Pokémon SoulSilver Hardcore Nuzlocke SHINIES ONLY

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Shiny Pokemon are some of the rarest things you can find in any Pokemon game in Pokemon Soul Silver this fact remains true as the odds of finding a shiny are one in every 8 192 encounters knowing this I decided to absolutely torture myself and try to beat Pokemon Soul Silver using only Shiny Pokemon as if that wasn't tedious enough though I'm also going to be adding on the hardcore nazlog rules to make this challenge that much more difficult now with all that out of the way I'm ready to start looking for my first shiny the first shiny I'm gonna look for is my starter and in most games this would be a dreadful process thankfully in Soul Silver this isn't necessarily the case as you can see if your starter is shiny before you pick it because of this I'm essentially shiny hunting three Pokemon all at the same time so my new shiny starter chance is about one in every 2730. I was managing to get roughly 6 encounters per minute which means I was on Pace to get a shiny in about seven and a half hours unfortunately I was not that lucky and it took me about seven days to find myself a shiny Totodile that's it oh that's it dude that's it shiny toaded aisle after receiving Toyota style I give him the nickname Neptune then I go and check out his nature and its special defense down speed up this is an okay nature for Totodile as the special defense down really does suck regardless I head towards the first town and I find this insanely hyperactive old man these guys running around all over the place and when we make it back to his house he gives me his running shoes which is a little bit gross I won't lie to you I of course do accept them though as I can't turn down a pair of running shoes in Pokemon and I then head towards the professors after getting through Professor Oak I then got to go back to Professor Elm as he's made some sort of big mistake as I'm heading back to the lab I find the big mistake that is my rival this guy's team is pretty much horrendous throughout the entire game so I won't really bore you with all of his battles that being said once I get to the police I tell them his name and of course it's the iconic loser this time with three R's I then get taught by Lyra how to catch a Pokemon and she kind of just like Stomps this thing like actually Stomps this thing into the ground it's kind of cruel now that I've got all that out of the way though I'm off towards my first gym and as I'm going over there I find myself in the dark cave this dark cave is um really dark but it doesn't really matter as I can still shiny hunt here and it takes me a really long while to find myself a shiny Zubat this shiny took me about nine hours and after catching the shiny Zubat I gave him the nickname Dionysus Dionysus ended up being one of the most goaded zubats I've ever caught as it's got an adamant nature which is attack up and special attack down with some new Sparkles added onto the team I go into Violet City where I can go up Sprout Tower once I do that I fight the oldest man imaginable and I end up taking out his Bellsprout so I can challenge the first gym this first gym battle is up against Faulkner and he leads the battle with Pidgey as I lead with Neptune with Neptune I started by going for a bite which brings Pidgey down to about a third remaining as I then get hit by a sand attack this sand attack lowers my accuracy by one stage and on the next turn I'm able to finish off Pidgey with another bite as this leads into the final Pokemon Pidgeotto Pidgeotto out speeds me and starts off by going for a gust that brings me down to 29 as I then go for a leer this lowers pidgeotto's defense stat and on the next turn he hits me with another gust that brings me down to 22 and I'm now able to do big damage with a bite this bite does nearly half and one turn later Neptune's at 13 HP and Pidgeotto is down into the red at this point I really wanted to switch out because her crit definitely kills me from this range but I kind of just can't if Pidgeotto is able to get off a free Roost then this battle is essentially over so I can't risk a switch so I decided to just go for another bite thankfully I think this was the right decision as Pidgeotto went for a roost and I was able to bring him back down into the yellow he roosts again but the same thing happens and on the following turn he hits me with a gust and thankfully it doesn't get a crit and I'm able to finish him off with another bite with volkner down I win my first gym badge and I'm ready to start my journey towards the second this journey starts out with me receiving an egg I attempted to hatch it in case it was a shiny but it ended up being just a big waste of time as it definitely was not that being said as I'm heading towards the next city I pass by this guy who looks like Butters from South Park and I also passed by this hiker who is extremely lonely seriously somebody's got to give this man some friends once I get into the town I find out that all the Slowpoke are missing and they were taken away by the bad people kind of weird I head down into the well and