Beating Pokemon Gold & Silver How Nintendo Intended

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pokemon gold and silver released in japan on november 21st 1999 and in the following years the rest of the world would also see the release of these games since these are one of the older pokemon games chances are if you stumbled across this video you've already played through gold and silver or at least know the general idea on how to beat them but have you ever played through pokemon gold and silver exactly how nintendo intended it to be i have this super shiny official gold and silver strategy guide approved by nintendo from prima well actually apparently it's prima as i learned from the comments of by fire red as an intended video but come on guys i'm a youtuber do you really expect me to know how to read all i know how to do is pull up these youtube analytics pages that say over 90 percent of people who watch my videos are cool cats but only about 10 percent of people watch my videos are even cooler cats we all know that youtube analytics never lie so let's take a look at this gold and silver guide and see what it tells us first i notice that the copy i have is the electronic boutique exclusive version which i believe is the canadian one a store that i haven't even seen in about 15 years or so and we have a sealed secret section whatever that means i look at the back of the guide and see the sealed secret section and notice that i can pull open some of these pages to see more secrets and more pages although they are a little hard to rip open one of them tells me about colored pokemon very poor choice of words there which are shiny pokemon they managed to catch 10 colored pokemon while making this guide which is pretty impressive especially since one of them was lugia there was a berry page in the back as well and look surprisingly it's completely intact this time and not cut out at the start of the guide it tells me how to use the guide although all it really does is tell me how gold and silver are loose equals to red and blue there's now a day night cycle as well as some other new features upon red and blue in these games and that i should refer to the quick and dirty path for a brief walkthrough of these games events the what now on the next page is where we can finally begin our journey as the guy tells us how to play pokemon gold and silver now if you're new to this series welcome by the way hope you guys enjoy these videos and stay awhile in these videos i follow the guide exactly how it tells me to in order to beat the game and try my best to avoid any prior knowledge i have on these games or pokemon as a whole as i played through every single main series pokemon game multiple times at this point i decided to play silver version as well since the version i first got when i was a kid and come on lugia is just way cooler than ho-oh and you know it so now it's time to start up a new copy in pokemon silver and beat it exactly as an intended [Music] the getting started part of this guy tells me to name my character set the clock then go see professor elm to fit my starter pokemon with the other two gods in the videos on like this they told me just to pick the starter that i liked the most however this guide actually breaks down each starter a little bit more for totodile it says the watertight pokemon is a good all-around choice for a starting pokemon its greatest strength is its hm flexibility of the three starting pokemon it can use the most hms and has no weakness against pokemon you encounter at the beginning part of the game this is a great starting pokemon for any player a lot of this is actually true although total does struggle against the bell sprouts in the sprout tower which appear very early on in the game it's still a pretty solid option for cyndaquil it reads known for its fiery quills this fire type is the strongest of the three starting pokemon in fact you can make it through most of the game on the strength of this pokemon alone its final form typhlosion is extremely powerful choose cyndaquil if you're playing silver version and your typhlosion and lugia will take on the elite four easily cynical is the best choice for new players who want to speed through the game and then finally there's chikorita which i think the guide has the best description for out of any of the starting pokemon it says a grass-type pokemon with girlish looks chikorita is the most challenging of the starting pokemon it's not particularly strong against any of the pokemon you'll encounter in the first part of the game in fact it's extremely weak against most of the gym pokemon so you must spend a lot of time leveling it up and building a team of support pokemon chicorita is recommended for experienced pokemon trainers or players who want a challenge i love how the guide pretty much just says that she created this trash and heavily implies that newer players like me technically should pick cyndaquil i pick cynical of course since the guide says the best one and name it some scribble i also notice a tip on the same page that tells me about the nintendo of america testers and what team they use while playing through gold and silver it says they use typhlosion lugia amphrose and graveler golem