10 Unanswered Questions/Mysteries in Pokémon

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I feel like just about every franchisee out there has at least one thing that we will never get the answer to and Pokemon is no exception what's underneath a dig lit or more importantly Dugtrio why there are no dark-type gyms who is that his father who is the master oil seriously who this is always bugged me since Sunday moon oh well I guess we'll never know some of these questions will most likely never get a proper answer to so I wanted to cover 10 of the most interesting questions and mysteries about the Pokemon franchise that's so far we are still unsure about well I at least find them pretty interesting so let's start with our plant Pokemon made up of meat or well plant like for example through Ruby is it just an animal with the appearance of a cherry or is it a sentient cherry this pokedex entry states that they're full of nutrients and apparently very tasty if I had to guess I'd go with it tastes like cherry since it's supposed to be sweet as well but this question still applies to just about every single other plant type pokemon or even grass types in general takes Navy for example is it made up of meats or grass and if it's made up of meat would it still taste like meat also its tail at what point will it starts to taste like a leaf I don't know some people may have the answers to this but for now this one for most Pokemon is going to go under the unanswered category which pokemon died in the burning Tower a theory that goes all the way back to generation 2 originally theorized to be the three Kanto nyan evolutions but how are revived into the legendary beasts but there's still no clear-cut proof that this is true this raises even more questions after the sixth episode of the Pokemon generation series where we see the event happened we see the silhouettes of the Pokemon that or revived into the three legendary beasts and it's safe to say that these are definitely not evolutions now some people might not count pokémon generations episode assuming that we can completely follow because these episodes are supposed to just give us a good idea of how certain events in the Pokemon story played out if these silhouettes are Pokemon that got revived and definitely aren't evolutions then I have a few guesses we know that these are confirmed to be actual Pokemon and not some regular animal so it's likely that these Pokemon are ones that we haven't even seen yet he'll maybe in a future generation will get a Pokemon they're shaped exactly like this out of all the Pokemon that we know about the only one I see somewhat fitting one of these shapes is hound our not completely but to some extent some people would disagree with this since and our is a dark type but if how I did revive a Pokemon I see it totally possible for the Pokemon to be purified and in the process losing the dark type also who says that these Pokemon have to be the same type as the Pokemon that they become they could have been just regular normal types that gain the new typing after being revived or will just never receive confirmation of what Pokemon became the legendary beast which is also fine how does the move payday slash Meowth work now let me explain for a long time payday was known as meows the signature move the Pokemon use payday in battle it leaves money for the trainer to pick up when the battle ends people therefore seem to think that having a miele's equals free money just have it use payday and you're set for life small problem what's the current see that Meowth gives out when it's using payday is it the currency in the Pokemon world which would most likely be completely useless in the real world it's it just gold the animation for payday shows coins attacking the opponent and they look exactly at the ones and meows head so it's that which might be the case if only Meowth could learn this move however other Pokemon can also use payday the entry from payday says that the Poquelin throws coins but again what type of coins is it just spare change that you found on the ground in the games this is one you didn't have before so where is it coming from we'll probably never know for sure but now I'm beginning to question whether me Ethel would actually be a beneficial Pokemon to have in the real world if it turns out that I can't give you free money I guess it can give you at least one gold coin we know that in Pokemon father's can be pretty hard to come by but there's one character's father that I'm very curious about who is verities father now this is going to contain some spoilers from the Pokemon ITU movie so you haven't seen xx Pokemon movie yet and you don't want to be spoiled forever reason that's just watching the movie before continuing so in this movie Ash's female companion is a girl named Verity we don't know too much about her except that she has a Piplup a Lapras and is from good old twin leaf town back in Sinnoh in fact both of Ash's friends in the movie are from so no anyway at one point in the film we see a picture of verities mother who has been confirmed to be none other than the sinner champion Cynthia yes Cynthia has a daughter well most people I think will say that the movie isn't canon since it is a different version of the Pokemon anime but that doesn't stop us from being curious as to who the father of Verity is the Pokemon Canon has been changed before and if let's say Verity does make an appearance in the eventual dominant pal remakes who knows maybe we will eventually discover the answer to this question who is the most royal ok I'm obviously joking we all know who's under the mask it's your mother is what is Gallade in sauna moon the same one that's in the mega Ruby and alpha sapphire since the one ekata Norris is in that poker ball it's the one he has in center moon is in an ultra Bowl this one goes for pretty much any character who's made it in appearance than the gen 7 games who had a pokemon that was originally in a pokeball and is now in a different type of all but to represent all these cases I'm using Wally since he's one of if not the first person where we see this happen and it's easier to explain using him as we all know in the gen 3 games and the remakes Wally catches the rocks at the beginning of the game in a poker ball becoming his first Pokemon not including the Zigzagoon that he was given to catch the rose with however and sanim own volleys rocks is now Gallade and is for some reason in an ultra ball so what gives is this a totally different Gallade well I have some possible explanations one Wally somehow managed to swap the ball that glades in to this Wally is from a different universe as the Auris Wally where this Wally use an ultra ball instead of a poker ball three this just so happens to be someone who looks exactly like Wally is called Wally and has a Glade which is in an ultra ball for Wally's a DAT Oh obviously Game Freak just wanted to add the nice touch of having NPCs that have Pokemon that aren't just in pokeballs but it is still