Minecraft - Bed Wars W/Squid - 🔴 Live

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ah I'm on my desktop there we go are we okay are we ready to win some bed walls today hopefully we are you you yeah I washed for a little bit and I was like well I tried spot whoo-hoo you is your road my community I'm going to check mine actually yeah the awkward I stop can they hear me can you hear me guys I'm just checking mine all right make sure y'all come over to my stream and you know cover dropper dropper subscribe and dare we love a good time are we Chuck yeah we will anyway um yeah what stops the stream liver there and he was really was really was and he was hopefully I'm gonna teach him a thing or two I've I'm doing a lot of but it's not my first rodeo you ought to see me on the leaderboard oh no level 19 tour win stamps 223 look at that you want 224 games look at that where are you where are you seeing your your leaderboard stats where are you in the same lobby as me we need to be in the same lobby Oh Dewey yeah I'm in lobby 20 gonna fill up I think I love the chaos I'll try it oh my goodness oh here total wins one by one one in the stream on Sunday but I think they let me win like I was doing okay than the last person just chopped off the edge I think they were just because I might have beaten them I can everyone hear me by the way let me let me know I think you should be able to last know before we jump in if the game sounds too loud if I'm too loud of squids too loud little note we're get all the tech stuff out the way while we say hello to all of these lovely people in the lobby and then oh yeah then we're playing oh they can hear this cuz his mic is muted no it was my kitchen my mic is working that beautifully it's gonna be the premiere way of watching the stream on yours yeah they always could they could only hear you alright are you ready and we're ready to go in we're ready to take our first loss yep let's get it out the way what's gonna play who's who's gonna do what at the beginning well I'm gonna stand there nice and pretty you know just take your little grated y'all get over there I'll go like preparing the bed you know like put your blocks around don't roll me squid we're on the same team I said what's Kobe there that I'll just be like oh I'll just have a sip it to you there y'all go it's gonna go but are we gonna win at the end of all of that we cite a scream what you should be able to see that what you can see the street you can't see it you can't see it I know you can't I can see that yeah alright okay right so we want to get enough gold for wood alright we don't want to miss it over they do this wall no way to build what to build bridges out of okay okay yeah well really sharing out the resources Iran we squid are you doing are you Pinay dingus that's what it look like that yeah I had bad at curry last night - I ain't ingots it's amazing I love my school it look like I dropped a nugget I [Music] wasn't comfortable we got yellows coming over oh dear oh they're getting diamonds already so I start building over there yeah you good you go do that in it you could do that okay usik off I've got blocks off for some reason that's why it's a bit good iron you both need to get iron I ever get iron toward it all right we get it I think they mean like iron swords and stuff not like pick it up didn't use the chest in the last game I know about it I just kept forgetting about it you made up a bed looks a lot less comfortable now I think with us like so when I did well is when I had a bow and I was just destroying it I think we both just need to save up to get bows oh they got good swords they got good swords and ones just falling off oh really yeah I'm just gonna get a stone sword for now see this strap to put the pro bed wash trout stamps is to build up okay that's you got a build up mate okay oh you bear after you okay have you stone sword he's coming he's coming stabs help okay what are we gonna do like what you know so when they build up you just always have blocks on you okay I ain't gonna blocks okay we'll get some oh they're above okay just just watch out they don't have any TNT so we find when they've got the red magical dust OH they push me off no them off not them off Oh what one one I gotta go I'm gonna come by are they weak are they weak that's cool oh is it oh are they still here this is how this has actually gone way worse than all of my so all of my other ghosts I would have gone straight to that diamond island I would've had better stuff this is going to worse than all of my games I thought you meant to be carrying me okay we could try and like go after their bed I'm getting after their bed while they're over Hicks they they I bet they haven't got any like good protection stuff over there that's another team is that another team I can't we traded I think we need to try disguise our names I think you think yeah I think like like it doesn't work great because people can still work out who you are I think we need to definitely try and disguise our names okay I'll disguise and then I'll invite you let me know when you've okay yeah I got to change change views so people can't see what I'm disguising it to another game yet okay a chat no peeking okay oh you're not allowed to use commands as a spectator when you go back to the lobby I've got the best name okay a bunch of people have seen me so it's not gonna be the best disguise in the world or anything whoa whoa what the people in the game yeah okay I didn't confirm it hold on let me let me go fly away so no one can see what my name is Wow let me know when you've done yours okay I'm just gonna use a random name I will generate a random name okay name okay I think I've done it oh it still it says it like it says in the chat like we've changed your name to this is like let me just just bomb or something okay you ready yeah yeah but it's in round number two I hopefully that will go a little bit so people can always still work out who you are because they can like if they're watching the stream they can see what color we are and if they're in the same map but should be a little bit more hidden now I have seen that where I have missed a few donations don't worry I will I get some quick now actually yeah okay so - Jayden - err - - Kate who says I like cheese and I like bread - Chad with clay I shout out to old dog we've hello welcome back hey stampy might hi stampy my dogs say hi to Alex I wasn't here right now she's with squashy she'll pretty join me later and a hello to Mick as well or milk we've all over 1mill its milk but spelt with a 1 so it's kind of it was confusing to read turn slow mode off I'm not gonna turn slow mode I like the chats crazy enough of slow mode odd let me get some so let me just go and build to the diamond dial and while you you show me your tactic remember deposit all the good is when you're not using them okay so like the Oh where's on time Oh timing on here so my beginning sorry I'd almost always take out at least like one other person I'll almost always take out the person closest to us and what you do it I see what you're doing you can't scare me - brave oh just go away [Music] they literally did nothing apart from ghetto or we are we are out and do what they did okay well we gonna get in there we just going straight after another team yeah we're gonna get wall and we gonna go do what they did okay okay oh look at this place like a little race track I've seen this one before shrubs nuggets for five years love the username or is it like s prob'ly nuggets shrubs probably you know gets I think you're looking into things too much man they know who they are I would if there's someone like like we're like F shrubbery nuggets like no they got my name wrong way oh I wonder if there's any confusion right you get some wool and so we're so there's a team straight to our left there oh is this the same oh no it's not it's just very similar layout okay you know I'm gonna go diamonds I'm gonna I think these are Russian nothing will come yet yeah okay I'm actually gonna play it smart we might as well I mean if somebody's rushing us then we should right I'm just gonna put wool over the bed just for now oh there's a yellow we're going to that island as well you see they've got CNT as well oh really okay let me just let me buy us own some run-over okay go Stubbs yeah you could do it watch out for the building up yeah just do that is gonna put you quick drop down I built you just fell off you just fell off right if you got a stone sword here's a stone sword I'm gonna get an iron one protection we got protection okay they're gonna be nice nice oh we should get home get the the thing that like heals us as well yeah are they gonna - are they gonna TMT oh they're gonna oh wait they drop down the door down they trying to get me got one so big once it they've only got TNT when you can see the red sparkles uh okay I fell off okay I gotta buff I'm just gonna keep coming though aren't they this isn't there David all they want to do is keep charging us our gold for some enamor okay you could probably go back I probably taken maybe a kiss here get out of here MIT okay I'm gonna go if I'm gonna try and get like make some moves I think you fell over I'm gonna go annoy them okay that did not go well you get taken out yeah I kind of annoyed them a little bit Oh visit there's another team fighting them who's got like iron armor enchanted iron armor oh okay what did you do with the gold did you get I am with it I got stone sword oh I haven't bought anything with the gold I've got free gold oh by the way our beds destroyed no come back okay let's just chill this is chill this chill yeah we still have to worry about protecting the bed anymore total relief one game we're not rushed at the beginning all right let's get the other here but here squid there's flooding laid out yes I know they're just they're just dancing up and down they know the road stream okay we find a little victory always gone oh yeah I haven't got a bed Eva I'm out I love your vids what server is this so we're playing on hypixel this is hypixel bed wars please don't play because we won't we want to play give us a chance all right you still in it Oh what what color well here we are here's the mess looking like our base compared to every other one of all the blocks all over it yeah ones just like guarding the middle bit they're just watching you okay that's fine gold sauce wine oh they're coming they're crouching behind like the the big yellow tower door I'll be your eyes in the skies okay again here the tea war isn't over what's your what's your policy on sugar he was really angry that I didn't have sugar in my tea hiya sugar see I went to the dentist today and they this diamond City no sugar yeah this loads there by the way it allows a time and they were like OD of sugar in your tea and I was like no and I was like got brownie points like bonus I got gold stuff I'm not having sugar in my tea so that was well Danielle who says PvP God stampy I'm not sure which stampy they're talking about what do you by the way they know you're gay so that little red bit that means you got tea and tea in your pockets I've got some Quixote in my pocket just very little pockets I have I'm gonna take about if I can it's just standing there you know that you met you know what's happening you know what's gonna be coming in a second you have a little tea pot just watching we've already got wool on their base they're right underneath you just watching I was such a high effort the best way to do it I go from above and then I tried that once again to someone else I just felt bad cuz I didn't look right at the beginning I don't do that anymore it's just so annoying turn off oh yeah sorry you just have all up in the top of the screen okay we're gonna go into another one alright anyone watching the stream gets in our game like yeah just don't like don't last win just don't only chase us down at like relentlessly all game just yeah just play just play as if as if we weren't here what they win terribly like brilliant but they're just kind of there was persistent that's why they were so nice they don't need to be because they're a good now we've got this we just needed a few warm-up games connect sports players join afraid you can't this is on the the Java edition so this one's like PC only so it's a really close Diamond terrier okay goblin it all up okay let's try to get some diamonds first yes yeah okay watch out to the right but I'm gonna go across here are you