Minecraft - Escape Room [812]

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[Music] hello this is Stampy and welcome to a Minecraft Let's Play video and another video inside of Stampy's a Lovely World good morning William Beaver good morning Polly reindeer and good morning fizzy elephant oh you know this is not I missed you guys I've been here all on my own for oh no I take it all back I didn't miss you at all I didn't miss you at all you dugged me and I've not even had my breakfast so now I'm hungry and slow you need to make my way back I take it all back I didn't miss you when all I was happy on my own yeah so the reason I've been on my own for the last two episodes is because I've been building an escape room which is basically a room full of puzzles that you need to solve in order to escape and all of my helpers are going to be doing it individually today we're gonna be doing a time trial to see who can do it quickest and obviously they couldn't join me when I'm building it because then they'll know the answer to all of the puzzles and that wouldn't be much fun would it anyway let's go ahead my breakfast very tasty let's go grab Barnaby who has been joining me in the last two episodes did happen to miss the stairs there but I will I was hungry what can I say I see yeah let's go have someone to the other love garden before we do that and then I'll explain all of the the rules all of the limitations everything that the helpers need to do and then we get to watch them trying to solve all of the puzzles that you may have seen me building in the last couple episodes if you saw them but before that I want to add spiky 1R to the love garden and in fact they almost added their themselves to the love garden because they drew this picture of me in my love garden and you can see there's a bunch of people in the love garden uh and also they added themselves to the love Gardener but it's just a really cool version of my love garden it's kind of what my love garden used to be like before there was a whole town behind it it's just trees and clouds and the the heart looks really good and then I'm just there really happy in the the middle uh yeah it's kind of like what's the world used to be like in Stampy's Lovely World so thank you so much for doing that spiky and welcome 2 my real love garden all right then let's go drop out of here for the dog house and we will choose a dog that is going to to join us uh for the the episode um oh do I take Duncan and mittens does that fit does it no because it's not a mini game and they they they get like a guaranteed spot very regularly I feel like maybe I should uh I should take a let's take Benton with us today so imagine you can set up Barnaby you can hang out there and luckily we don't have to go very far to the escape room it's kind of like the last very obvious plot of land I needed to fill in my area down here which is good because um I am planning to end my lovely world relatively soon and I wanted to kind of get all of this area filled in before I did and uh it's actually kind of good for you because even though I know I've like I I kind of assumed it would have ended by now already but I kind of I've kind of been too busy to end it and I know that seems like it doesn't make sense like surely it would be like easier to end it rather than make videos but it's because I want the the final episode to be a big special one I just haven't timed her to do it so every episode you're getting now is like a cheeky little bonus one and I don't know how long it's gonna go on for because I do have a few more ideas so uh yeah I just like to pre-warm people so it's not a shock anyway here's the uh here's the the escape room everyone come in everyone everyone come inside come inside um so there isn't a very nice waiting room because we didn't have much room I mean the staff room is lovely it's enormous and goes the whole way back there but that's stuff only you all I've got you can edit signs now you will need to stay in the relating room there's a little seat down there for two of you everyone huddling everyone huddling get close everyone take a seat I've got your names ready under the sign so this is the way it's gonna work you're gonna go in one at a time you're gonna enter this door or this door and you basically need to escape to get back out to here okay there's not many rules when you're inside but the big one is no punching so no left clicking on the mouse you can't punch or break anything you can pick a thing off the wall like you got to make sure you don't if you do I will add let's say a minute to your time and if you do it twice then you're out of there then you're done gonna be disqualified so don't forget that's like the most important rule apart from that there's not really any rules I don't think just um try and escape and hopefully I designed my puzzles that there's no loopholes or tricks it's all right who wants to uh who wants to go first let's see how fizzy wants her to go first right uh if you wait there for a second I'm gonna go around to the staff side and I'll tell you enter to go in oh yeah the other big rule is no conferring no talking to the other helpers when you're in there or when you come out we want to make sure that everyone has a fresh experience and has no idea what they're going to be going up again so right busy you could enter in three two one and go go go go go oh oh wait okay yes sir you can go you can go you can go carry on so I just messed up I was trying to do a