Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Randomizer Nuzlocke - Water Types Only!

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randomizers are probably the most fun way to play nuzlockes the chance to catch a legendary on any route is super exciting but on the flip side there's always the looming thread of a trainer pulling out a mega with a busted ability but what if you randomize a game and then try a mono type nuzlocke lucky for you we'll be answering that question today i went with water types because there are a whole lot of them and i'll be needing all the encounters i can get i also decided to add hardcore rules to this challenge which you can see on screen now they'll also be in the description down below if you'd like to refer back to them to quickly mention some highlights of the randomization movesets are random and 50 are the same type as the pokemon trainer and wild pokemon are completely random and any of them can be legendary or mega with all that said let's see if i can beat a pokemon alpha sapphire randomized nuzlocke with only water types we open in the back of the moving truck on our way to little root town even in a randomizer some things never change since we're in the hoenn region and using water types there's really only one name i can go with archie just to note on our starter i rerolled the randomizer until i finally had a water type option and we were given crawdaunt who i think is pretty underrated let me know your favorite water type in the comments down below coral here has an impish nature which is okay but we did get adaptability which is great i didn't randomize abilities because i felt like that would take away from the monotype part of this challenge funny enough he doesn't have a water type move yet but hone claws is sure to help out after saving birch it was time to battle mae on route 103 oh no it's a bug grass type super effective against both my typings i try for a hypnosis but miss and swat lune goes for bounce this gives me the chance to boost my attack with hone claws and after taking a bit of damage a single assurance does the trick already a dangerous situation handled beautifully now that birch has given us pokeballs i can hopefully add some team members or not unbelievable that the first three routes all didn't have any water type so we get to peddleberg with just coral by our side after helping wally catch his ralts we check route 104 and pedelberg woods but this is still a solo run the team aqua grunt in the woods has a mad cargo so we can pretty easily take it out with a few hits of assurance route 104 extends past the woods and has a different encounter table on this side we finally managed to find another water type so i can add gold duck to the squad wake has a careful nature which is kinda bad but having two powerful water type moves in scald and aqua tail solves one of our problems i won't talk about every encounter i get but i'll definitely mention the ones that were important to the team before taking on the first gym i wanted to bolster my numbers a bit so on route 116 i catch my lodic who also has a careful nature coral accidentally passed the level cap before the gym so i'll just be using wake and siren for this one i also made a self-imposed rule that i have to battle every gym trainer because realistically any one of them could be stronger than the leader luckily none of the ones in this gym were too tough so let's see how roxanne goes she leads with a crocoroc which is good news for us intimidate lowers golduck's attack but a single skald gets the first kill and her ace happens to be trap inch so i guess she's a ground type leader the ant pit pokemon surprisingly survives skald but we get the burn which is massive because this thing fires off a land's wrath wake is able to tank it and then burn damage knocks trap pinch out giving us our first gym badge in rust turf tunnel we catch a relicanth with a gentle nature which is fine and then it was time to save pico the aqua grunt has proba pass which is no problem for us as mylodic eventually wears it down with whirlpools and water guns not the greatest moveset but she got the job done since we saved his precious little guy mr briny offers to take us to duford town where our next few encounters await us i picked up a carvana merrill and froakie fishing on the two routes in town along with our granite cave encounter gold duck also learns searing shot which is really gonna help with grass types i check out the new mods and notice that merrell actually has huge power and geomancy this thing is gonna be a beast now with a full team of six it was time to make my way through the second gym let's take a look at the last trainer before brawley they lead with a pan pour no big deal right wrong leaf blade rips into froakie so i decide to bring in meryl next this thing also has thunder and obviously as a water type it resists my stab so this is going to be brutal the next thunder paralyzes sea breeze and fairy wind does abysmal damage hopefully siren can tank some hits after thunder does 10 damage i use thunder wave but the chimp is unfazed as leaf blade brings us into the yellow now i whirlpool to build up residual damage and another grassy sword brings us down to 3 hp am i going to go down to a pan pour i swapped a gold duck who takes leaf blade pretty well and then the next two turns or washes as i miss crab hammers