going diamonds okay yeah I'm just gonna put wall over just for now just to look we have a bit of a delay time okay good okay so I'm gonna go Forge we should really good protection but oh okay they're building over to the diamond island with you so I've got two downs okay like I always like doing the Forge I always feel feel safer with that cuz like there's two diamonds in the chest you're gonna use them okay oh they're coming to us walk they're backing off coming as well oh yeah they go building up hello little besides this is we might have to try we might to try another game mode you know because this is like oh I'm got TMT at least just watch him try to watch at what George they're green Queen hello guys hi guys oh my god right back to the other team okay there's a little to the right hiding hello yeah I know you're here how's it going how's it going when you text some I'll live again one more goal don't get a I need one more goal for some I'll just leave it here and he'll put up on us here yeah I need some it moves needs me looks like they're they've led us let us relax for a moment i'll once moving over to the the diamond island i need to get some blocks how they see me I can't see your Kerry's got a young God is it you and God oh no like a would think I would think a would you push that with Stubbs oh no I didn't get I didn't get I didn't get it I was like it's like I got like all cracked up the duvet I was like a second away from destroyed it okay I'm gonna go back and just keep pressure on them okay right I'm with you I'm with you come on they're blue hey come on the ablution what you wanna do you only blocks you distract em over the bed okay go go go go right I keep knocking busy again what about the other team are they well they don't coming back left alone no we'd be left alone I think I heard he is so confused it like who you are they ender pearl to us I think they're above us and they bother the tree No I'm gonna go up here over here yeah ohyes one shot round the corner and I'm only some diamonds what are you doing no no that bit off I'm gonna go to their base again shall my by an axe they're pretty cheap right keep him occupied released trailer he's getting rid of someone else's bed although the boy here the boy feels that the other team that are there like they're both blues are by their base coming to us they've got tnt they got TNT so greens are above us and loser oh we just quit we just quit we can't I think we did these like over the bed walls yeah get back how did he do that so quick there's no there's green going over there right let's go greens I'm good green I've got tea and tea I'm good greens maybe at least one of them this greens gone greens don't have a bed stamps that's why no no that's what it was camping at hours okay right we'll go back to blue they've got so many resources or blue booze like in our base they're like buying stuff what you doing go away yeah I just shot they were just shopping do you have a enamel no I'm gonna lose loser coming back I need to change my settings I used to have it set so I'd spring I like just pressing a button on the mouse but I like oh I'm out but that's like gone now let me try and get that get that set here we go might be a 9 and get Bo not open enough enough [Music] either someone at the end of that yep someone inbound doing it noise shout-out to Tootsie I need to switch around my screen of it so I can read these better when cranking my neck like trying to turn around to read the donations yeah I've got a bit of a bit of a weird PC set up at the moment yes a dr. Tino says I've never had a good cup of tea oh you poor soul you poor soul grinds barely worth living without a good cup of tea Louise Palmer thank you so much for the 10 pound donation saying you were amazing have my birthday money no you make me feel bad I hope you're happy here's my birthday really nice of you but please there's better things to spend your birthday money on than us two idiots I started to slime and swag you said I just wanted to say thanks for inspiring me to make my youtube you're welcome hope YouTube goes well for you I hope this game goes well your squid is looking a lot like it's bad cos you're not playing Sonic like I should jump off now you go for it because new chance to catch up with these shout out to to Chloe in your mind out yeah I feel bad yeah Chloe says Wow to be 19 and watching stumpy of squid play together live in the dream hey you could be as old as we are I'm 42 and squids 48 we're much older if I look this good I wasn't either looks in you with the brains wasn't that the deal of our part [Music] yeah I always forget which way round it depends what day is I shout out to a little doe who says hashtag actually I'm not gonna read it says hashtag team someone not champagne so I'm not gonna I'm gonna refuse to read the rest of that message Penan dubsy says I've missed watching your vids which could play with you guys but I was banned from hypixel what did you do what did you do what did you do did you hack hacking did you go around farting everywhere I think that's what it was I think she went around farting everywhere Wow miss Devine some impressive farts she was going up to all of the mods in a band for it that's what happens I've got eight emeralds that's pretty good I shadowed Totoro man who says any thoughts on playing Terraria I have you think about a little bit all behind she's good you didn't react in any way right yeah yeah terraria I thought about maybe like I wouldn't win I don't want to do videos on it but I thought about I could live stream it's wrong with terraria is you spend so much looking up guides on how to do it but if I just scream that ever could have you oh I say I didn't do sprint I did all pick blockers button free I want to sprint to be where I just press a button what is a few of mine thanks for the to Korea happen so many memories thank you oh no no I'm not in order kinda like some anything watching you fears please play my crazy craft oh goodness where are you in this game baby what's that Oh No maybe I'm out yeah yeah what did you do I disconnected from the server I got I got banned I got banned for farting I've been banned by hypixel oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you