I Attempted to Beat the HARDEST Pokémon White ROM Hack

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i tried beating the hardest pokemon white rom hack out there this rom hack is insane it has revamped gyms encounters and even pokemon this should be extremely difficult and just to ensure that i'm also going to be adding on the hardcore nuzlocke rules that you see on screen now without further ado i'm ready to get into the game so i name myself xango and get my starter tepe after molly wapping bianca and sharon in my first two rival battles i get to witness bianca's dad first hand absolutely scream at her which is kind of crazy either way this leads me on to professor juniper where i nicknamed tepig wasp now with wasp officially on the team professor juniper teaches me how to catch a pokemon and all she does really is bonk this poor pat rat on the head and after he gets in the ball i get to catch a pokemon on my own the pokemon i catch in this route is a lillapup that i named b and once bees on the team i get to go to the next town where getzes is just preaching for no reason i know that i certainly wasn't listening to this doofus but apparently this poor guy end was and he ends up battling me for it i don't really know why he battles me but either way this battle is actually really tough i only really beat this because my tepig leveled up so many times in this fight but this really does go to show how much more difficult this rom is going to be than the base game after beating in i go in the next round and catch myself a weedle that i end up naming hornet i evolve horna into a beach rail then i get this gift pokemon pansage that i named scorpion scorpion and i go to destroy sharon in a battle and after we do that i'm ready to go challenge the first jam scorpion is seriously the goat i barely took any damage in that fight and this leads me into fighting team plasma team plasma shouldn't have been that bad in the dream yard but they actually did a big number on my team and they actually almost took out a pokemon it's alright though because after the battle b gets to evolve into a hurdier and i get to see a ton of team plasma guys one two three too many too many to count i'm counting the inside of the dream yard as a separate encounter from the outside of the dream yard so as i go in there i'm able to get another pokemon the pokemon i catch here is a muna that i named killer but honestly it shouldn't really matter much moon is not really that great of a pokemon either way with munakat i evolved tepik and emboar then i get to go battle team plasma yet again this time fighting them wasn't actually that bad i beat them pretty quickly and after the battle i'm able to go catch another pokemon in this cave the pokemon i found here was an axe u which initially i was super excited about but then i figured out that axio's evolution is really late into the game so i won't be able to have a hacksaws for a while it's whatever though i named axusquido then make my way into the next city where i'm able to catch another pokemon this one's a makahida that i catch a nickname ick and before i go challenge the next gym i look at my team and i realize that my pig night is actually a ground type as you can tell i was a bit pressed about this but either way it does lead me into challenging my next jam lenora is a double battle she has herdier and stanler i lead with pillar and b here i'm gonna go for another yawn this time on here and then i'm gonna go for another lure on both of them hopefully i can get some damage done on the next turn i'm gonna switch into wasp now i guess and i'm also going to switch out b for ick i gotta hope stanley stays asleep for a little while longer i'm going to hit hurt here with an arm thrust and a fake out so the fake out to make sure it doesn't move and then that arm thrust is just to kill by barrel i out speed so i gotta hope stanler stays asleep for a really long time here four yes four times and i get to hit this stanler that was best case scenario nice i don't really want to lose wasp so i'm gonna switch into pillar i think and then ick i don't really mind if i lose so i'm just going to go for a vital throw on watch hog pillar it's destroyed by a crunch vital throw juice a lot nice critical hit that takes out watch hog um sadly i lost pillar but honestly not even that big of a deal um skeeto can go for a dragon rage on boof a lot and i'm gonna go for an arm thrust and move a lot hopefully retaliate doesn't kill it doesn't but two is going to it's fine i do a lot of damage to buffalo here who has a citrus berry that almost kills yikes i'm at two hp fret's gonna go down so i'm gonna actually switch out into hornet who is gonna take super effective damage by it but i don't think he'll die so that's kind of what i'm banking on [Music] or you're gonna just hit five times or i can just hit five times with an arm thrust and wasp can just sweep the gym wasp did so good in that fight it's insane i definitely didn't sweep i don't know why i said that i did not sleep i lost two pokemon in that fight which sucked but i'm still happy with that outcome i'm okay with this sucks that i lost those two pokemon but either way the show must go on me and lenora end up finding out that this museum is getting robbed team plasma takes that head and just runs off with it i guess after they get that head i track team plasma back to pinwheel forest where i'm able to finish them off with them finished i'm able to catch a pokemon in this area and it ends up being a swaddle that i catch and named mantis this leads me into castelia city and once i get here i find out bianca's been entirely robbed unfortunately this means that i have to help her so i do deal with team plasma do a lot