Pokémon Legends: Arceus Hardcore Nuzlocke - Normal Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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the normal type is just that plane but it is the type of my overall favorite pokemon dunsparce it's the best and aside from dunsparce there's lots of great normal types and i'd love to hear your favorite down in the comments below and luckily pokemon legends arceus is a great selection lots of which are some of the new ones so how exactly do i hardcore nuzlocke legends simple any pokemon that faints is boxed forever no items can be used in battle and my level limit is the highest level fight in each area i'm also only allowed to capture one pokemon from each normal type evolution line so join me as i attempt to beat a pokemon legend's arceus hardcore nuzlocke using only normal types and fortunately our journey gives us access to two normal types right away being the fabled b doof and its neighbor starly i swear that if nintendo makes me wear this hat one more time they'll regret that they made the switch such a throwable console anyway meet lima and london they're very cute and the cuteness doesn't stop there because i very quickly found myself an eevee and just like that we find ourselves in the first battle of the challenge and the battle system in this game is actually very different from the main series and can be quite unforgiving and even in the early games since the pokemon have pretty inflated stats for being such low level can be very hard however a couple of tackles from the legendary b doof and we've dealt with akari wait a second maya's a munchlax i need you not only is the munchlax the source of my jealousy but it's also the source of mai's power and since starly gets absolutely one shot by a rollout from this thing it's not an option and just when evie gets to the amount of hp where i have to swap out i see that using quick attack lets me use two moves in a row so i use one quick attack and then swap out using the speed based turn system to your advantage is pretty much the only viable strategy to get through this game i think this makes the speed stat even more overpowered than it is in the regular games but we managed to get through this fight with both of our mons in the red pressing on i find myself an antlery boy and a welcome addition to the team stantler that's right next up is alpha krikatun and we do have the starly to deal with this thing but unfortunately it always goes for a move first so i opt to go for oslo first to get in a tackle before i have to switch out since it gets really low but unfortunately starley takes a huge amount of damage on switching i do a bit of messing around with the different styles and see that using agile style gust lets me move again right afterwards which means that aerial ace is enough to take it out and we don't have to lose any pokemon you know a game-free glax and hat style they really make up for in antlers adam and erica bickering all the time is so annoying we get it just kiss already at level 14 our first pokemon to evolve is lima into staravia hey i didn't know they put schlatt in this game moving on our missions to quell the frenzied clever and on my way i managed to pick up a baniri i then have a quick run in with leon who's never seen a swedish person before so he challenges us to a battle with his pathetic goomy that gets absolutely destroyed in two tackles but i'm really less worried about him and more worried about iridus glacion once aboard my antlery vehicle of choice i have my eyes set on a munchlax because of the fact that i have to face this glacion that could potentially tear through my team my plan is to try and get myself a snorlax and trust me grinding friendship in this game is not a great time you just have to break rock after rock after rock and slap the ever living heck out of those berry trees until you finally get the right to evolve but the sweet reward is certainly worth it now that we have the chunkiest boy and even a b-barrel to boot and all this just to make this fight against glaceon as smooth as possible because of snorlax's god tier special defense swift barely does any damage so a couple of rock smashes is enough and it gets us through the very first area well i say that but we do of course have to deal with the frenzied cleaver however against the frenzy fights you don't actually ever have to send your pokemon in and it would be very very stupid since they're pretty strong and i don't want to lose any but before we leave the obsidian field lines i decided to go to the oarberg tunnel to try and get myself a happiness ah what a beautiful morning where to professor lavinton hold on a second we're going to the swamp i didn't sign up for this what the anyway our stay in the swamp offers us a chance at a lot of new normal types and since i pretty much immediately found myself in a space-time distortion where you can find the rare porygon i was pretty excited but turns out i didn't find a single porygon on the plus side i did find a dubious disc but the whole experience was pretty disappointing and with a grand leap of faith we make it to the other side okay just barely just we just gotta go walk up the show okay yep help i i'm drowning yep after drying off and seeing a therapist i find myself a lick a tongue and right as i catch it a new space-time distortion formed and so after biding my time during this second space-time distortion i get the over 80 chance to find a porygon i even managed to capture it and find myself an upgrade for my troubles which means that not only can we