and panpour gets fully paralyzed when i finally connect it's enough to take it out and then her second pokemon is weedle who i just searing shot but wow was that scary not feeling so confident about brawley while grinding everyone to the level cap of 16 frokey evolved into frogadier and now it's time to battle brawley leads munchlax which seems pretty manageable i led siren since she has thunder wave and then the little glutton reveals takedown after a whirlpool and a defense curl from munchlax i bring wacon takedown does a decent chunk so i decided to set up aqua ring hoping for a few full paras after a defense curl and a turn of paralysis golduck is able to take out brawley's lead with a pair of skulls also i realize i forgot to put set mode on but it hasn't affected any of the battles so far brawley's ace is scoloped which glares wake so we don't get an attack off this turn me first means we'll get hit with searing shot but since we resisted i'm not worried we bring the centipede into the red and knowing brawley is going to heal i go for scald next turn we dodge a me first crab hammer and then ours isn't enough to kill this means we need to tank a u-turn before finally wrapping this battle up with one last scald after checking out some cave art with steven we ask briny for a lift over to slateport we catch up to captain stern at the museum before getting ambushed by two aqua grunts we make quick work of them and then come face to face with some pirate who has the same name as me weird weirder let's just move on my route 110 encounter is a man tyke who at the time i wasn't too excited about i'll realize a little later that as a flying type sail can put up a decent fight against grass types while battling some trainers on the route meryl evolved into a zoomer role and now we were ready to take on mei in what many people consider to be the hardest rival battle in this game and of course she leads with a rose raid i go for a turn 1 thunder wave as she decides to set up grassy terrain now i switch to wake since searing shot is really my only chance here after rose raid uses calm mind searing shot isn't even enough to take out half its health but we do get the full para i decide to pivot my strategy and use soak to take away the grass typing and replace it with water she finally reveals mega drain but since it's non-stabbed now wake is able to survive this activated his weakness policy i had bought from the randomized martin slateport but then i used searing shot completely forgetting i just changed rose raid's typing by some stroke of luck the cheerleader got paralyzed this turn and if it hadn't i'm sure that would have been the end of gold duck now i remember why i changed the type and risked it all on a switch to crawdon thankfully mei resets the terrain and then were able to ko her lead with a single thunder punch which coral learned at level 18 but her next pokemon is also a grass type gloom i can't risk golduck here so i decide to stay in and use a night slash but the weed pokemon survives in the red venoshock comes out which is much better than a grass move so after the terrain heals us one more night slash takes it out her ace is arcanine which is obviously weak to my entire team i bring in relicanth but he gets confused by flatter so for the next few turns i either hit myself or miss octazuka while being pelted with fusion flares after hitting one i'm in the red so i'm forced to switch to my lodic mei plays the flatter game again but we eventually connect a water gun to ko the fiery hound and make it out of this battle unscathed the first thing i do in mauville city is take wally on in front of the gym how did this kid get an entei eh i guess it doesn't matter watson's gym trainers were pretty easy so now it's time for the man himself and he's not playing around as he leads meluetta psychoboost doesn't do much to siren who paralyzes the dancer turn one with thunder wave now i use metal sound twice to lower mellowedo's special defense four stages as it just growls me and then gets fully paralyzed i bring a zoom roll into another growl and then use fairy win which doesn't even kill at -4 after one more attack drop in a super potion we're able to ko the lead with two more fairy wins would you look at that the electric gym leader actually has a magnemite i wasn't expecting anything too crazy so i swapped a gold duck oh volt tackle and it was a crit after surviving on 3 hp i gambled that i'll out speed the magnetic ball and take it out with a searing shot that just leaves his ace oh you gotta be kidding me electabuzz is not what i wanted to see here i swapped to siren and discharge hits for a huge chunk plus it gets the para i decide to try seabreeze next but discharge does over half of her health and paralyzes again i use huge power water shuriken since it has priority but even with a 5 spot it only does 50 percent rest in peace azumarill i decide siren will be next to hopefully hit an aquajet through paralysis and then be our next martyr but azumaril and milotic have paved the way for frogadir to come in and finish things here with a water shuriken are you kidding me i got a two hit water shuriken and now we lose a third teammate to discharge i bring in bedrock to hopefully survive one hit and finish things with a luster purge but this thing actually also has moonlight i decide this turn i have to risk the 90 accurate rock slide and