Pokémon Sword Hardcore Nuzlocke - FIRE Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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the fire type is one of the most coveted types in all of pokemon with lots of great mods to pick from so today i'll be trying to beat pokemon sword with hardcore nuzlocke rules which you can pause to see on screen right now additionally i won't be allowing myself to dynomax at all making gym fights a lot more difficult the gala region has some big obstacles for dear fire types but the type is just too cool not to try so without any further ado let's get right into it and i mean right off the bat look at this sitting posture what are we trying to get back problems i feel like my daycare teacher sit up straight anyway after getting our herniated disc fixed at the hospital it's time to pick our starter and since we have the option to pick a fire type i pick one of my least favorite starters of all time score bunny and i name it flopsy and can we just take a second to address the fact that pop picks the starter that we're super effective against how does that make any sense at all either way we make our way to the wild area and it's important to know that i started this run a really long time ago the 3rd of october in fact so i've been doing this run parallel with others for a long time and this date happened to be when there was an event you could get the gen 7 starters and raid dents i honestly had no idea about this and thought it was awesome that i could find a litten for the run i end up naming it zuko and it has a really crummy minus attack nature but that intimidatability more than makes up for it and while we're in the wild area i of course pick up the leftovers which is kind of gross but it's going to be useful and i then make my way to motostoke where we can finally pick up an outfit that's straight up fire then on route 3 there are a few pokemon we can catch but i end up going with roly coley it's not a fire type yet but it will be once it evolves and i name it toff we then take on this postman in a pokemon battle which is probably why my mail is always late how's this allowed either way this is where flopsy takes a turn for the worse and evolves into raboot linton also very easily chomps its way through challenger bead and evolves into a torah cat and look i'll be the guy to say it i can't get over the fact that milo is so babyfaced he seriously looks like someone put a baby's face on a bodybuilder anyway before we take him on top evolves into a car call and it's finally time for our first gym challenge against mr baby head himself and listen i know exactly what you're thinking milo's got a team of grass types we had a team of fire types and this went pretty much exactly how you'd expect it to go i pretty much just set up a nasty plot and hit him with a few flamethrowers but that's not the important thing in this battle because i think i figured out why milo only has a five-year-old's head because who needs their head to grow up when you got a pokemon like this i mean just look at the brain on this thing el degas has got to be the dictionary definition of five head but even with such an abundance of brain cells on his team he couldn't stand up to the flamethrower it's the first gym badge guys what exactly did you expect after our searing victory we take a trip over to the isle of armor where i can find my next encounter a tour call and the thing about torque that's so handy and borderline necessary for the next gym is the fact that it has drought which sets up the sun i name it may and i move on to pot bottom desert where we can find ourselves a firestone and we're pretty much gonna be putting that thing to use right away since i capture myself at vulpix which i named saka and it has a special attack boosting nature and since we have that firestone on hand we can go ahead and evolve it right away into a nine tails big brain blasting up again but with our new and improved team it's time to take on one of the scariest gym leaders of the run the water type user nessa i start the fight with flopsy and a couple of electro balls is enough to take out goldeen at this point she sends in arakuda so i decide to swap out flopsy from may who can set up the sun and power down those water type moves by 50 now that we're not at risk of being destroyed by water type moves i swap in safely to saka and set up a nasty plot and proceed to destroy both the arakuda and the dreadnaught with a couple of energy balls so that's it boys that's how we got the second badge it's hard to tell if whooper's female or male can you do it i mean listen lady i'm no expert or anything but can't you just look down there and check if whooper has a dick anyway with that lesson in anatomy out of the way it's time we move on to the third gym where we can actually capture ourselves a sizzlip inside the gym i name it tyler and it's got the flash fire ability which is actually gonna come in handy i also take a trip back to the wild area where i go to challenge road and find myself a salandit which i capture and it actually happens to be a female salandit this means that our newly caught azula can actually evolve and so the time has come for us to pitch fire versus fire as we face off against the third gym leader kabu who leads with ninetales as i set up the sun and even still amber does absolutely nothing two earthquakes from may is enough to take out the nine tails and i gotta say it's really nice to not worry about willowisp since all we have is fire types normally the kabu fight is all about putting rost berries on your pokemon and playing around that burn but this time we can just kind of play this normally after intimidating the arcanine i decided to go for a shadow claw