just leave yeah I just pray if an option came up saying click to disconnect and I clicked oh yeah you probably you know you probably should have judging by the games right no we could we if we can win wanted it I will be happy just one just the one stamps well I haven't been on this map before this is nice oh you're always very quick to get on there i know i just chill out for a bit then go out to a human saturn who says you guys are so amazing you are correct shout out to a basic depressed furry who says here you can have some of my paycheck that makes me feel less bad than a wouldn't birthday money would you like some lion no good not being rushed once this is lovely oh really are you building over to the diamonds i'm building a nice little cozy I'm gonna real we all be rushed always falling off like an okay I'm gonna push him come on there you think your dad I will build above your bridge how did he get that here how are they here okay well an October off but he knocked me off for some reason Oh blue blue Blues getting close as well well oh and eat they're back they're above us they're above the base are they really yeah they're like right above like this building our Blues come in with TNT two different teams three teams coming for us who's that screaming leave us alone I don't think I don't think we could do bed walls squared I don't think it's gonna work like it's bad enough for just one team always going off to you at the beginning but what is three three different colors I've got an idea you know we should do well we should like got loads of woollen just like just go as far as we kind up in the sky it's just chilly what's the mood try see which team gets us first oh yo this - this was just giving us emeralds no we don't want favoritism oh oh we want neutral because if we're going buy something good then make the most of it I've got a punch bar an enchanted punch but you got any gold yeah I got 11 I'm just aimlessly coming we're holding our road be good to get some time is if we get their healing on the base because we're basically stuck here the whole time I'd be really helpful Oh on me on me yeah well he knocked me off but I go more you ain't got a bed either do we please leave what minigames could we do that like like weakly attack is so funny looking at the map because it's our base and then just all different colored lines all making their way to it it's like everywhere please well people saying egg wars we company do build battle just cuz it's a bit risky to do one stream because people can build rude stuff we don't our friend - stop stop building farts again [Music] we don't work with are you serious it's the matter what they're gonna end up seeing it in the stream and then and then also if they just see like themselves they're gonna know few donations to catch up with ya just read about me it's fine I'm gonna be here for a while oh good try on my name its Lea Aldo Leal doli Aldo Leo Leo doe hello alright okay that was right the king of T says I'm scared of coffee and then fearless games want to free says hey snaps I would ever be possible to do I can't see all of the donation or they like out properly yeah like I'd already do clouds of people that I don't know like normally I did someone that I know in real life that I do videos with I don't do many videos at all anyway so three oh there it here oh this guy's such a trihard how could you get a driving out of that like I'm literally chillin yeah we did we do in another one stamps we're doing another bed what I don't think bed wasn't gonna work they're always just gonna charge straight up alright we do one one last attack yo six of the five please do more crazy crap it was life trying to get stamps to do any sort of modern series was the funnest thing ever I hate it I hate it it just never worked or we'd be like oh let's record one 20-minute video we spend the whole day trying to get it to work yeah mods were very yeah the amount of messes I still get going like where's race to the moon honestly that was even my series like fair enough have a go at me at the ones I stopped but don't tell me off the squid series well everyone's now we finished this how did I get yeah I know I did you did like the Mars one didn't you afterwards yeah we did the mass one yeah okay why it's looking like they're gonna come over yep they're coming over I'm gonna just go meet them okay I'm just gonna go be annoying to them have you gotta fall there are you all right you're going to fall he's a speed bridge in it well how do you do that yeah you like shifts you you go back fast crouch can we get he's gonna blow up but he's just oh is it oh my god I go to the Dimond island at least yay yeah babe I don't think bed wars is gonna work no he's gonna come join you was that you I didn't realize I was you to your skin but I was so and attacking me I destroyed the bridge yeah we have to try something else I'm gonna have to try something where like people can't target us you see why I had my back against them when I was streaming this yesterday by myself like I know I know if I was doing it like on a different account and like not streaming I could have got some wins in there cuz I was doing good like most of my womb' ones I'd win but it'd be like I'll be in a 1v1 and then like oh another two teams coming after me as well what's good I've never really played any of the other games you go pick something I'm gonna catch up on somewhere some donations pen and dub thee again I don't know why I was banned it'd be like that though and then a cup of tea emoji it's got to be the farting was the only explanation they're very hard on departing yeah their flatulence policy is quite a harsh test is what you were for eight years so inspirational love you too thank you so much attires and thanks for continuing to watch us in the stream watching us getting bullied in lol beggar says we should do block party what's block party the dare a dance one other when we gotta stand on the right color than the air here oh we could do that yeah like I do I can send I can send them colored squares I don't know I thought it was on a different server let's look at the menus Oh Skyblock bed wars sky wars murder mystery tnt games we could do deferent there's parkour you probably be