Ranking Every Johto Pokemon I Could Beat Up

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it's that time once again to rank all the pokemon i could be in a fight this time in the johto region now before i hop into ranking all these pokemon a little about myself i'm a 26 year old man six foot three decently athletic not a fighter in any way shape or form and i have gotten back into working out and i'm hoping that lifting a few weights will help me fight magical creatures with that out of the way chickarita you are a pair i will be punting you directly to the moon and there's nothing anyone can say that's going to stop me what will possibly stop me is going to be bay leaf and then absolutely going to be megania meganium is a whole dinosaur that thing is going to destroy me it's been around for millions and millions of years bay leaf i'm pretty sure slices me in two with the leaf on its head but i think it would be a little bit uh ridiculous to say that bay leaf was stronger than meganium so moving on to cyndaquil i know there is fire on the cyndaquil but as much as i love this guy i'm pretty sure i could stomp out the fire he's he's a little rascal i i think i could figure it out i don't have shoes i'm turning this thing into a soccer ball and i just won't kick the flames it's i know i can do that pilava is is a little intimidating it's a little bit bigger i assume the fire is a little bit a little bit stronger and you can make a bigger fire and that won't go well and once again big boy over here is burning me to a crisp this will not work for me toaded isle i think is a little scarier than the other two not only is it a magical creature with powers above the any that i possess he could chomp on me i don't think i can be an alligator or a crocodile in a fight so it's a little scary to see a baby one of these but if it's like a regular one of them maybe i can hold its jaw shut and it's kind of just in a box so with that knowledge i've held its jaw shut and now i'm just wailing on it punch after punch till it goes down after seeing that crocodile is not happy with me maybe i get lucky and grab it snout but it actually has a really nubby snout so i don't know if i'd be able to get my hands on it before it just absolutely obliterated me but he does have stubby arms so you know what i'm actually gonna give myself a fighting chance he's got stubby arms i i can get his jaw and then once i do get his jaw what is he going to do hit me with his like t-rex arms that's not going to do anything to me but then for alligator tears me lim from limb that's that's not great it well i i think i take it by the tail and i'm swinging it around before i throw it in the outer space for it i'm pretty sure is a big pokemon i like to go by the eye test looking at these and any knowledge within my brain i'm not gonna look up how big fur it is but i think it's sneaky big and for that reason i'm actually gonna put it into wheel c because if that is a like a a life-size or a human-sized ferret i don't know how that's gonna go for me it's a little little intimidating but also he's got little stubby arms too and a floofy tail i don't really know what he's gonna do unless he headbutts me i'm pretty sure i could you know a few punches to the belly he's gonna be you know wheezing and trying to get air and you know it's we'll see who is a ridiculous looking owl it is shaped like a kickball it doesn't look like it can fly with its stubby little wings nothing about this is intimidating it does have the advantage of flying from the sky but i assume i can pick it up and then maybe roll it like a kickball to someone on my kickball team that being said noctil is a big owl that already looks angry it clearly can fly with its wings and its talons are terrifying i think knock to el comes and very much destroys me i'm going to step on the ladybug and i'm also just pure rage when i see ledian i've never been so frustrated with a pokemon why is it not bug fighting he has a bunch of fun like punching moves but his attack is like negative 55. and i don't care about any arguments of why leading would beat me in a fight i'm telling you based off of pure rage of how horrible this pokemon is i will destroy this thing i will dismantle ledian and every other ledian that has walked on this earth that escalated quickly spinarak is a tiny spider i have taken out a few tiny spiders in my day i'm not really worried about this one i know some people are terrified of spiders i'm like it's like whatever i'm sure i could beat this one up the ariados is terrifyingly big it's not like spider and like lord of the rings or harry potter big it's far too big for me to believe i can i can beat it up and it's very very poisonous i mean a lot of colors i would associate with poison ariados is up to something not good but ariedos isn't the scariest pokemon it's all throme in not great probate's an interesting pokemon as it's really not that big but it's one of the fastest pokemon and bats are just kind of scary in general unless i use my fear of crowbat to become batman i think crobat beats me i don't have a billion dollars i don't even have a million dollars so i don't think i can become batman that's mostly his superpower