Pokemon Legends Arceus Hisuian Pokemon ONLY (No items / No overleveling)

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so pokemon legends arceus is out now and i wanted to see if i could beat the entire game using only the new historian pokemon so this is going to be my attempt at doing just that if you enjoy these challenge type videos please remember to leave a like and also if you're new here please consider subscribing both of those things help me out immensely at the beginning of this game it turns out you're a time traveler and arceus just kindly opens up a hole in space and time and sends you plummeting to earth where you're greeted by this random assortment of starters from different generations the professor of this region laventon i think is his name says he doesn't know how to catch pokemon or at least he's garbage at it so asks you to go catch his starters that have just ran away as it turns out we're great at this we're the only person he's ever seen catch three pokemon which says a lot about this region he then invites us back to his village where everybody is a little suspicious of us because if you can't tell we're not dressed like everyone else we're then introduced to benny who owns the local potato mochi restaurant at least that's all he ever serves us our rival and then female cyrus back to back to back they all give us a little spiel about how we're new here and need to earn our place and then i gladly snap up rowlet as my starter for this game because it's honestly just the best option we have we run into volo who is this incredibly handsome wandering traitor and he challenges us to our first actual battle of this game and he just has a togepi i'm gonna cut to the chase here a little bit we decimate him it's a togepi after that we're swept off to the obsidian field lands which is the first area we can actually explore in this game and we have to prove that we're good at catching pokemon even though we're the only person who's ever caught three so we catch a bunch of random pokemon and then yay now we're a part of the village and they give us this horrendous outfit but an even more horrendous hat we're then introduced to kamado and the first thing he does is just sumo slams us onto the ground but he likes our grit so he lets us continue exploring for the village and then go get a haircut and yeah i'm not sure why i thought this style looked good so i take my atrocious haircut back out to the obsidian fields and we get some tasks done it's just what's required to make progress in the game this guy also asks me for a wormpole so i catch and give him a wormpole and it shows up in the overworld which is kind of cool i rank up getting my first star and then him told over some nice warm potato mochi that i might need to calm one of the lords of the region which is ominous i meet mai and she challenges me with her munchlax she's a warden in this region and i thought this would be you know an easy battle it's not this munchlax murks like three or four members of my party before i finally down it and if that wasn't enough my introduction to alpha pokemon is right after this and this stupid cricket tune murked half my team before i was able to kill it so let me take one moment here as a quick aside to just say this is not going to be a hardcore nuzlocke run if you're wondering why i didn't break down hardcore nuns lock rules at the beginning of this video it was this exact moment that made me realize yeah this is probably not super doable as a blind run i got the game early before there was any information released on it and honestly after playing it i don't think it super lends itself to a hardcore nuzlocke experience i mean again i'm sure someone's done it but it's not for me so instead we're just going to be using a specific set of pokemon for this run don't get me wrong i'm still not using items in battle and i'm still trying to follow level caps to the best of my ability but all in all just a different type of challenge video quick aside over after murking the alpha qriketoon i guess i impress this majestic deer so i am gifted a flute that can summon the deer and now i can ride him this is peak gameplay we're then introduced to adam and ereda who are the clan leaders of the diamond and pearl clans respectively and they kind of have a conflict because one believes that the one true god rules over space and the other believes that the one true god rules over time i mean you you get it right they're just referencing dialga and palkia here clever storytelling game freak we then can finally catch our first pokemon that can become a historian pokemon and we get our own stantler here we get our own deer he's going to evolve into a weird year later as soon as we figure out how to evolve him i'm sure it won't be obtuse or difficult to figure out at all after that i find another alpha pokemon this time it's a barrel and i think hey you know what let's give this one a shot i have a type advantage nope these pokemon rock your consistently in the wild do not try and fight them if you were attempting a hardcore nuzlocke stay away we then meet leon who is the warden to clevor i'm not gonna lie i don't know what that means i've played through the entire game i don't know what that means he is incredibly short though and he doesn't seem to want to let us help or he doesn't seem to want to accept our help i don't know i think it's a short guy thing then a rally evolves which is cool and this evolution animation is top tier irida then challenges me to a battle to prove that i am in fact worthy of helping out cleavor and she has a glacion it's really strong for this point in the game but i have a deer so obviously we murk her and with that out of the way it's time for our first lord fight of the game i can only imagine how insanely difficult this is gonna be i mean look at this scene cleaver is glowing he is radiating energy he's running around splitting trees into this thing is about to decimate my entire team i can already tell nope psych if you believed me then you have been pranked you do not have to even use pokemon in these battles i didn't use pokemon for this entire fight i didn't know you could i know it says send out a pokemon to do battle i just kept not reading that i stood behind a tree the