I Attempted a Pokemon Nuzlocke With ONLY WATER TYPES!

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first there was grass then there was fire and finally after an enormous outcry from the sobel squad the finale of the trilogy this is my attempt at a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon shield with only water types will sobble prove me wrong and how will the water type stack up against my other runs all this and more coming up before i start be sure to like the video and make sure that you're subscribed to the channel it's completely free but it really helps me out if you're not familiar with the hardcore nuzlocke rules i'll leave a list in the description but in short it restricts the number of pokemon that i can catch and if a pokemon faints it's gone for good and can't be used ever again i'm also imposing a few extra rules for this challenge such as no dynamaxing to make the challenge even more difficult since there are so many encounters i'll be limiting my wild area encounters to one initial encounter and one additional encounter per gym badge to prevent me from stacking my team early on i'm also banning the move body press if you've seen my other sword and shield videos you will know exactly why with that taken care of let's get started we have to go and pick up leon from the station because he might get lost hang on you can see the station from his house it's one straight road is the champion really this brainless leon does his trademark pose and most people are screaming and cheering but i'm with this lady who can't stop laughing at how ridiculous this looks leon let's hop and i pick our starters but of course i'm stuck with a little crybaby sobble i decided to give it the nickname onion not only because its head is kind of shaped like one but more importantly its tears caused the people around it to cry uncontrollably my sobber has a modest nature which is perfect as it complements sobel's strong special attack stat during my first battle with hop he's so surprised that i know about type advantages but come on i don't need a degree in pokemon types to know that water puts out fire i'm given a chunk of my mother's savings to help me out but i do the smart thing and blow most of it on new clothes i'm poor but at least i looked apart my first encounter comes on route 2 where i catch a chutel i wish i'd found a low tide here instead but choodle isn't too bad i name it after one of my favorite turtles raphael after enduring the torturously long introduction i'm finally let loose into the wild area oh i want that gyarados no wait come back i couldn't lure the gyarados so i decided to try my luck with fishing i was hoping for a magikarp or shelder as their evolved forms would be a huge help in the upcoming grass gym but i hid the five percent chance to encounter a wishy-washy after adding sashimi to the team and grabbing the leftovers i ventured into the very dangerous portion of the wild area coming here is risky as the wild pokemon are a much higher level than me but i carefully avoid any encounters and pick up the water stone i also tried to shake down some window berries to help me with the first gym but wasn't lucky enough to find any after exiting the wild area i'd made it to motorstoke sonya suggests making a trainer card so i take some inspiration from the generic youtube react thumbnail i mean i'd watch it leon hands me a mystic water which i give to sobble it's a fitting combo since it boosts the power of water moves and it's even shaped like a teardrop after the opening ceremony for the gym challenge i head on down to the canal where i'm able to fish up a magikarp it has an awful nature but it can still be useful i gave it a very traditional new zealand nickname fashion chops after traveling through route 4 and the gala mine i'm challenged to a battle by bead he used his psychic types though so my choodle just chomps down on his whole team for a very clean sweep after the battle sobel evolves and oh god what happened to you you've been using tumblr again haven't you my next stop is turffield and the first gym uses grass type pokemon so i'll need to be prepared over on rat 4 i fished up a golden and with some leveling magikarp evolved into a gyarados milo's grass types are a real challenge for my team i lead golden to land some nice damage with horn attack a magical leaf from gossaflower hits hard but the recovery from my citrus berry buys me enough time to land three hits and take it down milo's final pokemon is elder goss and i know that it will dynamax i decided that my best option is a pivot in the gyarados who is neutral to grass attacks thanks to its secondary flying type this combined with protect allows me to stall out milo's dynamaxx turns now back to regular size elder gloss doesn't have much offense allowing gyarados to finish the fight with a few crunches over on rat 5 i'm able to add lombre to the team and nickname it party time by using the water stone that i found earlier i can revolve it right away into ludicolo now it's a party look at his moves these moves are pretty good too pop wants a rematch but drizzle rips him apart after the battle hop gives me a revive but your team just got trashed i think you need it more than me i'm now in hullbury and since this town is a fishing town i cast a line down by the wharf it's here that i'm able to fish up in arakuda and i nicknamed it big tuna it's a hard-hitting pokemon that has great synergy with my team thanks to its swift swim ability but it's very frail so i'll need to be careful while navigating through the gym puzzle chutel evolved into a dreadnough but that's not important for this