Minecraft, But Your Hearts = Your Strength..

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this is minecraft but your hearts equals your strength today every heart we gain will make us go from this to this from being my weakest on zero hearts to lifting entire villages at a hundred hearts my goal is to reach 10 000 hearts to become as strong as possible but being really strong does come with its problems so what happens if i get too strong and can i beat the dragon into boxing much stay tuned to find out my muscles are so small so this is gonna be our strength at one heart where we pretty much can't do much we're so weak we have the weakness effect and even when i try to hit a cow it calls me weak why and so my goal today is to try to be as strong as possible if you're getting our hearts up where we actually got to do an advancement that involves this cow right here or the advancement on the screen right now is going to be kill a mob so because it calls me a week every time i hit it the only way i can really do this is punch it down a cliff all right mr cowell i am so sorry it down it goes yes and just like that that's gonna be the first achievement lemmings and wait did all the couches go down oh okay well with that answer being done we get our first heart finally and how many hearts is this gonna give us did i just eat it oh strength increase oh we got some arms and we're now only one single heart that's it ability unlocked and i can now pick up and throw mobs wait what mr cow over there come over here wait so do i just like pick it up oh i got the cow wait can i throw the cow with the villager i am so sorry villager thank you for stopping by the way go oh i'm i'm too weak oh yeah yeah sorry about that anyways with that being done we get another advancement on the screen right now which is gonna be get a milkshake huh wait do i gotta talk to this guy over here uh mr farmer how's it going buddy jethro nestor you've gone and killed all my cows you best be fetching me some new animals to replace them oh i am so sorry about the cows i will get you some cows right now so now our challenges to get this man all his cows back but i guess throwing them in here how many gals do you need buddy all right sheep tube these are cows pretty much but like with white wool oh gold my sheep do that account oh okay one out of eight okay so he doesn't want cows but he wants sheep all right let's get the sheep oh what the heck is this 100 hearts needed i guess we'll be back here later okay so i got eight sheep what happens if i throw all them at once sheep go on you're all free well not really oh and there we go well i'll be you made up for what you've done and take momsy here as a gift momsie okay what exactly is momsey why do you have the urge to shake this cow oh wait is this how i'm gonna get the milkshake oh gosh okay i gotta figure this out wait is this how i shake a cow oh we're shaking let's go and just like that that's gonna be the advancement milkshake where we literally got a bunch of protein milkshakes and another heart okay so how many hearts does this give me strength increase yet again and oh we got even more muscles let's go don't get anything else oh wait what am i causing the floor to rumble now oh that's sick we're causing a rumble all right thank you very much nancy i guess i can grab all the milkshakes i can get real quick and what exactly does a protein motion do let me go and drink one oh and it gives us two absorption hearts and some good old strength and speed for some gains okay i got my tools my big muscles and i'm gonna guess that's gonna be for the next advancement on the screen right now which is gonna be pick up a house huh all right so are you the person to pick up a house for gerald what's up man help me please my cat is stuck under my house oh no i love cats all right big arms let's do this oh i picked it up thank you go ahead and just set my house down gently please wait how do i set it down i just right click again right click oh no i am so sorry gerald my home well just like that we get the next achievement which is gonna be pick up a house and on the bright side we saved the cat anyways with that being done we did get another heart so let's go and take that and see how big we get this time right click strength increase yet again and oh i think we just got a little bit bigger press two to slam your fists okay two oh was that an earthquake check out that hole in the village the cows fell and didn't see okay the hole's over here is this gonna be the next advancement on the screen right now the next advancement is gonna be save a life and is there gonna be anyone down here it looks like a big old boulder i guess but i didn't cause that one i'm gonna guess i gotta lift up the boulder if there's someone under it all right let me real quick parkour down there and as for lifting this thing i don't think i'm strong enough for this yet this is a very big boulder what we did get though is a brand new craft on the screen right now and that's gonna be a strong pickaxe i mean we have a normal pickaxe but i'm gonna guess that doesn't work on this so because i have five hearts and have big muscles let's get that bigger pickaxe all right we gotta get some iron blocks let's get some mine real quick all right with 300 blocks and two sticks we get a strong man pickaxe finally a pick that won't break all right so do i just mind this stuff oh we broke it ow and he was right under it hello did i just see this guy thank you oh richard i got you buddy and just like that that's gonna be the advancement first responder and yet again we get another heart wait so we're gonna get stronger yet again i guess let's go straight