just money so since i'm not becoming a rich superhero i think crobat destroys me jinju over here i'm gonna put into probably it is an electric little fish guy not very intimidating but it looks small and i mean if we have to have a fight am i in the ocean or is it on land it is still an electric little fish guy and i don't know how that's going to work out for me lantern is a whale i'm never going to fight and beat a whale and if it's not a whale it's another a road hund aquatic mammal type thing i still think it beats me up with that adorable smile on its face the whole time too which is honestly hurting my feelings in this next section i'm gonna need you guys not to lower your opinions of me as i will be hunting each and every one of these baby pokemon directly to the moon and i understand that includes togepi i could beat that pokemon up in like a hundred different ways all of them are graphic and i will not go into details but i i'm not losing to a baby you see it's just not happening together is not a scary pokemon like at least by looks but it gaining the fairy typing actually uh has me a little worried very type pokemon are some of the most powerful in the game and i don't really know how that would translate to real life fighting like i don't know what it would do but you know if i'm punching it right it's not very effective because it's both flying and fairy both those things are technically super effective against fighting things not great's probably the best case scenario for me now if i'm going to beat hoop because it's a kickball looking pokemon uh not too's in the same grouping there you know maybe maybe hoots a kickball maybe this one's a dodgeball maybe i'm just throwing this thing at different obstacles i know it has psychic abilities but it's it's just a head it doesn't have a body and i'm just going to assume i can punt that thing or throw that thing wherever i want zatu terrifies me this thing i have no idea what's going on in its head but it it feels sinister i don't know what my strategy could possibly be against this thing but one has the sky against me two it has psychic abilities and three that just means it's in my head and if it's in my head i don't think any of my plans are gonna work against it moving on to mureep it's a sheep i'm going to put it in probably kind of the same as chen chu over chinchao i never pronounced that one correctly it does not matter we're moving past it it really come down to would i tire out and it could just electrocute me or would i be able to get an uh a good few kicks in and this thing is not as powerful as i'd think or not as big flaffy i'm gonna put in not great that thing it's it's standing up on two legs which is very intimidating for it being a sheep i i think it's going to be able to electrocute me and i was told many times as a child if you don't have an amphrose and gold and silver you just lose immediately it's incredibly powerful i have grown up to respect amphros and i understand that if this thing could beat up all of the pokemon and trainers in the johto region it could certainly destroy me in a fist fight i will not hear otherwise i am beating blossom in a fight i don't really know why this pokemon was created to go from gloom to just a happy go lucky you know hula dancer i know it has the power of magical leaves and all that but the leaves are not that scary especially when it's coming from a happy-go-lucky pokemon just dancing in front of me you know i infiltrate the group i put on the flowers i have the the grass skirt on i'm dancing back and forth they don't see it coming bam i punt them out of the grass skirt it's going to the moon easy win merrell or pika blue over here this thing very unfortunate to be a merrell not only is it once again shaped like a kickball and that thing could be punted it also has a tail that looks great for swinging it's like a combination of sentra in hoot hoop making it doubly easy for me to beat up and interestingly enough i think i actually got to put a zoom roll in the wii we'll see if it has huge power i'm dead in one punch and if it doesn't have huge power i'm just saying it's got a really big target right it's face very rotund midsection even bigger i mean i hunting area i mean it's shaped like an egg i don't know maybe it cracks into i don't know these things that's not what my degree is in i'm just here to beat up pokemon and speaking of things that i'm trying to beat up the rock tree is not going to lose in a fight to me i really wish sudowoodo was a stronger pokemon i wish this thing got a mega or an evolution or you know an alolan form gallerian form i wish it got something but it hasn't what it has gotten is a lot of uh insults and people ripping into this pokemon for generations and i think it takes out all of that anger directly on me polly toad a frog that controls the weather i'm not beating up the the big frog that controls the weather i've gone against this thing in enough battles to know not only is it fantastic defensively special defensively it also can pack a punch in the right situations but also just the fact that it can make rain come down from the sky i don't like being rained on in my clothes it's gonna get in my head