Pokémon Y Hardcore Nuzlocke - Electric Types Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone i'm flag on hg and this is the video of my attempts at a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon y using only electric type pokemon the rules for this playthrough are in the description below but in short in addition to standard nuzlocke rules there's no using items in battle no leveling up past the next gym leader's ace before the start of the battle and we're playing on set mode the electric type is a tricky type to complete a monolock with on the one hand a lot of major threats can be taken down pretty easily by spamming fast thunderbolts but on the other hand the typical electric type tends to lack physical bulk and many are hard walled by anything with a semi-strong ground type move plus when you consider the fact that half of them are pikachu with a new coat of paint the average power of your typical electric type leaves a little bit to be desired fortunately kalos has a good number of electric types sprinkled throughout the region and some of them aren't even based on rodents this encounter diversity along with the notable lack of any major character that specializes in ground type pokemon make x and y the perfect games for an electric type monolock there will still be some pretty significant walls along the way to becoming champion but fortunately there's never been a wall i couldn't break through unfortunately though i'm not the only one breaking through walls and not everyone is doing it for the right reasons sometimes instead of breaking through the metaphorical walls of a needlessly challenging playthrough in a children's video game people try to break through cyber security walls to steal your private information which is why it's important to protect yourself online using this video sponsor nordvpn nordvpn is a virtual private network that allows you to safely and securely surf the web by connecting to one of their over 5 400 secure servers you can prevent yourself from the threats of cyber attacks with just a few easy clicks nordvpn takes no time to 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of rivals in aquacord town none of the starters are electric types but i go with chess bin so that my main rival serena will have dell fox which is usually the pokemon that gives me the most trouble then chespin and i head to the santalune forest where i can catch the challenge's actual starter a pikachu kind of funny that it's taken me this many videos to use the mascot of the franchise i name my new mousey friend starlight and together we embark on an adventure of a lifetime an adventure where we dared to dream impossible dreams soon starlight and i would become champions of the pokemon league it isn't too long until we're ready to face off against viola for the first gym badge she can be a surprisingly difficult first gym leader in certain challenges but fortunately both of her pokemon are weak to electric type attacks we aren't hitting all that hard with thundershock but it's enough to get us the first gym badge without any problems from here there's a massive section of the game we have to complete before taking on the second gym leader i meet up with professor sexy more in lumio city there's a fight against him where he uses the three kanto starters and with only one pokemon bulbasaur using leech seed can result in a disaster if you're not able to end the battle fast enough i make sure to give starlight a few extra levels though so we manage just fine after that i can head to route 5 where i can catch my second encounter a minon technically plussel can also be found here in hordes but minen has a better supportive moveset so i'll gladly take her if i can only have one minen and plussel are probably my favorite pikaclones but for the question of the day let me know what your favorite is down in the comments anyways i named my mine in livewire and our rodent only nuzlocke continues for another five minutes or so because next i catch a helioptile from route 9. static shock is one of the few non-monotype electric types i'll get access to and electric normal is a pretty interesting combo i've also never used this line before so i'm excited to see what he can do as we head into the second gym fight though static shock is staying in the box to make x and y playthroughs a bit more interesting i like playing with the anime rule which forces me to match the party size of all gym leader battles kalos gym leaders are notorious for having at most three pokemon so since grant has only two pokemon it's up to the dynamic rodent duo this fight is by far the one that gets most affected by the anime rule because both of grant's pokemon hit pretty hard some might say rock hard he leads with amara and i lead with starlight we're able to out speed and bring amara to about 50 with a times 4 super effective rock smash as she retaliates with a pretty hard rock tomb despite the speed drops though starlight is still able to out-speed and take out little foot with a second rock smash that just leaves tyront who's a big issue since there's no easy way to take him out and he hits pretty hard into my defensively weak mice i switch to livewire who takes a hard hit from a rock tomb we still out speed and hit chomper with a charm so his second rock tomb doesn't do much our oremberry activates here as well so livewire should be able to tank another hit and go for a second charm were it not for the critical hit it's never amazing