but it pretty much does nothing as it goes for an agility since we're pretty much not going to be able to do any damage at all here i decide to swap out into azula who doesn't take too much from a sun boosted flame wheel i fortunately then don't get flinched by bite and i can hit this thing with a poison gas but bite kind of did a lot of damage so i go ahead and swap out again into may to set up the sun the plan is to go for protect to do as much poison damage as possible then swap out once again into zuko to power it down some more with intimidate as i get hit by another flame wheel which does nothing after which we swap out into the ace up my sleeve car coal that's right my grand plan for this gym was to get arcanine as low as possible to try and take it out with an ancient power and hopefully get the boost which i unfortunately didn't get no no we of course don't have to get the boost for a rock type and we're facing off against santa scorch which is a fire and bug type quad weak to rock and the first move we get hit by is a max flutterby that does about a quarter of our health unfortunately it also lowers our special attack which means that the incoming ancient power is going to do a lot less but this time i actually get the boost which means i out speed and with the boosted attack it's enough to just take out the scent scorch sometimes the rng gods bless you now that we got the first three badges we can progress to hammerlock and pick up the wise glasses i have a friend who told me that he dresses up as a pokemon and does poker jobs but it's not me it's is a friend oh yeah a friend i'm sure the great diglett wishes for you to subscribe now that we've reached hammerlock we can use wishing pieces in this very special raid den where we can actually find ourselves a charmander it has an amazing special attack boosting nature and i go ahead and name it avatar aang and after a little bit of training to prepare for the next gym leader aang evolves first into a charmeleon and then masters airbending to evolve into charizard tiley also evolves into scentscorch and azula into selazzle who has a near-death experience in the gym but luckily we got through it and so now the team avatar is really coming together it's time to take on b and her fighting types and so i start out with a willow wisp to make sure that this hitmontop won't be doing any damage to me i set up a few workups and at this point it's pretty much game over everything just gets absolutely clapped by an air slash and i'm very glad that i didn't miss a single one of them smell you later b wouldn't want to be ya sudden big noise is no great way to get people feeling uneasy and speaking of cats zuko finally evolves into incineroar and top despite not being a magma bender evolves into a big steaming pile of coal and guys at this point i'm convinced that opal is just lady violet from downton abbey either way fire resists fairy so we're in for a treat and naturally the very first thing i do in the fight is miss click instead of clicking nasty plot i clicked venom drench and i get hit by a critical hit sludge but it's not the end of the world since we do get to answer opel's question which means we get our speed doubled and with that little mishap behind us since this wheezing can't really damage us at all i go ahead and set up as many nasty plots as possible which actually spends enough turns to get us to opel's next question which is the biggest paradox in this entire game how in the world can her favorite color be purple when she's so incessantly into pink somebody answer me this riddle either way at this point we're at plus six and our speed is already enough to out-speed every single pokemon on oppo's team so we can just pretty much steamroll our way through it not that anybody's surprised unless you're running a type that's weak to fairy this gym is pretty much a walk in the park after the gym though flopsy evolves into cinderace which is probably my least favorite starter final evo of all time i mean this is pokemon not mario playing fire football shortly after that unfortunate evolution we arrive in sirchester i hear that pokemon in pokeballs or boxers are nice and comfortable yak cause the only time we've seen one in there he didn't look unhappy at all gordianna's rock types is our next gym challenge and just look at the way this man throws out his pokemon is he an olympic gymnast i mean the guy's giving sonic a run for his money either way those theatrics aren't gonna help as barbarical get absolutely destroyed by an energy ball from saka the very first turn he then sends in his chuckle and i go for a flamethrower which does about a third as he hits me with a rock tomb to lower my speed not wanting him to go for it again i decide to go for a disable as he of course then goes for a stone edge because why would he go for rock tomb again no of course stone edge is a more powerful move and i go for another flamethrower after this thinking it'll take it out but it's left on just enough health to take me down to 30 hp so i go ahead and swap out into may this of course sets up the sunny weather and we get hit by a stone edge that does barely any damage because of that massive defense we got and we can take out the shuckle with a flamethrower next is stone joiner and since in my experience this thing always goes for wonder room and no matter what i decide to swap out into zuko to get an intimidate off as it of course goes for the wonder room and the wonder room always seems to help me out since it swapped its 20-based special defense to its defense one earthquake is all it's going to take to take it out which means all we gotta deal with now is colossal and i thought an earthquake could take it out since it's quite effective but