only for pokemon but it should give us a good outline for what our team should look like the following few pages then tell me some more basics about pokemon like how to catch pokemon various type advantages and disadvantages and stuff like that it also tells me to look out for the new baby pokemon introduced in these games although some of them like magme for example it just shows a question mark for the image instead of showing the actual magby image apparently this guide was made before pokemon gold and silver were officially released in north america and they didn't have access to the images of every pokemon and probably didn't know where to find them in the game in order to take a screenshot of them although they were able to take screenshots of the shiny pokemon somehow there's a few other small errors in this section like this one part that explains the various hitmon evolutions and called tyrogue tyrone and is also missing the image for tairok i eventually make it back to the gameplay part of the guide and on around 29 the guide tells me how sentrits only appear at the daytime and then it's a squirrel-like pokemon maybe this is me just nitpicking a little bit but centroid is a ferret not a squirrel which you can tell from the name sentrit as well from the nameless evolution for it but it also says how hoot hoots only appear at night and spells knight n-i-t-e there's some parts of the guide where they spell knight correctly with the g but most of the time it's spelled without the g and i don't understand why the rest of the first mission is pretty straightforward i talked to mr pokemon to fester oak fight my rival on my way back to the pokemon lab and make sure my cynical is at least level 6 like the guy suggests then get to the lab and they might ravel loren since he kind of looks like ren from gardified vanguard i also caught a geodude on route 46 since the guy did tell me they appear there and also tell me that nintendo testers use them when i should look into them as well and i named the geodude fiona now i have to head over to violet city and take care of some events over there the first thing i noticed which also happens later in the guide is that it has some things in a weird order like it would tell me to go to the bellsprout tower first but then have more information about the bellsprout tower after the detailed part about the first gym i go into the bellsprout tower first anyway and go through it pretty easily thanks to my cyndaquil and i also leveled up and grinded my geodude a little bit around this time i get to the top my cynical evolves into kolava and i see my rival talking to this age the guide mentions how my rival receives a scolding and asks if i could do better which i think i do since i end up defeating the sage get the hm for flash and head out and prepare to fight the first gym leader i also started to read a little bit ahead in this guide which i didn't do too much in the previous videos like this so i can better prepare myself for each important fight the guide mentions how chicorita fans all like six of them will struggle against the first gym and spends about half the section saying how bad jigarita is here it says that totoral and cynical users shouldn't have too much of a problem but also recommends that i level up a geodude to run level 11 so we could learn rock through so i do that anyway and get through this gym very easily i head down to route 32 and the guy tells me about three new pokemon i can find on this route being mareep whooper and hoppip for some reason it has detailed sections about marie and whooper but not hoping on this page and it says i'll have more information about hotpip on the section on route 39 and i go to the section on route 39 and all it has is a picture of hotpip and no other information about it i figure i should catch either marie or whooper though since they're both pretty decent types that i don't have and since i was playing in the day time and wooper only appears at night time while i was recording this portion i catch you marie and it also happens that marie was one of the pokemon that the nintendo testers used when they played through these games i was gonna name the mareep floof but i thought that was a bit too basic against a really common nickname for marie then consider naming it butter but then i just decided to tweet out a suggestion for a nickname and just go with whoever the first person replied with went with and of course the very first response i got on the tweet was somebody wanting me to name it floof the most generic nickname for a marie pokemon 7 plays wanted me to name it butter which just shows how cool he is before i head into the union cave though the guide has a small part about the ruins of alf but i skipped it by accident and didn't even realize it until now but luckily it is an optional area i finally make it over to azalea town right now and the first thing i have to do is help kurt take on team rocket in the slow poke well which i do pretty easily since my team matches up very well against the pokemon i come across now i get ready to head into bugsy's gym where the guide recommends fire rock and water the first two make sense and luckily i have a hook on each of those types but i don't really