psychological warfare all of a sudden i'm ready to fight the frog it bounces into a lake it starts raining drenching me i'm trying to find the frog he's swimming around he hops onto a lily pad i'm trying to understand how he can even stand on the lily pad then he hydro pumps me into orbit i'm also not losing to a hop-up that's certainly not happening jack may have lost a nuzlocke with an arceus against a skip bloom i'm certainly not going to lose a fight to a skip loom i don't even know what this thing does beyond beat jack and nose lock and jump off i'll put into probably but so i don't know what jump left's going to do it's it's another one of those you know spherical pokemon that i'm sure i could just hunt very far away but this is the real world right i mean pokemon don't even exist i don't know how these magical superpowers are gonna work i'm just looking at skiploom and i'm telling you i can beat it up you gotta take my word for it apom's interesting i think i'd put this also and probably he might slap me with his tail a few times but and he probably is faster than me but i feel like if i can like grab him at any point it's all over for apom and i'm i'm deceptively fast right you know i'm a a big lumbering person but i'm pretty quick so if i could uh snag the a-pump snag its tail i think i'll be good someone in the comments is gonna tell me i can't beat up a sun current and it will hurt my feelings and i will pretend to ignore you i can beat up a sun kern okay and i can also beat up a stupid flower i don't care how powerful it is or what it can do it is a flower he's been putting on pandemic pounds right i'm not losing to the slightly overweight flower that has the happiest face on i will absolutely destroy the flower in battle and i just do not want to hear otherwise it's a touchy subject i've always loved yanma but i have to be honest one of them flew at me the other day and i didn't see what it was i thought it was a yellow jacket just because something was angrily flying at me i freaked out a bit now i'm very confident i would be able to beat ayanma in a fight but since i i did shriek like a girl when a dragonfly flew at me and i mistaked it for a very big hornet or wasp i'm gonna put it in probably whooper i i can beat whooper in a fight i i love whooper but it it looks like a little creature i've gone and caught in a pond many times before and i've never been worried that the the little newts would beat me in a fight quagsire i think i'll put in the wheel c i love salamanders i'm pretty sure this thing's a salamander or salamander adjacent he's waving at me right now he knows i'm a pal of creatures like him i don't think he's gonna see it coming that i actually want to punch him in the belly the eeveelutions are very powerful i'm not beating any eeveelutions in the fight i think that's very fair maybe i've said otherwise in the past i don't honestly remember but oh it's it's got the foil on the top oh it's got the foil [Music] murkrow has a scary beak i think i'm gonna put this in wheel c because i think it is still a small bird and push comes to shove i could beat up a small bird even if it gets a bunch of pecs in but that beak is very scary and his hat is very cool and speaking of cool hats we do have slow king and if i remember correctly in one of the movies slow king was like talking to the humans telepathically which is terrifying i also don't think i could beat up like slow bro normally just he's a big guy right the slow king's like slow bro sized but much smarter terrifying combination mysteries is a ghost i don't really know how i fight the ghosts i might just put the ghost this time and not great now it's evolv form absolutely dismantles me but this thing i don't really know what's going on it's like only a floating head of a ghost now i don't know how i would be able to beat the ghost and that's why it's not great but i'm also not confident it would be me up i'm not losing to an unknown now it is unknown of what hidden power this unknown will have but they literally learn one move their ability is levitate unless i'm crazy it has a giant eye if i punch it in the eye i'm pretty sure it's it's game over for the unknown i'm beating up an unknown i will not hear otherwise while the fed destroys me no that's it while the fed destroys me i'm gonna go in there confident punch it in the head and all of a sudden i'm getting the power of my punch whether it was strong or weak twice as powerful at my noggin and i can't imagine that's gonna feel good draft rig is not the scariest pokemon but i can't beat a giraffe in a fight and if you give a giraffe psychic powers i'm certainly not beating it in a fight pineco is it's pineco i'm beating the pine cone up i mean the only way this thing beats me is if it blows up and i take that as a win if the pine cone has to blow up to beat me up hey it might take me out with it but it went out of there first i'm chalking that as a win my last breath will be me just declaring victory fortress is a metal pine cone i cannot punt that thing it's very hard to do any damage to unless you set it on fire most likely i'm not able to set this thing on fire dunsparce is a pokemon i've always loved i know a lot of people