it just barely left it alive which means that a g-max volcalith is barely going to leave us alive that was way too close but the thing is g-max vocalist does passive damage to you and it leaves me at 4 hp before i can take it out with another earthquake that was way too close but don't worry about it guys there's definitely enough time in this run for zuko to restore his honor but it's not zuko's honor you need to worry about i'm more worried about myself since i kinda wasn't thinking about it and i just let saka die during this trainer fight this is the unfortunate truth about nuzlocke sometimes the deaths are super underwhelming but with that grave loss we of course have to replace ninetales and who better than a growlithe i of course name it after the best character iro and it does have intimidate and with just one click of a firestone we've got a worthy replacement with our new team assembled it's time to take on the seventh gym leader piers and his dark types the first thing that happens is that we trade intimidates with each other which is pretty funny then it does what it always does and goes for a fake out which means that we have to wait until the next turn to go for a willow wisp so this scrappy can't do too much damage to us it then does what it does best and goes for a sand attack which means that it's time to swap out into may she's got the heat rock equipped which means that the sunshine is gonna last for eight turns instead of five and i then get hit by a brick break hoping that it's gonna go for brick break again i decide to swap out into centiscorch and that's exactly what he does the reason i decided to set up with ty lee is not just because she's a bug type but also because coil raises your accuracy this means we don't care about sand attack but unfortunately the scrafty gets two critical hit paybacks in a row which means we have to take it out the next turn with a leech life this isn't exactly ideal since i know that i need three attack boosts in order to one shot obstagoon but malamar goes down in one hit and it turns out obstagoon isn't a big deal anyway since the most it can do is a throat chop which as you can see did nothing at all finally a firefang is enough to take out the scun tank and because of all those leech labs we have enough help to survive the aftermath and that's it for badge number seven which leads us to what i consider is the worst part of any pokemon game where the champion just plays the game for us and defeats all the dynamax pokemon i mean this is the perfect opportunity for sword and shield to insert more max raids into the story where we fight alongside leon and hop but it just doesn't it's definitely a missed opportunity in my humble opinion either way after all that nonsense it's time to take on the final gym leader ryhan in a double battle and honestly this is the part of the game where things really start to go south for our team i start off with arcanine and incineroar for double intimidate and we then get hit by a breaking swipe which lowers our attack which is one of the most annoying thing that ryan keeps doing so i hit him with a willow wisp i then decided to go for a bulk up with incineroar just to set up a bit of defense since our attack is going to get dropped by breaking swipe anyway as he then sets up the rocks the next turn i go for protect so that flygon's breaking swipe only hits arcanine who we're gonna swap out anyway and i go for a willow wisp to burn the gigolith as well so that we're pretty safe from damage at this point i then go ahead and swap out a zuko into mei who gets hit by stealth rocks and then sets up the sun and this is where i start to set up for my win condition you see i've decided to ban body press in all of my sword and shield runs since my like second one and the strategy i have in mind is very much disturbed by the fact that this flygon keeps lowering my attack so i decided to take it out with a flamethrower but it actually even survives the burn this turn so i have to go for an extreme speed the next one to just take out the flygon this means that our curses are finally going to generate attack boosts and this gigalith keeps doing nothing to us the incoming santa conda is kind of a problem since it does have earth power so i'm going to be sending in pokemon that all have weaker special defense than torquehole so that it tends to go for them instead now if i were a smarter man i would have given my charizard the heavy duty boots but in this case it didn't matter too much i take half my health from the stealth rocks and then i get paralyzed aang also gets hit by a body press from gigolith which gives me a free curse on tourcol and i then of course have to switch out aang which can't be switched in again i know sandakana won't use earth power on zuko since charizard is a flying type and it ends up just going for protect and gigalith misses a rock blast giving me another free curse i then swap out of zuko into flopsy who gets hit by an earth power on the switch taking it down to three hp and then gets absolutely destroyed by a body press oh no not my least favorite pokemon the next turn it's time to do some damage so i protect with zuko who dodges a glare and then i get hit by a body press after which i launch an earthquake which absolutely destroys gigolith and does about half to santa conda this means that g-max duraladon is up next and i go ahead and swap into iro to get another intimidate on it it is kind of unfortunate that i had to decide who to sacrifice here and that it had to be arcanine because it's one of my favorite pokemon but unfortunately there was really no way around this sandaconda then hits me with a glare which could end disastrously but i hit the superpower which just barely