timer that was set to zero rather than rather than a rather than a stopwatch I know yeah other helpers uh William and Polly you might want to mute me as well yo when I come back round you'll know it's over because I'm gonna be talking about what fizzy is doing and it will spoil it so you might as well want to mute me as well or put your fingers in your ears and then you won't hear what what's going on so right looks like fizzy has a begun looking at around the room having a little stand on the on the bed having a look at inside the the chest I'm just going to assume that all of you watching this have seen the last couple episodes because then you'll know what all of like the the puzzles are if not I guess you will have it fresh if you if you don't know what the puzzles are see if you can work out before fizzy can so he's just seen the text that says don't lie in the bed stand on your head what do you think that could mean oh and he's also found that there's something underneath the bed but he can't open it there's a chest down there but he can't get it he needs to find a way to get to that chest maybe maybe not I think he's panicking a little bit he's like there's not much in here and I've looked at everything and I don't know what I am what I need to do look at look at your clue fizzy look at your clear I will help them if they do like they're getting stuck what would how would you be able to to stand on your head in Minecraft hmm that's a tricky one isn't it fizzy that's a tricky one I guess I guess that's one way to do it imagine if that was actually it imagine if just doing that like actually uh actually uh actually did anything uh maybe keep looking around the the whole room fizzy maybe maybe look at areas that you were you haven't been to yet might be a bit of a of a clue opening some uh some trap doors I've got a jukebox over here a cake if you if you feel like you do really want a clue fizzy if you come right up to the glass I'll give you a little little clue so if I was standing on my head which way around would my boots be if I was standing on my head that's the that's the clue oh why he his head that one it's a good puzzle it's a good puzzle if you stand on your head you've got to be eating don't it's a good puzzle it's a good puzzle I know now he's played some music what is playing the music done did you did you hear anything I don't know why that door I don't know why that store stayed open by the way fizzy either that door shouldn't be open you haven't escaped yet oh he's come back in why why has that door oh there's probably oh you know what there's probably some Redstone like in the walls that's keeping that open I could just like block that door off for future times because it is a little bit misleading maybe uh maybe think about the room that you're in fizzy what what so imagine that imagine this is my bedroom what's another where's somewhere else you could go in my bedroom a secret place hey he's found it and now he's in room number two come back oh he's getting he's getting a run-up in order to run into the next room so right now he's back he's at the uh the Jenny fish so it's meant to be like genius but it's like Genie fish instead of Genius put your knowledge into a fish [Music] I was really thinking that these puzzles weren't that difficult let's see right try to work it out we have no idea what it's meant to be I could see actually maybe they are a bit vague so you got to put your knowledge into a fish fizzy so like where's knowledge what what would what would contain knowledge in Minecraft it out I think you might have worked it out yeah oh yes he's worked it out you can get the books from the bookcase because they're full of knowledge aren't they very good right so now you got to put the knot you got to put the knowledge in and then then you're gonna put that knowledge into it into a into a fish is what you need to to do yeah I'm I'm really working out now just how um how bizarre this uh this idea was oh are they going in they should sell I was kind of the light oh yeah there we go okay I think they've gone in and has he done it or not quite you're missing one book fizzy you need one more you need one more book where are you gonna get another book from that's the uh the tricky thing so you think it's the the simple puzzle but there's a bit of a a bit of a bit of a Twist at all he's found some lever he's found some lever that's a good start now what else do you need in order to make sure you might have it all already I think you might yes he does and he's made the most nice that we have the music playing throughout the the whole time so that's put the knowledge in and then yes now you there you have there you have a fish and there's a smoker down here I know oh you got a bit of cobblestone and another bit of cobblestone hmm why would you need some Cobblestone so just to remind you your objective fizzy ignore the door that's open imagine that's closed let's just say the other door your goal is to try and open that door to get out of here how do you think you might be no no that door's closed I don't know why that door's open pretend that door's closed can he work out what he needs to do now so he's done a bunch of stuff and he's able to get some uh he was able to get some so you were able to get some cobblestone from what you did and he's got a he's put a fish onto a bed putting the fish on the bed no I don't think that's right is there something that you could craft that would enable you to open it to open a door