to it strength increased yet again and we got a red flannel and jeans huh new ability locked press three to pick up trees let me go real quick up and get a tree okay so with this tree right here how do i pick it up pick up oh guys we just picked up a tree wait so what do i do with this tree do i just throw it oh guys i can now pick up trees and literally throw them oh wait who is this guy hello where'd he come from tiny tim hey mister you're super strong could you get me some wood for the winter oh so buddy saw me throwing trees and now he wants some free work i mean why not kind of make sense that i got to do this now because actually our next advancement is on the screen right now it's going to be help tiny tim where i'm going to guess all we got to do is pick up some trees all right that's going to be one tree can i pick up this giant tree right here oh no i can't pick up this tree it's too heavy can we get this one oh we can get that one there we go that's gonna be two and oh my gosh look at all those trees probably can't pick up those trees just yet but maybe we can't have 50 hearts all right let's get some more trees okay that's gonna be 15 trees now let's go back all right tiny tim got you all the trees you need don't know why you need all these trees why did i just throw them at you oh okay i'm barely slapping the kid with a bunch of trees and now there goes all the trees gee whiz mister that was fast well with that being done and that's gonna be the advancement help tiny tim and right now we're at seven hearts so how many do i get now all right let's go to eat the heart strength increase yet again and oh oh my gosh we even have abs now and now for our next advancement to get more hearts we got win the arm wrestling championship okay wait so what do we do now oh a fight club can be heard underground investigate it oh okay so is that gonna be somewhere underground here all right give me one side guys let's go mining oh guys i think i found it fight club don't talk about it okay everyone watching right now no snitches do i just walk in here hello velved whoa slow down there strong guy you know where you're at this here is a fantastic arm wrestling tournament or fart for sure okay what do you mean it's missing a w anyways to play you just gotta get the fist over into your opponent's goal when you're ready to test your strength talk to that ref in the middle oh wait there's a vest okay so we got a goal area right here we got red and then green i don't really know who my opponent is but we do need the advancement so let's go ahead and talk to this guy mr ruff what do we do first point wins ready oh wait we're already going three two one oh gosh here we go but right before we get to that i want to give a huge shout out to signal rtb for sponsoring today's video signalrgb is giving away a custom gaming pc that looks just like a minecraft macro block it looks so cool look at this thing inside of this pc is a lava starter standing on lava it also features a lava colored coolant but that's not all the winner of this pc can customize the rgb however they want using hundreds of effects in the signal rgb application just like this holy that looks cool signalrgb even has a gaming integration for minecraft you can even see here how taking damage makes the entire setup flash red so if you want to learn more about signalrgb and how you can win this one-of-a-kind gaming pc go and click the link in the video description down below and with all that being said let's get back to the video round one oh it's sheldon oh gosh oh gosh wait where's he going do i go this way i don't know which side is my side okay right doesn't seem right sheldon this way oh gosh come on big muscles this is not arm wrestling but we're doing it anyways oh gosh okay okay let's get the arm wrestle in got sheldon stuck and just like that that's gonna be the arm wrestling competition and we won let's go uh do i want anything rough wait we're going again oh gosh okay no i was not ready for this wait this is round two oh no oh no okay okay okay no no that's a puff villager either way though i'm a little bit too strong for this so that's gonna be even a quicker win and wrong complete again so is that gonna be it wait again round number three am i up against now oh oh no no no no no okay okay okay buddy's going a little bit more quick nope calm down buddy okay okay let's go over here oh gosh oh gosh okay wait he's defending wait is he gonna own goal he's gonna own goal all right i'm gonna real quick do this come on and there we go wait did he just die my goodness and we're the champions of arm wrestling let's go the winner is accessorio our 2022 arm wrestling champion oh we did it oh wait what i'll i'll oh no that should be mine wait why is he mad oh okay calm down buddy can i shoot this thing oh i can oh it's a giant fist let's go all right couple more hits and down goes reginald just like that we finally got the advancement oh the heart's right over here all right let's pick that up well guys it was good fighting for you guys i'm gonna go now and never talk about this again all right have a good day buddy oh he talks not a bad job kid while you were inside though i heard some pillagers moaning over their mansion it could be worth your time to check it out wait am i gonna help the pillagers oh gosh alright wait what do we get from him mansion compass where does this lead one thousand blocks away well that's gonna be a trip and a half but before we get to that let's go and take the next heart and let's see how big we get now strength increase oh my wait did i skip leg day oh gosh my legs are not my arms what the heck is this what okay this is the greatest thing ever