Pokémon Shining Pearl Hardcore Nuzlocke - PSYCHIC Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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the psychic type used to be considered the most powerful type back in the first generation and since then we've been given both the steel type and the dark type to bump it down a notch our selection of psychic types in shining pearl is a mixed bag i mean on one hand we've got powerhouses like alakazam and gardevoir but then of course we have unknown i'm pretty sure the reason it has that name is because the way to make that thing a viable team member is unknown but today i aim to find out if i can beat a pokemon shining pearl hardcore nuzlocke using only psychic types and if you're unfamiliar with the rule set of a hardcore nuzlocke they will be on screen right now but for the time being let's dive right into it none of the sino-starters actually evolve into a psychic type so i go ahead and pick chimchar which will later give barry the steel type empoleon and then i head back to mom to get my ugly hat my mom turn off the tv it's time to hear about this video's sponsor you've heard about it before it's rage shadow legends that's right i've been having an absolute blast playing raid this past week there are so many bosses in this game but i think my favorite part of it much like pokemon is the characters themselves i mean just let me introduce you to these norad the spikiest of hogs get in the holiday spirit with sir nicholas i mean just take one look at those antlers or my personal favorite the hottest of champions magnar and here i thought i was uncomfortable in my own skin but speaking of bosses this december raid is introducing their craziest boss yet the hydra go up against all six heads the head of blight kill it with fire before its poison withers you away seriously this thing is more toxic than a wheezing on an all-kale diet the head of torment without a trusty veil buff it will find you and it will kill you the head of mischief will steal your buffs and share them with its other heads then there's the head of wrath hitting it enough times will triple its deadly strikes in power the head of decay will make your own healing hurt you and finally the head of suffering has a new debuff that makes you take damage when you hit it if you thought rough skin guard chomp was bad this is a whole new level of pain on top of that between now and january 28th every player will get access to the limited edition champion the esports legend and navi champion simple log in for seven days before january 28th then he's yours so click the link in the description or scan the qr code to join in on the action on pc or mobile and get access to the epic hero tarell 200k silver an experience boost an energy refill and an ancient shard so that you can summon an awesome champion as soon as you get in the game you'll find your rewards here in the inbox for the next 30 days only so i hope to see you soon in tularea okay let's cut to the chase i know some of you are wondering how this run is even possible in the first place and since beating these two trainers awards you with the tm for workup instead of hidden power the way it used to be in diamond and pearl a run with psychic types in this game isn't actually possible the reason for this is of course that abra only has the move teleport which doesn't actually do anything in trainer battles and even though i actually managed to find an abra and capture it in the very first ball before it teleported away there aren't any other psychic types for us to catch before rorke which means that we're stuck with a level 4 abra that can't level up i name it jupiter and it has a pretty good docile nature and the inner focus ability which admittedly doesn't really do anything at all for us i then have to make a pretty big decision the level cap here is 14 but if i level up average to 16 it can actually evolve into a cadabra in doing so we could actually beat rorke since we'd have an attacking move in confusion but then we'd have to violate the sacred level cap and honestly the only other option is to skip work altogether and both options aren't really in the spirit of a nuzlocke so it doesn't really matter what we pick but i ultimately decide to skip over work and add the additional rule where the run legitimately begins when a viable pokemon has a damaging move and as you can see this is about as far as we could get without using this rule so consider this the end of the run with the normal rule set and so today we're going to find out what would actually happen if it were possible for us to play a pokemon shining pearl hardcore nuzlocke using only psychic types and i'll say that from here on out it's looking pretty good since as soon as we get to flo aromatown since i've played both pokemon sword and shield and let's go pikachu on my switch we get to choose between the two mythical pokemon jarachi and mew and as you can see i obviously went with mew because when else are we gonna get to use this thing my mew which i named jupiter has a plus special attack nature which is gonna be super amazing but since we receive it at level 1 we are gonna have to do some grinding and with that we managed to get jupiter up to level 16 evolving it into a cadabra and with that it's time to take on our first real challenge of this run commander mars and commander mars has a pretty formidable team for this part of the game she starts out with a zubat as we send in pluto and i decide to employ kind of an interesting strategy here i use reflect type to become a poison and flying type so that u-turn does way less damage to me as she then switches out into her ugly it uses fake out to flinch me right away but then three rock smashes is enough to take this thing out the reflect type that i used at the beginning of the battle actually helped me out too since the pro ugly knows thief it's not actually super effective anymore we can then