don't love it but i'm pretty confident i can beat up a dunsparce i'm gonna put it in probably he's got adorable little wings that aren't gonna do anything his fangs look adorable they don't really look like they're gonna do anything he looks like he's asleep all the time and his tail is very not scary it looks kind of like a rubber ducky if the rubber ducky was shaped as a goofy snake gligar is waving at me but i'm pretty sure it's like a bat scorpion or some sort of flying scorpion and i'm a little a little intimidated by that i was actually born in arizona i lived there for a few years i've dealt with scorpions in my house and like having to call my dad to deal with them and i assume at this age i would be able to deal like a regular scorpion this one's flying but he's waving at me he's a friendly flying scorpion bat looking thing let's let's just put stelix here and keep moving snubble is a little dog i love dogs so dearly i'm gonna put it into probably i think the the the one way i would not beat up snubble is if i just start breaking down and sobbing because i love dogs so much i think i could beat it up i think there's also a chance i just i break down and can't fight no more and the snubble beats me up and i'm like you know what it's okay you did good snubble they love you dearly granble might just eat me that he might just make a meal out of me and eat me quill fish i'm putting in the wheel c i mean the pufferfish are not very intimidating but i feel like wheelfish would be super poisonous i can't really kick this thing with its spikes but i think i could swing it and then throw it i mean it's a fish right you throw it out of the water and it's not happy i don't think it would go well but i do think there was a fighting chance i could beat up the puffer fish they're not the scariest i don't know why says or is even here i should have just said yeah no way scissors doesn't need to be on the list it's beating me in a fight it is what it is shuckle i kind of just see it going into its shell and then i start bowling with it but shuckle will never beat me up and i i assume after enough days i would be able to beat the shuckle up it might take a while but there is no way this thing is beating me up hair cross is terrifying it's beating me up sneeze i'm putting in a not great it's an evil uh little little weasel guy i don't know how that works in the real world right maybe it just breaks the rules and there's just a group of sneasels beating me up i like i don't really know what dark typing and it being evil is really going to do has the power of ice on its side its claws look very scary i'm pretty sure if i get the right punch in or the right kick in i beat up the sneasel but there's something about it that's very intimidating that here's some beating up and then very quickly ursaring is not just beating me up but like really making sure i am in as much pain as possible slugma is made of molten lava i can't beat that up that cargo is made of molten lava i cannot beat that up swinub and this one this one hurts my feelings as well but i don't love swinub like as much as i just love dogs so i think i'd be able to get past it and beat swine up up love swina but i don't really know what swine-up could possibly do in a fighting situation i just don't know what it could possibly do to me piloswine there's no chance i could beat that thing up and it would absolutely destroy me they gave this thing an evolution that's a ghost type because coral is uh disappearing and dying which is really sad i don't like that at all but if we're if we're being real courseless not winning in a fight against pretty much anyone remember 8 is not beating me in a fight it's a very non-descript fish artillery is terrifying because these things just octopus in general are incredibly smart and also it's like kind of based on like a tank there's certainly no way i beat that up but delhi bird yeah it's santa he's gonna come over to me and like hey john what do you want for christmas and i'll be like i want and then deliberately i don't have that and then i take its sack of toys and i whack it over the head repeatedly because it did not give me the toy i wanted and now i'm very angry and very upset and the deli bird is a horrible pokemon that can't do anything mankind i'm i'm putting into not great bantine is uh similar to things that have taken out great heroes and maybe i can harness my anger towards mankind's real life equivalent for what they've done but it most likely just takes me out anyways but on the off chance i figure out a strategy to take this out and i just harness that anger and frustration towards these guys maybe i'll get it done the fact that i don't have a plan here really shows how small my chances are but you never know i'm not beating skarmory to fight let's just let's move on quick fire dog i'm gonna put that one and not great if i said i was worried that i wouldn't be able to fight the snubble because i love dogs so much this one is like wearing a skull it's dark which i just assume means evil and possibly breaking the rules and it can set things on fire it is still small so i think i could in theory beat it up but it's not looking great for me there's no way