cleaver kept dazing itself and then i threw bags at it i never once used a pokemon this is one of the reasons i don't think these games are particularly suited for hardcore nuzlocking all of the really challenging points at the game are not about pokemon battles it's about like memorizing patterns and dodging things you do not have to use pokemon in these fights fun fact okay uh so we calmed cleaver down and then i found the scyther which is cash money because as we've just seen uh we can get a cleavoir later so now i have three pokemon that will eventually be historian pokemon as long as i can figure out how to evolve them with clever down we can now explore the crimson meyerlands which is the next area i just forgot to record the establishing shot once i got here we then run into calaba who is so broke she can't even afford an umbrella and also she asks us to help her fix her wall but i left my game running and my character just standing here so enjoy this time lapse of the hissuian region i then run into a teddy ursa which means i now almost have a complete team of pokemon that will soon be hissuian pokemon as long as the evolution conditions aren't too hard to figure out and i make my way to an old campsite where i am attacked by let me check my notes here the misfortunes i don't know their names are charm clover and coin which are all i guess luck related somehow they send out a toxic croak which i obliterate with my dear and then they give me the piece of the wall that kalababa is missing she takes me to earth's ring and tells me that i cannot catch it under any circumstances but i absolutely can heck it up so i do and now i can ride around on it like it's an item finder which is a fantastic mechanic and now that we've proven ourselves and beating our seluna we can challenge lilligant and once again we beat her by throwing bags at her this fight is a little bit more difficult than the cleaver fight at least but we're just throwing bags at pokemon neat so it's finally time to evolve our pokemon and i figured out their evolution conditions completely by myself no i'm kidding they are incredibly obscure for ursaring you have to ride around on your ursoluna item finder guy until you find a peat moss and then you have to use peat moss on ursaring on a night when there's a full moon that's how you get ursuluna for stantler you'll eventually learn a move called scishield bash and you have to use that move on agile style after you've mastered it 20 times and then you level it up and you can evolve into weird air these evolution conditions are just really strange and i don't know how anyone would figure them out on their own but we finally have two actual historian pokemon on our team so i make my way to the cobalt coastlands and it is time to get exploring right after we fight irida in this fight she actually uses a glacion and an eevee at the same time and tag teams you with him which is incredibly unfun and again another reason why i think hardcore nuzlockes would not be super viable in this game there are a lot of fights like this in the future after that i'm able to find a hassuyan growlith and for those who are keeping count this would be the fifth hissuian pokemon that i've added to my team meaning we are so close to a full team of six and after i catch that good boy i am told a story about how cobalt coastland's own lord jesus arcanine died it died while swimming out into the ocean to help save its puppy from drowning that's a really uplifting story really moving really touching really good stuff like i've no doubt this little one has the potential to be a fine lord but witnessing his father's demise has left deep scars in his heart he loved to see it we're now told that in order to progress we need to be able to ride on a basket legion which is just a massive ghost fish and this guy tells us that the only way to do it is to make its favorite food and to make its favorite food we needed dust clops to use dark pulse on some food this is very strange we go catch a dust clops though and we have it use dark pulse on some food very cool so since we fed the basket legion chicken con dark pulse we can now ride on this guy by summoning him with our handy flute that we can just use to summon all of these ride pokemon not letting us have even one single moment of victory the misfortune sisters show up again and this time their plan is to steal the puppy who had to watch his own dad die which is just in bad taste so now i have to go rescue the little hissy and growlithe but on the way there i managed to find a hesuyan quillfish and catch it and finally we have a team of six pokemon that are all hissourian forms or at least have the ability to become hissuian forms we make our way to the volcano island of death and now we have to confront the misfit sisters or the misfortune sisters i don't remember either way dartrix evolves into jesui and decidueye and i know this thing is getting a lot of hate online but i actually love the design it's great we confront the misfit sisters and instead of doing the reasonable thing and giving us back the stolen growlithe puppy they make us fight them so i get to use hissui and decidueye and its signature move raises your critical hit chance and lowers your opponent's defense which is wildly absurd the growlithe sees the conflict and also i think feels the presence of its father and decides to evolve into the lord of the cobalt coastlands but then it struck by lightning so now it's whipped up into a frenzy just like the other two lords that we've already fought and just like those two we're the only ones that can calm it down and we're gonna do it by throwing food directly at it okay but seriously though this was the first lord fight that i thought was incredibly challenging i mean i blacked out multiple times before i ever figured out the patterns or how to successfully quell this arcanine's rage i mean i eventually got it but this was a drastic increase in the difficulty level of these lord fights i don't know if that's just me or if everybody experienced this but this fight was genuinely hard so now that we've saved the cobalt coastlines we can head to the coronet highlands and we meet the actual hero of the story i present to you sneezler this thing is so goofy looking but we can