take care of the zubat with a rock tomb and that's it for commander mars which means we arrive in eterna city where we can get a whole slew of new encounters including a pure power meditate a shingling and mount coronet which is pretty much useless both until and when it evolves and since we also get access to the explorer kit and thus the grand underground i can find myself a ralts my friend said that team galactic took his favorite pokemon away but i don't think he's telling the truth team galactic looks so cool oh yeah don't think i'll ever be as cool as this guy before we take on the gym leader gardenia we do have to do a bit of grinding to the level cap and in doing so ralts reached level 20 which means the venus evolved into acurelia and so the time has come to face off against the second gym leader gardenia and her grass types and considering the fact that her ace grass type is also a poison type this should be pretty doable now pluto doesn't actually have any good attacking moves at this point but we do have access to both workup and baton pass which it got at level 20 which means that we can boost up to plus 4 special attack with pluto and then pass it over to jupiter to just out speed with confusion against all of gardenia's pokemon including roserade for an easy win this means we claim our second gym badge and move to the galactic tower now you listen our objectives are incredible too incredible for me to understand but but incredible oh so you're both cool and smart what a deadly combination having witnessed team galactic's genius operation first hand it's time to fight their leader jupiter and this fight starts pretty much exactly like the fight versus mars we use reflect type to mimic the typing of zubat it then locks us in the fight with a mean look and since it can't really damage us too much with a poison fang all i do is set up a few workups to make it a bit easier to take down the scun tank after that a few rock tubes is enough to take out both the zubat and this gun tank and i don't think i've ever dealt with team galactic that easily in my life after all this we get access to wayward cave where i can capture myself a bronzor which had a rash nature much like all my pokemon i realized pretty quickly that this is because both mew and curlia have synchronized pretty dang useful since most of my psychic types are special attackers but at this point in our travels we've reached veilstone city and the thing about the new games is that you can buy some pretty insane tms here and not only can mu learn every single tm in the game but a lot of the great tms like thunderbolt can be learned by most of our psychic types not to mention that we now have an infinite supply of the tm4 you know psychic we also get access to a few new areas in one of which we can catch one of my favorite pokemon giraffe rig i also had to do a bit more grinding to the level cap in order to be able to use my strategy which is going to involve venus which now has evolved into a gardevoir if you know any ladies like fishing help me reel one in listen buddy if you're asking a youtuber for dating advice all hope is already lost and speaking of ladies who probably don't fish but uh who knows next up we gotta go up against maylene and her fighting types and for this one i came up with a pretty good strategy involving a tm that i received right outside the gym which happens to be nasty plot which is pretty insane nasty plot is a move that raises your special attack by two stages so using it three times puts you at max special attack which we can pass over to gardevoir on the switch we get hit by a quad and effective drain punch and we hit it back with a plus six draining kiss for the ko then from a choke i know i can get all my health back using draining kiss so i decide to go for charm for a few turns just to burn out those last light screen turns this means in the meantime machoke is going to be able to use all its moves that lower my speed which isn't that big a deal since at base i'm slower than lucario anyway then since we have full health when lucario comes in we can actually survive a non-crit metal claw it does actually get the attack boost but since we're at plus six we take it out with a psychic and so that's gonna be it for the third badge and since we have our super powerful gardevoir that didn't even level up to 31 we can use it against wake and his water types which was a pretty easy fight all i had to do for this one is teach gardevoir both thunderbolt and grassnot for the first two pokemon we then get outsped and hit by an ice fang which does massive damage but a thunderbolt is enough to take out the float soul as well which i'm happy with since wake was pretty difficult in both my other runs hey psyduck pull my finger once again appalled at my indecency the psyduck run off and disgust and then as i make my way towards celestic town i guess neptune the chingling decided it likes me enough to evolve into a chimecho and i mean i just gotta find a way to effectively use this thing it's too funny but not only that we get mercury the bronzer to a high enough level where it evolves into a bronzong and with all that goodness added to the team it's time to face off against miss aubergine herself fantina and her ghost types an instant thunderbolt from pluto is actually straight up enough to take out the drift limb we then have to deal with gengar and knowing that this thing is going to outspeed us and likely go for confuse ray i equipped pluto with a person berry ridding it of its confusion and taking out the gengar with one stab psychic and unfortunately psychic is our most powerful move against the incoming mismatches but it got cursed bodied so after getting confused here we actually break through confusion and i go for the next best thing a thunderbolt but seeing that it barely did any damage i decided to swap out into mercury as she goes for phantom force and even though miss madges isn't