after tanking a discharge relicanth is finally able to put this thing to bed are electric types just gonna plague us the whole run i pick myself up by my bootstraps and remember what i always say when i need to be cheered up wet with my mindset realigned i take on a trainer who seemed pretty easy but then she pulled this out that's right rayquaza but wait there's more after i switched into relicanth she actually managed to mega evolve it lucky me it hits a not very effective razer wind as i use slide but i really should have went for the four time super effective ice fang especially because delta stream is up i hastily clicked the move again and of course she has dragon ascent why wouldn't she at least we resist so after a rock slide and one more ascent we actually take this thing out without any deaths feeling like this team can accomplish anything now in fall arbor town the special mart actually has the sharpie knight so things are looking up let's go save professor cosmo i just had to say something didn't i rotomo is gonna be a problem gold dug can take one fusion bowl but searing shot only does half of rotom's health i also have to sack off seal to bring in relicanth but his ice fang isn't enough to kill after massacring half my team with fusion bolts the lawn mower seems to be out of electric moves so it uses fury attack and dies to coral's night slash relicanth deserved better after being the only reason i made it through watson and that rayquaza but we must press on now it's time to face shelley and dub magma grunt okay i immediately target rose raid but shelley's magmar actually uses explosion good thing it had multiple targets so the power was weakened and were able to hang on rose raid also targets maze myanchow so we can take it out with nightslash i switched to mantike against batang who takes big damage from bienshau's superpower and kills it with steel wing now i swap into wake as maze marowak finishes things with an overheat i have no shame being carried in this fight as long as the run is still alive i returned to mauville with may and realized i never went to verdun turf town so i head west on the way there i get an incredible encounter in mudkip he basically evolves right away and now we have ourselves a ground type which finally gives us an electric counter at the top of mount chimney we have an easy battle with shelly and jump into our first bout against archie he leads clefable against my marsh stomp and manages to flinch me three turns in a row with headbutts forcing me to make a switch i bring in wake who outspeeds the fairy and after its first headbutt we hit crab hammer for about fifty percent its next headbutt crits in this turn i decide to scald actually getting the burn so now headbutt isn't so scary one more scald gets the kill and swinub is next i use searing shot instead of a stab water move and pay for it by having to eat a seed flare somehow hanging on another searing shot ko's the ice pig and archie sends out his ace timber sail comes in and dodges hammer arms so i'm free to fire off an air slash we actually get a flinch so now we're able to take the fighting type down before it does any damage i make my way through jagged pass to lava ridge town where we face off against a gym trainer who has a taraki in oh yeah and i have a poliwhirl now well had a poliwhirl gold dug comes in and gets confused by sweet kiss but breaks through to hit skald for half the legendary's health after jump kick connects wake breaks through confusion again to get the win avoiding any more casualties i grind to the level cap and finally make it to flattery she leads poliwag which gives crawdant the perfect opportunity to set up i eat two muddy waters like they're nothing and now at plus two attack a thunder punch cracks the lead pokemon for a one shot next is cherum who i was hoping to out speed but unfortunately that wasn't the case and leap storm takes out coral a piece of me died along with our starter but sale will not stand for this after psychop does nothing we hit a big air slash and are one away from a kill flannery used his spore so now we're asleep which could be pretty dangerous after a psych up we finally see the leaf storm and one more would be the end of mantike i really don't have an option aside from risking it and after staying asleep cherum uses another psych up we get the wake up next turn and can take the grass type down a vengeance coral but her ace is another grass type gorgeist i'd rather lose man tike than swap golduck into a grass move so i stay in but now we get sleep powdered sail is able to live through a solar beam with 5 hp and connects air slash for around 40 percent of gorgeys i'm chancing that solar beam is the only grass move the pumpkin has so instead of losing sail i swapped to wake and i was right before getting vaporized by sunlight golduck is able to fire off a searing shot winning us the battle now i can give crawdon a proper burial in the death box before moving on to the desert where i catch a wingle and evolve it into pelipper back in petalburg city i fish up a bar boat and evolve her into wiscash and now it's time to face off against our dad norman leads buffalon and i send in wiscash who actually has an incredible moveset i chargebeam and managed to get the special attack boost i was after then tank a hypervoice now origin pulse does big damage and after a second hypervoice one more