Pokémon Platinum Hardcore Nuzlocke - Flying Types Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone i'm flag on hg and this is the video of my attempts at a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon platinum using only flying type pokemon to see what i define as hardcore nuzlocke rules check out the description below but in short no items in battle no over leveling past the gym leaders ace before the start of the battle and we're playing on set mode flying type pokemon in general are pretty good they tend to have decent variety in their secondary typings resulting in good coverage platinum in particular has a long list of pretty good flying type encounters so you might expect this challenge to be a bit on the easier side certainly easier than platinum fire types however sinnoh is notably anti-bird given that the first gym is rock type the seventh gem is ice type the eighth gym is electric type and a lot of major battles have pokemon with ice type coverage so it's not as easy as you might think based solely on the list of potential encounters oh also i'm pretty tired of using gyarados and nuzlocke's for now so i decided to just not use one for this playthrough makes it a little more interesting but one thing i'm not tired of is talking about the sponsor of this video skillshare oh how i've missed you skillshare ad segways welcome home skillshare is an online learning community where you can find thousands of classes designed to teach you creative skills ranging from topics like illustration graphic design and video editing people are always asking me for advice and tips on how to start creating youtube videos and one of the most important skills especially early on is learning how to edit your own videos just about everything i know about video editing came from jordy vanderputt's adobe premiere pro for beginners class through skillshare you can take classes like jordy's that will be invaluable to your creative journey whatever that may be the best part about skillshare classes is that they are optimized to put your learning first there's no commitment or timeline to finish the class you can skip individual lessons if you're not interested in that specific topic and all classes are completely ad free everyone knows that ads are just the worst so if you want to give skillshare a try you can use the link in the description below to get 30 off a year of skillshare's premium membership that's three months free the best deal they've ever offered thanks so much to skillshare for sponsoring this video now let's get into the challenge just as a quick reminder before we start though i play with species claws so i'll be able to re-roll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line okay now let's see how this goes as always the journey begins by choosing one of three potential starters none of which are flying type so the choice is relatively arbitrary i go with chimchar so that a rival will have piplup since that's the only final starter that isn't weak to flying type attacks after going through the early game tutorial i head to route 202 and catch a starly who will be the unofficial official starter of the run i name him jetblue jetblue has a calm nature which is a pretty atrocious nature for a starly to have but whatever and so begins our whirlwind adventure jetblue and i against the world he flew me to places i've never been but we didn't go at it alone right away i head to ravage path and catch our second team member a zubat i name him british and the jolly old chap joins the squad then i head to route 204 where i catch a worm pole an encounter that makes this run possible without an incredible amount of luck i name our wormpole air france with a few levels she evolves air france can evolve into either silcoon or cascoon but only silkun eventually evolves into a flying type pokemon so it's pretty lucky that air france does indeed evolve into silkun had she not i likely would have just caught another worm pole since worm poles that don't evolve into beautiful eye would technically not be eligible encounters anyways before continuing we have to complete the first fight against our rival who is aptly named delta jetblue is a tad over leveled for this fight so he's able to just wing attack both of barry's ducks into the ground without even taking any damage suck eggs delta seriously suck eggs with a bit more leveling up air france lay evolves into les beautifly more on her in a second jetblue also gets to the level cap of level 14 and evolves into star avia oh my god that is truly an intimidating pokemon definitely wouldn't want to cross paths with one of these guys in a dark alley oh anyways anyways now it's time for rourke who is a pretty big problem for our flying types to deal with the downside of doing monotypes in sinnoh is that rourke's team makes some of them essentially impossible and that is almost the case for the flying monotype challenge if not for air france see air france knows absorb which is super effective too and abuses roark's pokemon's naturally frail special defense the downside is that absorb only has 20 base power and beautify is not what i'd call a special sweeper so we aren't picking up too many one-hit kills and because the level cap is so low you'd need a very large amount of evs to actually change her special attack stat and that doesn't even really change the