understand where the water park comes in here as none of his pokemon are weak to water i consider catching a slow book though to get a water type but figure it really isn't worth leveling up as of right now especially since i already have two of the three recommended tights for this gym the fight with bugsy goes very smoothly although i did teach flash to maya marie to lower scyther's accuracy which the guide suggests if you have trouble with the scyther it mainly suggests that you do that if you pick chikurita since again you would struggle against this gym as well if you picked jakurita but i flashed the site there a few times anyway before laying waste to his intrepid team with my fire type next we have to do another rival battle which the guidance says is one of the most critical rival battles in the whole game i live with fiona against his ghastly and get annoyed by some hypnosis sleeps and licks but aside from that i hammer away and win this battle pretty easily i have to say this guide may have some things in a weird order which makes following it a little bit confusing but overall it does a really good job of recommending pokemon and strategies to use in battle and i haven't really noticed too many mistakes when it came to battling suggestions now i have to go through the elex forest and on the way i pick up the charcoal and the tm for headbutt like the guide recommends it also tells me how i can get pineco from headbutting the tree so i decide to try and catch one on my own after about 20 minutes or so of head butting trees i finally find one and get excited to catch it just to have it use self-destruct on me i try and find another but i can't so i just exit the elex forest and head to route 34. i had through this route pretty easily make it to goldenrod city the jewel of the johto crown as the guide calls it there's quite a lot of things for us to do here like get our bike first of all check out the department store and on the fifth floor of the apartment store it says you can get a special tm depending on your pokemon's affection rating but only on sundays i happened to be playing this portion of the game on a sunday in fact but the lady still didn't give me any tm since my affection levels were low enough or high enough to get either the tm that she would give you being frustration or return i explore the city a bit more anyway and come across this rather silly note on the page for the game corner which reads the more money you spend the better your chances of winning which isn't really great advice to give to someone when it comes to gambling but luckily it didn't turn me into a gambling addict when i was a kid playing through this game next up we have to take on whitney the leader of the third gym and arguably the most notorious gym leader in all of pokemon this guide warns me about her miltank's rollout as well as her pokemon going for a tract but luckily i have fiona who is a rock type one of the guy's recommended types and is also a girl geodude meaning it can't be hit from a track from her pokemon either the gym goes by very smoothly thankfully and it makes you realize just how good rock types are when playing through these games the guide then has a few pages about goldenrod underground area the radio tower and another rival battle which does confuse me a little bit since for the rival battle it says he will have pokemon in the 30s which is a pretty high jump coming off of whitney's gym turns out that all of these events are for when you come back to goldenrod city later on in the game but it doesn't tell me straight away and i don't understand why they didn't just hold this out for later i proceed north to route 35 anyway then past the national park missing the bug catching contest since it isn't a tuesday or thursday and i make it over to route 37 which is a big connecting route in the jotu region as it can lead us back to violet city the guy tells me about the sudowoodo blocking my way and that i need to go back to goldenrod to get the squirt bottle to make it move which would have been a lot nicer to tell me before i got all the way here but instead they dedicated a whole page to the game corner instead where you don't have to visit instead of telling me just to pick up the squirt bottle after beating whitney i backtracked to go get the squirt bottle anyway and then come back and catch the sudarudo naming it brock and adding it to our team since it's level 20 which is pretty good i get rock smash on this route as well for later and since it was sunday when i was playing this portion of the game still i was able to get the magnet token as the guide calls it for some reason and give it to fly fee to boost its electric type moves i never realized how many daily events there are in pokemon gold and silver which is pretty cool now that i have this guy that points out pretty much all of them now we can finally make it to ecrutek city one of my favorite cities in all of pokemon with morty who is also one of my favorite gym leaders the first thing i do is heal and run into bill who then heads back to his house in goldenrod city which i then go to as well since the guy tells me if i go meet him there he will give me an eevee which i name eric i'm unsure what i want to evolve this