get a porygon 2 right after catching this thing since we also have the dubious disc i get myself a porygon z at this point the story takes us to the salacion ruins known for the unknown and here we have to face our next opponent volo he starts the fight with his togepi so i go ahead and send in our newest member of the team zagreb the porygon z who immediately blasts this thing out of existence with a stabbed tri attack meaning we have to face gibbel who moves first and hits with an agile style bulldoze this actually lets gibble move again and hits us down to pretty low hp so i decided to swap out of zagreb into washington the lucky tongue and after tanking a twister a quad effective ice ball is enough to end the fight this means we gotta go and retrieve this lost wall fragment from the three least likeable characters in all of pokemon these guys show up way too often and they're never welcome but the first one we have to take on is coin and her toxic croak which could be a big problem for our normal types or rather it would be a problem if oslo wasn't a speed demon that could size shield bash this thing out of existence faster than i can finish this sentence and with the wall fragment restored calaba asks us to help ursuluna i'll admit i didn't expect anybody else to truly care for ursa luna what do you mean it's a normal type of course i care and speaking of the bear i managed to capture myself a teddy ursa but it's got a horrible nature with minus speed i'd also at this point got my hands on an oval stone which means we can evolve sofia into a chansey and thus we have to face our first real dangerous fight of the run ursuluna i start off with a water pulse but a slash does way too much damage to london so i have to swap out into wellington a babydoll eyes lowers welly's attack but i retaliate the next turn with an ice ball which does pretty minimal damage i then manage to dodge the slash but i miss my next ice ball so i get hit by the slash anyway i decide to risk the crit and go for another ice ball but it doesn't do as much damage as i wanted and even though it misses the slash i decide to swap out a welly into zagreb it turns out the pz actually gets to move first when it comes out so a dry attack is enough to just finish the fight i then decide to use the ursulina ride pokemon to look for a peat block in the bog this is the only way we're going to be able to evolve ursa ring later on into an ursulina of our own but this took way too long i spent probably two hours of my life getting dud after dud after dud until we finally managed to get the pete block okay why does this one line up exactly perfectly to make it look like liquor tongue is crying i mean lick a tongue should be crying it's an abomination but it's still funny then after gathering some more materials i realized that my chansey can finally evolve into a blissey which takes us to liligant the easiest of the frenzy pokemon which once again i handle without having to send in a single pokemon and just before heading to the beach i evolved beneary into a low penny you may be on the team but you're not part of the family onwards to the cobalt coastlands and hey the layout's back so any questions before you get started listen i know this is for the mississippi centerfold but do i have to wear a bikini yes once here in the coastlands we get introduced to something this game likes to do a lot and that's battles where you face multiple opponents and this time it's irident or glacion and eevee which are very fast but we do end up doing a lot of damage with iron head before taking an ice beam a second iron head does the trick and the low level eevee doesn't stand a chance now that i'm free to explore the beach i immediately set eyes on a glam yao and capture it we then meet paulina and girl why are your knees so scuffed up i then also happen to encounter an ambipom but being at level 39 we're not going to be using this guy anytime soon iscan the hairless and fearless asks us to capture a dust globs so i then make my way up hold on okay i guess we can't just give me a minute as i drown in this knee-high water as i was saying we catch a dust glop switch like ew not a normal type iscan you're supposed to be the fearless what's go oh it's just the hairless and while he may be afraid of dusk lops he's not afraid of love but seriously guys you met me five minutes ago like maybe don't share your illegal secrets it's no secret however that the misfortunes are really annoying for stealing growlithe so of course it falls to me to scale a volcano and after doing a bit of grinding teddy ursa can finally evolve but not only can we evolve this thing into an ursa ring since we did all that grinding to get a peat block we can go through the tedious process of grinding out nights until it's a full moon at which point we can finally evolve into an ursa luna and trust me guys i have no prior experience using this thing but it is an absolute monster and while i was doing preparations i decided it was time to evolve stantler to do which you have to use scishield bash in agile style 20 times but as soon as that's done we can evolve it into the best boy the antler boy star ravi also evolves into star raptor and look at this team it's stacked which is gonna be absolutely necessary since at this point we have to take on the misfortune gauntlet facing all three sisters in succession with no breaks i start the fight by using an agile style psyshield bash to boost my defense against the obama snow that hits me with an energy ball i then managed to connect with an iron tail taking out the