just stop talking we can all just bob to the music [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] too loud all right the headphones sorry guys sorry it's good music though sorry for turning it up sorry for pumping the pokemon music too loud having a pokey rave what is that sir fetched is it it's made of sword and a shield out of a leak that was like i reckon that's the last pokemon they came up with before the end of the day all right they're like okay what other pokemon corgi pokemon okay make a pokemon that looks like a set of keys should we do that yeah we'll do that uh what about an evolution to an old pokemon like far fetched uh okay what about if they use a leak to make a sword and a shield and call it surf fetch like what what is that oh that was ridiculous now it's too quiet i can't get it right can i right i learned my lesson battling squid using my dynomax too early i'm gonna save it how's this uh audio levels for the music by the way oh i think drizzle might evolve after this i gotta send out machamp uh let's bring out um buttons again sly beam should be really good against this good audio music is good now right thumbs up there's such good music in there this whole game's got such good music it's time to dig in our hills i'm not giving up so neither should you oh this is their last pokemon oh they're dynamaxing put music on max no i'll definitely everyone again turn up a bit this is pretty epic isn't it it's pretty epic oh we know [Applause] that was not part of the plan no am i gonna lose this one actually i i think i'm gonna send out drizzle and then i'm just gonna have to use a revive to bring someone back i think drizzle is going to get taken out here i'm afraid to say do i have like a full revival oh max revive that's what i need let's use that one um on twitter or buttons let's use that one um let's use that on buttons and then when barnes comes out i can dynamax them and that should get me the win because hopefully um they would have gone small again by then i thought they're going to take me on one show you know what let's use a uh to play it safe let's use a revive on twitter as well just so we have like uh we have a backup in case things don't go very well bad play oh no hello calum welcome back to the stream i might as well do twitter first because if they get another dynamax move in things won't go well so i think twitter is going to get taken out but then i'll bring in buttons and dynamax that's my plan like i don't care about losing some pokemon as long as i win overall shout out to yummy ninja for the donation a shout out as well to the humble bee they've got some tips for pokemon as well hey stampy there's a new pokemon called sinistee it is a cup of tea uh you could name it tips or tippy after your favorite pg tips i think i i think i just got an item that i can use to make it evolve does anyone know where i can catch a sinistee because if i got a tea pokemon and a corgi pogo i'm gonna be so happy yeah does anyone know where i can capture a sinistee right dynamics time i think just like what region or which route because i'm gonna head straight there after this all right starter max then let's do max mindstorm that sounds like a a character in an action movies doesn't it it's me max mindstorm to save the day uh the next route is where you can find the tea brilliant i think this will be my my next live stream will be then we'll be hunting them down see if i can get the tea what why is it so super effective i've got to be careful because it attacks first as well oh we're okay we check out oh that was a little bit scary then how amazing does buttons look enormous by the way tea is amazing oh we've done it right i'm gonna have a quick tea break and then we can celebrate and we can have the uh the badge selecting ceremony and then we can go hunting for the tea so right be back in just one second [Music] [Music] so [Music] i think drizzle might evolve here you know i don't know if any of the others where i got loads of xp from that oh back to little tiny buttons that was a tough one these these gym fights are definitely harder than earth than sun and moon were i felt the fighting spirit of your pokemon as you led them in battle i definitely need to remember to get some more potions oh he is he's evolving i've not seen what this looks like like i saw one like old like picture but not like in game oh whoa that is not what i expected a pokemon as skinny and lanky as i am congratulations your drizzle evolved into into leon into leon's data will be added to the pokedex it has many hidden capabilities such as fingertips that can shoot water and a membrane on its back that can be used to glide through the air into leon wants to learn snipe shot uh should an old move be forgotten to be replaced with snipe shot uh yeah sure uh well let's see what it is then oh 80 power the user ignores the effects of opposing pokemon's moves and abilities uh that draws in moves allowing this move to hit the chosen target all right uh should we get rid of swift at this point like i'm not gonna use swift much am i right let's go and get rid of swift i got swift as a tm so i can always teach it again as well thank you for the battle phew facing you gave me all the explanation i needed battling against you and your team i hadn't expected it but it made my heart dance it's good to be unshakable in the face of battle but it's good to be moved by battle as well thank you again take the fighting badge four badges down i think four to go i hope that look how long they're shaking hands for congratulations on winning you bought fort really well you should be proud of your pokemon's performance keep training and you'll be