I Made Pokemon Brilliant Diamond ACTUALLY HARD

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i took pokemon brilliant diamond and turned the difficulty up to extreme this is my attempt to beat the game with insane rules like no catching no money no over leveling no items in battle no breeding no legendary pokemon and set mode must be turned on and hey since most of my audience isn't subscribed click subscribe or charmander's tale will be extinguished you're not a murderer are you anyway with these crazy restrictions how far could i make it through the sinnoh region well here's how it went after meeting my rival cynthia i head to the lake to pick my starter since i don't have to actually catch the starter it's completely fair game for me to use i pick chimchar since it's the best option for this run as i'll need something capable of soloing at least until i can get some other pokemon down the track i reset a few times until i got a chimchar with decent stats and a reasonable nature welcome to the team mojo jojo you should catch more pokemon the more you have the happier you'll be well that explains a lot the early routes pose little challenge and i quickly make it to orobog after chimtchar evolved into monferno at level 14 i was ready for the first gym rorke's rocks are pretty bulky but mon ferno knows power-up punch it's not too strong but with each use my attack is raised by one stage by chaining these together mon phono can reach some super saiyan strength and sweep through the pet rocks that this gym has to offer didn't even break a sweat that's my first badge back in jubalife and my god the professor really needs some grooming fortunately christmas came early for rowan with the sponsor of this video manscapes.com the new performance package by manscape has got you covered literally from head to toe the lawnmower 4.0 is a cordless trimmer with a helpful led light to make trimming a breeze you've got the cop preserver and crop reviver to keep your cherubis feeling fresh with the weed whacker that will make trimming your nose and ear hairs quick and trouble free and to wrap it up you'll also get the shears 2.0 stainless steel nail kit so to add the manscaped performance package to your christmas list or as a gift for someone else head to manscape.com and be sure to use the code keegan 20 for 20 off plus free international shipping plus two free gifts back to the video after heading north of jubalife i reached floroma town where this couple will gift you the pokemon mew and jirachi but since i'm playing by the rule of no legendaries or mythicals these are no go besides where's the fun in stomping the region with legendaries more importantly how did you guys end up with these pokemon anyway at the windworks commander mars is no trouble for monferno a few power-up punches are the perfect setup to take perrugli down with a muck punch the second gym would be a nightmare for the other two starters and i doubt it would even be possible with piplup but for monferno it's a cakewalk and this is the main reason that i picked it gardenia's first two grass types both fall to a flame wheel in quick succession roserade has a bit more fight in it as it survives a turn but doesn't have too much offense for monferno and i safely land a second flame wheel to give me the win the early game in particular hasn't been too problematic to solo with my starter but the game will very quickly catch up with me as evidence of this i came really close to losing against commander jupiter my plan was to buff monferno with power up punch against zubat however i was confused by supersonic and hit myself in a big way since my attack boosts increased the damage but with a little luck i survived the confusion to take zubat down skunk tank is the real threat but with my plus 5 attack this lets me finish it off with one flame wheel barely surviving its aftermath ability in the process that was my first real close call of the run and an early warning sign that i needed some new team members to help shoulder some of the weight fortunately help is on the way i've now got access to the grand underground where i dig up mostly garbage but eventually i find a skull fossil the oroberg museum can revive this into a kranidos which is added to my party without needing to catch it kranidos is a glass cannon in the truest sense its attack is through the roof but the rest of its stats are very meh in heart home city this guy gives me an egg and i have to up my step count but eventually the egg hatched into a happiness after giving it an oval stone it quickly evolved into a chansey and then after more manic riding chansey's happiness was maxed and i could evolve it into a blissey lissy is an absolute tank against special attackers but very frail on the physical side regardless i've got some big plans for dr eggman here valestone has some incredible tms if i could buy them must resist urge to shop i can tackle the next two gyms in the order i choose so i'm gonna start with wake and his water types wake has strong pokemon and neither kranidos or monferno are going to be much good in the water gym so i guess it's all up to blissey but how can a defensive pokemon like blissey solo a gym well with cheese of course gyarados huge attack does not bode well for blissey so i first need to handle that i taught blissey to move charm from the move relearner and this lowers gyarados's attack by two stages while using a citrus berry and life due to recover hp this strat nerfs garados's attack to -6 and it's much more manageable the move minimize brings my evasion to plus six so despite blissey's balloon-like frame it can now dodge attacks with ease now for the counter-attack blissey can also learn a move called echoed voice it isn't very powerful but it gets stronger with each successive use with my stat buffs there isn't much stopping me from charging up a few of these with a third echoed voice spelling the end of gyarados quagzi steps into the ring but very quickly has its eardrums blown by blissey's now booming voice but at this point i realized i'd made a huge mistake see how close blissey is to leveling if it reaches level 31 i won't be able to use it for the next gym so i shifted my strategy and used charm one float cell to nerf its attack then i pivoted into my other team members hoping to split the exp into smaller segments before switching back into blissey blizzy was able to remove floatel with no trouble but it leveled up in the process despite my best efforts i got in my third gym badge but would have to box blissey for now i charged back to valeston city to