to have a strategy where you have to dodge critical hits but with two pip squeaks into a physically powerful dragon i didn't really have any other options starlight does the best she can to kill tyront with rock smashes but it's not enough and tyrunt is able to pretty easily knock her out bringing an end to attempt one the anime rule may be a bit unnecessary in a challenge like this but out of stubborn determination i chose to keep playing with it as i go into attempt to unfortunately in attempt 2 zeus and i find out that it was a bit of a fluke that i was able to beat viola so handily an attempt won if she goes for infestation it's much harder to win this first battle i am able to win the fight against viola in attempt 3 but then against a random shelter static shock goes down and i was really looking forward to trying out heliolisk so i decided to just reset which leads to another wipe against viola in attempt 4. pikachu is just a pretty weak pokemon if only there was some way to instantly double its attack and special attack well fortunately there is pikachus in santalune forest have a 5 chance to hold a light ball which is an item that as i just said doubles pikachu's attack and special attack not wanting to repeatedly wipe to a sur skit and a french butterfree i decide that it's better to just soft reset attempts until i catch a pikachu with a light bulb surprisingly it only takes three more attempts for that to happen this pikachu is again female so now that starlight has a light ball she's able to reliably beat viola without any trouble attempt seven is the run folks nah just kidding i fully wiped to a random trainer in grant's gym this guy is optional if you can dodge his spinning but i didn't want to risk that on my way to grant so i intentionally fought him and got absolutely obliterated ground types are rough well after that it takes me 30 more attempts to find a pikachu with a freaking light bulb fortunately at some point between attempt 1 and attempt 37 i came up with the bright idea of seeing if i could get the thunderstone on route 10. i originally assumed that it would be blocked off until beating grant but you know what they say about assuming right it forces you to spend hours upon hours resetting a challenge because you wiped to a gym leader that would have otherwise been relatively simple if you bothered to fully evolve your pikachu into raichu evolving the latest reincarnation of zeus into raichu does make his lightbulb completely useless but the added bulk that raichu provides in addition to opening up his item slot makes it well worth the trade technically i could also get a sunstone and evolve static shock but that would require doing super training and i wanted to see if i could do this without relying on it maxing out the evs of my pokemon this early usually makes the mid game pretty trivial with zeus the raichu the fight against grant goes a bit better rock smash does more damage now and we're able to tank a rock tomb from amara much better unfortunately grant still doesn't waste a hyper potion on amara before we take him out so once tyron comes out it's out to minnon who i again named livewire her bad luck seems to have carried over from attempt 1 because she instantly gets gripped by a rock tomb fortunately an orenberry means that she's able to hit tyrant with a charm and then survive a second non-critical hit rock tomb by the way this is the most accurate i've ever seen an ai be with rock tomb after the charm i switch back to zeus i'm still super screwed if tyrant crits again but there's not much i can do about that after tanking a bite that activates my ornberry i decide to hit tyront with a nuzzle this paralyzes the little dino and lets us hit him with max power electro balls which should now do more damage than rock smash a critical hit electro ball actually leaves tyrant with a sliver which is pretty annoying because it causes grant to heal fortunately it appears that electro ball is just barely a two-hit kill so zeus is able to finish off tyront and win us a deathless second gym badge that was close with that major obstacle cleared i can head to route 10 to get another encounter electric eevee and emulja can all be caught here and as great as jolteon is if i had to pick i'd actually prefer a mulja since the ground type immunity and a way to hit grass types for super effective stab damage would be really useful the sky squirrel is the rarest of the three though so i do ultimately encounter an eevee first who becomes the new starlight i can't be too upset though because jolteon is a pretty great consolation prize and probably the better of the two electric puppers still part of me wanted to let myself catch all three of these encounters i probably would have if there weren't so many other electric types in this game but anyways on route 11 i can pick up a second hidden thunderstone which i immediately use to get my prickly pear of a pup i also catch a daytona on route 11 which has a phenomenal electric fairy type but cannot learn a single fairy type attacking move other than physical play rough not giving this little lady dazzling gleam is a criminal offense but either way azula joins the team next i head to route 12 where i can catch either pacharisu or marip i've got enough rodents on the team as is so i decide to go for marip which can only be found in horde battles fortunately i can use honey to force a horde battle and avoid running into apache risu first after slaughtering his entire herd i