find the bad people which are Team Rocket they're cutting off the slowpokes tails and when you walk up to this Slowpoke and interact with it it has a message and it's so incredibly sad after witnessing this I must do something about it so I woke up to the little executive down here and absolutely annihilate him in a battle I send them scrambling for the hills and I'm able to go back into the town now return all the Slowpoke and challenge the second gym this one's against Bugsy who leads with Scyther as I lead with Neptune on the first turn Scyther strikes me with a leer as I go for a scary face to lower her speed at this point now that I out speed I start to spam a couple of bites and I bring Scyther down into the yellow as he then hits me with a quick attack that brings me down to 27. I'm not really in the mood to get hit by a crit here so I decided to switch around to Dionysus who gets hit by a u-turn on the switch in this U-turn allows Scyther to switch out into Metapod who gets quickly dealt with by a couple of wing attacks with that Bugsy brings in Scyther again who starts out by going for a [ __ ] this energy but it really doesn't matter much as a wing attack is super effective and it takes her out lastly is Kakuna who gets destroyed by a wing attack and that one's being my second badge once I receive that I'm able to go outside of the gym and fight my rival again his defeat leads me onto the forest where I've gotta find this far-fetched this task really isn't that hard but the first time I went through it for the life of me I could not figure it out either way I make my way past that and I eventually find myself with Lyra you all know me I start conversating we start chatting it up I spit some ribs and she ends up giving me her number and I'd say that's a win wait hold on just one second oh how old is Lyra oh [ __ ] yo it was just a joke man listen it was just I head further into the Johto region and find myself in Goldenrod City I forgot to mention this earlier but my Totodile actually evolved before I made it into Goldenrod but even with this extra Firepower on my team I don't think I'll be able to beat this third Jam that being said I think I need a new team member so I head just outside of Goldenrod City to Route 35 where there's a 60 chance you encounter a Nidoran Nidorino is decently bulky for this level and could be a real help with dealing with that dreaded Mill tag unfortunately on this route I didn't end up getting my 60 encounter in fact I ended up getting a one percent Yanmar oh my god dude oh shiny yanma bro it's a shiny I can't really complain but bro did I not want a yanma this shiny took me 12 hours to get and after catching yanma I gave him the nickname Hermes Hermes has a serious nature which is just neutral and it also has the ability speed boost which is really solid even with that though yanma doesn't help me out at all for this next Jam that being said I'm now forced to start another shiny hunt so I move past Route 35 onto Route 36 where there's another 60 chance for Nidoran and in about a full week of shiny hunting I ended up finding this oh my god there it is yes dude oh shiny Nidoran finally bro if we didn't get shiny Nidoran on this route I don't know what we would have done for this gym this shiny is great for the team as after I catch Nidoran I give him the nickname Aries and I also check out his nature and its special attack down special defense up which is kind of just okay my next step to beating Whitney is to go through this voltor flip game and try as hard as I can to get as many coins as possible I tried so hard to get through all the levels in this and it was really impossible I mean I even went on a cheating website voltorflip.com and still fail that being said I managed to get about a fourth of the coins I would need to buy a substitute TM so I just gave up and I head on to challenge Whitney after finding her unable to answer a few Basic Pokemon questions I take her back to her gym and she leads a battle with Clefairy as I lead with Neptune with Neptune I started by going for a bite doing a little bit over a third as clefairy's cute charm activates and I get infatuated the fairy then hits me with a double slap only hitting two times as in the next turn I go for another bite thankfully I break through the infatuation hit Clefairy and actually get a flange on the next turn I break through the attraction again and I'm able to finish off Clefairy which leads into the final Pokemon miltank the first turn miltank out speeds and hits me with a stomp bringing me down to 38 as I then go for a scary face so that doesn't happen anymore now that iot speed I go for a bite and it only does like an eighth to miltank as she then hits me with a stomp that brings me down to 25. I end up getting a little bit scared here so I decide to switch out into Aries who gets hit by a Stomp and gets brought down to 34 HP on the switch in I then hit miltank with a double kick that brings her down to nearly half as she hits me with a stomp that does a ton of damage bringing me down to 13. of course I can't stay in anymore so I decided to switch into Hermes who gets hit by a Stomp and