10 Poketubers Design The BEST Pokemon Together

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[Music] hey guys Ron here and recently I invited nine other poker tubers and together we created our own Pokemon each individual YouTuber gave me an attribute for the Pokemon like its type stats environment color scheme Etc without knowing the other attributes that were chosen so for example one YouTuber could choose the type combination of bug water while another YouTuber could choose the ability of flash fire which makes no sense for a bug water type but it was my job to take all these random attributes and make them work into a new Pokemon that I created did I manage to pull it off you decide that's why in this video you'll see the various traits that each YouTuber picked and then the genuine reaction to the Pokemon I made using their attributes twice because I decided to do the challenge twice the title is a lie if you're new here I make tons of videos where I create my own Fakemon a lot of times with fun challenges and twists like turning memes or video game characters into Pokemon but what's cool is that both of the Pokemon that we'll be creating today will be part of the Fakemon region I am currently developing so make sure to subscribe to check that out now let's begin with the first Fakemon we made [Music] now in order to understand how we made this Fakemon you'll need to know all the attributes that I asked my friends to provide they are the environment stats personality height type body shape color scheme a unique power and ability this is basically the order in which all the poker Troopers responded to me after I told each Pogo tuber the attribute that they were in charge of bird keeper Toby responded first so the attribute I've chosen for the first Pokemon is the environment and for that I've chosen gemstone Minds just because Pokemon that live in gemstone mines tend to be typically quite cool like comic and Sableye I just wanted to choose something that was a little bit more out there so with one attribute given the gears were already turning in my mind I was thinking of a carbuncle Pokemon with the crystals on top but the next few attributes could completely change the concept next was Callum I was tasked to provide all the base stats for this Pokemon and the only way I knew to sort of insert myself into this a little bit was to choose my favorite number which is seven and I made all of the base stats multiplications of the number seven and this was inspired by the all Ultra beasts all of their base stats are our prime numbers and I just think it's really fascinating how into like the the nitty-gritty that Pokemon can get like even down to the base stats have some sort of theme to them and I just think that's really cool okay I did not expect the reasoning for the stats to be that deep but so far these high defenses work for a crystalline Pokemon then Vinnie who I asked to give this Pokemon a personality responded so I thought it would be awesome to design a Pokemon that was happy but easily angered and I thought this would be really cool because just imagining a Pokemon that's just having the best day of his life and then something happens and at the snap of a finger he's pissed off his day is ruined that hot and cold personality I think could lead to a really cool design okay that works it'll be a cute happy Crystal Pokemon that can be feisty at times but this all hinges on the height of the Pokemon I gave the first Pokemon a height of 510 uh so it can't be cute a bigger rock monster that walks around caves I guess but this will all hinge on the type combination that Alex will give me okay okay so the attribute I picked was the typing of fire steel and I picked that mainly because it's probably one of my favorite type combinations ah okay this isn't a bad decision it just derails everything but I can make it work especially since steel types live in caves and we have the perfect stats for a Steel type actually what if it was this steel monster that walks on all fours and eats precious metals and gems kinda like later on but I don't want to jump the gun with lumio's trainer Zach next in line the attribute I chose for the first Pokemon is its body shape and that being one that's bipedal that also has a tail I don't know why but when Ron asked me to come up with a body shape for some reason I thought Tyranitar so let's see what Ron comes up with well it's not going to be on all fours then what's funny is that the body shaped deck gave me is the most common type of Pokemon so he actually was being kind to me it just went against everything I knew about this Pokemon I guess it would be more like an Aggron instead of a layron but with asteroid videos next here's hoping Frank gives me orange and Grays I'm gonna be honest with you guys I literally just went on like a color swap website and I just kind of clicked a bunch of times until it gave me a color palette that I really liked uh and I settled on this like green black light blue sort of color scheme and I think it works really well in my mind I'm thinking like okay maybe he's like a grass water type and I wanted to make sure the colors felt right uh and they actually meshed well together which is why I had a website pick it for me it's this is so fun originally I was thinking that this turned the entire design