fight as there's only one star of this show ludicolo is insanely powerful for this early on in the game and i can rely on its grass typing to blow nessa's pokemon out of the water a few giga drains literally sucks the life out of her in a clean sweep i'm the top water trainer around these parts and don't you forget it after chomping down on beats team in the second gala mine i'm able to find my next encounter shalos who i give the nickname c slugma once i make it back to motor stoke marnie challenges me to a battle i had a really close call with gyarados because i forgot that morpekko has thundershock that could have been deadly i can now take on kabu's fire type gym but this went exactly like you'd expect it to my team of firefighters easily snuffed kabu's flames wishiwashi was able to clean up the first two pokemon with brian the center scorch is a little more threatening but a switch into gyarados and a few protects allows me to stall out the dynamax from here one final waterfall is enough to secure my third badge with three new badges since my last wild area visit i can now grab a few more encounters first up is big bird the pelipper this guy is one of my favorite water types he can change the weather to rain with the drizzle ability set up a tailwind to give my team a speed boost and even deal with grass types thanks to its secondary flying type pelibar is an awesome pokemon next is whooper and i give it the nickname derp mcderpy with yawn support and an immunity to electric attacks this is another great addition to the team i was then finally able to catch she sells shells the shoulder it can be lethal once it evolves but i'll need to wait until i get my hands on another water stone a brief trip through the northern portion of the wild area brings me to hammerlock but i won't be staying here long as i'm headed west towards route 6. there's a harsh sunlight in this area so i benched goldeen and added pelipper to the team as its drizzle ability will give me some weather control for the most part this round is trouble free although the last trainer did have an exploding coughing but gyarados tanked it the sudowudo is also dangerous but i got around this by using ludacola's giga drain with that i've now made it to stow-on-side here i can collect some fossils and use these to restore wolfie the dracovish pop wants a rematch but once ludocolo is set loose in the rain most of hop's team can't keep up with ludacola's moves and some boosted bubble beams gets the job done while preparing for the next gym arakuta evolved into a barra scooter also drizzle got over its angst phase and evolved into an intellion who goes by secret agent 07 james pond after pinballing my way through the gym puzzle it's time to take on the ghost type leader alistar my pelipper lead is holding a damp rock which increases the duration of its reign a switch into ludicolo lets me take janmask out with a single boosted bubble beam mimikyu is concerning as its disguise ability helps it to buy time while it boosts its attack with honed claws mimikyu lands a slash for big damage but a third bubble beam brings it down a giga drain brings cursor to just below half hp but it uses curse which sacrifices the rest of its hp i'll take it last is a very scary dynamaxx gengar i use my usual strategy of switching into gyarados to try and stall out the dynomax turns problem is gengar boosts its special attack with a max ooze and then prevents me from switching with a g-max terror out of options i can only watch as gyarados falls to a final max ooze even with dynamaxx now over gengar is still a monster with its special attack boosts i send out dreadnor who just falls short of taking it down and gengar lends a hex which leaves me on one hp this clutch from dreadnor buys me one more turn to finish off gengar that definitely did not go well and gyarados falling is a huge blow after burying it in the pc i decided that wishy-washy was the best fit for the open slot bead isn't a fan of this painting and i can only assume that it was done by a three-year-old it's my job to stop him but fortunately for me barrow scooter can throat chop his entire team for big damage i just want to acknowledge that throat chop sounds like such a brutal attack but more than that how can a fish throat chop does it just use those tiny little fins anyway beads psychic pokemon are sent to the chop shop into the glimwood tangle where i find a suspicious bag of bright powder i'm sure that my party time the ludicolo would love this once in bologna i also stumble across some big mushrooms okay i'm starting to ask some serious questions about this place more importantly one of the locals gives me a choice scarf which will be a huge help it's time for the next gym and the leader is opal whose keen sense of smell can't be underestimated she uses fairy types which is a pretty neutral match-up for my team my plan is to leave with pelipper and opal sends out okay first the powder then the mushrooms and now this thing there's some shady business going on in bologna and i refuse to be told otherwise helper lands a hurricane which is fully accurate in the rain a u-turn lets me pivot into intelion who is about to have a field day with opel's team the combination of rain mystic water and snipe shot allows intellion to dominate opal's wheezing more while and together kiss opal's last pokemon is a big cake so why get the party started and send out ludicolo the combination of its plus special defense nature brain dish ability and giga drain allow me to stall out the dynamax and then proceed to finish aloe creamy that gives me my fifth badge back to hammerlock where opal puts her keen