of stuff like that but it ends up being just fine as now i'm able to evolve a ton of pokemon on my team with those three pokemon involved i gotta go through this next gem and this one's gonna be difficult i don't really know why i don't have the footage for this part i was going through multiple ways in which i could potentially go against berg i ended up going on the desert on route 4 and catching myself a sandile i named sandal croc but since croc isn't good against bug types i just left him in the box and decided to go challenge berg for my third gym badge so berg leads the battle with masquerade and vespa quinn i lead with hornet and mantis and vespa quinn hits in acrobatics which takes out hornet which i mean just sucks that'll put them both at four but that hits so they're both not at four [Music] and then i'm gonna go for a flash on best footwin my flash gimmicks are over no this is not good this is not good okay wasp nice nice green i avoid that perfect mascara goes down i'm at plus three attack right i'm at plus three repeat hopefully that means that he'll go down a one shot that's amazing i didn't even get a crit that's great and i'm gonna go for a take down a hair cross because hopefully it kills okay nice all right hair cross goes down leave annie goes down perfect perfect man perfect on best book win i should i didn't mean to go for it on best footwin but it's fine because young mega goes down to a one shot good stuff wasp best book win is going down to a flame charge and that's the end of the fight i did lose a significant number of pokemon in this fight three to be exact but honestly it's not that big of a deal i think that it's ah it's worth it that battle was rough hopefully we don't have any more like that because i'm not really ready to lose my team yet with that being said i evolved croc into croco rock then i'm able to challenge bianca in my next rival battle but as always these raffle battles are kind of just getting schwepped i guess poor grammar aside bianca and sharon both go down and i'm able to go to the desert resort where i can catch two more pokemon while i was going to catch them i got myself both an mbor and a stoutland and after doing that i'm actually able to catch a trap inch i decided actually to not name trap hinge here purely because of the fact that i am running out of nicknames and i'm losing pokemon really really fast as far as the nuzlocke rules go i don't think this really does break them it's i mean it does but not really it's just the nickname theme it doesn't matter too much now that i have trap pinch i go to relic castle and catch myself a sand true so i can head into in boston city nimbasa has a lot of good stuff for me the main thing that's great is that i can actually dress up my pokemon here and just look how cute that emboar looks with emboar being officially beautiful i move on to this lost forest place and i find myself a magikarp after i catch magikarp i've gotta go fight n but before we fight we go on this really romantic ferris wheel ride and i can't even lie sparks were flying he's gonna fight me in a battle just to impress his friends though but i just beat him up and after i do that i evolve my team up and challenge the fourth gem she leaves the battle with the mulga i'm going to lead with b and i'm going to start off by going for a take down see how much damage i can do with that i'm olga switches out with u-turn into ampharos honestly that's not too bad take them does a good amount of damage i mean it doesn't really matter the ampharos goes down regretless although i do get hit by static which is kind of annoying i go for a dig focus blast yikes that hits it does a lot of damage that brings me down to 30. honestly i thought that might kill hopefully i hit this dig i do rags you should go down to that nice nice raichu's gone bye-bye so i'm gonna switch out into one of my ground types which weirdly enough is wasp went for a flame charge there to raise my speed a little bit so i can probably sweep the rest of the team now i figured it was probably low damage roll for a heat crash and i think that just kills her yeah she's down that's annoying i get by attract but bulldoze still gets through and finishes off my nature for the one shot i'm just gonna switch into sand slash and go for a dig i think that should be able to kill zip strika all right elise is down that's my fourth year badge cool after that gym me and sharon beat up some toddlers then i'm able to go to driftmail city through this giant drawbridge thing once i get there i evolve my magikarp into gyarados then get my next encounter which is fungus once i get her i go to the cold storage where i deal with pretty much all of team plasma they're really not that hard though and after finishing them all off i get myself a crocodile team plasma very upset with their defeat at the cold storage sits in front of the gym so i can't walk inside of it but they get scared off right when i walk by so that's really good for me now i evolve fungus into a mungus and at this point i'm ready to challenge the fifth gem he leads the battle with the pout on i'm gonna lead with gyarados i'm gonna start off by going for a rain dance make my water type moves do a lot of damage now i go for an awkward tail bring them put that on all the way down to one hp i honestly thought that would one shot but it's fine because i'm just gonna go for an ice bang now and then another ice bang or and then a i guess a aqua tail and then the powder goes down i'm ready to sweep from here i really am going to go for an awkward tale on uh marowak bye-bye who's next excadrill aqua tail kill easy crocodile hits me with the intimidate but doesn't really matter but does it really matter nah okay gyarados up