a champion it's really creepy it's really stop shaking stop shaking my hand let go of my hand i hope you'll meet many more trainers and have many more matches in the future and i hope that every one of those encounters will nourish your spirit they've cut away but they're still shaking challenger stampy congratulations on defeating leader b or bay b-b-a-b-a uh please say this tm revenge that's that's the team i need to use so i can go up against squid again i get revenge awkward handshakes are so english uh the attack moves power the attack moves power is doubled if the user has been hurt by the opponent in the same turn so that's a good word move you want to teach to a really slow pokemon i guess t smells good especially mixed with stampy playing pokemon do you add your stampy playing pokemon first or do you do it or do you have your tea and then uh do a stampy playing pokemon which way round do you do it uh message from her from anna saying hi stampy uh my cousins john uh and nick oh my cousins john nick and i love your videos i don't know if that's john nick or john and nick either way any combination of anna john and nick thanks for the donation and thanks for watching bow walk oh oh it makes me miss my little corgi my little yamper i guess looks like my yampa really likes you huh anyway we've run into each other at a good time you know the mural here ah she's gonna go on about the history blah blah blah it says tell the story of the hero gala as well i'm gonna read this quick uh so what's there today is a replica of the ancient art that used to be here uh you tend to have surprisingly sharp insights so i was wondering what you might think when you see the ruins kaboom what's going on here what in the world was that sounds like it came from the direction of the ruins let's have a look come along yampa do i have to go i want to go i want to catch my tea pokemon do i have to go are my pokemon already weak still no they've all been magically healed up do i do i have to go to the right i think i've got to go to the ruins don't i right oh get ready for battle why all right let's bring out my new pokemon let's bring up my into leon into leon i don't know how to pronounce it alright let's uh let's give them a test then destroy it destroy it all we're going to find those wishing stars we've got to bring the chairman more wishing stars if we want to please him if you're truly the chairman's pokemon then you should feel grateful for this chance to help him find a wishing star oh my you again so you think you can start collecting wishing stars now and get to the chairman's favor that's the way of things is it i see so you do have some cunning in you but i won't have it i won't allow anyone to stand up my way thanks for the uh the tips to to get ready for um for a battle pokemon trainer b sent out those should we try snipe shot then so funny to think that like that pokemon there used to be my my subtle it's like it used to be this little like nervous thing that's going around like like so sad all the time and now it's like he's like so confident looking and destroying as well how much damage it's doing someone in squid chat said uh you want to battle again and no squid is saying it would be easy squid got lucky squid got lucky i was i was humble after the battle but the more i the more i dwell on it the more i brew on it with all of this tease talk i realized that he just had the right but he had that he had happened to have three of the right type of pokemon he had three water and i had two fire if we were equal in what like the uh like types of pokemon we had there's no way here to one he got lucky he got lucky and he knows it he knows it as well he pretends to not be competitive but like he's going to be training hard for our next battle we're going to bat again soon and to those that missed it i had about against squid as i mentioned he got lucky we've scheduled a rematch what i like to call a true match and we're going to have a battle again at some point in the the future uh it's obviously as obvious you're still pretty new to pokemon says cool dude i've been playing like pokemon games for like 20 years does that does 20 years count as new maybe maybe more maybe 21 years like i've been playing pokemon since the first one i think i was like when did the first pokemon game come out uh uh oh 1996 or february 1996 so i would have played that year so i would have been six because i remember i got i got it for my birthday my birthday's in december and i got it the year it came out so i got the first pokemon game when i was six since the first pokemon game and now there has been a bit of a gap of pokemon and i just never take it that seriously as well um like about like i never bother like learning everything uh but yeah i'm not new to pokemon i'm just not good at it squid lost to the gym the showcase says squid is better than you now that is something that i will dispute uh rematch squared again i will rematch and there's no point rematching him now just because i don't have like the right pokemon to like to battle him properly so we've agreed to to both do some work on our rosters and um and then we're we're going to come back and we do it we'll do a proper battle like we didn't really plan to battle today we just both like were streaming at the same time like i had mentioned it earlier about like the possibility of battling but never us knew how to do it so it's a bit of a test so we're i think next time we'll do a stream we're probably just start off the stream having a battle and then we just both go our separate ways again it was really fun though it's really exciting uh are you married i am there's my ring there's