upside down but in fact it pulled everything together I can make this Pokemon have green plates of metal because that's what rusted a bronzer copper looks like and then what's better than just normal orange fire blue fire it all comes together it's simply glitch City's job to not derail it what power did you give this Pokemon glitch okay so for the first attribute I decided to go with water purification now the reason why I decided to go with that is because when I was thinking about different attributions and stuff uh I was drinking water I'm like hmm you know won't be cool clean water all the time because nobody likes dirty water right what okay I thought it was over after this but this Pokemon could simply boil water using its fire sanitizing it in the process so that leaves one final attribute the ability and guess which ability Game Boy Luke picked so the ability I chose was Mira armor uh and I mainly chose it because I know very very little Pokemon get it if I remember correctly I think it's just the cover Nightline that gets it uh I thought it was a really unique ability and I wanted to give a unique ability to a unique Pokemon one of the odds that my dude picked an ability that works perfectly for a Steel type I don't have to worry about that at all I guess so with all the attributes finalized how in the world do I make them work the answer was The Crucible a crucible is that metal container or bowl that you put Metals inside in order to melt them under high temperatures what if I made this bulky monster that lives in mines and gathers materials to melt inside a giant Crucible on its back you don't know how happy I was when this concept popped into my head let's design it while it's not a pseudo legendary I'm basically giving it the proportions of the final pseudo legendary but with a bowl on the back I gave it a pickaxe like horn on the back of its head and made sure it was happy looking it uses the fire on his shoulders to heat up The Crucible but it was time to decide how the metal plates looked originally the armor was more rigid but then I decided to make it round and free-flowing like lava as if the heat from its body actually melted its armor into different shape over its lifespan once I added Frank's color scheme I had to determine the configuration I even flipped the greens last minute but before I reveal the final design to the poketubers who helped make the Fakemon I actually showed them all the attributes that each YouTuber came up with to see their reaction to the same dilemma that I had which was making them all work together so for the environment bird keeper Toby wants to put this Pokemon in the gemstone mines ooh I like that Vibe right there that is an awesome environment Callum gave him like starter stats okay HP 70 attack 84 defense 133 hold on now dang it's gonna be pretty beefy stats I know nothing about stats wait Vinnie's on this one he said super happy now going but could very easily lose his temper of the most minor inconvenience describing himself that's a good energy for a Pokemon to have actually I like that a lot man listen he sounds like me I'm gonna be honest with you he sound like hey that's all of us that's all of us and uh sacred my boy sacred said the Pokemon is 510. it's almost as tall as me okay that gives me sort of like Charizard Vibes in terms of height or a guardian wants us to be a fire and steel type which at least makes a little bit of sense I like that a lot I just see it this is gonna be a crazy combination trainer Zach wants the Pokemon to be bipedal and have a tail couldn't agree with him more love Pokemon that stand on two feet love Pokemon that have tails yo Frank chose the best colors yo oh my God it's color scheme is not traditionally what you'd expect from a fire type but I actually like it when Pokemon do that more a greenish color for a fire Steel type is that gonna clash with like Aura guardian's fire steel wow I'm very interested to see how this is gonna come out to the blue is going to be like a blue flame like a super hot that sounds kind of cold like hold on like this Pokemon is insane glitch X City love your music by the way glitch you're excellent but then it has the power of water purification crazy power for a fire type like it boils out all of the gross stuff I guess it's great for the environment 10 out of 10. and the stability is mirror armor which is actually hilarious it actually works well with it being a Steel type I don't even know what that does now Luke I totally know what that does I'm not gonna google that real quick let's see uh bounces back only the stat lowering effects of the Pokemon receives oh I'm not telling you what this is gonna look like despite all of these attributes being thrown into a pot I can genuinely see something really cool being made from this I picture like a tall green I I'm thinking about a creeper it's a creeper I I'm I'm gonna be shocked if this looks tangible you know what I mean but how is a fire gonna work out well I'm I'm really interested to see how Ron pulls this off maybe the blue could also be blue fire instead of being just a regular red fire I'm actually really excited to look at this so I'm just gonna and now here is our first Pokemon Crucible this melting Pokemon these friendly yet fickle Pokemon have lived in deep gemstone caves for centuries