and not only that but we also locked a new ability where i gotta press forward to make my muscles dance huh subscribe let's go guys my muscles are literally saying subscribe that is the greatest thing ever i have no words for that what the heck well now that we're done with that let's go up real quick all right so we got to go one thousand blocks this way but it unlock anything else can i like punch a cow and make it fly oh oh that's some knockback nice what if i break stuff oh my guys i can literally punch things and break them now that's very good to know anyways now let's go to the mansion oh here it is guys okay wait is that a upside down mansion oh that might be a problem we got an evoker guy right there and a bunch of little pillagers it definitely looks like they lost their home but i might be able to fix that with my big old arms all right how's it going buddy i messed up a spell and now our mansion has flipped over can you help us if you do i'll give you a reward oh how am i supposed to flip a mansion i do have big arms but i don't know if i have big enough arms for this maybe i gotta dance for them i don't think this is working all right maybe i right click or something let's try this three two one oh it's working keep lifting i'm pressing yet come on come on come on oh wait did i just throw the mansion or something where the man should go well there goes the mansion and now i gotta build a new mansion huh wait what does it mean i gotta build a new mansion so i never mentioned the advancement on the screen right now it's literally fixed the mansion so this is a mansion on the screen right now and we're definitely not gonna build that so instead let me get some wood and we can build the next big thing all right gotta love that i can just break trees like this okay so if we're building a mansion i actually don't know i'm gonna do this okay i'm gonna build the smallest mansion ever for them but it's totally gonna be worth the house okay they didn't say a woodland mansion they just set a new home so technically this is kind of like fixing the mansion i'm not really sure but i'm a strong man trying to build okay and to make it a little bit better for them i'm gonna be eco-friendly and we're gonna do a nice dirt roof the best type of roof there we go and ladies and gentlemen this is a brand new mansion is it good no go ahead and let me know in the comments down below if it's any good but i mean it's spacious we can fit inside we got our muscles and you know what just to make it even a little bit better we're even gonna make a door and i think that might be a good enough mansion i think that might be good enough over there what do you guys think oh fine take this and go away oh we got it and not only did we get a heart we also got a ruined tracker which leads me somewhere else and a pillager sword wait what the heck does this do i can shoot shulkers well guys enjoy your new home right there all right let's go over here and now for the next horror which hopefully we get legs this time okay now from big arms let's go and take the heart strengthen crates and oh my we are so big now what the heck so with the new strength we got a new building locked where we can now press five to test my strength uh five oh wait was that a robertshire george yo wait i have a little bit of an idea pillagers let's try this out let's go oh i am so sorry chickens okay well now that we have 40 hearts which is actually getting pretty high up we got a brand new advancement which is going to be on the screen right now which is going to be pull the sword from the stone don't know what sword it is but we do have to run tracker so is it this way 1 200 what all right give me one side guys we got to go far away okay so i'm gonna guess this is the village so what am i looking for here oh what the heck is that thing is that a sword and a stone okay wait can i just bring it out with my big muscles right click okay i'm not worthy wait how am i supposed to get it out then oh gosh okay wait can i like hit it or something no i can't hit it okay let me see do you try anything no you trade normal stuff and we have a bit of a different villager right here which is gonna be a bombadier village or whatever that means wait what is this oh so he's gonna be trading milkshakes for tnt let's go to do that grab five tnt real quick and so do i just go ahead and like put the tnt right here go on my tnt get it out okay let's right click one more time in three two one oh yes wait did it work since you're having trouble there wait it's thor surely i'm worthy i'm gonna give it a go oh i thought we're gonna beat up let me take care of this guy real quick okay give it a go wait what is he doing oh gosh okay is that gonna work i couldn't get it i don't know how mortal you try again okay wait can i do it this time then all right all my strength in three two one come on oh wait we're bringing it up yes just a little bit more give me the sword yes you were more worthy than thor and just like that we get the sword of torrid and thor says that sword looks familiar wait that's torrens my daughters just give that back wait what are we supposed to fight thor right now oh gosh okay yep we're fighting thor well with my big muscles let's i guess take down thor let's go buddy through some lightning real quick oh gosh i should have some good damage let's get some protein shakes in oh go on fixes get him wait where'd he go oh he's not here all right couple more hits oh no okay okay okay get some more protein come on big muscles get him oh a couple more hits in just like that down goes thor and so with that advancement being done on the screen right now yet again we get another heart and what