proof in case you don't believe me it's deloreous umbridge people saying to 1v1 damn tdm i don't know if you'd want to like he doesn't really stream at all does he i don't know if he'd want to do like a video of it i'd be up for it oh dog whoop you're back sorry stampy i got to go to the store brb bite bye thanks for continuing to keep me up you're having a busy day dog you're all over the place running all these errands i know they're going to do ponita and um they're that they're down uh who should we use them against konita so he's freaking buttons ago i definitely need more variety in my element types so this synesthe character are they ghost type cause i didn't have any ghost type so that's what my goal is now for those just joining in it was recommended to be by the uh the humble bee to capture a um a sinistee because they're based on t and i think if i have the the right thing i think i have um a thing to let it evolve as well pure ghost okay that would be a good one to have because like i don't know about like squid but i always forget like what's good against ghost and what works against ghosts so if i like throw out my first pokemon as a sinistee no no no one no one tell him this by the way you gotta all be hashtag team stamper here i don't want any team squid spies in here but if i send that out first and it's an elec uh ghost type and he doesn't know what to deal with it also because there's no um there's no ghost uh gyms in this version of the game he won't have oh no he's got shield though so he would have gone up against a ghost gym so maybe he will be prepared like he would have done his research in terms of how to how to beat one team squid lol no none of that none of that there we go team stampy that's what i like to see ghost is good against ghost i guess there's like a bit of a stalemate then this has to be some kind of mistake i demand a do-over we've had like five duos and i've won all of them but you still think you're better than me but why how can this be how could someone like you get in my way i was the one chosen by the chairman i was the one who was to defeat the champion arm of the elite someone who can shoulder the future of the gala region challenger beat i wonder what you were up to when you asked to borrow chairman rose's copper jar i can't believe you tried to use the chairman's pokemon to destroy a historical site who cares with the mentioned ruin when the next thousand years are at stake did you stand on the path of a pokemon simple beam or something how do you expect to support the chairman with that sort of thinking young bead it pains me to have to say this but i am truly disappointed it is true that i am the one who found you back when you were all alone i saw talent in you you reminded me a little of myself back when i was younger that's why i sent you to train a school to give you a chance at success but trying to destroy the mural part of galla's history you show no love towards gala you are clearly not a worthy challenger for the gym challenge we will decide what to do with you later but for now you will return to hammerlock you you must be joking right you're disqualifying me from the gym challenge you're the one who endorsed me here are hundreds of different ways you could sort this out why are you choosing the worst possible option challenger beat i will be taking those wishing stars that you've gathered i think there's something shady going on with the chairman i reckon the chairman's going to end up to be a baddie is my prediction ah sonia and stumpy too terrible shame all this an absolute disaster uh i never wish to see us lose a challenge for this sort of reason uh yet we do what we must to keep things fair and sportsmanlike you know during one of b's matches i heard the announcer say that beat has no family apparently it was rhodes who took bead under his wing so and so bead was battling for the chairman's sake what an awful turn of events i hope the mural survived all that looks like it didn't not a brilliant turn of events but the ruins were brought into the light for us to see what does this tell us about galax legends right more than any hero though uh there's those things that appear to be pokemon that stand out not just that but those pokemon appear to be holding a sword and a shield as if they were using them anything else look interesting to you oh good observation there really were two heroes but if that's the case then why was there's only one statue and bud you drop in more than any statue of a hero or tapestry these ruins made it uh made in truly ancient time must show us the real truth which means the sword is a pokemon the shield is a pokemon uh the sword yep i was thinking the same thing seems like at one point in history the sword and shield were combined with the two actual pokemon uh and treated as the same thing but then uh but then what they just faded from history no i saw them in the woods i saw them in the woods at the beginning two young heroes the sword and shield were actually pokemon but why would the truth of these ruins be hidden when their stories were depicted in artwork with your help i really feel like we made a big discovery here thanks i'll give you a couple of these so you can keep giving it your best in the gym challenge okay i guess you'll be headed to balunlea next right thanks i need more of i should need more potions don't i uh hello stamp i just joined hello welcome anyone got anything they want to give me i just speak quickly to everyone in case they give me something right let's see if we can go get the uh the sinistee then that's what i that's what i care about my pokemon's still weak it's weird like sometimes after like