POKEMON SHIELD: Grookey Gang Forever

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I don't know people are complaining about saying pokemon sword and shield is too easy look you have hard difficulty right here choose your photo from the lineup what are we in jail I'm just gonna name myself Charizard because I feel like that's gonna make a lot of people upset so our name is Charizard oh yeah that's definitely me all right hello welcome one and all I am David Beckham and this is the world of Pokemon okay that's cool and all but when do we get to the the Pokemon part oh there it is that's what I'm talking about look at him he's like God just put me out of my misery I have to do this every single day and those who choose to train and raise pokemons to do battle and compete we call pokemon trainers you don't say yes we love Pokemon trainers hey we took your Charizard and we gave you an even bigger Charizard Pokemon shield that's the version that I bought just sitting here on our phone watching shocktopus youtube videos oh man I love that guy hello hello oh is that your new flesh that weight I can't read oh that your flash new phone Charizard wait does that is that sentence oh that your flash new phone chart wait no there's something not right about that were you watching lee's exhibition match on it yeah he was streaming on twitch you know the only way to properly cheer on Lee would be his famous Charizard pose but my name is Charizard now I can see how this is going to get very confusing but also maybe kind of funny get our lazy ass up off the couch first things first we have to make sure we have a Nintendo switch where's it here it is okay let's get nervous for a second there's a Nintendo switch I assume we've got to pick up our backpack Oh your dad's old bag okay so here's a piece of memorabilia from our father who left us to starve BYE MOM don't wait up hahaha have a look at you Charizard that old bag wise bag capitalized is is it a proper noun did he name the bag bag is it like Dora the Explorer's backpack a wool ooh but what's it doing there this is literally the world of Pokemon Pokemon are everywhere hop come on do it again it'll work the next time I promise power of science is amazing now you can battle and trade Pokemon with other people just by walking around isn't that super amazing wasn't that always the case alright you just left me alone here at your mom's so if we don't mind how come they have a second floor why are we poor and he's got the blue and red switch way cooler alright so how long do you think it is before someone starts commissioning these three posters up here cuz I would totally buy that Machamp poster hint hint I'll check out his room oh he has a lot of hats this dude loves hats look at this why do you have so many hats can I choose to walk through the grass anyway let's see can we be a rebel no he won't let us what's going on here it's our unbeatable champion Leon you and Charizard are the greatest they're talking about me by the way they're not talking about it's Pokemon that's me we're the greatest to true that Charizard is blazingly strong what other pokemon can be strong I swear I didn't know this was the storyline or there's gonna be this much dialogue when I chose the name Charizard you must be charged art am i right he's just not at all fazed by the fact that my name is Charizard take a good I'm I'm probably not far off always giving us a Pokemon okay so we got grew ki we got score bunny and we got savile I feel like that's probably not good in the house you know carpets and all burning the house down they're all adorable but I know what those final Evo's look like sorry Savile it's not gonna be you all right here we go the moment of truth all right so it was down to score bunny and Groo key but I gotta go groupie here look at that face yeah of course it is I would die for gru key oh yeah I've had this nickname in my head for weeks now because I saw what that final evil looks like it looks like Super Saiyan Goku so we're gonna call him I guess grow cou get it you know grow who because plants grow all right so I was taking Sowell which means we have the type advantage good job idiot I actually feel kind of bad for score bunny did you see that face uh not gonna lie I could totally go for some skewers right now wait they're not cooking poke wait hang on a second what kind of meat is that what do you say willing and ready to take hop on first ever Pokemon battle of your life oh so wait hang on you get to use two Pokemon and I only get one because that's not right yeah you had one I'm outnumbered okay so we're gonna fight and we have scratch and growl so oh this is gonna be a very interesting fight get him grow ku yep this is very intense gee I wonder who oh it's Sabha where'd you get that just kidding I saw you get it branch broke this is a grass-type move so we're gonna one-shot this thing weak watch this are you watching BAM beat you with that stick so you wanted to let out Charizard who's likely level a hundred against two brand new level six Pokemon got it alright so we officially got a Pokemon now look at cute little grow COO look at him it adorable he is with his power pole a lot of Dragonball references on the way just prepare yourself what was that [Music] the wool ooh finally bust through the gate only took like 30 tackles he's been there for days the slumbering Weald [Music] it's literally a wild animal why do we have to go after it it'll survive of course cuz why wouldn't there be a Pokemon what is this thing ask wove it I