sense of smell to work still creepy over on route 7 hop appears for his scheduled beatdown appointment most of this fight is pretty clean but snorlax does give me a little bit of trouble eventually i can take it down and peliper sweeps the rest of hops team after a long hunt i'm able to find my next encounter gamma the seismitoad i decided to bring it into the team for wishy-washy a seismitoad swift swim ability and immunity to electric moves makes it a really solid addition there isn't much for me on route 7 so i quickly moved through the area but i'm sure to pick up the brick break tm this brings me to the snowy surchester city in one of the hotel rooms they've hired a detective to find out who ate some missing berries i don't like this kid's attitude take him away boys melanie's ice type gym is next and it's harder than you might think i lead with dreadnor whose rock typing will be really helpful dreadnought is pretty slow but i've given it the choice scarf to overcome this melanie's frost moth is four times weak to rock allowing me to squash that bug in one turn next is the hard-hitting darmanitan but it doesn't use an attacking move so why take it down in two turns ice cube is a problem it knows dry freeze a move that disobeys all known laws of the type chart it's an ice type move that hits water types for super effective damage see the problem i land a rock tomb but fall just short of finishing ice cube and sadly dreadnought falls i go with peliper who sets up the rain and manages to take ice q down last is melanie's lapras it dynamaxes but i minimize the damage by protecting on the next turn pelipper just survives a g-max resonance this is still problematic as this move sets up aurora veil which acts like reflect and light screen all in one a switch into ludacola lets me stall out the last dynamax turn my raindish and gigadrain recovery helps keep ludicolo healthy and buys me enough time to finish lapras that fight was close but i've now got my sixth badge after adding dreadnough to my graveyard i subbed wishy-washy back into the team pop just hasn't had enough punishment yet and wants a rematch this fight is pretty similar to our other previous encounters and his team doesn't really have much to threaten me after claiming another victory i'm now headed south on route 9. here i'm able to catch my next encounter a mourini named garnier just look at those luscious locks it's a bulky stall pokemon with the ability to set up toxic spikes making it a really nice supportive addition to the team down by the lake my rotom bike is upgraded with some floaties giving me the ability to travel across water before going any further i want to backtrack to a few areas which are now accessible this includes the lake of outrage where i can find a waterstone route 2 to pick up the choice band and another waterstone and finally back to turfield where i encounter a crawdawn unfortunately it's a higher level than i thought it would be so i had no choice but to knock it out after making my way through route 9 i've now reached spike myth these guys are completely baffled by the closed door but come on there's clearly a side door just around the corner those are the kind of people that find infomercials relatable mining wants a rematch but seismitoad rips her team apart i also love how his dig animation is just a forceful shimmy into the earth that's some real powerful energy marnie let's be into spike myth but this hardly seems like the place for a 10 year old there's a directional sign but it's a one-way street where else am i supposed to go before the gym i used one of my water stones to evolve shoulder into a cloister and then subbed it into the team for wishy-washy after a series of team yell battles i reached the gym leader piers he won't dynamax in this battle as i'm pretty sure this warehouse would fall down if he did but that's fine by me as i can't dynamax either pisa's leaders are scrafty but big bird whips up a hurricane and blows it away i hit malamar with a hurricane followed by a u-turn finishing it off and effectively giving me a free switch into seismitoad i expected skuntank but piers goes with obstagoon i land a super effective brick break and ah that hurts barrow scooter finishes obstagoon with its own brick break and skunk tank follows within a few turns after burying my frog i brought dracovish into the team i then travel back through spike myth and pick up the very useful choice specs which will really complement my special attackers with very little delay i can head back to hammerlock for the final gym challenge right hand sandstorm slash dragon team is always risky in a nuzlocke since it's a double battle my leads are a choice specs intellion and the choice scarf cloister intelion makes the first move and snipe shots gigalith to hit it for four times damage and take it out instantly flygon does some damage with a breaking swipe but cloister hits a 4 times effective move of its own knocking out flygon with icicle spear a double kl on the first turn is exactly what i was hoping for this brings sander conda and duraladden out dura love them dynamaxes but another snipe shot from intellion takes santa conda down before it can even blink this leaves only duraladden i can't risk losing either of my active pokemon so double switch into pelipper and barrow scooter in an effort to continue stalling i pivot barracuda into dracovish and protect with pelipper duralatin's dynomax ends but my team is too bad to continue switching around i have to risk losing someone but duralatin misses a stone edge with that miss ludicolo lands one last bubble beam to finish the fight that was close the last