those battles oh welcome back uh yeah sometimes after those those battles uh they like heal up your pokemon for you and sometimes they don't sometimes you have to do it yourself right i just want to go to the next route because i'm apparently that's where the uh the sinistee can show up but i just know hops gonna ambush me somewhere and try and talk to me something that i don't care about i know he is he always does the next gym leader is super creepy oh really team squid sucks can you react to your first quest video i've never done any videos like reacting to like my old videos or anything i've just never done any like reaction like videos at all it would be funny to go back and like hear what we sound like and stuff because that was pretty early on with me like knowing squid and stuff be cool to maybe find like the first video that squid and i did together would be quite funny to hear what that sounds like glimwood tangle right let's give a let's give a cheeky save before we go down here this doesn't look like the place where we would be finding ghosts what is effective against ghost guys does anyone know i got three ultra balls all right everyone save that let's go to the shop and get some more uh pokeballs see if i get any more ultra balls i don't have a huge amount of money i don't have to end up needing to come back later when i'm like halfway through uh ghost and dark are good against it okay who do i have who's uh who's got dark moves uh okay they got sucker punch okay we'll start off uh with them out uh the next gym type is fairy not ghost uh i know i know i don't i don't think there is ghost in this game i was just talking about going for that that woods place if that's where the sinister is there's probably more ghost pokemon uh i can't get i can't buy any more hyper potions that's another one let's grab some super potions while we're here so i keep running out of them uh donation coming from uh uh schweebe who says um oh riding into a thing hey times used to watch you ages ago i'm 19 now ever so good to see you're still just as awesome hopefully the copper situation sorts itself out yep fingers crossed it does thanks for the donation hopefully the copper situation does sort itself out i'm not really oh hello yeah i'm not really sure how that's going to go uh all we can kind of do at this point is uh is wait and see and hope for the the best i know some youtubers are are speaking to the ftc now and they're kind of like uh like sharing their their problems that they've been having so hopefully they'll be able to put across the side oh is this it cena's tea first try first pokemon we ran into this is level 35 let's go for a sucker punch i really want to capture this guy start thinking of nicknames by the way up was i think i was a little bit too strong uh hyper is there are you blind was there hyper balls there were the hype i didn't see hyper balls they weren't in line with all of the other ones anyway not that i saw maybe i was just being blind right you're cute but you're not who i wanted oh this one i don't take down in one shot the one i don't want to capture if i do get it like weak enough i might just give it a go trying to capture it music is too quiet i'll turn it up then i really want to get it kills it first time i know i know i don't realize how strong that move was going to be it destroyed it i definitely won't use that again like none of the uh the pokemon are showing up like what they are until i until i get into a fight with them why can't i see them like roaming around like normal oh this wasn't very effective i shouldn't have done this move uh when is the video you recorded with squid coming out it is out it's the temple pit video we play the the mini game against each other i didn't put like squid in the title or anything so i wanted to be like a surprise when people watch the video probably not a very good way to get many views but i think it was like exciting when squid suddenly showed up for people that saw it uh thank you for the donation samuel all right let's uh switch them out sinister is one percent chance someone said no way they can't be one percent i found it first time i mean i haven't found it since but no way was i that lucky first time hello to evil virtual boy one percent find rate for sinister no way no way oh hello squishy i'm trying to capture a cup of tea squeezy and apparently there's a one percent chance of finding it i found it first time and then i accidentally just destroyed it in one shot and then get a chance to to capture it uh do you want a couple of squares she said i'll take i'll take a real life if you if you're offering a real life cup of tea i'd take one i want a cup of tea in game and in real life anyway i captured this thing any uh any ideas for a nickname [Music] twitter grew to level 34. twitter is evolving this is called a shinnotic we're gonna give a new name anyway right think of nicknames for for this guy it's flickering spores lore in prey and then put it to sleep uh once this pokemon has its prey snoozing it drains their oh they're so annoying to go up against pokemon like this moody toad should just call it toad toad's a fine name we call it toad it doesn't matter too much because i'm just gonna send it to the box anyway oh you made me jump ah i don't know who you come upstairs yeah i got a cup especially just said have you got a cup i got a cup [Laughter] oh dear do you want to say hello i i had a battle against squid i heard i heard you screaming how'd it go i lost yeah well it was just the right like i just like i didn't i didn't change my pokemon i had two fire pokemon then he had three water just by chance because he just under fired him