catch the lone survivor and name him barry allen which is ironic given that he is by far our slowest pokemon after a relatively easy fight against serena and some mega evolution lore or whatever it's time to fight karina for the third gym badge she leads with me and fu and i lead with livewire mienfue immediately goes for a fakeout to flinch rodent number two but that's fine because guess who has encores sucker with mien fu locked into fake out livewire is free to hammer away at mian fu with electro balls i was hoping to get karina to waste a hyper potion here but livewire gets a little overzealous and crits her second electro ball for the kill oh well alucha comes in next so i switch to rodent number three who resists all of her attacks with the help of a held rocky helmet and some super effective parabolic charges halucha is completely powerless to my semi-overweight hamster machoke is next so azula hits him with a charm as he just goes for rock tombs and from here i can just whittle away with parabolic charge thanks to the hp gained back from her attacks azula is never in any danger and machoke falls a few turns later that wins us the third gym badge which means ramos and his grass types are the next major challenge brass types naturally resist electric types so that's already a bit of a problem but the more pressing issue is that his go goat knows bulldoze which hits all of our pokemon for super effective damage this is mainly why i wanted to catch a mojo on route 10. fortunately with the sunstone i got from shallower city i am able to evolve static shock into heliolisk and after waiting until berry learns power gem i can evolve him into flaffy and then amfrost so now at least our team is looking a little stronger as we go to face ramos and his three pokemon i've decided to bring berry allen starlight and azula ramos leads with jump luff and i lead with the fastest sheep alive jump luff goes for a leech seed which is super annoying but then we hit him with a hard power gem leaching recovery brings him back into the yellow not wanting to take lychee damage each turn i switch to azula who shrugs off a weak acrobatics then jump luff uses another leech seed and we hit a volt switch that knocks him out and gives me a safe switch back into barry allen so out comes gogoat for a classic barnyard battle barry allen has leftovers so it makes sense to protect for a turn and gain back some hp ampharos is surprisingly bulky so barring any potential critical hits gogo actually won't do too much damage with bulldoze but it turns out that gogoat won't actually go for bulldoze if he's already faster than my pokemon i knew this was true for certain generations of pokemon but i didn't know that it was true for these games this ai quirk would have made things a lot easier if it weren't for the fact that barry's static ability activates thereby paralyzing gogoat and making him slower than my goofy dancing sheep or whatever ampharos is supposed to be now i don't know at the very least this means that we can hit gogoat with a hard electro ball and even though gogoat is now go going for bulldoze a few growls mean that he's not doing much damage as long as he doesn't crit of course after a few turns of doing damage i decide to switch to starlight who mercifully comes in on a turn that gogo gets fully paralyzed at this hp i'm hoping that we can take out this can-eater with a few hits from pin missile but starlight underperforms with a lowly two hits leaving him with a sliver this means that ramos heals as starlight hits another limp 2-hit pin missile on the next turn she kinda makes up for it with three hits one of which crits as goat again gets fully paralyzed but then she misses out on the kill again with another two hits how many two hit pin missiles until i'm allowed to complain i mean at least gogoat isn't getting critical hits and we aren't just straight up missing our attacks but since ramos healed again and starlight proceeded to get three hits and then two hits again with her next two pin missiles i decide to switch out to azula as gogo gets fully paralyzed again then i start hitting super weak electric type attacks as i continually get exposed to potential critical hits if azula dies here it's absolutely starlight's fault fortunately she survives and with a volt switch i bring in barry allen on one final bulldoze i use protect for a little bit of leftovers recovery because ramos does have one other pokemon sitting in the back and then a power gem finishes off the most annoying obstacle in our adventure so far that just leaves weepinbell but with protect and leftovers recovery we have plenty of hp left to deal with this gasping weirdo he does try to outsuck starlight as the game's lvp by missing two poison powders in a row but even if he had hit one it really wouldn't have mattered much two power gems take him out and we win a battle that was simultaneously much easier and much more tedious than it could have been that's badge number four which means we're squarely in the mid game and the gems of kalos start flying by before going to lumio city though i head to azerbaij and fish up at chinchou i name him shazam and while lantern isn't exactly an amazing pokemon having a secondary water type is pretty nice so he'll be replacing live wire on the team thanks for helping out in the early game pal enjoy retirement anyways for the fight against clement i have elected to bring berry allen zeus and starlight as clermont leads with the teammate that