damage calcs so i will need to get a wee bit lucky and dodge some crits rorick leads with geodude and that goober actually does go down to a single absorb so at least that's cool this also gives me enough exp to level up to level 15 which is fine according to my rule set so second is onyx and we managed to out speed and hit and absorb this doesn't quite get the kill though fortunately onyx has the strength of a room-temperature stick of butter so rock throw isn't enough for a kill despite being four times effective into air france we did have to dodge a critical hit there though rourke then heals with a potion on the next turn so i take it as a chance to use hardin in order to improve my chances against the kranidos in the back then a second absorb finishes off onyx and air france gains a huge chunk of hp back so last is the aforementioned kranidos he actually doesn't know a rock type move so as long as we dodge a few critical hits things will be fine especially if air france decides to be an absolute badass and fire off a critical hit absorb kranidos just uses pursuit in retaliation so on the next turn a second absorb knocks out kranidos and seals the deal that was much easier than i was expecting it to be that's batch number one from here i can head to floroma town where i get to start doing honey tree roulette there are two flying type encounters that i can get from honey trees combi slash vespiquen and a male burme that evolves into muffin i basically need to just re-roll honey trees until i get one of those pokemon in floroma meadows i eventually find a combi but he's male aka he's a piece of garbage because he can't evolve into vespiquen since there are plenty of opportunities to get other honey tree encounters i decide to just kill this one so that i can try for a female combi in another honey tree this is a pretty common tactic in nuzelox since based on most interpretations of the species clause the species clause is only in effect if you successfully catch the pokemon though of course it is all subjective anyways mars time she leads with zubat and i lead with my much stronger zubat a few wing attacks take her out as she's forced to retaliate with just a weak bite broglie is next and pretty scary at this point in the game i switch to jetblue and get off and intimidate as per ugly goes for a fake out then perugli goes for a scratch and jetblue hits a growl to lower her attack again meaning that we really only have to worry about critical hits now which is exactly what perugli gets 2 turns later though jetblue does manage to survive with just 3 hp since perugli's orinbury activates she has a good amount of hp left so i have to switch to air france on a very weak fein attack then i tank another faint attack and hit a stun spore to slow prougly down that's ultimately not worth it though because gus manages to finish off for ugly on the next turn in one shot so i was just risking a miss with stunsport there for nothing but air france pulled through yet again winning us the battle and now that the nameless little girl and her nameless papa are saved i can patiently wait for it to be friday in real life so that drifloon appears in front of valley windworks i successfully catch the driftloon and name him westjet then i start checking the honey tree on route 205. after a few rounds of ignoring cherubian wormpoles i actually find another combee and this one manages to be female which is pretty awesome and pretty lucky given how difficult it is to get one i've never actually used a vespiquen before so i'm really excited since she's a really cool pokemon with a lot of utility i named the combi quantus and she joins the team as member number five now we have to head into the depths of eterna forest in diamond and pearl you can catch murkrow here but for whatever reason in platinum you can't murkrow and mistrevous just can't be caught at all in platinum i've always found that super stupid when game freak just removes a handful of pokemon from the third version of a game very annoying we can get hoothoot here but i do make sure to wait until after i've helped this hippie get through eterna forest so that she doesn't accidentally kill the hutu with her chansey but then i end up killing the hoot hoot fortunately you can also get hoot on route 211 so it's not the end of the world i name the second hoot lufthansa and she joins the team by the time we get to gardenia our team is looking pretty stacked british has evolved into golbat qantas has evolved into vespiquen and lufthansa has evolved into knocktowel but none of that even matters because air france is completely unhinged and out for blood gardenia's tartwig just gets blown away by a few gusts he does manage to set up a reflect before gardenia also wastes a super potion here but then on the next turn a third gust finishes off the turtwig cherum is second and she too goes down to two gusts says airfrance just brushes off a grass knot roserade is last she outspeeds to hit a stun spore but our held cherry berry cures the paralysis air france then fires off a stun spore of her own this lets her out speed to hit a hard gust on the next turn as roserade misses a stun spore like a chump with a capital c a second gust from air france misses out on the kill so roserade's citrus berry activates and she connects with a stun spore so now it's just an rng war roserade hits a weak