and he destroyed me didn't go very well but we're going to battle again properly when we're planned good i'm trying to capture a cup of tea at the moment which i can evolve into a teapot did you actually like there's a pokemon's cup of tea yeah yeah it says i like and i saw it and then i i did one attack and i just killed it in one attack it's probably not very strong but i got an item which can evolve it into a teapot good but it's so it's it's a ghost but apparently it's like a haunted like teapot so i'm trying i'm trying to capture it he put you not laughing all right i was going to keep moving fruit i had a sandwich did you want a sandwich i love a sandwich i was going to win the stream once i've got the tea but it might be harder than i thought to get the tea okay it's a good sandwich what was it uh the corn ham and spinach and it was that good it gave me hiccups put gameplay on oh yeah there wasn't much happening oh my god i look like um during the powerpuff girls the lady the tall lady with like the no head she doesn't have a head over on the screen it's just her body oh what's her name um oh [Music] you know what i mean uh let me try and if i gotta do this i might there might be like an endless loop for a bit if i go like there we go that's who thank you thank you hey i'm on the big screen call it copper oh cup is a great name that's a great name are you the first to suggest that sneaky foxy cup isn't a male oh i wanna i want to write that down so i don't forget it and be like i sent out a cuppa oh okay everyone just everyone just remind me to call it copper we have a name already it's maybe like already more attached to it even though we haven't found it yet uh call it chip from um uh from you in the beast zen headbutt those two words don't combine very well that's for mr buttons someone said copper ages ago yeah it's always hard to see who the the first one was to suggest it shout out to ever who suggested copper first it's annoying that in this area i can't see the pokemon wandering around so i really want to get the the sinister i want to get up to that bit as well i can't climb up here can i was there another way i could loop around down here oh what did that do all right let's look around this way ah there's like little little guys in here oh oh i'm battling them in uh you are being squid story-wise i'm beating him story-wise he beat me in the actual actual battle between us yeah i think i've just played a bit more than squid it's hardly like i'm like blasting through it we try and capture the impotent if this is work i could try using the dust ball is it actually dusk or is it just like dark in the the woods uh alex hasn't had a had her indians yet she had she had some treats on the walk so i don't feed her load squishy oh we need a name we need dignity come on come on uh imperdimp uh through its nose it sucks in its uh sucks in the uh emanations produced by people i don't know what that word means uh and pokemon when they feel annoyed it thrives on negative energy oh i don't like that maybe because it sucks away the negative energy it makes it leaves them happier uh limpy mp god these suggestions are coming in fast there's like 1200 people watching hello everyone i kind of forget when i'm streaming um viva oh giz i like gizmo gizmo is quite a good name i i saw a few people shouting it out i don't know who the the first one was so are these just guys just always in these mushrooms no oh oh i went the whole way back out what is this place i've not seen this play oh there's a gym here as well this is beautiful i thought that woods was going to be hello hello i thought that was going to be longer oh what a cool town i've never seen a town like this in pokemon before they're normally like really realistic and normal this was like super magical like it's good that we've arrived here that is uh ready for the uh the next uh gym who is the uh what is the next gym by the way what do we need to prepare for this is my favorite town yeah i think this will be my favorite town yeah does anyone know what the uh what the gym we're facing uh about a face is gonna be glimwood tangle how do we get up to these places too hyper oh fair it's fair of course it's fairy of course it's fairy right what do i um what do i need to to battle some fairy pokemon then [Music] use a or use poison and steal um okay right start capturing some poison and steel pokemon then take the left from the very start okay uh fire is super oh fire still a lot of people saying still some people saying fire steal and poison still poison and maybe fire seems to be the verdict so i still have two fire pokemon i'm gonna have to get rid of one of them if i get this earth in this tea i'll probably get rid of my hit the target or my scented scorch [Music] ghost is super effective still poison and fire maybe ghost uh fire isn't steel is best for it twitter is making an uprise amazing that isn't it it's so good twitter is making it up raw twitter used uproar it wasn't quite in the same way ghost isn't fire is everyone's saying different things i might look it up it seems everyone's pretty set on uh steel and poison being good some people are saying fire some people are saying ghosts but then there's arguments about them ghosts no fire dark and fighting that's just two completely new ones we haven't heard before sinister has two forms only the super rare one evolves with the thing you found oh oh hopefully i didn't find the super rare one earlier and now i lost it oh is this the evolution of the thing we found earlier right i don't really care too much about capturing this guy look at this space she's funny look what it's going to say on the screen oh it said