evie into yet but i'll hold on to it for now now back in ecruteak city the next thing we have to do is take on the kimono girls in order to get the serve hm which i hammer away at in order to get rather quickly i don't have a pokemon that can learn surf yet unfortunately but i can't use it outside of battle again to look at the fog badge so i'm not too worried about it right now now we have to take on morty the ghost type gym leader the guy recommends ground type pokemon and psychic types for his team and luckily fiona is also part ground type and has the move magnitude which will really help in this gym i dispatch all the trainers in the gym easily and fiona evolves to graveler right before i'm about to fight morty which is great i get through morty so easily with fiona since all of his pokemon are part poison which is weak to magnitude when it comes to morty being a ghost type trainer i always thought it was weird how they added a ghost type gym leader into the johto region and then didn't give him mystery viss the new ghostlight pokemon introduced in gold and silver now we have to go into the burn tower to fight our arrival and also meet the three legendary pokemon hiding in the basement after i level up my pokemon a little bit by battling all the trainers on the following route and then make it to olivine city the guy tells me to get the super rod and also tells me which water pokemon i can catch nearby so i do that and get a magikarp and ebit mako since i know i'll need a water type eventually to use surf luckily my magikarp will evolve in only one more level since it's already level 20 although i completely forgot about how later in the game we get a shiny gyarados pretty easily and by the time i encounter it'll probably be a higher level than my current gyarados i pick up the hm for strength and clear the lighthouse next anyway but now i have to head over to sign with city to pick up the medicine for the sick amphoros in the lighthouse and take on another gym leader i teach surf to my newly evolved gyarados pick up the medicine from cyanwood city and then head into the scionwood city gym although i am a little bit under level now as you can see from the levels in the guide compared to the levels of my team this is the point of the game where the levels begin to jump one of the biggest flaws in the entire game heading into this gym the guide recommends i use flying and psychic type pokemon and i do have a gyarados which is technically part flying type although it doesn't have any flying type moves and i don't have any psychic pokemon unfortunately i did pick up this spiro from one of the guards though nicknamed kenya but it's too low of a level for me to use right now and really not worth me grinding it 20 plus levels just for this one gem fight this is the first gym that i actually struggle with as chuck beats me the first time i challenged him and i also found it funny and laughed out loud a little bit how right before the battle started he threw this boulder then immediately after that i heard the fortnight default dance song playing since that's my follow alert on twitch and somebody followed me while i was recording that part of the video and i forgot to turn off the notification sounds if you want to follow me on twitch as well i'll leave a link to it in the description as i do stream pokemon sometimes and i am considered streaming these unintended playthroughs over there just to make it a little bit easier for me anyway i head over to the gym again this time and i save flaffy to the end for his polywrath and end up winning thanks to flaffy as well as eric who tend to hit while i was able to use the revive on my flaffy this part of the guide is also a bit confusing since now i have to backtrack again and go back a few pages since the jasmine fight is supposed to be after the check fight although i guess you could technically do them out of order i then head back to olivine city give amprous the medicine then go into jasmine's gym to take her on she's level 35 stelix is our highest level which is about 5 levels higher than my current level pokemon and a few levels higher than chuck's highest pokemon i noticed that i have a great type advantage against your team though since i have a fire type a ground type and a water type all of which the guide recommends so i head in anyway i take out our first magnemite with some scribble pretty easily then it comes stelik which i weaken as much as possible with embers until it falls then i send out my gyarados which is 11 levels under steelix i go for a serve which does decent damage but then jasmine goes for a 500 iq play goes for sunny day lowering the damage of my watertight moves to her steelix gyarados eventually falls but luckily i have fiona which ends up cleaning up jasmine's team and continues to be the best pokemon in my entire squad next we have to head over towards mahogany town and get our seventh gym badge but i should probably grind up a couple of levels in between then since my team is starting to look a little weak i finally make it over to mahogany town and the sections are really out of order over here first it has the gym battle against price which i can't do yet then the team rocket hideout battles which i also can't do