Pokemon Heartgold But I Can Only Use SHINIES!

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shiny pokemon are differently colored pokemon that are extremely hard to come by in fact some players have never even found a single shiny pokemon so i thought it'd be a good idea to beat pokemon heart gold using only shiny pokemon to complete this challenge i have to beat the game using only shiny pokemon and also beat the following side missions i start my journey in new bark town where i have to face my first objective to hunt for a shiny starter okay so let's start hunting for that starter this challenge will be insane the odds of finding a shiny are 1 in 8 192. lucky for me though this game is one of the few games in which you can see if the starter is a shiny pokemon straight away making the shiny hunting process and my life a lot easier we could encounter it any minute come on come on i i did expect it to be faster this is the only game where hunting for a shiny starter isn't supposed to be a pain i cannot believe i still haven't found a shiny what this hunt is so fast so after visiting the professor a few thousand times this happened let's go let's go yes yes and it's the it's toto doll too it's the one i wanted let's freaking go what a cool pokemon oh my god it's shiny when it looks behind me too okay okay okay we're gonna call you monarch fitting because what a king monarch is sniffing a twig oh that's some good trainer nice to meet you too monarch with the sick addition to the team i could finally set off on my journey which starts off just awesomely with me getting arrested for theft the one who really did it tony that's right the son of giovanni is here to avenge his father and so i left for violet town to hunt him down but right as i caught up to him tony what have you done tony just teleported so the mob has developed some new tricks not to worry me and monarch are on the case right after we challenge the first gem and of course yes we win okay just like that get the badge and also killing two birds with one stone monarch also gained enough xp to evolve yo monarch evolved i really like the shiny evolution line it looks so cool let's freaking go we got a shiny kraken off before i started hunting for the next shiny i took on both the second and third gem the second gem was of course no issue but as per usual whitney most definitely was oh no i died okay i gotta find a stronger pokemon then so i decided that now was the right time to add another team member to the party we definitely needed it so i started hunting on route 35. we're still going strong but oh my god i forgot how painful this is oh my god imagine if we get an ab brand we can't even catch it that would be that would be the worst guys i want you to comment down below what pokemon you think i will get next because it's taking a while the suspense is building up come on it better not be an abra if we get an abra i'm gonna donate a thousand dollars to charity and i will be in pain oh my god wait that's oh my god let's freaking go oh yes we finally got it we finally found it i didn't even realize it was shiny at first oh my god okay that only took a little while let's go yes we got a male nidoran let's freaking go leave a like for that that was epic look at that that's a cool pokemon i'm very happy with that and with the addition of big blue to the team i once again took on whitney and this time we got the badge with three badges under our belt me and the team headed over to aquatic city where we once again bumped into tony would your mother be proud think about your father giovanni tony anyway tony challenges to a battle which we of course win and earns monarch enough xp to evolve uh oh it's evolution time let's see what we get monarch is evolving oh that is sick that's so cool okay we got a shiny for alligator finally let's freaking go and that looks so good i then decided it was time to take on the next challenge to find a shiny legendary dog now finding one is extremely hard because once you encounter them for the first time and they run off they are set meaning to see if i've found a shiny i have to reset right before encountering them and then find one roaming around the map this might be one of the absolute hardest shiny hunts ever and would genuinely take ages but i was determined to do this because content that's why i decided that for this hunt only i would use the cute charm glitch which when done right would make it so that a shiny would appear 21 of the time this is a legitimate feature of the game but because it's considered an exploit i will only be using it for this hunt and so i started hunting you know what i'm not gonna look i'm just gonna go go go go go go go go let's go yes yes yes let's freaking go okay oh my god no oh no okay but at least we know that it's shiny now all we got to do is actually catch it and just like that we secured a shiny entei i unfortunately would have to wait until i finally caught it but for now i decided to take on the fifth gen after having acquired our fifth gen badge it was time to tackle the next challenge finding a safari zone shiny this hunt could go extremely well or very wrong pokemon in the safari zone can randomly run away so if i'm unlucky i could actually lose out on a shiny and fail the challenge all right we got a graveler a magneton magneton would be cool smeargle okay that could be cool oh a shiny tauros would be cool not gonna lie i don't know man i don't know oh a rhyhorn would be sick you know what i might go for the tauros okay this grass is sick right horn enotoros yeah this is the grass we're hunting for and this is pretty fast too come on come on come on oh if it runs away i'm gonna be so sad i struggled a lot with this hunt not only did it take ages but i was also hunted by the thought that even if i do find the shiny i'm not even guaranteed to get it this is actually taking ages i'm getting a lot of resets for minutes but it's just it like it no it just doesn't work come on chinese horrors i know you want to i always hate shiny hunting and grass because it just takes so long oh my god let's go yes freaking finally oh my god we got the shiny let's go it is a bronze right horn what a sick freaking shiny let's go oh that that made my day okay wait wait wait it can run it could oh my we need to actually catch it now how to guaranteed catch safari pokemon this is the simplest way to go about the safari zone you just madly lob balls at everything you want to catch and pray that they don't run before you catch them uh oh so i oh my god sorry so this is a massive risk you know what i'm gonna risk it i'm gonna throw a ball i'm gonna throw a ball oh okay okay i see you no no exactly what i had feared happened this really sucked i felt stupid for even having tried did this mean i failed the challenge what now what do i do now because there's no way i'm gonna do that again there's no way i'm gonna do that again i'm doing it again that's right you thought after having done all these shiny challenges i'd give up i've been dead inside for ages this wouldn't stop me it was but a mere setback this time surely things would be different as einstein once said insanity is doing the same please send help please this is the route this is it i know it there's a 50 chance that if you throw mud at them they will flee so that is