magical leaf and then air france gets fully paralyzed seems about right but before i get the chance to complain about paralysis shenanigans air france tanks another magical leaf and then finishes off roserade with a critical hit gust kinda weird to go into battle with something named air france and not having to instantly surrender but hey that's now two gym badges soloed with just a beautiful fly next up is the fight against commander jupiter whose skunk tank is always pretty tough she leads with zubat but now that british is a golbat it's pretty easy for him to take out zubat with two wing attacks the bloke does have to get hit by a wing attack but that's hardly a dent skunk tank comes in second so british hits her with a confuse ray which instantly pays off as guntank hits herself in confusion then i switch to air france as gun tank snaps out of confusion and hits a smoke screen skunk tank then hits another smoke screen so it's rather unsurprising that air france's stun spore misses skunk tank then hits a hard night slash which actually would have just barely killed if it crit and then we miss another sunspore lame i switch out to qantas who kinda tanks a night slash then skuntank goes for another night slash which again would have killed a fake crit quantus then retaliates with a bug bite which lets her do decent damage and also eat scunting citrus berry scum tank then goes for a poison gas which is actually great because we have a pecha berry so the poison gets geared and quantus fires off another bug bite for free it looks like another bug bite will seal the deal here so we just need to dodge one more critical hit which we do not so sadly our queen falls jetblue is able to come in and finish off the scun tank before she gets another critical hit so jupiter only claims one life and the battle is won but so much for getting to use vespiquen i guess rest in bees qantas no i will not stop making that pun every time i lose a bee pokemon even if it becomes annoying well as one life ends another begins cynthia gives me an egg which hatches into a togepi i name him united and then i discover that united has the ability hustle and i am just so sick of getting hustle togepi like why why does every togepi i have get this stupid garbage ass ability every single one i hate it so much despite my hatred for this togepi i do successfully stockholm syndrome him until he likes me enough to evolve into toga tick but man i still hate him however i don't hate british who evolves into crobat his moveset is a bit wanting in earlier generations but crobat is still a filthy pokemon for nuzlockes so that's a nice addition to the team and i'm about to get another nice addition to the team in the form of a gligar from route 206 who i named southwest although not quite as good as in romhacks where she gets the ability poison heal glyssar is still an incredibly amazing pokemon due to her defensive bulk and typing southwest will obviously be replacing united who gets mercilessly dumped in the box i hope it's cold in there buddy maybe if you hustle a bit you can warm yourself up okay time for fantina and british is hungry like the unstoppable pac-man before him he just nom-noms his way through fantina's entire team it's actually pretty ridiculous bantina's miss maggias has beam so theoretically she's a bit of an issue but even a crit doesn't kill british from full hp because he's fairly bulky so it is safe to stay in for at least one sai beam so british takes out the miss magnus before she can get off a second side beam and haunter can't really do much damage either so she's easy to take out as well that's now three gems and three solo sweeps though admittedly i did get pretty lucky with this one after that it's time for another fight against delta he leads with staravia which is really annoying because he has double team endeavor and quick attack i'd start with british thanks to intimidate wing attack isn't a two-hit kill and staravia gets off a double team i go for a bite on the next turn so that starravia doesn't get low enough to use endeavor he then retaliates with a weak wing attack fortunately the double team ends up being a complete waste of time because british then connects with a wing attack on the next turn and knocks out staravian ponytalk comes out next and i figure there's no downside to staying in so i just hit a few wing attacks as ponyta goes for ember unfortunately the second wing attack leaves ponyta with a sliver and then ponita's second ember burns british this will be bad in a second but for now a third wing attack finishes off ponyta as british grows to level 28. now here's where it gets bad because prin plop comes out and we don't have a great way of quickly killing this little guy british has decent special defense but because i lost a bunch of hp and got burned he's basically useless big mistake given that southwest is completely useless against print plop and could have easily one shot ponyta with earthquake i go to air france who takes way more damage from a bubble beam than i was expecting unfortunately now that we're in the mid game the enemy pokemon are really starting to catch up to beautifies mediocre stats i'm at risk to a crit here so i decide to switch to jetblue who also takes a ton of damage from bubble beam who would have thought that this dang penguin would be so strong but i guess our team is