using their horn to mine for precious metals which they smelt inside The Crucible on their back they eagerly eat the purified Metals ancient civilizations would use crucible's concave backs to boil water sanitizing it in the process kusabulk were worshiped as Gods all right the Moment of Truth here we go oh oh no yeah the blue flame the blue flame I knew it you had to like and then there's you just had that's the wave 100 the wave oh he's so sick oh it was blue fire oh it's like a little Dino and then the shiny like has the regular red fire and like the ah yo Crucible oh my God okay fire Steel type this looks like the type of Pokemon I would use this looks very Calum core oh my God oh my God hold on wait a minute that's kind of cold and that's kind of cold hold on that is kind of cold wait that is Crucible okay all right yeah so we're gonna write with the blue the blue flames [Music] oh oh my god dude he's beautiful I can't even lie my eye immediately went to the shiny the shiny coloring is just insane but Frank the regular coloring is fantastic as well this is so cool whoa okay that actually looks really cool what the heck oh I like this oh he did the shiny version as well hell yeah this is very cool Ron whoa whoa yo yo Russo ball okay all right I see it now I see it I see it I'm five of six this Pokemon is five foot ten I see it you know I see the bulkiness I'm biased but I think this that distribution actually works really well for it I was kind of nervous that fire steal and the colors I gave I was a little concerned I love the colors so much I'm not gonna hold you maybe I like the shiny more because it reminds me of like a teenage Tyranitar props to run I'm surprised he made the fire and steel work out that looks really cool I love how he's smiling too this must be when he's still in a good mood but if something happens if someone comes into his environment and maybe even just takes a step in there or the wind blows a certain way he's gonna be pissed off very quickly and I would imagine the Flames are gonna get higher I I love that it's showing us back too we don't have enough official art of Pokemon like this honestly I like with the water purification power I was kind of like oh God how is that gonna work but I think it actually works this Pokemon is kind of lit pun intended this is 100 a fire type I would have on my team they eager really eat the purified Metals dude this is a metal eating Pokemon I think Ron was throwing some really hard um things to mix in together here but this is like yeah this is well executed I like this and I could see this being maybe not like a legendary Pokemon okay it's kind of like a dinosaur version of giggleth okay that's probably about comparison but look at the body shape I like the body shape yeah that's kind of what I thought very dinosaur dragon monster like it fits well that pose is sick too it's looking at zorawaki Lucario plate I could see something like that for this hey this low-key looks like a golly Pokemon like I said it kind of looks like a pseudo legendary of sorts so it makes sense yeah this Pokemon is for sure a God I want him on my next Pokemon team a 510 Pokemon has a god Hey listen shout out my short Kings you know what I'm saying we in this let's let's go wow I I I'm not gonna lie I'm sorry for being a pessimist this this works really well that it turned out really well you took all the attributes and you like delivered exactly what was needed can I have can I have this oh come on man I wish it were real oh what a plus for me I'm a big fan I love it [Music] so for Fakemon number two I asked these poketubers to come up with completely different attributes I also shuffled the attributes that each person would have to pick so this time sacred Almighty was in charge of the typing for the second Pokemon I chose a type combination Dragon fairy dragon fairy is very good because it's it'll be relatively flexible a fairy and dragon type can look like vague creatures without having to adhere to a specific animal which we probably won't have in this challenge I'm thinking something mystical uh but Toby is next the attribute for the second Pokemon I've chosen is actually the height and I have just gone for a flat four meters tall why because I'm about two meters let's go with double person height roughly okay that works for Dragon thank God it's not a bug type it basically translates to 13 feet which is pretty gnarly so for the second Pokemon I was in charge of the stats and immediately my brain went to Glass Cannon really really good offensive stats but lacking severely in the defense but he is very fast so we can get those hits off but if you tickle this Pokemon he would probably perish so this Pokemon if it hits you it's gonna do some damage but if he gets hit it's good Night Irene who's Irene these stats are good almost the inverse of the previous Pokemon thank God we didn't get a Steel type again but can Callum continue this lucky streak so for the second Pokemon I was tasked with providing the environment and I landed on symmetry uh mainly because I live relatively close to one uh but also because I think it's quite a polarizing area and I think only like a specific type of Pokemon could maybe be seen living in a samish way and I wanted to see if Ron is able to make it look like it would live in a cemetery but also make