blast of watery orbs gets the kill next up is clang and as i click drill run it out speeds for a frenzy plant every time i love something it dies wake comes in on the recharge turn and hits searing shot for a little over half and then ko's the gears with another norman's last pokemon is kabuto and after we're hit with egg bomb it just takes two crab hammers to finish this one off now we get the ultimate dad bonding moment between hours and wallies so i'll forgive him for killing hydra ladies takes me and steven to help out ladios but matt and this aqua grunt proved to be no contest so i can continue on my journey right after he tells me he loves me this game is weird man on our way to the weather institute i round the team out with fion that i actually managed to catch and a rem-raid which i evolve into artillery after making quick work of shelly and her ass off it was time for yet another rival battle mae leads with a walraine white egg bomb with gull dog for a bit of damage before getting hit by skald after another turn of the same she starts using pain split so this could be a long one good thing she locks herself into ice ball since now it just takes two more explosive eggs to get our first kill okay mega aerodactyl is next i'm not sure what this thing is gonna do to me so i decide to swap into pelipper as we take a huge chunk from dragon ascent we aren't gonna get anywhere with another switch so unfortunately i use water shuriken with ripple and let her go down to another powerful dragon move from here i bring in fion who crits its first hit of water shuriken for a kill that's the power i was looking for may's last pokemon is igly buff who dies to four shurikens with the third being a crit before taking on winona's gym i'm able to catch a spiel and evolve it into celio so we're back at a full team let's see what's waiting for us in four tree gym oh primal groudon this is a nightmare sand tomb locks artillery into this battle but at least aeroblast does decent damage i completely forgot desolate land makes it so water type moves evaporate so that's a wasted turn i'm still unable to switch out so unfortunately groudon takes jet stream out with a third sand tune i bring sailing to do some damage with air slashes i also tried my luck with an acupressure and got an evasiveness boost but it didn't come into play after 3 hits of round i needed to make a swap so now it's marston's time to shine tidal is able to eat around in a sand tune to fire off thousand waves for a kill here and that wasn't even winona to deal with her i have a fun little strategy we open the battle and i see she has barboods which won't be able to hit man type with ground moves so things look good now it's time to let fate take the wheel i acupressure a whole bunch of times i honestly couldn't even tell you what my stats are but with three hp left it's time to do some killing air slash kills barboach and after not being enough to ko spoink we actually get a flinch winona heals so it takes two more to kill but now she sends in manafee flinch sale has actually gone super saiyan and dodging aquajet this stingray is unstoppable i actually feel kinda bad for winona but that was insane riding that high to lily cove city i catch a gorbis and take mae down again but her team was nothing special this time while making our way through mount pyre title evolved into swampert and i actually forgot to mention something after dealing with the first kecleon on this bridge steven gives you the mega stone that corresponds to your starter by sheer luck crawdant was randomized into mudkip slot so we already have the swampertite for title unfortunately this happiness is short-lived as we face an aqua grunt who happens to have xerneas sail gets a special attack boost from acupressure after the ferry uses focus energy dazzling gleam does less than 50 so after a surf we're looking good but now tragedy strikes as a critical hit dazzling gleam takes mantic out rest in peace sail i'll never forget that winona sweep wake comes in yet again to avenge a fallen friend and then also takes out the grunts reihorn weighed down by grief or too late to stop archie from stealing the blue orb and i'm skipping yet another battle with matt since he only had a sword likes here archie and shelley steal stern submarines so we have to break into team aqua's hideout while surfing there in lily cove i pick up a werelord which i always feel like is a huge flex to have on a team as i'm steamrolling grunts in the hideout we come across one who just might be more dangerous than the guy with xerneas mega kangaskhan destroys fion with a single double edge and now i'm genuinely nervous i bring in swampert and waste no time mega evolving him but we're only met with scary face before taking the monster down with thousand waves can i just keep a team of six please the climactic battle here is against matt but for the third time he goes down to a single move so let's just jump over to route 124 where i catch a dewate and evolve it into samarat before arriving at moss deep while battling tatan liza's gym trainer celio evolved into wall rain and we were ready to get our seventh badge they have a crowbar and a pelipper but now that golduck has bolt strike this should be easy dynamic punch connects against swampert confusing him and then crobat survives bolt strike in the red good thing i double targeted and tidal is able to