pretty weak in terms of special defense united is cackling from the box lufthansa has decent special book though so i decide to bring him in next only for printflop to get a freaking critical hit bubble beam so it's time for some hail mary's i start with a hypnosis which thankfully connects then i start hammering away with confusion we get lucky and i hit a critical hit on the first turn but the thrill is a bit offset by print plup getting a one turn wake up and hitting another hard bubble beam this is looking pretty bad folks i go for another hypnosis and get lucky enough to put print plup back to sleep and then i start hammering away with confusion again prin flip sleeps for two turns this time so i do get off a confusion but now print plop is in torrent range so bubble beam is doing even more damage lufthansa manages to avoid the crit but now if we miss a hypnosis here he'll go down and we'd actually need two turns of sleep anyways since another weak confusion isn't taking this guy out what i do next is objectively the wrong play because driftblim is a far superior pokemon to knocktowel but i rarely get to use knocktowel and i feel like i've been using drifblim a lot lately so for the sake of some variety in my challenge runs i decide to bring in westjet for a sack westjet does survive a bubble beam but a gust won't kill printpluff from this range so i give westjet one chance to survive by going for minimize but printplup connects with a bubblebeam and westjet falls with a pop this sacrifice does let me bring in air france who's able to finish off the evil penguin with a mega drain so last for delta is roselia air france takes her out with two gusts says rosalia just hits a soft poison sting that wins us the battle but it does come at the expense of another feathered friend actually neither of the two pokemon that have died so far have had feathers but the alliteration of feathered friend was too good not to say well with that we get access to route 209 where i can catch a male burme from a honey tree so voleris soon evolves into mautham i don't think i end up using valeris in any major battles for this video but he becomes a staple to the team in many random battles that i won't be mentioning so i do just want to take the time to give him a shout out thanks for all the hard work that will go unseen valeris anyways i also head to route 214 where i pick up a razer fang and then i use it to evolve southwest into glycor a truly spectacular pokemon for reasons i already mentioned want an example southwest essentially single-handedly eviscerates meleen's team with a combination of earthquake and roost she does get the intimidated assist from jetblue at the beginning to lower meditait's attack but that was more flashy than it was necessary southwest is just too bulky even critical hits don't do much a fighting type gym was never going to be that difficult for our flying types to deal with but stab earthquake certainly makes lucario much easier to manage that's badge number four next i head to pastoria city along the way i encounter a win goal on route 213. pelipper doesn't get drizzle in this generation but it's still a phenomenal pokemon i know i've been using peliper in a lot of my challenges as well so it's a little hypocritical to sack driftloon and still use pelipper but pelipper is too useful to pass up since he is our only pokemon that takes neutral damage from ice type moves other than gyarados which i don't want to use and mantine which i can't get without breaking the monotype challenge and catching a rem-raid to evolve a man-type so welcome to the team wingle i name him american and we finally get a pokemon with a good nature modest is phenomenal here in the great marsh i get a chance at catching yanma now viewers of the randomizer nuzlocke i did a while back will know that i had a short-lived fascination with a yanman named a little fly and i've been eager to use a yanma ever since the scary thing is that catching pokemon in the great marsh before they flee is a total crapshoot but i believe that lil fly and i are destined to be reunited you know it's moments like this that you realize that life is just a sick sadistic game that no one has to play we're all just sacks of meat moving on a pre-ordained track with no control of what happens or why it happens it's all just meaningless [Music] whatever time to take our existential angst out on crash or wake he leads with gyarados and i lead with the newly evolved american gyarados hits a soft bite and then american retaliates with a shockwave which he can learn for some reason it doesn't one shot but it is a lot of damage crasher wake then goes for the rare ai switch to quagsire as american gets off a roost this thing is always annoying because his moves can be pretty unpredictable a protect says rock tomb so i switch to southwest but quagsire of course just goes for a yawn i predict a water pulse here so i go back to american and i actually get lucky enough to dodge a rock tomb so i go for a protect because we can probably stall out rock tombs here if we need to then i go for a water pulse which does good damage as rock 2 misses again rock tomb terrible move never rely on it another water pulse brings quag into the red as he finally connects with a weak rock tomb wake uses his hyper potion so i hit another water pulse then i go for a roost as quagsire