don't want some stupid-ass squirrel that's literally just a regular squirrel all right branch poke it right in the eyeballs boom right in the face yeah we very quiet I'm hunting wabbits this is very pretty looking what were people talking about I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about this game looks great all right wouldn't be a new Pokemon game without a bird encounter in the first area which we are going to ranch poke again right in the beak I don't know why we are so invested in this poor rule ooh oh just legendary just rolling up first hour of the game we fighting this dude I guess yeah that did nothing as expected um I guess it's time to run away okay we're not we're gonna just keep poking maybe scratch then we scratch it nope [Music] yes the fog is gone oh we're just taking a nap taking a nap on the floor in the middle of the forest he's like what the hell are you talking about who's whoa Lou let's get out of here before you die okay so after a little bit of tutorial stuff we can finally journey out to route 1 the first big step towards becoming a pokémon champion Nick it we have five pokeballs let's use one and see if we can get this then you stay in that ball the two three we got it it's a fox so we gotta go with foxy grandpa oh it just fits this is destiny yeah yeah I know it's female but you get the reference to Spongebob reference shut up is this what people are mad over [Music] this dude is like you've achieved the absolute minimum you found the Pokemon a research lab congratulations oh my god it's a Corgi or a Corgi like Pokemon who are you we're gonna say about Sonia well I like the way she cooks and he's sleeping with her I think that's what they're getting at here oh my god hell yeah I know a lot about Pokemon spare me the tutorial no I just had to download an app this entire time this is a goddamn travesty how am I supposed to let him know that he's a good boy hashtag Game Freak lied alright so looks like we finally gets him can we just go to the damn thing every five seconds you stopping me yes I know how the Pokemon Center works thank you I bet you I've been in thousands of Pokemon centers Wow we have a lot of money holy crap let's stock up on a lot of potions why are we so rich we're a child look at this grab some revives I don't want to take too many things and what the game did some what be difficult Oh God okay please just let me go fight stuff and catch pokemon it's all I want to do this these are literally the same question what's the point of having a choice just 20 pokeballs right off the bat back in my day we didn't get a pokeball until like two hours into the game all right let's catch some Pokemon what is that thing what bug okay let's try not to kill it I don't know a blip bug turns into but we're gonna catch this thing wait it has an attack called struggle bug oh wow ouch alright let's throw a Pokeball see if we catch this third pokemon come up - good stay in there I've got him yeah this thing looks like a Dexter so let's name it day I don't reminds me of Dexter's Lab boom there you go Dexter alright so our team is shaping up pretty nicely we have gros coup foxy grandpa yeah I know it's female and then we have Dexter alright let's go in the bag we got to heal up a little bit because all of our Pokemon almost dead and we're coming up on our first trainer battle so yeah we have potions out the ass right now it's common manners for Pokemon jury does this suit is ready to go look at that stance youngster Jake is about to get washed in this Christmas sweater look at that yeah tackle what's that gonna do alright that's your only Pokemon hand over your money that's right hand it over and they're just random like battle arenas all over the place like these people addicted to battling pokémon I hoped my granddaughter would take over by research but dear me I'm sorry I didn't even notice my guests Leon why would you not endorse them I know they have no experience training Pokemon or even battling but they want to take part in the most prestigious gym event ever please endorse them thank you so I'll see look reason is robbing this lady Blount we got a great ball already we're like an hour into the game oh hang on hang that what already okay so go explore things cuz you can find a TM like right off the bat we all go to battle again we just battled okay almost one shot him now yeah it does nothing I'm four levels ahead of you [Music] I have nothing [Music] okay foxy grandpa you sucker go back to grow cou this is the end of the line for your level eight Zabul fear my branch all right we did it we're endorsed and wait hang on hang on a second hey thanks for watching if you guys enjoyed this make sure hit the thumbs up button I don't know how much more I'm going to do but if the video does well and you guys like it let me know down in the comments section and maybe we'll continue the playthrough so be vocal and we will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 38,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword and shield gameplay, pokemon sword and shield starter evolutions, pokemon shield, pokemon shield gameplay, pokemon sword and shield part 1, pokemon sword shield review, pokemon sword starter evolutions, pokemon sword shield gameplay, pokemon, grookey evolution, grookey gang, grookey, scorbunny evolution, scorbunny, scorbunny final evolution, sobble evolution, sobble final evolution, sobble
Id: AqB2jvd1YUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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