could have been i lead with barry the mulja immediately volt switches out into heliolisk who doesn't take much damage from a power champ but heliolisk isn't particularly threatening so we just start trading off attacks i've taught barry bulldoze which along with leftovers makes this a pretty one-sided fight and heliolisk falls a few turns later the same can be said about clemont's magneton who comes out next all they do is set up electric train meaning that by the time they go down bayeri has gotten back to almost full hp this just leaves the previously seen emulja he does the best that he can with an aerial ace but then barely snipes him out of the sky with a single power gem i wasn't expecting to sweep clemont with an ampharos but here we are that's the 5th gym badge obtained the best part about having beaten clemont is that he gives me the tm for thunderbolt which gives all of my pokemon an incredibly reliable 90 base power stab move starlight for example now finally has a better move than thunderfang i mean i do forget to teach it to any of my pokemon before the fight against serena on route 14 which tends to be one of the harder battles in the game but fortunately everything works out and no one dies a horrible death it helps that most of my electric types are at least moderately bulky on the special side after that i catch a stun fisk in the swamps of route 14 and name him shiv and as much as i'd like to use him i don't see him being better than anyone on the current team so he goes into the box to hang out with livewire with a little bit of training it's time to fight valerie for the 6th gym badge for this battle i've actually decided to bring livewire out of retirement she's definitely acting a little bit weird after her time in the box muttering something about darth plagueis the wise but that's probably fine against valerie's lead maw while i send out azula she hits a charge beam that brings ma wild to just over 50 percent but boosts her special attack and ma wild just uses iron defense so azula should be able to take her out with one more charge beam unfortunately we miss but it's pretty low stakes because all ma wild does is get off a super weak crunch our third charge beam connects kills mawile and also gets azula a second special attack boost this brings in mr mime's second a parabolic charge puts her in the yellow as she sets up a light screen then a volt switch leaves her in the red as i bring in livewire who moderately tanks a psychic as valerie heals we hit mr mime with a fake tears that lowers her special defense then i switch back to azula who gets hit by a hard psychic though with the help of a citrus berry and her cheek pouch ability we get back to full hp so i go for a charge beam on the next turn as mr mime sets up or reflect and now that the light screen is worn off we're able to take out mr mime with one more charge beam this just leaves sylveon but now that azula is at plus two special attack parabolic charge does decent damage though it's still not as much as sylveon's dazzling gleam that thing hurts must be nice having a fairy type that can actually use a fairy type move even with the hp gained back from another parabolic charge azula will be at risk to a critical hit but i decide to gamble it which pays off as sylveon just uses charm another parabolic charge leaves sylveon with a sliver which sucks because a volt switch would have just won me the game there now i have to dodge a few more critical hits as valerie heals and weathers a few more hits from parabolic charge but having learned from my mistake i make sure to finish off sylveon with a volt switch thereby winning us the sixth gym badge not necessarily the cleanest of fights but a win is a win from here i can head into the lost hotel where one of three potential encounters awaits magneton electrode or roton i really don't want another pure electric type so even though magneson is phenomenal it isn't worth the risk of getting electrode instead so i decide to guarantee rotom by rummaging through the various trash cans while using a repel to keep away any potential magnetons and electrodes i named the rotom buzz shock and they instantly joined the team's rotating roster meaning that two pokemon will be hanging out with sheave at any given time regular rotom isn't particularly amazing but by interacting with the boxes on the second floor of professor sexymoor's lab i can freely change buzzshok's form this gives them phenomenal versatility and grants me access to a bunch of useful type combinations albeit only one at a time for now i changed buzzshock into their wash form but that'll change at various points throughout the rest of the challenge after making the trek to anistar city i get to fight olympia for the final gym badge before the big team flare finale kicks off i choose to go with static shock livewire and zeus static shock is able to easily one shot olympia's lead sigoleth with a thunderbolt this thing almost always manages to survive with a sliver of hp so taking her out in one shot felt good slow king is next though and she does survive a thunderbolt in the red but then she just goes for a calm mind i had a chesto berry equipped in case she went for yawn but she didn't and she doesn't get another chance to even with the calm mind boost two more thunderbolts after olympia heals are enough to finish off slow king that just leaves me houstick this is the only one of olympia's pokemon i was worried about since i don't have a super easy way