misses a third rock tomb so it's another water pulse quagsire seems to get tired of missing so he uses yawn i don't want to fall asleep here so i switch to southwest on a rock tomb then i kill the quagsire with an earthquake finally floatzel comes out next and knows icefang so i switch to american freeze would be really bad here but thankfully it doesn't happen i then switch to jetblue to get off and intimidate as he gets hit by a crunch so now it's back to american as floatzel misses an ice fang making crash awake the unluckiest sucker in sinnoh after another crunch american roosts back up to full hp then we tank another crunch and fire off a shockwave thanks to floatzel's citrus berry the second shockwave after another crunch is not enough for the kill so wake heals as we fire off yet another shockwave we tank another crunch which does get the defense drop and then roost and a citrus berry bring american back to full hp floatzel then gets a critical hit crunch which also gets the defense drop but wake's luck has been cashed in a little too late floatzel falls to the follow-up shockwave last is the low health gyarados so i switch out to british tank a bite and then kill him with a wing attack which crits to add insult to injury with that crasher wake has been defeated and we get badge number five at this point i can get access to the northern foggy part of route 210 where i can catch a swablu in the northern part of route 210 you can get a scyther but i decided that i'd rather have swablu instead since i've also been using scyther a lot lately but then i double check the encounter tables and find out that you can catch scyther from route 215 as well so i i do that and allegiant joins the team though i won't be able to evolve her into caesar i also get the swablu from route 210 and name her frontier though she won't be in the video from here we enter the part of the game that might as well be called sucks to have an ice type weakness because in pretty short succession we have to fight cyrus candice cyrus again and cyrus again again all of these battles have very strong very fast ice types that make the lives of my feathery friends a living hell tyrus's haunt crow is also pretty hard to face off against but at least in the first fight against cyrus he only has sneezel and murkrow so they're much more manageable along the way through this part of the game i also catch a chat who will be the final encounter in this playthrough though i will never use him either i name him thin air and he goes into the box then it's time for the fight against byron for badge number six in theory steel types should be kinda hard for our flying types to handle but it's byron southwest just kills magneton with an earthquake stelix is second so we switch to american on an ice fang and then we one shot him with a serf then it's back to southwest against bastiodon since southwest has pretty mediocre attack ivs earthquake isn't a guaranteed kill which means i do have to play around metal burst a bit i set up sword stances as bastion on goes for iron defenses until he makes the mistake of going for a taunt which gives me the one up so after that a single earthquake brings down the mighty beast winning us the always easy six gym badge okay now let's talk about candace her ice types are pretty tricky since all of my pokemon except american are very weak to ice type moves her frost lass in particular is tough because we don't have an easy way to take her out and her snow cloak ability adds an extra complication plus american special defense is pretty low so neutral blizzard still does a ton of damage to him fortunately candace leads with a sneasel whose only ice type move is a weak priority ice shard this gives us the perfect opportunity to set up with a legion who gets access to swords dance and can hit all of candace's ice types for super effective damage with brick break except for frostlast however allegiant can also learn aerial ace which never misses and gets a technician boost so that it effectively has 90 base power i can also have a legion hold a yachty berry to reduce the damage of a single super effective ice type attack by half meaning that it is impossible for sniezel to kill me even if she gets two critical hits with ice shard she ends up just going for ariel lace on the first turn which is fine because she can only ever get off one area lace thanks to allegiant naturally outspeeding her from here a legion is able to one-shot all of candace's pokemon the only way that this could have gone poorly is if sneezel did get the double critical hit and then hale finished us off though given that frost last comes out before obama snow i think we still would have been fine since we'd only take one turn of hail chip anyways so that's badge number seven okay now it's time for the last two fights with cyrus we can go ahead and skip the second cyrus fight since it's just a slightly easier version of the one that's coming up next we also have a double battle with our rival against mars and jupiter on top of spear pillar just as a note here i am using this b barrel for the 6 billion hms you need to get to the top of mount coronet he won't be used in battle but if it makes you feel any better here he's a flying type now for the first eighty percent or so of this double battle i just spammed choice spec surfs with american which kills a lot of mars's