pretty bad at that oh these like classic games football galaxy Wars Jules what's do also I'm gonna go to the duels lobby that sounds fun oh my god the framerate uh click to play duels 22 game modes there is a where there is walls or you don't you could do walls I have two walls an edge something I'll let you all you pick dude effort is different on this mode I think it is on this mode is it I don't think so if you go to like the little compass I showed up to a human sudden again and famous game this is a good one stabbed this one's called Simon Says what is it so basically I'll give you a quick description is actually Simon Says yeah okay so we can't die okay if people try and do what this guys doing he'll you'll lose so it might take you a couple games to get used to it but I have no idea what's about to happen it is this walls oh no is actually so it says yeah we're gonna do I know about to the gold stuff you have to shoot good at Minecraft [Music] buying craft skills especially coffee what resident what a gold on I think I got it I do I was already today I want to go to it give me did it using because when you look at the item it looks like it's telling you to like do that one but it's just what your scrolled over I failed again was looking at their head [Music] no matter what I've succeeded because it said to do as many as possible that could be one if you're bad that's a beautiful all right here yes I see we should probably we can only can this Mokes it's fun craft a trap door it's just too in it I got it I got it oh don't need the rubbish stuffy like the potato and the fish in that haven't you how many did you get I was fine I don't know what my name is what's my name look at me you're you're cool and yellow what's my babe so we just we just turn nicknames yeah I'm gonna let's put our back out and then we'll turn it off yeah did you like that game you gotta see that again that was fun okay I'm a Nick no I'm telling y'all way I thought you back you know you didn't back out I did as well Matthew thanks for - thanks stumpy thanks for playing with my friend Danny oh is it off No how do i how do I turn off okay / you're Nick I'm Nick and they should be good face is the one that was too fast we came in there you guys see ya right I understand what we're doing now well the different every time you know yeah I understand the concept of the game the same thing this is going mad behind me you know concentration stand on the Cubs oh I'm on it kids every time changes every time it's changed who was lucky I got lucky with my first pick yes yes I will do that I think I got it yeah smoked the gold come on your second yeah I got this I've not felt any yet oh I don't get that one been in a full circle yeah I was such a tiny mouse mats are so hard like a bunny like yeah okay oh wow I did write up that I flew back on why did I got second place hey Shakespeare she's bulking behind me okay most people just run up and waved at me laughs imagine of the long way around just just squeaked it in just squeaked it in good boy from the same idea where's the cow and you see the cow pretty good sir I got third place bad are you crazy you crazy are we still playing it's a gopher pleaser for those be able to the games oh sure Daleks going mad I got nine anyway loopy she's got the zoom ease [Music] don't kill with the TT I didn't gain the horse by feeding it Oh what do they feed them wila we just trade we're trade I got it Enchantix gold sword I don't have any levels else's levels on the pro this one he's played this too many times yes there's a chicken just dancing up and down like crazy I mean I guess that works so he's still on fire there's still a fire now nice spot the gold or forget it give grandma flower where's gotta stop soon where is she at fire respect to the sword sword look at that revolution I we're not playing with him again triad I don't know how long we have to do if I just keep doing it I got six I'm going to I did worse than the round where I didn't play for half of it except what it was over and I was watching my dog let me catch out on a few dos minecraft family Jackie Chan rod rocket crazy nugget Wulfric Hakeem dinosaur frosty vines no no human Satan again and mr. Lumm one two nine five high five who says me and my cats love your vids stumpy Jackie Jackie Chan had a joke as well Johnny here it is a good one it's fine I don't know insult Jackie Chan because he's really strong hey stumpy I got a joke why was Tigger in the bathroom don't know why we stick her in the bathroom he was looking for poo that was that's all in the delivery maybe I didn't do the joke justice look out Paula simply called duels she won't join hear another joke yeah why was a or in the bathroom don't know well your business is private mean what's it to do to do with you okay well so we friend we're gonna play something called Opie do all say it's me and you versus two of the people it's come on with your name hi my name is you've said we're against to have a few ever said what we're doing eliminate your opponents oh look at this we got aa game you have infinite is this an infinity bow find out I think on it after you've officially gonna help you out oh I'm CEO yeah you keep it here keep killing him back I get much a sword I'm getting hits of them of the boat you ready ready keep running keep running okay these guys are good oh my god hit me likewise it arrived you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't Budi Budi well that first week we're both week myself a fire think about think about think about on game them we don't I'm out but I've set you up for victory I've set your thoughts I've set you up for an easy win I just so slowly come on yes that's the one ago weak you got it you got it a cube stampy stumpy this is our kind of game losers lolly hey this would be if this was on xbox this will be my card again we're just too slow and PC come up come on there we go zero you know no oh you do run out is it nice I think oh they got their fault they got 22 it's nice they waited patiently for that fight to end now they're jumping in come on your drawing he's slightly in the lead Oh you're drawing again oh you're on fire you're on fire hey Mike you're burning not you're doing good oh you your boy he and your