yet then on the following page it has a lake of rage events which what we have to do first despite it appearing last in the guide i head into the lake of rage anyway to try and catch the red gyarados and also get the red scale to get lance to come visit however the gyarados gets confused and ends up knocking itself out which is quite unfortunate but at least i already have a gyarados of my own i then take the red scale over to mr pokemon like this tip in the guide suggest in order to get the exp share which i think will be perfect for eric since i wanted to evolve into either espeon or umbreon and it is quite a bit under leveled i'm currently playing at night time as this is recording so there's a good chance it'll evolve to umbreon sometime today now i'm able to head into the team rockets hideout under mahogany town with the help of lands and the guide instructs me to turn off the security cameras to stop the guns from seeing me when i pass by the statues that have a hidden camera on them forcing the grunts to come and try to battle me i do this but in hindsight i probably should have just left the cameras on and battle as many grits as i could for the xp since i am a bit under level the guy does make a compelling argument to turn the cameras off though by showing this image of a grunt finding you in front of the statue with the caption saying do you get the idea that walking in front of these statues is a bad thing i'm able to get through the rest of the hide up pretty easily thanks to fiona which continues to be the best pokemon on my team and i also get the hm for waterfall which we can use later now we have to get ready to fight price the seventh generator of the jota region where the guide recommends that we use electric fire steel and water types to hit all of his pokemon super effective and i have all those types except for steel so this is looking pretty good for us and i expected the guide to mention something about how people who started with chikurita might struggle here since it is an ice type gym and jiggerita is weak to ice but surprisingly it makes no mention of that and the god hasn't made fun of chikorita fans for a little while now price's pokemon are actually a lower level than the previous gym leader jasmine's though so i was able to defeat him without grinding up my pokemon like i initially thought i would be able to it feels weird having seven badges and not even a full eval starter pokemon yet but we're doing pretty well so far as i exit the gym i get a call from professor elm warning me about team rocket trying to take over the radio tower so now we have to backtrack all the way back to goldenrod to take care of them the guide has this part about 30 pages back of where we currently are now since for some reason it has all of the events in the town in the same section as where you first visit that town despite this part appearing like much later in the game and i know i've said this a couple of times already but i feel like this is the biggest flaw with this guide where it has things in a weird order i'm able to get through the first part of the radio tower pretty easily though where i take on the fake director who tells me that the real director is locked underground i try and go underground to rescue them and see that it's blocked by the rocket run still and got confused here and thought i had to enter the underground from the basement of the department store i also found out that each time i entered the basement of the department store at this point the boxes would actually shift around giving me access to different areas to get different items but this doesn't take me to the rest of the underground area i checked the goldenrod map quickly again to see if there's another entrance to the underground and completely forgot that there's actually another entrance to the underground of the north side of the city which team rocket isn't blocking for some reason so i head on in there to rescue the director but first we have to have another rival battle at a pretty terrible time like i'm trying to stop team rocket from literally taking over the radio tower and my rival wants to battle now the gain says how i should be able to defeat my rival without very much thought and since my team matches up so well since i have such good type diversity i beat him with no problem i then rescue the real director get the card key from him and then get access to the rest of the radio tower and clear out the remaining team rocket executives i try and level up cool lava at this time as well since actually my lowest level pokemon as of right now it even got passed by eric the eevee because of the exp sure being so good but i end up using fiona for most of this since again she matches up so nicely against team rockets grimers zubats and coughings hitting them all super effective i clear out the rest of team rocket and before leaving goldenrod i head into the underground once again since it was tuesday when i was recording this part and i was able to give evie a haircut to help it evolve into either espeon or umbreon since i got the silver wing from saving the director in goldenrod i'm also able to go and catch lugia in the world islands if i want to now i'd each whirlpool to gyarados get access