famous for being a physical attacker it almost does 50 to me as i then managed to put it to sleep with a hypnosis since we now have a free sleep turn to swap into anything i go into venus but unfortunately she wakes up first turn which seems to always happen to me i get hit by a confused ray again but this time i don't have the person very but we break through and i go for a psychic which does a lot of damage but unfortunately not quite enough to take it out and the next turn we do hit ourselves in confusion this effectively puts me in a worse spot than i started in with gardevoir i hit myself in confusion again as she vanishes and i go ahead and swap out back into pluto and get hit by a phantom force which doesn't do too much i then get hit by yet another confused ray but this time i very fortunately break through the confusion and hit the mismatches for a bit over half a couple turns later i get hit by a phantom force down to just 21 hp and i end up snapping out of confusion taking out the mismatches with a psychic giving us the fifth gym badge from fantina then after once again kicking barry's unremarkable butt it's time to take on the sixth gym leader byron but before we do so i make sure to do a bit of training at iron island to get to the level cap and evolve my meditate into a meta jam now byron is an interesting one his pokemon aren't super strong but he does have two pokemon with sturdy which can be pretty annoying to deal with and so i came up with the super big brain strategy of sword stance baton pass then step on the gas the one annoying thing i will say is the bronzer goes for trick room right away it then set up sandstorm and hit me with a flash cannon and after that it goes for confuse ray so i prepared for this by giving my mew a person berry and since it outsped me because of trick room i go for baton pass after the fact switching into mars the metacham safely the bronzer then out speeds because of trick room and hits us with a confused ray which we're of course prepared for with that person berry in hand and we can take it out with a dream punch for the last two pokemon they're a little bit annoying but since dream punch heals up hp we can just pretty much freely spam it and any other move first to be able to take out the sturdy ability and then heal up to full health with a dream punch then i have to say i was pretty shaken up by having to sit through professor rowan's college stories i'm feeling wobbly dude what are you doing drinking at the library in the first place yeah drinking that many capri suns which is what i was talking about the whole time susan this part of the game just reminds me that i have several months of swedish winter to go i love how my girl has so much vivacity and charm yeah all right way to show off with your big words mr vocabulary i happen to know some too how about show off [ __ ] anyway at this point in the game it's time to take on candace and her ice types and in both the runs we've done in this game so far this has been by far the most difficult gem fight and i know that there's been a lot of mew usage so far but this time i went for a bit of a different strategy and started setting up calm mines with my meta-champ much like in the last fight it doesn't matter too much that we get hit by avalanche from this thing because we can just heal up the full by taking it out with a drain punch next up we got sneezel which has a barrier to weaken our hit but since it's both quad effective stab and we've got pure power it's a clean knockout then we got the reason why we set up all those combines we take out the metachan with a psychic and finally we can take out the obama snow with a final drain punch and that is it for candace and i gotta say it feels good to get through this fight without any casualties for once sheesh but now that we've done that it's time to take care of the bowl cut freaks once and for all i'm a team galactic member but i don't even have a pokemon i'm the gruntiest of grunts yeah buddy but don't let that get you down because you're so cool and really smart remember i cooperated with team galactic but this experiment has gone too far i can't say anything in our defense but that thing we made what is it going to be used for wait what exactly did oh my goodness i knew team galactic had to be stopped and so to be able to complete my plans to take out this evil organization i contacted my friend andrew to be able to trade cadabra and evolve it into the ultimate alakazam i also realized that now that i have the 7th gym badge i can find myself a wild mr mime which i capture and name uranus and with all the planets starting to align it's time to take on the big bad boss of pineapple on pizza himself cyrus he starts out with his haunch crow as i go for venus and the very first turn i get a lucky quick claw proc and take it out in one hit with a dazzling gleam and that thing can be hugely problematic critting through your entire team but next up is crowbat so i decide to swap out into my bronzong on the switch the crowback goes for tailwind so we could have easily just taken it out with a psychic but next it hits us with a u-turn as we go for a hypnosis on the switch putting the gyarados to sleep this ends up being immensely important since gyarados is a huge threat to our team with crunch making use of the sleep i decide to swap out into uranus to try and go for the thunderbolt but of course the gyarados has a berry to weaken the damage and so the gyarados only takes about a third of damage but the tailwind then peters out and we're actually faster than the gyarados with mr mime and take it out with another thunderbolt this means that crowbat is up next and i just think it's kind of funny that quickclock can proc before you switch but we go ahead and swap back into bronzong as it goes for a tailwind once again then we pretty much go through the exact same turn of events as a u-turns out into weavile and we put it to sleep with