jupiters and our rivals pokemon eventually we get to the point where it's just peruglian's gun tank left for mars and jupiter and delta is left with empoleon the unstoppable that is our rival delta decides to swag her scuntank giving her an attack boost at the expense of confusing her when this happened i was pretty pissed since a critical hit night slash will now do an insane amount of damage but somehow it actually works out as guntank just hits herself in confusion three times in a row and it's a good thing that she did because southwest gets put to sleep by hypnosis from per ugly and takes the world's longest power nap before being able to finally wake up and finish off this gun tank with an earthquake empoleon also manages to hang on and knock out the perugli with a metal clock letting delta avoid a wipe by what looks like exactly one hp it seems that this battle against mars and jupiter held us off just long enough for cyrus to start his monologue that threatens to plunge cino into the depths of the underworld time to figure out how to stop him his team is really tough obviously there's the weavile with ice punch which is super scary but all his other pokemon are also pretty fast and pretty strong gyrados knows ice fang probat has status moves and haunts crow is just really strong with drill peck so i have to think long and hard to figure out a plan for how to do this i do come up with a plan but it requires swallowing my pride and asking for help from the person i hate the most i hate having to rely on stupid united with his stupid hustle ability but there's no other option and even with this one i do need to avoid being unlucky which i'm pretty bad at i evolve united into togekiss train him up a bit and then head into the distortion world doing the distortion world once is cool but at this point after so many playthroughs it's just so tedious but eventually we get to cyrus and our final showdown begins cyrus leads with houndoom so i lead with southwest she outspeeds the hound doom and instantly knocks him out with an earthquake everything i know about gen 4 ai here which admittedly is all secondhand information tells me that gyarados should be the one that comes out next since he has a stab super effective move in waterfall and he's immune to southwest's stab ground type moves but for whatever reason weville comes out instead i guess times 4 stab takes precedence or maybe cyrus's ai in vanilla platinum is different than the ai and rom hacks which is where most of the ai logic research is done who knows either way this means we gotta dodge some crits and some freezes i switch in united hoping weavil goes for a fake out but he goes for ice punch united is holding a yachty berry though so as long as weville doesn't crit or freeze this next one we should live it we vile his eyes punch and united survives letting him fire off an aurasphere which ignores his stupid hustle ability and always connects taking out weville in one shot gyarados comes out second for cyrus so i switch to american on a waterfall then to my surprise we actually out speed as american goes for a stockpile letting him shrug off an ice fang then american goes for a roost making icefang do very little damage since roose does remove our flying type for the rest of the turn american then fires off a very strong shockwave as gyarados goes for another ice fang on the next turn i get a smidge greedy and go for a stockpile meaning that we'd definitely be dead to a crit there but since he doesn't crit my greedy play goes unpunished as i get to roost back to full hp on the turn that gyarados recharges and then a shockwave knocks him out next is haunts crow so i stay in and go for a surf launch crow hits a hard drill peck in retaliation but then a second surf finishes him off and so last is crobat he starts with an air slash which instantly flinches american so now we're at risk to a critical hit so i switch to southwest on another air slash then crobat hits yet another air slash which triggers southwest citrus berry we then retaliate with a rock tomb to lower crobat's speed then we out speed to hit another rock tomb as crobat hits a confused ray so after that i switch out to british for a mirror match air slash does really good damage since it crits and now that british is at risk to another crit i switch to jetblue on yet another air slash this one thankfully doesn't crit so i then just go for a fly which connects on the next turn and takes out crobat winning us the final fight against benjamin button cynthia heals my pokemon and then it's time to fight giratina but as usual by fight giratina i mean that i show them the way of pacifism and save the world by refusing to engage so with the world saved our gym campaign continues volkner is working through his depression inside the sunnyshore lighthouse so i have to go talk to him there before he'll actually challenge me to a gym battle but doing that is ultimately more challenging than the battle itself platinum vulchner is completely destroyed by any ground type pokemon and southwest fits the bill we do need to set up a sword stance so that earthquake is a guaranteed kill on luxray but jolteon is very easy to set up on since he can only use iron tail and quick attack into ground type pokemon after that we click earthquake four times and volkner says it was the best battle that he's ever had sure