pretty weird seeing characters with Pokemon we've obviously seen before in a regular poker ball suddenly in a master ball kind of messes with the continuity a bit I personally kind of liked the different universe theory as it would explain why Wally hasn't aged despite the events of auras taking place years before Santa moon but I guess this is just another question that we won't be getting on us to anytime soon if one of the three duck trios leaves the other two are they still a trio and if they all go their separate ways did they just become big let's also if just one leaves do we then call this Pokemon a Doug duo in fact you could ask this question about other Pokemon what happens if you take away one or two of the bodies that make up Magneton what happens if you take the ring off klinklang etc if taking the shelter off slow Burrus tail makes it devolve back into slowpoke with the same happen to these Pokemon who knows maybe isn't the same maybe duck trio are connected somehow on the ground maybe magnetons magnetism is so strong that nothing can separate them there might be more to it to be honest since it does weigh 10 times a Magnemite even though it's basically three Magnemite stuck together this also makes me wonder about the opposite when I pokémon like execute evolve z' which faces become which do half of them just die upon evolution I'm probably thinking a bit too hard about this is Pokemon go part of the Pokemon timeline now I don't know the exact origin of this theory but this was covered by the channel the game theorists and it's pretty interesting the theory is that Pokemon takes place before generation 1 and before the great pokemon war the LT surge talks about the candy in Pokemon go used to strengthen Pokemon eventually becomes rare hence the name rare candy did sir wasn't available for a while because well mu wasn't cloned yet and professor willow may or may not be price the ice gym leader of Johto I wanted to bring this up in a video because the theory is very interesting of course nothing is confirmed about Pokemon go actually being part of the Pokemon timeline and price having the middle name willow might just be a complete coincidence but in my opinion it's definitely something worth looking more into why are there certain items and Pokemon coded into certain Pokemon games that you can never get access to a good example of this is that just about every diamond and pearl key item was coded into Pokemon Center moon why well if Diamond and Pearl remakes were happening on the 3ds this will be understandable but it's been confirmed that Ultra Center moon are the last main series Pokemon games on the 3ds so this is not the case which makes this question why the Gen 4 katuns were left in the cinnamon code even more it's possible that gamefreak were planning for something that they didn't end up doing like how a Z's floette was technically in X&Y but was never released so does this mean that Game Freak were thinking about making Gen 4 remakes for the 3ds but decided not to that's probably a stretch but who outside of Game Freak knows for sure who is misty dating yeah in the gen 2 games as well as the remakes misty spotted what seems like to be on a date with someone who she's on a date with is still technically a mystery but I think I may have a good idea who exactly this mystery date is you see as soon as the guy sees you he seems surprised and then runs for it there are people already around the area so isn't like they're exactly alone why would he run away unless he knows who you are so because of these reasons I think I know exactly ooh this mystery date is he's your father or maybe not and well we'll never know and finally the most important question in Pokemon the question that many of us have wondered since the fourth generation started the question that we deserve to know the answer to more than any other question and that question is is Mamoswine a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle now this might seem a little bit silly it might seem a little bit obvious but I had I'm kidding this is an hour question on the actual lists because we already know it's true I really wanted to bring this one up because it's such an intriguing part of the Ghent xscape in fact I've been wanting to make a video on this character for a long time now but there just isn't a single solid answer I feel comfortable going with so instead I'll tell you what I think in this video we know that the ghost girl appears in both x and y and/or us we also know that horas takes place at the beginning of the Pokemon timeline years before X&Y so assuming the ghost girl that appears in Taurus is the same one that appears in x and y which I am pretty sure they're the same person we know that she's been looking for someone for quite a while now the best theory I found on this subject was on reddit the person's theory is that the ghost girl was looking for none other than a Z and that the identity of the ghost girl is a Z's deceased mother after AZ went on to create his machine to revive floette he figured why stop there if he can bring Pokemon back to life why not humans as well well this one really explained the time she was in Hoenn unless this has something to do with characters from Oris as well the characters iniya holds the role of Lawkeeper the person before her to hold this role was a deceased friend of zinnias Esther as they passed away after being in a battle that involved require and zinnia now where's her partially burnt cloak Esther once wore asta Xenia the air is probably just a coincidence but still from speculate also none of this really explains why the ghost girl was trying to listen out for the elevator as well as could easy even fit in an elevator but nonetheless it's still interesting to think about but until we get a further proof from Game Freak in a future Pokemon game it looks like this question will also be left unanswered and those are some pretty interesting questions about Pokemon that's we may never get an answer to and maybe it's a good thing that these things will remain a mystery there are so many interesting theories about the franchise that have stayed unanswered but I still think if they arise and speculate and hopefully more will come in the future please leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe for more Pokemon content in the future and until next time thanks so much for watching [Music]
Channel: TheAuraGuardian
Views: 2,042,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, TheAuraGuardian, unaswered, quesiton, unsolved, mystery, questions, mysteries, ghost girl, who is the ghost girl?, Zinnia, AZ, what's under a Diglett, father, verity, who is Ash's father, who is Verity's father, masked royal, the most important question in pokemon, pokemon go, timeline, willow, Misty date, pokemon quesitons and answers, pokemon mysteries and theories, pokemon mysteries solved, pokemon secrets
Id: M8I08xj20GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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