use sneezler to scale mountains which is actually pretty cool we meet mellie who is one of the wardens of the coronet highlands and i without a doubt think that this guy is the worst character in the game not only does he ambush you with three pokemon to make you prove that you're worthy of challenging the lord of the corn at highlands he's also just a dick before we do challenge the next lord i decide to evolve some of my pokemon so i ride around on my item finder bear until i find a black agarite so i can finally evolve this scyther that we've had since near the beginning of the game into a cleaver and while i think cleaver is ugly as it's pretty cool it has a neat typing at least i then spend no less than one entire hour trying to figure out how to evolve this quill fish and as it turns out it's similar to weirder it learns an attack called poison barrage and you have to use it 20 times on the strong style to get this aquatic mine of a pokemon after that we have an actually reasonable evolution we just use a firestone on growlithe and it evolves into hissuian arcanine and now i have a fully evolved team of all historian pokemon i make my way back to the coronet highlands and i decide to challenge the lord which happens to be my favorite lord in this game i mean don't get me wrong i normally really dislike voltorb and electrode but something about the hussuyan forms really do it for me this is also in my opinion the most enjoyable lord fight it has a good balance of difficulty and mechanics and one of the main attacks being voltorb bombs dropping out of the sky is hilarious this is a 10 out of 10 lord fight i know i haven't shown it every time but basically every time we accomplish something in this game we're fed potato mochi and i just wanted to share that with you now that i've quelled four of the lord's frenzies we have a meeting with adaman ireda and kamado about the fact that i've quelled four of the lord's frenzies it progresses the story we also get to see that cylene is deathly afraid of bug pokemon which is just good character building don't worry cylene i won't let it hurt you as i'm heading back out to the coronet highlands to get some research tasks done i see that there's actually a hesuy and voltorb outbreak and i haven't caught one of these yet so i go find it and this happens i mean don't get me wrong now i know that outbreaks are the shiny hunting method of this game but at the time i didn't know that and this is still insane i'm actually going to catch a shiny pokemon in a restricted challenge that i can use sign me up after getting some research tasks done i level up and get my fifth star which unlocks the last area that i can explore in this game the alabaster icelands home to the largest lord that we'll fight in this game but forget the story forget everything i was wandering around the crimson mirelands and i saw this absolute unit that's right i found a full odds shiny alpha psyduck and i caught it and just look at this chonker this is without a doubt my favorite thing that i have ever done in pokemon ever that's it i've peaked okay now back to the monotonous and boring story because it doesn't entirely revolve around shiny alpha psyduck uh we evolved this hasuy in voltorb it's a relatively easy evolution you just need a leaf stone but we have shiny hessian electrode which i also love just not as much as psyduck now back in the alabaster icelands we have one of the rare battles of the game versus garrick who is the warden of the lord of the alabaster icelands but he just has a glailey and a frost lass and i have a historian arcanine so this battle turns out not to be very hard at all once i beat him he tells me that i'll need the ability to fly to actually harvest the favorite food of the lord of the alabaster iceland in order to quell it so i have to chase this little weirdo all across this massive tundra just to end up in this puzzle dungeon that's based on the regis i confront her and surprise she wants to battle me to prove that i'm worthy to ride on her big bird but she uses ryperior electivire and magmordar all at once needless to say this is the hardest battle we've actually had so far but hassuing electrode holds his own really well one shotting the ryperior taking the magmordar out with two thunderbolts and then i decided to use electrodes signature move in this game to deal with the electrifier but i didn't know that it's basically a grass-type explosion because it knocked me out as well either way good job pursuing an electrode you just three for one now that we have access to flying i feel like there's no better way to test it than just heating ourself off a cliff there we go nice so with access to flying i can now go harvest the lord's favorite food and it just happens to be frozen fish sticks okay it's actually called eternal ice but let me believe with our bucket of frozen fish sticks it's time to go take on the lord of the alabaster iceland which is an absolutely enormous historian avalon i mean look at this thing no shot you can't tell me that the main protagonist of pokemon legends arceus isn't some type of meta human look at this i'm dodging snowballs i'm dodging ice shards and dodging ice beams this kid is a meta human he can also fall from like 50 feet and just get up no shot okay back to the actual fight even though this is the last lord that we face i think it's only the second hardest of the lord fights the arcanine one to me is just so much more mechanically different maybe i'm just dog water at it but this fight was a breeze compared to that one i mean i didn't first try this fight or anything but it was a lot easier to get the patterns down anyway we chip away with our cleavor and eventually we throw enough bags at this thing that we calm it down and in doing so we've quelled the frenzy of every lord and we win the game nope just kidding after our traditional feast of potato mochi we wake up the next day and the sky looks like something out of a low budget vaporwave music video and kamado took that personally and now is somehow convinced that everything is our fault we've been causing all of these strange occurrences since we fell from the sky and honestly i mean logically it makes sense nothing started happening until we showed up so we get ostracized