it make sense with all the other attributes thank god fairy type is already associated with spirituality so we'll just make a fairy dragon that hangs out near the Dead the attribute I chose for the second Pokemon is a mischievous personality I don't know something sneaky something that likes to cause trouble for people I feel like that's something that's really cool and memorable that 100 works for a Fairy Type in a cemetery dude can be pulling pranks on anybody entering the cemetery at night Frank's job was to give us a power hopefully it'll Aid this Pokemon in scaring teens who wander into the cemetery I suggested the power to create smoke screens I was kind of just trying to think of something that was out there something that could really fit into any design my initial thought was like he'd be like kind of like a ninja doing sneaky things you wouldn't want to see him in an alley or it might be something like torkel wow it's kind of crazy how this works perfectly with the previous two attributes almost like a creepy foggy night and perhaps its body is partially made up of the smoke uh which is why it doesn't have the best defenses but even more so I'm thinking that it releases incense from its body that calms Restless Souls hopefully a glitch's body type is something graceful I decided to go with a b-shaped type because when you think about it we technically don't have a lot of b-shaped Pokemon the reason why I chose backpack because I love bagpipes bagpipes are amazing so she picked the least graceful instrument with the opposite of this Serpentine body I was imagining but and sometimes the most out there attributes helps give us a direction and in this case it did I mean Wings on a dragon makes sense I mean it also makes sense for the fairies right but also bagpipes kind of have the the shape of a Pokemon I'm thinking of giving this Pokemon horns that look like the tubes on a bagpipe that release smoke instead of sounds make sense what ability did Alex give us so I gave the ability a Marvel scale now I'm just gonna double check what Marvel skill does I believe it's what um Dragonite no it's what Milotic has okay UPS defensive it has a status condition okay I think I was supposed to give it multi-scale but Marvel scale works either way what are the odds that the aura Guardian gave us the ability for a Pokemon that was definitely gonna have scales all we gotta do is let Game Boy Luke cook and pick the colors the colors I chose are like I'm just selfish okay it's just a collection of my absolute favorite colors that's literally it what's crazy is that this color scheme would have been handy for the fire Steel type Pokemon that we you know previously did but the pink and blue makes sense for a dragon fairy and the black and orange could become B Stripes so let's make a b like mischievous dragon that releases incense that it uses to run away and also stay elusive it has a long plump body with relatively Tiny Wings which helps give it contrast and make it look both awe-inspiring and Goofy the horns will be Hollow its head and tail will be masked in Smoke and it'll have the most mischievous expression I gave it a streak of smoke that separates the top and bottom halves of its body and then included these scaly Stripes that'll help it look like the combination of a dragon and B keep in mind that after I added the colors the final version of this Pokemon doesn't actually look like this I removed its neck and changed its proportions completely but before revealing the final design to you guys and the YouTubers let me show them the attributes that everybody chose alright fakemon's number two's attributes I'm really curious about its type dragon fairy okay I think I think that could work that's a bold old bold typing I like that bird keeper Toby made this Pokemon 13 feet tall 13-1 to be exact is that what full meets this is hang on conversion what's up huh why is he so tall is he going to the NBA he's freaking huge tall B oh my God is it like a bee serpent or something so not only is this tall but it's also really good at attack wow he's he's a beast and it's actually called the base stats to back up that sort of height and type I would say goodness gracious he's better than Crucible he's a monster their stats are broken this is this is possibly an Uber Pokemon 125 in both attack stats and 130 speed that's insane uh he lives in a cemetery ooh he is a spooky boy that do be hanging out by tombstones I was thinking of doing a cemetery it was a good good thing and it's mischievous so far I'm liking all of these and he's mischievous okay yeah no this is just this is this is looking like just a hyper offensive Zoroark I love it some I don't know if I want to keep this Pokemon with me Vibes you know I'm not sure about that you never know what he's gonna do he's kind of like Loki from the Marvel Cinematic Universe you know he might just he might stab you in the back or he might do a good thing it's got the power of smoke screens oh this is all working well okay hold up I guess that is like the whole they're awesome fairy moves like aromatic mist and stuff like that that could be worked into that but oh no here we go glitch ruining it it's a bagpipe that has a bee-like shaped body a bag of pipe backpipe be like bagpipe what the hell is this thing gonna look like okay dude immediately