break through confusion for a kill but oblivion wing from peliper brings him down to below half i also decided to play carefully and switch swampert out which paid off since golduck missed his next bolt strike our third one hits the mark and we're able to finish the twins off barely breaking a sweat before heading to seafloor cavern i managed to catch myself a mega gyarados swanna and mega slowbro now it's finally time for our last battle with archie he leads simusage against my mega slowbro so i switch to swanna after dodging absorb and grass whistle aeroblast leaves the monkey in the red it connects absorb for almost no damage and then the aqua boss's lead goes down to x scissor next up is archaeops so i switch to sashimi who dodges rock wrecker the next one connects but you can see how bulky this slowbro is as we have no trouble taking the attack and getting a kill with surf chimchar is next who also dies to a surf and then archie is only left with carvana i go back to swanno who avoids earth power and then one more x scissor is all it takes to win the battle unfortunately this battle was for nothing as archie still awakens kyogre and throws the world into chaos i go to the cave of origin to take it on and oh it's a reuniklist well we don't care about that i saved the world archie learns his lesson and now it's time for our last gym battle i decide from here on out i would only have one mega on the team at a time to make things a little more interesting so i stuck with swampert wallace leads with a scatter bug which gets blown back by mega swampert's aqua tail and then numo gets the same treatment his third pokemon is a slowpoke so i've got a leaf blade with his name on it and celosus comes in what's with all the base form pokemon a crunch and then one last leaf blade against flotul is all it takes to get our 8th gym badge and i thought wallace was supposed to be tough with that wrapped up it's on to victory road where we have a run-in with this toxic broke crab hammer doesn't affect it because of its dry skin and then it almost kills golduck with a fusion bolt anticipating another i switched to swamper but actually get jump kicked for about half my health now i mega evolve and go for precipice blades but i'm out sped and oh no explosion kills title who i'd consider my ace at this point whalelord cleans up his clink with a crab hammer but who's gonna replace swampert enter seismitoad i had caught a temple back on route 126 and deciding i needed another ground type he was my best option now the only thing standing between austin the elite four is wally his spiro gets obliterated by a diamond storm from boggs so we're off to a great start next is kecleon who survives precipice blades but because of color change its boom burst isn't stab and we take it well next turn we kill with bubble beam and trap hinge comes in horn leech gets this kill and brings us back to full health then wally shows a swano of his own aeroblast crits us and since diamond storm just isn't enough to kill i swap into wake who gets tickled by hydro pump bolt strike might be a bit overkill here but another one is needed to chao wally's last pokemon celio now that we've thoroughly crushed his dreams let's become championed i take a look at the team and decide having mega gyarados provides good resistance to ghosts and a psychic immunity so she'll be replacing wailord just a note on level cap i use rare candies between each member of the elite four to get my team on par with their ace with that said it's time for sydney he leads wailord as i send out depths i guess lochness wants her revenge for being booted from the squad spark does big damage and gets the paralysis as we eat a head charge from the whale after a full restore two more sparks get the kill and mautham goes down to the same cyther survives the electric attack and brave birds almost killing gyarados but knowing a full restore is coming i can use two more sparks to get our third kill flabebe might be small but depps doesn't have much for fairy type so i bring in samurai after charging up a skull bash the flower fairy dies to sludge wave and sydney sends out his last pokemon artillery i bounce for about a quarter of the cephalopod's health and then it connects hydrocannon which we resist on its recharge turn i sludge wave and then one more blast of purple sludge wins us our first battle let's see how phoebe goes her lead is yanmego who seems to be going for a focus punch but gyarados breaks its concentration with spark paralysis also means its speed boost is powerless as a second spark gets the kill next up is spritzy so it's back to mist play ruff doesn't do much and after surviving sludge wave phoebe heals and i take her second mon out with two aqua tails funny enough her ace dusknoir randomized to a dust clop so i switch back to depths i can't do anything but take this first shadow force and we see how little it does waterfall does over half and then the ghost fires off a hyper beam but dust clops is a lot more defensive than offensive one more waterfall gets the knockout and venomoth comes in i forgot this thing is bug poison and not poison flying so spark doesn't do much and signal beam actually almost takes us out i swapped a swano who's able to eat the next one and ko with aeroblast shellows is next so i use a second aeroblast which only does 50 and then the little snail thunder fangs us but we hang on