leaves the duraladon alive i decide that scentscorch is the least useful member on my team because if i send in charizard it just goes down and i definitely need incineroar since we just lost one of my intimidators but tyler actually managed to survive the max rockfall this means the protect of course dodges the glare and we can take out both santa conda and the remaining health of duradon with another earthquake which means we got by with only two deaths i'm glad we're done with that one now that we finally have the water bike we can make our way to the lake of outrage where i find myself a flareon it's a little too high level to use at the moment but i name it katara which doesn't fit at all since it's a fire type but so is everything else and after some trials and tribulation through the snow we make our way to the capital city of winden which is where we have to take on the final cup and our very first opponent is marnie and i'm confident enough to beat this battle with zuko alone i then start setting up sword stances since i'm not afraid of the only attacking move it has snarl after that it's a clean one-hit ko sweep of every single pokemon she has except for her grin snarl which just barely survives a leech life which means that i'm gonna have to eat the incoming max starfall but since i resist it with fire it only does about half damage after which marty heals up with a full restore but since we're faster than the grimm snarl we get to use two moves in succession and two drain punches is enough to take it out and beat our first opponent in the champions cup our second opponent is then of course hop but i haven't included him at all in this video since we pretty much beat the pants off of him every single time after which we really have no reason to be suspicious of rose at this point in the story but we investigate him anyway and the only thing that tips us off that these guys are bad guys is the fact that oleana goes absolutely bananas the first turn i start off the fight by outspeeding this frost class and taking it out with a flamethrower and this really only accelerates the time until we have to face the real threat mylodic so i go ahead and swap out of azulla into her trusty friend mei who can set up the sun which means that the incoming surf from the mylodic is going to do half damage the mylodic's seeing that it can't do too much damage with a serp goes for an awkward as i go for a solar beam which does about 40 percent damage seeing as i'm not doing enough damage here i decide to swap out into aang as the milotic goes for a safeguard and since charizard is a much more powerful special attacker than tourco and only takes one more solar beam to take out the milotic salazzle is next and outspeeds with the venashock as we go for an earthquake to take it out and then a flamethrower to knock out the serena finally we have to deal with the garbage pokemon which i actually like a lot more than the galerion starters but i swap out into toff as a gigantomax's on the switch toff gets hit by the g-max rockfall which does about 60 damage the next turn i then go for protect to dodge as much damage as possible and i actually managed to survive the quad effect of max quake not wanting to risk it going for max rock pulse and some at such low health that either would do the trick i unfortunately have to sack off top here even though it would have been great to switch in charizard on a max quake i then decided to swap in may just to get the sun up instead of the sandstorm as garboda then turns into regular size it hits me with a gunk shot but with our massive defense mae actually managed to survive and i hit it with a flamethrower since i don't want to hit it on the special side to activate weak armor we then beautifully switch in charizard against a stomping tantrum and can take it out with an earthquake and now that we've defeated olianna we can go back to our regularly scheduled champions cup well kinda we first have to deal with interrupter beed he starts out with mawwal so i start with zuko and we do the intimidate stare down i then go ahead and swap into may just to set up the sun and swap right back out into zuko now that we got two intimidates on this thing it's time to swap out into azula i end up having to take a play ruff that does barely any damage after which we can start setting up our nasty plots after that all we have to do is click flamethrower and sludge waves same we did versus opal and bead as toast but honestly being done with bead isn't exactly as awesome as it seems because now we have to go up against nessa and her water types once again but this time i've come with a plan it's a much more involved plan but we can start off by just taking out galicipod in one hit with an air slash then comes parascuda which is super fast and can do tons of damage with liquidation so i send in may to set up the sun with the sun up drill run is the most powerful move so i swap back into aang who dodges it beautifully once again charizard then gets hit by a liquidation and even in the sun it does almost half damage but solar beam does the trick versus both barra scooter and sea king nessa's next pokemon is peliper which of course has the drizzle ability which is gonna set up the rain so we're gonna have to swap out right back into may again to set up our own weather after that anticipating the pelipper to go for a tailwind i swap out into azula and that's exactly what the pelipper does the next turn i know it's gonna out speed and go for an air slash and i'm just hoping i'm praying not to get flinched so that i can disable it which means that it can't use air slash versus incineroar insin then of course gets hit by a water pulse on the switch in and on the next turn we go ahead and