I'm just thinking of like a giant fee we might be making like a a ghost type like King Drew that's weird that's weird but I kind of like it uh his ability is Marvel scale with the colors I chose yo okay listen Aura Guardian smash that that with the colors I chose love that I don't have to Google that one I know what that does how did we make these work so well Marvel scale works for Dragon and the Colors oh Luke oh my God that is one hell of a color scheme but I'm interested to see how the b-like body is gonna come into play so hmm okay I'm super curious what you did here on let's take a look and here is the second Pokemon that we made Illusions the smoke Pokemon and loose ends tend to appear at cemeteries one night out of the month half of their body is made up of aromatic smoke which wafts as they fly the incense that this Pokemon releases from their Hollow horns com's Restless Souls when spotted it will release a smoke screen and vanish it loves to scare groups of children who enter cemeteries as a test of Courage oh that is so sick that is so sick no that's cool that's cool I take it back the bagpipe be like the beat wait oh yeah it's back by Blake oh okay okay that I mean that worked I mean it's it looks spooky how what okay so I was right it does kind of coil up a little bit oh bro he's got like a Halo he's got like a smoke screen Halo look at his face dude whoa I feel like depending on how you look at his face you can see different faces wow oh my goodness that's cool oh this is cute this is really cool oh okay no that works I love this Pokemon yo I love it I love it I love this I am a massive fan of this this is really cool and it's just got all the colors that I really really enjoy so that's that is so sick this looks straight up looks like a mythical it straight up looks like a some sort of legendary it's a lot less edgelord than I had imagined but this is like I would buy a plushie of these I think everyone would want one of these wow I'm like I'm shocked I've actually blown away by this this is so cool it even has like a little bug-like attributes as well I guess that comes from the body shape that it has love is little stubby arms and legs he's definitely not walking on those he's probably primarily flying his design he feels like he would be smaller but I kind of I kind of vibe with them being bigger I don't know he's a big boy like if I saw this I would my first thought would be like what's a ghost type but it's Dragon fairy I love Pokemon like that I can see this Pokemon of holding a couple times although no because it's huge I made it here he's really huge that's the funny part but you can tell because it's Pokemon it's 13 foot going from the head to the tail he's absolutely gigantic his shy dude is shiny is beautiful I love his shiny it looks like something that looks kind of friendly but we're really trying to scare you especially since they live in cemeteries I love that I feel like that environment fit perfectly with the personality that I chose for this uh this fake a month so yeah and he's a monster he's fast he hits like a truck he could be a mix attacker if you want him to I love this I love this the instance that this Pokemon releases from their Hollow horns calms wrestle Souls oh incense wow that took me so long to get how very creative I don't even know which one I like the best they're both good they're both good good job everybody else who contributed as well I really like how like all of the attributes really came together for this one I love that I'm really impressed by how everything got melded together with these two it somehow beautifully came together you know what I mean it's sick it's really cool you know what we came together and we designed the perfect Pokemon and I believe sense is that perfect Pokemon Round of Applause for everybody truegreen7 thank you for putting this together and I love how this Pokemon is a mixture of traits I would never put together unless I had a bunch of other Minds helping me that's why I love this challenge I could never make these exact designs without my friends so thank you to all the pokertubers who helped me make these Fakemon and I hope you guys enjoyed this enough to maybe want a part two leave a like And subscribe if you do and maybe even let me know which poke YouTubers you'd like on this potential series check out my other Fakemon creation videos and check the description for the links to these lovely YouTubers and consider becoming a patron or clicking The Joy button to get cool rewards like seeing videos days early and a huge discount on the t-shirts I made for you guys follow me on Twitter where I post sneak peeks and final art of these Pokemon too bye
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 187,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creating New Pokemon, Designing New Pokemon, Fakemon, Asone, Asone Region, Pokemon Type Swaps, Pikachu, Charizard, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Game Freak, Pokemon Legends, Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Drawfee, Subjectively, Moxie2D, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, Gen 9, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Pragmagik, Pokemon HOME
Id: 33mTURL66wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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