from jubalife village but thankfully the most attractive character in the game volo introduces us to a new character who happens to be the second most attractive character in the game kojita and they're here to help us adamant and ira also show up to help but we can only pick one of them to help because it will be too suspicious so i pick irida she's just the more pleasant character to be around now with our task force assembled it's time to execute the plan that kojita gave us which is to travel to the three lakes across the sui region and open the meech with our phone i don't know if i ever touched on this but we have a working phone in the past somehow we open the lake doors we talk to three lake spirits they each give us a piece of their personality which will come together to create the red chain that will quell whatever is causing the disruption in the sky so we head back to mount coronet to execute this flawless plan and we run into binny but surprise benny doesn't just serve potato mochi he's also a ninja and this is the first real battle of this entire game he leads off with the miss maggias that i'm able to take out with overquill then he goes into a sneezeler that i'm able to take out also with overkill because it learns spikes and they do direct damage and then shard damage a gardevoir which i'm able to take out with overquill and then he finishes with a glade that i'm able to absolutely murk with decidueye so for the first real battle of the game not bad but it definitely wasn't super challenging after that i approached kamado and i tell him i'm going to save the day and i have what it takes to stop the distortion in the sky and he just wants to fight he leads off with his cesuian braviary so i use stone axe with cleavor and it actually does a ton of damage and he switches out into golem preserving his braviary yeah i did something the golem is one shot by my electrode and then he goes out into snorlax but two triple arrows is enough to drop this thing after the defense drop then he goes back out into braviary and heals it up to full so it's back out into cleavor where two stone axes is enough to just write an obituary for this bird his last pokemon is a clefable and i just stand with cleavor because stone axe is a hard-hitting move and does splinter damage at the end of the turn and that's it those are the only two traditional battles where your opponent uses more than one pokemon done at the very end of the game the distortion is expanding rapidly and surprise palkia comes out but it's okay we have the lake spirit artifacts we have the red chain it's gonna contain palkia and uh no never mind palkia broke through the red chain that was a bust but it's okay we battle it and catch it actually incredibly easy then the distortion opens up again and now dialga comes through and surprise dialga is what is causing the vaporwave sky i mean i think this depends on whether you pick adamant or irida to help you at the end of the game either way now we have to quell dialga thankfully adaman collected all of the pieces of the red chain to forge this incredibly useful red ball that can single-handedly quell dialga so we go back to the coronet mountaintop approach dialga and challenge it with palkia but it isn't really enough palkia attempts to distort the space around dialga with a spatial rend but dialga cocoons itself in a vortex of swirling time energy and with all of this power it digivolves into dialgamon horse mode and now not even palkia can withstand its blistering strength in fact the only one who can is me so yeah if you need further proof that the character you play as in pokemon legends arceus is in fact a metahuman this should be enough proof for you the final battle of the game has you pitted up against the god of space or time in this universe and you're required to dodge all of its attacks and then capture it after calming it down by only throwing bags of its favorite food at it you cannot convince me that these are the actions of a normal human but hey that's just a theory a game oh you know what i don't think i'm allowed to say that that's not my ip anyway we captured algamon horse mode the vaporwave sky disappears the heavens open up and with that we've beaten the game okay so i have a lot of thoughts about this game but i'm going to try and condense them here in this outro for you first the game is phenomenal it might have seemed like i was on it a lot but most of it was just for comedic effect i think this game is a massive step forward for the pokemon franchise i just don't think it is particularly suited to the type of challenge videos that i have been doing recently it's not a good nuz-locking game like i mentioned several times there just aren't a ton of traditional battles scattered throughout this game most of the trainers you fight only have one pokemon and then the trainers that do have multiple pokemon outside of benny and comodo at the very end of the game all gang up on you so it's like 2 or 3 v1 which is just not a great experience that being said the game is phenomenal i think it's a fantastic experience the story is actually pretty engaging and fun even if a little silly at times and all in all i loved it i would definitely play through this game again and i've also really enjoyed shiny hunting in the game so even though this game is not what i would consider a great game for nuzzlocking still a wonderful experience thank you so much for watching this video it means the absolute most to me and if you enjoyed it please let me know by leaving a like on the video and also remember if you're new here please consider subscribing both of those things help me out so so much okay and with that being said i'm kind of done here and i have to leave all right bye
Channel: in vivid color
Views: 290,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon legends arceus, pokemon challenges, pokemon legends arceus gameplay, hardcore nuzlocke, in vivid color nuzlocke, hisuian typhlosion, hisuian decidueye, hisuian Pokemon ONLY, Pokemon Legends Arceus challenge, Pokemon Legends Arceus hisuian pokemon only, can I beat pokemon legends arceus, new pokemon only, pokemon hard mode
Id: d_FB64R42_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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