obama snow which means we face coin and her toxic croak since oslo was faster last time i'm not particularly worried about it and i take it out with a strong style scishield bash this leaves only the eldest of the sisters charm who starts out with a rhydon with no choice in the matter i again start with oslo and go for an agile style scishield bash this gives me a bit of extra survivability as i get hit by a bulldoze but the next turn i miss my scishield bash not only that my defense returns to normal as an agile cell bulldoze hits me pretty hard and it gets to move again to take me down into the red obviously at this point i have to swap out going into zagreb who gets to move first and takes out the ride on with an icy wind this means we have to face charm's strongest pokemon gengar who immediately puts zagreb to sleep so i decide to swap out into wellington with snorlax's massive special defense tanking a few venoshocks isn't a problem whatsoever and a couple of fire punches does the trick i'm pretty happy we got through that one without any casualties tiny then decides to blast these fools into oblivion evolving into an arcanine that's one point for the good guys oh my bad scratch that that's one for the bad guys quelling the frenzy is of course a problem we don't have to face with our pokemon which i'm pretty relieved about my final order of business on the beach is capturing a chat we then meet mellie who's probably the rudest guy in all of pokemon like you don't get to be this rude if smelly melly is that accessible an insult anyway professor brown sends us off to the coronet highlands but first we have to face adamant in battle and similar to irida he's got a leafeon and evie which is a problem for him because we've got star raptor we then meet ingo who used to be a boss on the black and white battle subway and this guy loves to make train puns and speaking from experience as a guy who's worked as a tram conductor some people are way too into trains i like trains while in the highlands we learned that mellie has removed all the torches in the cave to have us killed by alpha crobat so of course we confront him about this and he faces us with his scun tank however this time we've got ursuluna and remember how i told you this thing is a monster we just get to use bulldoze twice and absolutely steamroll this thing but that's not all after hearing ingo spout more of his train lingo it's time to face him in one of the most scary battles in the game this is one of the more absurd difficulty spikes in the game as his glyce score is super fast but he starts out with his machoke and i go for lima hitting this thing immediately with an aerial ace which doesn't quite take it out but it uses double edge and takes itself out with recoil in comes tangela and not wanting to be hit by a potential ancient power i decide to swap out into monaco seeing that i actually get a free move here i decide to go for the ice punch and i end up getting the frost bite which lowers its special attack by half then getting hit by a stun spore i see this is the perfect opportunity to swap out into snorlax my best bet against glyscor is definitely going to be snorlax who's been an absolute boss this entire run and after tangela goes down to the frostbite wellington actually gets to move first and almost one shots the glass score as it then proceeds to go for two moves after which i could just take it out so that really wasn't as bad as i was expecting you know i may never get used to sneezler's design but being carried on this thing's back in a basket is the funniest thing in the entire game before i can take on the frenzy pokemon mellie decides he hasn't had enough of losing and challenges me again but this time with three pokemon instead of one and on top of that i accidentally lead with oslo instead of seoul and an immediate night slash that almost takes me out means i have to switch out right away fortunately school rupee decides to not move and the zubat misses a hypnosis which means we only have to eat a night slash using my agile style bulldoze means i get to move again before skunk tank and the other pokemon just decide to not move so i can freely take it out i then proceed to exterminate them which means we've defeated mellie once and for all i didn't lose you may have won but there's a difference yeah you keep telling yourself that loser our next frenzy challenge is electrode and this thing takes a long time to just run around and try and throw bombs but eventually we gain its trust too mellie then has an absolute meltdown i arrive right on schedule dude one more train pun and i will go off the rails on your ass does anyone else playing this game really want to try potato mochi like we don't have that in sweden i mean just look at this team we got weird here ursuluna porygon z snorlax liquor tongue is here and we don't talk about low pony i mean who wouldn't want to join this chill sesh oh and admittedly i had no idea that you could just involve licolicky if you had rollout on it oops ew i also evolved glamio and dipper ugly before making the biggest fatal mistake of the run i teleport to the front gate to get some of my pokemon in order to do some grinding but that puts me immediately into a battle with akari and this battle really shouldn't be difficult in the slightest except for the fact that i have all my best pokemon boxed so she leads with mr mime as i send in washington she outspeeds being four levels higher than me hits me with a side kick so i have to swap out to sophia who can hopefully tank these hits a bit better on the switch mr