both feet oh he's going for the boat is he off the boat strafe all the walls are moving in the walls are moving in squid I think I maybe they're not I don't know maybe I'd be excited oh no they are watch out for the red wolves this guy's timing man knows better than what he's what he's actually letting on well he did like completely stay out the fight where you were battling the other one I think you wanted the solo smoke up each you're winning you're winning and this is like an easy I bet this is what a fight in Minecraft looks like what everyone's got full diamond armor it goes forever okay you've got reach what is this I can't even hit him poop attack squid [Laughter] j-dog we forget Pro craft it says to do Bilbao we can't be Bilbao on stream I'm afraid it never ends well Charlie's been watching since they were 11 they're now 19 and des Eaux just says you can do it guys I don't know if they're correct but thanks for the support well you're gonna do mais you're gonna walk you're gonna walk out come on walk out we haven't won a game tonight come on mate just walk out as always do just walk out with that there's so much better than a lot of that basically like yeah so that basically like slows you down but also so you can get an attack in I think it like books your attack okay just do it yeah when he's sown in the chat last no what's the earth what's the point I just walk out the walk just let him wince good he deserves to win just it does say good bye see ya it's been it's been an honor battle why was it my opponent like this low and just destroyed me there's none of this shrubbery in my fight we'll try again that was actually pretty fun I mean if starts to go out first I'm just so bad I like switching between items quick and I'm PC people is that we've got fallows oh my goodness oh oh this is gonna go easier then what's the strategy here then what do we want to do we got 20 arrows so don't waste them all yet he's going right all right demon demon come here each other no no we can don't give it as a force I thought us you going down come on okay ones I think the other ones not playing this is spider-man oh I don't know not CNN game as the all the other ones getting me I got Apple this could destroy behind your like to help always got one no our furnace is getting me those what furnace is on me any know is what spider no that's a week this is a week what's all I can do I can do I can do it I can do it I can do it I didn't do it they're really weak though come down come on stab this guy I can't get it I'm so so fast rate when you get them so so weak when they just be able to survive unpopular opinions stampy's laugh is the best luck that's popular up in US fact nice going oh you missed me when I was eating an apple don't you Twix please play bed was we did do bed wars it didn't work very well cuz we were targeted too much it made it it made it impossible so we're we're doing a a variety of games across my pixel now come on you're winning keep the pressure on Oh Erica here comes there are cuffs he doesn't really do any damage though does it no come on don't toy skis on the ropes he's trapped in the corner oh it's so close between he's like equal that's it you got to keep the pressure keep the pressure on he's over 300 you are having a laugh come on oh he's up just why is he up to ten hearts now is hot right don't name get away oh we finally won a thing after an hour of streaming we finally want a thing Gigi this we know it's like such a big map with like no terrain should we back out I jump back out yeah right is it doing it yes just a bit of a delay I shall I turn to John John and Aiden ytube Matt and Domino as well cross the preach and score mark coast and they okay apparently we're gonna we're gonna do something called bridges me I don't know what would you just the leaderboard oh cage is open open why don't we do you call him menu bye Oh [Music] do we need do we need to get to their base do you reckon oh there's a really big delay from like how fast you can fire your arrows oh why can I hit them what oh they reached are you just gonna reach their base ah Oh what has what they built stayed there yeah do I just walk into that day yeah one story ones chasing oh yeah they pushed me okay what the laser loops we gotta be more we got to be more aggressive square okay you you get your head down yeah look at that pinged off nearly knocked off you're gonna figure out down drop down drop down okay I'm putting the pressure on I've hit that one once if you back off a bit I'm here I'm here I'm right here alright killed one of them nice I'm off okay I traded I trade with you up one can you go to like the side or you can go you can go to the side as well oh I fell off he's on fire yeah yeah I'm super weak got it right I'm healthy again this is hard this this is hard now we know the rules it was easy when we didn't know the rules that they could just beat us come on got to get in well got one right be ready to follow up am i gay this one as well yeah okay but that was two down yeah hi guys but I made a little bridge through no I don't as well yet we got the pressure right on them here though one annoying little tiny gap there traded you kind of need like one team to be way better than the other team or is it just keeps going back and forth you respawn instantly in this game okay I'm just gonna annoy everybody I'm screwed past but girls go right ahead I can't go just gonna run oh there's so much mess here Oh thankfully go back back as well I'll be behind you I just could have an apple the Apple just put your hearts fully up immediately Riley back off let me go no good booked off you get our Gary Oh try to get over then okay I'm good no you're not you're going straight down oh I hit you then I think we need we need to be going at the exact same time he shot me as I was going in what an actual arrow or you can only build one to the side I build a sneaky route like go under instead well this is a little bit ridiculous [Music] there is set up to jump over us we got to build more of a staircase here for us look they just gonna go over us again I need help oh you've like you blocked off like you blocked off our angle to hit them proof of that wall rub this Bordeaux blot place [Music] just keep rush