take on the next gym but this was going to be tough kranados would be useless against meleen's fighting types so this was going to have to be another solo effort this time from monferno at this point mon ferno is a one-trick pony its only real strategy is to buff its attack with power out punch so that's the plan to one shot lucario monfono will need to be at plus three attack against meta type i successfully land two hits but get hit by flash which lowers my accuracy of course i miss my next attack and meta tight hits me with a big drain punch i won't survive another so take it down with a flame wheel then against machoke i miss yet another attack and monferno falls with kranidos going down soon after my first wipe okay i had some bad rng there so surely i'll be okay this time okay third time's the charm what the hell is this monferno gets hit by a single flash and just loses all motor function i eventually landed my attacks but wow that was awfully unlucky anyway that gives me my fourth badge and with the new level cap blissey is back on the team shortly after kratos evolved into rampardos and i was ready to press onwards to celestic town no making boo-boos are you five years old after doing cynthia's dirty work and delivering a package to her mother it's time to backtrack to heart home city for the next gym despite fantina looking like a bratty child at a beauty pageant her ghost pokemon are no easy feat i want to sweep with rampardos but fantina's driftblim lead knows willow wisp which does complicate things slightly to get around this i lead with monferno just before driftblim takes me down i use taunt which will prevent drift bloom from using any status moves for a few turns this clears rampardos to use two swords dancers and a rock polish once taunt wears off i am hit by willow wisp but my raspberry heals the burn fantina's pokemon are quite frail so with this setup rampardos goes to town landing three rock tunes in a row for three very quick kos my team of three had made it this far but battles from here were only going to get tougher and i'd need more firepower if i was going to manage fortunately after making it to cantalave city i was able to give my team a little upgrade first of all monferno evolved into an infernape second by boating to iron island and completing the side quest riley gives me a pokemon egg side note riley looks like a pimp should i be concerned about the origins of this egg anyway i saved before riley gave me the egg as i was after some specific traits i had to reset a few times but eventually i got a riolu that would fit the bill after biking some more with riolu in my party i was able to raise its happiness evolving it into lucario okay i just have to say why does it look like lucario is having a mug shot taken what crimes did you commit lucario is a crucial piece of my plan to take down byron and his steel types i can't tell if his cape makes him look like a superhero or a hobo his bronzo lead knows some annoying status moves like confuse ray and trick room so my plan is to shut these down by using taunt a switch into rampardos lets me lay down stealth rock the chip damage from which will nullify the sturdy ability on byron's other two pokemon bronzor does shake off the taunt and manages to set up trick room before i can hit it with another one i have to wait this out so stall a few turns with infernape before taunting bronzor once more now it's switching to lucario is completely safe i've given it the choice specs and the plan from here is to take advantage of the low special defense on byron's team i fire off a string of auraspheres eventually taking bronzer down the last two pokemon on byron's team each go down in one shot and our new lucario is already proving its worth six badges down the professor needs us to obtain the lake trio for research purposes hang on doesn't that make us the same as team galactic are we the villains here too this guy hit the fattest 360 no scope what a gamer should we like help these magikarps eh i'm sure they'll figure it out anyway after stomping on team galactic for a laugh i'm headed north to make sure that cynthia is okay before that i'll have to take on the easiest gem in all of sinnoh candace's ice types don't have much going for them so infernape should be able to solo a power-up punch on turn 1 finishes snover while boosting my attack sneasel tries to raise its own stats but inferno can one shot with another power-up punch even through its choppel berry meta-cham does survive a hit but it's a very familiar story as it goes down on the next turn and finally obama snow is four times weak to fire so a single flame wheel melts it down very quickly told you she was easy simpier is devastated since he donated his whole paycheck to jupiter's live stream and she won't even show him so much as a toe classic sympia this idiot drops the key to the galactic hq which if you really think about it sets off the chain of events that prevent cyrus's plan he's the real hero of the story cyrus gives me the master ball and says he doesn't need it a short time later cyrus can't control dialga and boy don't you feel silly i can't even use this master ball but i'm not giving it to you idiot cyrus challenges me to a battle but i've got a pretty solid strategy in mind blissey can use charm to lower honshko's attack making it relatively safe to switch into rampardos after two swords dancers and a rock polish i land an earth-shattering rock tomb to take it down with cyrus's whole team being weak to rock rampardos is set to sweep in a very convincing fashion congratulations your plan failed and you suck i then face up to the time god and lucario takes it down with two aura spheres this is meant to be the climax of the story but it turned out to be pretty easy after strutting my way through the sunny shore city the final gym awaits turn around pal you're not that guy you don't want this beef vodka's mixed bag of a team isn't that threatening his righteous pivots around with vault switch but a choice beck's aura sphere from lucario can remove ambi palm and artillery lucario won't survive another hit so i switch into blissey who brushes off the vault switch like it was nothing this brings luxury out and i begin nerfing its attack with charm while softboiled restores my hp with luxray at -6 attack blissey is clear to fire off a string of echoed voices which eventually finishes luxray raichu struggles to overcome bliss's bulk and two supercharged echoed voices is enough to pick up the win i'd now gotten all eight badges under my insane rule set and was feeling pretty