to level 43 seismitoad um for seismitoad i'm gonna switch into a moon ghost i'm actually gonna switch out because i don't want gyarados to get hit for any damage really um that's fine that's not oh that is i guess then seismic toad goes down to a giga drain and that leads into stilettes that's the final pokemon i'm gonna go for giga drain first things first okay it doesn't do that much damage i get hit by firefang and then effect sport comes into effect hits stilex uh and he goes to sleep he's he's schlep yep there's ceilings goes and there goes my uh fifth gym that was easy that was one of the easier gyms in the run i'm happy about that that gym was kind of a lot easier than expected especially since i was under leveled either way i ended up going to the cold storage after this since i didn't actually catch a pokemon i found myself a vanilla shin immediately after catching vanillish i evolve him into vanilla the last thing i do in driftmill is get a flygon and challenge bianca as most of my battles with bianca go this was shockingly easy and after defeating her i'm able to go to charge no cave in this cave i catch my next pokemon and it ended up being joltik this is a really solid encounter because i love me some galvantula as i head down further into charge don't cave i realize that i don't have any repels so i'm getting an encounter after encounter i ran into so many things in charge don't cave then i ended up finding a shiny that caught me so off guard it was insane i wasn't even recording when i found the shiny unfortunately i am running a hardcore nuzlocke so i had to take down that sableye and i'm really upset about that it's whatever though is it's time for me to leave charge down cave and head into mistralton city me being a mistralton doesn't last very long as i head to the top of this tower and ring this bell speaking of ringing that bell if you guys are enjoying the content so far and you would like to see some more of it if you could leave a like and subscribe that'd be greatly appreciated also turning on notifications is nice get notified when i post a video that's cool i guess yeah also if you want to follow me on some other sites like tik tok instagram or even just join my discord server all those links will be down in the description sorry about that little ad break we're going back to the video i now go back down celestial tower so i can catch myself another pokemon this one being litwick this act leads me into evolving chill taking a galvantula slamming my face against this wall and challenging the sixth jam okay skyla leads a battle with mandibus skarmory and graveyary i lead with croc galvantula and wasp foul play on braviary a discharge on everybody and i'm going to go for a wild charge on manda buzz this discharge does a lot of damage and it paralyzes skarmory which is really sick uh but thankfully man the buzz does get taken out by that wild charge so that's that's pretty good first things first i'm gonna go for a crunch on braviary try to take up graveyard as soon as possible flygon avoids a stone edge which is really good and that wild charge hits archeops and takes away defetus by far [Music] oh wasp doesn't take much damage at all bravery uses bulk up again this is bad bad but bravery almost gets taken out right there that's so stupid oh no archeops goes down though so that's good and swanno comes out on the right side brave bird i avoid as flag on and flygon takes out braviary nice man that's good perfect that's the best outcome i could have asked for ice beam hits galvantula but it doesn't do too much damage that wild charge takes out swanna amazing i live oh my gosh i thought i thought galvantula would go down hopefully scar murray doesn't hit me hit galvantula hopefully skarmory doesn't hit galvantula rayford on galvantula damn i wish i could have gotten out of this battle death list galvantula put in a lot of work in this fight i'm i'm proud of angela i'll say that and skarmory is going to go down that wins me my fight against skyla unfortunately i lost that galvantula but honestly i'm just happy i won the fight and that gets me my sixth badge i hate to lose a good pokemon like elvanchala but thankfully we have a replacement as i evolve litwick all the way up to chandler from here i go to fight sharon and i end up merely escaping my battle against him his team was pretty difficult not even a lie either way alder ends up jumping off this cliff and giving me the hm for surf that i can use later i now go into icarus mountain and leave that place pretty quickly as i find team plasma all the way at the end of it after leaving that place i can actually go to miss stralton cave now that i have surf and i end up finding a pokemon here and it's dan danny piano i don't know i catch her then fly back to the mountain where i'm able to catch another pokemon this one being excadrill once i've got her and my team is fully situated i move on to challenge the seventh gem all right bryson leaves the battle with obama so glacion i lead with chandler in exca drill glacier decides to hit my exca drill which is a bit strange i don't think that'll matter too much either way that allows me to take out the abandoned snow pretty freely so you know that's whatever it's whatever though i should now i out speed glacier on and frost last with exit drill so i'll just go for a rock slide on both of them honestly i'm just going to stay in with chandeleur and i'm going to go for a flame burst on whoever survives i guess yeah i didn't think either of them would bear take comes in and so does cryogenal with chandler on bear tech that should be able to take him out because i don't think his special defense is that great we'll see though criminal just hidden power that does