tank another one and set up a sword stance i would have liked to set up more with sword stance but since the tailwind peter's out we have to take out the pelipper so that we can out speed the dreadnaugh not sure if it's gonna take it out i go for an earthquake and it leaves the dreadnought in the red unfortunately my perfectly forged plan fell ever so slightly short and hold on a second did we just survive that that's right because of the sun we set up with may we actually managed to survive the gmax stone surge and take out the dreadnought with an earthquake which means we got through nessa with no casualties which means the b's up next but we just pretty much rinse and repeat exactly what we did versus her in the first gym battle and it's an easy victory and so let's instead turn our attention to the final battle in the champions cup versus ryhan and his dragon types or really more like his weather types but either way i decide to set up a couple of sword stances as this torque hole goes for yawn but it doesn't know that i of course have the chest obery to heal off that sleep as soon as we're afflicted not wanting to be yawned again i take out the torquel as plus four and set up to plus six versus the goodra as it sets up raindance i then take it out with a dragon claw and a tertinator with an earthquake lygon is next but it of course sets up the sandstorm at first so i'm free to take it out with a single dragon claw and since rook plus six duraladon goes down to one earthquake and that's it for rhihan you don't have to take on the evil rose but since he has all steel types it goes something like this and so the time has come to face the final challenge versus champion leon the champ starts out with ages slash as i decide to start out with azula the very first turn i set up a nasty plot which is going to be super important as the aegislash decides to go for a shadow ball which almost takes me out it also lowers my special defense but where we're going we don't need special defense after taking out the aegislash for the flamethrower we have to go up against haxuris which is dangerous since it has earthquake and stab outrage fortunately oneplus 2 sludge wave is enough to do it and out comes intellion this is of course going to be another time for may to shine and set up the sun as the intelion of course goes for a snipe shot which does an incredible amount of damage for being in the sun the next turn maze unfortunately gonna have to go down to a snipe shot but she's served her purpose and set up the sun so that charizard can come in and finish the job the intelion then goes for a tearful look to lower our attack and special attack as we hit it with a solar beam which isn't quite enough because of that tearful look it then goes for a tearful look again and another solar beam is enough to finish off the intelion which is a huge threat that we don't have to worry about anymore but after intellion comes dragapult which is another huge threat to contend with so i go ahead and swap out into ty lee who's gonna do some damage first i get hit by a thunderbolt that does about 25 and thinking he's gonna abuse the sun leon uses flamethrower which just boosts my fire type moves with flash fire he then goes for shadow ball which does quite a lot of damage but a second crunch is enough to take out the drago pulse after that a flash fire and sun boosted stab firefang is enough to take out the mr rhyme finally we only have to deal with leon's charizard but this thing is way more of a threat than you might think if it sets up even one boost with its max airstream it's over so we have to let kylie go down here to a max rockfall it is unfortunate that it sets up the sandstorm since i do have the focus sash on katara so the next turn when we get hit by our max rockfall we actually managed to survive but we would have anyway with that sash we can lower the speed with a scary face and then go down to sandstorm with only one dynomax turn left i send an ang and go for an air slash but i don't even think the dynamax pokemon can flinch and a max rockfall takes us out securing the fact that it's not going to go for an airstream this of course means that charizard has burned every single one of its gigantomax turns and i can go for a sludge wave which puts it down to a point where i'm thinking it's going to go for a full restore the next turn as it takes out azula this means it's down to our last pokemon zuko vs leon's last charizard i then clicked swords dance thinking that it was gonna go for a full restore but i get punished and it goes for an ancient power but it doesn't take me out and the next turn a darkest lariat is enough to seal the deal that's right with only one pokemon left zuko truly redeemed his honor by helping me beat a pokemon sword hardcore nuzlocke using only fire types yeah it seems like getting through sword and shield nuzlockes with nine deaths is how i tend to do it but overall i had a super great time playing through this game with one of my all-time favorite types the fire type and if you agree and got all the way to this point in the video and maybe you can help me out and leave a like and if you're not subscribed yet just what are you doing you may also want to consider following me on twitch since in january i got some big streaming plans but other than that remember to leave your suggestions down in the comments below because i'd love to hear your ideas what we should do for the last challenge of the year so until we see each other next time have a good one
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 1,271,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TAoUo99LsKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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