confident maybe even too confident but we'll get to that outsmarted once again oh man i just can't figure it out victory road doesn't give me much trouble and i eventually make it to the pokemon league the fight against my rival was mostly smooth the battles against him have been trouble free throughout this run and this time was no different so i'll spare you the details after a little bit of preparing i was ready for the elite four but this iteration of the elite four is on a whole new level they've got perfect ivs evs and nature's as well as updated move sets this would no doubt be the biggest challenge of the run aaron is up first for anyone flying along at home this is prime infernape country the plan here is simple use power up punch until dust docks lands a toxic this takes two turns and infernape's petroberry heals this straight away with plus two attack infernape can out-speed and remove aaron's first four bug types by dishing out one flame wheel to each of them ironically aaron's ace drapeon isn't a bug type so i hit it with a close combat picking up the ko so far so good bertha's ground types are much scarier as three of my four pokemon are weak to ground this definitely won't be as smooth as aaron or so i thought my plan was to set up stealth rock before letting infernape go down my pecha berry heals the first toxic and the second one misses the third does land but infernape was able to raise its attack to plus three in the meantime with power-up punch with these boosts close combat absolutely rips through quagsire and wiscash the broken affection mechanics then come in absolutely clutch infernape shakes off the poison and survives an earthquake from golem when it definitely had zero right to do so another power-up punch finishes gollum weird yet another taking sudowudo down her pound is beefy but my stats are through the roof at this point and one close combat gets the job done the affection mechanics really gifted me that win i didn't even need to use my actual plan we take those i guess against flint i used the same opening and set up stealth rock rapidash does put me to sleep but my chesto berry wakes me up i then begin setting up power-up punches but this is where i went wrong i should have begun a setup with rampardos and you'll see why but at the time my brain turned off and i just took rapidash down with power-up punch of course larpedy fell very quickly before my boosted infernape and still expel to a close combat driftblim goes down to a boosted flamewheel and you might be thinking that things are going well wrong flint's infernape is a monster it has a plus speed nature perfect speed ivs and a stack of speed evs in short it outspeeds everything on my team my infernic falls to a close combat and everyone in the back is weak to fighting type moves this is when i realised my mistake in not setting up with rampardos as i prepared to watch my team members fall i planned for another attempt but then blissey dodged an attack before landing a charm reducing infernape's attack let me survive a few more hits landing two more charms blissey would ultimately fall but with infernape now nerfed rampardos is clear to earthquake standing in furnace six feet under flint is either about to go super saiyan or needs the toilet so uh let's let's leave into that lucian has some strong pokemon but i intend to cheese my way through this fight his mr mime lead only knows two attacking moves and both of these are special fortunately i've got a special tank in the form of blissey first i use minimize three times to max my evasion meaning that lucian will struggle to hit me at all then i begin charging up echoed voice which gets more powerful with each use eventually building up enough steam to remove mr mime i thought this was hilarious lucian's meta-chan just took itself out by missing two high jump kicks what an idiot anyway the cheese keeps on giving with echoed voice taking out alakazam as well as giraffarig last is bronzong but i have run into a problem no more echoed voice pp since blissey has no other damaging moves i used charm three times to nerf bronzong before switching into infernape who finishes the fight with a few flame wheels very clean all that remained was cynthia her team is insane and there was no way i'd be able to overcome her in a straight shootout if i wanted to claim the crown i'd need a lot of luck and a lot of cheese my first few attempts were awful a combination of bad luck and poor planning had me holding multiple ls and i started to question whether this was actually possible but on this attempt there was something different in the air i need to remove spiritual quickly since i can single-handedly ruin my plan i do this by setting up sword stance with rampardos before tanking a shadow ball with my stat buffs and the soft sand held item one earthquake from rampardos takes care of spiritual rampardos has done its job so after landing a big earthquake on a gastronom i let it go down with scald i send in phonak out next and a close combat is able to finish the last of gastrodon's hp this baits cynthia into sending out milotic which is exactly what i wanted after infernape falls i send blissey out since milotic only knows special moves blissey can tank just about anything that milotic can throw i use this to my advantage setting up three minimizers so cynthia can barely hit me from here i use the new move on blissey charge beam the damage is minimal however it can raise my special attack stat and that's my real objective milo t continues to recover and a string of charge beams brings my special attack to plus 4. it's now time to start building up echoed voice in a strange twist cynthia switches into lucario but since it's a special attacker blissey is able to land two echoed voices for the ko rose rate is next but since my hp is low i use softboiled to return to full hp after this two echoed voices takes it down mylodic then returns but after cynthia uses a full restore it falls in just two turns garchomp was all that remained but surely it wouldn't be able to hit me with max evasion [Music] blissey hung on out of sheer love and one last echoed voice picks up the final ko congratulations keegan so how's your pokedex coming along um well the thing about that with that i'd beaten pokemon brilliant diamond with insane rules
Channel: Keegan J
Views: 190,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Challenge, Hardcore, Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl
Id: dnmlDHdLHOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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