another hypnosis this means that we're free to swap out into mars and since this rebound doesn't actually have a dark move we're incredibly safe here and much like with candace's sneasel this thing has paper-thin defenses so even though it has a berry to resist our damage we can take it out with a single drain punch finally cyrus's last pokemon is a crobat which hits us with an air cutter which does about 45 non-crit this means that even though we can take it out with another psychic i decide to swap out to not risk being taken out by a crit but immediately as i switch out into bronzong i realize that i don't actually have any attacking moves on this thing for whatever reason so i put it to sleep with a hypnosis and then decide to swap out into alakazam and the next turn we get lucky it doesn't get the quick claw proc and we can out speed and just finish it off with a psychic and that's gonna be it for cyrus and the rest of team galactic yo guys i hate that i have to be the one to make this observation but palqio looks like a dick damn anyway oh hello you're quite the nifty trainer my husband's a sailor and he's off working somewhere far away all that waiting every day gets very boring though listen lady you stay away from my palkia now that we've arrived in sunnyshore city it's time to take on the 8th gem vs vulchner and his electric types and i made a decision that from here on out since we don't have any deaths in this run we're gonna have to risk it to get the biscuit you'll see what i mean the very first turn we get hit by a volt switch from raichu so i decided to go for a psychic against the ambipom which leaves it in the red so volter goes for a full restore which gives me a perfect opportunity to set up a sword stance the next turn ambipom does massive damage with a double hit as we baton pass out into one of my favorite pokemon of all time giraffe rig our beloved giraffe then actually managed to dodge a double hit as we go for an agility and the next turn we can out speed and almost take out the ambipom with an earthquake a weak non-stab thunderbolt does barely any damage as we then take it out with a second earthquake next up it's raichu which gets absolutely obliterated even through that berry and it seems we don't have the power to actually take out artillery but it goes for focus energy so we're just free to take it out the next turn after that we just out speed the lux ray and i don't know about you guys but i've never seen a giraffe rig sweep in any nuds lock ever so this one's for the history books guys it's also gotta be said that anytime you defeat a swimmer they commit some kind of weird swimmer sepaku with their goggles it's pretty funny and as i was going through victory road the final gauntlet before the elite four i actually run into a shiny machoke which is a dang shame since we're not gonna be able to use it at all this run but speaking of the elite four we've managed to get here deathless and i intend to try and keep it that way as we take on the first member aaron and his bug types naturally i start out with pluto here and i decided to give pluto more of a supportive role during the elite four kind of the way it's been the whole playthrough and as you can see in this super sped up footage of me trying to get as many boosts as possible as we waste light screen turns i'm actually trying to get poisoned on mew here i know i had the pecha berry to heal it off but that's just to make dustox waste two turns going for toxic this means that as soon as we actually have as many boosts as we want we can go for baton pass with a zero percent chance that this dust dox is going to poison us on the switch into alakazam unfortunately my turn count here was one turn wrong so it does go for light screen as we take it out with a psychic and i thought this might be an issue but we actually managed to take out the beautifly the vespa quinn and the hair cross in one hit despite this i thought the drapeon might live but it turns out the plus six alakazam with wise glasses does the trick even through light screen which means that we can move on to the second of the elite four members bertha and her ground types leading with quagsire as we once again start out with pluto and much like dust docks bertha's quagsire also has toxic so i decided to go for an amnesia right away so that it's more likely to go for earthquake instead of surf against us for more damage now this time we're also setting up the plus six with nasty plot and i didn't put a pecha berry on mew this time because we really want to get toxic so that we don't get poisoned on the switch out into chimecho this is also why we want it to go for earthquake here because we pretty much just get a free switch in against earthquake on levitate and that's right i managed to do it i managed to sweep through an entire elite four members team using only a chime echo and despite the fact that chimecho flawlessly destroyed bertha it's actually going to be a super clutch team member for the rest of the elite four i know you don't have to check your ears you actually heard right chimecho's about to put in some work but before we can get to any of that we have to face off against the fiery clown himself flint despite the fact that flint calls himself a fire trainer and thus lives in clown world he actually does outspeed pluto here and puts it to sleep but i do have the chesto berry to wake us up and go for a surf which actually manages to take it out because of a lucky crit lint's next fire type is stelix and we can just take this thing out with a single surf no problem next up is lopunny and expecting this thing to go from mirror coat i decide to set up a few nasty plots it ends up hitting me with a few fire punches but since low punty isn't very strong and i've got goated defenses i can just wait it out and take it out with a single surf at plus six then we've got drifblim and it's at this point i decided baton pass out into