its ups just keep pushing yeah just cause try and get the run past them jump over their heads off still alive still alive down it oh no one's getting past can you get that one I'm gonna keep trying to go to their base like I got like one team needs to be way better than the other one to get the win because when they're equal it just keeps her going forever we can do this is two minutes left we got the pressure on them better this will jump over them oh no I think using the burner oh right this is it oh we're still losing by two more by one oh that's it just keep going I've got it was it keep going I keep this person back right around is the decider keep pushing stops I'm still alive hit that bears good news going I'm gonna know the Phillip I don't know if they got it they get it no I'm stuck in this little kid [Music] if you are using the sword then I guess your cut for the job hello puppy hello you kind of come on my lap right now puppy I'm a handicap wait oh she jabs up on my lap and then nudges my hand what's the same people yeah one of them is not playing make the most of the opportunity get a lead yeah my ears you stole my point is you right behind me yes not a fair fight Oh keep going keep going I keep this person busy but someone chasing you I think you've got a nice squishy if you're here can you take a liqu she's going crazy sorry she's in the chair are you gone before one's going off to me as well you got it the hat trick it's good with the early hat trick I know she's barky they're like nudging my had messed up I wasn't giving her the attention she deserves you can do better if I get him off yes we just take you turds run again and then trading I said okay we're both together hit nice this video did I just zoom back in yep I say have you got it you got it there's one chasing yogin hit with an arrow oh shoot arrow near them No oh they still that none of us are even bothering to build now our time is still going off to me I keep busy I came busy for the cheap hey it's a team game yeah I see let's do 1 over 1 of a game well I think we will call you like funny mud endings but you want to stick with the jewels and I saw these are these all just being different jewels yeah yeah yes Oliver Julie's been fun there's classic character - John John Aden mega Badou Jake burn and dog woof welcome back again ok diamond gear wars we tried bed bed was just didn't work because every round would have like multiple teams just trying to charge us down immediately and it was pretty unplayable that's why we're we're doing these to be two modes guess what this is thumbs don't know what is it bulge it should be a wall she's it was this was the that was the first video we did together when we were talking wasn't it when we did walls no I really is build off yeah so we did the bill but we didn't speak to each other I don't think in that I think we just bill I think our first like dual commentary was was walls yeah absolutely this is there's no wolves look how much thoughts we got oh my goodness what we do we can bills I can build a wall go in yeah let's poke over this one on the right he's a bit separated can we drinking my speed he's weak yeah the other ones here as well it's Bobby I need help you know in a fire my own here buddy I got this one down no ash record good Mo's like exactly the same as the other one of just like slightly different items like what are we missing all right back out should we say one final attempt at bed wars before we go okay one one final little little attempt right turn uh shut up too anthro 9 and up 3 thank you for the donations I wouldn't Nick Harwell he does even - no that's the thing really doesn't make any difference doesn't matter dude but people are saying to do the battle minigame we could in a future stream do a like on ps4 do the battle minigame cuz then we can start winning okay sounds good can i plug in mouse and keyboard do sumer sumos only 1v1 it said yes you scared you scared squared is that what you're saying schedule I won't be scared to do one V ones how are you saying all is is punching each other that's about the limit of my ability right keep an eye out in case we're getting pushed early on I don't even know this map but so many laps for bed wars aren't there yeah so many new ones I don't even know about okay we put our gold away did you get the diamonds no I need more more blocks okay I'll go okay I'm gonna keep a lookout this is a yellow team behind okay the other team they don't seem to be pushing us you know what this might actually be our first round we're not please don't mean to jinx it but what's this do you know three diamonds right we should definitely do protection well yeah well I and a forge maybe just to just to get cuz I'll just speed everything up getting that forwards going straight away okay I'm gonna go get my Dan's okay you keep watch keep a look out male chat okay we're back she got a fair chance here right yeah yellow yellow yellow and blue have been well we do like at this point if they attack us it's fine but you like yellow and blue they're both match over at the diamond side well as cyan sorry what a dark-blue doing if they built to the diamonds no no they haven't even built the diamonds though so they're protected their bed okay let's just get enough gold to get a iron armor each we should really get some bed defense more than wall at this point yeah I'm putting wood on now okay well look blue coming over but don't look at that great right if you upgraded the the Forge yeah yeah we ready on run the second forge okay right we should start getting like our armor up because that's good cuz that even if you die you don't have it yeah twelve gold okay yeah put any good you having the the thing is the chest so we don't lose it okay blue or blue building a double bridge to the diamonds Oh safety first you know it's just really hurts like I'm in a really awkward angle I put like my jumper over my desk to us my elbow ones up like really like like lean to the side as I'm playing this okay I'm gonna come get a gopher please I'm gonna I feel like oh my goodness alright dude did they get you yeah just came up with axes okay so grazer at the center already in Emerald so they're probably gonna be wants to watch out for I put a pot