badge is now mine and my next stop is the champion's cup proceeding through route 10 and oh we meet again cabbie jeffrey but i'm prepared this time a few deadly snipe shots takes care of business and buries his team how sweet it is after taking down the remaining trainers sheloss evolved into a gastrodon who gains a secondary ground typing at the end of route 10 the snow fades and i've arrived at wynden i have a strong feeling that this applein is about to end up as a snack for greedon what's worse is that its trainer is just giggling do something new monster the endgame is packed with battles so fasten your seat belts first up is marnie and her dark types this is prime territory for barroscuda who lays down some choice band boosted brick breaks to remove manny's lie part more pekko and scrafty toxicroak is a little bit more threatening so i pivoted into gastrodon in hopes of landing a dig toxic hits me while i'm underground i didn't even know that was possible anyway thankfully i snapped out of confusion and finished toxic with a super effective dig last is grimsnyl and my plan is to stall out the dynomax turns with a little help from dig but grimsnyl outsped and took gastrodon down in a single turn i really underestimated that grim snail since it's a physical attacker i go with my highly defensive cloister and use iron defense to help stall with the dynamaxx now over a pivot independent lets me land two hurricanes to finish the fight rest easy gastrodon we hardly knew thee i decided to sub in marine and evolved it into a toxopex this thing is a store player's dream with huge bulk toxic spikes and recovery the next battle is against our old pal hop i leave with my tanky toxopex and set up two layers of toxic spikes i switch into pelipper but get crit twice and paralysed a hurricane finishes double but i can't stay in with peliba hops pin curtain is a problem but i send in ludicolo whose special bulk helps it to withstand a thunderbolt my giga drain and raindish combo helps keep me healthy while i finish pin curtain i tried to land a hydro pump on a corvonite but sadly miss and on the next turn hit myself in confusion in hindsight i should have switched but decided to stay in and took a huge drill perk if i hit myself in confusion ludacola is done but the luck finally goes my way and hydropump lands for solid damage a pivot into cloister is relatively risk-free and a barrage of icicle spears finally finishes corvenite next is the bulky snorlax and my team is looking a little worse for wear a quick switch into pelipper lets me reinstate the rain and after a pivot into intellion snorlax goes down to a boosted snipe shot last is cinderease but the combination of rain choice specs and snipe shot is too powerful taking it out in one shot even through dynamaxx that battle had some crazy rng but i somehow made it through macro cosmos are up to no good and blocked my path to rose tower fortunately piers saves the day through the power of song after ascending rose tower oleana demands a battle for the sake of brevity i won't cover every detail of this battle but just know that her first four pokemon are easily handled by pivoting and relying on type advantages it's not until garbador that things get interesting since ludocolo is out i'm confident that oleana will try max ooze as such i switch into toxopex who eats this comfortably a painful bunker lets me survive a max quake and since it's likely to go for the same move again i switch into pelipper who isn't hit by ground attacks with dynamaxx now over i can switch into cloister and i thought that this was really cool cluster's steel link ability means that icicle spear will always hit 5 times garbador's weak armor also lowers its defense whenever it gets hit see where this is going bicycle speed lowers garbage defense every single time it lands allowing me to easily finish it in one turn now over to rose for some subtle foreshadowing and the battles keep coming first up is bead who has changed a lot but one thing that hasn't changed is that he's completely free i buff my cloister with shell smash a move which lowers my defenses but severely increases my speed and offense as long as i restore my defense drops with iron defense more wild can barely touch me allowing me to reach some insane stats with this setup the rest of the fight is a very fast sweep as beads team just can't keep up next is nessa who's after my crown of the strongest water trainer since lead is a part bug type i go with pelipper and hurricane it out of the stadium for a quick ko baro scooter lands a critical hit but since it's so frail it too goes down to a hurricane it's a mailman mirror match and i fall just short of taking out nessa's pelipper i could take it down but nessa sets up a tailwind so i want to try and stall this out a switch into toxipex lets me do just that followed by a pivot into my focus cloister and i forgot to equip the focus sash i only just got to show how good cloister is going back into my own pelipper lets me finally take down the impostor from here the party animal ludacholo is let loose on nessa's team relying on its grass typing to finish nessa's last two pokemon i'm devastated to lose cloister and what makes it worse is that it definitely could have been avoided if i hadn't forgotten to give it the focus sash that sucks after burying cloister i brought wishy-washy back into the fold i feel like he spent the whole run bouncing between the team and the bench the ghost type user alastair is back to haunt me my plan relies on a toxopex lead by using painful bunker dusknoir is poisoned as it tries to land a thunder punch i can then use venom drench