gets brought down to 36 HP now Hermes has this move called sonic boom and Sonic Boom is really clutch right here as it always does 20 damage knowing this I decided to go for it and it does about half of miltank's remaining HP miltank then hits me with a quad super effective rollout and somehow I live I survive and I'm able to go for another Sonic Boom in the next concern and it finishes off miltank to be honest with you I didn't know Milton could roll out but I'm really happy I stuck in as that ended up winning me my third badge with that I can now move on to this talent show type thing and it is horrible for me I don't know how to work it so I kind of just lost every single Race by a long shot after feeling mildly embarrassed about that I move on to this flower shop so I can get this squirt bottle to move the suitable out of the way so I can head into the next town once I get here I go into the burn Tower and find myself in a battle with loser he takes a fat l in this one and I go downstairs and watch this dog sniff me and run away I then move inside this building that's got kind of like a dance floor and I fight Team Rocket here and get the HM for surf this hm isn't useful to me at all until I beat the fourth gym so I decided to go get on that Morty starts with Gastly as I start with Dionysus and go for a bite right away that ends up one-shotting the next Pokemon to come out is Haunter who also gets o code and this leads into the third Pokemon Gengar Gengar outspeeds me and is able to hit a hypnosis right away so I decided to switch out on the next turn into Neptune Gengar went for a Sucker Punch so I didn't actually get hit for any damage in the switch in and on the next turn I decided to go for a bite which does nearly half a turn later I find out that this was just a really low damage roll as another bite finishes off Gengar and brings out the final Pokemon Haunter Haunter is instantaneously brought down to one HP because of bite and two turns later he goes down and that wins me the fourth badge now it's time for me to go to Olivine town and meet up with loser again he kind of just does his typical move here where he calls me a loser then leaves like a wimp and it just leads me to go on to the lighthouse in this Lighthouse there's legitimately a dying Ambrose at the top so I gotta go quick to get his medicine once I get to sign wood I go through all the houses and boom got the medicine now I could just go back immediately and save that Ampharos but I'm greedy and I want my gym badge so I decided to go challenge the gym instead before starting my fight with Chuck I evolved Dionysus into a crow bat just so I have a better chance at winning this battle Chuck starts out with primeape as I lead with Dionysus the first thing I do is go for a wing attack that brings primeape down into the red as primeape then sets up a double team this isn't good enough though as another wing attack finishes off primate and leads into the final Pokemon Poliwrath Poliwrath is very tanky so when I go for a wing attack it only does half and he ends up healing up with a citrus Berry he then hits a body slam bring me down to 74 but it doesn't matter as a wing attack gets a critical hit on the next turn and it finishes off polygraph that right there is badge number five and right when I walk outside I end up getting the HM for fly that I immediately put on Dionysus this is also I can fly back to the Ampharos quickly and save it which is what I was trying to do the whole time before I start this sixth gym I'm able to do two really solid things the first one is evolve Neptune into feraligator and the next one is get a moonstone so I can evolve Ares into a Nidoking along with this I get the TM for dig and teach that to Nidoking and I also teach my yanma ancient power so he can evolve into yon Mega now going into this fight I decide to remain under leveled and this is because the next gems level cap is actually lower than this gems level cap because of this I bring all my Pokemon up to about level 33 then I start my battle with Jasmine she leads a battle with Magnemite as I start out with Aries with Ares I'm able to get a crisp dig off that's four times super effective and it finishes off Magnemite with a one shot as the next Pokemon to come out as Steelix so I decided to switch into Neptune on the switch in I didn't get hit for any damage as Steelix decided to set up a sandstorm so on the next turn I go for a serve this serve does massive damage and it brings the legs down into the red as then I get hit by a screech this Screech really doesn't matter at all though as another surf finishes off Steelix and leads into the final Pokemon Magnemite for this I do the same thing I did at the start of the battle and that's just bring out Nidoking and go for a dig it finishes off the magnumide pretty easily and wins me my sixth badge now I go to the lake of Rage where I find myself another shiny wow look at this guy instead of catching it like I did in my last run I decided to just kill it and I move on to Lance Lance lets me know that there's some strange things happening in Mahogany town so we decide to go over there and absolutely