mime goes for a car mind boosting its attack and defense stats but i get to retaliate with a shadow ball that does more than half damage mr mime then makes me drowsy with hypnosis and i can't move the next turn so it hits me with an agile style psychic to do about a quarter of damage another psychic puts me below half but i can't risk switching into anything and a shadow ball actually connects and takes out the mr mime and unfortunately since the star ravia gets to move as soon as it comes in this means the end of sophia and our deathless streak fortunately ambipom who i never even had time to give a nickname because it's his first fight can take it out with a thunder punch and in comes pikachu iron tail does massive damage as i hit it with an agile style quick attack which lets me move again and i thought strong style would take it out but it lives on just a sliver and takes out ambipom 2. this does mean that oslo is going to get to move as soon as it comes in and can take out the pikachu with bulldoze to end this massacre but that was definitely not a great fight for us and putting our first great loss behind us we make our way to the alabaster iceland here i immediately make a beeline for the place where i can find myself hissuian zorowa you're so precious i also managed to catch a rufflet but since it loses its normal type when it evolves into a suey and braviary it's gonna be pretty useless and so after just a bit of grinding my favorite pokemon from the newest games evolves into hissui and zoroark and we're then introduced to garrick who definitely looks like one of those guys who runs in only shorts during winter and to move on we of course have to beat him in a battle so i send in monaco who immediately gets missed by an icicle crash ross last then hits me with a powder snow that gives me frostbite but luckily i'm a physical attacker and can take out that frost last with a fire punch glayly then actually hits its powerful icicle crash which does way more damage than i expected so i decided to swap out into wellington and welly being a massive glutton can eat icicles for days hit back with a fire punch that burns the glaly which means that this ice shard does barely any damage then after one more round of icicles we can take him out with a final fire punch beating garrick which means we have to move on to snowpoint temple and here we've got another really tough opponent to take on in this game she's got ryperior electavire and magmortar to face us with i figured that my best and possibly only shot at this is using ursa luna and i hit the riparian with a powerful high horsepower it then hits back with a high horsepower of its own that does about a quarter of my health a thunder wave does nothing of course but because of agile style i get hit again down to low health and can take it out with another high horsepower i then expect to get koed by a flamethrower since soul has done its job but it actually just goes for poison gas which means i can take out the mag mortar the next turn this right here pretty much guarantees my win since electavir seemingly can't hit me with any moves so i just slap it with a headlong rush for the victory but dumb as i am i didn't heal or take ursulina out of the lead against braviary so it could just take me out but it goes for roost with full hp it is by some insane stroke of luck that ursuline is still alive but we switch to washington who tanks a brave bird who can then retaliate with a double edge not wanting to miss and get ko'd here i swap out into tokyo and zorowark actually gets to move right away so a strong style bitter malice ends the braviary we then take flight towards our next objective yo eternal ice that sounds like an edgy high school band and our next objective is to quell the frenzied avalog and seeing as this is one of the easiest frenzy fights in the entire game it doesn't give me much trouble at all for your epic antics you are banished excuse me what akari i know you never liked me but play it down a little bit and so miss univer wanders the land a lonely but stylish outcast if only there were a way to feel better about this utter tragedy we should fight some alphas that's right to gain the favor of the lake trio we have to take on three alphas and first is goudra who i didn't expect to outspeed and almost take me out with a hydro pump but an agile style headlong rush lets us move again and take it out with another one second of his or work so naturally i send in welly immediately the zoroark hits us with a snarl but because of that big special defense it's not a big deal and i hit it with an agile style crunch but my efforts to try and stop this thing from hitting me twice go totally unrewarded as i get hit by snarl i then try a strong style crunch to see if i can take it out but it just barely survives and sets up a nasty plot and since i went for strong style it gets a second move but by using agile style it even gets a third and takes me down to just 43 hp luckily at this point we actually get to make a move and snorlax sticks around on the team taking out the zoroark leaving only over quill and i expect it to be faster than this thing so we once again get slapped with a powerful aqua tail that doesn't quite take us out and a strong style headlong rush does the trick and defeating these three means we obtain the ridiculous red chain lucario please spare my normal types we've almost made our way to the peak of mount coronet and upon us are some of the most difficult battles that this game has to offer first of all benny because as much as we all like to hate