to it quicker and i end up going through the cave and find lugia's room very quickly thanks to the map in the guide i thought i had already gotten the master ball at this point i could have sworn that lance gave it to me but apparently i don't have it yet and i don't end up realizing this until after i started the lugia battle i also didn't have that many other poke balls on me so i thunder wave the lugia with my recently evolved amphoros then chip away at its health and start chucking whatever pokeballs that i have i ended up getting insanely lucky ended up catching lugia with a regular pokeball which is fantastic and i named the lugia skippy i immediately added to the team over kenya as my flyer and with this this also means that we finally have the four recommended pokemon that the nintendo of america testers use while playing through gold and silver being graveler our starter which is now a cool lava amphros and finally lugia now we have to head into the ice path which leads us to blackthorne city home of the eighth and final gym in the jota region i notice that this part mentions the sealed section again so i check it out on the back and open it up to see a more detailed explanation of how to get through the ice path which was very helpful since i did get stuck on the first puzzle it also suggests i catch a jinx around here for the claire flight since ice is good against her dragon type pokemon team but i didn't feel like leveling up another pokemon and i already taught icy wind to lugia so i thought that would be good enough now that we're in blackthorne all that we really have to do here that's important is challenge claire and get the raging badge the final badge in johto well actually it's called the rising badge not the raging badge but the guide mistakenly calls this badge by the wrong name i'm able to hammer away at claire pretty easily thanks to icy wins for my lugia although i do get paralyzed which is annoying i eventually get her ace pokemon kindra and decide to shuffle in my other pokemon against it in order to chip away as much damage as i can and give lugi an easier time to ko it since lugia got paralyzed quite a few times in this fight and actually ran out of ways to heal it luckily i'm able to land in an aeroblast and defeat claire and her kingdra and quickly collect the dragon thing from the dragon's den behind her gym in order to get the 8th gym badge claire tells me how i now have to head east of new bark town to get into the elite four and head towards kanto and professor elm also calls me to tell me that he has something for me which ends up being the master ball there really isn't anything i want to use the master ball on at this point since i already got my lugia but it's good to have i guess i make it through the next couple of routes pretty easily and into victory erode and collect the tm for earthquake like the guide suggests this will be great for fiona and now we have the final rival battle before the elite four the guide mentions how he has a kadabra and how strong it is just like how the fire red guy kept on saying how strong my rival's cadabra was but luckily i have eric the evie with fight to help out against the kadabra somehow this eevee still hasn't evolved despite being my second highest level pokemon as of right now i'm not sure if the exp sure affects it in any way but i thought that leveling it up would at least boost its happiness i'm able to get through the rest of his team pretty easily then i stock up on some items teach my pokemon a few tms and head into the elite four the guide tells me how the trainers here have pokemon in the mid to late 40s for the most part which is much higher than my team as you can see from this image it also says how a well-balanced team of pokemon that are in their 30s 40s and a couple in the 50s should be good here and even though i don't have anything close to level 50 as of yet i still think i'll be okay the gun even lists some recommended pokemon for the elite four which include typhlosion lugia and graveler all of which are on my team i go in and get completely destroyed by will with his pokemon one-shotting some of my team members even i realize pretty quickly that i won't be able to win this battle let alone win the rest of the elite four battles so when i lose i head into the victory road to train a little bit i use my gyarados mostly since a lot of the pokemon here are ground types i can get one shotted by it pretty easily and i gave the exp shirt to my other pokemon to help out leveling up i grind for quite a while and get all of my team to the early 40s or so with gyarados being my highest now and head back in the guide says how will it's going to lead with hezhatu so i lead with flu to take it out with a thunder punch pretty easily all of will's pokemon are dual types so i have something that's super effective against all of his pokemon to take him down pretty easily with none of my pokemon fainting this time next up we have koga and the guy recommends i use fire type since his team has a lot of fire weaknesses typhlosion which evolved while i was grinding takes care of most of his team pretty easily with fiona clearing out his muck in krobat with an earthquake and a rock throw no one fainted this time