to take care of her and she can pretty easily set up a few combines so i made sure to teach eerie impulse to static shock so that we could lower her special attack it turns out that that's a waste of time though because meowstic just opts for psychics which do very little damage after the eerie impulse so two thunderbolts are enough to take out olympia's creepy kitty and win us a very easy 7th gym badge as i step outside of anastar city gym to casually continue my low stakes little adventure i get an email from lysander announcing his plans to kill every living thing on the planet since for the most part i like being alive it behooves me to try and stop this beautifully made monster this requires fighting him three separate times in pretty quick succession fortunately his ace is a gyarados which famously sports a quadruple weakness to electric type attacks his other pokemon aren't much of an issue for us to deal with either which is refreshing because these fights are almost always the hardest part of the game especially the final fight against him when he mega evolves as gyarados mega gyarados is water dark type so he no longer has a quad weakness to electric type attacks and since gyarados is quite bulky on the special side we can't instantly one shot him but i do have a plan for this lysandre starts the third battle by leading with his mienchao so i lead with azula myancho actually just misses a high jump kick so our follow up volt switch gets the kill but since high jump kick would have never killed a zula the idea was to bring in starlight and then out speed and take out myancha with a thunderbolt on the next turn now though i can just bring in bayery allen as lysander sends out pyroar we get hit by a hard fire blast which results in this weird visual glitch with the health bar of my very real nintendo ds that causes me to freak out for half a second before i figure out what's happening but then we retaliate with the power gem which puts pyror in the red i make sure to protect for a turn to gain back some hp with our held leftovers but after that i hard switch to shazam on a fire blast which crits but still does very little damage now that i'm no longer baiting fire blasts i bring in starlight on a hyper voice which does decent damage but it doesn't matter one more thunderbolt finishes off pyromorph this brings in haunch crow third because the ai always uses their mega pokemon last launch crow obviously falls to a single thunderbolt meaning that now it's time for the gyarados to come out lysander's mega gyarados knows earthquake which would be a huge problem for our team if it wasn't for buzz shock the rotum who has the ability to levitate so my plan is to switch to buzz shock on an earthquake this should then bait outrage which will give me a free switch to azula whose fairy typing makes her immune and then since azula outspeeds gyarados i can vault switch back to buzz shock and then repeat this until mega gyarados falls it's a pretty brilliant plan except for the fact that mega gyarados has the ability mold breaker meaning that he'll ignore buzzshok's levitate ability and connect with earthquake thereby completely ruining my plan at the very least i managed to remember all this before i haphazardly switch to buzz shock but unfortunately this means that i'm in a terrible position mega gyarados will kill every single one of my pokemon with earthquake and none of them are able to get to one shot so unless i want two of my pokemon to go down the only thing that i can do is to have starlight go for a thunderbolt and sacrifice herself i absolutely hate that it had to come to this had buzz shock been in their fan form then maybe i could have avoided this though without that secondary water type from the wash form there'd likely be some damage overlaps between outrage and aqua tail so i'm not even sure i'd be able to reliably switch to either azula or static shock with dry skin respectively regardless it still hurts to have to sacrifice such a good pupper because of some foolish mistake especially because this challenge was going so well being this far into our journey and sharing so many memories along the way makes this first death sting more than most starlight may not have always been the most reliable when it came to hitting pin missiles but you can be damn sure that we could always rely on her for cuddles and fetch the world will be dimmer without the bright light that was starlight's life may she rest in peace well with the world saved and starlight mourned it's time for the rival bridge gauntlet on route 19. this is one of the more deceptively difficult challenges in the game since you have to fight shauna and tierno without a break fortunately my team has a slight level advantage after all the team flare crap because shauna has a goodra that knows earthquake i decided that i needed to change buzz shock into their refrigerator form this lets them deal with goodra relatively well though we do still take decent damage especially because i tried to finish off gudra with a thunderbolt instead of relying on hitting a second blizzard but since the thunderbolt doesn't quite get the job done buzz shock has to take another dragon pulse before shauna's slimy pseudo legendary goes down this means that buzz shock is sitting at around 50 as we head into the fight against tierno he leads with talonflame and i lead with static shock we don't out speed but talonflame doesn't know a fire type move so it's safe to just kill him with a