on sneezler it's definitely a threat in this game benny starts with mismatches as i go into welly who gets hit by a power gem for basically no damage at all as i freely take it out with a crunch short term this is great but long term not so excellent says sneezler gets to move twice and take us out with a close combat which means the end of wellington fortunately though sneezer's quad weak to psychic so we can scishield bash its face in predictably since benny looks like wally his next pokemon is gardevoir that hits us with a dazzling gleam but since we got that defense boost we basically take no damage and take it out with an iron tail gallade starts out strong with a sword stance which is incredibly scary as i put it to sleep with hypnosis gallade's then too drowsy to move so a sideshield bash does massive damage as it boosts our defenses back benny then goes for a max potion as a bash takes it down to low health again and a drain punch gets him back to about half health as we can take it out with another scishield bash it didn't turn out so well for welly but at least we got the value out of that snorlax we now ascend towards the summit but first we have to take on commander commodore himself and this guy honestly has a pretty scary team starting out with isui and braviary i lead with licky licky losing our best special tanks in blissey and snorlax is definitely a detriment since this air slash hits us hard we do manage to make up for our lack of special defenders by getting frostbite and another ice punch seals the deal once again taking something out against trainers who have multiple pokemon in this game is a double-edged sword since you're probably gonna be on the receiving end of something like a giga impact on the flip side though since snorlax took out licky licky we get to switch in monaco and just use two moves in a row and take it out with a couple of close combats and i gotta say if they included more trainers with four plus pokemon of varying types it would be very difficult to nuzzlock through this game because what ends up happening is since pokemon do so much damage in this game the pokemon that comes in just takes out whatever you had on the field kinda like my low pony i send in star raptor here and it doesn't quite take out the golem with the close combat but an agile style quick attack is enough the reason i went agile is because i don't want to give this incoming clefairy too much speed on me it does end up hitting me down to 3 hp with a psychic so i have to swap out into oslo i end up going for an agile sideshield bash to boost my defenses as it then hits me with its own agile move but it just ends up being a babydoll eyes and then it hits me with a draining kiss to get back minimal hp i then of course miss an iron tail as my defensive stats get lowered and the clefable boosts itself with a calm mind i then miss yet another move as the clefable drain and kisses me down below half hp and gets back to full thinking it's over for oslo here i go for an agile sideshield bash just to get my defenses back up so a draining kiss doesn't take me out i then miss another iron tail as my stats get restored to neutral but i get to move again and i hit it down to about 30 percent hp comodo then full restores but his stats get neutralized and because of that one iron tail is enough to take out the clefable and win us the fight i didn't expect to get to keep oslo but he's a real hero after comodo admits he was wrong for banishing us we really only have one challenge before us and that is dialga you see normally you just have to catch this thing but since we're doing normal types only i figure we gotta defeat this thing in battle and i start off by sending in lima since i know it's gonna be faster and i can hit it hard with a super effective close combat unfortunately this means that it's gonna be erased from the timeline by dialga but it's a small price to pay in order to send in seoul to take this home all i have to do is click strong style headstrong rush to guarantee my victory and that's how i beat a pokemon legend's arceus hardcore nuzlocke using only normal types i mean yeah theoretically there is one more trainer fight in the game but seeing as she's so much easier than both comodo and benny it's not even worth considering part of the nuzlocke once that fight's over there's of course the fight with palkia but much like any other frenzy fight we don't have to send in a pokemon ever so i personally consider the end of the first yagar palkia fight the final fight of the nuzlocke so let me know what you guys thought of this little experiment not liking this game is of course not like not locking a regular pokemon game and i would love to see in the comments below what you guys thought of it you actually saw every single trainer fight in the entire game in this video nuzlocking this game is actually more grinding than it is nuzlocking because there are so few trainers and you have to catch pokemon to get to the next rank to progress to the next area but that being said i had a good time and i hope you guys had a good time too and if you're not subscribed to the channel what are you doing remember to leave a like call your mother and clean your room or whatever but until we see each other next time have a good one no pacquiao what did they do to you you need help one like equals one prayer
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 375,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yVqyBcjtEQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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