oh yeah I guess another rule should be a no-bringing outside items in because otherwise that could uh that could make this all very very easy and he's crafted the lever and that will allow him to open the door to get out very good fizzy very good I will I will block off that door that was open though I think there's got to be some Redstone like up in here somewhere that's keeping it all open right hi guys everyone you can come back if you want they've just gone into like a a vegetative state they've just gone into like a trance while they were doing that it's all right fizzy your time overall was six minutes and 30 seconds not bad at all for the uh the first round in uh hopefully uh you enjoyed solving that puzzle it wasn't too stressful uh right so now I need to reset it so I put up some like um some stuff here which is just to remind me everything that I need to do in order to reset it so I'm gonna go and do that now get everything back in order ready for the the next people's go and then yeah either William or uh Polly will be able to go next okay William it is your turn oh yeah this does so this door let me I'm just gonna just fill it up with dirt I know it'll look ugly there's like Redstone in the walls and obviously something is making the door open so just so it's not misleading you can't break through the uh you can't break through the the dirt so yeah William if you uh if you wait around here by Benton I'll tell you when to go and I'll start your time and remember you're not allowed to use any objects you bring in you cannot break anything you can know you can't punch anything at all and um yeah you just need to escape through the door that you're coming through so you can begin in three two one and go go go go go go and I was I was quite nice to fizzy with giving hints but if you want like a very obvious hint just come up and just like stare at me through the through the glass and I'll get the idea I love the way that like Benton is like gradually like moving closer forward like every single every single time it just keeps going to bed Williams like I'll bored of this maybe it's like you know you know when you're like starting to fall fall asleep unlike then you suddenly have a really good idea maybe that's what he's trying to do he's trying to have a good idea by going to bed you know like the whole like penny drop story maybe that's what's going on at all he's found a bunch of books in the bookcase he's he's doing what he does in real life Escape rooms I reckon and he's just like picking up everything like everything's got to be important that's what uh that's what my guess is okay but he's very fixated on going into bed well I guess he's probably just trying to get the chest from under the bed I keep accidentally it's like he keeps falling in bed he's like really clumsy and he keeps falling down but like lying down perfectly as if he's going to sleep no no that's it William if it if it didn't work the first 20 times keep trying it I'm sure I'm sure it will work it really does look like you should be able to to open that chest like it looks like you could but I will make this easier for you William you cannot open that chest from the uh the position that it is in right now so now he's he's throwing a bunch of things oh it's because it's a carpet he thinks there's a hopper underneath it that's funny okay police been training so he's seen that there's the secret isn't open behind the the painting look at the uh look look at your clue William look at the uh look at the sign that's your that's your big clue for this room above the bed says don't lie in the bed stand on your head I know it's not the easiest thing to do in Minecraft oh damn it maybe I have made this too difficult but both William and fizzy have struggled on this uh this same puzzle I I tell I got do do you do you want a clue William because I did give fizzy a clue about this time so if I was standing on my head how would my boots be what orientation would they be if I was standing on my head oh yes immediately maybe maybe that was too difficult then the fact that there are the voice record and my Benton's opened the door that's you can't you're not allowed to train your dog to open her to open that door that's not part of the game maybe we'll get him out the other way for the next round once again we're gonna have to use our imagination that the other door is closed and all he worked that out quicker he worked out what the uh the Jukebox has done that's open the door into the the second room where you're now into a Stampy secret base so fizzy did point out there is a slight typo on that sign but like fizzy did have it as well so you could probably guess what it's meant to say but as it what it says is Genie fish per your knowledge into a fish you can probably imagine what that is but I feel like I can't change the sign because it's got to be fair and it's got to be for everyone else but essentially you need to try and put your knowledge into a fish that is the uh the challenge that you are that you need her to do here no I always done actually there's the there's a bunch of books in there the books he collected it's really glitchy that light for me to say oh but he's missing one he's he's got five of the books he's missing one book by the the looks of things so can you work out how to acquire the sixth and final book so just as a reminder busy did this in six and a half minutes you have currently been doing this for three minutes and 52 seconds so you're