destroy Team Rocket I mean that literally by the way Lance use Hyper Beam on this poor scientist and just absolutely obliterated him Team Rocket slowly starts to collapse and after me and Lance finish him off I'm ready to challenge the seventh gym Bryce leads the battle with seal as I lead with Neptune iot speed and start by going for a crunch that does about half as sealed and sets up hail on the next turn another crunch takes this thing down and next out comes Palace wine Palace one unfortunately has the ability snow cloak which raises its evasiveness while it's hailing this means the first time I go for a surf I end up missing then I get hit by a mud bomb on the next turn I'm able to connect with a surf and it brings Palace wine down into the red as he heals up a little bit with his Citrus Berry and I get hit by another mud bomb I put an oranberry on so I also heal up a little bit of health and on the next turn I miss a second serve as Palace one hits a third mud bomb it's alright though because after this turn hail ends and my Surface back to 100 accuracy so I'm able to wash away Palace line last up is dugong so I start with a crunch as it does about a third as I then get hit by an aurora Beam on the next turn I do another third and lower dugong's defense as I then get hit by a second Aurora beam and it only brings me down to 24. with dugong's defense down it's grits and he gets finished off by another crunch that right there earns me the 7th gym badge and it means I'm off towards Goldenrod City again to deal with the remaining part of team Team Rocket to do this I go down into the Subway and get myself in some Team Rocket clothes to try to sneak into their base of course loser absolutely rats me out and ends up getting me into a couple of fights but it's fine because I am just better and the Team Rocket grounds have like level 12 Pokemon but besides that I'm just I'm just better I've then got to deal with this imposter at the top of the radio tower and I've gotta fight the actual executive he's surrounded by a bunch of Team Rocket grunts in the basement but eventually I get him out of the situation and he helps me fight off the last Team Rocket members the last one I've got to deal with is Archer and he's got two fire types I have Neptune it's over with that Team Rocket officially disbands and I end up getting myself a silver wing with that I start my journey towards the final gym and considering this gym is a dragon Jam it's gonna be pretty difficult for me to deal with it with my current team that being said you know what time it is it's time for another shiny hunt this shiny was absolutely Dreadful to find it took me a solid two weeks straight of shiny hunting in the ice path the shiny I ended up finding was Swinub and if that whole experience isn't worth a sub I don't know what is because only 3.5 percent of my viewers are actually subscribed so if you could please hit that big red button down below I'd really appreciate it with that being said I named swine up Artemis then I check out the nature and I find out it's special defense down and speed up which is uh it's all right I then immediately evolved swine up into palace wine and I do this little puzzle thingy so I can make my way into Blackthorne City once I make it into the city I find myself the movie learner so I can teach my Palace wine ancient power to evolve him into mamas wine I then bring my entire team up to the level cap so I can challenge Claire in my final gym battle she leads a battle with Gyarados as I lead with Nidoking against Gyarados I start out by going for a leader lowering the defense and I then get hit by a dragon rage that brings me down to 86. I then get off a second leer so gyarados's defense is at minus two and then I get hit by a dragon rage yet again that brings me down to 46. at this point I switch on to Dionysus who gets hit by Dragon Ridge on the switch in and on the following turn I go for her cross poison assuming it would kill but it actually doesn't and it brings Gyarados to about a fourth remaining this actually isn't that bad though as clear heels with a hyper potion and I'm then able to go for another cross poison and it brings Gyarados down into the red now because Dionysus is a little bit lower than I would like I start to set up a couple of Roost until eventually I go for another cross boys and that finishes off Gyarados with that Claire brings out her next Pokemon Dragonair and for this I decided to switch into Artemis who doesn't get hit for any damage on the switch in on the next turn I basically have a confirmed kill with earthquake so I go for it and I end up getting the lowest damage roll possible and it leaves Dragonair with a sliver Dragonair then hits me with a fire blast but thankfully its special attack really isn't that good so I end up surviving on the next turn an ice Shard is enough to finish off dragonair's remaining health and this leads into another Pokemon Kingdra Kingdra really sucks to deal with as the first thing I do is switch out into Dionysus and start to spam Roost I did this for a whole bunch of reasons the main one is that Kingdra has five hydro pump PP and if I can