nothing that does a decent bit icicle crash does also a really good amount of damage against wasp that hidden power doesn't do anything flame bursts on barrett takes up airtight nice that's great and this heat crash should take out triagonal yep yep nice that's great i've got to switch out with wasp for sure that's what i'm going to do first things first switch out wasp into vanilla and i'm gonna go for a flame burst on vanillux i probably should have gone for a memento but i don't think it'll be that big of a deal considering i get a critical hit one shot with chandler that's amazing that's my seventh badge zero deaths in that fight and that was actually really easy after i get that gym badge i get to go to the top of dragon spiral tower and as i'm heading up there i hear the arsonist end start to scream burn baby burn like an absolute psychopath once i sneak by him i gotta go to relic castle and in rella castle i've gotta deal with a whole bunch of team plasma it's seriously fight after fight with these guys until eventually i make my way all the way down to getz's as i was going to get this i ended up getting myself a hydragon and after meeting up with getsys all he does is run away like a like a little doofus guy and thing man do this i get to now go to the city where this museum got robbed and i get myself a black ball and fight bianca for the last time bianca actually gave me a really difficult oh wait no she just got swept again well off towards hopefully sitting once i get here i witnessed the same old propaganda that i saw at the start of this game but it really doesn't matter that much as guesses just leaves i'm sure that'll be the last time i'll ever see team plasma it's at this point where draydon and iris teach me about the box legendaries but because i'm not really about the story i just go challenge the eighth and final jam iris leads vettel which readagon gyarados and altaria i lead with gyarados vanillux and high dragon that dragon pulse is gonna kill drunagon really nice that's actually sick ice beam uh altery i said yaji berry but i still kill with that ice beam that's insanely good i i gotta hope this takes out come on nice gyarados goes down and hopefully this ice beam's enough to take out the dragonite please take out dragonite it does that's really good okay so dragonite's down haxuris is sent in icefang on kangdra and i'm going to go for an ice beam on kendra and i'm actually going to switch out high dragon for excadrill because i'm a little bit worried about paxor's going for like an outrage or something on on where x g on on exit trail oh okay i don't get hit for that much damage by that please don't do too much wow the switch was honestly kind of crazy excadrill would is the only reason so i'm going to switch wasp into where exit drill was and i just got to hope ah i survived i survived vanilla survives and is able to take out hacks first with a one shot and that that just wins me the battle iris goes down i don't lose a single pokemon in my battle against iris that is insane i am so incredibly happy about that with that final gym badge acquired i'm able to fight sharon for the last time and i absolutely destroyed his team it wasn't even really a challenge this all leads me to victory road so i blow past that place pretty quickly and find myself in the pokemon league with that being said i take a quick look at my team rearrange a couple of slots then challenge chantal in my first elite war battle chantal leads the battle with driftblim and golurk i lead with chandeleur and hydraegon a shadow ball and golick and a dark pulse on driflum that dark poles is able to take out drift bloom that's really good nice shadow ball takes out goaler that's insane man nice i love chandeller okay next out is frost lassen jealousy i'm going to go for a shadow ball on jealousy and i'm going to go for a dark pulse on frost last i think i'll be able to outspeed ross lass i don't but i just avoid the blizzard which is really good for us less goes down to a one shot insane nice and hopefully jealousy goes down to a one shot as well bro this is oh my gosh my chandelier is too good miss maggias and chandler are chantal's final two pokemon unfortunately i can't use shadowball because it's disabled now so i think honestly i'm going to switch chandler out into excadrill dark pulse that kills miss magnus okay nice and hopefully chandler doesn't go for a okay shadow ball nice i'm glad i'm glad chandelure went for that shadow ball on next drill doesn't do any damage now i can just go for a rock slide and a dark bulls and chandler's gonna go down that's chantal easy first elite four battle i'm actually really hyped about that next one up is probably gonna be grimsley grimsley leads the battle with sharpedo in lifeguard i lead with b and x goodrill i'm really happy i lead with b here because i can go for a wild charge on this sharpedo and i can actually go for an x is on light part so hopefully that's able to take both of these pokemon down this wild charge is definitely going to take out sharpedo a bit surprised i outsped sharpito there but you know i guess it doesn't really matter that much how doom comes out on the right side that intimidate hits both of my pokemon i'm definitely going to be faster than my than b i'm going to be faster than b so i'm going to go for a serve b avoids the attack because he's underground and then i hit houndoom extremely hard houndium survives because of a focus hash i even got a critical hit but it doesn't matter because i went for a dig so too easy baby too easy ponch crow and absolute next dragon pulse on axel try to take out absolute as quickly as possible absol doesn't go down to that and hits me with a mega horn that does a critical hit it's