definitely not what i'm gonna do that's absolutely not what i'm gonna do okay well here we here we go here goes nothing right finally yes yes oh my god okay okay i'm just gonna throw a ball here goes nothing yes yes yes we finally got it oh my god what a cool shiny two we got like the best one oh my god we're gonna call you we're gonna call you agaris let's fricken go oh my god i'm never doing that again having caught an amazing shiny magmar that i named agarius the team and i took on the next gem vs jasmine but with the help of agrius it was no issue at all i then ventured over to the lake of rage where i would start my next shiny hunt what could it be i wonder oh my god a shiny gyrado's first try this is insane i then witnessed lance murder a guy and also took on the next challenge hunting for a shiny electrode would not only be awesome because look at it but also very easy because i could use save states to soft reset for it i could get a ludicrous amount of encounters per minute ah this is taking way longer than it should [Music] yes let's freaking go ah let's freaking go finally let's freaking go yes that's a that's a great tool give a nickname yes sir we will give a nickname all right east east tiger eastern tiger yeah with east tiger the shiny electrode on our team i decided to also evolve large blue so that it could finally live up to his name let's see it let's see it oh my god that is a beautiful blue large blue indeed let's freaking go that looks amazing and with my buffed up team i took on price the 7th gym leader it went a little something like this [Music] yeah my team is absolutely insane my next stop was goldenrod city where i had one objective to stop team rocket so i disguised myself and infiltrated the radio tower but there was one thing i had forgotten one crucial factor that would ruin my plan oh tone i was betrayed by my own rival snitches get stitches and tony got no i finally made it to the top of the tower where i met is that archer so i challenged archer to a battle which of course led to him and the rest of team rocket blasting off again with team rocket out of the picture i resumed my journey to get all gym badges and finally made it to blackthorne city where the last gym was located aside from a few unnecessary mistakes we beat claire first try we still didn't get the badge though because claire is a witch and insisted we had to take a test first after finally getting the badge i managed to catch up to entei once again and this time i would not let it get away we finally caught it and named it viceroy and this is definitely one of the sickest chinese i've caught to this day before taking on the pokemon league we had one final challenge to take care of to find a shiny legendary bird this is how it went shallow first try come on shiny hoe first try first try no this should go fast i hope but but yeah i'm about halfway through on encounters i think oh my god it's taking so long though i never noticed it but but ho's uh tail feathers look like it has uh like it's something's exploding from inside maybe maybe hilo just had too much taco bell i don't know still going oh my biggest fear right now is that i'm gonna skip it because i am going very fast but let's go yes oh my god oh that looks so freaking good we freaking got it let's go okay okay i'm throwing a master ball i don't even care this is the final challenge and we have just completed it that ho looks amazing yes oh my god you know what we're gonna we're just gonna call you comma with the objective complete i made it to the pokemon league but before that we had an old friend to deal with oh here we go we're fighting tony of course not even the mob can stand up to my bright and sparkly team one after one they all went down and finally tony was defeated and that was the last that we saw of tony time for the pokemon league i made my way through the elite four one after one lucian went down without much issue so did koga bruno was as always really not much of a problem and karen well let's just say after such a devastating loss she definitely wants to speak to the manager finally it was just the champion left lance and his team of flying types i know lance types are confusing but without further ado let's take him on ice bang oh my god it is thunder oh i live i lost on 7 hp no way okay let's take it out with a nice fan come on it better take it a quad effective ice fan wasn't even enough i'm gonna use ice playing again i'm faster oh my god yes we take it out dragon rush doesn't do much but ice fang totally will come on this better kill his dragonites are beefy honestly wow aerodactyl that's fine we're gonna use waterfall thunder fang oh that's definitely gonna kill we live on 15 hp come on okay let's go let's freaking go let's use psychic maybe we can get a critical hit or something i don't think it's gonna do a lot and now we get the critical hit okay his last pokemon hit his charizard how much is it going to do we are faster so that's at least huge we take it out we get a critical hit oh my god large blue coming in clutch let's freaking go having become the champion there was really only one thing left to do our final challenge to beat red and so i took on all of kanto's eight gyms until finally i found myself on the peak of mount silver you're challenged by pokemon trainer red and he sends out pikachu wow that does a lot of damage i might be a little over under leveled but it is fine it's okay lapras sure for faster it did not do a lot of damage oh that guaranteed blizzard is gonna hurt i'm gonna use thunderbolts let's go we take a lapras okay blastoise uh oh and we get frozen just my luck oh my god yeah i'm dead yes we take our blastoise okay that was that was one tough pokemon okay now let's take out let's take out snorlax please do a lot of damage please come on i've dragon danced twice let's ah damn that health is going down slow still go no okay well i'm dead come on critical hit please we need it no okay and monarch takes it out sick okay he has two pokemon left i have three this is so close okay ice fang we are faster that's really good oh my god that is not enough damage and that's good good rain and we're dead and okay let's go come on sacred fire i really need this to take it out in one shot yes let's go venusaur goes down and his last pokemon charizard fly is this gonna take it out is this gonna be what wins us the battle yes it is let's go we beat the challenge that is it guys we finally did it and he's gone just like that all right thanks so much for watching this was fun and if you guys thought so as well leave a like i'll see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: Twig
Views: 251,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twig, Pokemon mod, pokemon sword shiny, pokemon platinum shiny, Pokemon, Pokemon nuzlocke challenge, Pokemon shiny only, Nuzlocke, Pokemon legends arceus, Pokemon legends, Pokemon animated, Hardcore Nuzlocke, pokemon arceus, Pokemon scarlet and violet trailer, Pokemon trailer, pokemon rom hack, pokemon shield shiny, jaiden animations, using only shinies, heartgold shiny only, soulsilver, heartgold, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon gen 9, new pokemon gen 9, all new pokemon
Id: YPGXpC6hUh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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