parabolic charge that gets us back to almost full hp no problem there but then roserade comes out and because buzzshock is possessing a refrigerator instead of a microwave or a fan or a lawn mower we don't have a single grass type resistance so believe it or not this roserade which only knows petal dance is a massive issue a critical hit will kill static shock so i switch out to bayery allen but as you can see from how much damage he takes it probably would have been wiser to get off an eerie impulse barry takes another petal dance and hits roserade with a power gem then i switch to a zula who would have barely survived a critical hit this lets me get some chip damage with volt switch as i bring in zeus he takes way too much damage on the switch but at least rosarite now gets confused so i switch to buzz shock next who barely survives a non-critical hit as roserade breaks through confusion i go for a protect to see if roserade will hit herself in confusion but she doesn't instead she actually just snaps out of confusion so now i'm in a position that you'd never want to be in i did the damage calc and thunderbolt from buzz shock does about 25 to 30 percent of roserade's hp because of stab hex would actually do even less i spend about five minutes trying to decide if roserade was below 25 hp i literally measured the length of the full hp bar and the length of the remaining hp bar and tried to see if i could get a rough estimation my measurements had roserade sitting at around 33 but you can pause the video and do your own calcs if you want regardless of whether i was right or wrong i ultimately decided that my best bet was to go for the blind blizzard you really really want to avoid relying on a 70 accurate move especially if you're gambling your most versatile team member but i have no other choice so i click blizzard i swear i was so certain that blizzard would miss there the wave of relief that came over me was indescribable without buzz shock the rest of this game would have been incredibly difficult so it's a small miracle that i connected there to be fair though blizzard still hits like 70 of the time so the odds were very much in my favor but rng can be a hell of a drug in nuzlockes anyways the rest of the rival gauntlet is unremarkable so let's just move on to the final gym battle against wolfrick and his ice types i've decided to bring buzz shock who is now sitting warm and comfy inside of a microwave as well as zeus and barry who haven't possessed microwaves but they're still doing a good job wolfrick leads with obama snow who instantly sets up the hail but then buzz shock lights him up like the 4th of july with a single overheat i've made sure to give buzz shock a wide lens so overheat is 99 accurate wolfrick brings in his avalog next overheat harshly lowered our special attack so i switch out to berry allen as avalog goes for a curse then after taking some hail chip and recovering said hail chip with leftovers i switch back to buzz shock and a fairly weak avalanche all things considered so another overheat turns avalog into a puddle this just leaves wolfrick with triagonal so i switch to zeus who gets hit by a fairly hard ice beam as the hail stops throughout our travels zeus has managed to accidentally accrue a decent number of attack evs to the point where his attack stat is quite a bit better than his special attack sat so a brick break is more than enough to one-shot the physically frail snowflake and win us the eighth and final gym badge which means we're off to the pokemon league along the way i have one last fight against serena but the most exciting thing about that fight is the night sky behind us i guess i've never done this fight at night because my goodness this looks beautiful i've said it before but if these games were just a little more polished from a gameplay perspective they'd be my favorite pokemon games it's a shame we never got pokemon z but anyways the final fight against serena isn't particularly memorable so we can just skip it which means it's time for the final challenge of the run here are the six pokemon that i'll be using to take on the elite four and the champion all leveled up to level 65 to match the aces of each elite four member these six have been the pokemon i've used most consistently so other than choosing which rotom form to use the pokemon selection was pretty straightforward livewire and sheave will be cheering from the box for buzz shock's form i decided on rotom heat which will address a few specific threats that my team would otherwise potentially struggle against so let's see if this team of six has what it takes to avenge our lone fallen friend and finish the run strong first up is siebold who for once is the easiest of the elite four members if you don't have an electric type his dragon dancing gyarados can be pretty scary but since we obviously do have an electric type gyarados and all three of his other water types are one shot by thunderbolts from static shock as a note in order to satisfy the anime rule i've pre-selected four pokemon that i'm allowed to use for each of the elite four fights obviously here it doesn't matter but it will for the next few fights anyways that's cbolt defeated second is wickstrom this fight is predominantly why i chose rotom heat buzz shock is able to come in on wickstrom's lead klefki and after getting hit by a priority torment kill the little fairy with an overheat next is probopass so i switched to barry allen on a power gem robopass has