which harshly nerfs its stats this helps me by time as i set up my toxic spikes after allister heals i stall for a bit longer and then pivot into barrow scooter to finish it off with crunch polity geist is next but a chomp from my scooter yields the same result against chandelure i pivot into peliper to help set up the rain i take some big damage from shadowball but a water pulse takes it down cursolar is slightly threatening but ludacola can tank its attacks while having its hp restored by the reign last is gengar and this is where things get tricky in an effort to stall out the dynomax i send out my bulky toxopex i survivor max ooze but on the next tone gengar hits me with gmax terror a move which prevents me from switching even though toxopex can stall out the dynomax turns this is basically a death sentence since i have no attacking moves and gengar can't be poisoned with no other options toxipex sadly goes down barracuda finishes things with a crunch but losing toxopex is a huge blow having suffered some heavy losses in my last battles i headed back into the wild area to find a new team member i came across a binacle which i was able to catch and nicknamed barnacle boy it has a perfect nature too i added it to my team along with wooper and both evolved while i was leveling with my new look team i've prepared a strategy so cheesy that i had to import it from italy right hand leads with a talk hole which sets up the sun i go with quagsire as this all that guarantees that reihan will use solar beam knowing this i pivot into pelipper which changes the weather to rain and solar beam now needs a turn to charge but torquel won't live to see the day as it falls to a boosted water pulse i know that gouja will be next and this is where things get a little cheesy gujara's only attacking moves are surf thunder and muddy water here's the thing quagsire's partial ground typing and water absorbability means that none of these can hit me i abuse this by pivoting around to drain gujara's thunder pp quagsire can then use eerie impulse to nerf guja's special attack and yawn to put it to sleep with this setup it's barnacle boy's time to shine after a few shell smashes the rest of reihan's team are obliterated it's a much cleaner fight than my last one bringing me to the final of the champions cup but rosa merges and some last minute plot threads need to be cleaned up before i can tackle leon on paper rosa's steel types are no easy feat for my team to overcome with that said i've got a pretty cool strategy to work around this first things first i lead with quagsire and use yawn a scavalli could knock me out so i use protect to stall out the one turn delay until it falls asleep i then pivot into ludicolo who is holding the heat rock in a strange shift from my usual weather strategies in this run i actually set up the sun which lowers damage from water moves but i've got a good reason for this i've taught a few of my pokemon weatherball a move which changes depending on the weather with the sun up this becomes a powerful fire type move that can melt rosa steel types although last is copper raja and due to the health increase from dynamaxx i fall just short of picking up the ko and my beloved luducolo falls i'm sure that he's dancing away up in the clouds now thankfully due to ludacola's heat rock the sun is still shining and intellion finishes the job with a fiery weather ball of its own rosa's living doomsday cannon is a bit of a problem due to its insane stats i'm able to get around this by landing a yawn nerving its stats with eerie impulse and then pivoting into intellion who manages to take it down with a few ice beams but eternitus returns [Music] it's a four-on-one battle and i'm just hoping that he doesn't notice me we slowly chip away at eternitis but just as it's about to fall it knocks out poor pelipper not like this we were so close to the end with one fight left i only had these pokemon remaining i still had a few encounters but decided to try and make it work with only the pokemon that i already had leon's team is diverse and packed with strong pokemon fortunately i've got a plan i lead with quagsire and put aeger slash to sleep with yawn a switch into barnacle boy lets it begin setting up with shell smash even though my defense is dropping i'm holding a focus sash which i actually remembered to equip this time i'm really fortunate as ager sleeps for a full three turns just as i finish my setup agerslash hits me with flash canon but my sash lets me just hang on being at low health isn't a problem as i'm faster than leon's whole team and none of his pokemon have any priority attacks even though i'm slightly under leveled i'm still able to ko asia slash rillaboom haxarus ryperia dragapol and leon's ace charizard there was some luck involved but even if aegislash had woken sooner i had plenty of coverage in the back to deal with leon's team as most of his pokemon are weak to either ice or water regardless with that i'd conquered the gala region under hardcore nuzlocke rules using only water types i still won't be joining the sobel squad anytime soon but it really did hold its own intellion hits very hard but you need to be careful with it because it's really fragile if you enjoyed the video make sure you subscribe to the channel and leave a like it's free and it really helps me out in the comments let me know who your mvp of the run was take care and i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: Keegan J
Views: 1,620,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iyzKEf1b3r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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