used sometimes you said like like twitter's like twitter twitter caused an uproar oh that's what twitter was down and i replaced it with firefox i was like i was like resetting with firefox because twitter went down fire is this fairy but it's not good against it okay so it looks like maybe using firefox against fairies would work quite well don't use dark or fighting got it got it got it got it thanks guys for the the help my personal research team during these puppy we're little streams come to join us my little jumpers wandered in the room there you go you can see her little ears here she's gonna say hello to everyone alex you wanna say hello you gonna say hello okay i thought she's gonna jump up but she looks she's a bit tired right now have you taken a wee wee by the way [Music] oh cookie is this just cereal she brought me in a little a little bowl of cookie crisps i don't know but the the sandwich isn't funny the little bowl of the tiny bowl of cookie crisp about cereal [Music] any um any tips for finding a sinistee yeah um like i can use a uh i think if i like if i whistle it makes like any pokemon find me more i kind of mean like is there any particular like patch of grass where it's like more likely for me to find one hey sam so you used to watch when i was eight i'm now 14. uh when i saw uh you brought minecraft back so many worries flowed back always made me cry thank you for everything ah thanks for the comment we have loads of comments of that saying i used to watch you when i was a kid but i'm now over 13. that will really help in my case against the ftc does everyone just comment saying it feels so great to be over 13. [Music] right go left at the beginning oh this way no this oh hello what are you cooking are you looking for mushrooms they give off light when you touch them i know and then little imps jump out and attack me you are challenged by cook derek what is he doing in the woods oh that's a cute bow come on though that is cute it's so great to be over 13. great being 23. [Music] i don't mind oh you can you're really on camera you've got to wear this i never really had it's just sugar you can see the sugar glistening off it i can look you can literally see the sugar it's like glitter would you like to look at it can you see that see how much sugars on that cereal there we go look see that see the amount of sugar on that thing what's this oh [Music] gosh he had no hesitation alex then oh they they got a synthetic there why have they got a synthetic where's my sinners tea huh huh dentist approved cereal no nice it was they had it that's the one i can't believe i walked in the woods i walked up for a little bit and it attacked me and i was like okay there's gonna be loads of them and i've not found one since and then they're like one percent chance of finding them i it can't be a one percent chance surely surely it's not one percent yeah look just look up where to find a sinistee in like pokemon sword see if there's like a specific because like i remember in like maybe this was just like urban legend but like in the first pokemon game there's one patch of grass in the first woods which was most likely to find a pikachu you could find one straight away there's always in that little bottom left corner and that's where i always found my pikachu and i never saw them anywhere else i don't know whether there's certain patches of grass there's a wild squishy behind you stamping i'm pretty sure it ain't one percent but it's rare yeah like i reckon it's rare i i agree with that but it's obviously the best pokemon they got to make it rare because it's too overpowered tea is tea is too strong otherwise i was just sniffing it oh don't show me don't show me i've not seen it people are saying to capture it and call it cuphead the tea pokemon is one of the best competitive ones so it's actually good yeah i wouldn't care i don't care how good the pokemon that's not how i base my decisions the thing is i know squid's gonna capture it as well and we're gonna both be using it 100 especially said a group of them is called a tea party it's good because your pokemon party is cool sorry i got a bit sorry for my anger there sorry for my rage sometimes i just can't control myself what oh it's squid i put an ocelot on a squid during our battle did you well did you see what happened you know what i said the stream wasn't working like the gameplay wouldn't work but everyone was here there's like a thousand people watching and i was panicking so i just acted out a pokemon battle with plushies because i didn't know what to do but then i ended the stream oh what did you say no i heard you say something there's like someone on those paramedics or something i didn't hit are you called a paramedic oh i didn't i didn't know i didn't see i'm streaming i don't know i was struggling things again i didn't see you is it just just is this the only place to find it then does it not say like the area why no game volume there should be game volume there is game volume i can see it don't tell me anything more i don't show me the evolution i was like being surprised by the evolution why tell me that i want to be surprised this final evolution is a cafe well look i'll see when i capture it [Music] okay so there's ten i know you can't really hear squeeze but it's a ten percent chance uh spawn rate uh that i'm gonna get it here so not one percent loads of people said one percent but ten percent um spawn rate in this area so well like i i've one has shown up so it doesn't matter like i've seen one so i know they can show up yeah so in theory one in every uh 10 pokemon should be it to be fair i i am pretty like uh like under leveled at the moment