earth power but despite being super effective it really doesn't do that much damage so i don't really have to play this particularly optimally which is good because i don't things get a little messy i end up going for a bunch of switches and protecting for leftovers recovery and accidentally leaving probopass with the sliver of hp so that wickstrom heals and blah blah blah it's not particularly interesting but the end result is that i'm able to get buzz shock back in freely on an earth power with both of wickstrom's full restores used up and then i can easily finish off probopass with a thunderbolt so third is aegislash after he wastes a turn going for a king shield even though he's already in shield form buzz shock outspeeds and one shots him with an overheat so last is caesar but even with the special attack drop from the first overheat another one cleanly gets the one shot and we win the battle against wickstrom so third is malva she leads with her pie roar and i lead with zeus a brick break does super effective damage into the lioness who retaliates with a flamethrower that doesn't do much thanks to her rivalry nerf then a second brick break takes her out porkal comes out next so i switch to buzz shock on an earthquake a thunderbolt does good damage as torkel just misses a stone edge i spent a long time getting the charty berry that i'm holding so that that wouldn't be an issue but whatever oracle falls to another thunderbolt that brings in chandelure so i hit her with a dark pulse she just goes for a confide which lowers buzz shock's special attack but the single drop doesn't stop buzz shock from taking down chandelure with two more dark pulses after malva uses a full restore so last is talonflame thanks to the special attack dropped from confide i don't want to put talonflame in the range where flail would do a lot of damage so i switch to shazam who tanks a brave bird then i switch back to buzz shock who easily tanks a critical hit brave bird so after taking a flare blitz talonflame goes down to one last thunderbolt and malva is defeated meaning that drazna is last for the kalos elite four she leads with dragalgi and i lead with zeus i go for a dig as dirk algie misses a sludge bomb zeus dig manages to get a critical hit on drug algae which is actually really inconvenient because it means that drazna will heal had she not gotten the crit we'd actually be in a much better position because now i need to risk zeus to a critical hit sludge bomb i do make sure to nuzzle the drug algae on the turn that drastina heals so that she potentially gets fully paralyzed and we don't get cripped by the next sludge bomb but dragalgi's poison point does activate meaning that even with our citrus berry activating zeus has just barely enough hp to finish off their galagy with one more dig it's been a hot minute since i've been in a position where getting a critical hit on the enemy was actually a bad thing but fortunately everything worked out this time the silver lining here is that alteria comes out next and since zeus is poisoned we can safely switch to shazam without risk of getting hit by a sing instead a dragon pulse doesn't do much damage then we surprisingly out speed and hit alteria with an ice beam though that doesn't kill because shazam is kind of weak alteria just uses cotton guard though so a few more ice beams take her out this actually works out pretty well since drazna wastes her final full restore third is neuvern so i stay in and shazam takes a dragon pulse before he retaliates with an ice beam that leaves neuvern with a sliver then i switch out to barry allen dragon pulse does way less damage to him and leftovers helps out a ton protect helps us get back a little bit of hp on the next turn though it ultimately doesn't really matter because it causes noivern to go for super fang for a good chunk of hp before she falls to a power gem so last for drazna is dreddagon we have to be a little careful here because she knows dragon tail and if she uses dragon tail to bring in zeus he'll die to poison damage so i switch out to azula who instead of shrugging off a dragon tail shrugs off a weak revenge then we hit drudogon with a charm so that her attacks do very little damage a toxic on the next turn also puts the pile of duplos on a timer from here azula just slowly whittles away at dradogon with parabolic charge and toxic damage i make sure to stay out of the range where a crit could kill a zula but with the help of a citrus berry and cheek pouch that ends up being pretty easy grottagon does get one crit but it's not enough and the poison damage is starting to rack up so with one last volt switch doradogon falls winning us the battle against the final elite four member which means it's time for a tradition as old as time itself if you're new to the channel in my very first kalos challenge video i forgot to click record during the final fight against the champion diantha so i had to use paper puppets to reenact the fight and since then it's become something i've done for every kalos playthrough it works out well because the fights against diantha tend to be pretty underwhelming otherwise now the puppets are back for this one but this fight actually has the potential to be super difficult some of dianthus pokemon are pretty problematic for my electric types including a tyrantrum with earthquake and head smash so buckle up folks this one's gonna be a doozy let's get started diantha leads with halucha as she always does so i lead with