actually on Pace to maybe be fizzy but you have not solved the entire puzzle yet so we can't start celebrating at all oh he's got the fish he's got the fact I didn't even realize he made the last book oh well done well done William well done William so you now have a fish how's having how is having a fish going to to help you is the next thing you're going to work out all gone straight to the uh the smoker he looks like he's putting the fish in and out the spot going oh he's lit I know he's got some Cobblestone oh this is looking good for William and now he's got to think why do I need Cobblestone how is Cobblestone going to help me so remember you're trying to open the door that should be locked but isn't because there's a a dog on the uh the the pressure plate and always gone straight to a crafting table this is looking good this is looking good for William's time here is he gonna work out exactly what he needs her to do though or maybe not maybe he's having a bit of a pro I thought he had it I thought he had it maybe he hasn't got it oh he's going back to the smoker oh he's panicking now he's panicking now I'm probably not have my commentary is probably not helping and all he's he's past five minutes he's part of okay okay I will I will stop your time there I mean you could have done it on the side with the door rather than the one that's blocked him with dirt but you had proven that you had worked out the the puzzle right let's let's reconvene over on the uh the the other side that was very impressive by that Beaver right you can come through the uh come through the other door and Benton you can get out the way because you going on the pressure plate tell what Benton you've been promoted you are now a staff member and I need you to um keep an eye on all the electronics so make sure everything's working properly and uh nothing breaks anyway let's get to the uh the old leaderboard shall we so William you are able to do it in and oh yeah it's so nice to be able to edit these five minutes and seven seconds well done not a big difference overall it was very very close but still very very impressive so GG William well done uh I will uh go back into the uh the room now and I will um oh yeah I got a little uh little secret entrance here and I'll get everything back in order oh actually William do you do you have anything left in your pockets I guess make sure Polly doesn't see do you have anything left us all right I'll be able to make it work I'll be able to make it work uh so yeah let's go back in and let's get this all reset and then Polly can have her go okay Polly good news you are up I mean it's quite good for you because like there's no real like there's not much pressure like I know you've seen their times but like it doesn't really mean anything to you so just just relax and have fun right so yeah as I said to everyone else though don't break anything no left clicking no punching no using any items that you bring into the room you need to go so this door's just covered up with dirt because um it's kind of broken a bit so you're going through this room and then your goal is to basically get back out through that door using whatever you can don't start yet I'm gonna go around to the other side so I can see what you're doing and then I'll start the time ah guys stuff only star phone uh you can you can come it's fine it's fine we don't need to be that strict you you know all the solutions anyway just don't touch anything Benton guard the electronics don't let them don't let them touch anything don't let them sabotage police run right Polly you can begin in three two one go go go the timer has begun it's curious because I I wonder whether like like it's been like Williams and Fizzies go were very very similar they kind of all got stuck at the the same bits so I'm curious to see whether Paulie's gonna get stuck at the the same bits that the uh the others were so um I said to them I will kind of generally just like be a little bit helpful anyway just because I can't help myself because I get excited and I want you to do well but if you do want like an absolute like uh like just tip for me to kind of direct you very much where to go if you just come and like stand up at the glass and just like stare me in the eyes and look sad or worried then I will uh point you in the uh the right direction uh for what it is that you uh that you need to do next uh but yeah I guess doing the the first thing that you do like whenever you do a real escape room the first thing you do is just look at everything so if it's a group you want to communicate you want to look at everything and then anything that you think could be useful just kind of collect it all together and just keep talking keep talking with all your teammates the worst thing to do is to go like oh I found a puzzle and just sit there quietly trying to solve it because you might need something that someone else has got in order to solve it but obviously this is like uh doing an escape room by themselves and all they put their thinking cap on they put their thinking cap on to work it out so the first big CL clue Polly is don't lie in the bed stand on your head and I have come to realize that that is maybe not a very good clue because it hasn't seemed to have helped anyone that has uh has gone in so far so to be fair just because for the others I gave a clue about this time the the clue I'd give is if I was standing on my head Polly or you which way round would my boots be if I was standing on my