thing pal thanks for the badge with that we've made it to the pokemon league yes technically there is a final run-in with our rival delta here but i think it's best to remember delta as the daredevil that swaggered a skunk tank into hitting herself in confusion three times in a row instead of a sad little man who gets swept by a glysore spamming earthquake let's just save him the embarrassment so here's my final team leveled up to level 59 to match lucian's gallade we had to leave some gems on the bench including air france who after absolutely smashing the first half of the game gets to live out the rest of her life in retirement she'll be here in spirit let's see if we've got what it takes to finish this run strong first up is a aeron but his bug types aren't too much of an issue especially because the level difference between the first and fourth elite four members in platinum is pretty large allegiant is able to out speed and one shot a aeron's leading mega with a technician-boosted aerial ace vespiquen comes out next and threatens with a power gem so i switch to southwest who just shrugs it off then we start setting up swords dances as vespy quinn just goes for pretty much whatever move she feels like there's not much you can do though although defense order is kind of annoying especially because we can't hit her with earthquake but after three swords dances rock tomb is still enough for the one shot even after she manages to set up two defend orders third is drapion but southwest outspeeds and kills with an earthquake then we do the same thing to aid aeron caesar last is hair across but even though he resists ground type moves plus six earthquake is way too strong and he falls putting a swift end to our battle against aeron next is bertha aka surf target practice for american she leads with wiscash who does survive a surf to set up a sandstorm but then she goes down on the following turn all of bertha's other pokemon lack special bulk and are very weak to water type attacks so we just knock all of them out with single serves a piece where glyce sword does have the potential to out speed and hit a hard thunderfang but somewhere along the way american picked up enough speed evs to outspeed her so it's a completely free win for the second elite four fight third is flint who is only marginally harder than bertha he leads houndoom an eyelid american who once again outspeeds and one shots her adversary with a surf infernape is out next though and certainly outspeeds and threatens a one shot with a thunder punch so i pivot to southwest who's a meme to the thunder punch then we actually outspeed him and hit an earthquake it turns out to not be that great that we outspeed here because infernape survives and retaliates with a blaze boosted flare blitz which could have been bad if he got the critical hit burn combo but he didn't so the recoil just takes him out magmortar comes out next so we just kill him with a single earthquake and then guess what we do to flint's other two pokemon the fluffy pup also goes down to an earthquake and then southwest is even fast enough to out speed and one shot to rapidash winning us yet another easy elite four fight but fourth is lucian who is pretty scary nah just kidding technician boosted scyther is an offensively good pokemon so we are totally fine lucian's mr mime goes down to an x scissors before he can even get off a mime lucian brings out gallade next to it stone edge but we outspeed and the expert belt technician aerial ace is more than enough to take him out espeon is third and also falls to an x scissors fourth is bronzong though and we actually can't one shot them so i switch to united on a soft psychic then i go for a yawn as bronzong sets up a calm mind then i switch back to a legion as bronzong goes for another combine before falling asleep then i go for a sword's dance on bronzong's first turn of sleep this is potentially bad if bronzong wakes up on the next turn and gets a critical hit with psychic but allegiant doesn't even give them a chance as she just crits and x scissors for the one shot pretty savage if i do say so alakazam is last but allegiant is faster so next scissors takes him out in one shot as well winning us the final elite four fight so all that's left is cynthia for whatever reason i decided that i wanted to kind of wing this fight no pun intended actually it would be pretty easy to lower her spiritual special attack with captivate from toga kiss put her to sleep with yawn and then set up a sword stance sweep with allegiant but i wanted to practice kind of thinking on my feet a little even if it meant risking this entire run so viewers make sure your seat belts are fastened your tray tables are up and your seats are in their upright position because this landing is gonna get a little bumpy cynthia leads with spear tomb and i lead with allegiant i immediately u-turn for some damage and bring in united hoping spiritual goes for a shadow ball but she goes for dark pulse 50 50 shot there i go for a yawn as united tanks another dark pulse then i go for a wish as united tanks a third dark pulse which activates our citrus berry before spear tomb falls asleep i decide to stay in and waste a turn so that united gets back to full hp from his wish then i go for another wish before spirit tune wakes up and hits yet another dark pulse then it's another yawn this