waste all five of those I actually have a chance of killing this thing that being said I am risking a crit every single time I do this so it is very scary thankfully one hydro pump ended up missing so I was able to set up a confused drag after setting up the confused Ray Kingdra hits herself and on the next turn I decided to go for a fly Kingdra then wastes another hydro pump PP trying to hit me while I'm in the sky and after I come down I do a decent bit of damage thankfully she then misses another hydro pump so on the next turn I can go for a cross poison that brings her down to a third she then finally connects with a hydro pump but it really doesn't matter as another cross poison finishes her off and that leads him to the final Pokemon Dragonair Dragonair really isn't that difficult to take out and through a combination of Neptune and Hermes I was able to finish her off and that wins me my final gym badge once I get that badge I go back to the professor and he gives me a master ball he even sends me off to fight all the kimono girls and after defeating them I'm ready to go see Lugia I go down to the deep sea cave and these girls do their dance to summon the legendary it took me about four days of shiny hunting but eventually I ended up finding shiny Lugia there it is like oh my god dude holy there it is I give Lugia the nickname Zeus then check out its nature and it's modest which is probably one of the best it could have had now one of the last things for me to do is head to Victory Road in Victory Road I have my final battle with loser and his team is an absolute Cakewalk so after stomping him I'm able to fight the first Elite Four member will leads the battle with zatu as I lead with Neptune I start out by going for a crunch doing about two-thirds to zatsu as she then hits me with a confused Ray I don't really feel like hitting myself with confusion so I decided to switch onto Hermes who gets hit by a u-turn on the switch in this U-turn allows zato to switch out to jinx and four Jinx I decide to go for a U-turn of my own and it ends up one shotting as I switch out back into Neptune Jinx goes into zatsu and satu goes down to a crunch by Neptune and this leads into the next Pokemon Executor for this I decided to start out with an ice Fang because there's a chance of flinching and there's also a chance of freezing thankfully I do end up getting one of those I freeze executor and on the next turn I'm able to go for a crunch that finishes her off Slowbro goes down to a handful of crunches and this Force his will to bring out his final Pokemon zatu zatu goes down to just one Crunch and that wins me my battle against will the next Elite Four member I've got to go up against is Koga he leads a battle with aridos as I lead with Artemis I start out by going for an earthquake that brings ariados down into the red as I then get hit by a spider web this move does essentially nothing to me as on the next turn eridos gets healed and I go for another earthquake doing the same thing now I know koga's not gonna heal again so I decide to go for an ice Shard and that finishes off Ariel's the next Pokemon to come out is Fortress so I started by going for an earthquake doing half as I then get hit by a toxic Spike switch doesn't do any damage to me one earthquake later Fortress goes down and leads into the next Pokemon venomoth who also goes down to an earthquake this time a critical hit the next Pokemon Mark is also subject to the same fate as he gets ochoed by an earthquake and this brings out the final Pokemon crowbad Crobat easily gets taken down by an icefang and Ice Shard combo and that would be my second Elite Four battle in my next Elite Four fight I'm up against Bruno he leaves battle with hitmontop as I lead with zoos hitmontop starts out by hitting you with a quick attack doing only 16 HP is I then go for an extra sensory and it brings hit my top down into the red Bruno then heals in the next turn as I decide to go for a rain dance just to see how much damage I'll do with Surf and on the next turn I figure out I don't do that much it ended up doing only half as hitmontop went for a counter and that failed so on the next turn I get hit by another quick attack it brings me down to 135 and hitmontop goes down to another serve next out is Onyx and with that rain dance setup I'm easily able to one shot with serve as this leads into the third Pokemon Hitmonchan for this I started by going for an extra sensory and I kind of assumed it with one shot but it actually doesn't it brings Hitmonchan down into the red as I didn't get hit by a Thunder Punch Lugia is an extremely tanky Pokemon so I'm not really worried about that and it only brings me down to 91 as I then follow up with an extra sensory again and it finishes off Hitmonchan next comes to a champ and for this I started by going for an aeroblast that brings him immediately down into the red as he hits me with a rock slide but it doesn't do enough to kill me I now decide to go for a 100 accuracy extra sensory and that finishes off my champ and leads into the final Pokemon Hitmonlee for this it's just a simple switching to Dionysus and two turns later I