i'm beating this thing in any way shape or form i mean there are like thousands of way it could beat me up very few ways i could beat it up kingdra i that that thing's gonna beat me up that is just how that goes it's it's both a king and also a dragon i don't want no problems with you vampy i can't beat up uh elephants are my favorite animals in the world and even baby elephants are very very heavy i just don't think i'd be able to do enough damage to this thing and i think it would eventually roll out and take me out and i'm pretty sure you know what no i respect you too much i'm pretty sure there's a gif of this thing rolling out and like sending an onyx flying maybe that was don fan doing that but i just respect fanpy too much to say i could beat it up it's it's got me in a box that's how that goes i don't really know what the porygons are but i i can't imagine i can beat them up stantler here really proved to me that sandler's can be powerful with the might that was stan chet i'm gonna put this in not great i mean it's still not the most intimidating thing but i don't really know if i could beat up a deer or whatever this is exactly called i i feel like deer don't have like the antlers i can beat up an artist okay i can absolutely beat up a french artist it's it's i know it's a dog but it's they're gonna make some snide comment towards me you know it's looks like it's like the french hat i'm gonna show up i'm like ah i took french in uh in middle school and i'm trying to throw some french words at it laughing in my face drawing a mean picture of me and then i just use that rage break the painting over its head and then just wail on the smeargle i assume that's how it goes down tyrogue is a baby i'm beating up the baby smoochum is a baby i'm beating up the baby this is an electric baby i'm beating up the electric baby this is a fire baby i'm beating up the fire baby i will be any of the babies in a fight what's going on with this thing's head i'm kicking in the head and it's going away this is a it's a spark plug i'm gonna put it into an outlet and then start like well that might not be a good idea hitmontop will probably just spin on my grave so that won't work but i can beat that up i'm sure tyler will add some mikey edit uh about that i'm an idiot sausage nipples i'm not beating this thing up for mikey no i i may ask mikey to beat it up for me have you ever seen a cow have you ever looked at a cow and thought i could possibly beat that up because i certainly have not i don't think there's a chance this is a weird one i i don't really know what's going on here it has like paper thin defense and maybe if i just punch it in the egg like it's it's life just drains away i don't know i don't really think this thing can hurt me and like physically it does not have much defense it is very rotund so i'll give it like a little bit of a benefit of the doubt maybe it could beat me in a fight but i don't think so i'm not beating any of the legendary uh beasts that's just certainly not happening i know larvitar is a rock little guy i'm gonna put this in a wheel c doesn't really look good with fighting he's got stubby arms as well but he is made of rock which is it's not great when you're trying to beat it up this is a rock cocoon which i'm gonna put into probably i just kind of assume i can be anything that's in a cocoon stage like i don't really know what this thing's gonna do like you know the scary mountain eater within the cocoon could absolutely just eat me it's godzilla but i don't really know what it would do of the off chance it does literally anything it could be bad but i'm just assuming it's like a metapod it's made of rock and i have like months to do whatever i want to the pupitar before it turns into tyranitar so i assume within that time i'll get something figured out lugia what are we talking about ho oh what are we talking about onion fairy i i mean i there was one movie it was like time traveling there was like a million of them i don't know i don't i don't think i could come up with a realistic strategy to take onion fairy out even though it has some of the most weaknesses of like any pokemon out there i don't think i'm taking onion fairy out and frankly i don't care enough to rank all of the unknowns beyond j i'm gonna put j in probably because i love the letter j and i respect it but with that i am done for now we'll rank the other generations in the future but until then make sure you let me know in the comments how wrong or right i am leave a like and i'll see in the next one so until then i peace
Channel: PM7 Plus
Views: 402,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, pokemon tier list, tier list, ranking pokemon, pokemon fight tier list, pokemon i could beat in a fight, ranking every pokemon, ranking every johto pokemon, ranking every johto pokemon i could beat in a fight, pokemen7 pokemon tier list, pokemon gen 2, johto, johto pokemon, johto pokemon tier list, pokemon generation 2 tier list, pokemon fight, pokemon battle, strongest pokemon, pokemon battle tier list, competitive pokemon, pokemen7 tier list
Id: QfP2FM98--M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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