now has set us up pretty well because united is back to full hp and spear tomb is about to fall asleep so i go for another wish and tank a soft dark pulse says spear tomb falls asleep this gets me a free switch to jetblue on spear tune's first turn of sleep then it's just an aerial lace followed by a brave bird to finish off the spirit tomb as she stays asleep this brings in cynthia's togekiss which knows water pulse and shockwave so i switch first to southwest on a shock wave then i switch to united on a water pulse which does basically nothing then toga kiss out speeds to hit a shock wave and i use encore to lock him into it this lets me safely switch back to southwest and set up a sword stance the only way southwest can hit togekiss is with a rock tomb so i go for that but we miss on the next turn i connect with one as togekiss's encore continues so i go for a third rock tomb and miss that one as well a fourth one hits but it leaves togekiss in the red so on the next turn cynthia and we miss yet another rock tomb where have i seen this before togekiss's encore also ends meaning she now threatens with water pulse so i switch back to united thanks to the speed drops from the two rock tombs that actually managed to hit i can outspeed and encore cynthia's togekiss into water pulse i then switch to american thankfully we aren't getting confused here american then gets a critical hit with icebeam killing togekiss in one fell swoop i guess my pokemon are all just competing for who can land the coolest critical hit lucario is out next so i switch to southwest on a stone edge then we set up a sword's dance as lucario goes for a shadow ball this activates southwest citrusberry then it's just an earthquake to finish off lucario in one shot melodic is out next and threatens with ice beam at this point with the end so near it's time to start making some sacrifices while it's usually pretty safe to bring an american here a freeze from icebeam would be pretty catastrophic so instead i bring in united who sacrifices his life so that american can get a safe switch i know we had a tenuous relationship united but thank you so much for all your help in the late game rest in peace you little hustler this now lets me bring an american who fortunately is able to hit melodic with a toxic toxic is safest here because milotic has mirror coat unfortunately american is holding a choice specs so i can't roost all this means i have to switch to british as my lodic goes for a mirror coat then i go for a protect to get some more damage from toxic then it's back to american on another mirror coat i'm not really sure why cynthia went for it that time honestly but now american can just click surf tank a fairly strong ice beam and then the toxic damage finishes off the melodic fifth for cynthia is roserade so i rather hastily switch to british forgetting that rose rate has extra sensory energy ball and sludge bomb should do more damage but i guess american was in the range to a kill from all three so it was a random move fortunately british is pretty bulky and survives the extra sensory so with a fly which thankfully connects we take out the roserade in one shot finally cynthia's last pokemon her terrifying guard chomp comes out at level 62 garchomp outspeeds everyone on our team except british and allegiant so this is a tad scary i'd start by switching to jetblue to get off and intimidate he hangs on from a dragon rush which seems to have a hundred percent accuracy when champions use it i then bring in british as another sacrifice for a free switch in cheers mate i'm sure there's plenty of tea in the pokemon afterlife this lets me bring in southwest gartrop goes for a flamethrower and then we hit a rock tomb lowering her speed so we now outspeed and hit an earthquake for a small chunk of damage and then garchomp fires off a flamethrower bringing southwest into the red so it's time for one last noble and admittedly kind of unnecessary sacrifice southwest hits another earthquake procs garchomp citrusberry and then goes down to a flamethrower so with that american comes out nails cynthia's ruthless dragon with a times 4 effective ice beam and takes her out winning us the battle and the run well that was quite the trip it really just flew by it was plain fun as i said before flying types tend to have a pretty eclectic number of secondary typings so these monotype challenges tend to have more resources than most if you're looking to try a monolock a flying type one is probably a good place to start except maybe an emerald watson is really hard as always thanks for watching everyone if you enjoyed watching please like the video and subscribe or don't i don't know but i do know that you should follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges you should also subscribe to my highlights channel to get highlights of the challenge i'm currently streaming before it's cut down to a video on the main channel and be sure to join the flag on hg community discord where you can discuss nuzlocking and contribute to future challenges the links are in the description below stay tuned for more nuzlocke videos and until then remember to always always always play around the critical hit you
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 621,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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