is this thor's helmet mighty thor's favorite hat wait can i just put it on oh wait might not hit my head okay well we did get another heart so let's go and grab that let's get up real quick okay so if i'm this big right now that's gonna drink the heart and oh more buff whoa you're strong enough to shatter bedrock try finding a place to get even stronger build a bedrock gem oh so yet again we have another advancement on the screen right now which is going to be jim bros open a successful gym so now that we're super strong let's try bringing some bedrock okay not a test can i break bedrock i can make red rock let's go okay so if i'm building an entire gym with bedrock that's gonna be a lot of bedrock like my goodness right now we have two bedrock and what i'm probably gonna do is just gonna use my abilities to get as much bedrock as possible and then we'll find a good spot to build the gym so give me one second time to grind i guess okay now that we have the bedrock i gotta build an entire gym but now the problem is how do i build a gym especially with bedrock it's a little bit hard to move right now because i guess my calves are so big so i have speed but we're gonna try our best all right let's real quick get as much done right here i'm not much of a very good builder so what we're gonna do is straight up just make one big box that's all it's gonna be big bucks with some weights and that should be good enough so okay this might be taking a little bit too long guys so i have a little bit of a better idea let me try to get a friend to help me out real quick one sec [Music] yo forest what's up buddy yo you are jack nestor what kind of protein powder are you taking man yes sir you can even have some yourself take a protein shake right there we're about to be doing some gains but before we get the gains buddy i want to build a gym with you i i might have sound like where you want to work out but pretty much we got to build a big old bedrock box are you down to hell yeah for sure let's do it all right let's get it done all right here we go take some bedrock right there and i'm not really much of a good builder you might be a good builder for us but pretty much all i can do is just make a big old box so just kind of make walls and that's pretty much gonna be the gym okay all right don't worry don't worry like you'll be looking like me literally like just in two days not 100 dates i hope so yes sir okay i'm almost done with this wall and then we should be good and now we're done okay welcome guys to nester and forest big gym with big gains forest i think we did a good job here we got the glass roof we got the one weight just long bench barbell press we got some squat racks made by forest and then that's pretty much it well what are we thinking for it's perfect it is perfect guys literally the greatest gem can we go and hit one whole like just just one maybe two for force two for this amazing gym forest thank you very much buddy i'm gonna go ahead and i guess try to turn this into the game masters and uh have a great day buddy bye-bye yeah where are you going who knows he's gone he's literally just running into the forest i don't even know where he's going okay well i guess with that being done let me go ahead and press the submit button and see what happens and oh mobs are waiting to work out make them the ideal gym oh we got some mobs our first customers we got the zombie the buff enderman the buff rabbit my goodness and even the buff villager i'm pretty sure i beat this guy up earlier in the video but it's all good and so now i gotta make more equipment where i guess this doesn't really count so some brand new crafts were unlocked on the screen right now and i gotta either make a weighted ball or a punching bag right okay so what we need is some sand and some leather let me pick you up real quick and i'm gonna get every cow i can find okay many cows later we can finally make some punching bags which how hard are these things apparently let's go to make one and number two and now for the other thing where i gotta make some weighted dumbbells i think wait how did i make this again oh there we go okay let's go and make some of those that's gonna be six oh gosh okay i gotta make a few more and now for the equipment do i just kind of place it down let's put some bells there lots of bells there there we go oh wait are they coming in they're coming in let's go come on guys let's do some weights and now for the punching bags let's go and put one right here oh wait i can't put it anywhere maybe i don't need this yet okay instead let's actually go to make one more of these and sadly i actually gotta get one more dumbbell so give me one sec and now for the final weighted piece where can we put this while these guys are working out i guess i'll put it right here and is that it the mobs are loving your gym but they're getting thirsty give the mobs some shakes oh okay i could definitely do that wouldn't it so uh we have six protein shakes right now let me get momsie real quick and do some shaking here we go come on let's get some milk okay 20 protein shakes that should be good enough here we go guys take your protein shakes one more to go and there we go oh no it looks like those zombies are causing issues politely ask them to leave oh no they're fighting why do i gotta fight the customers no i'm so sorry down kill the zombies and is that pretty much it and we did it yes and just like that we get the achievement jim bros which we finally opened a successful gym but did we get a heart oh we did how big am i gonna get now actually just in case let's try to find a mountain okay so how much bigger am i gonna get now we have a mountain right here