either my team does get a little bit banged up so i do have to heal quite a bit now we have to take on bruno and the guide says how fighting bruno is a lot like taking on the scionwood city gym again this concerns me since the scionwood gym was the gym that gave me the most trouble out of all of the battles in the game so far but at least now i have lugia which should help a lot in this fight it's psychic and flying type which are the two recommended types and it takes out most of bruno's fighting type pokemon pretty easily while gyarados takes care of the onyx and lugia does end up falling to a rock slide from his machamp but luckily ampharos comes in to give us the win karen is up next the fourth member of the elite four the guide recommends i use fighting and psychic types and although i do technically have a psychic type in lugia i have no psychic or fighting type moves to use against her i decided to leave with fiona against her umbreon anyway since i figured that fiona is my strongest pokemon right now and a few earthquakes take the umbreon down pretty easily typhlosion takes care of the vile plume then fiona comes back in for the gengar and hound doom hound doom nearly kills fiona with a crunch but luckily i one shot it with an earthquake now all that's left is karen's murkrow which i use my electric type and frozen like the guide suggests i heal my team up and now it's time for the big one champion lance all of his pokemon are flying types so i can't earthquake them with fiona like i've been relying on so much lately so i leave with floof and one shot his lead gyarados it does outspeed me and hit me with a hyper beam though something that all of lance's pokemon have it's a very strong move but luckily makes you take a turn to recharge and do nothing which we can take advantage of for lanta's first dragonite i rely on icy winds from skippy and luckily dodge a thunder wave to knock it out without taking any damage i tried the same strategy for the second dragonite but this time it lands the thunder wave and hits me with the blizzard i'm able to break through and knock out the second dragonite anyway but i switch to my gyarados on his aerodactyl it does a lot of damage to gyarados with its rock slide and my surf doesn't even knock it out gyarados ends up falling to aerodactyl so i send out eric since i have yet to use him in the elite four yet and figure he could get a knockout on a weak aerodactyl aerodactyl goes for hyper beam though and somehow eevee lives and knocks it out with two bites while the aerodactyl has to recharge from hyperbeam charizard comes in next so i switch to fiona take a ton of damage from flamethrower then miss on ako with rock throw i sent out typhlosion to finish it off after my graveler falls and all that's left now is lance's third and final dragonite i use a full restore on my paralyzed lugia since i know i'll need it to win and once diflosion falls i hammer away at lance's dragonite with lugia and finally knock it out and with that we have become the champion and beat pokemon silver as nintendo intended well sort of some people got mad in the comments of my last few videos like this saying that this isn't the official nintendo power guide so it isn't the same but the licensed third party guides are usually funnier which is why i like them all around i think this was a pretty good guide it was rushed as it was missing images for some of the new pokemon but outside of that there really weren't too many mistakes and did a good job at telling me how to get through the game as well as what pokemon to use at what points i do have a couple of other guides that are the official nintendo power guides though so be on the lookout for videos about those guides i'm also thinking about doing videos like this for other games that i play a lot as a kid like maybe some zelda games or possibly sonic games this style of video doesn't seem like it'll work well with most types of games unfortunately but i do think it works really well for pokemon i also want to give a huge shout out again to mystery ore for inspiring this video with his minecraft videos and i also want to thank each and every one of you for watching my videos and supporting me if made it this far in the video and enjoyed it consider leaving a like as it helps a ton and subscribe for more videos as i'm making this video we are very close to hitting 50 000 subscribers which is crazy since not too long ago i just hit 20 000. be sure to also let me know in the comments down below what other games pokemon games or not pokemon games you want to see me make videos like this on next and with all that being said i just want to thank you guys all for watching hope you all have a great rest of your day i'll see you all next time and bye you
Channel: PaPaSea
Views: 576,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon gold and silver, beating pokemon how nintendo intended, pokemon videos, papasea, beating pokemon, pokemon but, pokemon gold, pokemon silver, strategy guide, nintendo books, pokemon, generation 2, johto, kanto, pokemon challenges, pokemon challenge video, pokemon challenge, gold, silver
Id: srOY2H270h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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