i bring seismitoad in since thunderfang can't touch bog and finish shallows with horn leech two members down three to go glacia kicks things off with remorrade so naturally a single spark takes it out next is luxray and i'm not taking any chances so it's a swap to bog rendering vault tackle useless a crit precipice blades kills and next up is sea king i decided to swap to gold duck who gets locked into battle with magma storm but not a big deal we miss bolt strike and after hydro cannon plus magma damage wearing the yellow next turn we connect but it isn't enough to get the knockout as sea king recharges now glacia heals so i use a crab hammer to bring sea king into fusion bolt range but wake is left in the red we out speed and connect bolt strike to get the kill which also frees us from magma storm in the nick of time i bring gyarados back in against totodile and after eating a hydrocannon spark gets another kill galacio reveals her last pokemon to be genesect which is very scary rolling kick only does about a quarter to the metal bug who hits back hard with signal beam i swap to seismitoad who takes two hits from the bug type move before connecting precipice blades but it's not enough for the kill now i go to walrain on the healing turn and after tanking a signal beam herself waterspout crits to leave genesect in the yellow after one more bug type attack we're able to wrap this one up with an aqua tail i know the members so far haven't all had the strongest pokemon but we've still been getting pushed pretty hard will we say the same for drake he leads stunky who i rolling kick for about 50 and then the little skunk close combats gyarados for good damage after missing our next kick we almost died to the poison type so i'm forced to make a swap i bring in swanna to resist the attack and since stunky is at -3 defense after drake heals we kill with a single x scissor mr mime is next and i forgot it's part fairy type now so x scissors neutral the mime takes it well and then wild charges to ko typhoon i go into samarat for a sludge wave but after drake heals it doesn't even do 50 we dodge psycho boost to bring mr mime into the red then eat a light of ruin before the performer knocks itself out with recoil if you're wondering what this move is it's a 140 base power fairy attack that can only be learned by an unreleased version of floette called eternal flower i'm pretty sure it's az's pokemon from x and y anyway salk is next and i bring in seismitoad to deal with it close combat does over half to bog but i play this one smart and use horn leech to make sure i have enough hp to survive another with 14 health left we fire off a precipice blades to kill the karate master drake sends out bergmite but all he does is hit a few glaciates before dying to a searing shot and an origin pulse from golduck last is wigglytuff who uses parabolic charges to survive two crab hammers from wake before inflicting him with love i swap into my last healthy mod popsicle and after one more parabolic charge and aqua tail wins us this battle all that's left now is to take on the champion himself steven stone he leads off with a nuzleave who dodges gyarados's rolling kick and connects a pedal blizzard for super effective damage next turn a crit rolling kick ko's the nuzlocke mascot and steven brings in illumise depth doesn't want to stay in against a bug type so i go to wake to take bug buzz a critical hit searing shot leaves illumise with one hp as it's able to retaliate with a leaf storm nearly killing golduck after a full restore another searing shot into a crab hammer ko's the bug next up is dino and i switched to popsicle who takes more than i thought she would from outrage regardless i can icicle crash to kill and then the fossil connoisseur himself derose out of bastiodon surf does enough damage that the shield pokemon faints from recoil after a big head smash [Music] weasel is next and i need to get walrain out of there so i bring in samurai who eats a spatial rend after a second one crits fusion bolt gets the kill and steven reveals his last pokemon to be timpol pretty anticlimactic but one more fusion bolt wins us the battle and the nuzlocke along with it i always loved the thrill of randomizers and had a lot of fun with this challenge i think for similar runs in the future i should force opposing pokemon to be fully evolved by a certain level but you can let me know what you think in the comments if you enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like and subscribe down below so you don't miss out on the next one it really helps out thanks so much for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: CGA
Views: 108,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cga pokemon, pokemon, pokemon challenge, nintendo pokemon, pokemon alpha sapphire, nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon randomizer nuzlocke, nuzlocke pokemon, pokemon challenges, pokemon nuzlocke randomizer, water types, water types only, water nuzlocke, water type nuzlocke, alpha sapphire nuzlocke, alpha sapphire extreme randomizer, randomizer nuzlocke, monotype nuzlocke, pokemon monotype nuzlocke, pokemon commentary, can you beat pokemon, pokemon with only, pokemon but, cga
Id: xcDEYKvpGOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 51sec (1911 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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