we got the heart so let's take the heart and strengthen grease yet again and oh we kind of just got bigger your strength is insane you're strong enough to open the door in the village new building launch press a to test it out do i just press a oh we're shooting hearts hey let's go okay that actually sounds like a stick ability what the heck and as you can probably tell guys right now we have around 100 hearts but like i said earlier our goal is 1 000. so all that's left to do now is go up to the store because our next advancement is overcomer defeat mobs at their own game i'm gonna guess we just gotta go through this we do have 100 horse so do i open the door now oh the door opened hey okay we can go in now oh guys we're in welcome guys to the nether so what am i supposed to do in here oh wait what the heck is this hello archie bald all right what's up man what's this oh just a bodybuilding competition oh okay only the toughest meanest purpose and rufus can participate you look great i'm gonna enter you into the contest go ahead and walk up to the stage and if i win i'm gonna get a prize of 200 hearts all right how's it going guys don't just stand up here all right everybody you'll cheer for who you think the winner is our first contestant is ripper oh dang oh look at him go oh okay they're cheering okay nah not too bad just a few of them next up is jack all right jack's doing the same old flex good stuff okay they're just nodding their heads very nice and our third consistent is baron oh look at him go the one in push-ups oh my goodness and finally your latest entry existorio oh yes they're cheering hey let's go wait what i bet you think you beat all of us together huh i bet he does we challenge you to tug-of-war first we'll be recruiting a few more hands oh we know that's not fair oh okay i gotta stop that go on vexes get them oh gosh okay nope nope let's get rid of you guys oh no they're converting into giant buff guys okay no no no no no can't make it unfair come on guys and down they go wait i think that might be all of them i kind of feel bad about that but at the same time we gotta get stronger uh can i talk to you now use this definer bastion we'll be waiting for that tug of war match oh and he kinda just knocks out and walks away right so from that we get a bastion locator so i'm gonna guess i gotta play tug of war this way oh i think this is it guys okay let's jump down real quick and oh they're here okay my above self up against these guys and are we playing tiger war oh gosh how we're gonna do this ah you made it let's begin oh it's totally a rope three two one oh gosh oh i am literally holding right click come on come on come on come on they literally put it diagonal oh wait come on pull i'm literally pulling yes just like that we wouldn't take a war and did they just disappear um i guess it's just me okay so now we have archibald back which are you gonna give us more hearts do we want congratulations here's your reward and finally we get yet again another heart which i just take this oh strength increase again and oh my yo guys we got a brand new ability but we are so big now wait that sounds like a boxing bell but from another dimension oh wait did we just get some ender pearls too wait what if we're boxing in the end let's go back to the overworld real quick and we're back all that's left to do now is one more advancement which is one champion to rule them all i'm gonna guess i gotta do a boxing fight so with that being said we got some blaze powder let's go and grab that let's get 16 netter poles and i gotta start going straight that way okay give me one sec guys holy this took way too long okay now that we're in the portal i'm not even sure if i can fit in here but we're gonna try our best and oh and i got in yes wait it says accesstorio zero and count buff dragon zero at the very top oh gosh okay let's go up get out the bump dragon i'm ready for you wait it's straight up a boxing ring oh okay let me get my protein shakes out okay protein in and i guess all that's left now guys is just a big battle coming up oh gosh all right i'm going into the ring guys wish me luck oh gosh oh gosh okay we're fighting we're fighting going champion spell get him don't know how many rounds this is for straight up fighting a giant dragon go on lightning get him oh wait i got a new ability and i haven't even tried it yet let me go and try that right now oh it's the boys let's go get them big ones oh gosh here we go here we go oh boy texas story oh okay next round let's go go my piglens we're losing zero rounds come on that's another point and count the buff dragon says no more playing around wait what the heck is he doing um hello what the heck is that go on my vexes the dragon legit has full on boxing gear now all right couple more hits get him piglets oh i have some cows to throw go on my cows they all missed literally every single one of them okay couple more hits in down downhill the dragon just like that and that's gonna be the last achievement guys with one champion to rule them all so um do we get one more heart oh we do i guess it's gonna take it strength upgraded one last time and oh my gosh we're huge whoa guys with that being done that's going to be challenge complete hopefully you guys all enjoyed everyone in this video just like this one bye [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 4,669,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft but your hearts = your strength, minecraft hearts, minecraft strength, minecraft muscles, minecraft buff, minecraft weak, minecraft xp
Id: BR2U_cD0z3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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