on you've spent all you got on chair nail an iron Jae Millz own iron it's not is it yeah that's for you and I think ah goodbye okay oh there's a there's nothing come from the left okay just make them scared just in something John okay they're coming they're coming to come it I don't know what they got you got protection they're building up yeah if you they build up just build up with him yeah they're going for the bed nope you're hitting them with a block wall attack of the cotton swab or blue blue team just to the middle okay and get myself to my hammering right there we go this is two teams here now back to usual bed Wars yeah here with the diamonds if you can to keep transporting them back yeah I know but blues after them as well now I'm annoying the Blues at their side yeah I can say are you fighting them or I'm just kind of annoying them right now Oh a beam was destroyed that's the yellow you're Sisyphus a third team yellow team now as well oh he's great too soon we were gonna get a normal bed Wars game the end all of the lines have all just gone really out there way to build to us from like every angle yeah I really like bed was and I really want us to do well yeah like I really I don't know even if we use other minecraft accounts people are gonna like still work it out from this dream anyway if we record like we do like a road to a win then it would be easy streaming we should like record like a bunch of bed wars videos on other accounts and then just like stream the videos that was ridiculous the great he was the most ridiculous look at the route they had to go to go like straight for us should we should we jump forward gap should we jump in there you know in a main lobby and and say hello to some people if they want to say hello I don't know one that's been popped in by accidents you know to back out yeah yeah yeah so yeah go if you go back to the like the main lobby and it was up there just like main main main okay I just in the last stream and it was just killing it just filled up and it was just chaos but was really fun and those people were tweeting screenshots what lobby lobby one that's got lobby one but make sure I get in it then for it fills up all right we're gonna be on the hypixel the hitch oh my god is that I ballistics squared from YouTube do you know down TDM just like a proper mean green no you hold up hold er hold tab and what you fill up if you get is all the people that were trying to get in a game with us but like we're games are quite small but this gives the people a chance to to say hello look at mystic this chaos sorry hypixel they need to add like a mode we have like an army of people and we like command like the army to lobby because I think you can get like a private lobbies yeah I lost KY pixel and so you bring get like a bed while lobby but just with people from a stream and then at least we can kind of say like you know let's let's just not rush us straight yeah my thing is is like we want we don't want them to we've done them to like go easy on us either like it's just hard for people to play a normal I guess like yeah they even like run to you and throw stuff at you like presents or they kill you it's evil but it even if they just run up to you and say hello like may just want to be like seen on the stream I guess yeah I'm going on the carousel where's the carousel that's where we went oh the horse probably fill up horse no I got a horse good a horse oh watch that one in parents oh wait every time I go past you great are you watching [Music] take my picture [Music] well sure shall we do next streams we do should do battle minigame then on ps4 yeah okay what is it anyways is it like hunger games or something yes their survival games you played it loads of times why why not Xbox well they've added loads of because they don't update it anymore then they've added like more like I think about it more maps and modes and stuff too to ps4 so we could do X course if you want it would just I've it won't be there it's be the older one no I'll get the ps4 right it's been a while since I've used it who dust it off says I love you so much sir hi two stamps this has been the best thing ever so saccharina says hi Zachary no right let me just make sure I've not missed any any donations and then we'll this was spontaneous like squid just literally met like I was about a stream anyway he's gonna do Pokemon you want to play something and I was like nah it's like we all could do PC and you like going I was like okay so I didn't take right shoutout to a swifty cakes I guess I get rid of the game screen now because it's just chaos oh yes 50 cakes I said of watching your video since I was eight and penguins gaming as they were found since they were nine and they're now 17 so glad to see you coming back can't wait for videos thank you and app three as well thank you for the the donation I said they've watched me since 2013 which is a very very long time but yeah that's coming into this stream here there'll be one at some point of us both together but we're gonna in between then probably just by streaming separately what are your plans on the the channel I think between now and Christmas we need to have at least one win on bed was oh really [Music] we've got a challenge ourselves I reckon like if we record our on stream we need our warm win well maybe we try to a bed Wars video ban and do off stream and we will have a oh are you streaming videos what's your plan [Laughter] [Music] for me in the moment of people asking who's in the background squashy and Alex in the in the et and Alex in the background yeah thanks everyone for watching the de stream sorry we're able to respond to chat too much but it was going very fast and we were in quite intense games hopefully you enjoyed the scream that be more like this coming up in the future for now thanks for watching and we will see you all later [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 498,742
Rating: 4.933032 out of 5
Keywords: Live Stream, Minecraft, Stampy, iBallistic Squid, Squid, hypixel, Mini-games, Sever, Bed Battle
Id: 16zN9dwls8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 14sec (5354 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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