static shock we don't outspeed so halucha goes for flying press but she misses which is funny because we managed to connect with a 70 accurate thunder this brings in goodra next so i switched to azula on a focus blast which annoyingly drops our special defense i guess that kinda makes up for the flying press miss i decide to volt switch out to shazam on a fire blast which does no damage but does get the burn rng galore gudra then hits a dragon pulse which crits our citrus berry activates and then we hit goodra with a toxic then it's back to azula on a dragon pulse i use confide to lower gudra's special attack on the next turn as azula tanks a fire blast then i volt switch out to zeus who dodges a fire blast unfortunately the poison damage puts goodra into the red so diantha uses a full restore though at least zeus uses the opportunity to nuzzle gudrum then it's back to azula on a dragon pulse and then another confide as she gets fully paralyzed a third confide means that a fire blast doesn't do much to azula who gets back to almost full hp with the citrus berry and cheek pouch with a volt switch i bring in zeus on a weak fire blast then we hit goodra with a brick break for good damage as goodra retaliates with a dragon pulse so i switched to azula one last time on a dragon pulse and with one last volt switch it's off to barry allen who manages to avoid a focus blast all of that obnoxious pivoting was so that i could safely bring in barry who is now able to kill goodra with a dragon pulse which they decided to give to ampharos as a level up move just so that they could justify his ridiculous part dragon mega evolution with goodra finally taken care of tyrantrum is next and he's just plain scary even without earthquake headsmash does a disgusting amount of damage i switched to shazam planning to sacrifice him to get a free switch into azula but tyrantrum straight up misses a head smash on the switch which is amazing because it means that shazam is able to hit him with a hard ice beam it's not enough for the kill so sadly our fishy friend still falls to a follow-up head smash though the recoil is enough to also take out tyrantrum so thank you for your sacrifice shazam i hope you enjoy fishy heaven zeus comes in to replace shazam as diantha brings in aurora's fourth a brick break is enough to one-shot auroras we've really come a long way since grant huh that means that the final pokemon before diantha's mega gardevoir is gorgeized i switched to buzz shock as gore guys goes for shadow force so then i switch out to static shock whose normal type makes him immune to the attack then it's back to buzz shock who gets hit by a trick or treat but that's fine because a dark pulse causes gorgeous to flinch on the next turn and then after diantha tries to heal horror guys goes down to a few more dark pulses buzz shock has had an absolutely phenomenal performance at the kalos pokemon league but i do need them to make a sacrifice for the sake of the team because dianthus gardevoir is pretty scary as she comes in and mega evolves buzz shock nails her with a thunder wave to guarantee that our remaining 4 pokemon in the back can outspeed her as a result though this exposes them to a nasty attack from mega gardevoir that's sure to kill unless gardevoir gets fully paralyzed okay well i guess it's off to static shock on a shadow ball then we hit gardevoir with an eerie impulse meaning that carnivore is going to need a lot of critical hits to clutch this one out she doesn't get a crit but moonblast does drop our special attack so i switch out to barry allen who also has his special attack dropped by moonblast so it's off to azulla as gardivore now gets fully paralyzed then it's just a volt switch for a tick of damage to bring buzz shock back in as gardevoir gets fully paralyzed once again so buzzshok nails her with a thunderbolt as she retaliates with a psychic and then with one final thunderbolt gardevoir falls winning us the battle and the run that was by far the longest and most rng heavy diantha fight i've ever had i don't know if longer fights are as coherent when adapted into the paper puppet medium but hopefully you still like the bit this challenge was a lot of fun and it was really cool to get to use pokemon like heliolisk in this playthrough the way the difficulty level fluctuated was pretty interesting as well sometimes the challenge was on the easier side but there were obstacles that were much harder than i was expecting rip starlight that one will take some time to get over if you enjoyed watching it'd be great if you could like the video and subscribe to the channel or don't i don't know but i do know that you should follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges you should also subscribe to my highlights channel to get highlights of the challenge i'm currently streaming before it's cut down to a video on the main channel and be sure to join the flag on hg community discord where you can discuss nuzlocking and contribute to future challenges the links are in the description below stay tuned for more nuzlocke videos and until then remember to always always always play around the critical hit [Music] you
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 379,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Gaming, NordVPN, VPN, best VPN
Id: -DwOJHPZ0vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 30sec (2490 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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