go back to hops house and get the charmander inside of it is there a charmander in hops house is that real is there a charmander in hob's house can you turn the game sound down a bit people were telling me that it's off i'll just turn it down now well someone said why is there no game sound and i was like i could see it was there unless i turned it up a bit uh you have to finish the game to get the charmander okay can i get a squirtle because my favorite pokemon research team like if you don't know the answer to these questions you like don't feel like you have to like look look them up for me it's just if you know them you can share them can i can i get a squirtle there's no game sound there is game sound guy are they just are they just trolling me squirtle isn't in the game i'm gonna i'm gonna boycott every pokemon game from now on now i'm so angry like those people are like so angry like that their poke favorite pokemon weren't in the game weren't they when they announced it there was like a literal like campaign to like boycott this game because their favorite pokemon wasn't in it game sound is fine okay you might actually get one of my other um pokemon uh evolving soon oh you don't see this town check out this town i might go there and heal actually like i thought because i just this woods is really small look at this place it's still full of fairies and like oh there was a like when the shop first panned over it and like the gym is all covered in mushrooms and stuff it's all fairy pokemon so never normally do like places like that in pokemon they're normally like quite realistic oh someone just said people just want attention if they talk about a possible issues they get attention i see i've just been a sucker for caring about the stream and responding to them the thing is i need to not only find it i also uh like i need to capture it as well like that's not a given uh what are you trying to find i'm trying to find a sinistee which is a ghost cup of tea pokemon these guys are so annoying these imp guys so uh why did you need a cup of tea i think everyone needs a cup of tea don't they i don't need it i just want it it's a cup of tea pokemon and i love tea i'm drinking tea right now it's evolution is so cool okay i'll let it evolve then i won't keep it as the cup of tea i'll trust you guys don't tell me what it is though okay so still is effective against those guys they've got such high defense though i think in the future i'm just gonna run from these guys if i can i'll finish this one off but the thing is though is like i'm quite low level like a lot of them are similar levels to moves which means you can't always run away uh what uh video editing software do you use uh i use adobe premiere pro uh i used to use final cut pro uh you might need to take alex toilet she might need a wee wee oh this isn't it this is it this is it sinistee it's like the top of it like it it's holding its own handle look at the little hand uh i don't use anything too strong this may also lowers the user's defense my defense i don't want my defense to go down please don't kill it so the last move i used was super effective which is why i hit it in one shot this shouldn't okay okay now i need like a really nice weak move i don't think it's weak enough should i try okay well i try great if this doesn't work i'll try and ultra and then i'll try and damage it again i really want to get this do you think i have a better chance if i'm drinking tea while i'm going for it oh look at that got it straight away sinister i'm gonna call it copper little cuppa or quarter cuppa i like copper like stumpy used a cuppa oh look at the way it's got his little finger up as well this pokemon is said to have been born when a lonely spirit possessed a cold leftover cup of tea oh it's so sad had a big mustache i got it so um i probably won't evolve it now what i think i'll do is uh i'll pretty evolve it at the end of the next stream just because i want to level up a bit more because sometimes you get like certain uh moves sooner the lower the the level they are so um yeah i think i'm gonna wait until uh wait until then and now i have a sandwich to enjoy so this is going to be a good time to end the the stream uh to those of you that are just joining in now and saying where's squid the title says you were battling squid i did battle squid the battle has been done i won't spoil it now by mentioning who won uh but if you do want to go and watch that if you just scroll back this stream uh or once it's processed watch it on vod you can watch the the battle i had against against squid uh we're gonna begin the the next stream uh i'll probably stream um maybe tomorrow maybe wednesday uh we'll carry on and it looks like because we're straight in another town and the gyms there uh we can begin the uh the next uh stream going straight into a gym battle and checking out synthesis that's going to be exciting times but yeah listen to this one uh thank you to everyone who stuck through uh for all the technical problems i had at the beginning of the stream those have been with us there the whole time uh yeah thank you everyone for joining all of the donations uh thank you squashy for making me a sandwich and tea thank you alex for not going toilet on the the floor and keeping me company at the beginning of the stream uh but for now thanks for watching and we'll see you all later bye [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 205,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1rKMrrdqQ1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 14sec (8894 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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