whatever though i'm going to go for an ice fang on hancrow and i'm going to go for a rock slide on both of them to hopefully you know fully take out both these pokemon absolute heels up rockslide absolutely avoids that hopefully honcho goes down nah it's all right the ice bank is able to finish off hans pro but sharp is the final pokemon i'm actually going to go for an aqua tail on absol and i'm going to go and go for an earthquake on everybody i don't think gyarados will go down to my earthquake so that's the only reason i'm going for this okay i guess gyarados doesn't go down to it anyways he's a flying type that's the end of that battle unfortunately i lost my hydraegon though so that's definitely going to play a big part in this next battle caitlyn she leads the battle with musharna and sigilif i lead with chandler and gyarados shadowball please it does it takes out mustard that's nice that's really good i'm going to go for a shadow ball and reticulus here and i'm actually going to go for a i'm going to go for an ice bang on citrulline try to take out sigil off as soon as possible yeah scissor lift goes down it is that's really good nice okay shadow ball takes that reniku list gothitel and bgm come in so gyarados hits the aqua tail bgm goes down bronzong's in two i'm gonna go for a crunch on gothitel and i'm gonna go for a aqua tail on gothitel get finish off oh god that tell us thunderbolt oh my gosh gotta tell us thunderbolt and decided not to use it on gyarados what are you doing what um i'm gonna switch out gyarados for excadrill i did not know gothic led thunderbolt that's really scary gyroball that doesn't hurt that bad thunderbolt doesn't hit me because i switched out that did so much damage the gothitel is just making wrong move after wrong move man that's crazy aqua tail on bronzong x scissor hopefully this is you know enough to take him out it is bronzong finished off that is caitlyn i beat caitlyn i really thought that that would be a lot more difficult considering um considering my team i mean i lost hydragon so i thought that battle would be a lot more difficult but i ended up winning it pretty smoothly so final elite four battle against marshall marshall leads the battle with throw and sock i lead with chandler and wasp um see how much damage this shadow ball does it did a really good amount i get hit by payback from sock it does way more than i anticipated but it's fine this this earthquake should do a ton of damage to both of them it does it takes out throw sock heals up with the force door i hit that energy ball it doesn't kill but this earthquake will definitely take out polygraph saw kids move the stone edge not very effective sock and men shout out hit me with a stone edge both of them are not very effective and sock ends up going down to a hammer arm which is oh my gosh talk about the gameplay so i'm gonna go for an earthquake on everybody and i'm actually gonna switch out into gyarados menchup doesn't die but i avoid i avoid the high jump kick men's shell goes down nice man that is oh my gosh that's so good kung kelder please don't hit me with anything too hard drain punch that shouldn't kill right oh my goodness who are you why'd you be so hard see what that does see how much damage this aqua tail does not too much [Music] i think i won this battle but i lost my ex good drill so did i really win this battle for loom goes down to that and this earthquake should be able to finish off cacao there oh bro i lost excadrill though that's my best pokemon with the rest of the game behind us i attempt to go fight the champion but anan getz is absolutely below the top off the champions palace and i've gotta go fight them instead uh i already pressed no so here we are to end and leads the battle with the restaurant i lead with my chandelier dark gem knight days that's that means schindler's dead my accuracy got lowered and i'm using aquasale so it's already not very accurate move and just to brag rush ram decides to hit me with a focus blast yay this is game over i mean i don't know what to do here i could have led with a better pokemon of course i can't even hit a move when i need to so it's like focus blast is gonna hit of course because it's a restaurant so why not you got this bee you can carry you can carry b you got it i killed with a critical hit it was not even restaurant it wasn't even a restaurant i got baited i got baited so hard oh he's got gems on all of his pokemon how was i supposed to beat this even if i had my team i still think i pretty much lose this oh i flinch i get lucky right there [Music] wow that draco meteors killing no big deals for rush ram though restores all the stats with the white herb oh i'm never mind never mind oh i almost killed a little one shot right there that that's gonna kill me though yeah i don't know man that was that was so my fault that i lost that too like i'll loan up to it that was my fault that i lost that run but bro if i would have played that better i think i could have won it but that's still demoralizing as hell man i mean it is what it is though i if i if i maybe had all of my pokemon i could have done something if i maybe had everybody um but yeah who knows man that's just that's just a theory all right well that's the end of the run um i really hope you guys enjoyed because this was actually you know really fun even though i did lose uh if you guys did enjoy please consider subscribing because it really does help me out and that was my attempt at a pokemon vault white hardcore nazlak damn i can't believe i lost
Channel: Zango
Views: 43,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _HDSmEweZ50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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