get off my fly it finishes off Hitmonlee and wins me my third Elite Four battle and my last Elite Four fight I'm up against Karen and she leads better with Umbreon as I lead with Ares Umbreon usually always goes for a double team right in the beginning so with Aries I decided to go for a focus punch and I actually nail Umbreon doing a ton of damage but it doesn't kill on the next turn expecting Karen to heal I decided to go for another focused punch but unfortunately I ended up missing it and the third turn I do the same thing actually hitting a focus punch and it brings Umbreon to about a fifth remaining I then just simply start to spam earthquake until Umbreon goes down and this leads into the next Pokemon murkrow against murkrow I start by going for a poison jab that brings her down to about a third remaining and it ends up poisoning on that same turn murkrow went for a whirlwind which ended up knocking me out and switching me out for zoos with Zeus and I simply just go for a surf and that finishes off murkrow's remaining HP and leads into the next Pokemon Gengar now Gengar is kind of a scary Pokemon so I decided to switch onto Hermes Hermes gets hit by a lick on the switch in and the next turn gets hit by a focus blast but both of those do very little damage to me this then leads me into going for a couple of Shadow balls that finish off Gengar and this leads into Houndoom so I immediately go for a U-turn switch into Neptune on the switch in Houndoom decided to go for a Dark Pulse which brought me down to 87 HP as I decided to go for a waterfall and that's enough to finish off her remaining HP now Karen's on to her final Pokemon vile plume and for this I decided to switch out immediately to Dionysus via plume essentially does no damage to me with a pedal dance so I just go for a cross poison and fly combo that's enough to finish her off and that wins me my final Elite Four battle with the rest of the Run behind us I'm now ready to challenge the champion of this game Lance he starts out with Gyarados as I lead with Neptune his Gyarados has intimidate so my attack is immediately lowered by one stage so to counteract this I decided to go for a sword stance on turn one he then hits me with the dragon pulse that brings me down to 122 and on the next turn I decided to go for a crunch this crunch only does about a third as Gyarados then hits me with another Dragon pulse knowing that crunch does about a third I decided to go for two more on the following two turns and it's enough to finish off Gyarados at the end of these two turns I was down to 67 HP when Lance brought out his Dragonite his first of three Dragon Knights by the way but but thankfully I'm able to deal with this one really easily as I've got ice Fang and I'm at plus one attack the next Dragonite comes in and as long as I don't miss a nice thing I'm fine and thankfully I don't and he ends up getting one shot at as well at this point Lance brings in his Aerodactyl and this thing absolutely outspeeds me so I decided to switch out I move into Zeus who gets hit by a thunder fan on the switch in bringing me down to 122 and on the next turn I decide to go for a serve unfortunately I absolutely do not outspeed this thing and it's able to get off a rock slide before I get off my serve that brings me down to 32 HP I'm perfectly fine though as my surf is really powerful and it takes out Aerodactyl leading into the second to last Pokemon Charizard I kinda assume Charizard would just go for like a flamethrower or something so I decided to switch into Neptune but I ended up getting hit by a critical hit Shadow claw and surviving now I know for a fact I would speed Charizard here so I decided to go for a waterfall that's super effective and it's enough to Oco with that I'm onto Lance's final Pokemon Dragonite I fully and utterly expected Dragonite to hit me with a thunder so I decided to switch out into Artemis but he ended up going for a fire blast watching my health slowly tick away was an awful experience but I actually ended up surviving on 10 HP now I had to make a really big decision here I mean I don't know if I have to be Dragonite sure my nature is speed up but Dragonite is two levels above me so it's really kind of a coin flip I have no idea what my nature is yikes I think I'm a speed up nature though assuming that I think an ice fan kills I just have to hit it eye out speed yes I spent kill Iceman kill yes dude deathless great job great job Artemis this worked out amazing for me as this quad super effective ice Fang was enough to obliterate Dragonite and that would mean my battle against Lance I was extremely hyped about completing this run deathless and I hope you guys were too if you guys did enjoy this video if you could leave a like And subscribe that would really help me out and with that being said that was my attempt at a Pokemon Soul Silver hardcore Nuzlocke using only Shiny Pokemon I'll just wait for the time stamp to pop on but I mean yeah
Channel: Zango
Views: 350,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5OlHPwkUyWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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