head that's that's the the clue I'm gonna give you it's just the circle I gave everyone okay maybe maybe that that puzzle was way too difficult was it was that puzzle too difficult maybe it was but there we go now now the trade's rolling and all Polly was quick to hear the uh the door open that was something that um that fizzy and William didn't immediately realize what the the Jukebox did that it opened up the other thing so that's actually something that I think might be too difficult all if it wasn't based on my room that they all know which has like a secret area behind it so that's the way I didn't feel too bad about like just hiding something behind it and then there's a sign there that says Genie fish instead of genius and it's a put your knowledge into a fish so you've got to think of a way how you could put knowledge into a fish because that's that's what I decided to do for her for this bit I could have done anything I wanted and that's what I came up with it worked quite well for the uh for the the puzzles all right Polly's continuing to have a uh a good look around because there are a lot of like things just hidden in stuff as well so even though it might not look like she's making loads of progress she's probably collecting a lot of things up and uh just your time warning you're just coming up now to three minutes uh so remember fizzy got like it was like six and a half minutes and then like William was like just over five minutes so you're actually about in time with everyone else and oh oh I think she's she throwing something in the hopper I think she did I didn't see what she tried to to throw in but if you look at what the Hop is going into there's only certain things that you would be able to to put in that Hopper I remember you're trying to put in things that have knowledge at all I think he's like that was like that was a walk with purpose at first you see them kind of like idly wandering around but that was Polly walking with absolute purpose in order to get there I know she's got the book she's got the book she's worked it out so now I guess she's gonna go and put that in the the hopper but did that do anything I don't think it did or she what's she doing she's going back to go about oh she's getting more books she is getting more books she's gonna collect up all of the other books I'm so nervous that I would have set something up wrong and like left one of the items in the wrong place but so far I don't think I have so right is that all of the the books in oh it looks like there's five books in but there's a space for one other book and all she's gone straight to the crafting table that was very quick this might be a good time here this is this is this is lined up to be a very good time it's just where the Polly gets stuck on these last couple clues and oh she's got the fish she's got the fish oh she's gone straight to the smoker can't you work out what to do next you're in four and a half minutes Polly four and a half minutes think no pressure no pressure but think you could do it you could work it out I believe in you I believe in you should put this you put the the fish in the Smoke oh I think she had to say oh yes she's got Cobblestone you've got Cobblestone Polly you've got Cobblestone so think about what you need Cobblestone to do you're coming up to five minutes this is so so close uh you're like 10 seconds till five minutes can she work out how to escape those the question so you've just gained Cobblestone how would you get up the iron door I know you're at five minutes now five two oh she's gone back to the other room she's gone back to the other office is going to be so close this is gonna be so close to the other one's time in order to going back to the crafting table five minutes and 10 seconds okay I'm not gonna tell you the time anymore I'm gonna I'm Gonna Leave it so it's tension at the end I know she's got the lever and she is out of there oh that was so close that was so unbelievably close right let's go and do so what was the other times overall so yeah William got a 6 30. uh no sorry fizzy got 6 30. William got five seven and Polly got uh five minutes and 17 seconds bang in the middle of the next two you know this shows me it shows it was pretty much equal like it was like literally like only about a minute between all three of your times I think you all did equally well and you are under a whole load of pressure hatching and shouting at you though the whole time well hopefully we'll enjoy doing that escape room but hopefully uh you enjoyed uh watching Let's uh do this uh escape room I'm really glad I built this thing I kind of would love to build just loads of these but you'd probably get bored of me just doing loads of Escape rooms to get it again but there would absolutely be something that I would love to to do uh but yeah that's not what we're gonna be doing next I guess I assume we'll be back over at the other Funland next building a new mini game so stay tuned to see what that's going to be but if not want to thank you all very much for watching and I will see you all later
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 105,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stampy, Stampylongnose, Stampylonghead, Stampy Cat, Lets Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Commentary, No Swearing, Family Friendly, Minecraft, Lovely World, Escape Room
Id: UlJ6eEv4A1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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