venus the driftblim then misses its inconsequential willow wisp as we destroy it with a thunderbolt this means we only have to deal with flint's final pokemon an actual fire type infernape after getting hit hard by a fire punch i put it to sleep with hypnosis and the next turn it of course stays asleep and i take it down to his focus sash with psychic and the way we're gonna win here is a lot of cheese the ai has already used up its focus sash and it's gonna go for a full restore which means that we can just one hit ko it with another psychic and with that we've defeated the third of the four elites which means that we're left with only lucian and his psychic types but i'm feeling pretty confident about the psychic type mirror match as lucian starts out with mr mime i send out pluto and this time we're gonna let mercury do some work knowing that he's gonna go for a light screen i decide to set up a substitute so that he can't easily damage us i then start setting up amnesia's to make it even less likely that he's gonna break our subs but not only do i decide to get to plus six special defense i also decided to set up with sword stance to plus six attack after that it's time to pass off our boosts to our hero mercury but not only that since mr mime hasn't broken our sub we still have that extra layer of protection as we swap out i then however remember that i didn't use any pp ups or anything like that on my gyro ball so i only have five to use and we burned two taking out mr mime however good fortune strikes as medicham misses its high jump kick taking out half of its health as we go for an iron defense the next turn it actually does a fair amount of damage with high jump kick as we go for hypnosis to try and put it to sleep after that i try to take it out with a psychic but it leaves it at about 20 percent lucian then for whatever reason swaps out the meta champ for alakazam as i go for another psychic which does minimal damage he then gets a crit shockwave on us which does a huge amount of damage as i hit it for a gyro ball taking out the alakazam in one hit now i didn't know sleep turns didn't reset in this game but it wakes up and actually leaves mercury on one hp as i take it out with an incoming gyro ball finally we only have giraffe rig to deal with but since we burned all five of my gyro balls i have to swap out into meta cham and just take it out with a couple of drain punches i guess he actually does have a bronzong as well which i totally forgot about but we take it out with a couple of dream punches and that's it for the elite four and this means that the only fight that remains is the one that matters most the champion fight versus cynthia and this fight is notoriously tricky in this game cynthia has some awesome items and some very good ev trained pokemon but i wasn't gonna let up i was gonna try to beat this champion fight without any deaths and what i needed to do is set up plus six with amnesia so that the spirit tomb can't hurt me the funny thing is that since i boosted my special defense with amnesia spirit starts to go for sucker punch to try and hit me on the physical side but it can't since i'm not using damaging moves this means i can stall out four of the sucker punch turns with setup and then go for baton pass to get a free switch into gardevoir with all those boosts i do end up missing my first hypnosis which means i get hit by a dark pulse but the reason we want to put it to sleep here is because i couldn't use three nasty plots to get to plus six special attack this then allows us to go for a combined and now that i'm at plus five i feel confident so i destroy the spirit tune with a thunderbolt the rosary then misses a super effective sludge bomb which we could have easily tamed with our amnesia boost but we then take it and gastrodon out with psychics now cynthia's lucario is really strong but since it can't see the ko because of all our special defense boosts i decide to just click psychic since it's probably gonna go for nasty plot and that's exactly what happens i then take out the milotic with a thunderbolt which only leaves the big bad himself guard chomp and this is unfortunately where we encounter the first death of the run as it out speeds and takes us out with poison jab so we don't have any boosts anymore but we do have chimecho and as the guard chomp sets up with sword stance i go for a yawn so that it goes to sleep after chimecho unfortunately has to go down however because of the little bell that could the guard chomp falls asleep and we can take it out with a psy yeah we do get a crit but we don't actually take it out and cynthia then goes for a full restore which is very scary the next turn we go for a psychic which does about 60 and we then avoid an earthquake with the power of love one of the like three times that happened this run and so ladies and gentlemen that's how i did it that's how i beat a pokemon shining pearl hardcore nuzlocke using only baton i mean psychic types and i gotta say it was a blast to use mu through this entire run but it's a pretty overpowered pokemon and i'm sure it would have been possible without it but when else are we gonna get the chance now that we've played through brilliant diamond and shining pearl so many times i'm itching to get into some other pokemon games and you guys have been giving great suggestions down in the comments below so i got a good one for you next time but remember if there's a specific type and game combination you would like me to see leave it down in the comments below and while you're down there you might as well leave a like and if you're not subscribed yet what are you doing and so ladies and gentlemen until we see each other next time have a good one
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 1,127,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VJCQr2ZodVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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